• Abstract (node) on the development of speech using elements of TRIZ - technology. senior group. Abstract of an open node using TRIZ Nodes using TRIZ


    Formation of creative thinking in children, i.e. education creative personality, the ability to solve non-standard tasks in various fields of activity and in life situations is the priority goal of using TRIZ in work with children. The TRIZ methodology can be called a school of a creative personality, since its motto is creativity in everything: in the formulation of a question, in the methods of its solution, in the presentation of material. Therefore, I believe that classes in kindergarten with the use of TRIZ technology should be. Yes, we also use them sometimes without knowing it. But if you try to delve into the technology, plunge into its world of creativity and fantasy, then its great power of transforming a child into a person becomes clear.
    Application of TRIZ in different types children's activities: play, speech, art, etc. allows you to grow up real inventors from children who, in adulthood become inventors, generators of new ideas. And also, which is important, such moral qualities, as the ability to rejoice at the success of others, the desire to help, the desire to find a way out of a difficult situation.
    The main difference between TRIZ technology and the classical approach to preschool development Is to give children the opportunity to independently find answers to questions, solve problems, analyze, and not repeat what adults have said.
    In my work, every day I try to use certain elements of TRIZ in various types of children's activities. In immediate educational activities I often take several methods of technology at once, it is interesting for me and, as experience has shown, for my children. I like to listen to children, follow their development, be surprised at their bold fantasies. Having tried to apply purely TRIZ classes in work with children, I saw a good result: the children were interested, informative, they did not get tired of the tasks, solving them with ease.
    PURPOSE: to activate the vocabulary of children; develop coherent speech of preschoolers; promote the development of children's interest in the world around them; systematize children's knowledge about the doll; develop the ability to find non-standard approaches to solving problems; train analytical thinking, attention, learns to highlight distinctive features by comparison, find original solutions. To foster the qualities of tolerance: acceptance of a person as he is, empathy, a desire to help.
    The teacher invites you to talk about your favorite toy. Then he talks about his toy from childhood, shows an old battered doll. Continuing the story about dolls, he shows the presentation “Such different dolls”.
    - Today my doll Katya wants to play with you, she really liked you, and she prepared interesting tasks for you, but in order to complete them, you need to read an unusual letter (a plan with geometric shapes).
    The children come to the table where the group plan and Dienes blocks are. It is necessary to find with their help a geometric figure with the designation of the task number. On the plan secret places are marked with dots, where tasks are hidden in the group. (the following tasks are also found using Gienesh blocks).
    The first task: to tell what are the similarities and differences between the doll and the child, and then compose a riddle about the doll using contradictions: there is…, but….
    Second task: with the help of the system operator "Magic Windows" you need to tell about the doll of the past, present and future.
    The third task: you need to compare the traditional doll and the Barbie doll using the game "Good-bad".
    Psycho-gymnastics "I am a doll". Using the method of empathy.
    Fourth task: the children find a chest with different objects, having examined them, they need to come up with a story that happened to Katya's doll. Motivation: The doll is in trouble and needs help. Using the brainstorming method, you need to save the doll.
    Fifth task: children find the elixir of witchcraft, after drinking which, they turn into wizards and draw the doll Katya updated, beautiful, unkempt and completely in unusual outfitusing method unconventional drawing (at the teacher's choice).

    Attached files

    Summary of GCD for cognitive development in the senior group using TRIZ technology on the topic: "Ant story".

    Material Description: I offer you a summary of the GCD for cognitive development in the senior group using TRIZ technology on the topic: "Ant story". The use of TRIZ methods and techniques in working with children helps to activate the mental activity of preschoolers, and modeling with children makes it possible to consolidate the knowledge gained, develops fantasy and imagination.
    This material will be useful for educators of senior and preparatory groups for school.
    Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative
    development "," Artistic and aesthetic development "," Physical development "
    1.Systematize knowledge about common and distinctive features of insects;
    2. To acquaint children with the rules and the course of games using the TRIZ technology.
    3. Fix the types of modeling: model - words (riddles, description); model - volume
    (modeling of structures made of paper, natural material).
    4. Exercise in the ability to find analogies, connections between objects, the ability to classify objects.
    5. To develop speech, creative imagination in preschoolers, as well as such qualities of thinking as flexibility,
    mobility, consistency, dialecticism, search activity, striving for novelty.
    6. To cultivate a sense of purpose in finding solutions to emerging problems, a kind attitude towards insects.
    Subject-spatial developmental environment: ecological room; TV, audio recordings of nature sounds, a fragment of the cartoon "Bouncer Ant", a magnetic board, a screen "Teremok", object pictures, a magic wand, blue material, sticks for a bridge, a stick with a tied cardboard "mosquito", sticks for an anthill , parts of insects on magnets.

