• Scenario of the holiday sweet new year. Scenario "new year in a sweet fairyland". Sounds like magic music


    Natalia Klinushkova
    Journey to sweet country script New Year's party. Middle group.

    Journey to Sweet Country.

    middle group.

    kids under New Year's song enter the hall are dancing.

    Vedas. What a miracle in our hall!

    It's like we're in a fairy tale:

    There is a Christmas tree in the hall, everything sparkles and glitters.

    That's the Christmas tree, the green needle!

    Christmas tree beauty! Do you guys like it?

    (Children answer.)

    1st reb. Our tree is just amazing!

    How elegant! How beautiful!

    High - amazing!

    Good - look out!

    2nd reb. Christmas tree-beauty, green branches,

    And gilded beads sway on them.

    3rd reb. And there are no lights on the Christmas tree - why is that?

    Today we need a bright light for fun!

    Vedas. green beauty, light the lights!

    The boys shout together "Shine Christmas tree!"

    (Children do.)

    Nothing works out

    The lights don't light up!

    Come on girls and boys

    We threaten the Christmas tree with a finger,

    (Children do.)

    And now we all clap

    (Clap hands.)

    And let's all stomp our feet. (Stomp.)

    You must have been joking

    Do kinder eyes,

    It is necessary to say the words

    To not dare to refuse!

    Vedas. Ah, the beautiful Christmas tree!

    Ah, everyone loves the Christmas tree!

    Please turn on the lights

    On the New Year's dress.

    We will caress you tenderly (stroking)

    Let's blow a light breeze (blowing)

    And we'll sing a song for you.

    Song "Christmas Tree" sl. I. Chernitskaya, music. T. Popatenko

    Christmas tree. Here, it's a completely different matter!

    All my soul sang!

    Ready for the holidays now!

    I fulfill your request

    I turn on my lights! (Lights come on.)

    Vedas. (claps hands, children support):

    It worked out, it worked out

    Our tree is lit up!

    We will sing and play

    Dancing near the Christmas tree.

    KHOROVOD "HAPPY NEW YEAR" sl. M. Lapisova, music by E. Zharkovskiy

    Vedas. Wizard Frost comes to us for a holiday,

    Fun, he brings gifts to children.

    We want to know Santa Claus secret:

    Where do you get so many delicious sweets from?

    Christmas tree. Far to the north is sweet country.

    There, instead of snow - gingerbread, cookies, marshmallow.

    There are candy houses, marmalade trees,

    There are sugar bunnies and chocolate bears,

    There Grandfather Frost collects gifts all year round,

    Princess Caramel helps him there.

    Vedas. Let's go, friends, to a caramel fairy tale!

    There we will rush on a fast sleigh!

    We will walk along the winter paths

    And in sweet then the kingdom will fall.

    Music children ride around the Christmas tree on a sled.

    Vedas. Very, very fast,

    Where are we with you?

    Reb. To the meadow, to the meadow

    Quietly the snow is falling.

    The snowflakes have fallen

    White fluffs.

    song-dance "Oh, fly, fly snowflakes"

    Vedas. We visited the meadow

    But there were no sweets!

    We sit down in the sleigh again,

    Let's have fun running down the hill.

    Children "sit in the sled", "go" sitting to the music.

    Vedas. We rode on sleds

    AT sweet fairy tale found themselves,

    Princess Caramel lives here

    It has been waiting for us for a long time.

    Princess Caramel comes out to the music.

    Caramel. Hello my friends!

    I'm happy for sweet tooth.

    I hasten to welcome dear guests

    In the kingdom of miracles and sweets!

    In my kingdom, there is no counting of good,

    Whatever you want - everything is there!

    Very tasty marmalade

    Gentle, sweet chocolate,

    Waffles and cookies, jams and preserves.

    Do you want to see my sweet friends?

    (Children answer.)

    Then help me quickly.

    (claps hands): One two Three!

    And where are my girlfriends, candy-laughers?

    Hurry to the Christmas tree, cheer the children!

    Come out "Candy Girls".

    1st Candy. We are mischievous sweets, tasty and sweet.

    Look at us - how smart we are.

    2nd candy. Can't be without sweets new year's eve ,

    To take us as a gift - we dream very much!

    3 Candy. Caramels, marmalade, lollipops and chocolate,

    We are standing at the Christmas tree, rustling with candy wrappers.

    4th candy. We, Sweets, in the New Year

    The people came to cheer.

    Aren't we good?

    Here we dance from the heart.

    "Candy Dance".

    Vedas. What kind sweet girlfriends!

    We need these as gifts!

    "Candy" sit down.

    Vedas. Oh look, run away! Only fanfiction remains...

    "Dance of the Wrappers".

    Vedas. Dear Caramel, we have for you question:

    Where did the good Grandfather Frost linger with his granddaughter Snegurochka for so long?

    Caramel. I put gifts in a bag, and then dressed up,

    And in the garden by the Christmas tree, the guys have been waiting for a long time.

    Vedas. What to do? How can we be?

    How can we return Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden to a fairy tale?

    Caramel. I'll tell you a secret guys:

    We need to call the musicians,

    Let them take the tools

    And Santa Claus will be called here!

    Vedas. We have talents, miracle - musicians!

    Caramel. Here come the sugar bunnies

    They run to our Christmas tree.

    chocolate bears

    Not one step behind.

    I really, really want

    chocolate bears

    Help in the New Year

    Girls and boys.

    "Dance of Chocolate Bears and Sugar Bunnies".

    Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden enters to the music.

    Father Frost. Oh ho ho ho ho…

    Finding you was not easy!

    To you in the morning Kindergarten came

    And they found a Christmas tree in the hall.

    But the grandfather's children did not wait,

    On a sled to sweets sped off.

    We followed you -

    And so we found you, friends!

    Hello! Everyone - good evening!

    We are very glad to meet you!

    Snow Maiden:

    Everyone has changed today.

    Look how the kids are dressed up!

    Marmalade sweets, chocolate bears,

    Sugar bunnies, mint caramels.

    Spin around, spin around

    Show yourself to Frost! (Children spin around.)

    presenter: Good Grandfather Frost, we have been waiting for you.

    They dreamed of singing a song by the Christmas tree for you.

