• Who feeds on human energy. Feeding the energy of space. Energy vampirism and energy vampires


    Helpful Hints

    Energy vampirism - a thing already known and widespread enough to be skeptical about it. Who among us has not felt the effect of a vampire who, by his behavior, word or any actions, makes us feel depressed and tired, as if someone drank all the positive energy out of us.

    Not all vampires, by the way, act consciously and deliberately suck blood from us.

    Some of them simply need someone else's energy to feed: when some people feel bad, they feel good, moreover, the very process of "blood sucking" occurs unconsciously, as if by itself.

    It turns out that each of the signs of the Zodiac can become a kind of vampire, but there are signs that most often feed on the energy of others, consciously or unconsciously, causing other people to feel depressed, lowering their self-esteem.

    Let's understand in more detail.

    Energy vampirism and energy vampires

    There are 4 main types of vampires:

    Vampire daffodils. Basically, they include those who were born under the Fire signs: ARIES, LIONS, SAGITTARIUS.

    In this trinity, the most dangerous, the so-called "toxic" people, are often representatives of the LION sign. They know how to demonstrate themselves and their abilities, but sometimes they do it so intrusively that it seems that this is not a person in front of you. GOD in person.

    LIONS often try to demonstrate that they are better than you or anyone else, thereby proving it to you. As a result, you have feeling of inferiority you begin to worry, suffer, your mood deteriorates, and you fall into serious despondency.

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    ARIES and SAGITTARIUS in this case are not so dangerous, but still sometimes they also have the ability to vampire. For example, SAGITTARIUS often exaggerates the real state of affairs, creating unreal picture what is happening.

    People around them believe in the tall tales and drama of the situation, because the problem seems so serious! As a result, they give their precious energy to the vampire in order to support and calm him, and he, in turn, quietly rejoices that he managed to turn everything so brilliantly!

    Read also:Types of energy vampires and how to calculate a bloodsucker by date of birth

    ARIES are a little like vampires, they are too direct and honest, and, rather, other people are able to vampire them, because ARIES has so much energy that he is ready to squander virtually for free, he is very gullible!


    If a vampire narcissist tries to attack you, think of yourself, not of him. The only thing a vampire needs is to feel your attention and admiration, to put himself above you. When you realize that nothing is worse, and maybe even better, his narcissism will not be able to break through your armor.

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    How to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

    Vampire Controllers- these are, of course, representatives of the sign of the Earth: TAURUS, VIRGO and CAPRICORN. These signs love to control everything and teach the lives of others. They try in every possible way to show how well they live.

    They always know better how and what to do to get something. They also don't mind criticize others, than cause strong indignation or a drop in self-esteem from the opposite side. This is their drink. The more right he looks in your eyes, the more energy he sucks out of you.

    CAPRICORN. The most dangerous of the three. He always knows everything and knows how better than others, rarely follows anyone's advice, he gives advice right and left and makes sure that everything goes that way, as he sees fit. As a result, others begin to feel bad, nervous, their self-esteem drops.

    VIRGO. This vampire is the biggest critic of the entire Zodiac. He likes to criticize everything - from your appearance on a particular day to your life choice. If he is particularly assertive, he chooses those problems that most concerned person.

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    Instead of helping him deal with them, he nags and criticizes his actions. Often VIRGO-vampires are negligent husbands who criticize their poor wives, reducing their self-esteem to minimum height. Wives also often criticize their husbands, but in this case, not all husbands succumb to vampirism and suffer about it.

    calves. Representatives of these signs can have all of the above traits, but they are not too dangerous in comparison with the previous signs.

    Which of them is the easiest to become a donor? TAURUS.

    How to protect yourself from these vampires? Next to a controller vampire, it is difficult to have an opinion and express it, because your words will be ignored, or even worse, they will be criticized. Therefore, it is worth taking such a situation philosophically, not being nervous, not trying to push too hard, but simply calmly find arguments that prove you are right, express them with a calm heart, and then go your own way and do it your own way. It is worth realizing that you can also be right, and the fact that he rests on his horns and does not want to admit it is his problem.

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    How to recognize an energy vampire?

    Vampire victims and vampire arsonists. These are the most dangerous types of vampires that play on your feelings and your sincere intentions to help them. Usually they include watermarks Zodiac: CANCER, SCORPIO and PISCES.

