• Lesson about water 2nd junior. Synopsis of organized educational activities in the junior group on the topic: "The magician water" in the educational area "Cognitive development. To sail the ships


    Goal:To form in children ideas about water (transparent, odorless and tasteless).

    Materials and equipment:cups of water, cups of milk and juice (for each child), small spoons, straws for a cocktail, stones, game character - Dunno

    GCD move.

    Children go to the Winter Garden, greet the animals. Then they are met by Dunno.

    Dunno: Hello guys! Today I invite you to be a scientist. Do you agree? (Children's answers).

    (Children go to the tables and put on beautiful aprons).

    Teacher: Guys, I suggest you tell and show Dunno everything about water. To learn everything about water, we will conduct experiments.

    Experience 1. The water is transparent.There are two glasses in front of the children: one with water, the other with milk. Put spoons in both cups. In which of the cups is the spoon visible and in which not? Why?

    Children: Before us is milk and water, in a glass of water we see a spoon, but not in a glass of milk.

    Dunno: what will happen if pebbles are immersed in water and milk? I think the stones will be visible both in water and in milk. (Children's reasoning).

    Teacher: Guys, let's conduct an experiment with pebbles and see who is right - you or Dunno. (children put stones in water and milk). You see, you guys are right. Tell Dunno what kind of water? (transparent).

    Conclusion: clear water - you can see everything through it, but not through milk.

    Experience 2. Water has no taste.

    Dunno: Guys, what kind of water does it taste like? (Children's answers)

    Teacher: We will now try the water. I invite the children to taste the water through a straw. Does she have a taste? (Children's answers). It is often said that the water is delicious. Let's taste the juice. If the children are not convinced that the water has no taste, I suggest trying the water again. We find out that the water has no taste. But sea water tastes salty because it contains a lot of salts. A man cannot drink it.

    Dunno: I understood everything, the water is very tasty.

    Teacher: Dunno, you're wrong. When a person is very thirsty, he drinks water with pleasure, and, to express his pleasure, says “What delicious water”, although in fact he does not feel its taste.

    Conclusion:water has no taste.

    Experience 3. The water has no smell.

    Teacher: Guys, smell the water and tell me what it smells like? (Children's answers). Smell the water and juice, compare the smell of juice and water. (water is odorless and juice is odorless.

    Dunno: My water has a smell. Here, smell my water. (Children sniff Dunno's water and conclude that Dunno's water has a smell.

    Teacher: Indeed, Dunno has a smell of water, because he just took it from the tap. The water from the faucet can have a smell, as it is purified with special substances so that it is safe for our health.

    Conclusion:the water has no smell.

    Dunno: Guys, I invite you on a tour of Winter gardenwhere you will meet the water.

    Children: Here is an aquarium with fish, it has clear, clear water.

    Here is a pond with crucians and turtles - the water in it is also clear and does not smell. Newts and snails live in this aquarium in clear water.

    Conclusion:the water in aquariums and a pond is transparent, because we see all fish, turtles, newts and snails in the water.

    Dunno: Thank you guys for interesting experiences... Now I know that the water is clear, tasteless and odorless. Bye! Until next time!


    1. To acquaint children with some properties of water, to pay attention to the fact that water is fraught with a lot of unknowns.
    2. To draw the attention of children to the importance of water in our life, to show where, in what form water exists in the environment.


    1. Explain to children why water sometimes needs purification, to give elementary ideas about the filtration process.


    1. Give children some insight into research. Learn to achieve results, draw conclusions.

    Preliminary work:

    Reading stories about water, observing during a walk.

    Material for the lesson:

    Pictures of the sea, ocean, rivers with fish, map of the globe, drawings on the theme of "water", globe, plastic and glass cups, river sand, sugar, oil, gouache, ice, salt, brilliant green, manganese, music center, flash card with the tracks "The Rain is Coming", "The River with Ships".

    Course of the lesson

    Children on an improvised river pull boats by a string and read the poem "Ships" by A. Barto

    Boy Ilya is dressed in a sailor's uniform.


    Rope in hand.

    I'm dragging the boat

    On the fast river.

    And the frogs are jumping

    On my heels

    And they ask me:

    "Take a ride, captain!"

    Dynamic pause "Yablochko"

    Educator.Tired sailors?

    Sit down, relax on deck. Children, today we have a very unusual and interesting lesson.

    Look, we have pictures hanging on our stand.

    (children look at the paintings)

    - What is shown in the pictures?

    (children's answers: sea, ocean, river with fish)

    Educator.In every painting we see water. Today we will talk about water and its meaning in human life.

    - What does a person need water for?

    (drink, wash, bathe, wash dishes, cook food, wash clothes and water plants ...)

    - Right, and now imagine that there is not a single drop of water left on the planet. What happens then?

    (all life on earth will perish)

    - What do you know about water? What is she like?

