• Neurological contraindications for natural labor. Contraindications to natural breeds. Contraindications for natural labor


    • pros
    • Minuses
    • Preparation
    • Stages
    • Epidural anesthesia
    • Pets
    • Effects
    • Unusual natural childbirth

    Are the natural labor and is it better to agree on the cesarean cross section at the slightest deviations? Modern women want to do with "low blood" and feel nothing, and doctors beat anxiety in such situations and, despite the fears before pain, strongly recommend to give birth to a child independently in the absence of testimony to surgical intervention. Preparing for such a responsible event, future mothers must weigh everything for both against, listen to all the recommendations of doctors and take the right and weighted solution.


    If you have the ability to choose, give birth yourself or with the help of cesarean section (read the link, what is better), you need a detailed advice of the doctor. It should highlight the woman all the advantages and disadvantages of the other way of the delivery of it in its situation. Parents of the future kid must weigh everything for and against and understand that all responsibility for the decision taken will fall on their shoulders. The undoubted advantages of natural childbirth are as follows:

    • fast setting of lactation;
    • birth of a child - the process programmed by the nature itself, any extraneous intervention in which can endure harmful;
    • through natural labor, the newborn acquires a heavy, but useful experience overcoming difficulties and obstacles;
    • the natural adaptation of the baby is guaranteed to new conditions;
    • there is an ordering of a small organism;
    • it is ensured by a close, inseparable connection between the mother and just a nor animatted child;
    • fast postpartum restoration of the female organism;
    • mom's ability to independently care for newborns immediately after discharge.

    Of course, the virtues of natural genera are a lot. However, the young mother will need to consider all the pros and cons of this process to represent and turnover, not quite the look of the medal. After all, there are disadvantages and this method of delivery.


    Compared to the pros, the cons of natural genera are small and rare enough. These include:

    • severe pain when the fights and sweats are followed;
    • painful sensations already after childbirth in the crotch;
    • frequent crust breaks, which dictates the need to overlay in this place of seams.

    Many people also include frequent generic injuries of the mother and child, but this is a controversial moment. According to statistics, with cesarean section, the risk of such consequences is also very large. For prompt intervention in this natural process, serious medical testimony is required.

    Contraindications to natural childbirth

    There may be a situation where the birth of a child without surgery can threaten not only health, but also the life of a woman and baby. There are certain contraindications to natural clauses that simultaneously serve as testimony for cesarean section.

    During pregnancy

    1. As a rule, this is a narrow pelvis when the kid will not be able to independently pass the generic paths. Tumors and deformations in this part of the female body.
    2. The threat of the rupture of the uterus because of its thinning or the inconsistency of the scar.
    3. Abnormal, improper position of the placenta, when it is fixed above the neck of the uterus, overlapping the way the child.
    4. Pathology (tumors, misa) in the development of the uterus or vagina.
    5. Symphyzit is the discrepancy of pubis bones.
    6. Healthy gestosis form.
    7. Some chronic diseases of cardiovascular, nervous systems, diabetes, myopia, etc.
    8. Plastic surgery on the vagina, the cervix, the embedding of intestinal and urinary fistulas.
    9. Strong crotch in previous birth.
    10. Expansion of the veins of the vagina.
    11. Intended twins.
    12. Cross position in the toddler womb.
    13. Chronic hypoxia of the fetus, its hypotrophy.
    14. Long infertility.
    15. The aggravation of genital herpes.

    During childbirth

    1. Early detection of accumulating waters.
    2. Various anomalies of generic activities.
    3. Fetal hypoxia in acute stage.
    4. Pulling placenta.
    5. Loss or presence of cord loops.
    6. Incorrect position of the fetus head (in the dispersed state, high straight standing).

    These are absolute contraindications for natural labor when not even the desire for the woman itself is not taken into account. In all other cases, alternative options are possible, but at the same time the young mother will have to take all responsibility in writing for the outcome of what is happening. Such a situation may occur if there are following factors, which in gynecology are called relative contraindications for independent delivery:

    • pelvic preview (its reasons and signs here);
    • more than 35 years;
    • too large or small fruit;
    • previous Cesarean section;
    • pathology of pregnancy.

    Contraindications for natural genera are detected either at the stage of pregnancy, and then the planned cesarean section is carried out, or immediately before the start of labor, when a decision on an urgent, unscheduled operation is made. If the baby's hatching takes place without any problems, you need to gradually prepare for an independent delivery, so that everything passed with minimal losses and complications.


    At the stage of pregnancy, psychological and physical preparation for natural genus, which avoids complications and unforeseen situations, is very important.

    What things to prepare

    1. A month before childbirth, collect 3 packages: for childbirth, after them, on an extract.
    2. Purchase a pre-bed, bath, stroller, diapers, pelleins, pile, first-aid kit and other items necessary to care for newborns at first.
    3. For the time of lack of packing food for her husband and children.
    4. Prepare all the necessary documents.

    Psychological training

    1. Being confident that everything will be perfect. Do not doubt the prosperous outcome of the case.
    2. Do not allow bad thoughts.
    3. Deal only by loved ones.
    4. It is necessary as early as possible to natural childbirth: calm down, not nervous, not to annoy, do not be upset, do not cry.
    5. Fights perceive as another step towards a meeting with their long-awaited baby.

    About psychology and childbirth. Until now, scientists have no data on what is the starting mechanism for the beginning of the generic activity. It is believed that the randering should be sought in the brain of a woman.

    Physical training

    1. During pregnancy, you need to physically prepare for natural childbirth: to regularly perform the exercises of Kegel, engage in special gymnastics, lead an active lifestyle, more walk, drink multivitamins and perform all the recommendations of the doctor.
    2. When fighting, it is recommended to make a massage of the sacrum and the loin to themselves, which removes pain, and also learn how to proper breathing in natural childbirth.
    3. At night, you need to perform what doctors and midwives say.

    As practice shows if the preparatory stage was passed correctly, without hustle and with the confidence of a safe outcome, the childbirth will be natural, without complications and difficulties.


    Any woman who is preparing to become a mother, waiting for this event with trepidation and wants to be the most prepared for this process. Therefore, you need to precisely represent how natural labor goes, what stages they suggest.

    Stage 1: Fights

    1. Rare, painless, almost inconspicuous contractions begin (the uterus is reduced). A woman can be at home, even engage in everyday affairs.
    2. The contractions are enhanced, become painful, go every 3-5 minutes. Water depart. It's time to go to the hospital. It is immediately important here to establish the right breathing, which will help reduce pain and ensure the flow of oxygen to the baby.

