• How to choose “your” scent. Test. How do you know before purchasing that a perfume is right for you? Three simple rules! Test which scent suits your personality


    Fragrances according to your zodiac sign!

    Perfumery, Eau de toilette or Perfume - it's not just a smell, it's like a dress or underwear. This is our everything - look, style, image. Perfume reflects us like a mirror and this mirror can change depending on our mood. Today you can be cute little girl, like baby doll and use light, sweet aromas. And tomorrow you will be confident and self-sufficient woman who knows her worth and will have a scent in your purse rich and spicy. The more you wear perfume, the more you will understand how much it influences your life. As Jacques Polge, Chanel perfumer, said, " clothes decorate the appearance, and perfume reflects the inner world"We choose them intuitively. And the choice of smell reveals almost everything: how you perceive yourself, how you want to appear. Moreover, it affects our mood.

    The stars influence our character, on how we relate to life, to people, to things. Astrologers are sure that each zodiac sign has the most perfume scent that suits him. In aromatherapy, there are recommendations for using fragrances for each zodiac sign. Knowing a person's month of birth, you can determine which fragrances are suitable for which zodiac sign, even the names perfume or eau de toilette.

    Find out which scent is right for you (CLICK ON YOUR ZODIAC SIGN):

    Element of this sign - FIRE , patron - planet Mars, which symbolizes active action and even some kind of belligerence. Those born under this sign, as a rule, dynamic and enterprising. They are not afraid to take risks and move forward.

    Aries feel more than they think. They can be extremely generous and adore give gifts and give orders. This courageous, often stoic type, full of original ideas, gravitates towards everything new. When something sinks into the soul of Aries, they are ready to break into all closed doors in order to achieve the desired goal.

    In love, representatives of this sign are very passionate. If they have met their “soul mate”, then their feelings are deep and can even be long-lasting. These are impressionable and extravagant natures.

    Aries loves classic perfume with a strong aroma. Pungent smells activate them, make them persistent and attentive. Woody notes improve well-being and inspire them to good deeds. They like intense and persistent odors, because the main thing is to attract and intoxicate, in the full sense of the word.

    They like to consider themselves non-standard, they like everything bright, modern, so they often prefer perfumes of the most extravagant fashion designers, but they are not unfamiliar with more “down-to-earth” scents with a refreshing bouquet for every day. For an elegant evening, Aries will prefer perfumes with notes vanilla, cloves or heather, myrrh, juniper, nutmeg, ylang-ylang and cinnamon.

    For her: , , .

    For him: ,

    The period of this sign is a time of love and rebirth.
    His element is Earth, and he obeys Venus, symbol of love. Representatives of Taurus are feminine and ardent, enjoy all the pleasures of life, are distinguished by charm and femininity, an insatiable love for beautiful things, flowers, dresses, refined cuisine, wines, cosmetics and perfumes. Brave, hardworking, they are able to take on the most responsible, most difficult positions, but on the condition that there is no pressure on them.

    In love they are very faithful and need stability. Men born under the sign of Taurus they know how to find joy in everything. They seem to draw innumerable strength from the Earth, have a healthy instinct and a sense of beauty and harmony.

    Fragrances for Taurus, are inherent sweet notes woven into herbal, floral and fruity compositions, as well as fresh bergamot accord, stimulating a sense of beauty and encouraging a tendency towards laziness. Notes forest moss help you adapt to any changes easier by making Taurus more enterprising and active. In general, he prefers plant accords.

    The only difference from other zodiac signs is thickness and richness of aroma. He appreciates perfumes that give him the desired status and respectability, prefers exquisite, beautiful packaging: Taurus will be delighted with a large bottle in a bright red or bright green “frame”. In addition, the stars actively recommend to him the scents of verbena to calm passions, as well as the scents of jasmine, magnolia, anise and hyacinths, lilies, red roses, rose hips, chamomile, fennel, hyssop, sage and palmarosa.

    For her: , .

    For him: , .