    Tell us everything, everything about water and its properties.

    Children talk about the properties of water

    Educator.Let's listen to a poem about water.

    The teacher reads a poem

    Have you heard of water?
    They say she is everywhere!
    In a puddle in the sea in the ocean.
    And at the faucet.
    Like an icicle freezes
    Crawls into the forest with fog,
    Your stove is boiling,
    The kettle's ferry hiss.
    You can't wash your face without it,
    Don't eat enough, don't get drunk!
    I dare to report to you:
    You can't live without water!

    Educator.Yes, children, there is a lot of water on earth. She is everywhere. Tell me what model of the earth do we have?

    Children's answers: globe, map

    Educator.What color is the most on the globe?

    Children's answers: blue - the color of water.

    Educator.The seas and oceans of our planet are colored blue. Therefore, our planet is called the "blue planet", and all water on earth is a single world ocean.

    Educator.Let's play the game "What is water"

    the teacher throws a ball to the children and they talk about the properties of water

    Children's answers:

    The water is hot and cold

    The water is clear and cloudy

    Water can be clean and dirty

    Educator.That's right, children! You know a lot about water.

    Do you know how water gets into our apartments? No? But we use it every day and sometimes we don't even know how water gets into the tap.

    It turns out that water runs from the river through pipes, is purified through filters and enters the tap.

    Children listen to the teacher's story and look at pictures on this topic.

    Educator.Do you think we need to save water or is there a lot of it on planet Earth?

    Children's answers

    Educator.Why should it be protected?

    Children's answers

    Educator.That's right, guys, water must be conserved, because it may not be enough for everyone.

    Educator.Water is not that much simple thing... It has many properties. Today we will find out what properties water has. Today we will find out all this with the help of experiments with water.

    Educator.Experience number 1. The water is clear.

    There are two glasses in front of you: one with water, the other with milk. We will put sea stones in both cups. In which of the cups are they visible and in which not? Why?

    The children's answers: in one glass the water is clear - the stones are all visible, but in the other glass the milk is poured, it is cloudy, the stones are not visible in it.

    Educator.That's right, then the water is clear, but the milk is not.

    Educator.Let's think a little - what would happen if the river water was not transparent? Could fish and plants live in such a river? This means that you cannot pollute water bodies.

    No, they could not, they would not see where to sail and where there is a lot of food.

    Educator.That's right, Mahabbat.

    Hence, people cannot pollute rivers

    Educator.Experience - 2. Now we will find out if the water has a taste. There are glasses with plain waterBy tasting the water from a teaspoon, you can determine the taste of the water yourself.

    (Each child has an individual spoon)

    Well, how do you taste the water?

    Ilya.Water has no taste.

    Educator.That's right, ordinary water has no taste.

    Educator.What kind of water is salty?

    Mahabbat.Marine. Because there is a lot of salt in it.

    Educator.So, if a person is thirsty, he drinks ... ...

    Mahabbat.Plain water.

    Educator.Experience - 3. Now we will find out if the water has a smell. Come to me and smell the water in this glass.

    Children are sniffing water.

    What does it smell like?

    Ilya.The water in the glass does not smell.

    Educator.Is the water in the glass clean?

    Children examine the water and conclude that it is clean.

    Educator.It turned out that the water has no smell if it is clean.

    Educator.Experience - 4. How do we know that water is liquid? Will you help me?

    Children are given two glasses each so that they can pour water from one container to another on their own.

    Educator.You could easily pour water from one glass to another?

    Children's answers: water easily pours from one glass to another.

    Educator.Is water pouring? Why?

    Children's answers: because it is liquid.

    Educator.But water can be in another state, ice, snow. I have prepared small pieces of ice for you. Touch the ice.

    Children examine pieces of ice, feel them.

    Educator. Water flows because it is liquid, but when it freezes, it turns into solid ice.

    Educator.Experience - 5. While we were examining the ice, touching it with our hands, drawing conclusions, our ice melted and now there is water in our glasses. Feel it. What is she like?

    Children's answers: cold.

    Educator.Can you wash dishes, wash, swim in such water?

    Children's answers: no

    Educator.And what should be done with water for this?

    Children's answers: heat it up.

    Educator.This means that the water can be either cold or hot.

    Educator.Experience - 6. And now we will check if water can dissolve substances in itself. And whether all substances in it dissolve.

    Educator.Let's dissolve sugar in water.

    Children dissolve sugar in a glass.

    Try the water. What is she like?

    Children's answers: sweet.

    Educator.And in this glass we will dissolve the salt.

    Children dissolve salt in a glass.

    Try the water from this glass. What is she like?

    Children's answers: salty.

    Then the teacher dissolves potassium permanganate and gouache in water.

    Educator.Potassium permanganate and gouache dissolved in water, but the water changed color.

    Educator.Let's try to dissolve pebbles in water.

