• Average score of the certificate: why is it needed and how to calculate it?


    The school certificate is included in the list of documents that a future student needs to enter a higher educational institution. And despite the fact that in recent years, with the introduction of the Unified State Examination, there have been some changes in relation to senior schoolchildren for the certificate, the importance of this document should by no means be underestimated. The admission committee of higher educational institutions pays close attention not only to the results of the USE, but also to the average score of the certificate. Therefore, if a student believes that there is no point in paying attention to grades in him, then he is very much mistaken. When entering a university, in the case when the passing scores of two candidates for the same budgetary place are the same, then the owner of this place will be determined solely by the certificate. That is, experts will pay attention to school performance. If the grades for profile exams are higher than the average score of the certificate, then this may alert them.

    This interesting video will talk about the importance of the GPA.

    Basically, only those students who decide to study at technical schools and colleges may need to calculate the GPA. At present, a special rule has been introduced in Russia, which assumes that students can be enrolled in colleges without having to pass entrance exams. At the same time, the selection committee looks exclusively at the average score of the certificate, but does not take into account the results of the exam at all. In some technical schools and colleges, the entrance system may be somewhat different. for example, students may be asked to take an entrance exam. after which he can receive a pass or fail. Of course, if he did not cope with the task, he would be denied admission. But with the offset, the applicant can already count on participation in the competition of certificates. But how to calculate the GPA? In fact, the calculation procedure is not so complicated. To do this, you just need to take the insert that is attached to the document and then calculate the entire number of disciplines that the student has studied during the entire period of study. Next, you need to calculate all the marks received in each of the disciplines. To calculate the average score, it is necessary to divide the sum of the marks by the number of subjects studied. The maximum possible value of the average score can be equal to only 5. Only round excellent students have such an average score.

    Round honors students should not even think about how to calculate the GPA. Doors to any technical schools, colleges and universities are open to such students. If the average score is 5, then you can apply to absolutely any educational institution and absolutely any faculties. In any specialty where there are no additional entrance tests, such people are guaranteed admission. Of course, it is possible that you will not be able to enter educational programs with additional tests and all kinds of creative tasks. But this probability is negligible. Since round honors students always prepare for exams and tests, failure to pass is possible only in case of excitement of the applicant.

    With a low average score of the certificate, the situation is much worse. With such estimates for the budget, it is almost impossible to enter, except that only weak students will be in the chosen specialty. However, these are mainly collected only in unclaimed institutions, while only the best applicants gather in prestigious ones. Therefore, if the average score of the certificate is low, then it is worth applying to such educational institutions that are in low demand. Another alternative option in this case is going to college after the 11th grade. Since most applicants apply to secondary schools after the 9th grade, the competition there will be very big. But after the 11th grade, only a few want to become students of technical schools and colleges. Since the main part of the graduates sets themselves the task of entering a higher educational institution.

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