    Their element is Air
    , patron - Mercury, which symbolizes harmony between spirit and body. Representatives of this sign are internal intellectuals, they are smart and inquisitive, easy-going and changeable. They catch on quickly love arguments and fun, have the ability to live a double life. Geminis love meetings, travel, fleeting contacts and connections. They are daring and resourceful, inventive and sweet, laid-back and accommodating. Sometimes they amaze others with their caustic remarks. While waiting for new ideas, they hate conformism and routine.

    In love one does not make long-term projects. If representatives of this sign have enough of a partner, then they will be faithful to him. But if they get bored, they may decide to act rashly.
    Indefatigable experimenters Geminis can change their scents depending on the time of day, and sometimes combine them to your own taste. This always confuses even the most intelligent partner, because at the same time their essence remains elusive.

    The sign of Gemini rules the nervous system. Fresh, especially citrus notes suit their active lifestyle. This smell has a positive effect on their psyche and influences their composure. The aromas of spices and fresh herbs can stabilize the nervous system.
    In society, Geminis want to tirelessly shine, so they give preference new fashionable scents, ranging from heavy perfumes to stunning youthful compositions with notes of orchids or peonies.

    The stars recommend that they use the scents of iris, lavender, violets, rosemary, mint, mastic, camellias, sandalwood, eucalyptus, fir, vetiver, and other floral and herbal mixtures. It's hard for Geminis to stop at one scent, as they quickly get bored with even the best range of perfumes.

    For her: ,

    For him: , .

    The element of this sign is Water
    , but controls it Moon- symbol of dreams. - sensitive nature, endowed with a rich imagination and preferring the cozy comfort of her inner world to the reality of everyday life. Representatives of the water element often listen to their inner voice and do not attach much importance to the outside world.

    They are desperate romantics in love who dream only of tenderness and security. A woman born under this sign is gentle, charming and attractive, although she can also be unbridled, carried away by her fantasies. Soft and feminine, she can be a desperate flirt using all the known tricks of Eve.

    Perfume is a “frame” for the soul of Cancer, because by the will of heaven they often go into the space of internal experiences. The Cancer palette consists of delicate and soft scents that are often practically unnoticeable to others. Only over time can they remain in the partner’s consciousness. Usually thrifty Cancers are best with perfume donated by their beloved family, they themselves do not want to bear the costs for these purposes.

    Their favorite scent is floral and fruity, but they readily enjoy gentle waters with a scent reminiscent of a summer sea breeze. According to the stars, first of all, Cancers should pay attention to smells iris, violets, camphor, as well as ambiguous, with a deep smell, orchids, reminiscent of the shine of the moon - the guardian of Cancers. Will suit them jasmine, grapefruit, basil.

    For her: , .

    For him: , .

    The element of this sign is Earth, his patron - Mercury, which symbolizes harmony between the state of soul and body. Representatives of this sign - secretive natures and rarely reveal their souls to the people around them. By nature they are somewhat suspicious and do not like change. They are smart, efficient and reliable; can be the greatest thinkers. Individualists, sensual and unpretentious, Virgos love and appreciate quality things. They wear carefully selected clothes that make a good impression.

    In love, as with everything, they are more rely on reason rather than instincts. Virgos very rarely decide to do crazy things. And yet, underneath the external coldness lies great sensuality. Women of this sign are an example of perfection and virtue. Most Virgos are reasonable and like everything to be according to the rules. They have excellent taste. They are elegance itself. They prefer classics in everything.

    Virgos always strive to maintain the image of an intellectual and cultural person, and perfumes play an important role in this. The best way for them to express their feelings is use the language of scents. Sometimes Virgos become attached to the smell for a long time. As representatives of the earthly element, they do not remain indifferent to citrus and chypre perfumes. Strong floral aromas and exotic scents are able to tune them to romantic mood, unless the sense of reality outweighs. They do not avoid popular new products, flavored oils, which evoke images of magnolia branches or vanilla creams.

    The stars are “reserved” for Virgo hyacinth, lily, verbena, sandalwood, mint, myrrh, oregano, valerian, lemon. They like smells fresh grass, cypress. They give preference chypre and oriental scents. However, Virgos do not approve of perfumes that are too revealing. erotic "lining". But they are completely delighted with the elegant aromas in which you can smell lilies of the valley, hyacinth or lilac.