    Children consider the pebbles thrown into the glass by the teacher.

    Educator.Are the pebbles dissolved?


    Educator.Let's try to dissolve vegetable oil in water.

    Ilya.It did not dissolve, but gathered on the surface of the water.

    Educator. Oil does not dissolve in water, floats on its surface as a thin film

    Educator.With the help of these experiments, children, you and I confirmed everything we knew about water and learned a lot of new things. You are great for me. We did a good job today. For this I want to treat you to delicious water. But you must listen to what components it consists of, and say what it is called. Listen - it is liquid, it contains sugar, gases and food colors. This is lemonade.

    The teacher treats all children with lemonade.

    Children with lemonade can also be an experiment. This will be your homework assignment. Pour lemonade into a glass, dip a piece of chocolate or raisins there and watch the piece of chocolate for a while, and tomorrow you will tell me.

    Educator.But our mischievous rain also consists of water droplets.

    And we will perform the dance "The Rain is Coming"

    Children dance

    Well done, the lesson is over.

    Synopsis of a complex lesson in the second younger group on experimental activities and communication. "MAGIC WATER"

    Tasks: Expand children's knowledge of the properties of water:
    Transparent, light, odorless and tasteless, can be painted in different colors.
    1. Develop the ability to reason, answer questions
    2. Expand and activate the vocabulary of children.
    3. Learn to expressively read poetry, develop fine motor skills hands.

    Course of the lesson:
    Educator: Hello guys!
    A word game "Friend" is conducted (in the game, children share good mood with each other) (sit on chairs)
    -And now try to guess who will come to visit us ?!
    (audio recording of water sounds. (Children guess) - Water.
    -Teacher: Want to get acquainted with water? (Yes)
    Svetlana Alexandrovna whirled and turned into a beautiful water - a sorceress! (puts on a beautiful hat).
    I am a sorceress - water. Today you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about me!
    -Let's remember why we need water?
    Children read poetry - Have you heard of water?

    You can't wash your face without me
    They say that I am everywhere!
    In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean,
    Even in our tap!

    Do not eat, do not wash.
    I dare to report to you!
    We cannot live without water!
    Educator: (magic water) - Look, I brought a glass with me. --- What's in it? (water)
    -What is she (transparent, light)
    -How did you guess that it is transparent?
    -Let's see if I can hide the toy in a glass of water? (I put the toy in a glass of water)
    -Children - no!
    -Educator: Why not? (the water is clear, the toy is visible)
    Educator: I have another glass (shows)
    -What did I pour into it? (milk)
    -What is it? (white, opaque)
    -Let's check if I can hide a toy in milk !? (Yes)
    - Educator: Why? (the milk is cloudy and very white).
    -Teacher: So where is it easier to hide a toy? (in water)
    -Oh, I forgot what kind of water? (transparent ..)
    -Well done boys!
    -Look, I have something on a yellow tray (water)
    I suggest you find out whether she smells or not? (children sniff and answer - no smell).
    “What’s in this glass?” (juice) -Does the juice smell? (children's answers)
    -Taste the juice (children come up and drink the juice)
    -What is he? (sweet, delicious ...)
    - Now try the water. What does the water taste like? (none).
    CONCLUSION: Guys, water is odorless and tasteless!
    -Good guys, you answered all my questions very well.
    A musical physical training session "Top, top, clap, clap"
    -Educator: Do you like magic tricks? (Yes)
    -Once, two, three - the guys turned around and turned into magicians! (children put on caps and walk to the table)
    -Educator: I have prepared magic jars for you. Magic words must be said: You are water - water,
    You are my cold friend
    Become water - water is not light, but multi-colored !!
    -Blow on the jar (children blow). Now take the jars in your hands and shake them.
    -What happened to the water? (she colored)
    -So the water can be painted in different colors.
    - Well done guys were all good magicians!
    -And now everyone is spinning and turning into kids! (Children are spinning and taking off their caps)
    -Educator: did you guys like our guest? (Yes)
    She gave you magic fish, which with the help of water can grow (distributes to children).
    Equipment for the lesson:
    Glasses (4pcs), 2 small kinder toys, napkins, trays, oilcloth, 10 plastic jars with lids, paints, audio recording (water noise), musical notes (audio), coloring books, caps with elastic bands.

    Integrated educational areas:
    Socialization:Encourage emotional responsiveness in children
    Communication: Stimulate children's utterances
    Cognition: Enrich children's knowledge
    Health: Carry out a physical education during the lesson
    Artistic word: Reading poems.

    Date of publication: 04/19/17

    Explanatory note.

    According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.09. 2015 under No. 392 "On holding the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas in the Russian Federation" 2017 was declared the year of ecology in Russia. The catastrophic deterioration of the ecological situation is an urgent problem of our time.

    It is in preschool childhood that the foundations of personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards the world around us, towards nature.