    GCD move
    (Children enter the ecological room and stand in a circle)
    Hello sky. (hands up),
    Hello Earth. (squat)
    Hello my friends. (hands forward)
    One, two, three, four, five (curl fingers)
    Together we are in a circle again. (hold hands)
    We will play together
    We want to travel again (go in a circle).
    Educator: Guys, an ant came crawling towards us this morning. An unpleasant story happened to him. Look and tell me what happened to the ant? (Children watch an excerpt from the cartoon "Bounce Ant" (3 min))

    -What situation did the ant get into? (Children's answers)
    Far from home, driven by the wind on a birch leaf, like a parachute, an ant flew to us. Moreover, during landing, he injured his legs. What do we need to do in such a situation?
    Children: - Help the ant return home to the forest.
    Ant (toy): Thank you for not leaving me in trouble. The one who plays with me in my beloved will go to the forest with me game "Teremok"
    Rules of the game: Each child gets his own picture and plays with the drawn object. The ant is the owner of the house, the children take turns approaching the house and conduct a dialogue with the ant: -Knock, knock, who lives in the house? -I am an ant, and who are you? - And I - (calls himself, what is drawn in the picture). Will you let me into the teremok?
    -If you can tell how he looks like me, an ant, then let me go.
    Children should compare both objects, identify common features and name them. After that, the child enters the teremok, and the next participant in the game addresses the ant. If someone cannot answer, other children can help him.
    Images: Insect butterfly, 6 legs, like an ant; mosquito-small, like an ant; chicken with egg - ants, like chickens, lay eggs; an anthill mountain is like a mountain; dragonfly - like the ant, the protagonist in I. Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and the Ant"; woodpecker - like the ant, the orderly of the forest; the bear is strong and brown like an ant; cockroach - a brown insect, like an ant; etc)

    - Well done! Played well! And in the little house was a magic wand. It is she who will help us quickly find ourselves in the forest. Close your eyes. Spun, spun, and in the forest we found ourselves.
    (Children spin to the music. An image of a forest is projected on the screen).
    Ant: Oh! I recognize my native forest! But my anthill is still far away.
    Educator:Guys, there is a river on our way. The ant cannot swim, like us. How can we get across to the other side?
    Children's answers.
    Educator: In order to get to the other side, we need to build a bridge, and for this we need to play the game "You are my piece"
    Rules of the game: Logs are distributed to children. You need to lay them out so that you get a solid, even, beautiful bridge. Children walk along the bridge to the other side.

    (A flower meadow is projected onto the screen. Sounds of a summer meadow are heard)
    Educator. And here is the lawn. On it beautiful flowers... And what a smell! Feel it. Friends of the ant live here on the lawn, but they hid, and we can find out who hid on this lawn by guessing riddles teasers.
    (Children guess riddles, insects appear on the screen.)
    Kruzhilochka, beauty, flutter, flower, colorful. (Butterfly.)
    Crackling, jumper, jumping rope, greenfinch, kuzechka. (Grasshopper.)
    Wingling, helicopter, hunting, buzzing, buzzing. (Dragonfly.)
    The building, the little one, the hard worker, the hauler, the strongman. (Ant.)
    Honey honey, bite, buzz, collector, striped. (Bee)
    (A recording of a mosquito squeak sounds)
    Educator: Here is a mosquito flying high. Try to catch him.
    Outdoor game "Catch a mosquito"

    Rules of the game: The players stand in a circle, at arm's length, facing the center. The teacher is in the middle of the circle. He holds in his hands a stick with a cardboard "mosquito" tied to a cord. The teacher draws a stick (circles the mosquito) slightly above the players' heads. When a mosquito flies overhead, children jump up and down trying to catch it. You can catch a mosquito only with both hands and bouncing on two legs.
    Educator. Komarik, don't you know where the home of our beloved ant is? Is it near a tall birch tree?
    Mosquito: What does he look like? What is it made of? What is it called?
    Mosquito. I saw an anthill, but someone broke it!
    Children find scattered pencil sticks.
    Educator.Who did it?
    Children's assumptions.
    Educator.What to do?
    The children propose to build a new house for the ant and his friends, collect the scattered pencils and start building.