    For her: , .

    For him: ,

    The element of this sign is Air
    , and patronizes him Venus- a symbol of love. Smart and educated, Libra is constantly in search balance and harmony. The actions of this sign instincts rule. Libras hate conflict and prefer "flight" to battle. Libra women are gentle and charming and can adapt to any man. These are ideal assistants who find happiness in husband's success. Libra men do not pretend to be conquerors, but often expect the first step from a woman.

    In love, two principles coexist among representatives of this sign: romantic, rather conformist, and passionately adventurous. It is very difficult to guess which side tips the scales. Libras can easily cope with what causes sleepless nights for others. They take pride in their appearance and sophistication. They have a wonderful gift of friendship; they are the most selfless and devoted comrades. Libras are talented in love, gentle and sexy. Respectful about money.

    This sign has great sympathy for perfumes. Libra prefers classic things, so they buy famous perfumes. This does not mean that they are old-fashioned and out of date. Many of them prefer abstract compositions by famous designers. Their arsenal of seduction is dominated by floral-aldehydic and oriental scales, but with priority - lightweight ones latest versions. It is believed that Libra has a weakness for rose and freesia, because sweet smells make them more confident. Warm tobacco smells give them determination in various situations. The floral palette of the star sign was made up of spicy carnations, jasmine, verbena, mysterious orchids. Will fit thyme, myrtle, ginger, marjoram. A representative of this sign will be satisfied only with the most refined and expensive fragrance, and she will definitely unsharp, gentle, unobtrusive.

    The stars prescribe for them the scent of the queen of flowers - the rose. In a floral palette - carnation, jasmine, orchid, verbena, mimosa, marjoram, orange, magnolia.

    For her: , .

    For him: ,

    The element of this sign is Water
    , and they manage it Mars- a symbol of belligerence and active action, as well as Pluto - a symbol of impulsiveness. His motto: " All or nothing!"If you can win him over, then consider that you have a very loyal friend. Scorpios are people with character. Possessing good intuition and intelligence, they are never afraid of situations in which the balance of power is not in their favor. Individualists, despising public opinion and customs, they carry within themselves strong passions, sometimes hidden, but not dormant. This character does not change: Scorpios are happy with themselves, despite external changes. The essence of their nature is determination.

    In love Scorpios - one continuous passion. They live at a constant boiling point, on a constantly active volcano. And, although life with them is not much like a vacation, they attract many because they have irresistible charm.

    Scorpios always extravagant, sexy and unpredictable, often preferred perfumes “for her” and “for him”. Their palette of aromas is complex and varied, and, as a rule, it famous perfumes, because the main task of Scorpios is to excite their partner, intrigue and even psychologically provoke. And many get hooked. Often they put on their partner’s scents, making the sphere of intimacy more varied and exciting. Scorpios like to use it from time to time perfume with a strong exotic and voluptuous scent.

    The sign is full riddles and secrets. Tend to dominate. They attract the opposite sex. Most sexy sign Zodiac. Scorpio has excellent taste. The stars recommend him Perfume with pheromones. Likes to splurge on strong perfume from time to time exotic and voluptuous scent. Citrus scents stimulate their spiritual power, vanilla accord improves mood, softening mental conflicts and making them more accessible.

    For her: , , .

    For him: , .

    The element of this sign is Fire
    , but controls it Jupiter- a symbol of balance. Sagittarius - strong personality, he lives in step with the times and spares no energy for the benefit of people. Sagittarius always fights for justice; he is noble and honorable n, generously giving gifts to others spiritual and material values. This is the nature of the fiery Sagittarius: the more he gives himself to people, the more he receives in return. Most Sagittarius born optimists. Sagittarius is always energetic, full of strength, prefers activity, he is a good strategist. Thanks to his positive attitude towards the world and people, they have many friends.