    These signs can all be quite dangerous, they cause a tear, beg for pity and empathy with their actions and words, although in reality everything not so bad how they dramatize.

    Crayfish and PISCES are especially different in this. They often find a “vest” person for themselves and stubbornly use it, talk about their problems, cry for any reason. At first the other side can perceive it close to heart, support morally, help, but vampires never stop there and demand more and more.

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    CANCER can manipulate the feelings of loved ones, PISCES often find themselves psychological help anyone. Vampires just want to cry and whine.

    SCORPIONS in this sense are somewhat different from the other two water signs. They are not used to whining and pouring out their souls, but they know how to vampire differently. Perhaps this sign is different the most sophisticated vampirism, because he is best able to play with the feelings of other people. They can disguise themselves as anyone, they can do something out of spite, they can put pressure on sore spots and enjoy it. The worst thing is that they can easily cause a person guilt, and where there is guilt, there is low self-esteem, pain and suffering. The man suffers, but the vampire is pleased.

    Of course, not all SCORPIOs are so sadistic. There are more good ones among them, but if you get a vampire, stay away from him.

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    Which of them is the easiest to become a donor? FISH. This zodiac sign can easily turn from a vampire into a donor, because it is easily influenced by others. SCORPIO and CANCER are less likely to give themselves offense, they are stronger in a psychological sense.

    energy human energy human


    One spectrum or another. With the final leakage of one of the spectra, the structure of the field falls apart, releasing the soul, human perishes. The soul is a kind of recorder, part energy, on which the state of the general field is deferred, as the life cycle human. And if energy human in the advantage consisted of heavy energies, then the soul reflecting on itself all the qualities of the field...


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    Achieving success. However, energy protection can be developed, focusing on 7 signs of an ideal biofield. Energy any human can be programmed for success. By examining your biofield more carefully, you will determine in which direction you should carry out ... the fact that life will change dramatically and become much worse, almost none. Sign five: if human has a high level energy he is most likely the leader. Leading others and being weak are two things...


    Feelings and emotions. Purity of thoughts and actions is what gives us positive strong energy. Below you will read all about energy human. Many people show signs of a strong energy and any human located near the carrier such energy able to feel them. They are also manifested in the character traits and behavior of such people, they are characterized by charisma, purposefulness, self-confidence ...


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    Otherwise, you will have a problem with energy stagnation, which will cause various undesirable consequences. spoil the system energy human irregular work is worse than not working with it. However, doing inner work doesn't have to be... practice is good for you. Incorrect execution of internal work always leads to disruption of the system energy human, which negatively affects the entire body and most often manifests itself in an imbalance of the nervous system, hormonal ...


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    The power of our consciousness has great potential, which we use by a small percentage. So, getting acquainted with the works of Arkady Naumovich Petrov, one can come across facts that people who practice according to his method grow extracted teeth, restore organs lost during operations, gall bladders, female organs, eliminate tropical ulcers, etc. Their testimonies are also recorded on video disks, comments are given by scientific centers that observed these processes. At the basic course, which I took at its center, one of the students from Kazan came running with joyful exclamations from a break between classes. "Hooray! I can see without glasses! In the hall, where you could drink tea, she sat down on the sofa and decided to look through the magazine, suddenly noted with surprise that she was doing this without glasses. My body began to have a different feature. He began to accumulate electrical charges. I acquired the ability of "electric ray". The wife felt it first. When transferring some things from hand to hand, she repeatedly received electric shocks, one day she decided to straighten my scarf and experienced my “gratitude”. The electric "bites" were palpable to me as well. Once, leaving the subway, I touched a metal plate imitating a handle on glass doors, at that moment a girl touched it, I felt a serious electric charge coming out of my body, what she felt, I don’t know, since she disappeared into the crowd, but my place of exit of the charge ached for about fifteen minutes. It is quite possible that the energy imbalance arose due to the pumping of energy from the environment into one's own body, the methods of working with energy were given in the basic course, and this served as a manifestation of such phenomena in me, since it was necessary to do a discharge, which, obviously, I did not.