    For your information…

    Many scientists consider the uterus a unique body. For 9 months, while the woman shelters the baby, the uterus increases 10 times, and after childbirth it is safely returned to the previous sizes.

    Stage 2: Exchange

    1. After the perfect cervical disclosure, as a rule, there is a strong desire to live.
    2. You need to take a convenient post.
    3. You can make an anesthetic waist massage.
    4. To establish the right breath.
    5. Listen to the doctor and accurately fulfill all its instructions.

    Stage 3: Placenta Detection

    1. Within a few minutes, departs a placenta.
    2. A woman feels weak contractions.
    3. The doctor must make sure that the placenta came out entirely.
    4. After that, in the presence of breaks, the seams are superimposed.
    5. The kid is measured, weighed, applied to the mother's chest.

    These steps are characteristic of normal natural genera, but each of them is possible their difficulties and difficulties that are overcome by the joint efforts of the girlfriend, doctors and a child. In some cases, an anesthesia may be required.

    Epidural anesthesia

    Many feminine fear of pain, which is simply unbearable in the fights. Today, epidural anesthesia is used as one of the methods of pain relief, which is characterized by high efficiency. It involves the introduction of a drug with a thin needle directly into the vertebral channel between the spinal disks. Indications for its mandatory conduct are:

    • kidney diseases, lungs;
    • myopia;
    • heart pathology;
    • toxicosis in late dates;
    • premature childbirth;
    • improper location of the fetus.

    The advantages of epidural anesthesia used in the course of natural genera:

    • it can be renewed as the occurrence of pain syndrome, thanks to the catheter;
    • blood pressure with this method of anesthesia does not fall (as with spinal anesthesia, for example).

    However, doctors are still rarely resorted to this method and advise natural delivery without the use of anesthesia, since she has a number of significant flaws:

    • such side effects and consequences, as the formation of hematoma, leakage of cerebrospinal fluid, headaches, infamous, spasms, deterioration of fluid in the body and others;
    • the slow motion of the medicine that begins to work only 20 minutes after the introduction.

    If it is possible to give birth to a baby without applying epidural anesthesia, you need to use this chance. Some very strong wives are solved on homework naturally, but at the same time they must represent what they go.


    In some cases, natural childbirth houses are held, which can be as emermented when the ambulance team does not have time to deliver the hospital to the hospital and the independent decision of the parents of the future kid. Before making such a choice, you need to weigh everything for and against.

    Benefits of homemade natural labor

    • relevant psychological atmosphere;
    • naturalness of the process without outsiders;
    • to facilitate pain, you can take any pose;
    • lack of harmful hospital microflora;
    • independent control over the whole process of childbirth;
    • rapid parents with each other and with the baby.

    Disadvantages of natural labor at home

    • the midwife may not cope alone with the complications arisen;
    • with unforeseen circumstances, a woman may not have time to take to the maternity hospital;
    • lack of medical equipment;
    • the inability to legally entrust to someone responsibility in the event that something goes wrong;
    • the future dad will be in the stressful situation, it may be lost and not to endure tensions;
    • at home, a woman has no time to gain strength after childbirth, you will have to care for the child immediately;
    • it is very difficult to organize a comfortable and safe place for childbirth: household microorganisms are dangerous for the kid.

    If a pregnancy proceeded without complications and an experienced midwife is hired for childbirth at home, everything goes without complications and consequences.


    The negative consequences of natural genera may occur if the timely decision on Caesarean section was not accepted. In this case, due to unforeseen circumstances or medical errors, complications are possible up to a tragic outcome:

    • various generic injuries at mom or baby;
    • the death of one of them;
    • crotch breaks;
    • postpartum depression.

    Such complications for natural childbirth are rare. To avoid them, you need to fulfill all the prescriptions of doctors throughout the pregnancy and during the generic process.

    Unusual natural childbirth

    In some situations, natural genera may be complicated by the mother's disease or the unusualness of the intrauterine development of the fetus. In this case, it is necessary to either make a cesarean section, or still give birth to the baby yourself, after reading all possible consequences.


    Despite numerous conversations about the need for caesarean section with multiple pregnancy, it is quite possible to give birth to a natural way with a prosperous outcome. You just need to keep in mind all the underwater stones of this process:

    • after the first kid appears on the light of the first baby, the woman may have weakness of the generic process;
    • the heavy weight of two bodies can provoke a premature bubble break, water can move too early;
    • kids often lie in the womb incorrectly;
    • weave Pupovin.

    With natural kinds of twins, doctors should be prepared to all these underwater stones and will be able to provide timely help to mom and kids.

    Curious fact. In the XVIII century, the Russian peasant gave birth to 69 children in 27 times: these were 16 duals, 7 Troen and 4 times born 4 kids at once. Given the time, the woman gave birth on his own.

    With a pelvic preview (berry)

    Natural labor with pelvic preview can be resolved if:

    • the fruit is small;
    • basin normal;
    • with a berry prelation of the fetus.

    With a mixed or foot preview, a medical outlook can be significantly worse. Natural labor in these cases can end asphyxia of the fetus, severe injuries, deposition of umbilical cord, premature placental detachment and other complications. In order to avoid all this, the doctor must be made a timely decision on the cesarean section.

    After eco

    Today, natural childbirth after Eco (extracorporeal fertilization) ceased to be something out of a series of outgoing. If quite recently, after this procedure, a woman was offered only one option - a caesarean section, now it is allowed to give birth independently in the absence of the following factors:

    • if a woman insists on Cesarev;
    • age for 35 years;
    • multiple pregnancy;
    • some chronic diseases;
    • fetoplacentar insufficiency;
    • duration of infertility for more than 5 years;
    • gestosis;
    • risk of miscarriage.

    If the woman passed through Eco, healthy and young, and the reason for her infertility, according to a medical examination, was the deviations of her partner, it is quite capable of going to give birth naturally.

    With symphcite

    Symphyzit is inflammation in the Lonnoye pelvis, which may occur during pregnancy or postpartum period. Natural childbirth at symphetic is possible in the following cases:

    • with a neuro-pronounced clinical picture (the absence of strong pain in the joints);
    • if the expansion of the LONA slit is up to 10 mm;
    • in the sizes of the pelvis corresponding to the norm;
    • if the fruit is not large.