    In order to form a culture of environmental management, in particular, fostering a careful attitude to water, in kindergarten the project "Water is a sorceress" was developed for younger children preschool age.

    Project passport


    What is water? Its properties. How can we conserve water?


    Formation of the foundations of the ecological culture of the personality of a preschool child.

    The reasons

    1) There is not enough knowledge among children about the properties of water.

    2) Insufficient demonstration material about the transformations of water in nature and the absence of a card index of experiments.


    1. Develop children's cognitive abilities in the process

    joint research activities, practical experiences with water.

    2. To form children's ideas about the importance of water in the life of plants, animals, humans; careful attitude to water.

    3. Expand the vocabulary of children.

    Project name

    "Magic Water"

    Project type

    Short-term, group, educational and research.


    the project

    Children of the 2nd junior group, parents of children, educators

    Implementation period

    Expected Result:

    • Children will form elementary ideas about water, its
    • Children will learn about the properties of water (clear, colorless, pouring, without
    • Children learn about the inhabitants of the seas and rivers while playing.

    the value for humans, animals and plants, the need to protect it;

    odor, tasteless) in the process of practical experiments with water;

    Project products:

    1.Works of children and parents

    2. Game "Assemble the picture"

    3. Layout "Who lives in water"

    4. The game "Let's clean the reservoir of debris"

    5 decoration of the experimental corner

    Project development perspective:

    1. Observations of water related to spring and summer changes in

    2. Carrying out the Day of water and the holiday "Neptune visiting children" in summer

    Schedule of events

    I stage: Preparatory

    • Study of Internet resources on this topic
    • Conversations with children about water
    • Selection of fiction on the topic
    • Examination of paintings, illustrations on the topic of the project
    • Selection of experiments with water
    • Selection of didactic, outdoor games
    • Selection of presentations on this topic
    • Informing parents about the project

    IIstage: Main

    Joint activities of the teacher and children

    Educational areas

    Forms and methods


    Cognitive development

    Didactic games "Seasons", "Take care of nature"

    Search activity

    Use of ICT "Water", "Underwater World"

    Examining illustrations

    Cups, gouache, brushes, napkins, kinder surprise toy, sticks, straws, bath

    Laptop, screen. presentation


    Social and personal development

    Subject-didactic games "Bathing Katya's Doll", "Let's Cook Lunch"

    Conversations: "Acquaintance with water", "Water and its transformations", "Do you remember what snowflakes look like"

    Walk: Watching the rain, the snow is melting

    Labor assignments: caring for indoor plants, planting onions,

    beans, peas

    Water Games: Submarine, Bubbles, Paint Games, Colored Ice

    A basin of water, a towel, a doll, doll dishes


    watering can, onion, pea seeds, beans

    basin with water, paints, molds

    Speech development

    Conversations (see appendix)

    Guessing riddles (see app.)

    Reading nursery rhymes, poems, stories about water

    Finger games

    Posters, pictures

    Artistic and aesthetic development

    Finger drawing "Droplets"

    Modeling "Icicles: cap-cap"

    Physical development

    Dynamic pauses

    Physical minutes, dynamic pauses

    Hardening activities

    Prevention of posture disorders, flat feet

    Outdoor games: "The sun and the rain", "Droplet", "Droplets go in a circle"

    Massage mats

    Mockup of the sun, clouds, umbrella

    III stage: Final

    • Interviews - summary monitoring of children's perceptions of water
    • Painting over colorings with water
    • Conversations about water to consolidate knowledge

    Used Books:

    • N. Ye. Veraksa, OR Galimov Cognitive research activity of preschoolers. For work with children 4 - 7 years old: Moscow, Mosaic - Sintez, 2012;
    • T. A. Shorygina Conversations about health, Moscow, 2005;
    • OA Solomennikova Ecological education in kindergarten with children 2 - 7 years old: Moscow, Mosaic - Sintez, 2005;
    • OV Dybina Child and the world around. For classes with children 2 - 7 years old: Moscow, Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008;
    • Preschool education. - No. 6. - 2006;
    • Preschool education. - No. 6. - 2008;

    During the monitoring, the children showed great interest, with pleasure

    answered questions in the Interview game.

    High level. 1 child. five%.

    Average level. 10 children. 50%.

    Below average. 9 children. 45%.

    After the work carried out, repeated monitoring (final) was carried out to form an idea of \u200b\u200bwater and its meaning among preschoolers. On the basis of repeated monitoring, it was concluded that the work carried out contributed to effective learning. Children showed positive dynamics in knowledge.

    High level. 4 children. 20%. Average level. 14 children. 70%. Below average. 2 children. ten%.


    Conversation number 1.

    Topic: "Acquaintance with water".

    Today Kapitoshka came to visit us, he wants to check who you are

    quick-witted and now will ask you a riddle.

