• How many flowers should be in a flower arrangement. Does the number of flowers in a bouquet matter? Bouquet for a young girl - video


    PUBLIC OFFER - on the conclusion of a contract of sale

    This document constitutes a formal offer to conclude a sales contract on the terms and conditions set out below.
    1. Terms and definitions
    1.1. In this document and the resulting or related relations between the Parties, the following terms and definitions apply:
    1.1.1. Public Offer / Offer - the text of this document with all annexes, amendments and additions to it, posted on the Site and available on the Internet at: https://www.website
    1.1.2. Goods - bouquets of flowers, single flowers, gift wrapping, postcards, soft toys, souvenirs and other goods, as well as related services offered for sale in the Application.
    1.1.3. Transaction - an agreement on the purchase of Goods, together with all the Mandatory Documents related to it, which is concluded and executed on the terms of this Offer.
    1.1.4. Buyer - a User who intends to use, uses or has used the functionality of the Application and / or the Service provided on its basis to select and purchase Goods, including related services. A User registered in the status of a Store can act as a Buyer under a Transaction. 1.1.5. The Seller is LLC Trade Network Bouquet of the Capital; OGRN 1171690026090, legal address: 420039, Kazan, Dekabristov St., 186, office No. 1000.
    1.1.6. Store - a User who has passed the registration procedure in the Application in the status of a Store, who intends to use, uses or has used the functionality of the Application and / or the Service provided on its basis, including the services of the Seller under a commission agreement, to search for Buyers, sell the Goods and receive payment for the Goods .
    1.1.7. Order - an order for the purchase of Goods containing the terms of the Transaction, placed by the Buyer by selecting the Goods and filling out the form in the relevant section of the Application.
    1.1.8. Acceptance - full and unconditional acceptance of the Offer by the Buyer performing the actions specified in this Offer, creating a Transaction between the Buyer and the Seller.
    1.1.10. Mobile application is a computer program intended for installation and use on a mobile device in accordance with the terms of the End User License Agreement, which allows using various options of the Service.
    1.1.11. Application - an integrated software package that includes the Website, Mobile Application and other computer programs and / or databases on the basis of which the Service is implemented.
    1.1.12. Service - a set of functionality of the Application and the Content placed in it, access to which is provided to Users.
    1.1.13. Personal account - a personal section of the Application, to which the Buyer gets access after registration and / or authorization in the Application. The personal account is intended for storing the personal information of the Buyer, placing Orders, viewing information about completed Orders, the stage of their implementation, and receiving notifications in the order of notification.
    1.2. This Offer may use terms and definitions not defined in clause 1.1. Offers. In this case, the interpretation of such a term is made in accordance with the text of the Offer. In the absence of an unambiguous interpretation of the term or definition in the text of this Offer, one should be guided by its interpretation, determined: first of all - by the documents forming the Deal between the Parties, secondly - by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and subsequently - by business customs and scientific doctrine.
    1.3. Any reference in this Offer to a clause (section) of the Offer and / or its conditions means a corresponding link to this Offer (its section) and / or its conditions.

    2. Subject of the Transaction
    2.1. The Seller undertakes to transfer the Goods to the Buyer (including providing related services) on the basis of the Orders placed by the Buyer, and the Buyer undertakes to accept and pay for the Goods on the terms of this Offer.
    2.2. The name, price, quantity of the Goods, address and delivery time, as well as other necessary conditions of the Transaction are determined on the basis of the information provided by the Buyer when placing the Order in accordance with the Information about the Goods.
    2.3. The Buyer accepts and agrees that the direct execution of the Order can be carried out by a third party - the Store.
    2.4. A prerequisite for concluding a Transaction is the unconditional acceptance and compliance by the Buyer of the requirements and provisions applicable to the relations of the Parties under the Transaction, defined by the following documents (“Mandatory Documents”):
    2.4.1. The User Agreement posted and/or available on the Internet at https://www.website/offerta and including the general conditions for registering in the Application and using the Service;
    2.4.2. Privacy Policy posted and / or available on the Internet at https://www.site/offerta, and containing the rules for the provision and use of the Buyer's personal information.
    2.4.3. End User License Agreement - mandatory conditions for using the Mobile Application posted and/or available on the Internet at https://www.website/offerta.
    2.4.4. Information about the Goods - information about the Goods posted and / or available in the Application, used by the Seller to approve the Order as of the date of its receipt, and including information about the name, completeness and price of the Goods, as well as other information about the Goods;
    2.4.5. Terms of promotions - information posted and / or available in the Application about individual Goods, in respect of which special conditions for placing an Order, payment, delivery and return of promotional Goods or providing a service in connection with placing an Order for such Goods may be established;
    2.5. Specified in clause 2.3. of this Offer, the documents binding on the Parties constitute an integral part of the Transaction concluded in accordance with the Offer.