    With the scar in the uterus (after Momectomy and Laparotomy)

    Doctors today allow natural childbirth even with the scar at the uterus after operations, momectomy or previous cesarean subject to certain conditions:

    • re-pregnancy occurred in a couple of years after the previous operation;
    • The ultrasound showed the wealth of the scar: it is even, without breaking and dismantling;
    • the weight of the fetus does not exceed 3.5 kg;
    • head preview;
    • the location of the placenta at the rear uterine wall;
    • normal pelvis sizes;
    • availability in the uterus no more than 1 scar;
    • lack of pathologies in the intrauterine development of the fetus

    If these conditions, according to the results of medical examination, are not respected, the woman will be invited to make a cesarean section. If these conditions are met, independent delivery is allowed and after the removal of Moma by the method of laparotomy, when a cut in the abdominal cavity is made.

    Under Moma of Mattik

    Natural childbirth in the morning of the uterus (this tumor neoplasm) is quite possible, since this disease itself is not an indication to the cesarean section. However, at the same time, pregnancy should flow normally, there should be no complications with the health of the mother and child, and the placenta and the fruit are located correctly.

    With hemorrhoids

    The birth of a child naturally with hemorrhoids - the process is complex and quite painful. When the fetus passes through the generic routes, the pressure in the cavity of the small pelvis and the peritoneum rises, the veins are squeezed and chatted. As a result, an increase in hemorrhoidal nodes is observed. However, in the presence of this disease, doctors do not recommend caesarean section. The only way to avoid painful complications is to regularly engage in the prevention of hemorrhoids throughout the pregnancy.

    With high degree myopia

    Natural delivery in myopia is highly possible with a favorable course of myopia and subject to the following conditions:

    • the presence of positive dynamics from view;
    • regular prophylactic measures (reception of special preparations, vitamins, calcium);
    • normal, without pathologies of pregnancy;
    • lack of surgical surgery for vision correction.

    So it is not recommended natural delivery after laser correction of vision and after the coagulation of the retina. They can lead to severe hemorrhage in the fabric of the eye, retinal detachment and even blindness. Is it worth risking?

    After the conization of the cervix

    Alone to give birth after the conization of the cervix (operation, during which the cone-shaped part of the uterus is cut) is usually very difficult. This is due to the fact that the scar after such a procedure most often prevents the disclosure of the neck. In this case, the cesarean section is being carried out.

    At low placenta

    Natural genera at low placenta (when the edge of the placenta is located at a distance of just 6 cm from the inner zoom) are very dangerous, since it is often a partial pairing of the placenta when the cervix opens. It is very dangerous for the life of the fetus. In this case, an urgent caesarean section is carried out.

    After 40 years

    Natural childbirth is quite possible and after 40 years in the absence of deviations and complications in a state of mother and child. Age (all of the feminine should know this) is not a testimony for cesarean sections.

    When accruing umbilical

    Not always, when accused, cord is carried out a cesarean section. If it is one-time, doctors professionally help to give birth to a woman independently without consequences. Operational intervention is prescribed if the following factors are detected before the beginning of the birth:

    • delay in the development of the baby in the womb;
    • an increase in his heartbeat;
    • two or even three-time cord cord.

    With this complication, everything will depend on how dangerous the umbilicals were shown for the life and health of the child.

    Herpes and Natural Birth

    Now the question is now actively discussed, how compatible with herpes and natural childbirth are being compatible: many women are afraid that in this case there will be a mandatory infection with this dangerous kid virus, the immune system of which is not yet ready for such an attack. However, according to the latest research, with a recurrent herpes, a female organism by the time of birth has already developed antibodies that can penetrate the placenta. The child by this time is completely protected, so that infection does not threaten it.

    With narrow pelvis

    Give birth to women with a narrow pelvis is also very difficult. It is such that one of the lower indicators below is 1.5-2 cm. Deviations make it difficult to the process of natural childbirth, representing irresistible obstacles and difficulties for them. So, when registering with consultation, as well as when the pregnant woman is received in the maternity hospital, the mandatory measurement of this part of the female body is carried out. Doctors call the following normal sizes of the pelvis for natural genera, which will not complicate the child passing through the generic paths.

    1. Lumbar-sacral rhombus Michaelis (Figure 1): vertical - 11 cm, horizontally - 10 cm.
    2. The distance between the ileum top front oings (digit 1 in Figure 2a) should be at least 25-26 cm.
    3. The gap between the iliac ridges removed from each other (figure 2 in Figure 2a) should be equal to 28-29 cm.
    4. The distance between the big spins (femurges) of the femur (digit 3 in Figure 2a) is approximately cm 30-31.
    5. The distance between the pit above the sacrum and the top edge of the pubic in gynecology is called an outer conjugate (Figure 2B) and normally equals 20-21 cm.
    6. Solovyov's index (the circumference of the circle in the wildclard joint) should not be more than 14 cm, since in this case there is a conclusion about the massiveness of the pelvic bone and its small size.

    Even if the norm of all these indicators is withstanding, the doctor should additionally find out the compliance of the sizes of the pelvis by the magnitude of the child's head, check the presence of the deformation of the bone joints. For this, ultrasound (less often -renantgenological) study is carried out.

    With enterococcus Fekalis

    No need to be afraid to give birth to the natural way and when enterococcus the fecalis, which is part of the normal microflora of the human digestive tract. If the tests are in order and doctors do not advise to make cesarean sections, there is no kid's infection threat.

    With groove hernia

    Pregnant with groin hernias can offer to give birth to natural way subject to the following conditions:

    • digging a small size;
    • wearing a bandage during pregnancy;
    • the obstetrician during the swelling should keep her groge with hand so that there is no infringement.

    According to statistics, the groin hernia after a childbirth for some time disappears without a trace.

    As practice shows, modern doctors revise views on Caesarean section and belong to it only as needed when the life of the mother and child, indeed, is threatened. In the absence of medical testimony, it is worth a preference to natural acquisition.

    From the first days, as a woman learns about what is pregnant, there are many questions in her head, which concern childbirth. For example, that it is waiting for - natural childbirth or caesarean section, whether anesthesia is needed and many others.

    What does the term "natural childbirth" mean? This is a childbirth that proceeds on the scenario, laid out nature itself, that is, without outside interference. In the modern world, this, perhaps, feasible only, provided that the woman turned out to be alone with any medical care. In other cases, natural childbirth proceeds in the hospital, while doctors intervene into generic activities only if necessary. The duration of such clans without complications is an average of 9-11 hours.

    Preparation for natural labor

    If a woman is prepared for childbirth, then the likely is that they will pass naturally. Even the pain accompanying the contractions will be perceived by the prepared feminines correctly, without any unallness.