    Song "Father Frost" sl. E. Nemirovsky, music V. Gerchik

    Father Frost. If I'm so good

    Put all your hands up

    But first for beauty

    I'll freeze everyone's noses!

    Vedas. Very fond of Santa Claus

    Pinch the kids on the nose!

    The game "I'll freeze!"

    Vedas. Santa Claus, dance

    Show your prowess!

    Stomp your feet harder

    Hit your hands more fun!

    Father Frost. Hey guys, what are you hiding?

    I love to dance very much!

    Only you help me

    Yes, dance with me. Granddaughter, help us dance!

    Performing "Dance with Santa Claus".

    Father Frost. Beware, friends!

    I'll catch up with you now!

    (Children run to chairs in the hall.)

    Vedas. Now let's sit down quietly

    It's time, children, to rest,

    And under the elegant Christmas tree

    Children read poetry.

    1st reb. Mother El to daughter Yolka

    Combed all the needles

    Bought fashionable shoes

    The dress is brand new!

    I dressed up my daughter Yolka,

    She patted her bangs with a branch:

    “Get in the garden with the guys!

    The children will be very happy!

    2nd reb. Get on the road, baby

    Don't forget the decorations!

    AT new dress amazing

    You will look beautiful!”

    3rd reb. The Christmas tree ran into the garden,

    There are many guests and children!

    She brushed off the branches, got up,

    Here is the beginning of the holiday!

    4th reb. New Year is very sweet,

    It's made from chocolate

    And from different sweets,

    New Year's joys.

    Just what is the question:

    Where does Santa Claus take them?

    Father Frost. Hey guys, girls and boys!

    How amused, gifts deserved.

    Caramel, hurry up, kids are waiting for gifts!

    (Caramel leaves behind the bag.)

    Snow Maiden: Relax grandpa,

    And I, for the mind, will start charging.

    I'll tell you a secret guys:

    I have riddles for you

    Sweet pleasant, understandable to children.

    The Snow Maiden is thinking « Sweet riddles» :

    I am Tula, mint,

    Chocolate and printed.

    I'm not a bun and not a mannik,

    They call me… (gingerbread)

    There is such a wonderful house

    Children settled in it.

    So similar to each other

    colorful girlfriends

    And their fellow brothers -

    Caramel… (Lollipops)

    In bright bright dresses

    We are always happy to surprise

    All marmalade filling

    And walnut fondant

    And also with snow cherries,

    And with a crispy waffle tender.

    Children love everything

    Chocolate… (Candies)

    It's tile, but not in the bathroom

    Not a candy though sweet,

    Here without any deceit:

    It's simple… (Chocolate)

    Caramel pulls out a sack from which champing is heard.

    Caramel. Father Frost! Do you hear it?

    Someone is eating your candy.

    Who is in your bag?

    Who rustles with wrappers?

    Comic soundtrack of laughter, the Presenter approaches the Caramel.

    Snow Maiden: Candy, toys messed up in the bag? (Looks into the bag.)

    Yes, there settled sweet-sly-cunning!

    She is a great friend of all candies.

    She loves cookies, sweets,

    More chocolate, marmalade and rolls.

    And he loves jam with semolina.

    And ate gifts at your holiday.

    There was only one pillow left in the bag.

    (Pulls out pillow).

    Such a glutton sweet-cunning!

    Father Frost. Not get upset, kids,

    I'll treat you all to candy.

    I just need a pot.

    Vedas. We have one trick!

    (Brings out "pot-cunning".)

    Caramel, Snow Maiden, do not yawn, help Santa Claus!

    Caramel and Snow Maiden serve Santa Claus what he calls.

    Father Frost. I will put smiles in it, (collects from children

    Candy wrappers, candy wrappers from a basket)

    Cookie- "fish", (cookies in a bag)

    I'll add some snowballs...

    Mix it all up with a spoon (bring a spoon to Santa Claus)

    And mess around a little. ( "conjures")

    Phonogram hissing, gurgling.

    Vedas. (peeks): Yes!

    All the wrappers are cooked -

    And they turned into gifts.

    Father Frost. Get, kids, magic candy!

    He takes out a gift, treats the children.

    Gifts for children are handed out from a large candy.

    Vedas. What a beauty! What a deliciousness!

    We will say thank you to our cunning!

    Children. Thank you!

    Vedas. It's time, it's time to go back

    And the sledges have been waiting for us for a long time.

    Goodbye Caramel

    Goodbye, Santa Claus!

    Children "leave" from the hall. Caramel and Santa Claus are waving after.

    Scenario New Year's Eve

    Snow Maiden
    Father Frost
    Princess Slastena - a capricious girl who loves sweets
    Expensive candy - court lady
    Toffee Kisska -2 court lady
    Rum Baba - babysitter
    Miss Bubblegum - foreign guest
    Landrin the Jester

    Appears Landrin - jester.
    Landrin-jester: Very often they say:
    Kids love marmalade
    Chocolate candies,
    Also important clues
    Cakes, puffs and cookies,
    Cream, homemade jam
    And crunchy nuts
    They are just sweet!
    Our Christmas story about one Princess with a sweet tooth who wanted to cancel the New Year. Even her favorite sweets escaped from her. Whether it succeeds or not, it all depends on you and me. How will we play and have fun. Do you agree? Then the fairy tale begins!
    Candy dance on stage. Representation of candy characters.
    DANCE "Colored Yeast"
    Miss Bubblegum: I wear different clothes,
    But inside I, as before:
    Toffee Kisska: Caramel,
    Expensive candy: Chocolate,
    Butterscotch Kissica: And condensed, marmalade.
    Rum Baba: And with raisins and nuts,
    Expensive candy: Together with cream, mixed ...
    Miss Bubblegum: Children all over the world know
    There is no tastier me in the world!
    Toffee Pussy: Expand, look,
    And immediately put me in your mouth.
    Rum Baba: There is certainly no secret here.
    Two candies together: What's my name?
    Children: CANDY!
    Princess Sweetie appears, chasing candies, trying to catch them. Candies and sweets run away from her.

    SONG "Princess Sweets"
    The jester appears - Landrin.