    3. Rights and obligations of the Parties
    3.1. The seller undertakes:
    3.1.1. Transfer the Goods to the Buyer in the manner and on the terms of the Transaction. 3.1.2. Transfer to the Buyer the Goods of proper quality that comply with the terms of the Transaction and the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
    3.1.3. Carry out personally or arrange delivery of the Goods to the Buyer;
    3.1.4. Provide the Buyer with all the necessary information in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation and this Offer;
    3.1.5. Fulfill other obligations stipulated by the Transaction, including Mandatory Documents, as well as the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
    3.2. The seller has the right:
    3.2.1. Demand payment for the Goods in the manner and on the terms stipulated by the Transaction.
    3.2.2. To refuse to conclude a Transaction to the Buyer in case of his dishonest behavior, in particular, in the case of: more than 2 (two) cases of non-receipt of the Goods during the year; provision of knowingly false personal information; other cases of dishonest behavior, indicating the conclusion by the Buyer of the Agreement for the purpose of abuse of rights, and the absence of the usual economic purpose of the Agreement - the acquisition of the Goods.
    3.2.3. Exercise other rights provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as by the Transaction, including the Mandatory Documents.
    3.3. The buyer undertakes:
    3.3.1. Provide the Seller with reliable information necessary for the proper execution of the Transaction;
    3.3.2. Verify the Order before making an Acceptance;
    3.3.3. Accept and pay for the Goods in accordance with the terms of the Transaction;
    3.3.4. Check for notifications in the Application (including in the Buyer's Personal Account) and at the email address specified by the Buyer when placing the Order;
    3.3.5. Fulfill other obligations stipulated by the Transaction, including Mandatory Documents, as well as the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
    3.4. The buyer has the right:
    3.4.1. Demand the transfer of the Goods in the manner and on the terms stipulated by the Transaction.
    3.4.2. Require the provision of all necessary information in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation and this Offer;
    3.4.3. Refuse the Goods on the grounds provided for by the Transaction and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
    3.4.4. Exercise other rights provided for by the Transaction, including Mandatory Documents, as well as the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    4. Price of the Goods and payment procedure
    4.1. Prices for individual Goods are indicated in the Product Information. The total cost of the Goods under the Contract is determined in accordance with the prices valid on the date of placing the Order, depending on the name, completeness and quantity of the Goods purchased.
    4.2. The terms of delivery may provide for the inclusion of the cost of delivery of the Goods to the Buyer in the cost of the Goods (free delivery). In other cases, the cost of delivery is not included in the price of the Goods and is paid by the Buyer additionally.
    4.3. Settlements under the Agreement are carried out using the payment services specified in the Appendix.
    4.4. The Buyer is considered to have paid for the Goods under the Order from the moment of providing information about the payment made by the Buyer in the required amount by the payment service operator acting on the basis of an agreement with the Seller.

    5. Delivery and acceptance of the Goods
    5.1. The goods are delivered to the recipient - the Buyer or another person specified by the Buyer when placing the Order. The person specified by the Buyer as the recipient of the Goods shall be deemed to be duly authorized by the Buyer to take actions to accept the Goods.
    5.2. The term (time), delivery address and recipient of the Goods is indicated by the Buyer when placing the Order.
    5.3. If the Buyer, when placing the Order, indicates the phone number of the recipient of the Goods, the Goods are delivered to the address indicated by the recipient.
    5.4. Self-pickup of the Goods by the Buyer is not considered delivery of the Goods, but may be specified as a delivery method for the convenience of posting information.
    5.5. Delivery of the Goods is carried out by the Store, the Goods of which were purchased by the Buyer, including with the involvement of third parties - Delivery Services.
    5.6. The Buyer is obliged to provide the courier with the most accurate information about the address and place of delivery of the Goods, as well as to ensure free and unhindered access to the place specified by the Buyer, including using an intercom, bell, intercoms, access control devices, concierge service, security, access system and etc.
    5.7. The period allotted for the receipt of the Goods by the Buyer through the Delivery Service is limited. Information about the time of receipt of the delivered Goods is brought to the attention of the Buyer by the relevant Delivery Service.
    5.8. When transferring the Goods, the recipient of the Goods is obliged, in the presence of the person delivering the Goods, to check the appearance and packaging of the Goods and its quantity, completeness, assortment.
    5.9. Due to the fact that the Goods have individually defined properties (manufactured by the Order of the Buyer) and can be used exclusively by the Buyer who purchases them, the Buyer is not entitled to refuse Goods of proper quality.
    5.10. If the Goods were not received within the prescribed period due to the fault of the recipient, the Seller leaves the Goods at the delivery address (if possible) or stores them for a day until the Buyer needs them, and after a day, disposes of them at his own discretion. The obligations of the Seller in this case are considered to be duly fulfilled, the funds paid for the Goods are not returned to the Buyer.
    5.11. The Buyer has the right to refuse the Goods of inadequate quality or significantly different from the Information about the Goods. In this case, the Buyer shall be refunded the cost of the Goods paid by the Buyer no later than 10 (ten) days from the date the Buyer submits the relevant request. The refund of the amount paid for the Goods is carried out in the way in which the payment was made, or in another way agreed by the Parties.