    In love, Sagittarius strives for a calm, measured life without complications. Energetic, constantly on the move, he loves tried and true scents. He treats each of his scents as an additional trump card at business meetings and in society. Smells once again emphasize his courage, good taste and constant composure, readiness to fight back and go on the offensive if necessary.

    Often the families of perfumes that Sagittarius chooses are thick shades floral-citrus, oriental and chypre aromas. Notes lavender and moss acts on Sagittarius as "living water".

    The stars offer him scents orchids, peas, lavender, tree aloe or musk, orange, tangerine, rosewood, rose. Smells highlight it good taste, composure, readiness to go on the offensive. Loves flower arrangements, reducing tension. Sagittarians are prescribed scents of orchid, lavender, aloe, musk, orange, tangerine, rose, vanilla and sandalwood.

    For her: ,

    For him: , .

    His element is Earth, but he is under power Saturn, a symbol of concentration and good performance. This sign has the characteristics of the period winter calm. Representatives of this sign patient and ambitious. They think about entertainment only after achieving their goal. They are little influenced, and no one and nothing can make them deviate from their chosen path. The main traits of Capricorn are: determination, tenacity and perseverance. The basis of his life is service, career, awards, titles, regalia, ranks, power. For people of this zodiac, traditions, order and a sense of responsibility are not empty phrases. People born under the sign of Capricorn excellent analysts.

    In love, Capricorns find it difficult to overcome themselves and say “I love you,” but behind the external coldness lies passionate nature. Capricorns walk confidently through life and stand firmly on the ground. Capricorns are spectacular, a little conservative, balanced.

    Capricorn has refined taste in the field of fragrances and knows how to use them not for external attributes. A little conservative by nature, Capricorn loves traditionally smelling compounds, familiar to him from a young age. He likes perfumes with tobacco and leather scents. The aroma captivates him jasmine. Tart smell moss, wood And medicinal herbs stimulates their performance and has a positive effect on mental concentration.

    The stars offer them beautiful, expensive smells, extraordinary and exciting, with notes belladonna, cypress, Indian spices, lemon balm, anise, ginger, lemongrass. Capricorns love camellia. It is these shades that can revive Capricorn, disturb his sensuality, and add extraordinary charm to his appearance. The scents he chooses intrigue those around him. For a business conversation, Capricorn chooses suitable scents: with notes sage, eucalyptus, sandalwood, iris, ylang-ylang.

    For her:

    The element of this sign is Air
    . Aquarius is subordinate to Saturn, symbolizing good performance and concentration, and Uranus, symbol of an independent mind. Originality does not allow Aquarius to follow the beaten path. They only feel happy when invent and create something new. Aquarius extremely self-confident, implement their ideas and plans despite any opposition and with exceptional originality. If a business inspires them, then they are able to invest all their potential into it, take it decisively and work with great persistence and perseverance. Aquarians are not tameable and do not like to burden themselves with obligations.

    They are in love dreamy and idealistic. They value mystery in a partner and can erect object of worship on a pedestal, but on the condition that he will not infringe on their personal freedom. Aquarius women seem fragile, shy, but in reality they have enormous energy.
    Has an attraction to perfume with elegant floral aroma, especially smell roses and orange tree. These aromas simultaneously intoxicate him, have a calming effect, and stimulate his spiritual powers.

    The stars prescribe decisive but somewhat dreamy scents for Aquarius, based on notes fresh spring herbs, bergamot, tea tree. They are very fond of sea smells, as well as smells coolness, freshness.

    For her: The element of this sign is Water, and it is subordinate to Jupiter, the symbol of balance, and Neptune, the symbol of deep transformation. Sensitive and emotional representatives This sign, like a sponge, absorbs the experiences of other people and cannot remain indifferent. Even though Pisces delicate and sensitive, they are capable of vigorous action allowing them to decisively deal with troubles. They are distinguished deep mind and passion for thousands of things. Sometimes it’s hard for them to make a choice, so the list of hobbies can include anything from professional sports before knitting.

    good-natured, friendly, sensual, sexy, but very ambitious. Characteristic for Pisces artistry, the art of transformation and seduction. As for their personal life, for the sake of love they are capable sacrifice oneself. Pisces always passes through their partner’s joys and sorrows. This is complete mutual penetration.
    Pisces always correctly evaluate the design of their living space with smells.