    Preparation for natural childbirth has two directions:

    • physical;
    • psychological.

    Physical training

    First of all, the woman must learn to breathe correctly during battles.

    In addition, during pregnancy, you need to pay attention to the following types of preparation:

    1. Preparation of cervix. Each woman, especially giving birth for the first time, should perform exercises that prepare the cervix to the upcoming birth. Weak, neelastic cervical muscles are more often subjected to breaking and injury. Kegel exercises, squats with widespread legs in the knees help prepare the cervix to childbirth. Read more about Kegel exercises during pregnancy →
    2. Preparation of crotch.To prevent episiotomy (crotch dissection during feug), it is necessary to perform an independent crotch massage from 30 weeks of pregnancy using any vegetable oil. How to make a massage, must tell a gynecologist.
    3. Preparation of the mammary glands to lactation. Breastfeeding must also be prepared in advance. Cracks and soreness in nipples are the first, with which young mothers face after childbirth.

    To minimize the unpleasant sensations in the chest area or avoid them at all, the following recommendations should be followed:

    • regularly carry out contrast poultry of the chest;
    • rub nipples with a rough terry towel;
    • manually pull the nipples forward, as if forming them;
    • arrange air baths for the mammary glands, thereby placing the chest.

    Physical preparation for childbirth is necessary for all women, regardless of whether they give birth or rebel. Gentlemen with a weak, unprepared organism experience serious problems during the generic process - unbearable pain in the fights, weakness in attempts, etc.

    Psychological training

    Psychological preparation for childbirth includes mandatory deliverance of a woman from fears that are often false. It is a fear that makes childbirth extremely painful, problematic, and sometimes dramatic. If the guinea does not be afraid and can feel confident, then her childbirth will proceed at a more prosperous scenario.

    Psychological preparation of a woman is also carried out in the process of pregnancy. If the future mother refuses to attend training courses and give preference only to book publications, it is likely to be in the power of false ideas about childbirth, that is, or unnecessary to dramatize their inevitability, or, on the contrary, too much to idealize their offensive. In both cases, its expectations will not coincide with reality, psychologically such a woman in labor will be unprepared, which cannot be said about women who have learned from the courses not to lose their composure and correctly control their emotions.

    Advantages and disadvantages of natural labor

    Undoubted advantages of natural childbirth are:

    • fast lactation formation;
    • natural adaptation of the newborn to the environment;
    • passing through the birth paths of the mother, the child acquires a complex, but useful experience to overcome the obstacles;
    • formation of close connection between mother and child;
    • faster restoration of the body of a woman after childbirth;
    • a young mother will be able to care for the baby in the first days after discharge from the maternity hospital.

    The disadvantages of natural genera include:

    • pronounced pain during battles and fence;
    • pain syndrome after the birth of a child in the crotch area;
    • possible crotch breaks, seams.

    Many people consider the lack of natural labor of the injury of the mother and the child, however, for doctors it is a controversial situation. According to statistics, no less traumatic and cesarean section. But serious medical testimony is needed for operational delivery.

    Contraindications to natural childbirth

    Contraindications to the natural delivery are not rare today. They can be detected during pregnancy or with the beginning of the generic process.

    Contraindications found during pregnancy:

    • narrow pelvis, strain pelvis and tumors that will impede the normal passage of the child through the labor paths;
    • the risk of uterine breakdowns associated with the thinning or failure of the scar tissue (in the case of repeated delivery after cesarean); Read more about restoring the uterus after cesarean section →
    • anomalous attachment of the placenta closing the inlet of the cervix, which makes physiological genera impossible;
    • the discrepancy of the pubic bones is symphysit;
    • haded predoz;
    • chronic pathologies of the nervous and cardiovascular system, diseases of the organs of vision, diabetes mellitus, etc.;
    • serious crotch breaks in previous births;
    • plastic on the cervix, in the vagina;
    • varicosis of the veins of the vagina and the uterus;
    • siamese twins;
    • cross location of a child in the uterus;
    • chronic hypotrophy and hypoxia of the fetus;
    • continuously flowing infertility;
    • stage of exacerbation of genital herpes;
    • oncological disease in the future mother.

    Contraindications identified during childbirth:

    • premature expulsion of water;
    • pathology of labor activities;
    • pairing placenta;
    • acute hypoxia of the fetus;
    • falling out either the presence of umbilical cord;
    • malposition.

    Stages of natural birth

    Each future mother is waiting for the occurrence of childbirth and seeks to the most responsible approach to this difficult process. That is why it is necessary to know how physiological genera proceeds, what stages a woman should overcome.

    First stage - contractions

    1. Birth begin with painless rare fights, which first resemble regular cuts in the uterus. At the same time, a woman can be at home, not realizing that she really starts childbirth.
    2. Fights begin to strengthen, their pain and regularity increase - every 5 minutes and more often. At this time we must move away the water. We need to go to the hospital and at the same time remember the technique of proper breathing, mastered on courses for future mothers. It contributes to the removal of pain during battles and the best oxygen flow to the child.

    Second stage - sweat

    1. As soon as the cervix is \u200b\u200bclose to full disclosure, there is a desire to rebuild.
    2. It is necessary to take the desired pose and breathe correctly. It is allowed to do an anesthetic massage of the lumbar department.
    3. It is important during the fence to control what is happening around him and obey the doctor in accuracy, fulfilling its requirements. Excirations end the birth of a child.

    Third Stage - Detection of the Place

    1. The placenta is born quite quickly - within a few minutes after the birth of the child.
    2. During the discharge of the placenta, the woman feels weak contractions.
    3. The doctor must make sure the integrity of the placenta.
    4. If everything is in order, an inspection of the generic paths of the woman is carried out, the seams are superimposed if necessary.
    5. The child is weighed, measured and first applied to the mother's chest.

    Such a move is characteristic of most of the harvests, but on each of the stages there may be specific features and problems, the decision of which the doctor should do.

    Natural childbirth after eco

    When it comes to about childbirth after ECO, experts usually insist on a cesarean section, but the operational childbirth is not the rule in this situation. If a woman has no medical testimony to Cesarev, if she is young and healthy, and the reason for artificial fertilization was the male factor, then nothing hurts her to give birth to naturally.

    Natural childbirth after Eco pass on the same classic scenario as in other cases. The only thing, due to a non-standard situation with fertilization, the characteristics of the body of a woman and pregnancy, such birth may occur somewhat earlier or later. Therefore, eco-mom is recommended to preserve in advance from 37 weeks of gestation.

    Cesarean section or natural childbirth - what is better?