    6. Liability of the parties
    6.1. For non-performance or improper performance of the obligations assumed under the Transaction, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
    6.2. The Seller is not responsible for the reciprocal fulfillment of obligations under the Transaction in case of delay in payment, and in other cases of complete or partial non-fulfillment by the Buyer of obligations under the Transaction, as well as the existence of circumstances that clearly indicate that such fulfillment will not be made within the prescribed time limit.
    6.3. The Seller is released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms of the Transaction, in particular, for violation of the terms of delivery, if the Buyer provides false information about himself.

    7. Force majeure circumstances (force majeure)
    7.1. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under the Transaction caused by force majeure circumstances that arose after its conclusion. Such circumstances, in particular, the Parties include: natural disasters; natural and industrial disasters; Act of terrorism; hostilities; civil unrest; adoption by public authorities or local governments of acts containing prohibitions or restrictions in relation to the activities of the Parties under the Transaction; other circumstances that cannot be foreseen or prevented in advance and make it impossible to fulfill the obligations of the Parties under the Transaction.
    7.2. In the event of force majeure circumstances preventing the fulfillment of obligations under the Transaction, the term for the Parties to render their obligations is postponed in proportion to the duration of such circumstances, as well as the time required to eliminate their consequences, but not more than 30 (Thirty) calendar days. In the event that force majeure circumstances continue to operate beyond the specified period, or when, upon their occurrence, it becomes obvious to both Parties that they will be valid for more than this period, the Transaction shall terminate.

    8. Acceptance of the Offer and conclusion of the Transaction
    8.1. Acceptance of the Offer by the Buyer creates a Transaction between the Buyer and the Seller (Articles 433, 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) on the terms of this Offer.
    8.2. Acceptance of the Offer is made by the Buyer by placing an Order and paying for the Goods.
    8.3. The transaction is considered concluded from the moment the Seller receives the Acceptance of the Offer.
    8.4. On the basis of this Offer, an unlimited number of Transactions can be concluded with the Buyer.

    9. Validity and change of the Offer
    9.1. The offer comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Site and is valid until it is withdrawn by the Seller.
    9.2. The Seller reserves the right to amend the terms of the Offer and / or withdraw the Offer at any time at its discretion. Information about the change or withdrawal of the Offer is communicated to the Buyer at the Seller's choice by posting in the Application, in the Buyer's Personal Account, or by sending a corresponding notification to the email or postal address specified by the Buyer when concluding the Transaction or during its execution.
    9.3. In the event of withdrawal of the Offer or amendments to the Offer, these decisions shall come into force from the moment the information is communicated to the Buyer, unless another term for their entry into force is determined by the Offer or additionally upon such notification.
    9.4. The documents specified in the Offer, binding on the Parties, are approved, supplemented and changed by the Seller at its own discretion and brought to the attention of the Buyer in the manner prescribed for notifying the Buyer about the change in the Offer.

    10. Validity, modification and termination of the Transaction
    10.1. The transaction comes into force from the moment of Acceptance of the Offer by the Buyer and is valid: a) until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations under the Transaction, or b) until the early termination of the Transaction.
    10.2. If the Offer is withdrawn by the Seller during the term of the Transaction, the Transaction is considered valid on the terms of the Offer in the latest edition with all the Mandatory Documents.
    10.3. The transaction may be terminated by agreement of the Parties or on other grounds provided for by this Offer or applicable law.