    Kapitoshka. What can't you hold in your hands, what can't you carry in a sieve? Well done boys! You are smart and quick-witted. Now tell me, which is stronger than water or fire?

    To find out about this, we will go to a fabulous country called Vodilandia, and Kapitoshka will be our guide. Go to the tables on which there are water, basins, various jars, cups. This is Wodilandia.

    What interesting awaits us here? What's new about water? Kapitoshka, where are the inhabitants of this country, why don't we see them?

    Kapitoshka. The inhabitants of this country are droplets like me, and together they form the water that you have in your basins.

    Educator. Guys, let's say hello to the droplets. Kapitoshka says there is a queen in Vodeland. She sent us a letter in which she talks about

    water and its properties. Let's read it: "I can pour, spread ..."

    Let's check. Take a glass of water and pour some onto a plate. Pour water slowly to see how the water spreads. Are you convinced that the water flows and spreads? What color is clear water? White. No, not right. I'll put a piece of white paper next to a glass of water. Is water in a glass different from a white sheet?

    Does the water have a color? The water is clear and colorless.

    Educator. This is another property of water. The next experiment: you have buttons, a mosaic on your table, take them and put them in a glass of milk and in a glass of water. In which glass do we see the buttons and mosaics well? Why do you think? Why do you think these objects are visible in clear water, but not in a glass of milk? What kind of water? That's right, transparent). Whatever object you drop, it will be visible. Dip your finger in a glass of water. Do you see him? Why do you see? What kind of water? And what is the water in the muddy puddles? Transparent? (No. Dirty.) What kind of water is clear? Only clean. Educator. Guys, now the question is: water can boil, hiss and gurgle. When does this happen? (when it is heated). And what heats the water so much that it boils? (the fire). But not only fire. Now we will heat the water with an electric heater. You see, it boils, gurgles, boils, hisses. What is the hot water? Can I get burned? (yes, she's very hot). What else can heat water? (sun, boiler). What is water for? (children give examples from personal experience).

    That's right, a person cannot live a day without water: he cooks food with it, trees, flowers need it, without food he can live a little more than a month, but without water, only a few days. Water is a good friend and helper of man. Water conquers drought, revives deserts, increases

    harvest. It drives turbines in hydroelectric power plants. Mineral spring water has a healing effect. And how pleasant and fun it is to splash in the river, in the sea in summer, how pleasant it is to quench your thirst in the heat! But there is less and less pure water on earth. Factories, factories

    consume a lot of water and pollute it with waste from their production. This kills fish and life in general in the water. Water must be protected, because without it life on earth is impossible.

    Conversation number 2.

    Topic: "Water and its transformations."

    Water fills streams and rivers, ponds and lakes, seas and oceans. There is water in the soil and underground, where underground rivers and streams run.

    Clouds and clouds, fogs and rains, snowflakes and icicles, ice and snowdrifts, dew, frost, winter patterns on glass - this is also water!

    People, animals and plants cannot live without water.

    Conversation number 3.

    Theme : “Does water have a color? And the smell? "

    The water is clear, colorless and odorless.

    Let's imagine the autumn season. A fine, cold rain is drizzling. The ground is covered with a damp, brown leaf, puddles glisten on the paths, trees and shrubs rustle sadly with their bare, dark branches. And the next morning everything changed, it became bright and festive! The first snow fell at night, the frost glazed the puddles with thin, fragile ice.

    Snow and ice are also water, only in a solid state. When the thermometer drops to zero or below, the water turns into ice. Very small pieces of ice are formed high in the clouds, where they grow and, turning into snowflakes, fall to the ground.

    Conversation number 4.

    Theme: "Do you remember what snowflakes look like?"

    Do you remember what a snowflake looks like?

    It is light, fluffy, carved. Ice thin rays emanating from the center of the snowflake are decorated with small needles. The shape and size of snowflakes depend on the air temperature. In severe frosts, the snow becomes loose, creaks underfoot - fragile snowflakes break!

    On frosty days, snowflakes are sparkling, layered, sometimes similar to small grains. And when there is no frost, the snowflakes stick together - they become large, like snow-white bird fluff. Snow on such days becomes soft and sticky. You can make a snowman or funny forest animals from it.

    Conversation number 5.

    Topic: "What happens to the snow if the sun warms up?"

    In winter and early spring, a long icy fringe of icicles hangs from the sunny side of the rooftops. In the afternoon, when the sun warms up, the icicles melt, the drops ring. And in the evening the icicles freeze again.

    In spring the air gets warmer and the snow melts. Spring streams are running and murmuring along the roads. Ice begins to move on rivers and canals. Large ice floes break with a crash and set off and swim, melt water floods the meadows and lowlands.

    Conversation number 6.

    Topic: "Do you think people could live without water"?

    Correctly! We need water for drinking, it is difficult for a person to live even for several hours without it. Let's remember together what people use water for.