    Landrin. Please, friends, to our castle,
    You are waiting here!
    Fool courtier I -
    Landrin is a brainless buffoon!
    And this - (points to the throne of gingerbread)
    My sweet lady...
    Sweetheart (from the throne) Get out! (to the guys)
    I invited you to the ball.
    My Majesty.
    My Highness -
    Sweet first,
    Give honors!
    Landrin. We give, we give, we give!
    (aside) Nobody took them!
    Applause, applause, applause!
    (everyone applauds)
    Sweet. Landrin, ask the guests what they prefer: “New Year without gifts or gifts without New Year?”
    Landrin. Sweetie, it's not a fair question
    Our children have come...
    Sweet. I'll bite your nose!
    We invited the children here specifically -
    They exchanged the New Year for sweets!
    And this stupid old man Frost let him go and look for them! (to the guys) Well, why don't you jump for joy, have a sweet tooth and are sweet? Jump, jump! In my castle of sweetness all year round live.
    There are court ladies - sweets,
    mint gingerbread,
    And in a pink tutu
    Came to us for a few days
    Foreign guest - Chewing gum!
    And how I love them all!
    I just can't live without them!
    I'm salivating when I think about them!
    Landrin (to the guys, aside) From this love, all her teeth fell out! Let's eat us! And, mind you, we do not feel sorry, but we must know the measure, but she does not want to share with anyone, she sharpens an iron tooth on all of us. Now Santa Claus, without gifts and without you guys, wanders alone in the forest.
    Sweet. Hey Landrin, what are you whispering? Bring me better my courtiers, delicious ladies. (Landrin runs away) For a very long time there was nothing sweet in my mouth. Who should I start with? With ... (I forgot the name). I don't remember what they are called. Guys, dear, help me remember the name of sweets. (plays a game)
    GAME "Guess the sweets"
    Landrin. There are none, princess. I've searched all the floors. To no avail - there is not a soul there.
    Sweetheart (stomping feet, screaming)
    What a disgrace! What a scandal!
    I'm canceling Sweet Ball!
    Find and return
    Runaways all by morning!
    And then the whole landrin
    I'll break off the cap!
    Serve a bed of candy wrappers -
    I'll go to bed without sweets today!
    Princess Sweetheart flops into a chair. Landrin brings rustling blankets and covers her up and takes her away.
    Landrin. (pinches off a gingerbread from the throne, chews)
    What should I do -
    I won't put my mind to it.
    What will I report to the princess tomorrow? (takes off cap)
    Well, cap, are you ringing in vain?
    You think brother

    Chewing gum. Too early. Of course, there is a Christmas tree - it's okay. But she's kind of not very sweet, ah um sorry. Let's sweeten it? OK?
    Candy. We are all for the sweet Christmas tree
    Save the toy
    Not an easy toy
    Not a ball, not a cracker.
    Toffee. Not beads, not cones,
    Baba. Not a hare and not a bear ...
    All. For our sweet Christmas tree
    We have no regrets!
    Candy. We invited you to a sweet Christmas tree ..
    Baba. And the wolf was not asked to come here ...
    Toffee. Not b

    "New Year in Sweet Fairyland"

    New Year's holiday for children of middle groups.

    MADOU d / s No. 78

    Musical director

    Batanova Olga Viktorovna


    Characters: Adults: Presenter, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Princess Caramel, Chupa Chups

    Children: Sweets - girls, sugar bunnies, chocolate bears, cockerel lollipops - boys

    Props: Christmas tree, shiny basket, candy wrappers, Caramel Palace, big bottomless bag, musical instruments, small candy, big candy, gifts.

    The hall is decorated with multi-colored lanterns, garlands of sweets. There is a tree in the center of the hall.

    Cheerful music sounds (song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, music by L. Beckman, lyrics by R. Kudashev), the children enter the hall.


    What a miracle in our hall!

    As if we were in a fairy tale:

    There is a Christmas tree in the hall, everything sparkles and glitters.

    That's the Christmas tree, the green needle!

    Christmas tree beauty! Do you guys like it?

    1st child:

    Our tree is just amazing!

    How elegant! How beautiful!

    High - amazing!

    Good - look out!

    2nd child:

    Christmas tree-beauty, green branches,

    And gilded beads sway on them.

    1st leader.

    A wonderful winter brought us a holiday,

    The green Christmas tree came to the guys.

    She was dressed up, toys were hung,

    Everyone will have a lot of fun at the Christmas tree!

    Round dance “Oh, snowflakes are flying” r.n.m. ( around the tree)


    Happy New Year

    And I invite all the children to dance

    New Year's dance choreographer

    the children sat on chairs.


    Happy New Year

    We wish you all good health!

    I hear the ringing of bells,

    Someone is visiting us.

    That's right, Santa Claus is standing at the entrance.

    Shakes off the snow from the hat.

    Let's shout loudly and call Santa Claus.

    Children call Santa Claus Voices are heard from behind the door: “Au-u-u-u!”

    To the music of the song "Snowstorm" (music by N. Potolovsky)

    Father Frost and the Snow Maiden enter the hall.


    Hello, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

    Father Frost:

    Hello kids!

    Girls and boys!

    How many people are in the hall!

    A glorious holiday will be here.

    So they told me right

    What is waiting for me here?

    Snow Maiden:

    Happy New Year

    We wish you all good health!


    Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, our guys have been waiting for you.

    Songs and dances were taught for the holiday.

    Father Frost:

    I love to sing songs. I ask you to stand in a circle, sing a song.

    Children perform the song "Santa Claus" music. Vitlin.

    Father Frost:

    I am a cheerful Santa Claus.

    I walked towards you for a long time past pines and birches.

    I love kids, I love funny laughter

    I love to play with kids

    The game "And it's cold outside."

    Snow Maiden:

    Santa Claus was playing with the children, look. You lost your mitt.


    Or this glove?

    Father Frost:


    The game "Catch the mitten."

    Father Frost:

    Oh, finally got her.


    New Year is very sweet

    It's made from chocolate

    And from various sweets,

    New Year's joys.

    Only here is the question:

    Where does Santa Claus take them?


    Grandfather Frost, do you always come to the guys for a holiday with sweet gifts?

    Father Frost: Yes.


    Tell us a secret, tell us where you get these gifts?

    Father Frost:

    Are you interested?

    The children answer.

    Then sit down and listen...

    Father Frost:

    Far to the north is the Sweet Country.

    There, instead of snow - gingerbread, cookies, marshmallow.