    11. Agreement on the analogue of a handwritten signature
    11.1. The Parties have the right to use facsimile reproduction of a signature or a simple electronic signature when concluding a Transaction, placing Orders, as well as sending notifications on a Transaction.
    11.2. It is allowed to exchange documents between the Parties by facsimile or e-mail. At the same time, documents transmitted in this manner have full legal force, provided that there is a confirmation of delivery of the message that includes them to the recipient.
    11.3. When the Parties use e-mail, the electronic document sent with its help is considered signed by the sender's simple electronic signature created using his e-mail address.
    11.4. In the case of using e-mail to send an electronic document, the recipient of the electronic document identifies the person who signed such a document by the e-mail address used by him.
    11.5. The procedure for applying a simple electronic signature by the Parties is also regulated by the User Agreement.
    11.6. By agreement of the Parties, electronic documents signed with a simple electronic signature are recognized as equivalent to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.
    11.7. Any actions performed using a simple electronic signature of a Party shall be deemed to be committed by such Party.
    11.8. The Parties undertake to keep the electronic signature key confidential. In particular, the Buyer does not have the right to transfer his login and password or provide access to his e-mail to third parties, and is fully responsible for their safety and individual use, independently choosing the method of their storage and restricting access to them.
    11.9. In case of unauthorized access to the login and password, their loss or disclosure to third parties, the Buyer is obliged to immediately inform the Seller about this by sending an e-mail from the e-mail address specified by him in the Attachment.
    11.10. In case of loss or unauthorized access to the e-mail address indicated by the Buyer in the Application, the Buyer is obliged to immediately replace such an address with a new one and notify the Seller about this fact by sending an e-mail from the new e-mail address.

    12. Final provisions
    12.1. The transaction, its conclusion and execution is governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. All issues not regulated by this Offer or not fully resolved are regulated in accordance with the substantive law of the Russian Federation.
    12.2. Disputes under the Offer and/or the Transaction are resolved in a preliminary claim procedure. If the Parties fail to reach an agreement, disputes are subject to consideration in court at the location of the Seller.
    12.3. From the moment of the conclusion of the Transaction on the terms of this Offer, all written or oral agreements or statements that have previously taken place between the Parties regarding the subject of the Transaction become invalid.
    12.4. By accepting this Offer, the Buyer freely, by his own will and in his own interest, gives written consent to the Seller for the processing of his personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
    12.5. Any notifications and documents on the Transaction, unless otherwise provided by this Offer, may be sent by one Party to the other Party: 1) by e-mail 2) sending an electronic notification to the Buyer in the Personal Account; 3) by mail with acknowledgment of receipt or by courier with proof of delivery.
    12.6. In the event that one or more provisions of the Offer or Transaction are for any reason invalid, unenforceable, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of any other provision of the Offer or Transaction, which shall remain in force.
    12.7. Without conflicting with the terms of the Offer, the Parties may at any time execute the concluded Transaction in the form of a written document expressing the content of the Offer valid at the time of its execution, the Mandatory Documents specified in it and the placed Order.

    13. Requisites
    LLC "Trading network" Bouquet of the capital ",
    PSRN 1171690026090
    420039, Kazan, Dekabristov st., 186, office №1000

    The florist, when compiling the work, must pay attention to the color scheme and contrast in order to achieve the following:

    • rich tension,
    • soft, finely coordinated accent,
    • the expressive impact of the work, for example, a joyful occasion or a sad one, etc.

    Depending on the position in the spectral circle, primary and mixed colors are distinguished. The choice of color, its light intensity affects the emotional world of a person, enriching or impoverishing him.
    Itten singled out primary colors or colors 1st order - red, blue, yellow.
    These colors cannot be obtained by mixing other colors.

    Mixing colors together we get colors 2nd order (orange, green and purple).

    When you combine one color of the main and one color of the first order, we get colors 3rd order (yellow-orange, blue-violet, yellow-green, etc.).)

    Emotionally, the colors differ in terms of excitement and rest.

    active colors(red and yellow) attract more attention and stay in memory longer than passive(blue and green).

    TO warm colors include colors that have red or yellow hues. An environment that uses only cold shades, looks featureless, causes a feeling of cold and emptiness. Warm tones bring objects closer, cold tones move them away. But you should not abuse warm colors.

    Strong brightness excites, inspires a person, weakened - soothes. A clear, bright and harmonious color composition evokes feelings of joy and fun.
    By changing the light tone of the same color, you can change the perception of space and objects, increasing or decreasing them. Light colors expand the space, the works look large. With dark colors there is less work. This property is often used to deliberately illusory correction of the overall impression.

    Contrasts are used in the design of shops, shop windows, restaurants, interiors, but at the same time, colors should be harmonious. Lightness, warmth and color saturation are taken into account.

    • additional
    • qualitative
    • warm/cold colors
    • strong
    • quantitative

    Contrasts and harmony of colors:
    strong contrast form among themselves the colors of the first order (red, yellow and blue). Used in children's bouquets or at exhibitions to achieve maximum effect. With prolonged and intense action, they tire the eyes, so it is not recommended to use on a large scale and in large quantities.