    Waking up in the morning, we first of all wash and brush our teeth. This means we need clean water. Without water, you can't cook dinner, you can't wash the clothes, you can't put things in order in the house. Without water, you can't clean city streets, you can't wash cars. And how much water is consumed by factories and factories that produce the required products!

    You can say, “There is a lot of water on the earth. It's enough for everyone! "

    This is how it is, but people, animals, and plants also need clean water. All living things suffer from dirty water: plants on the banks of rivers and lakes dry up, birds die, animals and people get sick.

    It is necessary to protect trees and shrubs growing along the banks of rivers and lakes, because they protect reservoirs from drying out, protect springs, carefully use tap water, and not waste it.


    № 1. Observing the formation of icicles, drops. Walking around the area with children, note on which side of the house the icicles are formed. Why? Read to the children a poem by S. Marshak: "The sun goes higher in March, its rays are hot ...".

    № 2. Tell children that in spring the sun warms more, snow and ice melt. Draw the attention of children to thawed patches, to black craters near large trees. To make a riddle about snow: "In the winter I lay in the field, and in the spring I ran into the river."

    № 3 ... Observation of the work of adults: the janitors on the sidewalks chop off the snow, it is taken away in cars. Read V. Shoshin's poem to the children: "The janitor shovels snow from the door with a big shovel ..."

    № 4. Sparrow observation. He chirps loudly, swims in a puddle. Read a poem by I. Tokmakova: "Spring is marching towards us with rapid steps ...".

    № 5. Observing houseplants. Remind children that plants need water and light, that they need to be looked after: water, wipe the leaves, spray.

    № 6. Observing the weather. Watching falling sleet. Snowflakes are heavy, do not whirl in the air, but quickly fall to the ground and melt. Read to the children a poem by E. Trutneva: "The last snowflakes are flying ...".

    № 7. Observation of the melting colored pieces of ice that were previously posted on the site. Why are they melting? What color are the droplets?

    № 8. Observation of snow melting, the appearance of the first spring thawed patches. Walking around the area with children, mark where the snow and ice melt faster - in the sun or in the shade, why?

    № 19. Draw the attention of children to the formation of puddles and streams on the site. Organize games with boats, paper boats, nutshells.

    № 10. Observe the streams: where they originate, where they flow slowly, where they quickly, why the muddy water is obtained, what is in it. Collect water and put it in a corner of nature to observe the sediment.

    Experience No. 1

    Purpose: to teach to determine the temperature qualities of substances and objects

    Materials: containers with water of different temperatures, a bath.

    Children examine containers of water. An adult offers to choose water for washing the doll, finds out what kind of water can be (hot, cold, warm); what water is needed for washing (it is unpleasant to wash your face with cold water, hot - you can get burned, you must choose warm water); how to determine what kind of water is in the buckets (not touch the water, but the containers; carefully, not putting your hand on the bucket for a long time so as not to burn yourself). Together with the children, the adult finds out why the containers have different temperatures (the water in them is of different temperatures, so they are heated in different ways). Children pour warm water into the tub and bathe the doll. An adult asks the children where to get more warm water if it is not enough (pour it into a basin cold water and add hot). Children bathe dolls, observe changes in water. After bathing, they check the temperature of the containers in which there was water: it is the same, since the containers cooled quickly without water. The adult discusses this with the children.

    Experience number 2

    "Coloring water".

    Goal: properties of water. Some substances dissolve in water. The more this substance is revealed, the more intense the color.

    Materials: Cups of water, yellow and black paints, brushes, napkins, a kinder toy - a surprise.

    An adult and children look at a kinder toy in the water - a surprise, find out why it is clearly visible (the water is clear). Next, they figure out how to color the water (add paint). An adult suggests dyeing the cups of water themselves. Next, the children immerse the toy in a glass of yellow water. The toy is visible, but not completely. Then the children put the toy in the glass.

    with black water - the toy is not visible.

    Conclusion:in black water, the toy is not at all visible, but in yellow water it is slightly visible.

    Experience number 3

    Some substances dissolve in water, and some do not.

    Take two glasses of water. Put ordinary sand in one of them, and let them try to stir it. Pour granulated sugar into the other and stir it. What happened? In which glass did the sand dissolve? Remind the children that they are constantly

    stir sugar in tea. If it did not dissolve, then people would drink unsweetened tea.

    Experience No. 4

    The wind walks along the sea.

    Goal:Detect air.

    Materials: a basin of water, a paper boat.

    The teacher lowers the boat into the water, blows on it with different strengths. Children watch the movement of the boat. Find out why the boat is sailing, what pushes it (breeze). Then the competition "Whose boat will reach the other end faster" is held. The adult discusses with the children how to blow to make the boat sail faster and longer. Then the adult asks the children why there are no air bubbles when we blow on the boat.

