• The nature and behavior of the British cat


    British Shorthair - the very combination of these words conveys strength and endurance, aristocracy and endurance, softness and inflexibility of the character of animals. This breed most closely matches the character of the British, who gave it its name.

    british cats contact and sociable, friendly and affectionate. They get along well with all family members, and they love the hostess or owner simply selflessly. The cat may follow them from room to room until they crouch and let it sit next to them.

    With an inexhaustible supply of patience, British shorthairs are very fond of children, get along well with other animals, even dogs. But still, as a child's toy, the British should not be started. Despite the tremulous display of love and tenderness for its owners, this cat will not tolerate too familiar attitude towards itself. The owners of these amazing creatures often catch themselves thinking that it is not enough to address them by name, but it is necessary to add “sir” or “pliz”, because with all their appearance these animals show their own significance.


    For many reasons, the British can be called an ideal cat: a kind look, a pleasant character, a different color, a solid appearance, a sense of dignity literally radiating from the animal, ease of care and a calm temperament - all these features of the breed provided her with a rapid rise in popularity.

    With their independent nature and easy-care coat, British Shorthairs are ideal for people who spend a lot of time at work. It is no coincidence that these animals are called "cats for the businessman." Despite the fact that the British cat looks remarkably like a teddy bear, it should not be treated like a toy. She patiently allows everything to be done with her that does not degrade her feline dignity.

    British Shorthair cats, thanks to their soft roundness and grace, radiate charm and charm. Due to the fact that their feature is the presence of largely Persian blood, most of them are very restrained in expressing emotions, sometimes they are almost timid, so you need to handle such cats carefully and calmly.

    It is not necessary to bring up a Briton. The cat is smart enough and can figure everything out on its own. Even a tiny kitten will not go to the toilet in a place not designated for this purpose or sharpen its claws on furniture.

    A sleeping place for a cat should be located at some elevation, away from drafts. British Shorthair cats do not suffer from insomnia, although there are periods of more or less sleepiness in their lives.

    For example, after eating a cat will never run or play, she will definitely climb into a secluded corner where no one will stop her from taking a nap. Owners should be aware that a sleep-deprived cat starts to eat poorly and becomes irritable, so do not constantly engage the cat in games or any necessary grooming procedures when it needs to rest.

    Cats are born clean, and British Shorthairs are no exception. A cat spends almost half of its active time on toileting. Licking and washing is not only a hygienic procedure. The cat also uses them to achieve psychological comfort, for example, after stress caused by a serious “talk” with the owner, a visit to the veterinarian, a trip in transport, etc.

    In addition, licking serves as a way of giving attention and support to other animals with which the cat has to live under the same roof. So, the mother cat licks the kittens not only so that their fur is always clean.

    By licking, she calms an excessively naughty baby, who becomes too annoying.

    From the age of 5 weeks, kittens begin to lick each other. This licking ritual is preserved in adult animals. So, non-conflicting British cats living in the same house lick each other, being both in a calm state and in a state of excitement. In the same way, a cat can show its friendliness to a dog.

    By nature, British Shorthair cats are moderately active. Up to a year they are restless and playful, just like kittens of all other cat breeds. After they reach one year of age, there is a gradual decrease in activity.

    Play is a necessary attribute of animal life. British Shorthair cats are usually ready to use any opportunity to play. An exception in this sense is perhaps very old or overfed animals. When playing, cats show incredible ingenuity and dexterity. All their movements are very precise, graceful and swift.

    Kitten games are especially varied. They track each other, attack from an ambush.

    Little kittens behave in the same way as adult animals act in similar everyday situations. Kittens exactly imitate a meeting with an opponent, the threat of an attack, a fight of adult cats, protection of prey, the behavior of a mother protecting her babies (a kind of gallop on straight legs sideways to the attacker, with an arched back, a tail laid to the side and ruffled hair).

    The actions of a playing cat are almost indistinguishable from similar behavior in life. So, an adult cat hunts for a ball in the same way as a mouse, attacks the owner’s hand when he moves his fingers, as if hunting for real prey. Only one essential feature distinguishes the game from real life: while playing, the cat does not experience genuine emotions that cover it, for example, on a hunt or in a fight with an enemy. Catching the owner's hand, the animal makes characteristic blows with its hind legs, capable of tearing the caught prey or inflicting serious wounds on the enemy, but in the game, sharp claws are hidden in soft paw pads.

    Young British cats can play on their own for a long time with some object that accidentally fell into their paws - a piece of fur, a cork, rustling paper or a ball of thread. Adult animals very rarely play alone. In order to ensure an active life for a cat, it is necessary to equip a special corner in the apartment in which she could hunt. If there is no such corner, you should make the cat run and jump 2-3 times a day, playing with it.

    Animals that are not often played with express their need for movement, starting to rush around the house at breakneck speed, overturning all the objects they meet on the way, jumping on cabinets and tables in search of some object to play with, then rushing around with it. room, rolling on the floor with his paw, grabbing with his teeth and tossing. To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to direct the activity of the cat to the game. It has been noticed that many British Shorthair cats are very fond of playing hide and seek with the owner, and the animal can start this game on its own initiative.


    Cats really like to play with a “victim” tied to a cord, which can be a piece of fabric or fur, a rubber toy or a paper bow. The toy can be tied to the tip of a thin elastic rod, then it will be able to “jump”, “run” along the wall, “crawl” up the door, which will bring incredible pleasure to the animal, and it will frolic enough, trying to catch the prey.

    Not only kittens, but also adult cats should have special toys that should be periodically replaced with new ones so that they do not have time to get bored. In this case, the animal will not explore tables and cabinets in search of items suitable for games.

    Cats especially like toys that give off an attractive scent. So, they willingly play with rubber balls, inside of which a little dried valerian root, mint herb is placed, or with soft toys sprinkled with infusions of these herbs.

    British Shorthairs of each gender have their positive aspects. For the more friendly and undemanding cats, it doesn't really matter who takes care of them. Cats are usually attached to a small circle of people and behave more seriously.

    Video: British cat. Program "Mustachioed, tailed, striped"

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