• What foods contain vitamin C. Foods rich in vitamin C The record holders for the content of vitamins are


    In 1911 the Polish biochemist Casimir Funk first used the word "vitamin".

    While conducting research on the causes of certain diseases, he discovered that this is influenced by the absence of specific substances, which he called vitamins. Since then, the word has come into general use.

    What is their role in the body, which foods contain the most of them? We will tell about it.

    Another name is retinol.

    • Needed to maintain visual acuity.
    • Important for stimulating growth in children.
    • Maintains healthy bones, joints, teeth.
    • Slows down the aging process, preserves youth.

    Where is the most vitamin A

    Most vitamin A is found in yellow, orange and green vegetables and fruits.

    First of all, it's carrots. It is also Bulgarian pepper, pumpkin, peaches, apricots, persimmons, rose hips, mountain ash, sea buckthorn.

    A lot of it in head lettuce, green onions, green apples, spinach, broccoli, parsley, dill.

    It is also found in animal foods, primarily dairy. It is also eggs, liver, caviar, fish of fatty varieties.

    You should know it!

    Vitamins are substances necessary for the proper functioning of organs and systems. When they are absent from the diet, beriberi occurs. It can cause diseases such as scurvy, rickets, night blindness, etc.

    If they do not get enough, it is called hypovitaminosis. There is increased fatigue, irritability, decreased attention, sleep disturbances, etc.

    Excess of these substances generates hypervitaminosis. It causes intoxication of the body.

    B vitamins

    • Makes us cheerful and energetic.
    • Improves mental state, improves mood, inspires optimism.
    • For a long time retains a good memory and mental abilities.
    • It acts as an analgesic (after surgery, tooth extraction, etc.).
    • Helps with motion sickness and seasickness.

    Where is it the most

    Most of all thiamine is in brewer's yeast. It is also abundant in nuts, seeds, green peas, beans, lentils, and wheat germ.

    From animal provisions, it is found in pork, liver, kidneys, heart.

    B2 (riboflavin)

    • Preserves the beauty of hair and skin.
    • Burns sugar, helps maintain optimal weight.
    • Promotes rapid healing of wounds.
    • Prevents the development of anemia.

    Where is B2 the most

    Most of the riboflavin is also found in brewer's yeast. From plant foods, it is found in buckwheat, cauliflower, green peas, spinach, peanuts, cereal bread, seaweed, avocados, peaches and cocoa.

    From animal food, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, pork, lamb, beef, and eggs are leading in its content.

    You should know it!

    Multivitamins are chemical preparations containing vitamins and minerals in their composition. Recommended for the prevention of hypovitaminosis. Available in various forms: tablets, capsules, granules, ampoules in the form of syrup, powder and effervescent tablets.

    Multivitamins should be taken strictly dosed, in accordance with the prescription, so as not to cause hypervitaminosis and poisoning.

    • Uplifting, it is called an antidepressant.
    • Stabilizes the nervous system.
    • Stimulates brain activity, especially at high loads.
    • Prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis.
    • Reduces muscle spasms and cramps, relieves numbness of the limbs.

    Where is the most vitamin B6

    Here, too, brewer's yeast is in the lead. In plant foods, it is present in whole grain bread, wheat germ, cereals, legumes, nuts, cabbage, green vegetables, bananas, avocados.

    In animal foods, it is found in meat, fatty fish, seafood, dairy products, eggs, offal.

    B12 (cyanocobalamin)

    • Maintains normal blood composition, counteracts anemia.
    • Needed for growth.
    • Regulates the activity of the nervous system, counteracts stress and depression.
    • Lowers cholesterol levels.
    • Stimulates muscle growth.
    • Quickly heals damaged skin.

    Where is B12 the most

    It is almost never found in plant foods. Only sea kale can boast of its insignificant amount. But it is in animal food: pork, lamb, kidneys, liver, chicken, turkey, eggs, fatty fish, seafood and dairy dishes.

    Another name is ascorbic acid.

    • Slows down aging, prolongs youth.
    • Provides elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.
    • Strengthens blood vessels.
    • Increases immunity, is the prevention of colds.
    • Removes toxic substances.

    Where is the most vitamin C

    In the first place in terms of vitamin C content is rose hips. Then come kiwi, mango, bell pepper, blackcurrant, pineapple, citrus fruits. There is also a lot of it in cabbage, spinach, strawberries, mountain ash, sea buckthorn, rhubarb, sorrel, horseradish.

    From animal food, it is in the kidneys, liver, goat's milk.

    This is interesting!

    Even the ancients knew that certain types of food help to avoid certain diseases. For example, the Egyptians used liver to avoid night blindness.

    Since the 13th century, scurvy has been mentioned. It is a dangerous disease leading to death. It is believed that by the end of the 18th century, about a million sailors died from it, this is more than in all naval battles. The English navigator James Cook began introducing sauerkraut and lemon syrup into the diet of sailors. Thus, he saved them from scurvy. In Russia, Peter the Great ordered lemons and oranges to be included in the diet of sailors of the Russian fleet.

    Formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet light.

    • Increases bone strength, quickly heals fractures.
    • Provides rapid blood clotting.
    • Supports normal thyroid function.
    • Regulates blood sugar levels.
    • Promotes the speedy healing of inflammatory processes.

    Where is the most vitamin D

    It can be found in provisions of animal origin. These are fatty fish, cod liver, organ meats, eggs, cheese, milk, yogurt. It is also fish oil.

    Another name is tocopherol.

    • Prevents aging, preserves sexual function.
    • Supports good musculature.
    • Reduces fatigue.
    • Prevents seizures.

    Where is the most vitamin E

    The leader in its content is corn oil. Next come nuts, whole grain bread, wheat sprouts, olive oil, legumes, cereals, spinach, parsley, celery, onions, bananas, pears, avocados.