    Ant: Thanks guys! It turned out very beautiful anthill! But I am afraid that someone will break our new anthill again. What to do?
    Children's answers.
    Educator. I agree with you - you need a watchman. But insects must be guarded by an insect. How do you think it should be? Let's come up with a fantastic insect and put it to guard the anthill.
    Didactic game "Miracle Yudo" (modeling on a magnetic board)
    Rules of the game: Children make up a fantastic insect according to the "Composite image" principle: they connect parts of different insects, while explaining why they take this part.

    Educator. What parts of other insects will we take?
    Children: A sting from a wasp, big eyes from a dragonfly, wings from a butterfly, legs from a grasshopper, horns from a beetle, a body from a bee.
    Educator:Here's what a fabulous insect we got. What shall we call it?
    Children's answers.

    Ant: Thank you kids! Now my house is under reliable protection. Here is a present from me and my friends of insects.
    Children thank the ant.
    Educator: Guys, we helped the ant return home and it's time for us to return to kindergarten.Where is our magic wand? We close our eyes. We circled, circled and we found ourselves in kindergarten.
    Did you like our trip? What good deeds have we done with you? Insects are mostly our friends!
    Listen to a poem (read by a child)
    Do not offend forest insects!
    Moths fly in the forest
    Boogers and beetles are crawling ...
    They all have their own affairs.
    You will see them on the way -
    Do not offend, but move away!
    Insect-free forest, my friend,
    Both lonely and empty ...
    Educator: And now we will try the gifts of our ant and his friends.

    Mozgovaya Valentina Vladimirovna
    MBDOU kindergarten №40 "Pchelka", Shchepkin

    Abstract of GCD for the development of speech

    using TRIZ technology

    in the older group

    Theme: "Save the Enchanted Princess"

    DOWNLOAD (presentation)

    Purpose: To strengthen the ability of children to guess the name of a fairy tale from a short passage, to name the author; to activate the vocabulary of children; develop coherent speech of preschoolers; promote the development of children's interest in the world around them; to systematize children's knowledge about natural phenomena; develop the ability to find non-standard approaches to solving problems; train analytical thinking, attention, learns to highlight distinctive features by comparison, find original solutions; foster interest in fiction.

    Course of the lesson:

    On the table is a toy house with closed windows and doors. The house is completely covered with a piece of cloth so that the children cannot be seen. A doll is hidden behind the house.

    IN.: Children, see what you think is under the cloth? Let's play the game "Danetka". In order to guess what is hidden there, you will ask me questions, and I will answer them either yes or no. The tooltip is an inanimate object.

    The game "Danetka"

    D: This is a book?

    IN.: Not

    D: It is a toy?

    IN.: Yes

    D .: Maybe a doll?

    IN.: Not.

    Children's answer options ...

    D: Is this a house?

    IN.: Yes

    The teacher removes the fabric.

    IN.: There was a princess in one fairytale castle. The evil witch has bewitched her. The princess fell asleep soundly and no one can wake her up. All windows and doors were closed tightly, and even a ray of the sun could not get there.

    IN.: Guys, what do you think can be done to save the princess.

    Children's answers. (Example: "defeat the evil witch", "solve tasks"

    IN.: To open the doors and windows and the princess woke up, you need to solve difficult tasks. Guys, let's try to disenchant the princess?

    D .: Yes.

    IN.: Look, I have all the tasks hidden in a magic chest. But, in order to find out what is the first task, you need to guess the riddle:

    Who is the most fearful of all animals?

    Who has longer ears?

    Eats carrots and cabbage leaves in the garden,

    knows how to escape deftly,

    If suddenly he meets a fox ...

    Mows with eyes,

    afraid of everyone and trembling ...

    D .: Hare

    IN.: Correctly. Well done boys. What is the name of a hare in fairy tales? (scythe, coward, bunny-bunny) Now let's try to describe the bunny. What can you say about his fur? (soft, fluffy, gray). Tell me about the tail of a hare? (short, soft, fluffy). And what about the nature of the hare? What is he like in fairy tales? (cowardly)

    The teacher takes out a wet toy hare from the chest.