    The sense of beauty finds expression in Pisces in preference aroma of rare flowers and moss. Heavy, balmy amber scents awakens in them a feeling tenderness and fantasy. In addition, they have a highly developed subconscious connection with lily and orchid. Smell mimosas inspires and stimulates Pisces to new things, enhances their abilities get used to the feelings and moods of loved ones.

    A good addition to a Pisces evening outfit are perfume with an exciting scent thyme, violets, roses and irises, verbena lavender. Women of this sign embody all the advantages and disadvantages of the weaker sex. The stars prescribe smells for Pisces thyme, violets, roses, irises, verbena, lavender. As a rule, women of this sign have a rich collection of fragrances for different times of the day and situation.

    Oh this smell! There are so many disputes and dilemmas about this. How exactly to me choose your scent that will suit my skin and my sense of smell. When I come to the store I can’t decide on perfume. A sales assistant with a sweet, pleasant face and voice comes up to me and advises me on a fragrance, usually some new product that is required in advertising. The story begins about what the composition contains and what notes are revealed at the beginning and at the end, and I no longer consciously imagine how I am walking down the street and everyone turns around in my wake and tries to smell what kind of aroma... Then they offer me to try the aroma and then disappointment sets in. The smell is either too cloying, or it smells like surf, like an air freshener, or it smells like alcohol and I can’t smell it anymore. Of course, I understand that perhaps someone will definitely like this perfume. Well, what about me??? I say thank you to the girl and go to other display cases. And here I am trying to find something, maybe I will be lucky and on the first, second or third try I will find it - my dream. But usually I end up not finding anything, because my sense of smell no longer works, even after coffee. This is the situation I often find myself in... But over time, I began to understand how to do it, I realized what I love! I love classic aromas that are slightly tart, light and slightly sour and sweet. My favorites are , and Burberry Brit Sheer, !

    Women's and men's perfumes for zodiac signs!

    "Tell me what you smell like and I'll tell you who you are." Not only experienced perfume sellers argue this way, but also our interlocutors, who subconsciously classify us depending on what aroma comes from us. How to choose perfume for yourself? How to determine your type of fragrance? Which scent suits you? Determine this with a simple perfume test that will allow you to find out which “fragrant” personality type you correspond to. During testing, when answering questions, write down your answers. At the end of the test, you will need to determine the letter that dominates your answers.

    What kind of music do you prefer?
    ● A - dance, rhythmic
    ● B - melodic, with rich vocals
    ● B - rock music
    ● G - classic
    ● D - folklore
    ● E - Latin American
    ● F - jazz

    Name your favorite dish
    ● A - fruit and berry assortment
    ● B - homemade food prepared by mother or grandmother
    ● B - European cuisine: grilled salmon, juicy steak
    ● G - Japanese cuisine: sushi, sashimi
    ● D - Mexican or Indian cuisine - the more spices, the better
    ● E - desserts, ice cream at any time of the day
    ● F - fresh croissants and salad

    What's your favorite drink?
    ● A - fruit juice or sports shake
    ● B - soothing herbal tea
    ● B - as simple as shelling pears: mineral water
    ● G - champagne with or without occasion
    ● D - a steamy glass of white wine
    ● E - Coca-Cola, coffee - more caffeine!
    ● F - red dry wine

    Choose your favorite color
    ● A - orange
    ● B - green
    ● B - yellow
    ● G - pink
    ● D - blue, light blue
    ● E - lilac
    ● F - red

    How do you dress most often?
    ● A - warm sweaters, practical trousers, comfortable boots
    ● B - jeans and jackets
    ● B - feminine skirts and elegant blouses
    ● G - dresses, long coats, hats
    ● D - luxurious status items: suede, cashmere
    ● E - black urban ensembles
    ● F - leopard print coat and stylish bright trousers