    It is less in animal food. It can be found in butter, eggs, liver, meat, lard, chicken, fish, milk, cottage cheese, cheese.

    This is interesting!

    In the US, vitamin complexes have the status of food supplements (unlike Russia, where they are considered medicines). Millions of Americans regularly take multivitamins. People buy them not on the recommendation of a doctor, but on their own, because they believe in their effectiveness.

    American nutritionists conducted studies in which they found that although the media claims that multivitamins are useful, in fact there is no definitive answer to this question. Almost half of the US population takes these drugs, so their production is a serious business with billions of dollars in turnover. Naturally, manufacturers do not skimp on advertising. However, clinical evidence does not provide unequivocal support for the positive effects of multivitamins on health.

    • Maintains a high level of blood clotting, prevents bleeding.
    • Quickly restores bones after fractures.
    • Prevents the development of osteoporosis.
    • Neutralizes the harmful effects of toxic substances.
    • Works as a pain reliever.

    Where is the most vitamin K

    Green leafy vegetables are the richest in them, primarily spinach. It is also cabbage, head lettuce, green tomatoes, beans, olive oil, nuts, avocados, seaweed, green tea.

    There is less of it in animal food. Basically, it can be found in the liver, eggs, dairy products.

    Almonds are one of the main sources of vitamin E. Studies have shown that vitamin E (tocopherol) performs a protective function in the body, protecting it from free radicals. Vitamin E molecules neutralize these radicals, and this happens already at the level of the cell membrane. Thus, vitamin E forms the first line of defense against molecules that harm cells. It improves the use of oxygen by tissues, reduces blood clotting, prevents thrombosis, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, and expands capillaries. Therefore, it is necessary to include foods rich in this vitamin in the diet: vegetable oils (especially unrefined sunflower and soybean), germinated grains of cereals and nuts. The daily requirement for vitamin E is 15–30 mg.

    Peppers promote blood circulation

    Paprika is a valuable vegetable, the pods of which contain vitamins and at the same time contain almost no fat. It is low in calories and is considered a dietary product. Fifty grams of paprika covers the body's daily need for vitamin C and B6, 200 g is enough to meet the need for vitamin E.

    Along with this, pepper is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. An important biologically active substance is capsaicin, known as a remedy for circulatory disorders, it prevents blood clotting, thins it, which helps to get rid of numbness of the hands and feet, dizziness, migraine. It has a positive effect on the overall tone. However, the use of pepper without measure is undesirable, as this can lead to complications with the liver and kidneys.

    Anti-sclerotic properties of cabbage

    Cabbage is one of the most accessible and most healing vegetables in everyday nutrition. It contains many sugars: glucose, sucrose, raffinose, fructose, maltose, pectin and fiber. Cabbage is rich in vitamin K, folic acid, choline, and therefore has anti-atherosclerotic properties. It also contains vitamins C, P, U, group B, carotene. Its peculiarity is that vitamin C is presented in it in two forms: free - ascorbic acid and bound - in the form of ascorbigen. This is the most stable form of ascorbic acid, which is not destroyed during storage and fermentation, and lasts for a year. Compared with potatoes, ascorbigen in cabbage is 50 times more. The content of vitamin C in the outer leaves of the head is twice as much as in the inner ones.


    This berry is not only tasty, but also healthy. It has such a wealth of vitamins and microelements that it is recommended to use it even with such serious diseases as atherosclerosis. Not only berries are used, but also shoots (young green shoots peeled from the skin are good to use in spring). And raspberry leaves are brewed like tea. For the winter, it is better to dry raspberries (berries and leaves) for treatment.


    How did this vegetable help us out during World War II! Then they planted a lot of kohlrabi. We guys peeled it, cut it into round slices, as they now cut a lemon or an orange, and crunched it all day. Times were hard, but we got sick a little. Do you know why? Because they ate simple, natural food. Kohlrabi ripens earlier than other varieties of cabbage. It gets on the table both raw, and fried, and stewed, and boiled. Only young fruits are eaten, later kohlrabi becomes hard, fibrous. You can make delicious salads from kohlrabi. It is necessary to rub on a coarse grater 100 g of kohlrabi, carrots and radishes, add 2-3 boiled eggs to taste and season with vegetable oil.

    I have always tried to avoid potatoes on my table. All my life I knew that potatoes add weight, and there is very little benefit from it. The damage is more. The only benefit is that the baked "in uniform" helps, and that's it! And then I read a joyful thing: potatoes, my favorite potato saves from high blood pressure! She immediately went to the kitchen, boiled water and lowered the chopped potatoes into it (it turns out that vitamins are preserved in it!). Cooked for 10 minutes covered. She took out one thing with a fork - no, my potatoes are not ready yet. So, you need to hold it with the gas turned off in the hot water in which it was boiled. So my favorite dish came to readiness. Oh, and I took my soul away!

    Buckwheat kissel

    My good ones, please tell me, what kissels do you know? Fruity, milky… What else? Have you heard of buckwheat jelly? It is done like this: 3 tbsp. Grind tablespoons of buckwheat in a coffee grinder. Get buckwheat flour. It must be diluted in 1 glass of cold water. Boil 1 liter of water in a separate saucepan. And pour the cooked flour with cold water in a thin stream. Boil for 10 minutes, stirring all the time. It is good to add honey and nuts, the taste will improve. But buckwheat should be uncooked! If you drink 100–150 g of this jelly for breakfast and dinner, then your cholesterol level will decrease. And if you drink for 2-3 months, it will completely normalize your pressure. And one more thing: it has long been known that buckwheat removes radionuclides well, increases potency, strengthens blood vessels and the nervous system, and restores metabolic disorders. So I strongly advise you to get to know this miraculous kissel better.