    If a woman knows how natural labor is passing, she will understand that caesarean section is radically different from the physiological generic process. In recent years, doctors have reviewed their views on operational childbirth and resort to them only under the condition of extreme need. In the absence of absolute medical testimony to Cesarean section, it is recommended to give birth independently.

    Births under the caesarean section pass quickly and sharply, while the woman is restored longer, since she carried out a real surgical operation, and the child adapts to the surrounding atmosphere more complicated due to a sharp transition from one environment to another.

    In the case of natural childbirth, this situation is excluded. A woman is restored faster, the child is applied to the chest in the first minutes of life and with a smaller stress perceives the surrounding reality.

    The consequences of natural delivery

    The consequences or complications of natural childbirth are:

    1. Rales of crotch tissues requiring seams. This complication is diagnosed in 7-15% of the femalenits, and at the same time, the originaries, the similar one happens 3 times more often. The appearance of this complication depends on the elasticity of crotch tissues.
    2. Generic injuries arising due to the inconsistency of the generic pathways and the size of the fetus, rapid and rapid childbirth, the pelvic prevention of the fetus. Treatment of the generic injury of the newborn is carried out differentiated with the localization and severity of damage.
    3. The omission of the uterus and the walls of the vagina as a result of a long period of dyghel. For the prevention of this complication, it is important to carry out exercises to strengthen the pelvic bottom.
    4. Hemorrhoids, the development of which is due to elevated intra-abdominal pressure during the waiting period and stagnation of blood in the organs of the small pelvis in the late period of pregnancy due to the insufficient physical activity of the future mother. Hemorrhoids is diagnosed with 25% of pregnant women and 50% of the women's birth.
    5. Incoming urination in the first 3 months after childbirth. The development of this complication is preceded by traumatic natural genera associated with the gap of the pelvic dna muscles, multiple down, multi-way and large fruit.

    Thus, natural labor has its advantages and disadvantages. But first, as practice shows, much more. Therefore, every future mother is important to adjust yourself to the fact that her childbirth will be naturally, if there is no contraindications for this.

    Useful video about proper breathing in childbirth

    One of the most pressing issues that take up to a pregnant woman - what way will cause a long-awaited child? Natural childbirth or caesarean, what is better? Is it worth planning a cesarean section, if there are no medical records? More women want to do in this process without pain, feel nothing. Doctors unanimously recommend to give birth independently, no matter what pain and fears. On the other hand, if there is at least the slightest deviations, will the natural delivery be justified?

    Cesarean or natural childbirth: "For" and "against"

    In order to decide on the choice: Natural childbirth or caesarean section, you need to consult a doctor first. It will be able to explain all the advantages and disadvantages of both ways, as well as advise the woman the best option in its individual case. Both future parents should thoroughly weighed everything "for" and "against", because this is a very responsible decision.

    • Birth is a natural natural process. Any interference in it can entail detrimental consequences;
    • The natural passage of generic pathways helps the child in the future in a collision with difficulties and obstacles;
    • The baby is faster adapted to new living conditions;
    • A small body thus passes hardening;
    • Between the mother and the baby, a close, inseparable connection is established;
    • Mom has lactations quickly enough;
    • Light and rapid restoration of the body of the mother after delivery;
    • Immediately after childbirth, Mom can care for his child.

    All positive aspects of natural genera are obvious, and there are a lot of them. But this process has its drawbacks that future parents should take into account. They are a little and are found not so often.

    • Soreness of bouts and sweats;
    • Postpartum painful sensations in the crotch;
    • Rales of the perineum, because of which it is necessary to impose in this place of the seam.

    Sometimes more frequent injuries of the newborn and mom are called as deficiencies, but such moments happen at caesarean sections. The risk of complications during childbirth is equally great in both cases. Therefore, to intervene in nature laid, a natural process, you need to have serious medical testimony for this.

    Natural childbirth and their contraindications

    There are such situations where the delivery is impossible without surgery, because Threatens the health or life of a child and mom. There are a number of contraindications for natural genera, which is at the same time the testimony for cesarean sections.

    During pregnancy:

    • Pathology of uterus or vagina;
    • Narrow pelvis of the future mom, tumor and deformation in this part of the body, i.e. those situations where the child will not be able to undergo labor pathways;
    • Improper location of the placenta, which can close the child;
    • Gestosis in severe form;
    • The discrepancy between the bones of the Lobka "Symphyzit";
    • The likelihood of rupture of the uterus during childbirth "Her thinning, scars"
    • Chronic diseases "diabetes mellitus, myopia, diseases of nervous and cardiovascular systems";
    • Long infertility;
    • Transverse location of the fetus;
    • Previously transferred operations on the cervix, vagina, urinary trait, intestines;
    • Extended vans vagina;
    • Strong gap of the vagina during previous births;
    • Hypoxia and hypotrophy of the fetus;
    • Genital herpes in an aggravated form;
    • Intended twins.

    In the process of childbirth:

    • Pairing placenta;
    • Acute hypoxia of the fetus;
    • Premature detection of spindle water;
    • Anomalous course of labor;
    • Loss of cord loops or their preview;
    • Incorrect location of the fetus head.

    All listed contraindications for natural genera are indisputable, with any of them - the desire of a woman is not taken into account. There are other contraindications - relative when a woman can make a decision independently, but in such cases it signs written consent where he takes all responsibility for himself. These contraindications include:

    • Age female more than 35 years;
    • Pelvic prevention of the fetus;
    • Fetal size: too small or large;
    • Various pathology of pregnancy;
    • Cesarean section in previous births;

    Thus, to identify the testimony for cesarean section is possible either at the stage of pregnancy and carry out the operation planning, or immediately before childbirth and proceed to an urgent, unplanned operation. If there is no problems in the process of pregnancy in the pregnancy process, the most successful way to get the risk of complications to a minimum.

    Getting ready for childbirth in advance

    During pregnancy, the future mother should prepare himself to the upcoming event, both psychologically and physically.

    What you need to prepare

    • A few weeks before delivery to collect 3 bags: "Generic", "postpartum", "issued";
    • Prepare things for a child for the first time: cot, stroller, clothes, diapers, bathing bath, medicine and hygiene products for baby;
    • Take care of food for children and husband during the absence;
    • Documentation.

    How to configure yourself psychologically

    • Tune in to the fact that everything will definitely pass well and nothing to doubt;
    • Drive bad thoughts;
    • Entertain yourself with favorite activities;
    • From the very beginning to be tuned to natural childbirth, try not to worry about this, do not irritate and not be upset;
    • During battles, it is only about the fact that with every minute the long-awaited meeting with his baby is approaching.