    What is your favorite sport?
    ● A - extreme sports: snowboarding, kickboxing
    ● B - golf, tennis
    ● B - aerobics
    ● G - race walking, jogging
    ● D - water sports: swimming, diving
    ● E - yoga, Pilates
    ● F - dancing

    What's your favorite weather?
    ● A - frost and sun, wonderful day
    ● B - the beginning of autumn, when the leaves have just turned yellow
    ● B - tropical humid heat
    ● G - spring: neither cold nor hot
    ● D - fogs, damp heat
    ● E - dry August warmth
    ● F - just to be warm

    What is your favorite holiday destination?
    ● A - mountains, kayaking trips
    ● B - holiday house on the bank of a river or lake
    ● B - all inclusive resort
    ● G - dacha
    ● D - beach, no matter where
    ● E - European capitals, prestigious resorts
    ● F - uninhabited island

    When do you wear perfume?
    ● A - after sports
    ● B - on weekends
    ● B - every morning
    ● G - all the time
    ● D - only at home
    ● E - on a date or on special occasions
    ● F - in bed

    It's time to sum up the results of the perfume test...

    If the letter “A” predominates in your answers, then your scents are sporty.
    Your energetic, assertive nature admires natural beauty. Your fellow stars include Jennifer Lopez and Lucy Liu, whose dynamic and fresh style requires fragrances that are equally transparent and fresh. Aromas of sports brands (Adidas, Lacoste), the composition of which includes notes of citrus, white flowers (lily of the valley, freesia), herbs and white tea will harmoniously combine with your love of healthy food, a sports lifestyle and bright colors.
    The following scents will suit you:
    ● Clinique Happy,
    ● Shiseido Energizing Fragrance,
    ● Tommy Hilfiger Tommy Girl,
    ● Lacoste Pour Femme,
    ● Burberry Brit.

    If the letter “B” predominates in your answers, then your aromas are green.
    Green grass is the word to describe the scents you love. Naturalness is the basis of your charm. Like Julia Roberts and Jennifer Aniston, you can be casually elegant in your clothes, never overdo it with makeup, and always give the impression of freshness, innocence and prudence. Green, natural aromas with hints of leaves and stems combined with notes of hyacinth, tea rose and woody tones fit perfectly into your down-to-earth lifestyle.
    Here are five botanical scents that might suit you:
    ● Chanel 19,
    ● Gucci Envy,
    ● Elizabeth Arden Green Tea,
    ● Cacharel Anais Anais,
    ● Guerlain L"Instant de Guerlain.

    If the letter “B” predominates in your answers, then your aromas are fruity.
    Juicy, mature, sensual. Overflowing with sexuality - this is what characterizes the aromas that are characteristic of you. Like Halle Berry and Sheryl Crow, you are a bittersweet little thing who left the rainforest and found herself in a harsh urban climate. Fruity notes of melon, raspberry, apricot combined with peony, rose and magnolia leave a lasting impression on both sexes. Your romantic nature is constantly in search of love, and scents that bubble with joy match it perfectly.
    Try one of five fruity scents in this style:
    ● Creed 2000 Fleurs,
    ● Ralph Lauren Lauren,
    ● Salvatore Ferragamo Incanto,
    ● Burberry Tender Touch Women,
    ● Gucci Eau de Parfum II.

    If the letter “G” predominates in your answers, then your scents are floral.
    Feminine and girlish, these scents are equally suitable for Beyoncé Knowles and Brittney Spears. Here, too, everything revolves around romance and oohs and sighs, but in a more frivolous version. You love to dress up and take care of yourself; for you this is fun, not work. Your dream date is dinner for two at the fanciest restaurant, your favorite outfits are fitted and very seductive. Your blooming beauty does not depend on the time of year, and floral scents help you with this. Notes of jasmine, orchid, sandalwood, musk and vanilla form uniquely sensual combinations.
    Here are five floral scents you might like:
    ● Hugo Boss Intense,
    ● Yves Saint Laurent Paris,
    ● Estee Lauder Beautiful,
    ● Cartier So Pretty,
    ● Estee Lauder Beyond Paradise.