    1. For frying, the best fat is lard, as it contains arachidonic acid. And it is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, heart and liver. Moreover, there is exactly the same amount of cholesterol in fat as in such dietary products as chicken breast and veal.

    With food, you can get about 300 mg of cholesterol every day. Look at your daily menu and try to get rid of some of the saturated fat. For example, toasting with low-calorie soft butter instead of a butter and sausage sandwich will allow you to enjoy two eggs for breakfast the next day. If you choose low-fat varieties of products, then for "reserve" calories you can still afford a serving of low-fat yogurt, which contains only 2 g of saturated fat per cup. Finally, eat meat in small portions. By reducing one or two daily servings of meat, you will lower cholesterol by about 5% (the recommended serving of 90 grams is approximately the size of a deck of cards).

    2. It is believed that red fruits and vegetables cleanse the blood: cherries, cranberries, blackberries, red grapes, beets, red cabbage. With heart disease, they should be on your table daily. But the blood can also be cleansed with such tinctures: take 2 cups of honey, add a glass of crushed dill seed and 2 more tbsp. tablespoons ground valerian root. Pour all this 2 liters of boiling water, and let it stand for a day in a thermos. If there is no thermos, place the dishes with tincture between the pillows for a day as well. Now strain and work with your hands, holding the tincture in them for 10 minutes. And take 1 tbsp for a month. spoon half an hour before meals.

    Nettle perfectly cleanses the blood: 2 tbsp. spoons with the top of the May nettle brew 2 liters of boiling water. The resulting tea should be drunk daily, between 15 and 19 hours, you need to do 2 courses of 14 days. Definitely a waning moon. And during the year, your analyzes will delight you with good performance. And yes, you will feel great. It is necessary to collect nettles for such cleaning in May during the waning moon. Take only young leaves, and nettles should be fresh.

    And here is another recipe from several plants for blood purification: you will need 15 g of nettle and dandelion root, 50 g of young elderberry buds and the same amount of primrose leaf. Brew 2 liters of boiling water. And after insisting, drink 1 glass each, adding honey to taste, in the morning, an hour before meals, and in the evening, before going to bed. This tea will improve the composition of the blood, the work of the heart, cleanse your blood vessels. It will cheer you up and help with the spring breakdown. In winter, such a course of purification is not necessary. Only you need to drink nettle tea after a heavy feast.

    And again about the nettle. In young nettles, before flowering, the tops are cut off along with the leaves. Dry in the shade. Take 5 tbsp. tablespoons of chopped herbs and boil over low heat. And you need to take 1/2 cup 4 times a day with honey or sugar. The recipe is very effective. But still remember about your golden hands!

    3. Egg-milk-fruit-vegetable diet is good for atherosclerosis, hypertension, obesity. This diet should include raw fruits and vegetables, cereals from rice, semolina, wheat, soft-boiled eggs, bran bread (sometimes with butter), cheese, cottage cheese, cream and jams. As for drinks, this is tea made from mint, rosehip, linden, apple peel, sometimes cocoa, various milk drinks, fruit and vegetable juices. Soups: vegetable, can be with low-fat sour cream, dairy soups with rice, semolina and other cereals. As well as dishes from eggs (not often!) And cottage cheese. As well as pasta, noodles, all kinds of puddings. Fruit and more fruit without limits. Dried fruits are very useful: figs, dried apricots, raisins and prunes. As well as nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts and almonds.

    4. High blood cholesterol? Then you need to eat as little animal products as possible and as much plant foods as possible. Oat bran is completely devoid of cholesterol and therefore helps to lower the content of this very cholesterol in the blood. And one more thing: due to soluble ballast substances, bran cleanses our body of poisons, which in our time are abundant in products. And besides, bran is rich in vitamins and minerals. But in order to eat wheat bran in dietary nutrition, you need to completely remove starch from them. To do this, place the bran in a gauze bag and rinse them in running water, and then scald them with boiling water.

    5. Delicious fruits - apples! So eat more of them! Oh, how my heart needs them! Apples cleanse the heart muscle from salt and fat deposits. Not only fruits are useful, but also bark and leaves. Did not know? It is best to use summer varieties ("Moscow pear", "white filling"). We take 50 g of chopped wood of young May apple branches, oregano - 20 g, 10 g of thyme, nettle leaves, parsley leaves and pour 2 liters of boiling water. And simmer another 8 minutes. We will drink on an empty stomach, half a glass of warm infusion 2 times a day for 3 weeks, or more, depending on your condition.

    6. Stroke can be treated with coniferous decoction. Unusual, right? And here is the recipe. We are preparing a decoction. It consists of 5 tbsp. spoons of crushed pine needles, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of wild rose and a small amount of onion peel per 1 liter of water. All this must be brought to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over very low heat (if only it boils a little). Naturally, squeeze out. Now peel 1 lemon, chop with broth and drink in one gulp. Take at least 3 times a day (maybe 4) for a week or two. A month of rest, and repeat again. And so 3-4 times.

    7. Oats, only peeled, can not only strengthen the cardiovascular system, but also significantly improve metabolism. Take one and a half cups of peeled oat grains and pour 1.5 liters of boiling water and boil under the lid until the volume is reduced to half a liter of liquid. Of course, pass it on. You will take 1 tbsp. spoon in the morning and evening before meals. You can add honey for taste if you like.

    8. This collection is necessary for people suffering from atherosclerosis, but with normal pressure. Before using it, you should consult with your doctor. Take chamomile, rose hips, birch leaves, carrot seeds, field violet and tricolor violet grass, meadow clover grass - 2 parts each, lingonberry leaves, medicinal sweet clover herb - 3 parts each, peppermint leaves, Siberian rowan fruits, marsh cudweed grass , succession herbs - 1 part each, ordinary cuff herbs - 5 parts. This is such a complicated recipe! Grind everything, mix and 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the mixture into a thermos, pour boiling water. Let it brew for 8 hours, strain. You will take 1/2 cup before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months. Then take a break for 10 days. Take this for a year.