    There are candy houses, marmalade trees,

    There are sugar bunnies and chocolate bears,

    I collect gifts there all year round,

    Princess Caramel helps me there.

    But this country is not simple, but magical.

    All sweets, cookies, waffles and gingerbreads are talking there.

    They are very much looking forward to being put into colorful boxes.

    And they will take it to the children for the New Year.


    Is that possible?

    Father Frost:


    No, Santa Claus, we don't believe you. Today is the New Year, make sure that all the guys get into a fabulous candy country. Well, at least fifteen minutes. (Turns to the children.) Do you really want to?

    Father Frost:

    Well, in the New Year, as you know, all wishes come true. Now we will go with you to my sweet fairy tale.

    The magic begins. To my sweet country we go

    Magical music sounds.

    Father Frost: Close your eyes, and I will conjure.

    howl blizzard

    Father Frost:

    Do you hear, blizzard?

    Do you hear snow?

    Take us all, all, all.

    You carry us to the Candy sweet country,

    Drop near the tree. Let's go children with you to the sweet caramel country.

    The light goes out. Children holding flashlights

    Take hold of your hands tightly and look out of the way, don’t get lost, follow me.

    Music sounds. K. Khachaturian sl. G. Sapgir "Song of Chocolates" from the film "Sweet Tale" The lights go out Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden lead the children go to the palace with a snake, first in front of the Christmas tree, then leads the children to the palace .. Father Frost:

    Check out this sweet sugar palace.

    Princess Caramel lives in it.

    Lanterns are lit in the palace.

    With your sweet friends.

    Before I knock on the palace

    You sit down after a long journey to rest,

    Children sit on chairs.

    Santa Claus comes to the palace and knocks.

    Father Frost:

    Who lives in the palace, show yourself on the porch

    Princess Caramel dances to the music

    The music stops. Princess Caramel leaves the palace in the middle of the hall so that the children can see her and be able to consider her.

    Princess Caramel(surprised). Grandfather Frost, why did you return to the sweet land on New Year's Eve? Maybe you forgot the gifts of caramel and chocolates?

    Father Frost. No, Princess Caramel, I haven't forgotten anything.

    I brought the kids here

    Bold cute kids.

    Show them quickly sweet all your friends

    Princess Caramel:

    Hello my friends!

    I'm happy for sweet tooth!

    I hasten to welcome dear guests

    In the kingdom of miracles and sweets.

    I am a caramel princess.

    Caramels live here. But I can’t introduce you to my sweet friends, an overseas guest Chupa-Chups appeared in my kingdom, took all the sweets from me and does not want to share with anyone.

    Yes, here he is, an overseas guest.

    Chupa Chups comes in.

    Dance "Chupa Chups"

    Song "Chupa-Chupsa" music. To Lvov

    Guten morgen gram merci.

    Here I am an overseas guest!

    Elegant and beautiful

    I lean on a cane

    I always say "OK"

    I will be surprised to call out "Oops"

    I want to hit the kids

    I'm a great lollipop"

    Princess Caramel:

    You are really good.

    Even if it's just a lollipop. But where are my sweets?

    Chupa Chups:

    They fled. Here, only candy wrappers remain.

    Take wrappers, dance with them.

    "Dance-game with Fantiki"

    Princess Caramel:

    You see, Santa Claus, all the sweets have fled from my palace.

    How can we celebrate the New Year?

    Father Frost:

    Don't be upset Princess Caramel. I'm a magician, and now I'll fix everything. I will conjure, I will conjure and I will turn these candy wrappers of our children into sweets. Closed all eyes, I begin to conjure.

    Santa Claus conjures, music sounds. With a wand in his hands, he approaches the girls and turns them into candy.

    Father Frost:

    Look, our children are not children, but delicious and sweet sweets.

    Princess Caramel:

    Oh, really, here they are my sweets. Sweetie girlfriends, come out and show your outfit.

    sweets come out

    1-ya Candy: We are mischievous sweets, tasty and sweet.

    Look at us - how smart we are.

    2-ya Candy: We were wrapped in shiny and bright candy wrappers.

    We tied bows. We are very, very sweet!

    3rd Candy: Caramels, marmalades, chocolates, lollipops.

    We are also a meal, oh, what good fellows!

    4th Candy: There is no New Year's Eve without sweets,

    To take us as a gift - we dream very much!

    5th Candy: Caramel, marmalade, lollipops and chocolate,

    We are standing at the Christmas tree, rustling with candy wrappers.

    6th Candy: We, Sweets, in the New Year

    The people came to cheer.

    Aren't we good?

    Here we dance from the heart.

    Dance "Candy"

    Chupa Chups: Oh, what beautiful sweets,

    I'll catch you all now. And I'll take it with me.


    You catch us first. And then take it!

    The game "Catch up"».

    Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, well done, you pleased us with sweets. And now go crazy and turn our boys into bears and bunnies.

    Santa Claus conjures

    Princess caramel:

    Here come the sugar bunnies

    They run to our Christmas tree

    chocolate bears

    not one step behind

    "Dance of sugar bunnies and chocolate bears."

    Chupa Chups:

    What delicious sugar bunnies and how fragrant chocolate bears!

    I just need these.

    Get into my bag.

    Bunnies and bears climb into the bag. But since the bag is without a bottom, all the bunny boys crawl out of the bag on the other side, rise to their feet and run to their chairs. Chupa-Chups picks up the bag, but the bag is empty.

    Chupa Chups:

    Oh, and where are the bears and hares. There are no rabbits and cubs in the bag. Did I let them in? (He is surprised, feels in the bag, looks at the bag. And he is with a hole) Ah, now everything is clear to me, they ran into the hole. Well, I was left without delicious sugar bunnies and chocolate bears. (disappointed goes behind the Christmas tree)

    Princess Caramel:

    Well, here again dispersed everyone

    Somewhere there were my glorious friends lollipops - cockerels on sticks.

    They are also very good at dancing.

    "Dance of the cockerels". music To Lvov

    Chupa Chups: Chick-chick cockerel caramel lollipops.

    I brought toys for you.

    And the toys are not just musical ones.

    Take toys, play with them

    Yes, cheer up Santa Claus.

    Snow Maiden:

    Santa Claus come out

    Show your prowess!