    How to prepare physically

    Throughout the pregnancy, fulfill all the recommendations of the doctor, drinking prescribed vitamins, perform simple physical exercises, how much you can walk, move, the exercises of Kegel will be useful.

    To work out breathing exercises for childbirth, as well as practice in self-massage the region of the sacrum and the loin for pain relief.

    In the process of childbirth, it is unconditionally to fulfill all the directions of the doctor and midwife.

    If a woman quietly prepare for childbirth, confident in their favorable outcome, performs all the recommendations of the doctors, experience shows that natural labor takes place safely and without complications.

    Stages of birth

    Each future mother should clearly imagine how childbirth are running, what stages they have.

    The cuts of the uterus begin, rare, almost painless. Woman can do business, sleep. Then the pain is enhanced, the interval is cut to 3-5 minutes, water depart. At this stage it's time to go to the hospital. A woman can help previously worked breathing exercises to reduce pain. In addition, such exercises enrich blood oxygen, and therefore his baby's access is.

    The cervix is \u200b\u200bcompletely revealed, a woman has a strong desire to sleep. First of all, it is necessary to establish the right breathing, you can make a massage of the lower back area to reduce pain. At this stage, it is necessary to take a convenient posture and exactly follow all the instructions of the doctor and midwives.

    Detection of placenta

    The woman continues to feel unlocking contractions, during which the placenta leaves. The doctor is convinced that the placenta came out entirely and examines the crotch for the presence of breaks. In this case, it is necessary to impose seams. And at this time the newborn baby is measured, weighed, and then applied to the mother's chest.

    All these stages characterize normal natural labor. In different cases, the emergence of complications, which is jointly solved by the mother, child and midwife. There are cases when anesthesia may be required.

    Epidural anesthesia

    Currently, more and more birthdayrs want to resort to pain relief during childbirth. Sometimes the pain seems simply unbearable. Epidural anesthesia is gaining increasing popularity, because It has high efficiency. In the course of such anesthesia, the drug channel between the spinal disks is injected with a thin needle is injected. There are a number of mandatory readings for its implementation:

    • Myopia of the future mother;
    • Heart disease;
    • Lung diseases;
    • Kidney disease;
    • Toxicosis developed in late terms;
    • Premature childbirth;
    • Improper location of the fetus.

    Epidural anesthesia has several advantages in natural childbirth:

    • with the help of the catheter, you can control the dosage of the drug and add it when pain enhance;
    • the pressure remains normal "with spinal anesthesia, for example, pressure drops."

    On the other hand, epidural anesthesia has disadvantages, due to which doctors are extremely recommended to resort to it without indicators:

    • the drug does not begin to act immediately, but only 20 minutes after the introduction;
    • side phenomena are possible: leakage of the cerebrospinal fluid, the formation of hematoma, holding fluid in the body, spasms, infamousness, headaches.

    Despite the fact that the prospect of having to give birth without pain is very tempting, it is worth it to weigh and not miss the chance of natural genera without the use of anesthesia. Sometimes very bold women are solved on natural childbirth at home, although it is not at all just as it may seem at first glance.


    Pets can be planned and non-planned, emergency, when the woman has not time to arrive in the maternity hospital on time. If such births were planned by future parents in advance, they must fully realize all the responsibility for such a decision and represent all the minutes and advantages of this process.

    Undoubted pluses include:

    • home, calm atmosphere;
    • lack of hospital microflora;
    • the process passes absolutely natural, without outsiders;
    • parents can control the whole process themselves;
    • the female can rent any convenient pose;
    • a special, close connection arises between parents and the baby.

    Cons of such a way:

    • in the event of complications, the midwife may be powerless, in addition, you can not have time to get to the hospital on time;
    • there is no access to medical equipment;
    • with the unfavorable development of events, it is legally impossible to impose responsibility for someone;
    • prepare for childbirth is quite difficult, the conditions are not sterile, and the microorganisms of our apartments are simply dangerous for the newborn;
    • many dads are lost and do not stand the stressful situation, worry too much shock;
    • there are no assistants at home, after childbirth, you need to immediately start care of the baby, not having time to gain strength.

    If the parents still chose such a way for themselves as the most suitable, usually such birth proceeds normally and without complications. The main conditions are a good pregnancy and an experienced midwife nearby. However, such births may have deposits when an emergency, timely caesarean cross section. Because of such a medical error, the most difficult consequences may be:

    • generic injuries of a newborn or girlfriend;
    • crotch breaks;
    • death;
    • mom's postpartum depression.

    All these consequences are quite rare, so during pregnancy and during childbirth, it should be very careful about the recommendations of doctors, to fulfill all their prescriptions.

    Non-standard natural bodies

    There are situations where childbirth are complicated by an unusual course of pregnancy, an unusual or improper development of the fetus, a disease of the fever. The woman faces the question:

    Natural childbirth or caesarean, what is better? You need to carefully approach it and fully realize the consequences of each of the possible outcomes.

    Birth twins

    It is the opinion that when double the only delivery is a cesarean section. This is not true.

    The probability of birth twins naturally with a favorable outcome is very high.

    Need to take into account some nuances:

    • after the birth of the first child, a woman can relax, and, as a result, weakness can arise;
    • the likelihood of premature breaking of an oily bubble and the deposition of water, due to the severity of the two bodies;
    • weave two umbilicals;
    • with multiple pregnancy, kids are often arranged incorrectly in the womb.

    If it is decided to give birth to twins in a natural way, doctors should keep in mind all these nuances and be prepared to provide emergency assistance to the Genuine and Baby.

    Breeding fruit prevention

    There are cases when natural labor can be resolved during pelvic preview. These cases include:

    • small fruit;
    • in the woman in labor normal pelvis;
    • with a pelvic preservation of the baby.

    Mixed or foot prediction is a more difficult situation. It can entail very serious complications: the fallout of the umbilical cord, the suffocation of the child "asphyxia", detachment of the placenta, various injuries of the mother and baby. In such a situation, the doctor must immediately decide on an emergency cesarean section.

    After the ECO procedure

    Not so long ago, a woman who passed the ECO procedure was only one option of childbirth - Caesarean section. Currently, the practice of natural labor in such a situation is becoming more and more common. However, there are a number of contraindications for this:

    • Tooling a woman not one child;
    • Age older than 35 years;
    • Risk of miscarriage;
    • Duration of infertility from 5 years;
    • Fetoplacentar insufficiency;
    • The desire of the feminine to make a cesarean section;
    • The presence of a woman has a number of diseases;
    • Gestosis

    Medicine is unanimously: if a woman who has suffered the ECO procedure is not observed by any of these situation, and the reason for which she could not get pregnant lies in the departies of the partner, it may well give birth to an independently natural way.