    Conclusion:bubbles are formed if air is "blown in", and then it rises from the water to the surface.

    Experience number 5.

    "Storm in a glass"

    Children are encouraged to put a straw in a glass of water and blow into it. What happens? (It turns out a storm in a glass). Invite the children to blow more forcefully on the straw. Check what happens - the foam will increase.

    Experience number 6.

    The water has no smell.

    Invite the children to smell the water and ask what it smells like or doesn't smell at all. Make sure there is no smell. Emphasize that the tap water smells as it is purified with special substances so that it is safe for our health.

    Experience number 7.

    The water is clear.

    There are glasses of milk and clean water in front of the children. Measuring spoons or sticks are placed in both glasses.

    In which glass are they visible and in which not? Asking why we see a stick in a glass of water, but not with milk?

    Conclusion:the water is clear, but the milk is not.

    Experience number 8.

    Making colored pieces of ice.

    Goal:Fix the property of water, ice; develop creative imagination.

    Materials: tinted water, ice molds.

    Together with the children, make a "treasure" that the pirates will find.

    Pour the tinted water into molds and take out into the frost

    After a while, see what happened to the water (not frozen). Asking why the water is frozen?

    Conclusion: water can be not only liquid, but also solid.

    Experience number 9.

    "Sinking - not sinking"

    We take a container of water, lower objects from different material... We observe which objects are sinking, which ones to stick to the surface.

    Conclusion: the heavy ones sink, the lungs remain on the surface.

    Nursery rhymes.

    Rain, rain, more

    The grass will be thicker.

    Rain, rain, harder,

    You are our vegetable garden of fields.


    Water, water,

    Wash my face

    To make the eyes shine

    To make your cheeks turn red

    So that the mouth laughs,

    To bite a tooth. (Sotnikova)


    Brook, brook

    You, like a thread, go.

    Sand glistens under you

    You are cheerful, though not deep.


    Enough, little white snow,

    Lie on thawed ground!

    Time, little white snow,

    Time to melt - to disappear

    To drain into the valley,

    To feed the earth with cheese.

    Clouds, clouds

    Run into the bunch!

    Cover the sun

    Let the earth rain!

    Rainbow is an arc

    Don't let it rain!

    Come on sunshine -


    Rain, rain, more fun

    Drip, drip, do not regret!

    Don't get us wet!

    In vain, don't knock on the window -

    Splash in the forest more:

    The grass will become thicker!

    Bunny gray washes,

    Apparently going to visit.

    I washed my nose, washed my mouth,

    I washed my ear, wiped it dry.

    Okay, okay,

    Cheerful palms

    Okay, okay,

    Voiced pops.

    The eyes of the guys are burning

    Splashes fly to the sides!


    Grouse chicken, where did you go?

    To the river.

    The chicken is a hazel grouse, what did you go for?

    For some water?

    Chicken - hazel grouse, why do you need some water?

    Chickens to drink.

    A chicken is a hazel grouse, how are chickens asked to drink?

    Pi - pi - pi - pi - pi!


    Oh, frets, frets, frets! (clap their hands)

    We are not afraid of water! (spread their arms to the sides)

    We wash cleanly - like this! (imitate washing)

    We smile at mom - like this! (lower their hands, smile)


    Inhabits the seas and rivers,

    But it often flies across the sky.

    And how bored she is with flying

    Falls to the ground again. (Water.)

    Lollipops on the cornice

    Silvery teeth.

    From them from the sun on the asphalt

    The droplets gurgled.

    They say you can't suck them

    And the name is ... (Icicles.)

    A white star fell from the sky

    It fell on my palm ... and disappeared. (Snowflake.)

    Runs in summer, sleeps in winter,

    Spring came and ran again. (River.)

    The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life,

    The day arrives when is it? (In the spring.)

    In the morning, the beads sparkled

    We plugged all the grass with ourselves.

    And let's go look for them during the day

    We are looking, we are looking, we will not find. (Dew.)

    The bull is running

    Golden horn,

    Runs, murmurs. (Stream.)

    Weighs outside the window

    Ice bag.

    It is full of drops

    And it smells like spring. (Icicle)

    I lay all winter

    In the spring he fled into the river. (Snow)

    Yashka came - white shirt,

    Where he runs, he carpeted. (Snow)

    No legs, but walking

    No eyes, but crying. (Cloud)

    What flows

    Doesn't it stop? (Water)

    What runs without legs? (Water)

    Thin, long, but will sit down -

    Not to be seen in the grass. (Rain)

    Walked lanky

    I'm stuck in the damp earth. (Rain)

    Falls to the ground

    Does not fly off the ground. (Rain)

    Goes without legs, sleeves -

    No hands, no mouth - no speech. (River

    Physical education number 1.


    The rain sings a song : (Children shake their fingers freely)

    Cap, drop ...