    Stomp your feet harder

    Hit your hands more fun!

    Father Frost. Hey guys, what are you hiding?

    I love to dance very much!

    Dance of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden orchestra of muses. "Lady" r. n. m.

    Father Frost:

    Oh, friends are tired of dancing!

    And now I will rest and listen to poetry.

    Snow Maiden:

    No, Grandfather Frost, the Christmas tree does not burn for us to rest.

    Father Frost:

    How is it not on fire?

    Snow Maiden:

    I invite you to look at the lights on the Christmas tree or not?

    (Children stood by the Christmas tree)

    3rd child:

    There are no lights on the Christmas tree - why is that?

    Today we need a bright light for fun!

    Father Frost:

    Ay-ya-yay! Here's the mess!

    Green beauty, light the lights!

    The guys together shout "Christmas tree, burn!"

    (Children do.)

    Nothing works out

    The lights don't light up!

    Come on girls and boys

    We threaten the Christmas tree with a finger,

    (Children do.)

    And now we all clap

    (Clap hands.)

    And let's all stomp our feet. (Stomp.)

    Father Frost :

    You probably

    Make your eyes better

    It is necessary to say the words

    To not dare to refuse!

    Snow Maiden: Ah, the beautiful Christmas tree!

    Ah, everyone loves the Christmas tree!

    Please turn on the lights

    On a New Year's dress.

    We will stroke you affectionately (stroking)

    Let's blow a light breeze, (blow)

    And we'll sing a song for you.

    The round dance "Christmas Tree - Forest Aroma" is performed

    Father Frost:

    Here, it's a completely different matter!

    All my soul sang!

    Everything is ready for the holidays!

    I fulfill your request

    I light the fires on the Christmas tree! ( The lights are on.)

    Chupa Chups: (claps hands, children support):

    It worked, it worked!

    The tree is lit up!

    We will sing and play

    To celebrate the New Year near the Christmas tree.

    Snow Maiden:

    Yes, guys, let's sit down quietly,

    It's time to rest now

    And under the elegant Christmas tree

    Children sit down

    1st child:

    Mother El to daughter Yolka

    Combed all the needles

    Bought fashionable shoes

    The dress is brand new!

    I dressed up my daughter Yolka,

    She patted her bangs with a branch:

    “Get in the garden with the guys!

    The children will be very happy!

    2th child:

    Get on the road, baby

    Don't forget the decorations!

    In a new dress for a miracle

    You will look beautiful!”

    3th child:

    The Christmas tree ran into the garden,

    There are many guests and children!

    She brushed off the branches, got up,

    Here is the beginning of the holiday!


    Grandfather. The kids want to play with you.

    Father Frost:

    play? Why not play.

    Are you afraid of frost?

    Beware, beware

    Come on, show me your hands

    Yes, put it behind your back

    Who will I touch

    I will freeze without a joke.

    Presenter:"We'll see this now! Our guys are fast and nimble, it’s not so easy to freeze them!” We play next to the chairs.

    Game "Freeze"

    Rules of the game:

    Participants stand in a circle and stretch their arms forward. Santa Claus stands in the center of the circle and shouts: "I'll freeze! I'll freeze!" tries to catch the outstretched palms of the players, and when Santa Claus approaches, they all remove their hands behind their backs. The caught player Santa Claus scolds a little: "Ai-yay-yay! Santa Claus froze you!"

    Father Frost:

    Oh, well done guys - well played.

    Snow Maiden:

    Santa Claus, do some more magic with your magic wand.

    Father Frost:

    So this is me in a moment. (Looks at the Christmas tree. Finds a candy.)

    Treat you with candy?


    Santa Claus, but she is so small. Not enough for all the kids.

    Father Frost:

    Now I will wave my magic wand and make a big one out of a small candy. But I also need your help guys. Blow harder on the candy. The harder you blow, the bigger the candy will be.

    We blow on candy

    We will conjure together with you.

    You, sweetie, grow

    Bring gifts to everyone.

    (Walks around the Christmas tree and exchanges a small candy for a large one.)

    Look guys, what a big candy it turned out!

    Chupa Chups:

    Oh, what a big candy, I want this candy. Give it to me.

    Father Frost:

    Chupa Chups don't bother us, this candy is for the guys.

    Chupa Chups:

    I want too, give me candy.

    Father Frost:

    No, it's for kids.

    Chupa Chups:

    That one candy is not enough for all the children. You conjure a little and also conjure gifts for all the children.

    Santa Claus conjures at this moment the candy starts to move and runs away, Santa Claus and Chupa-Chups run after her out the door.

    Santa Claus and Chupa Chups are already returning back with a big candy, they are being taken on a sled)

    Father Frost: Oh, somehow caught up.

    Father Frost: Here are the gifts for the guys. Okay, guys, we were in the Sweet Fairyland, but it's time for you to return to kindergarten, and our heroes to the sweet fairytale palace.

    The soundtrack "Snowstorms" sounds

    Guys, close your eyes and in a minute you will be in kindergarten.

    (Children close their eyes.)

    Blizzard pick us all up

    AT kindergarten take it!

    Sounds like magic music Chupa Chups and Caramel go to the palace

    So we returned to our kindergarten.

    Guys, did you like Sweet Fairyland? Here are your gifts. Unfolds a big, big candy there are gifts.

    Distribution of gifts.

    Father Frost: Have you received all the gifts? Guys, did you like Sweet Fairyland? On the next year we will definitely go somewhere else, and now other guys are waiting for me. Our holiday has come to an end. Goodbye (Exits.)

    The holiday ends.

    Batanova Olga Vuktorovna


    scenario new year holiday for kids middle group


    Father Frost

    Snow Maiden

    Queen Caramel

    Boys (part)– chupa chups(satin pants and the same flowers on the head, chupa chups from kinders on a stick wrapped in wrapping paper)

    Boys (part) chocolate bears

    Girls (part of) sugar bunnies

    Girls - candy (hats - candy wrappers)

    Sounds the music of the beginning of the holiday number 2

    The children follow the Leader in a snake through the hall and stand in a circle.


    came to us fun party

    Dreamer, joker, prankster!

    He calls us to a round dance,

    This festival -

    Children:(together) New Year!!!

    1 child:

    Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

    With a song, a Christmas tree, a round dance!