    IN.: Here is a wet and sad hare. If we can help him, the first window in the castle will open.

    IN.: Guys, why do you think the hare is wet?

    D .: He swam, stepped into a puddle, fell into the river, got caught in the rain.

    Discussing contradictions in the weather with children

    IN.: Guys, do you think the rain is good or bad?
    IN.: What good is rain?
    (Children's answers: everything is growing, fresh air after rain ...)
    IN.: What's wrong with rain?
    D: You can get sick

    IN.: So it turns out that there is both good and bad in the rain. We say that rain is good when ... and rain is bad for us when ...

    IN.: And what is the sun, good or bad?
    IN.: It depends on when, looking for whom and for what. Guys, what good is the sun?
    (Answers of the children: it is affectionate, warm, it is light from it ...)
    IN.: What can be wrong with the sun?
    D .: When it's hot, your head hurts and you want to drink; all the flowers will wither.

    IN.: It turns out that the sun also has something good and something bad.

    IN.: How can we help the hare?

    D .: Dry, warm the blanket, put in the sun.

    IN.: Let's wrap her up with a warm blanket and warm her. In the meantime, she warms up, he asked you to help him. It turns out that he completely forgot from which fairy tale he came to us. Remember what fairy tales you know where the main character is the hare?

    D .: "Teremok", "Zayushkina hut", etc.

    While the children are remembering fairy tales, the teacher discreetly opens one window.

    IN.: Guys, wait, the bunny is saying something. He remembered that he had come from the fairy tale "Zayushkin's hut", and unfortunately it was time for him to return. Let's say goodbye to him.

    IN.: We helped the bunny, warmed him, remembered fairy tales where he was the main character and, look what happened, the upper window at the castle opened.

    IN. : What else do we have in the chest? poster "Fairy confusion".

    IN: See what is depicted here.

    IN: And what tales are messed up? Name them.

    IN: Right. What is mixed up in the picture?

    IN.: Another window has opened. Now let's take a break and play the game "Reverse Word"

    - Merry - sad,

    - kind angry,

    - Brave - cowardly,

    Old - young

    Strong is weak

    Healthy is sick

    Smart is stupid

    - Polite - rude,

    - Well-fed - hungry,

    - Mighty is weak,

    - Mischievous - obedient,

    - Lazy - hardworking.

    IN:Well done, now look at the board - the “shadows” of fairy tale characters, we need to unravel them.
    Name the shadow, turn it over to see if you guessed correctly.

    IN: You recognized all the heroes well done.

    Physiotherapy "Magic Plants"

    Get on your feet and imagine that we are in a magical forest, near a magical castle with our enchanted princess and you turned into plants. Think about what kind of plant you would like to become? Someone with an oak tree, someone with a blade of grass, maybe someone wants to be a flower. Now imagine that a warm breeze has blown, how your plant will react (options: strong wind, rain, snow, etc.).

    IN: Well done! We return to our chairs.

    IN.: So we played. Look, you are all smiling. What is your mood.

    D .: Good.

    IN.:Guys, where can a smile live (Example: on the face, on a jacket, in the shower, etc.)

    IN.:Look, another window has opened.

    IN.:What we still have left in the chest.

    And here is the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". But in my opinion something is wrong in this tale. Listen carefully and correct me if there are any mistakes here.

    Once upon a time there was a girl named Yellow Riding Hood:

    Not Yellow, but Red

    Oh yes, Red. So, dad called her and:

    No, not dad, but mom.

    Correctly. Mom called her and said: go to Aunt Marina and take her:

    She told her to go to her grandmother, and not to her aunt:

    And Little Red Riding Hood went to her grandmother to take the pies. And the road ran through the town square.

    Not an area, but a forest.

    And she met a bear.

    Not a bear, but a wolf.

    IN.: So all the doors and windows of the castle have opened, but in order to wake up the princess, you need to remember the names of all the fairy tales that I will now guess for you.

    From the ballroom of the king
    The girl ran home
    Crystal slipper
    Lost on the steps.
    The carriage became a pumpkin again ...
    Who, tell me, is this girl (Cinderella)

    Heals small children
    Heals birds and animals
    Looking through his glasses
    Good doctor ...