    If the letter “D” predominates in your answers, then your aromas are aquatic, sea, oceanic.
    Avant-garde and traditional, serious and sarcastic, you are constantly experimenting with your image. Like Gwyneth Paltrow and Sarah Jessica Parker, you are a compelling blend of street and high style. You love to impress without becoming a fashion victim. You smell the future, but don't give up your past. Marine scents that include notes of water, ozone, watermelon, grape, cucumber, lily or honeysuckle perfectly describe your vibrant, artistic personality. Your aroma is lively and brilliant, like mercury, but much more life-giving.
    Try one of these sea scents:
    ● Shiseido Relaxing,

    Sitting still? Not your story! Like everything banal and predictable. You will never get lost in the crowd, and with the help of the right perfume you can stand out even more. We advise you not to pass by the following new products. First, try the “cute killer” Killer Honey, Neotantric Fragrances (1), a floral scent generously seasoned with spices (as it turns out, pepper and ylang-ylang are a very stimulating combination). Secondly, Souffle des Indes, Comptoir Sud Pacifique (4), in which notes of Indian spices, bergamot, jasmine and vanilla are intricately intertwined - a rich and multifaceted combination (we recommend wearing it in the evening: it sounds magical and mega-sexy on skin that has been heated during the day). Thirdly, be sure to check out our favorite - the provocatively named fragrance What We Do in Paris is Secret from the fashion brand A Lab on Fire (5). We promise: you definitely won’t go unnoticed even at the most crowded party. The scent leaves an extraordinary honey-floral trail, spice and sex appeal to which are added notes of lychee, tonka bean, musk and resin from the Brazilian Tolu tree. Also pay attention to the Mediterranean-inspired scents Bronze Goddess Capri, Estee Lauder (2), and Light Blue Dreaming in Portofino, Dolce & Gabbana (3). The first one is very appetizing, with “delicious” notes of black currant and lemongrass. The second is fresher, but with pronounced sweetness and aphrodisiacs, juicy lychee and amber. By the way, it bears little resemblance to its great predecessor Light Blue, but is no less good.

    Which will be completely associated only with you - the dream of every woman. I really want it to captivate, seduce, and at the same time escape from the field of smell in time, not allowing those around me to get fed up. Some manage to find their scent right away, and they do not betray their “companion” for many years, while the rest have to smell and choose, choose, choose...

    But choosing a scent is not everything; wearing it is also an art! We will tell you a little about the features and, and also help you choose your scent using a test (at the end of the page).

    What we call perfume, perfume and eau de toilette are often not such.

    There are three types of perfumes

    First view- this is perfume. They are sold in very small 15 ml bottles. In themselves, these bottles are simply some kind of work of art, made filigree, often handmade, in themselves - just a sight for sore eyes. This perfume is expensive, it is not sold in ordinary chain stores. The concentration of aromatic substances is maximum.

    Second type- this is eau de parfum (eau de parfum) or daytime perfume. Here the concentration of aromatic substances is much lower, and this product is much cheaper. Sold in large quantities.

    Third type- Eau de Toilette. These scents are the lightest.

    You should be careful when storing your perfume, keeping it away from direct sunlight and in a very warm place.

    You also need to close the lid tightly, otherwise you risk that your favorite perfume will simply evaporate.

    As for the choice of perfume: perfumes from Kenzo, Gucci, Givenchy are just brand names. The people who create these perfumes are far behind the scenes, and no one knows about them.

    The smell of perfume

    The scent of the perfume consists of 3 notes.

    First note- the lightest and it evaporates after 15 minutes, these are most often notes of citrus and flowers.

    Second- the middle note, also called the heart note, it is this aroma that stays with us all the time when we wear perfume, it is the one that will be felt almost always.

    AND third note- the so-called trailing aroma, we feel it at the end, when we come home in the evening, undress and feel this residue, the trail of the past day and your perfume. Therefore, it is very wrong to buy perfume by smelling a cap in a store, or by spraying it on a cardboard strip. You shouldn’t do this, otherwise you’ll just waste money, and after walking around in this scent for a day you’ll realize that it’s not right.