    With beads, crackers,

    New toys!

    2 child:

    How beautiful in our hall,

    We invited guests here.

    All the people have fun -

    We are celebrating the New Year!


    Lots of fun today

    The song is friendly, ring,

    Our Christmas tree is dear,

    Light your fires!

    Children:(together) Our Christmas tree is on fire!

    Herringbone lights up No. 3


    Help me guys

    Answer the question:

    Who's coming to the party now?

    Kind grandfather...

    Children. Freezing!

    3 child:

    Will be with us soon

    Our beloved Santa Claus.

    He won't forget anyone.

    Will bring gifts.


    What is more beautiful in this room?

    What did we decorate together?

    You don't have to think long

    Well, of course it is...

    Children. Christmas tree!

    4 child:

    And in such beautiful dress

    The tree is glowing with happiness!

    Dancing and singing with us

    And celebrates the New Year!


    HOST: Our Christmas tree is amazing and slender and large for everyone.

    Let's sit quietly and look at her from afar.

    Children sit on chairs number 5


    Near the Christmas tree today

    Miracles happen

    You guys listen

    Someone's song is heard!


    Sings, scatters tinsel, dances in a waltz


    Oh so many kids

    Both girls and boys!

    Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

    I hasten to congratulate everyone!

    Let bad weather bypass you

    Let the laughter sound!


    The children all came to the Christmas tree, the guests are here, but here is the question:

    Where does our cheerful roam,

    Good Santa Claus?

    It's time for him to come!

    He stopped on the way.


    Santa Claus, a-y, a-.u-u-u! Hear, I'm calling you-u-u!


    Guys, let's help the Snow Maiden.

    We will call Santa Claus, we will sing a song loudly!

    Children get up in a round dance number 7


    Santa Claus enters at the end of the song


    Hello children and adults!

    Happy New Year,

    I wish you happiness, joy!

    Do not sneeze and do not get sick,

    Good health to have!

    It's fun to laugh at the Christmas tree and don't be afraid of Santa Claus!


    SANTA CLAUS: I will blow slowly - you run lightly,

    Sit down on the chairs, get along with your grandfather. D uet - sit down No. 10


    The guys love the New Year holiday very much, because it is the most sweet holiday! After all, you, Grandpa, always bring sweet gifts!

    But we have a question, where does Santa Claus take gifts? Tell us a secret, tell us where you get so many sweets?


    Of course, in the kingdom of sweets!

    There is a caramel country in the world -

    Houses are built from biscuits.

    From vanilla marshmallows there are flowers,

    The sun shines from a marmalade height.


    There are big mountains of gingerbread.

    Lots of chocolate bears.

    There runs and flows a jelly river,

    And dairy by the river bank.


    No, Santa Claus, we don't believe you.

    Today is the New Year, make sure that all the guys get to the Sweet Land.

    Guys, do you really want to visit the Sweet Country?

    The children answer.


    We would like to live in such a country,

    We want to be friends with candy!


    The plane does not fly to this country, and the train does not go,

    We can get there ONLY in the NEW YEAR!

    Indeed, in the New Year, as you know, all wishes come true.

    We invite all guests to the magical Kingdom of sweets!

    Close all your eyes, and we will go to a SWEET TALE.

    Children close their eyes 11

    turn off the light....


    Do you hear, blizzard? Do you hear snow?

    Take us all, all, all.

    Bring Sweet into the fairy tale, put it down near the Christmas tree.

    The music stops. Turn on garlands.

    SANTA CLAUS: Here we have arrived.

    HOST: It's beautiful, isn't it guys?

    Video clip from the cartoon "Sweet Country" (Video separately)

    SANTA CLAUS: And now we will go to visit the Queen Caramel.

    They pass like a snake and approach the house No. 12


    Look guys, it's a SUGAR HOUSE!

    Princess Caramel lives here and all the sweets in the world.

    I will tell you one secret: Now they will all come to life.

    Sit down, guys, rest, and I will knock on the house.


    Who lives in the Palace, show yourself on the porch!

    Princess KARAMELKA No. 13 comes out of the house


    Santa Claus, tell me, why did you come back?

    Maybe you forgot gifts - caramels, chocolates?


    I brought children here, sweet, nice kids.

    Show them quickly sweet all your friends.


    Hello sweet guests.

    I am Princess Caramel! I'm very happy for you guys

    Look at the outfit - caramels are hanging here.

    (circling, pointing)

    Wanna see my sweet friends?

    I will show you all my friends and tell you about them.

    And about delicious marmalade, delicate sweet chocolate.

    Flavored waffles and mint sweets.

    Interested in candy?

    Sweet sweets, run to me as soon as possible,

    Show your bright wrappers to the guys!



    Every sweet has its own secret

    And the most interesting thing is candy!

    Now listen guys.

    Sweets: (choose verse 4-5)

    We are sweet candies

    Try it - you will be happy

    Though sweet and harmful,

    As people say.

    We were wrapped in candy wrappers

    Shiny and bright.

    We tied bows.

    We are very, very sweet!

    3 .

    I came to the holiday to the children -

    Appetizing candy.

    A bright wrapper is my outfit.

    Oh, I'm afraid they'll eat me!

    We are not simple sweets,

    All wrappers are gold.

    Look at us

    Let's have a fun dance.


    After the dance:

    Sweets: Don't look like that, kids, you girls and boys.

    We're afraid now

    You are all eating us! Am!

    SANTA CLAUS: What delicious sweets!

    I just need candy for the kids.

    Get in my bag...

    CHATTERS (continued) №15



    Everyone in the world loves these wonderful sweets

    With the aroma of orange, chocolate, tangerine

    Wonderful tasting caramel Chupa Chups

    Chupa-Chupsy No. 16 is coming out

    Pick up Chupa Chups

    1 reback:

    New Year, New Year, everyone dances and sings,
    Even sweet candies dance together.
    2 child:

    One, two, three, four, five,
    You need to take a lollipop.
    3 child:

    Let's start the polka dance with lollipop dance!

    Dance "Chupa-Chupsy" No. 17 is performed

    What Chupa-chupsiki are sweet, fragrant .... wow,

    It makes me want to eat you!

    Get in my bag...

    CATCHING (continued) No. 17

    (boys run away from D.M.)


    Princess Caramel, who else will you introduce us to?