    Only who will understand it - (They spread their arms to the sides in bewilderment.)

    Neither I nor you will understand (They point to themselves, to their neighbor.)

    But the flowers will understand (They point with their fingers how the flowers bloom.)

    And spring foliage, ( Keeping your hands in front of you.)

    And green grass ... (Squatting, arms spread apart, wiggling fingers, as if stroking grass.)

    The grain understands best of all: ( They show how they hold grain in their hands.)

    It will begin to sprout. (They make serpentine movements with their hands from the bottom up.)

    Physical education number 2


    Children sit on the carpet around the neighborhood and recite a poetic text in chorus, accompanying it with a pantomime.

    A boat is sailing along the river

    (They fold their palms in a boat and show how the boat sways on the waves)

    He floats from afar.

    (The "boats" move like a snake in the direction from the chest forward.)

    There are four

    A very brave sailor.

    (Children show four fingers by bending their thumb).

    They have ears on top of their heads

    (They put their hands on the head, depicting ears.)

    They have long tails

    (They run their hand along the imaginary tail.)

    And only cats are afraid of them

    Only cats and cats.

    (Make a scraping motion with your hands on the carpet.)

    Coordination of words with movement.

    Spring walks towards us With fast steps, And the snowdrifts melt, Under her feet.

    No. 1 "Spring".

    (They go in a circle.)

    (They speed up the steps.)

    (They walk, raising their legs high.)

    Black thawed patches, Visible in the fields. It can be seen very warm Legs in the spring.

    (They squat, knock on the floor with their hands.)(Go in a circle

    "Water - water" (2 younger group)


    Panasenko S. N

    MBDOU d / s OV No. 8

    Abstract of the GCD for experimental activity "Water - water" (2 younger group)


    To acquaint children with some of the properties of water;

    To develop an analyzing perception of objects of inanimate nature;

    Develop creative imagination, the ability to conduct simple experiments;

    Develop curiosity, cognitive interest in the process of experimenting with fluids.


    Develop attention and visual - effective thinking;

    Foster interest and good feelings for the world around you;

    Develop curiosity, speech;

    Educate respect to the water.

    Vocabulary work: water, liquid, colorless, tasteless, transparent, experience.

    Materials and equipment: glasses with water, glasses with milk and juice (for each child), small spoons, straws for a cocktail, stones, game character - Pinocchio.

    GCD move.

    Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:

    She is in the lake

    She is in a puddle

    She is in the teapot

    We are boiling.

    She is in the river

    Runs, murmurs. (Water)

    Educator: Today we will learn more about water; Let's get to know her better, and Pinocchio will help us.

    Buratino: Hello guys! What do you think we need water for?

    Children: People drink water;

    Cook food;

    Wash dirty fruits and vegetables;

    Every day they wash their hands and face;

    Water the plants so as not to dry out;

    Water is needed by fish and other inhabitants of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans;

    People wash away dirt from furniture, wash dishes, wash clothes.

    Educator: Today you and Buratino and I turn into researchers and learn about what water is, its properties. You are ready? Then let's go!

    (Children go to tables and put on aprons)

    Experience 1: "Water - liquid".

    Give the children two glasses: one with water, the other empty. Offer to gently pour water from one to the other.

    Educator: What happens to the water?

    Children: She is pouring.

    Educator: Why is it pouring? The water flows because it is liquid. So what kind of water? (Liquid)

    Conclusion: Since water is liquid, it can flow, it is called liquid.

    https://pandia.ru/text/80/219/images/image002_107.jpg "width \u003d" 359 "height \u003d" 202 "\u003e

    Experience 3: "The water is clear" There are two glasses in front of the children: one with water, the other with milk. Put spoons in both cups. In which of the cups is the spoon visible and in which not? Why?

    Children: Before us is milk and water, in a glass of water we see a spoon, but in a glass of milk - not.

    Pinocchio: what happens if you put stones in water and milk? I think the stones will be visible both in water and in milk. (Children's reasoning).

    Educator: Guys, let's conduct an experiment with pebbles and see who is right - you or Buratino (children put pebbles in water and milk). You see, you guys are right. Tell Buratino what kind of water? (transparent).

    Conclusion: clear water - you can see everything through it, but not through milk.

    Experience 4: "Water has no smell."

    Pinocchio: Guys, smell the water and tell me what it smells like? (Children's answers). Smell the water and juice, compare the smell of juice and water (water is odorless and juice is odorless).

    Educator: Children, what does the water smell like? Doesn't smell right at all. Pure water is odorless.

    Conclusion: the water has no smell.

    https://pandia.ru/text/80/219/images/image005_54.jpg "width \u003d" 336 "height \u003d" 188 "\u003e

    Pinocchio: Thank you guys for interesting experiences. Now I know that the water is clear, tasteless and odorless. Bye! Until next time!

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