    8. My mother's heartbeat was up to 140 beats per minute. Mom kneaded 3 cups of viburnum so that the berries let out juice, put them in a 3-liter jar, poured 2 liters of boiling water, closed the lid, wrapped it up and put the jar to infuse for 6 hours. When viburnum insisted properly, filtered. In the filtered infusion, I dissolved 0.5 liters of honey and drank 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 30 days, then I took a break for 100 days, and again the course. It was treated for 3 months until the heart calmed down and began to work normally.

    9. With pain in the heart and weakness. Take 1 kg of pitted raisins, wash and dry. Every morning on an empty stomach, eat exactly 40 raisins, have breakfast no earlier than an hour after taking. The next kilogram of raisins is daily, reducing 1 zest: 1st day - 40 pcs., 2nd day - 39 pcs. etc. Such treatment should be carried out 2 times a year.

    11. Mulberry normalizes intracranial pressure. You need to take a handful of broken mulberry branches, pour 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Then you need to insist for an hour and drink a glass 3 times a day (before meals or after - it does not matter). The duration of admission is 3 months.

    12. In case of atherosclerosis, 50 g of walnut partitions, insist in 0.5 liters of alcohol for 7 days in a dark place. Take 20 drops 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month, then take a short break and repeat the course again. For the purpose of prevention, you need to reduce the number of drops to 10 and take it for a long time, taking short breaks.

    13. A decoction of willow bark is used for colds, lung diseases, as a remedy that strengthens the gums, soothes neuropsychiatric disorders. It is a good antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, astringent, hemostatic, anthelmintic. It is used for chronic diarrhea, inflammation of the stomach, spleen disease, tuberculosis, hemoptysis, acute rheumatism and other diseases. A concentrated decoction of the bark is used for sweating, as a gargle for inflammation of the throat, mouth. You can wash your hair with hair loss, dandruff. For 1 glass of water, take 15 g of finely chopped bark, boil for 10-15 minutes, filter. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 4-5 times a day.

    14. To relieve an attack of angina pectoris, put 3-5 drops of fir oil on the palm of your hand and rub it into the area of ​​​​the coronary vessels (on the left below the chest). To prevent seizures, it is recommended to do this 2-3 times a day.

    15. Garlic tincture is considered the best remedy for sclerosis and noise in the head. Fill the jar 1/3 with peeled and chopped garlic, pour alcohol or vodka, wrap the jar with black paper or cloth and leave it warm for 10 days. Take 20 drops of tincture in 1/4 cup of milk 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. After a week break, the course can be repeated. Another good remedy for noise in the head is the well-known lemon balm (lemon mint). It can be used both fresh and dried: added to tea, kvass, compote and other drinks. And you can make tea from lemon balm - 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of grass with a glass of boiling water. Melissa can be used for a long time, as it has no contraindications and is not addictive.

    16. An effective remedy for angina pectoris: cut 2 leaves of aloe with a string and squeeze the juice with a juicer, add the juice of 2 medium-sized lemons and 500 ml of honey. Mix all three components in an enamel bowl with a wooden spoon and transfer to a glass jar, which is kept closed at the bottom of the refrigerator. Stir with a wooden spoon before taking. Take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon one hour before meals. Depending on how you feel during the year, you need to repeat the course of treatment 3-4 times with a break of 1 month. Aloe is recommended to grow at home without the use of chemical fertilizers for indoor flowers for 3-5 years.

    17. A good recipe with which you can improve the blood supply to the legs. You need to collect pine needles, preferably from the branches of the first year, chop and fill them with more than half of a 3-liter pan. Pour boiling water for 2 hours. Then drain this water into a separate bowl, and pour new boiling water over the needles and boil for 5 minutes. Combine the first decoction with the second and leave for 2 hours (without needles). Drink 2 tbsp. spoons with honey 20 minutes before meals. Drink, I warn you, it takes a long time. But you will feel the improvement in three weeks.

    18. How to "tame" tachycardia. Boil 1 glass of water, reduce the fire so that it boils slowly, pour in 1 teaspoon of Adonis grass (spring Adonis) and simmer for no more than 3 minutes. Cover with a lid and put in a warm place to make an infusion. Then strain and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

    19. Burdock relieves swelling. In winter, she took dry leaves, put them in a deep plate, poured them with boiling water, covered them with another plate and put them under her pillow until evening. Before going to bed, she squeezed the leaves a little, wrapped them around the legs of the sick, wrapped them in cotton cloth so as not to stain the bedding, put a plastic bag on top and tied it tightly with an elastic bandage. In the summer it's even easier. I broke the leaf veins, softened it without damaging the leaf, wrapped the leg in 2-3 layers and wrapped it tightly. It is very important that the leg is hot, it is hot, not warm. In the morning, the sore leg was the same as the healthy one.

    20. Once a man I knew had a big bump on his back. He and his wife did not go to the doctors. They took comfrey and horsetail in equal proportions by weight, crushed it in a mortar, sifted it, poured it with boiling water, diluted it like sour cream, and let it swell. At night, in a two-layer gauze bag, they put it on a bump, wrapped it with cellophane on top, and fixed it with adhesive tape. In the morning, the bump became soft, after the third compress it broke through, the contents leaked out, the wound healed.

    21. Lemon-clove tincture: grate 3 large lemons, add 0.5 kg of sugar, 0.5 l of vodka and 25 g of cloves. Transfer everything to a three-liter jar and pour warm boiled water. Infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Strain. Drink 25 ml 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals until the tincture is over. Break 7 days. It is advisable to drink 3 such servings. Helps with hypertension, frequent headaches, atherosclerosis, pain in the heart.