    I have girlfriends who are white, sweet,

    And they are called - sugar hares.

    ZINKI No. 18 run out

    I am a sugar hare,

    My tail is very small.

    I have ears

    On the very top.

    They are from cotton candy

    And on the nose - sweets

    And instead of an eye - chocolate.

    Everyone is happy to eat!

    We are all sweet bunnies.

    Beautiful. dressy,

    You lick us in the barrel,

    There will be a sweet tongue.

    CARAMEL: And Our sugar bunnies have friends - Chocolate bears.


    I'm not a simple bear

    All of chocolate

    Get to know me

    All the guys are happy!

    To the Christmas tree for the New Year

    We were in a hurry.

    Look at us all

    How we dressed up!

    They will dance with you from the heart

    sugar bunnies,

    How good are you

    Jumping bunnies!

    Get up to dance №20


    Tops, tops, jump and jump,

    They got up in pairs,

    Near the Christmas tree

    They danced together!


    A. Evtodieva


    I invite everyone to the round dance!

    May the Kingdom of Sweets

    Celebrates the New Year!

    KHOROVOD №22


    And now hurry for the grandfather

    We'll go in wagons!

    New Year's locomotive -

    Steam locomotive Santa Claus!!!


    Everyone sit down #25


    Everyone looked great!

    No doubt they are all adorable!

    Sweets, gingerbread and chocolate -

    The gift is ready for the guys!

    Santa Claus, are you happy?

    SANTA CLAUS: Come on, Caramel, let's ask the guys?

    Are you guys happy?



    Then another surprise for you! Snow Maiden, tell me.

    Most of the sweets in the world, what do our children love?


    All children love caramel and sweet marmalade,

    Marshmallow, halva and marshmallow, milk chocolate,

    But most of all, our children love

    Big and round, with cream, and with a cherry, like honey -

    All kids love big and sweet cake!

    CARAMEL: This cake, guys, I will be glad to give you!

    They bring a small cake No. 26


    Princess Caramel, because the Snow Maiden talked about a big cake, but this one is small.

    Not enough for all the kids - girls and boys!


    Don't worry guys

    Now my magic staff

    He will work a miracle, and this cake is small -

    It will turn into a huge one!

    They bring in a big cake No. 27

    He conjures a staff over a cake, the general light goes out, the lid of the cake opens, and gifts for children are taken out of it.


    Children, the best in the world - these gifts are for you!



    Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye!

    We will return to the winter forest!

    Well, next year

    I will visit you again!


    For you, we showed a fairy tale,

    But good songs and dancing

    We will be remembered with you more than once!

    And if you get a little sad,

    Open the candy and - in your mouth!

    Do not forget to look at the colored wrapper,

    And remember our New Year!

    Snow Maiden:

    Happy New Year to all, we congratulate

    We wish you joy and happiness.

    Festive fun, fun and fun,

    Happy New Year to all of you guys!


    All the guys stand up and turn into a photo for memory!


    SANTA CLAUS: Goodbye guys!

    Caramel, Ded Moroz and Snegurochka are leaving #30

    Children with gifts go to group No. 31, No. 32

    Sweet New Year

    Holiday for children of middle preschool age

    Exercise - input "Happy New Year Dad, Mom"


    Dear our guests,

    We hasten to congratulate everyone.

    May they come in the coming year

    Good luck and success to you

    Let for you, good people,

    Not afraid of worries

    It will not just be new,

    And Happy New Year!

    Children: 1. What a miracle our tree is!

    Eyes pop up.

    Tinsel glitter needles,

    This is such a beautiful Christmas tree!

    2. Everything is silvered,

    Lush and slim

    Only she does not shine with lights!

    3. To make the tree start,

    Looked merrier

    All the guys smiled

    Light a fire on her!


    Together we will say with you:

    Christmas tree, light up the lights!

    Children: Christmas tree, light up the lights!(The Christmas tree does not light up)


    Speak very quietly

    Come on, guests, help!

    Let's say it loudly, with full force:

    Become, Christmas tree, beautiful!


    Become, Christmas tree, beautiful!(The Christmas tree does not light up)


    Still quiet, yet weak.

    We all need to shout together:


    "One two Three! Miracle tree, burn!”

    (The lights on the Christmas tree are lit, everyone clap their hands)

    4th child:

    You have become more beautiful

    You have become even more amazing!

    On this long-awaited holiday

    Let's warm the Christmas tree with a song.

    Round dance ______________________________


    Now sit down quickly.

    On this good New Year

    I feel that someone is coming soon

    An elegant one will come to us in the hall.


    1. Winter has come to us again:

    Lace on the trees

    The lace moon shines,

    Christmas tree in a golden hat!

    1. Carved stars shine,

    Lacy trees sleep

    They dream in winter

    Fairy tales of sweet winters.

    1. The story is so sweet.

    Even the stars in the sky are melting!

    It has swings, carousels

    And caramel houses

    Even the pines, even the firs

    In the fairy tale of that caramel!

    Princess Lakomka enters the hall:

    Princess Lakomka:

    I am caramel joy -

    I'm a gourmand

    I even have a hat

    From sweet caramel

    Even the bow is sweet

    You can check!

    Everyone loves caramels?

    Mint? Strawberry?

    Lemon? Mustard?

    Caramel Pepper?

    Just Lollipop?

    Sweet? Salty?

    With condensed milk?

    Chupa Chups? Lollipops?

    You guys are great!

    Let's guys prepare a surprise for Grandfather Frost, bake a sweet pie ... Here is a magic ladle under the tree, we still need a big cauldron. Come on, gingerbread gnomes, help, but quickly bring the cauldron.

    1st Gingerbread Dwarf:

    We are gingerbread men

    From fairyland

    We have sweet shirts

    And sweet pants!

    2nd Gingerbread Dwarf:

    We stayed today

    on the road all day

    we have raisin eyes

    And a sideways hat!

    Dance "In the Gingerbread House"

    After the dance, a large cauldron is brought out.


    I will give everyone a job

    Don't spare eggs, don't spare flour

    Pour more sour cream and cream!

    To make the cake taste better

    You have to put curd

    Poppy, coconut and chocolate

    Multicolored marmalade.


    Who is this speaking?

    Came from a fairy tale!

    And add songs, dances!