    Additional contrast - colors lying opposite each other (yellow and purple). It must be used in proportions (red and green 1:1, yellow and purple - ¼: ¾, blue and orange - 2/3: 1/3).
    Strong and extra contrast look better as accents in small spaces.

    Harmonious 3-color combination colors can be represented by colors that are determined by inscribing a triangle in the color wheel (equilateral - yellow, red and blue; isosceles - yellow, red-violet and blue-violet).

    Harmonious 4-color combination - when inscribing a square (yellow-green, orange, red-violet, blue) or a rectangle (yellow-green, yellow-orange, red-violet and blue-violet) in the color wheel.

    5-color combination obtained by adding to the 3-color combination of black and white.

    6-color combination - when inscribing a 6-gon (yellow, orange, red, purple, blue, green).
    Harmony of related colors - a combination of colors that lie between two primary colors on the color wheel, one primary color (yellow, yellow-orange, orange, red-orange) can also participate.

    Contrast is the difference.
    Colors differ in their properties. At the slightest difference between them, slight deviations appear and there is a tension in perception. Large differences are very intense, and in this case we are talking about polar contrast or opposition. The lightness of yellow, for example, looks very prominent next to dull black. And if yellow stands next to light green, its lordship will hardly be noticeable, only a change in color will catch the eye.

    For centuries, arranging bouquets has remained a popular art, and many people consider the ability to create harmonious flower arrangements an invaluable skill. Although each country has its own peculiarities of arranging bouquets, many cultures value floral symbolism, in which each flower or element of the composition has its own meaning. But even if you don't have a deep knowledge of floristry, you can still learn how to create beautiful flower arrangements if you follow a few simple tips. Just read on and you'll be fine.


    Part 1

    Planning the flower arrangement

      Choose flowers according to the season. By choosing flowers according to the season, you will save money, and your arrangement will be appropriate for the time of year. This is especially important if you are arranging a bouquet for a special occasion such as a wedding, anniversary or birthday party.

      Choose a vessel. The choice of a vessel for composing a bouquet depends on the desired style of composition. Almost any vessel can be used to compose a bouquet, as long as it is compatible with the height, weight and appearance of the flowers used.

      Use complementary colors. The choice of color is very important when composing flower arrangements, but when it comes to color combinations, there are no strictly defined rules here. It all depends on the desired style and mood of your composition. Here are a few points to consider:

      • Add additional colors to your composition to add variety and liveliness to it. Try mixing red and orange flowers with bright green stems for freshness. You can also mix pink and purple flowers with white tumbleweed flowers for a softer effect.
      • Try mixing several varieties of flowers of the same color or different shades of the same color. Add some depth by lining the outer edge with branches of green leaves.
      • You can also try to create a composition of one variety of flowers in different color combinations, for example, take orange, white and yellow gerbera daisies or pink and purple tulips.
    1. Add some texture. Floral arrangements don't have to be all flowers. You can add some texture like green or dry branches or other seasonal elements.

      • Try adding tall grass, berry stalks, willow, corn stalks, sorrel, or iris leaves.
      • For a seasonal composition, add pine cones, pumpkin, holly shoots, berry tassels, or other fruit and vegetable plants.
    2. Choose a place for the finished composition. Another important aspect is the purpose of the bouquet and its location. Consider the color scheme and the general mood of the room in which you are going to put the flower arrangement, and choose the most appropriate design. You should also take into account the amount of available space.

      Part 2

      Preparation of colors and materials
      1. Prepare the necessary materials. Before proceeding directly to the composition of the bouquet, it is very important to have the necessary materials at hand - this will greatly simplify the process. Depending on the type of flower arrangement, you will need the following:

        • A clean container for flowers - this can be a vase, bowl or basket (or any other container) depending on the number and size of flowers.
        • Floristic foam or sponge, for fixing flowers in wide-mouthed vessels.
        • Braid for fastening flowers together, especially when using tall narrow vases.
        • A sharp knife or pruner for trimming flower stems.
        • A little fixing fluid (usually sold with fresh flowers).
        • Clean and spacious work surface covered with newspaper.
        • Set of flowers and green branches.
      2. Trim the stems of the flowers and strip off the leaves. Before composing a flower arrangement, it is important to trim the trunks, then the flowers will absorb moisture better and stay fresh longer. Cut the trunks diagonally 2.5 cm from the base with a sharp knife or garden shears. It is not recommended to use kitchen scissors as this can damage the stems of the flowers and prevent them from getting enough moisture.

      3. Prepare a vessel. The next step is to prepare a vase, bowl, box or any other container for a flower arrangement. The vessel must be neat and clean, free of sediment or dirt.