    Therefore, it is very important to carry out all the adjustments of the energy shells so as not to get breakdowns when working with the energy of space, which you will begin to consume instead of natural food. Must pass preliminary training: clear karmic debts and heal the auric body. You need to learn to imagine in your body the manifestations of God or the omnipresence of universal processes. You need to say to yourself, "I AM an ascended being of infinite light and infinite love!" constantly be aware of this. Then you will be strengthened in the belief that you do not need food grown in the atmosphere, because a luminous being feeds on light. Discover the Divine Spark within you, the Divine within you. This will help you to use the possibilities that you have never used and you will be able to turn on the necessary mechanisms to feed the light.

    What is the cleansing of karmic debts? These are those energy-information bindings that are attached to your energy-information field from the past. Not those that you have earned in this life, although they play a role, but they are known to you, your conscience tells you, and you can get rid of them much easier as your obvious unseemly deeds, since you remember them. Finding the sins of past life cycles is more difficult. In addition, these troubles can drag on for your family, and you are one of the representatives of the family. To identify past karmic debts, you need to take a calm, relaxed posture and take a few breaths. If you try to arrange your breathing in a certain way, then pretty soon you will achieve relaxation and contact with the energy fields that surround you. If you manage to hold four complete breaths, in which the breath energy is directed from the nostrils to the frontal chakra (pineal gland), then to the parietal (crown) chakra, the back of the head, the base of the skull, then goes to the spine, descends to the coccyx - with this you complete the breath . The second phase of the respiratory cycle involves raising energy along the front side of the torso. We direct it from the coccyx through the perineum to the pubic region, where the sexual energy chakra is located, in fact, we lead the energy through the navel region to the solar plexus, to the heart chakra and thymus, throat chakra (thyroid gland) and exhale slowly. The breath cycle should be fading, as if you want to stop breathing. If you managed to make four such cycles, then you have reached the state of theta waves, the most effective for communication of consciousness with the field channels of the space surrounding us.

    Now you need to turn on the twelfth chakra of your I AM. It is located above the head, below it is the eleventh (oversoul), tenth (soul), ninth (mental body), eighth (emotional body), below the alpha center, behind the spine is the beta center, which is brought into resonance with the alpha center by the metatron , but your task is to let the energy of the cosmos from the twelfth chakra to the seventh, draw it through the chakras of the body and direct it to the center of the earth and anchor it there. Now you need to imagine the chronological axis of your life, imagine today's date on it, the years of your life will be located to the left of it, follow them to the year of your birth, step over it, imagine yourself in the past. Some year will attract your attention, enter it. You will have some ideas from your past life. These ideas will be different, try to find disturbing ones: fights, fights, actions that offend others, during which you could receive energy blows from the psychological energy of other people for your actions. Ask for forgiveness from them for the offenses they have caused. There may be several of these episodes, look at the chronological line as deeply as possible, about 8 thousand years, the approximate time of the flood, later there was another civilization. Perhaps you have not been in the ring of reincarnations for so long, then on the chronological line, try to see the limit date of your lives and do not dive further. Ask for forgiveness from all those offended, offended and humiliated by you, which will bring you a certain spiritual relief and lightness.

    It is necessary to view the energy-information field of your kind. To do this, you need to remember your relatives, living and dead, the more you remember them, the larger the karmic circle you will be able to clear. It is necessary to see what bindings of past unseemly deeds are drawn to relatives who have gone into another world from past lives, in which they did not repent and they pass on to you. If you have discovered victims who have suffered from your family, then you must complete all the procedures that you have done to clear your karma, but only forgiveness must be asked on behalf of your family and those relatives of your family who committed this sin. After some time, you will be able to clear your karma from past and generic negative energies and you can start cleaning your biofield or aura. It is advisable to view your generic "seven" (seven I). This is you, mom, dad, their dads and moms, that is, seven branches that have their roots in the past.

    In a relaxed state, on your mental screen, you need to imagine the protective layer of your aura. Based on the fact that you are a luminous essence, this shell should have a white or golden color of sufficiently dense saturation, be solid and intact with a shell thickness approximately equal to an outstretched, relaxed hand. If your eyes see a picture in which your bioprotection has dark inclusions, objects, field structures and other foreign objects, this will be especially visible in places that disturb you with pain, since the disease physically occurs in a thin space, gradually it the energy-information complex becomes denser, receiving nourishment, and materializes in the form of a destructive process in your body. You can see moving dots, hooks, stars, various viruses, large objects: arrows, knives, axes, spears penetrating your body, etc. Perhaps these will be some entities that are housed in your body as in your own home. They can be in organs, for example, sit on your optic nerve that goes to the occipital lobes of the brain, etc.