    22. Tincture of elecampane roots improves memory: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of elecampane roots with 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 1 month, shaking occasionally. After this period, take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals. This amount of tincture is enough for half a month.

    Part 12

    My dears! Today Levin and Pravina have invited Tsar Neptune to visit you. Together, they give you some recipe tips. Very, very helpful! What do we get?! It turns out that the ancient people were smarter than us. Water and own hands - it's available to everyone! So no! We are chasing drugs, especially imported ones. And often we slip a pig in a poke. So we need it! For the fact that nature was forgotten, they stopped believing in it ... Let's go back to the origins of human experience! And we will certainly be healthy!

    In my life I took very few chemical medicines, because in my family, the family of my parents, most of all they were treated with herbs and baths, compresses and lotions. During my childhood, our treatment was mainly led by my great-grandmother Katya - everyone called her Babkatya - and her daughter, grandmother Manya. Often grandmother Tanya, my father's mother, also came to visit us. And it happened that she lived with us for a week or two - this is when they invited her to fight bedbugs. Do not be surprised, my good ones, in those distant times, bedbugs were not uncommon. And it happened that they were brought into the house with some purchased things. The arrival of grandmother Tanya brought complete deliverance from them. Within three or four days, these vile bloodsuckers disappeared! And after the grandmother's departure, we did not know this misfortune until again, after a long time, someone with something did not bring bedbugs. It was the thirties, and there were bed bugs in almost every house. Their clusters were poured with boiling water, smeared with kerosene, but this did not help much. And only grandmother Tanya brought a long-term deliverance from bedbugs. You know, my good ones, this grandmother had five children. So she went to visit them in turn, and even to us, saving all her loved ones from bedbugs.

    I think you understand that all three of my grandmothers were healers. Luckily, three of them got me something. So I worked officially for many years, paying taxes, in this very status - treating people.

    Babkatya chose me among five great-grandchildren and began to teach this difficult science from childhood. And she and Grandma Manya left me a thick notebook with recipes as a legacy. And from my grandmother Tanya, I also got a good inheritance: mosquitoes don’t bite me (after all, they didn’t bite her!). It looks like a mosquito walks on my skin, touches its proboscis in different places and flies away. I'm tasteless! Well, well, let it be tasteless - I don’t mind!

    I treat diseases with my own hands. My grannies taught me this, and I also studied for four years in Ukraine, then received a diploma. Over the years I have developed my own method. I am invited to international congresses of healers, where I make presentations, share my work experience with our and foreign healers. All this, my good readers, I am writing to you so that you believe what I am telling you and use these recipes for your health without ruining yourself with chemistry.

    First of all, you must accurately observe the number of baths you need, their temperature and the exact amount of all components. You must hold any remedy you have prepared between your palms, after rubbing them well beforehand.

    When taking a bath, sitting or lying in it, you again need to firmly, until you feel warm, rub your hands and attach one or both of them to the place where the organ that bothers you is located. If you are treating such an organ as the kidneys, you need to put one hand on the side of the back, just above the waist, and the other on the side of the chest so that it is just opposite the kidney. The liver and pancreas should also be treated. The hand that is from the back will get tired, let it rest and continue your actions. In the same way, you can get rid of kidney stones or gallstones.

    Do not be afraid, the pebbles will not get stuck anywhere, as the vessels will expand from a warm bath. Yes, and usually they break up into small pieces or even individual grains of sand.

    If you are treating the nervous system or relieving severe overwork, both hands should be placed on the location of the solar plexus and mentally send energy there. The solar plexus is our chest with our strength, energy. Remember, if you hit the solar plexus, a person loses consciousness. By the way, from the solar plexus, the energy itself, according to need, is directed to the organ where it is needed.

    Mineral water

    Neptune supplies it to us in unlimited quantities, but ... People are often addicted to drinking mineral water, not considering that it is characterized by a certain set of chemical elements, which determines its benefit or harm.

    Mineral water is successfully used in the treatment of a number of diseases. But, unfortunately, many do not know that it is impossible to use it in unlimited quantities. Confirmation of this can be found in V. Kaminsky, who wrote at the beginning of the 20th century: “All those who use mineral water sooner or later acquire additional serious diseases, always worse than those against which they were taken. Effervescent gaseous carbon dioxide increases blood pressure, heart rate. There is shortness of breath from the expansion of the stomach with gases, a rush of blood to the head. And here is a statement on this issue by a Soviet scientist, doctor of medical sciences, professor F. Romashov: “It is served in restaurants, sold in buffets, at various meetings and meetings there are always bottles of mineral water. But mineral waters contain very high concentrations of salts and elements that have an active biological effect. And people, chronically using mineral water, oversaturate their body with salts, active compounds, grossly interfere with the metabolism. After all, you can’t drink roast with, for example, valocordin, even if some gourmets will like it. And mineral water, a concentrate of inorganic compounds, you can! Many doctors associate the increase in cases of kidney and gallstone disease precisely with the daily excessive use of mineral water ... "

    Mineral water is intended only for medicinal purposes and can harm the body, especially for children. In addition, the physiological effect of a particular mineral water is determined by its temperature (which varies widely) and the method of drinking water (in one gulp or in small sips), long before meals or immediately before meals.

    So, the main medicinal properties of mineral water depend on its chemical composition. For example, the bicarbonate ion is involved in maintaining the acid-base balance in the body. Such water as Narzan, Borjomi, having an alkaline reaction, normalizes the motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces dyspeptic disorders. It is useful not only for diseases of the digestive system, but also for inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.

    Tell me what to drink here
    To not hurt yourself?

    With stagnation of bile in the gallbladder and with reduced acidity of gastric juice, mineral water containing chlorine ions of the Essentuki type No. 4 is useful.