        • If you are using a floral sponge (which is great for fixing flowers and saturating them with moisture), you should pre-soak it in the fixative for 15 minutes, and then trim the edges with a sharp knife to the shape of the container for the flower arrangement. Place the wet, cut-off sponge in the jar and tie it with floral tape.
        • If you are using florist foam or cellophane mesh (which are great for heavy flowers and wood-based flowers), place him/her in a container and secure with tape or flower glue.
        • You can also weave the woody bases of the green stems at the bottom of the vessel. This will serve as a natural grid for fixing the colors.
      4. Pour water. At this stage, you need to pour water into the vessel if you are using flower mesh or foam or none of these. If you are using a floral sponge, you do not need to add water.

        Part 3


        Start with large dominant colors. When composing a composition, you should start with the largest and brightest flowers.

        • Instead of using different types of flowers at the same time, it is best to work with one variety and then move on to another. In this case, you can use different combinations of colors in shape and color to get a more uniform and balanced composition.
        • Work in a circle, arranging flowers along the outer edge of the vessel. Using a damp sponge will make this process easier. If you don't have a sponge, make holes with a sharp object so that you can insert flower stems into them - but try not to make holes wider than the diameter of the stems, otherwise the flowers will wobble.
        • Rotate your flower arrangement as you work to make it look even from all sides, which is where the turntable snack tray comes in handy!
      5. Arrange the flowers in circles in turn. When you're done with the first circle of colors, move on to the next one using different color variations.

        • The second circle of flowers should be inside the first. Try to create a dome effect by placing flowers with longer stems in the very middle. The finished composition will resemble a meadow of flowers on a hill.
        • Continue to arrange different types of flowers in turn, starting from their size and the expected number of flowers in the composition.
      6. Use an odd number of colors for each circle. One of the basic rules when composing a bouquet is to use an odd number of flowers of each type.

        • For example, you can arrange 7 roses in the outer circle, 5 white roses in the inner circle, and 3 tumbleweeds in between.
        • This method helps to achieve greater organicity and integrity of the composition.
      7. Pay attention to the height and width. The height and width of your composition is another factor to consider when creating a composition.

        • As a rule, when it comes to the height of the composition, then it should be one time or half higher than a vase or any other container.
        • There are no hard and fast rules about the width of the composition, but it must match the height.
        • Rotate the composition as you work, then the height and width will be the same on both sides.

    The language of flowers, which expresses ideas, feelings, moods - uh then, one might say, a whole science that reveals the meaning, symbolism of various flowers and plants. Personally, I was very interested in this topic, and, as you can see, I immediately share it.

    The language of flowers has become popular again in our time, however, of course, it does not find such wide application as in past times, when young people were completely fond of it. Everyone knew how to compose and decipher the message that this or that bouquet of flowers carried.

    The language of flowers originated in the East and was widely used both in the presentation of bouquets and in lyrical works. The language of flowers came to Europe in the 18th century and became very widespread in secular society - it was used at balls, in games and in letters.

    During the Victorian era, the language of flowers helped a lot in cases where feelings could not be spoken openly, but required a secret expression. The flower language, like any other, has changed over time and adapted to the conditions in which it was used - after all, each locality has its own favorite flowers.

    Poet Dmitry Oznobishin devoted a special study to flowers. In 1830, he translated from Persian and published the book "Selam, or the language of flowers" and placed more than 400 names of plants, where each of them corresponded to a saying or phrase in the language of flowers. He believed that a secret language appeared in those parts where a woman was forced to lead a secluded life due to class prejudices, but reserved the right to express her true feelings.

    Even some flower dictionaries have come down to us, they tell in detail about the meaning of so many plants. Below I will give an example of a number of flowers and their meanings, but this is a small part of what flower dictionaries actually contain.

    Tulip- everyone knows that he is the emblem of Holland, which is famous for its tulip plantations. The yellow tulip in the language of flowers means " Your smile is like sunlight", red - " Trust me", motley - " Perfect eyes". But in general - this flower is a symbol of pure love.

    Chrysanthemum- yellow means friendly love, white - truth, red - good luck and best wishes.

    Lilac- if white, it will mean first love, purple - " My heart Belongs to you".

    Orchid- a luxurious flower and means beauty, love. And it is also considered a Chinese symbol of childhood.

    Narcissus- contrary to the legend in the language of flowers, daffodil means attention, chivalry. The yellow flower said " You are the only one", "When I'm with you the sun always shines".

    Snowdrop- giving the first spring flower, say "You are not like everyone else", and it also means tenderness and hope.

    Rose- oh, how many have already been donated! She represents love!

    There is a generally accepted symbolism of flowers. Knowing the meaning of colors and colors will help us make the right choice.