    Entities should be asked to leave your biofield, otherwise you will have to use methods of force on them. As a rule, they do not react to it. Then you turn on the twelfth chakra of your connection with the cosmos, ground yourself and begin to saturate yourself with luminous rays, displacing the negative energies that are located in your aura. You can work with rays on these entities so that they dissolve under the influence of the rays. Approximately it will be like the operation of a welding machine. The second option, you can ask the cosmic forces to help you remove these negative energies. Perhaps these will be “ethereal hands”, maybe other images that are your subtle assistants that you do not know about. In any case, it is necessary to collect these entities, their remains in some kind of container, basket, vessel, etc. and destroy, dissolve. Fill them with a liquid that dissolves negative structures, spin the liquid counterclockwise and pour it out of the funnel onto the ground so that the earth absorbs them and destructures them in its plasma fire.

    All places where the entities were located will be hollow. They need to be washed with “living water” in order to normalize damaged tissues and structurally streamline (align) the structure of cells that have come into contact with negative energies and have received structural deformations as a result. After that, all the cavities must be filled with the "material of creation." It can be a resinous substance, a jar of which you “form on the screen of consciousness”, or an ointment of a life-giving composition from medicinal herbs, and so on. Gently and carefully fill your astral "wounds" with this ointment and command the ointment or body to close up the wounds and form healthy tissue. You will see how this process goes, after its completion, hide the jar, thank your helpers and cosmic forces for their work. Stay for some time in a relaxed state, enjoying a pleasant body cleansed of the presence of entities, then give the command to the protective field to protect you and you can stay awake, move on to active movements. It should be noted that in the course of dealing with entities you may feel pain. You should not be afraid of this, because pulling out all kinds of striking objects is painful. In the event that they are found, see how to safely remove them. Try to always do all the manipulations not on your body, but on its astral counterpart, which, after putting it in order, put it in a physical place and be sure to fix it either with a flash of light or with a click, as happens when we combine some details by inserting them into the grooves each other.

    Before starting the initiation, launching the mechanism of supplying the energy of space, it is necessary to consider a number of questions that relate to your readiness for this path. So, you have to ask yourself if your physical body is ready for the fact that you need to devote about an hour to physical exercises every day, since in a strong physical body there are active energy channels that will ensure sufficient energy flow to the cells of the body. Secondly, what is your emotional plan, how positive are you in communicating with others, how positive are you with yourself and your requests, do you agree to bring positive emotions into the planetary plan of the earth and why do you want to do this. Thirdly, your thoughts should create positive images, events, aspirations, how to continue the path of light, that is, the mental body should create such programs for the physical body, during the implementation of which positive impulses would arise on the emotional, mental and spiritual planes. Fourthly, do you carry out meditative practices, do you have contacts with cosmic or subtle planes, do you receive hints from them, are you guided by them, did the information about the possibility of energy nutrition bring you joy and do you understand that the transition to energy nutrition is not the solution to your problems that you have? They may get worse. If you cannot answer these questions in the affirmative, then it is too early for you to switch to energy nutrition. This is a very high level of initiation, which will require you to have great discipline, organization and great return, in fact, sacrifice. However, you should not be proud of it and not put it on display. Otherwise, you will be punished for your pride. re-sick with cancer after seven years of such practice, but she was cured. Many were ready to transition to energy, but not all were able to stay on this path.

    It should be added that we receive information in the media about starvation of people or about the phenomenon of anarexia, when young girls strive to maintain their figure, restrict themselves in eating. In this case, the initiate makes a leap of faith - he believes that it is not food that gives him life, but the energy of space and he is the highest luminous being capable of using these mechanisms. His life goal is not a beauty contest and the seduction of the opposite sex, but work on earth, knowledge of processes, active participation in them, passing a lesson that prepares you as a specialist for work in the subtle world. Death is the birth of your matured energy-informational essence in a new body. And the process of dying is the process of birth, which is much more painless than the earthly birth. There are appropriate methods for passing through the stages of death or birth in a new body, they are described in Tibetan documents and in other books. In particular, Moody's works provide a lot of testimonies by those people about what they saw in another world who were in clinical death. A discussion about these practices can go in a separate book, we must know our own path, then we know what to take on the road from what has been created here.