    The fat man lives on the roof

    He flies above all.

    He is tired of

    Sit at the window

    And he rolled

    Into the forest along the path.

    (Gingerbread man.)

    Grandfather and woman lived together

    They blinded my daughter from the snow,

    But the fire is hot

    Turned the girl into steam.

    Grandfather and grandmother are sad.

    What was that girl's name? (Snow Maiden)

    What's the old lady's name?

    Grandma asks for a hut:

    "Expand your facade:

    To me - in front, to the forest - back! "

    Stamp with a bone foot.

    Call granny .... (Yaga)

    Father had a strange boy

    Unusual, wooden,

    He had a very long nose.

    What a fairy tale? - Here's the question. (Buratino)

    Answer the question:
    Who carried Masha in the basket,
    Who sat on a tree stump
    And wanted to eat a pie?
    You know a fairy tale, right?
    Who was it? …(Bear)

    IN.: Oh guys, look who's awake. This is our princess. The sun's rays illuminated her entire castle and she woke up. Let's say hello to her. The princess is very grateful for your help, for your diligence, for your love for Russians folk tales and gives you gifts, I suggest you paint them yourself at home.

    This was the end of our tale. Thank you for attention! Come to us again!

    Andronova Marina Aleksandrovna, teacher of MKDOU Gavrilovo Posad kindergarten No. 1, Ivanovo region
    Material Description:i offer you a summary of the GCD with elements of TRIZ and RTV in middle group “Visiting Princess Droplets”. This synopsis is aimed at consolidating the knowledge and skills of children in areas such as “ Speech development"And" Cognitive development ".
    The material will be useful for kindergarten teachers.

    GCD summary for educational area "Cognitive development" in the middle group with elements of TRIZ and RTV.
    Topic: "Visiting Princess Droplets"

    Integration of educational areas:"Speech development", "Cognitive development", "Artistic aesthetic development", "Social - communicative development", "Physical development".
    Purpose: show children the importance of water in human life;
    clarify and expand children's knowledge about the properties of water, that water can be in different states of aggregation depending on temperature;
    to form the foundations of systems thinking and logical analysis.
    to consolidate the skills of reconciling adjectives with nouns;
    to educate children about ecological concepts of water as a source of life on Earth;
    make children feel important and warm towards themselves.
    Material for the lesson: multimedia equipment, globe, vessels with drinking and salt water, ice cubes, vessels with hot and cold water, audio recording of music reminiscent of the sound of water, a large sheet of blue Whatman paper on which fish are painted with missing individual parts of the body (fins, tail, eyes, etc.).
    Preliminary work: viewing a map, a globe, albums on the topic "Sea animals", "Fish", walks to the reservoir, monitoring the state of water depending on temperature.
    Follow-up work: inventing and drawing a magic fish using the Wonderful Things game (method of focal objects).
    Educator:Look, guys, the princess "Droplet" has come to visit us.
    (a slide with a picture of the princess "Droplets" appears on the screen)

    She is, for some reason, very excited. Maybe something happened? I'm going to listen to what she has to say now.
    (the teacher puts his hand to his ear, imitating a conversation with Princess Droplet ")
    Educator:A disaster struck her kingdom: the evil Sorceress bewitched the inhabitants of the kingdom. Can we help you to disenchant?
    Educator: But how do we find the kingdom where Princess Droplet lives?
    Children:Princess Droplet lives in the water.
    (The teacher invites the children to look at the globe, draws the attention of the children that there is more blue on the globe).
    Educator: Blue and in blue on the globe, seas, lakes are indicated, blue lines are rivers.
    Educator: Where else have we met water in our city?
    Children:In a puddle, in a river, rain, etc.
    Educator:Where did you meet water in kindergarten?
    Children: In the washroom.
    Educator:Where can you find water in your apartment?
    Children: In the tap, in the bathroom, in the washbasin, etc.
    Educator: What is water for?
    Children:Water is needed in order to drink, wash, wash dishes, prepare food, water plants, etc.
    Educator:A person can live several days without food, but not without water. Likewise, all life on Earth cannot live on water.
    - As we see on the globe, there is a lot of water on earth. But why do they say “Water must be protected”?
    The reasoning of children.
    Educator:In the seas and oceans, the water is very salty. Look, I've prepared 2 glasses of water.
    (the teacher invites the children to taste the water).
    Educator: Tell me the water in the glasses is the same or not?
    Children: The same.