    A bouquet is not only beautifully arranged flowers, but also a way to express a person's feelings or thoughts. The language of flowers is no less expressive than any other. Color, shape, quantity, design of flowers can all carry a huge semantic load. Often this is associated with legends and myths about a particular flower.

    But there are many prejudices associated with the meaning of colors. For example, yellow is considered the color of separation, although in fact yellow is the color of the sun, the color of warmth and intelligence. According to the language of flowers, yellow roses have nothing to do with separation, on the contrary, it expresses the most positive emotions.

    In order not to make a mistake with the color, choose the universal color of the flowers - white. It goes well with other shades and is suitable for all occasions. White flowers are good everywhere. Bouquets of white flowers are the most neutral, bring light, fun, symbolize purity, innocence. For example, fragile white tulips.

    Red is an active color, considered the color of love and passion, love of life, the color of freedom. Red roses are the most favorite flowers of all lovers. This color in itself looks spectacular, large compositions should be avoided. The red color in the bouquet goes well with white, yellow. A single color is the color of modesty and youth, symbolizes the tender feelings of the giver, and can even express a declaration of love.

    Blue flowers are so attractive! Even in a small vessel or planter, flowers of the same tone look very impressive. Blue color is cold and quiet, strict and full of energy. It symbolizes energy and infinity, trust and fidelity. This color of freshness, coolness and romance.

    Blue color creates the illusion of space. Forget-me-nots, delphinium - the king of blue flowers, Muscari blue. A bouquet of blue irises given to a beloved woman will remind her that she has someone to rely on. Intense blue color is combined with bright yellow or dazzling white.

    Violet color symbolizes greatness, dignity, luxury. Blue - purity, fidelity. A bouquet of bluebells or forget-me-nots is good to present to a pure, young, innocent creature.

    Green - peace, tranquility. Compositions with a lot of greenery will help create a pleasant, calm atmosphere at home or in the office. Light green - purity, fun. Bouquets using light greens are especially good in spring. Dark green - hope, peace, peace, fertility.

    A bouquet intended for a child on his birthday must necessarily be bright and colorful, in joyful tones. Give him one flower or a small mixed bouquet of small and delicate flowers. It is not customary to give a young girl bright red flowers. You can give her lilies of the valley, tulips ..., yes, everything that she loves. You can give orchids to your beloved woman, but it is not recommended to give her carnations.

    Give your mother roses or roses collected from different flowers and elegantly decorated. For older women, avoid giving dark and fast-fading flowers. You can give a compact bouquet of light flowers, but not white, as white is the color of the bride. It is customary for elderly people to give flowers with long peduncles - gladiolus.

    Some people think that flowers are not given to men. Not quite right. It is customary for men to give large flowers on a long stem - roses, gladioli, chrysanthemums. And if a man has an anniversary, opening day or premiere, then there is a reason to give him elegant, lush bouquets, you can also in baskets.

    But nevertheless, tulips, roses, carnations, gerberas can be safely given in any situation. Lilac, bird cherry, wild flowers are not suitable for an official setting, although an office in the office, if its owner is a lady, lilac will not only decorate, but give it a slightly homely atmosphere. If indoor plants are loved in the house, you can safely carry a rare cactus.

    Flowers must match the occasion. For anniversaries, bouquets of chrysanthemums, lilies, gladiolus, roses or carnations are traditionally presented. Luxurious large bouquets are presented in exceptional cases, at special celebrations.

    The number of flowers in a bouquet has a certain meaning: it is customary to give an odd number of flowers: one, three, five, seven ... One flower is a sign of attention; three flowers - a sign of respect; five - confessions; seven - love ... If there are more than twelve flowers, then the count goes to half a dozen, that is, the number of flowers in the bouquet should be divided by six.

    The language of flowers can be realized both through the use of multi-colored objects, coloring objects, and by creating flower arrangements from living plants - bouquets, wreaths, etc.

    In parallel with the European art of composing flower arrangements, it also developed in the East.

    Japanese ikebana is one of the most famous oriental trends.

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    It is interesting that at first only men were engaged in drawing up flower arrangements in Japan.

    These bouquets were made for Buddhist temples and used in religious ceremonies.

    In ikebana, plants and flowers have always been chosen with meaning.

    Each element is a symbol and carries its own semantic load.

    I wanted to get to know this type of floristry better.

    Goal: Learn how to make compositions in a decorative style, master the techniques of working with flowers, master floral techniques, learn to analyze your work.

    Decorative style is the creation of a new, we use a large number materialand its diversityin color, shape and texture. The shape and color of the work is important!