    At the beginning of the initiation of the transition to energy nutrition, it is necessary to give the instruction that your weight should remain normal, as it was in your best young years. Without this setting, you can lose a lot of weight, and gaining weight is difficult. Some practitioners didn't lose a single kilogram. The next setting should be about your hormonal system. Since we have been observing the process of people dying from birth, we program ourselves for this, believing that this is an objective process. Our hormonal system, which is designed to produce protective hormones, is rebuilt over time and begins to produce aging hormones that set this program for cells. Therefore, you must tell the body that you do not have program settings for aging and death, you are moving towards energy and vigor, all negative plans are being updated and you are rejuvenating. To do this, you work with the hormonal system, enter the beam through the twelfth chakra and conduct it to the pineal gland, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, thymus, solar plexus, pancreas, liver, adrenal glands, prostate gland, ovaries, you can work with the intestines, bones and bone brain. You consistently fill them with light, ask each gland to produce hormones of youth and health, which are transferred with the blood flow to the cells of the body and make them rejuvenate. Thank the hormonal system for its work and ask not to turn on the old mode of operation.

    Your main practice will be the practice of including a single chakra in the system of luminous energy that surrounds us. This is the heart chakra. You must visualize it and feel the light entering it. Once in your heart chakra, the light spreads in space, fills the space of your body and around it. On the first loop you include the space between thyroid gland and solar plexus. On the second cycle, you turn on the space between the forehead chakra (pineal gland) and the sex center chakra (above the pubis). At the third stage, the light enters the heart, turn on the crown and root chakras (on the crown and on the calf). In each cycle, it is necessary to fill the space between the chakras with light, spread it to the space inside the body and around the body, to make this space a single space of light. When introducing light before the cycle, spread the light as widely as possible, concentrate on the chakras, fill the body and the surrounding space with light. At the fourth stage after the heart, you turn on the alpha center above your head, the beta center, which is located behind the spine, by this you turn on the energy supply to the brain and spinal cord, the nervous system and ask Metatron to bring these centers into resonance. From now on, your body should feel filled with light and you call yourself light (I AM LIGHT).

    At the seventh stage, through the heart, you continue to fill yourself with light, include the eighth chakra in a single space of light, uniting it with the volume of your body up to the knees, do all the procedures with the spread of light before entering the body and after entering, give the command to unite the physical and emotional body , say the phrase that you are light. At the eighth stage, turn on the ninth chakra, do everything similarly to the previous stage, only turn on the volume of the body to the feet, and combine the physical body with the mental one. You call and feel yourself as light. At the ninth stage, you turn on the tenth chakra, located above the ninth and under your feet, fill this volume with light, everything is similar to the previous one, but you unite the spiritual body with the physical body. You are the light. Turn on the eleventh chakra above your head and under your feet, light pumping, unite the physical body with your oversoul. You are the light. Turn on the twelfth chakra above your head and under your feet, do not forget to spread the light, then fill the body and space around with light, unite the physical body with the body of Christ, God, the Universe (who professes what). In conclusion, breathe in the light through the center of your heart, this is a mandatory act before all stages, ask your soul to reach the highest level of Spirit, fill your body and the space around it with magnificent light and begin to radiate it into space through the center of your heart. You start to radiate light. You are Spirit, you feel like it, you bring light, happiness, joy and wisdom.

    Thus, you open your heart chakra and it begins to work actively in your body, contacting the energy of space and giving commands to all systems of the subtle plan located in your body to transform the atomic levels of the molecules entering your body with air and light. Your task is to assist the chakra in this work. These methods are outlined above. Is there one more enough powerful method spiritual relaxation. This is your stay on the mental plane in places with high, calm energy, filling you with peace, taking away negative plans. These are glades, meadows, forests, mountains, rivers, lakes, sea coast, birds chirping, sun light, sunsets, dawns, waterfalls, springs, meadows, flowers, insects, blue sky with soaring swallows, larks, eagles, starry sky, flame fire - life in all its manifestations, born of solar energy. Find your landscapes, be there. Be in these places, swim, sunbathe, stand under waterfalls of clear, clear water, dive, communicate with the breeze, rays, water, fish, corals and other things. A fifteen-minute stay in such a private place of yours will relax and nourish your body well. Compose your mental journeys from the above and good spirits and energy will be your faithful companions for many years.