    Ferrous mineral waters ("Marcialnaya", "Jermuk") stimulate the formation of blood, and therefore it is useful to take them for anemia. Iodine mineral waters are used for atherosclerosis. With neuroses, mineral waters are prescribed, which include bromine. Water with silicic acid has an analgesic, antitoxic and anti-inflammatory effect.

    In recent years, radon mineral waters have become popular as drinking water, as it has been found that in small quantities they are useful for pyelonephritis and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

    King Neptune sends you greetings,
    The king distributes gifts.
    We, the king's assistants,
    We don't eat bread in vain.
    We help from the bottom of our hearts
    And the gifts are great!

    Drink mineral water should be half a cup or a glass 3-4 times a day for a month and only on the recommendation of a doctor. In diseases of the stomach associated with low acidity, mineral water is drunk in small sips 20-30 minutes before meals, with increased acidity - 1-1.5 hours before meals in large sips, with normal - 30-50 minutes before meals. During the period of exacerbation of various gastrointestinal diseases, you can not drink mineral water.

    Drinking regime

    Now about what should be our drinking regimen. By volume - 1.5-2 liters per day, including water contained in vegetables and fruits. It is very useful to drink lukewarm water 30 minutes before breakfast. But it is not recommended to drink food with water and drink after eating.

    It is useful throughout the day to drink water in a sip after 15-20 minutes. This regulates the work of the kidneys (you will not need diuretics), normalizes blood pressure, removes toxins from the body.

    From personal experience: I removed my high blood pressure in 30 minutes by drinking a small sip of water (1 teaspoon) every 5 minutes.

    Here it is, melt water

    There are many fairy tales about living water, resurrecting the dead, rejuvenating the elderly. They arose not by chance (like all fairy tales in general) and are based on folk wisdom, centuries-old observations of nature. It has long been noted that the vegetation near glaciers is very lush, that the waters of mountain lakes and springs are healing. Thus was born the idea of ​​the value of melt water.

    At home, you can get it by freezing in the refrigerator. Then melt the ice and drink water in which the ice is still floating. In winter, melt water can be obtained by freezing water on the balcony in an enamel pan (then bring it into the room and let it melt). Partially melted water put in the lower compartment of the refrigerator.

    Scientists say that melt water is especially useful in old age, as it helps to rejuvenate the body. It is also useful to wash with melt water.

    It turns out that it helps to reduce heart pain and even the resorption of blood clots in the coronary vessels of the heart. It stops severe hemorrhoidal bleeding, relieves hemorrhoidal pain, improves blood circulation after thrombosis of the lower extremities and facilitates the course of the disease with varicose veins. In cardiovascular patients, the content of cholesterol in the blood is significantly reduced and metabolism is improved. Melt water can serve as a very effective remedy against pathological obesity.

    During the day, it is advisable to drink 2 to 3 glasses of possibly colder melt water (with pieces of ice). It is necessary to drink a glass immediately, in one sitting (having previously accustomed yourself to ice water). Drink the first glass early in the morning an hour before meals. The rest - during the day, also an hour before the next meal.

    So, the minimum dose that has an effect is 4–6 ml of melt water per 1 kg of weight, which is 2–3 glasses per day. Not persistent, but a noticeable effect can be observed even from 3/4 cup once a day in the morning on an empty stomach (2 ml per 1 kg of weight). The results are excellent. But patience is needed. I drank for three months.

    Today, right, the age of miracles:
    Excess weight has become harmful.
    I no longer lie in the mud,
    I walk everything, I walk everything
    And river water
    Now I don't regret it at all.
    According to science, as it should,
    I drink, of course, melt!

    And now we are treated with ordinary water ...

    In the now distant 19th century. a priest lived in Bavaria. And his name was Sebastian Kneipp. He developed a method of treatment with water and he himself was cured of consumption only with water. And subsequently cured thousands of people suffering from serious illnesses. Kneipp gave such recommendations for the use of water.

    The colder the water, the better.

    - A cold bath, together with undressing and dressing, should last no more than five minutes.

    - After a cold bath, do not dry the body, except for the head and hands.

    - After dressing, you should move, work around the house or just walk until the body dries and reaches a normal temperature. You need to move at least 15 minutes.

    - If after wrapping (or compress) a person fell asleep - do not wake up.

    – When wet wrapping, use coarser, thicker sheets.

    - The use of cold water in the evening before bedtime is not suitable for everyone. For some, it can cause insomnia.

    What are half baths? These are baths in which water reaches no higher than the middle of the abdomen.

    There are three types of usage.

    1. Stand in the water so that it is no higher than the calf or knee.

    2. Stand in the water on your knees so that your hips are in the water.

    3. Sit in the water so that the water reaches the middle of the abdomen, waist.

    And yet, my good readers, I want to tell you that ordinary, pleasant bath temperatures have a very good effect on your health. Warm water opens the pores, dissolves and gradually removes painful foci. Treats chronic rheumatism, blood vessels, especially in the elderly. Such a bath should last from 20 to 40 minutes. After the bath, rinse with a colder shower. Without wiping, it is good to walk around the room until completely dry. The skin will age more slowly, and the hardening is good!


    Baths with cold water are taken to harden the body. Duration no more than 0.5-3 minutes.

    And cold water works wonders if you get badly burned or scalded. Last year, during the autumn preparations, a 3-liter jar of eggplant caviar suddenly shattered into pieces in my hands. And all this almost boiling thick mixture poured onto my leg. It took mere seconds to get rid of the sticky robe and sock. And the skin peeled off along with the bottom of the dressing gown and the sock ... It’s good that I didn’t lose my head, but rushed to the bathroom and stood under a cold shower, directing water to the affected places. Under cold water, the pain subsided quickly. I waited until everything was dry, and only then I smeared the affected areas with sunflower oil. And what do you guys think? Burned places began to heal quickly. True, I treated the burns with my hands 2-3 times a day. And after 10 days everything was delayed. But a rather large area was damaged: the instep and a strip of three to four (in some places) centimeters along the entire leg from hip to knee.