    Educator:I have sea \u200b\u200bsalt, now I will add it to one of the glasses and stir it. What do you think will happen to the water?
    Children: It will become salty.
    (the teacher invites the children to try fresh and salty water approximately to sea).
    Educator: Do you think you can drink sea water?
    Children: No, because it is salty.
    Educator: There is little fresh, unsalted water on Earth, and its reserves are decreasing, which is why they say: “Water must be protected”.
    - Salty, sea water is also needed. What do you children think for what?
    Children:Sea water is needed because fish live in the seas and oceans.
    Educator: Not only fish live there, there are many other inhabitants. And who they are - see the princess "Droplet" shows you.
    (a slide with pictures of crabs, starfish, jellyfish, algae, etc. appears on the screen)

    Educator:Let's see who it is?
    (children, with the help of a teacher, call sea inhabitants)
    Educator: And also, guys, ships sail across the seas and oceans, they transport people, cargo.
    Educator: Is water always good?
    Didactic game: “Good - bad: water”. Children take turns naming “good” and “bad” water qualities.
    Educator:How much we have learned about water. Well, guys, can we help the Princess "Droplet" and her kingdom?
    Educator: Only our path will not be easy, for sure the evil sorceress will interfere with us. Are you ready to overcome all obstacles?
    Children: Yes. We are strong and know a lot and know how.
    Educator: Well, then - let's go.
    (Children walk along the “path” to cheerful music.
    On the way they meet obstacles - riddles of the evil Sorceress. You can move further only after we guess these riddles).

    Educator: And here is the first obstacle. What is this fairy tale?
    (a slide with a picture from the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka" appears on the screen)

    Children:This is a fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka".
    Educator: And what happened to Ivanushka in this tale?
    Children:He drank some water from a goat's hoof and turned into a kid.
    Educator: How to help Ivanushka from the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka” get drunk on the way of water and not become a kid?
    Children:To drink from the trail left by Ivanushka himself, you had to take water with you….
    Educator: Well done, guys. We can move on.
    (to the music, the children walk further along the path and come up to the screen on which a slide with the picture "The Snow Queen" appears)

    Educator: Children, who is this?
    Children: The Snow Queen.
    Educator: Have Snow Queen there were very beautiful dishes. At the New Year's holiday, she presented it to her guests. When the guests returned home, the dishes began to disappear. Why? How to save the dishes?
    Children: The dishes were made of ice, so they melted in the warmth. You can save it by placing it in the refrigerator.
    Educator:What does water turn into in the cold?
    Children: Water turns into ice in the cold.
    Educator:What happens to ice in warmth?
    Children: It melts.
    Educator: Where will ice melt faster in hot or cold water?
    Children:Probably hot.
    Educator: Look, I have 2 glasses of water. One has hot water (touch the glass), and in the other - cold (touch the glass)... I will throw the ice cubes first into one glass, then into the other. See in which water the ice melted faster?
    Children: Hot.
    Educator: Why, when the ice melted, there was more water in the glass?
    Children:When the ice melted, it turned into water.
    Educator: Well done guys, now we can move on.
    (to the music, the children walk further along the path and come up to the screen on which a slide with a picture of the river appears)

    Educator:Guys, what is this?
    Children:This is a river.
    Educator: How can you cross the river?
    Children:you can build a bridge from a board, turn paper leaves into a raft, cubes into large stones, etc.
    Educator: When and how can you cross the river without getting your feet wet, without using any available means? What does water turn into in the cold?
    Children: The water turns to ice. It happens in winter. We must wait until the water freezes and cross the river on the ice.
    Educator: That's right, guys, you can also cross the river on the ice, but you have to wait a long time. Maybe you can somehow still overcome the river?
    Children: You can turn into birds and fly over it.
    Educator:Okay, then close your eyes, I'll turn you into birds.