    If you have set a non-aging program for your body, then you can set a recovery program. Jasmuheen offers one of the methods, of which there are quite a few. So, having started working with light, fill your body with it and ask for forgiveness from the Universe with the words: “I forgive, and I am forgiven.” You must repeat them until your inner self or the teacher tells you that enough is enough. The second step is to let go of all negative energies, with the words: "I let go." At the same time, fill your body with energy, which circulates in the form of bubbles in the flow of energies around you and begins to flush out all the negativity from your body into space, nourish and protect your body. Having received a command to stop this stage, you give the command “heal” and direct energy to every cell of your body, watch how transformations take place in diseased cells, they turn from twisted, extinct into filled, straightened, luminous. At the last stage, you give the command “I update” and all cells and organs with corrected structures form a single ensemble of your body and energy-informational essence, functioning with internal resonance and in resonance with everything that exists.

    Give your inner Divine command to unite your four bodies (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) into a single resonance, so that this unity manifests itself on the physical plane with health, abundance, happiness and goodness, which you create in turn. Give commands to your body to feed on the energy of space and provide you with everything necessary for the effective operation of all organs, vitamins, microelements, and all energy components. You can work with your aura at deeper levels than the first one (luminiferous). Cleanse all spectrums of the aura emanating from you (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).

    It is these hidden mechanisms, not yet studied by science, but manifested in facts, that allow our body, following the path of perfection, to do without food in its traditional sense, to be saturated with the energy of space, that is, to eat not daily bread, but over the essential. Refusal to eat is not recommended to practice without a mentor.

    Once upon a time, Count Dracula and his bloodthirsty relatives terrified the whole world. But, pierced by aspen stakes, vampires forever calmed down in their graves. The place of blood-sucking vampires was taken by those who feed on other people's energy.

    Hidden source of energy

    Who are these energy vampires? To answer this question, we will have to move from the field of exact science to the field of esotericism, where the term "energy vampirism" refers to such relationships between people in which one person takes away the life force from another. The concept of "life force" exists among many peoples: the Chinese call it "qi", the Japanese - "ki", Indian yogis - prana, Europeans - a biofield ... But what is it?
    According to the apologists of esoteric philosophy, the biological life of the human body is maintained in various ways, but among them there are three main ones: two visible ones are nutrition and breathing, and the third one is hidden source subtle energies, the accumulator of which is the soul of a person and his heart. Breathing and nutrition support the work of the body on a physical level, but they do not give it the power of life.
    The spiritual world of man is the main source of vitality, energy of health and longevity. It is built on the energy of joy, love, wisdom, which cannot be touched, weighed, measured, but without which a person will not have a full life. If they are not enough, a person will try to find an energy source from which he will be able to make up for the missing.
    Some will draw vitality from nature, the cosmos, using spiritual studies and practices. When People Can't Naturally Replenish Stocks vital energy, receiving it through pure feelings of love, joy and wisdom, they begin to feed on the power of other representatives of Homo sapiens. These people are energy vampires, because psychic energy is the same blood, only of a different level. And the loss of it instantly affects human health - it is rapidly deteriorating.