    A cold sitz bath improves digestion, regulates blood circulation, helps with gynecological diseases. You need to pour water into the bath so that it reaches the lower abdomen. Duration 0.25-4 minutes. It also helps with insomnia and neurosis.

    Cold full bath: plunge into the water with the whole body and wash the upper part of the body with a washcloth. Duration is not less than 1/2 minute and not more than 3 minutes. Such baths are useful for both sick and healthy people in summer and winter. They promote health, cleanse the skin, refresh, revitalize the entire body, help after excessive drinking.

    If you have a fever, cold foot compresses will relieve it. And the cold will subside. To do this, soak socks in cold water, preferably cotton, wring out and put on, and dry, woolen on top. Quickly to bed, well wrapped up. Repeat this in an hour.

    In the morning, repeat this cold compress. But if you have cold feet, then you first need to warm them with a heating pad. Change socks four times, and the temperature will drop.

    In cases where you suffer from severe headaches, warm or cold head baths are very useful. The duration of such baths: 1 minute - cold and 5-7 minutes - warm. After the bath, you need to wipe your head and do not go out with wet hair without a hat.

    The eye bath is cold and warm. Immerse your face in cold water and open your eyes for 15 seconds, then raise your head and immerse it again after 15-30 seconds, and so on 3-4 times.

    If it is a warm bath, then after it you need to immerse your face in a cold bath.

    Cold and warm baths have a beneficial effect on weak eyes and strengthen the visual apparatus.

    And here is what Levina and Pravina advise. Take 3-4 three-liter jars and pour water into them. Hold each between your hands for 25-30 minutes. Sending energy through your hands, think (remember, thought is material): “In the heart! In heart!" Or: “In the lungs! Into the lungs! Or to the organ that you want to treat, but no more than two organs at a time. Now stick pieces of paper on the jars with an inscription to which organs you need to send energy for treatment. Small pieces of paper, the size of a matchbox. Those who have seen TV shows about the action of water, about its ability to transmit information, know that these inscriptions will increase the effect on your body. Now pour water into the bath at a temperature that is comfortable for you, and pour the water you have charged into it. And swim to your health! Just do not forget to rub your hands hard and put them on the two diseased organs. If you treat one organ, then take one hand in the castle, and put the other on the place where your diseased organ is located. Yes, put empty cans somewhere at the feet. After all, the glass has taken a lot of your energy, now let it give it to the water. And one more thing: rub your hands and move them over your head already in the bathroom for 5 minutes, maybe more.

    Everyone wants to know which foods are best to be friends with in order to forget about the lack of vitamins. What foods to love and include in your daily diet? I present record-breaking products for the content of each vitamin.

    1. Vitamin A. It can be assumed that carrots have the first place here ... But no! Carrots are only in an honorable second place. Only 36 grams of carrots per day - and you are provided with a daily requirement of vitamin A.

    But still, who is the champion? This alfalfa! Vitamin A in it is almost 6 times more than in carrots!

    1. Vitamin B1. The record for the content of this vitamin are Brewer's yeast. After them followed by wheat grains and pine nuts. Approximately 80-125 grams per day - and the norm of the vitamin in your body. Also, vitamin B1 is contained in a smaller amount of chickpeas, sweet green peas, almonds and lentils.
    2. Vitamin B2. And here again they are in the lead Brewer's yeast. Slightly less in almonds, whole wheat, mushrooms, seaweed, walnuts and avocados.

    from fruits peaches are among the richest in the content of this vitamin.

    1. Vitamin B6. Leading the way in this category whole wheat. Just 154 grams per day contains the recommended daily allowance. But this norm can be replenished with bananas, nuts, avocados.
    2. Vitamin B12. Leader - seaweed. 100 grams - 10 mg of vitamin B12!

    According to some researchers, our body gets this vitamin in full from seaweed. In smaller quantities, it is found in smoked sledk, lamb, beef, veal liver, chicken, milk and eggs. But they have a huge amount of cholesterol, so you need to be extremely careful in their use.

    1. Vitamin C. One might think that the leader - lemon… Yes, lemon has a high content of vitamin C, but it lost 5 positions and takes an honorable 6th place. Who is in the lead? Record holder - wild rose! It is followed by kiwi, pepper, raspberry, orange and ... Lemon. And then - fresh peas, cabbage, spinach, mango, tomato, pineapple, cherry, onion and others.
    2. Vitamin E. The most important source of this vitamin is corn oil. Only 5 grams provide the daily requirement. It's about a teaspoon of oil. They are great for dressing salads.

    Slightly smaller amounts of vitamin E are found in sunflower oil, almonds, whole grains, olive oil, and avocados.

    1. Vitamin K. It is found in turnips, cabbage, green lettuce. But the leader is spinach. 100 grams of spinach contains almost 560 mg. vitamin K! It can be used fresh in salads. But frozen spinach does not lose its beneficial properties.

    Add these foods to your diet, and then there is a high probability that vitamin deficiency will bypass you.

    I am sure that many of these products are well known and loved by you! But perhaps there are those to whom you did not give due adoration. Here I've never tried spinach, have you?

    The berries of this thorny shrub are a storehouse of trace elements that are so necessary for our body, exhausted by the environment and all sorts of GMOs.

    Rosehip contains a record amount of useful substances that we need almost every day. Its useful properties are several times superior to all medicinal herbs, fruits and berries that they possess.

    For example, there is 10 times more ascorbic acid in rose hips than in lemon or currant. And in terms of carotene content, it overtook apricot, sea buckthorn and carrots. The medicinal fruit contains vitamins C, B, K, E and P. And it also contains chromium and magnesium, calcium and potassium.