    In the cauldron, mix everything you need for the pie

    Magic words to say.

    In the meantime, IT WILL BE NOT LITTLE!)

    Well, guys, help out, sing a song together (start the dance)!



    I am white snowflakes

    I'll turn it into sugar!

    Here are some sweet snowflakes for you

    And eyelashes in the snow!

    Dance "Sweet Snowflakes"


    Oh, I don't see, lost!


    What? What's missing?

    Tell us what to look for

    We will all help.

    Lakomka: (crying)

    The most delicious, the sweetest,

    Lost sweets fragrant.


    Look under the chairs, kids, ( look)

    Maybe there are candies?

    Our dear guests,

    We lost candy

    Maybe you removed it? (wait for guests response) (everyone is looking for)

    The holiday must go on

    No time to look for her ....

    Candy 1 (girl):

    You go behind the Christmas tree

    And look under the branch

    I've been sitting under it for a long time,

    As you are looking, I look.

    Gourmet goes to the right, Sweetie runs away, Gourmand goes to the left, sweetie in the other direction and goes out to the audience.

    Candy 2:

    You all look at me

    I'm a fun candy

    very fragrant,

    And it tastes good!

    Lakomka: ( coming out from behind the tree)

    Well, where were you?

    Oh look, she's grown up.

    She also spoke.

    Well, it's a miracle, it's a miracle!

    Candy 3:

    I not only say

    I dance and sing.

    But, I have a request to you,

    I don't just need to eat...


    For us, there is no easier request,

    Are there any other barriers to fun?

    Candy: No!


    Herringbone green, fluffy branches,

    They dance near the Christmas tree, sweet candies.

    Dance "We are sweets"

    There is a cry: “Ah-ah-ah! If I had time, I wouldn’t be late! ”, Sweet Dragon runs into the hall. He sings a song from the m / f “Sweet Tale”.

    I don't like mustard

    And I'm running from pepper

    Get upset from mustard

    And I can cry.

    I love to chew candy

    Marmalade and sweet honey.

    The one who loves this business

    He will always understand me!

    Sweetie: Are they handing out gifts here? I love this very much!

    Gourmand: Wait, who are you?

    Sweetheart: I am from the Dragon family,

    And my name is Slastena.

    If I smell sweet

    Now I'll swallow it!!! (sniffs the air)

    Woo! Candy, how it smells ... What do you have there?

    Let's all get here soon! Me, me, everything to me!

    (steps on candy, it trembles)

    Oh how big you are

    What a fragrant

    I will eat you at the same moment.... (opens his mouth and points with his finger)

    Quickly into my mouth, you jump!


    What should we do? Help!

    Save us from trouble.


    Hide among the children

    Then the villain will not find!

    (sweets run away and sit in their places)

    Sweetie: Where are the candies? How angry I am! I forbid this ball!

    I don't want to play, sing and dance!

    And in general, I do not want any of your holidays,

    And round dances - I do not want! Let's rather all the gifts to me, me, everything to me ...

    Gourmand: Sweet, shame on you! After all, children also want gifts.

    Sweetie: Do you know who I am? You know what I am! You know how I got used to - everything to me, me and me! I'll dine here for the whole year! While Santa Claus is gone, we must keep up ...

    Takes the cauldron and runs out of the hall.


    What should we do, how should we be?

    What are we going to feed Grandpa?

    And here he is, it seems.

    Father Frost

    Hello my friends,

    I came to you at the Christmas tree.

    Snow Maiden:

    White snow paved the path

    The blizzard helped

    Together with grandpa

    I got into a fairy tale.

    Father Frost

    Such a sweet story

    Even the snow on the hat is melting,

    And in icicles a beard.

    Children, are you welcome?

    Children: Yes!

    Snow Maiden:

    To make the story more interesting!

    And we will give you a song.

    Round dance ______________________________________

    Father Frost.

    Are you afraid of frost?

    Beware, beware.

    Come on, show me your hands.

    Yes, put it behind your back.

    Who will I touch.

    I'll freeze those, joking.

    The games “I will freeze”, “We will not release” are being held.


    We'll let you out, Santa Claus, if you dance.

    Dance of Santa Claus.

    Father Frost

    How hot is it here!

    Give me, Snow Maiden, cold water,

    So as not to melt me.

    (The Snow Maiden brings an opaque mug with confetti, Santa Claus pretends to drink, then with a sharp movement “poureds” water onto the audience.)


    Sit down, Santa Claus, rest under our Christmas tree.

    Father Frost:

    You sang songs and danced.

    But they didn't read poetry.

    I want to see now

    Who is braver here.

    Reading poetry and solo performances for children.



    Snow Maiden:

    Something, grandfather, we have

    The snow is melting on the tree!

    Father Frost.

    Who's being naughty here?

    Who New Year prevent meeting?


    It's probably the Sweet Dragon again.

    The guys prepared a surprise for you, but he ruined everything for us.

    Father Frost:

    I'll have to conjure

    Magic words to say.

    Come on, staff, help.

    Give us back the dragon!

    The little dragon, whirling, appears in the hall, takes out the cauldron. He cries and asks for help.

    Father Frost:

    Got sick! You are allergic to sweets.

    Now I have to take you to the doctor.


    Grandpa, forgive me

    Let go next year.

    I return the cake to you

    I promise to be good.

    I will no longer - "me, me, me!"

    I will be like this: "to both you and me!"

    Father Frost:

    Let's sing a funny song to the dragon.

    After all, he recovered.

    The song "Dragon", the dragon is dancing.

    Father Frost:

    That's how respected the old man!

    I have traveled hundreds of roads!

    Looked at you, friends!

    But the time has come to say goodbye

    You can't do without a gift!

    In this sweet cheesecake

    There is a tricky surprise.

    I confess to you in the ears:

    There is a gift to my children!

    (Opens the pie, and there are gifts!

    Distribution of gifts

    Father Frost:

    Our fairy tale is lace -

    Sweet fun -

    Has already come to an end

    Need to break up!

    New Year's fairy tale

    Coming towards us!

    “Goodbye,” we say, “

    And see you again!”

    Snow Maiden:

    Sweet heart stops -

    The clock strikes 12!

    Father Frost:

    Native earth walks

    This sweet New Year!

    Together: Happy New Year!

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