    At home - one, at work - another

    According to esotericists, every person goes through the stage of vampirism, but some learn to get out of it, filling their souls with love and joy, and then rise from the darkness to the sun, while others feed on the feelings of others until death. And their life is terrible: they spend it using only rough energy, not even suspecting the existence of purer and more subtle energies.
    Astrology divides all people, regardless of what zodiac sign they were born under, into "solar" and "lunar". Esoteric specialists use the same division when it comes to energy vampires. These two categories are very different from each other.
    Solar vampires are cruel and selfish people, they always choose the donor victim themselves. Communicating with her, they provoke scandals and quarrels, causing mental pain in a person. Moreover, they act, as they say, on the forehead, insulting the victim and causing her outburst of indignation. A solar vampire can instantly "suck" energy from a donor - to the point of complete exhaustion. From contacts with him, pressure changes dramatically, cardiovascular diseases arise and worsen.
    Lunar vampires are the opposite of solar vampires in everything. These are people who draw energy from the victim imperceptibly, quietly. They always complain about their problems, talking about them long and tedious. Such a person never enters into open conflicts with others, but in his heart he envies everyone, considers himself an underestimated genius, a victim of circumstances, about which he informs everyone and everyone. From communication with the lunar vampire, a breakdown occurs, vitality decreases, itchy in the throat, and yawning occurs.
    A sharp and vicious lunar vampire can only be with close people - in this case, outsiders simply would not recognize him. At work, he fawns in front of everyone, trying to impress polite person. In general, all vampires, no matter what "breed" they belong to, are characterized by duplicity. At home they are alone, at work and in society they are completely different.

    The quibbles won't end

    Any person can turn out to be a vampire - solar or lunar. With those who suck strength, you can meet even in your own family. Home hallmark vampire is his selfishness, he is not able to enjoy life. The family vampire is always aggressive and gives the household an energy shake-up every day. An important indicator in this case is jealousy. Jealousy is by no means a manifestation of love, it is a way that makes the victim break down. During such breakdowns, the leakage of vitality occurs. Having recharged, the vampire will come in a good mood and will ask for forgiveness from his victim, begin to assure her of love, but he cannot be trusted. Soon he will need to "recharge" again, and the scenario will repeat itself.
    Esoteric experts consider the constant reproaches and nagging of one of the spouses, which causes irritation and resentment in his partner, to be another indicator of family vampirism. This is a difficult case, because no matter how hard the victim tries to please the vampire, no matter how hard she tries to meet his requirements, nit-picking will not end, as they serve only as an excuse to absorb vitality. Often in family relationships, mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law, parents whose children grow up and become independent, wives who suffer from a lack of impressions and inattention of their husbands act as vampires.

    And health is more expensive

    Individuals who dream of nourishing themselves with someone else's energy can meet you anywhere, for example, on the way to work. Some people wake up easily in the morning and rush to work with a feeling of joy, others feel overwhelmed and hate everything and everyone. These latter are energy vampires. In order to get rid of their own heavy energy and recharge their good energy, such people, having left the house, will definitely be rude to someone, cause a quarrel, make their victim nervous and indignant, and get what they dreamed of. And the victim will come to work squeezed like a lemon and will not be able to recover for a long time.
    Vampires can also be waiting for you at work, very often they are the boss. Usually he keeps the whole team in fear, arranges once a week "letochki", at which each employee gets his own portion of claims and offensive words. As a rule, such a leader is indifferent to his subordinates and the very business in which he is engaged. The main thing for him is to keep a profitable place for a longer time. Such a boss always has a high turnover of staff and poor performance - after all, no one can work in an environment of constant nervous shaking. Even more terrible is the boss who arranges not weekly, but daily “five minutes of hatred”.
    Fighting a vampire boss is difficult, but possible. Try not to react to his rudeness and just smile - you will see, he will become furious, because you did not allow him to recharge at your expense, But in order to behave this way, you must be a very strong person. And is the work worth the price you pay for it? It's not about salary, it's about your health.

    Your phone rang...

    Energy leakage can occur not only through direct contact, but also, for example, by telephone. As a rule, a telephone vampire does not share joy with the interlocutor, but splashes out his problems on him. Pointless conversations with such an interlocutor always cause irritation, and this is exactly what a vampire needs, because just at that moment your energy begins to flow to him.
    Vampires often turn out to be our neighbors. Lunar, under various pretexts, impose themselves as friends, strive to come to you to drink tea, start empty conversations, give unnecessary gifts and offer help that they are not asked for, but they never invite to their place. They don’t need your visit, they want to feed on your energy, and not share their own. And it is better to drink your life force where a person feels calm, that is, at his home.
    Solar vampires operate differently. They constantly need to have an “enemy” next to them, they make scandals in the house, intrigue their neighbors, and achieve the fulfillment of some of their rules. They create a tense atmosphere during which they feed on the energy of desperate people.
    How to protect yourself from an energy vampire? Esoteric experts give a lot of advice on this matter, but all of them will be of little help to someone who does not know how to live in balance with himself, with nature and the world around him. You can, of course, learn how to create energy protective screens around yourself, but this will not solve the problem. For only good can overcome evil.