    Rosehip decoction is used as a general tonic, which improves immunity, tones the body. A decoction is especially good as a prophylactic in winter - it will save you from the ubiquitous SARS.

    Rosehip decoction is also used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys. He is a good helper for all inflammatory processes in the body - this is an excellent tool in the fight against pathogenic bacteria. Doctors usually recommend taking a rosehip decoction as an additional remedy for hypertension, vascular problems, and diseases of the genitourinary system.

    Rosehip is also a proven remedy for weight loss. Its broth contains a huge amount of nutrients that saturate the body with beneficial compounds that speed up metabolism.

    In order to make sure that weight loss is effective in such a pleasant way, it is enough to drink a decoction or infusion of rose hips 3-4 times a day every day. A course of 2-4 weeks will suffice.

    The preparation of such a decoction is elementary:

    You need to take 3 tbsp. spoons of dry fruits and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Then you need to insist the decoction in a thermos for 12 hours and take 30-40 minutes before meals.

    Rosehip is recommended for taking even during pregnancy, which happens extremely rarely - usually all other plants and berries have contraindications for this period.

    It will be the best non-drug measure for the prevention of all kinds of colds and viral diseases.

    Rosehip tea or decoction will protect and strengthen the body of the expectant mother, unload the work of the kidneys, giving a slight diuretic effect, which is so necessary to relieve swelling that usually accompanies pregnancy.

    The only limitation is that you should not drink more than 1 liter of decoction per day, so as not to harm the body.

    Firstly, it is necessary to observe the proportions of water and fruits - it should be 1:10, i.e. for 100 grams of rose hips you need to take 1 liter of water. Before proceeding with the preparation of the decoction, the berries must be washed and chopped. This can be done in a mortar and pestle or in a coffee grinder.

    This will reduce the steeping time. When preparing the broth, it must be brought to a boil, then covered with a lid and insisted for 12 hours. This can be done in a thermos. Adding sugar is not welcome, but honey can be added if desired.

    You can also make fortified rosehip and raspberry tea. It will miraculously help with colds, especially in winter.

    To make tea, you need to take rose hips and fresh raspberries in the same amount, pour 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew to room temperature.

    Raspberries can be replaced with currants, keeping the same proportions when making tea. Will not spoil the taste and add usefulness honey. You can drink this tea 3-4 times a day, preparing it fresh each time.

    Those people who are allergic to vitamin C, diabetics and patients suffering from gallstone disease. It will not bring benefits because of the high concentration of ascorbic acid and for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and who suffer from gastritis.

    Top 10 sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C reduces the likelihood of colds and is a powerful antioxidant. Find out which products have the most of it?

    Everyone knows that vitamin C increases the body's resistance to infections, increases efficiency and promotes metabolic processes. The daily requirement of vitamin C is 100 mg, but when the body is weakened or stressed, the need for the vitamin increases. That is why it is extremely important to include foods rich in vitamin C in your diet.

    Kiwi is the record holder for the content of vitamin C. No other fruit or vegetable contains more of this vitamin. It is advisable to eat kiwi with a peel - it has a lot of coarse fibers. Coarse fibers are not digested, but swell, absorbing toxins and removing them from the body. And this is the key to good immunity.

    Orange not only pleases the eye with its bright color, but is also one of the healthiest and most delicious fruits. Just one medium-sized orange (150 grams) can provide your daily vitamin C requirement.

    Sweet red pepper surpasses even lemon in vitamin C content. Also, red pepper has a unique property - it expands constricted and narrows dilated vessels. In addition, red pepper contains capsaicin, a substance with a very pungent taste. The amount of this substance determines whether the pepper will be sweet or bitter. Capsaicin can cause mass death of cancer cells.

    Cabbage also contains a lot of vitamin C, more than tangerines and lemons, especially for late vegetable varieties. An important advantage of cabbage is that vitamin C is stored in it for a long time. This is due to the fact that in cabbage it is in the most stable form - ascorbigen.

    Parsley occupies one of the first places in terms of the content of useful minerals and vitamins. And, as you already understood, it greatly surpasses many fruits and vegetables in the content of vitamin C. 50 g of parsley contains the daily requirement of vitamin C, and in terms of beta-carotene content, parsley is not inferior to carrots.

    "Onion is a remedy for seven ailments," says folk wisdom. And probably everyone believes in the authenticity of this saying. After all, onions are not only a well-known vegetable, seasoning, but also a medicine with unique properties. By the way, onion shoots are very healthy and rich in vitamin C. In addition, this source of vitamin C is generally available and will not burden the family budget.

    Spinach is called the “stomach broom”, it helps lower blood pressure, is good for diabetes, is unique in its composition of minerals and vitamins, and is rich in vitamin C! The content of this vitamin in spinach depends on the season. And in winter, spinach contains the most vitamin C.

    The celery root contains a lot of mineral salts, oxalic acid, glycosides, and a small amount of vitamin C. But there is a lot of vitamin C in the young leaves of the plant. Vitamin C and a number of other active compounds gave the plant outstanding medicinal properties. Celery improves blood circulation, has a positive effect on blood vessels, normalizes metabolism, and strengthens the nervous system.

    Tomatoes also contain quite a lot of vitamin C. It should be noted that later varieties of tomatoes contain more of this vitamin. It is known that greenhouse tomatoes are inferior in taste to soil tomatoes, but not in terms of glucose content. In addition, tomatoes are good antidepressants, they normalize metabolism and the digestive system.

    Raspberries contain 5-11% sugars, among which well-digestible glucose and fructose predominate. Vitamin C in raspberries is about 30 mg%. Raspberries are good on their own, but even tea made from their dried berries, leaves, and twigs can be of great benefit to your body. Thus, raspberry vitamin C can be present in your year round.

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