    There are decorative style arrangements:

    A) Closed or dense flower arrangement
    A closed arrangement is set up from a large number of flowers and greenery, which is why it is sometimes called "abundant, lush." The flowers are closely adjacent to each other, forming a certain geometric shape. The vase should fit this shape and be in harmony with a large number of flowers. The composition is visible from all sides, so it can be installed anywhere.

    Consists of steps or "groups" of leaves or intermediate spaces between them ("air steps"). All elements of the composition come from one central point. Vases are rounded, convex, wide vessels. The decorativeness of this arrangement is given by the ray-like, solemn, “bubbling”, lush and presentable construction of the composition.
    Accent is created with the help of color and the concentration of material in the center.

    Form plants with a very short stem, located next to each other. Essentially, they create a floral plane that has a different character:

    • Stretched out like a ribbon, the so-called. frieze
    A frieze is a flat work in the form of a strip or ribbon, usually with a vertical ornament or some kind of figured pattern. The frieze is used to decorate a wall, table, cornices or podiums (more often they think that this is a garland)
    • Heart-shaped, rings, etc.
    • Consisting of spectacular spots contrasting in structure - a structural composition (smooth, rough, velvety surface ... with height differences)
    • Resembling a flat bouquet, animated by the movement of leaves and branches
    D) Parallel flower arrangements
    A characteristic appearance is created by vertical, parallel plants or parts of them installed with each other. They can stand alone, in loose groups, or tightly pressed. Vessels - flat and long, wide. As an assortment, flowers and parts of plants that grow vertically and straight in nature are used.
    Next, we step by step, based on the material for the lesson,
    1st) choose the form of the composition:
    • spherical, round, oval
    • triangular (isosceles, equilateral, rectangular)
    • cone-shaped (based on a square or circle)
    • rectangular and square, rhombus
    • L-shape
    • free
    • Hogarth line, S-shape
    • shape symbols, e.g. egg, cross, wreath, heart....
    • crescent

    2nd) arrangement type:

    A) Closed or dense flower arrangement
    B) Rhythmically segmented or stepped arrangement
    C) Flat or lying arrangement
    D) Parallel arrangement

    3rd) method of setting the material:

    • parallel
    • radially
    • free
    4th) Grouping of material in decorative compositions:

    * Groups (smoothly transitioning into each other or sharply defined, structural)
    * Lines (parallel, intersecting, concentric circles)
    * Chaotic (with or without seal)

    Composition sequence:

    1. Choose dishes for the composition without a drainage hole or seal the hole.
    2. Cut the floral sponge to the size of the dish. For a decorative style, an oasis should be 2 cm above the edge of the dish.
    3. Wet the oasis in the water, just put it on the water with the inscription up, when it sinks to the bottom, get it.
    4. Secure the oasis with a frog, sticky tape or wire so that it does not wobble. If you have tall dishes and the oasis is tightly held in it, you need to fix it with pieces of the oasis.
    5. We close the oasis with leaves so that it is almost invisible.
    6. Immediately choose the form, calculate the proportions of the composition (1:2:3:5:8...), depending on the height or width of the dishes, the grouping of the material.
    7. Set up the line material. It can be long stems of plants, greenery, which forms the height and steps of your future composition.
    8. We set the focus material, for example, large rose flowers, chrysanthemums closer to the base of the dish, because. high-standing large flowers can be visually unbalanced in the composition.
    9. We add filler material, these are small flowers that will give completeness and clarity to your composition. Remove excess if necessary. Add decor.
    10. Drain excess water if needed.
    11. The plant is placed in an oasis 2 cm deep, if you need to put it differently, put it next to it, or deeper into the same hole.
    12. Technical details should not be visible, for example, wires and test tubes (taped), glue from a gun; do not use broken flowers, it is better to put them in a test tube.
    13. The branches are additionally fixed: the oasis is wrapped with a mesh, then the composition is made up, like the others.
    Sample student work in decorative style (L-shape):

    1. Necessary plant material:

    • roses or carnations 5,
    • chrysanthemum bush 1-2,
    • fern 1-2 leaves, or large ruskus,
    • begrass a little.
    2. Necessary material for work:
    1. oasis, 1/3 or 1/2,
    2. utensils for composition,
    3. tools
    You can take materials of your choice, take into account the combination of colors, different sizes of flowers (large-small), it is desirable to take into account different surfaces (structure).
    Job analysis: the oasis is closed completely; the shape is almost sustained, a massive light green center of chrysanthemum, it should have been broken, i.e. put one branch vertically (3-4 pieces) and longer horizontally; gypsum in the vertical does not give an exact direction of movement, it is loose, some branches should be cut off and inserted into the center of the work or placed more tightly; light bergrass does not interfere with perception, you can leave it.
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