    Harvard physicist Qumran Wafa is one of the strongest proponents of string theory. But this summer, other string theorists pounced on his latest proposal, which could discredit their ideas based on a decade-long assumption that dark energy constant (constant). Vafa's work implies that the meaning of dark energy is changing. The fickle dark energy is a consequence of Vafa and his collaborators' attempt to apply string theory to a universe like ours, where the vacuum of space itself has some inherent energy.

    If his hypothesis (and string theory itself) is true, dark energy, that mysterious substance that accounts for more than 70% of the total mass and energy of the universe and which accelerates its expansion, will be a force of change. But persistent dark energy has long served as the basis for many of the ideas of string theory - so it is paradoxical that it is the non-permanent dark energy that can lead to the success of the theory.

    Dark energy and string theory

    “For the first time, we could extract something from string theory that can be measured,” says scientist Timm Wreiss from the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the Vienna University of Technology in Austria. "But I don't know if it will actually happen or not."

    Let's start at the beginning: we live in a universe that seems to follow the rules. At the largest scales, large objects follow the rules of general relativity, interacting with each other through the force of gravity. On the smallest scale, subatomic particles follow the rules of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, interacting through force fields that act as force-carrying particles. But the math doesn't add up when you try to explain GR as a huge extension of quantum field theory. A grander theory, string theory, attempts to combine general relativity with quantum mechanics, in which each particle is represented by a tiny string whose vibrations in higher dimensions encode the properties that scientists observe.

    However, the theory is not entirely accurate. Rather, it is a comprehensive mathematical foundation, a framework from which scientists can draw theories about our universe, as well as about a huge number of other allowed universes. String theorists hope that our universe is one of those possibilities. Others believe that string theory is fundamentally wrong, but this is not about that.

    String theories must explain a universe like ours in every way in order to be considered correct. Our universe appears to be 4% matter (the stuff we see), 25% mysterious dark matter, and the rest, as observations in 1988 showed, is "dark energy." String theorists have worked under the assumption that the strength of dark energy does not change, and their theories have evolved. But Vafa and his co-authors suggested in a paper this summer that in order to exist according to the rules of string theory, our universe must have a dark energy field, the value of which is decreasing.

    “Whether dark energy changes or not is important,” Vafa says.

    If the value of dark energy changes, it will be important for those whose theories rely on the assumption that dark energy is constant. “Maybe we need to go back to basics,” Wreiss says. It would also change the idea of ​​the evolution of the universe - both in the past and in the future.

    Wafa's hypothesis was initially quite powerful and led to "a huge stir," says Wreiss. It acted as a call to action for string theorists who felt that the framework was under threat. Some immediately said it was nonsense - Stanford physicist Eva Silverstein told Quanta that the assumption was based on other assumptions, and the analysis was "highly dubious." Others are using this paper as an opportunity to see if their theories can actually describe a universe like ours.

    Wreiss and others have criticized the work of Vafa and his group, and their opinions have been published in Physical Review D. Wreiss's work has established that some of the proposed properties of our own universe, in particular those associated with the field of the Higgs boson, contradict essentially some mathematical assumptions. For example, the original assumption was that the behavior of the physical field that governs dark energy is extracted from a mathematical function without highs and lows, a line on a graph without peaks and troughs. Wreiss found that having a force field associated with the Higgs boson required a peak in this function.

    But Wreiss's work does not rule out Vafa's idea - Vafa merely refined the assumption so that it would better apply to the universe in which we live. There are other similar works, and Vafa agrees with the clarifications.

    What's really interesting is that we may soon find out whether Vafa's work offers an experimentally testable prediction of string theory. This would be the first provable consequence from string theory. Some experiments could test whether dark energy changes or stays constant over time, and could possibly do so over the next few years.

    So, is there a paradigm shift on the horizon? "Most scientists won't say that this hypothesis is true or false," says Wreiss. Vafa himself believes that he, of course, can be wrong, and this also speaks to the importance of string theory. “But if Wafa is right?” Wreiss says. "That would be the biggest thing in string theory to make a measurable prediction."

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