    Symphyzit is a rather rare pathology of the Lonatic articulation of the pelvis characterized by the inflammatory process. This pathology occurs during pregnancy or after childbirth.

    With such a disease, there is a possibility of natural genera:

    • if a woman does not bother joint pain, the disease passes in a light form;
    • the lane gap expanded no more than 10 mm;
    • the belonging pelvis has normal sizes;
    • mine fruit.

    If at least one of the points coincides, the woman shows a caesarean section.

    Scar in the uterus

    Currently, doctors give a woman the opportunity to even having a scar in the uterus after operations "Miomectomy, Laparatomy, the previous cesarean section." However, for this, the conditions for this must be observed:

    • Head prevention of the fetus;
    • The placenta is located on the rear wall of the uterus;
    • In the case of the previous cesarean section, the re-pregnancy passed within 1-2 years;
    • On the ultrasound, it is clearly seen that the scar is smooth, without stretching and breaking;
    • The pelvis has a normal size;
    • The intrauterine development of the kid flows without pathologies;
    • The child weighs no more than 3.5 kg
    • In the uterus no more than one scar

    If during a medical examination detection of non-compliance of at least one condition, doctors recommend planning a cesarean section.

    Myoma uterus

    This disease "tumor neoplasm" in itself is not a contraindication for natural labor. A woman can be tuned on a natural delivery, subject to the normal course of pregnancy, the lack of any pathologies of the child's development, the lack of Mother's diseases and the baby, the correct placement of the placenta and the fetus.


    With such a disease, give birth to a child naturally quite complicated and painful.

    When a child passes through the generic paths, it squeezes and transfers the veins, the pressure on the organs of the small pelvis and the intestines increases. This process leads to an increase in hemorrhoidal nodes. Despite this, medicine recommends refraining from cesarean section with a given disease and tune in to natural childbirth. The only thing that a woman can help them avoid deterioration - during pregnancy regularly take preventive measures from hemorrhoids.

    Natural childbirth is possible even with a high degree of development of the disease, if the following conditions are followed:

    • the disease has a positive dynamics;
    • mom pays great attention to the prophylactic measures "takes special vitamins, drugs, calcium"
    • pregnancy proceeds without pathologies;
    • in history, mom has no remedial operations.

    If such operations were carried out, the risk is very large. Consequences can be very heavy: hemorrhage in eye fabric, retinal detachment, vision loss, so it is strongly recommended to plan a cesarean section, if at least 1 of the points was not followed.

    Conization of the cervix

    If a woman passed such an operation "cutting parts of a cone-shaped uterus", you must consult with your doctor. Such an operation leaves a strong scar, which in childbirth may interfere with the opening of the cervix. If a woman still decided to give birth independently, the doctor must be ready for an emergency cesarean section.

    Low placenta prelation

    This case is very dangerous. If the edge of the placenta is 6 cm or lower from the inner mouth, there is a big risk of a premature placental detachment. For the life of the baby, this is very dangerous. If natural labor is planned, doctors should be ready to conduct an emergency caesarean section.

    Age of fever from 40 years

    Age itself is not a contraindication for natural labor. Even at that age, mom can independently give birth to his baby, subject to the normal course of pregnancy and the absence of diseases at mom and child.

    Matching umbilical

    In this case, the preferred option remains a natural delivery.

    The exceptions are such situations:

    • detected a delay in the development of the fetus;
    • in childbirth, the baby's heartbeat is expected;
    • matching cord 2 or 3-fold.

    The doctor assesses how dangerous Pupovina wraps a child for his life and health. In the case of a single cordon, most often a woman can give birth to themselves together with the help of doctors.

    Often, many women are afraid to give birth naturally with such a disease. There is an opinion that in the process of childbirth, the child can infect a dangerous virus, and its weak immune system cannot withstand such a pressure. However, doctors are ready to reassure future mothers. If the woman fell ill in the process of pregnancy, it means that its body contains a sufficient amount of antibodies and the child has already received them in full. Such antibodies are able to overcome the placental barrier, so the child is already protected and the disease does not threaten.

    Narrow pelvis

    In such a situation, childbirth is not easy. The narrow recognizes a pelvis that has at least 1 indicator less than one and a half or two cm. Such dimensions are an insurmountable barrier for a child. At the time of the appeal of a woman in a consultation, as well as upon admission to the maternity hospital, doctors necessarily measure the pelvis of the future mother and determine the possibility of promoting a child by generic paths. In addition, it is necessary to correlate the size of the pelvic of the mother sizes of the child's head. Additionally, bone compounds are always checked for deformations.

    Enterococci disease fecalis

    Doctors insist that this bacterium is part of a human intestinal microflora, a poet is not a contraindication for natural labor.

    Inguinal hernia

    This disease is quite unpleasant, although in certain cases, natural childbirth allows:

    • when the hernia is a small size;
    • if the future mother wore a special bandage during pregnancy;
    • during childbirth, the midwife helps not worsen the situation - sticks to her hernia.

    Almost always after delivery in a short period, this disease passes without a trace and consequences.

    In conclusion, it can be noted: medicine unanimously adheres to the opinion that natural labor is the best option of the delivery of both the mother and the child.

    Even with some diseases, preference is better to give independent genus, even without the use of anesthesia. More and more doctors provide women with the opportunity to give birth on their own, revising outdated views of the human birth process. Any operational intervention always has a greater risk of developing complications than a natural process. Caesarean section has become an exceptional measure to which it is possible to resort only in cases where there is a threat to life and health mom and baby. After all, childbirth is a natural process laid out by nature itself, which has already been foreseen for us.

    For each woman, childbirth, especially the first, is one of the most important events in life. In just a few hours of stubborn work on the hands of the new mammia, her baby will be, who has pinal from the inside. And it does not matter, there were natural childbirth or caesarean cross-section, the main thing is that here he is a small and so native lounge, which is a loud crying that is hungry.

    If there is no testimony to Cesarean, then any pregnant woman is configured to appear his child into light by natural labor.

    Mucous plug

    With the normal course of generic activity, the following is the following in the body. First, the mucous plug is coming out, formed in the cervix at the beginning of pregnancy. It looks like a lump of tight mucus, the dimensions of which can be different, yellowish color, sometimes with strengths of blood. To be frightened, seeing, it is not worth it: this means it is already beginning the process of childbirth, although before the child is far away.