    How to apply perfume correctly?

    You need to spray perfume on your wrist, or on the bend of your elbow and leave. After walking for 6-8 hours with this smell, you will understand whether it is yours or not.

    You also need to take into account that your body also has its own specific smell, which in combination with perfume can give an unusual combination. Therefore, it is very important to walk around with the aroma and feel how your body comes into contact with this aroma.

    And if you are still searching for yourself, use a few tips when choosing a perfume. Don't buy perfume just because you liked it on someone. The same scent smells different on every person. It depends on body odor. And between getting to know the perfume and purchasing it, 3-4 hours should pass. During this time, all its notes will open up, and you will understand whether you like their scale or annoy you. And don’t regret 5 minutes - take our test. In it, we took into account all the recommendations of psychologists regarding the choice of our perfumes.

    Answer the test questions

    1. What color combination do you like best?

    A Blue and gold.
    B Pink with purple.
    C Dark blue with white.

    2. A bouquet of 51 roses is delivered to your home. The sender's name is not specified. Your actions?

    A You call your best friend and tell her about the surprise.
    B You feel slightly bewildered. It would be much nicer to know who the bouquet is from.
    C You're euphoric! And it looks like you can guess who this mysterious stranger is.

    3. If you had the opportunity to go on vacation right now, what place would you choose:

    A Tenerife.
    B Morocco.
    C Ibiza.

    4. If a perfumer created a fragrance exclusively for you, what would you call it?

    A"Flowers of Happiness"
    B"Black Panther".

    5. If you were making a bouquet for yourself, what flowers would definitely be there:

    A Cream roses.
    B Bush chrysanthemums.
    C Orchids.

    6. If you had to describe your personality in one word, then you are a nature:

    A Romantic.
    B Temperamental.
    C Lover of experiments.

    7. Which of these essential oils is your favorite scent?

    A Lavender.
    B Peppermint.
    C Sage.

    8. If your loved one decided to give you perfume, he would make the strongest impression if:

    A He gave perfume along with expensive champagne.
    B I put a luxurious scent in a nondescript package.
    C I put them in a velvet heart-shaped box.

    9. For you, perfume is:

    A Object of desire.
    B The opportunity to feel more sexy.
    C Nice memories.

    10. Close your eyes. What smell do you find most pleasant right now?

    A Roses after the rain.
    B Coniferous forest.
    C A bazaar with the aroma of spices in the air.

    For an accurate result

    When you read the question, don’t think long about the answer. And especially don’t try to guess the “correct” option. Answer what first comes to mind. Count which answers (A, B or C) you got more, and find out about your ideal scent.

    Eastern (A)

    You are a bright, passionate and temperamental person. The light and subtle aroma will simply be lost on you. Therefore, your choice is a rich oriental perfume with rare and expensive notes of oud, sandalwood, and rose absolute. He will attract attention to you with his originality.

    1 of 3

    Dear Rose La Favorite Eau de Parfum. Price for 100 ml 7200 rub.*

    Montale Honey Aoud Eau de Parfum. Price 50 ml 8200 rub.*

    Eau de parfum Maison Françis Kurkdjian OUD satin mood. Price on request.

    Floral-fruity (B)

    With such a light character as yours, heavy perfume is inappropriate. You will not create a harmonious couple with them; it will seem that you exist separately from each other. Therefore, your choice is sunny, light and playful perfumes with notes of flowers and fruits: jasmine, orange blossom, pineapple, fig.

    1 of 3

    Bruno banani Woman eau de toilette. Price for 60 ml RUB 2,286*

    Eau de toilette Antonio Banderas Her Secret Game. Price for 80 ml 1425 rub.*

    Elie Saab Le Parfum Resort Collection eau de toilette. Price for 50 ml 4120 rub.*

    Woody-musky (C)

    Your delicate nature requires more than just perfume. It should be a fragrance with a feeling of “understatement”: so that others would want to figure out who you really are: strong or vulnerable, a dreamer or a realist. Your choice is perfumes with notes of cedar, vetiver, rose.

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