    Educator: Open your eyes, who are you now?
    Children:We are birds.
    Educator:Well, then flap your wings and fly across the river.
    (children wave their hands to imitate birds)
    Educator: Well, now the river has flown, now close your eyes, I will turn you into boys and girls again.
    (children close their eyes, the teacher says magic words)
    Educator: Open your eyes, who are you now?
    Children: We're guys.
    (calm music sounds)
    Educator: Do you guys hear? What is it?
    Children: Music, we play the game "The sea is agitated"
    Educator: Let's rest and play this game.
    (children together with the teacher play the game "The sea is worried")
    Educator: So we came to the kingdom of the Princess Droplets.
    (a slide with a picture of the kingdom appears on the screen)

    Educator: See what the wicked Sorceress has done.
    On a large sheet of drawing paper, painted in blue, fish are drawn, which lack individual parts of the body (fins, tail, eyes). And the missing pieces are next to each other.
    Educator: Let's try, guys, to conjure these fish. Look, from which fish this fin is, And whose tail is it? ...
    (children, together with the teacher, glue the missing parts)
    At the end of the work, Princess Kapelka thanks the children.
    Educator: Well done, guys, they have bewitched the kingdom of the princess "Droplets". Now it's time for us to go home to kindergarten.
    Say goodbye to the Princess "Droplets" and we will go home along the path.
    (Children walk along the “path” to cheerful music.)
    Educator: Here we are with you and came home (at the end of the lesson, a brainstorming session is conducted with the children). Who invited us to visit? Where does Princess Droplet live? What happened next? ...

    Educational area: cognitive development

    Integration of educational areas:

    Cognitive development;

    Speech development;

    Physical development;

    Social and communicative development;

    Artistic and aesthetic development.

    Purpose: Creating conditions for the natural solution of available cognitive tasks through game techniques and elements of the TRIZ methodology.


    Educational: Teach children to recognize familiar fairy tales, fairy-tale characters.

    To form the ability to solve logic tasks; activate the vocabulary of children,

    To form communication skills (dialogical speech through joint discussion; correct word pronunciation, situational business communication in working on fairy tales, coherent speech).

    Developing: Continue to develop children's ability to think using methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison.

    To develop cognitive activity, attention, memory, creative abilities using the elements of the TRIZ methodology.

    Educational: To cultivate curiosity, friendliness, a desire to help, evoke positive emotions in aunt

    Vocabulary work: activate words-signs of objects, properties of objects (adjectives, actions, verbs) in the speech of children.

    Material for GCD: a ball, "Magic Chest" - there is a Kolobok in it. Sketch cards for the fairy tale "Kolobok", a mitten, illustrations for the fairy tale "The Goat with the Kids", "Zayushkina's Hut", sheets of paper (with balloons previously drawn with wax, brushes, paints.

    Preliminary work: reading fairy tales, speech games for choosing adjectives for nouns, working with schemes, solving problem situations, examination of objects (what is made of, what can be made of it, than it was before).

    Form of work: group (individually-collective).

    Methods and techniques: visual and playful methods combined with verbal methods.

    Stage I. Organizational

    Educator:- Guys, today we are going on a little trip to the forest. But our forest is not ordinary - it is magical. And the inhabitants of this forest are also not ordinary, but fabulous animals, they have prepared a lot for us interesting tasks and surprises. But first, listen to the riddle:

    Leaves from the branches fly around
    Birds fly away to the south.
    "What time of year?" - we ask.
    They will answer us: "This ..."

    Educator:That's right, autumn. This means that we will go to the autumn forest! And what is the difference between an autumn forest and a summer one? (children's answers).

    Educator: - Right in autumn forest the trees have many colorful leaves: green, red, yellow. So here we are now, let's play with autumn leaves.

    1 ... The game "Autumn has come to visit us" ...

    Collected multi-colored leaves, admired, blew on them.

    What are the leaves doing? (rustle, swing, bend over, whisper)

    Threw them up, let the leaves fly, cover them with a multi-colored carpet

    the whole earth.

    Autumn brought us rain. How do the droplets knock? (alternately hit

    fingers on the palm)

    The forest, the forest is rich, it treats all the guys:

    Girls - strawberries, blueberries,

    Boys - nuts, mushrooms - russula.

    Stage II. Motivational

    Educator:- Guys, today I want to invite you to take a journey through fairy tales. Do you like fairy tales? Do you know them? So I'll check it out now! (the teacher throws the ball to the children, asks questions, the children catch the ball and answer the teacher's questions)

    (method "Brainstorming").

    Who left the grandmother and the grandfather?

    Who ate the kids?

    Who came to visit the bears?

    In what fairy tale did the grandfather beat, beat the testicle and didn't break it?

    That "Big - Big" has grown?

    What happened to the ice hut?

    In what fairy tale did the cat save the cockerel?

    Who carried the basket of cakes to grandparents?

    Educator: well done guys, you know fairy tales well. Now you and I can hit the road.

    Stage III. Practical

    Look guys, fabulous, "wonderful bag"!

    Let's see what the "wonderful bag" has prepared for us today.

    Hear what he says:

    I'm not a simple bag

    I am a bag with a secret

    How do you know what's in me-

    Tell us about it.

    2. The game "wonderful bag".

    Our assistants will help us find out what is in our bag.

    Name them: hands, ears, nose, eyes, tongue.

    (pictures are displayed).

    We untie the bag, take it out one by one, call it what's there.

    Let's see what lies there (the teacher looks into the chest).

    Here are things from fairy tales (pulls out Kolobok).

    Who is this? (Gingerbread man)

    And what kind of gingerbread man? (round, ruddy, naughty).

    What else is the same? (analysis method).

    (ball, ball, apple, roll, candy)

    What happened to Kolobok? (children's answers).

    How would you save Kolobok? (Creative Activity - Trial and Error)

    3. The teacher gets out of the "wonderful bag" schematic sheets

    Assignment: look at the diagrams and say which fairy tale is hidden in them?


    And what is the chanterelle in a fairy tale? (cunning, sly, red, fluffy).

    And what kind of cock? (curious, trusting, vociferous).

    What kind of cat? (brave, brave, fast, dexterous).

    4. The teacher takes out a mitten from the chest.

    What is it? (mitten)

    And what kind of mitten? (warm, woolen, bright, beautiful, colorful).

    What is it made of? (from threads, from fabric).

    What else is made of thread and fabric? (children's answers).

    Why do you need a mitten (warm your hands, wipe something, take something hot).

    Who lived in a mitten?

    Why did they live there?

    Let's imagine ourselves as animals that lived in a mitten.

    The teacher asks the child:

    Who are you? What's your name? Where do you live? What do you eat? What do you like to do? Who are you afraid of? Who are you friends with? (the child answers on behalf of the animal). Well done, guys, and now we'll have a little rest!

    5. Physical education.

    In an even circle one after another

    We go step by step.

    Stand still, do it together like this:

    Once - we got up, straightened up,

    Two - bent over, bent over.

    Three - three claps with my hands,

    And four - under the sides.

    Five - wave your hands,

    Six - to sit down quickly.

    6. The teacher gets out of the "wonderful bag" illustrations for the fairy tale "Goat with the kids"

    Who lives here? (Goat with kids)

    Did Mom Goat have three kids? (no seven)

    Why did the kids get into trouble? (were naughty)

    What was the gray wolf? (gray, angry, toothy).

    And what was the mother of the Goat? (kind, caring).

    Is it good or bad that mom Goat went to the forest? (method "Good-bad"). (he will eat well, the kids will have milk, badly - she left the kids alone).

    7. Didactic game "Who will be what".

    The teacher takes out of the "wonderful bag":

    A board - a table, a chair, a tower ...

    Egg - chicken, chicken, omelet ...

    A ball - with a hat, mitten, scarf ...

    Seeds - a flower, a radish ...

    8. The teacher takes a bunny out of the "wonderful bag" - he is crying.

    What do you think could have happened to the bunny, who could offend him?

    (the fox kicked him out of the house).

    And let's tell the chanterelle out of what else you can build a house.

    (trial and error method)

    How can you cheer up a bunny? (children's answers).

    Stage IV. Reflective

    Our journey is coming to an end. I was very fun and interesting with you. Let's remember where we have been? What did you do? What did you like the most? What didn't you like? (children's answers). And I liked how you tried, were active (name the positive moments).

    And now I want to offer you to cheer our bunny. Look how sad he is. For this we will turn into little wizards. And these magic brushes and sheets of paper will help us with this. You need to paint over these sheets with paint and you will see what happens.

    (Children start to work. An image of balloons appears on the sheet. They are colorful, bright, cheerful. Children give the bunny their work. The bunny is joyful. Thanks the children. Runs away into a fairy tale).

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