    Muslim pains in the lower back. Is it worth going to the hospital?

    Future mom may feel a drawn pain in the field. It looks like sensations before menstruation, but not passing. If there are some complications, for example, the fruit is in a pelvic or buttock prevention, then it is better to go to the maternity hospital.

    In general, it is not always a contraindication to natural clauses, but it is better to be restrained. The birth of a baby, located in a pelvic or buttock prevocation, is a complicated process. It is possible that Cesarevo will be required: it is quite difficult to give birth to such a preview, and before many died, unable to make a child going forward. Now doctors successfully help women whose children are in a pelvic preview, will be resolved from the burden without consequences for both their own health and the state of a newborn.

    If Mom knows that it is expected to appear on the light of twins, it should also use medical care as soon as possible. Two babes in one womb is not a pathology, but also the complicated delivery process, and it is necessary to control it immediately. For the female body, the birth of even one child is a big stress and work that all the forces leave, and the birth of twins enhances it. And although, as a rule, such kids weigh significantly less and they have small sizes, still the mother has to work out to be born. In addition, pregnant women should know the size of his pelvis so that the doctors can decide which the future mother will be resolved from the burden.

    So, the pains are enhanced, the back and stomach, the pelvis area. Sometimes they are constant, without stopping and gradually becoming more and more tangible. Sometimes periodic, but not equal to temporary segments. Also, the feminine may throw in the heat, which, suddenly appearing, just suddenly passes after a few seconds or minutes.

    This is not a fight, but the condition close to them is the harbingers of labor. Each woman should understand that it is only a preparation for the main stage. And if, with true fights, the neck of the uterus is revealed, then under the forerunners it is still softened and prepares for disclosure.

    Fight. How to understand what they are?

    Often, pregnant women are ready to take any uterus tension for the fight, but it is not. It doesn't matter what will eventually: natural childbirth or caesarean section, it is important to understand what is happening now. The fights are only those painful cuts in the uterus, which are repeated with the same frequency. Everything else -lit harbingers. They can begin back to the true delivery.

    I would like to add a few words about the expulsion of water. Forget everything that is shown in films: in the normal course of the beginning of childbirth, even if in the end of Cesarean, the fenal shells retain their integrity almost to dyg. If the water was strengthened, but the fights as such are not yet, it is incorrect. Urgently in the maternity hospital. Even with an emergency Cesarean, the bubble often remains the whole. And it is revealed directly during the operation. Neither the size of the pelvis nor the testimony for natural childbirth is no longer important, the main thing is that the baby does not suffocate: a long stay of the fetus in anhydrous space is fraught with infection and suffocation. Quite often, early waters are one of the signs of inconsistent generic activity, and often in such cases doctors make Cesarean.

    If, during the nesting of pregnancy, the gynecologist paid attention to the sizes of the mother's pelvis, then it is best to contact the hospital at the stage of non-configuration. It is important to understand that health and mother depends on this, and the newborn.

    Pains in the fights are periodic in nature, they do not subside, but, on the contrary, strengthen, are rapidly. This marks the entry of the female in the first period of true birth. And even if in the end she is to be Caesarean, while everything goes fine, as intended nature. The primary bosses enter the second period of the child's birth rate after a long time after the start of the battle. Therefore, it is advisable to go to the hospital, when there are no more than 10 minutes between them. It is very important at this time to psychological mood mom. No need to be afraid, panic, fall in hysterics. Natural childbirth is an ordinary process for a female body, in most cases it ends with a happy advent of a new life. Even if in the end it was Cesarean, still hardly worn and edged. The main thing is a healthy karapuz and a calm, confident mom.

    Birth in process

    Fights become stronger and frequent, the first swells begin to add to them. What it is? This feeling is similar to those who experience people when they want to the toilet "in large". Those women who decided on the natural childbirth after the cesarean section, the swelling of the unfamiliar. At some point, they become uncontrollable, but doctors are not allowed to stand at once. Why?

    The head of the child is only descended into the generic paths, and you can harm him. With a pelvic preview of the sensation are the same. In any case, the female has to hear a doctor and follow his instructions.

    Many are interested in the question: are natural childbirth after Cesarean possible? Of course, it is possible. The first emergency caesarean is not a mandatory indication for the re-operation, if there are no additional complications. However, they differ from the usual, firstly, the fact that doctors do not conduct any stimulation. Read more about stimulation of childbirth →

    Secondly, the Mom's belly in constant mode is connected by the CTG sensor to control the child's condition at the entire period of labor. Giving birth naturally after Cesarean, a woman should all feel, therefore only natural anesthesia is used for such birth. No epidural anesthesia.

    Although, already at the end of the first period, when pain in the fights becomes very strong, natural labor after the cesarean section still can anesthetically disperse with the help of "epidural". But the anesthesia takes place. All this can be viewed on thematic videos.

    Now on the Internet there are a lot of materials telling about the features of childbirth after Cesarean, bodies of twins or permits from the burden, in a pelvic (buttock, foot) preview. A pregnant woman has the opportunity to get all the information, including how the sizes of the internal and external pelvis are affected over the second period of childbirth.

    Fumes are enhanced, the child's head is crashed into the labor path. Now the task of the future mother: on the fight to be stuck, helping the baby to go into the light. If the child is in a pelvic preview, then the legs appear first, and this is the complexity of such labor. Even if the sizes of the woman's pelvis allow, often in this case everything can end with the operation. Although many manage to resolve the burden of the natural way.

    If the baby is not in the pelvic premium, then the head appears first. So that the small person successfully entered the birthplace paths, the size of the internal pelvis is important. They differ from what sizes from the external pelvis are determined through the measurement of the wrist of the future mother, which is carried out when examined in the maternity hospital. Often this indicator can cause Caesarean.

    The appearance of the kid

    In attempts, the child's head falls into the birthway. With each fighting woman, having tugged, helps the uterus push out the fruit of the fruit if the appearance of twins is expected, the same thing happens only twice.

    As a rule, the child goes face down. With a pelvic preview - legs. When the first comes out of the head, it is easier to give birth easier, and usually a woman copes with this task for two or four coughs.

    When the kid has a pelvic preview, then the legs appear on the light. It turns out the course of the child by the generic paths in the reverse order. Such kind are dangerous for both the baby and for the mother, and often end with Caesarean operation. Unfortunately, even the sizes of the pelvis here do not play a special role.

    The last, third, childbirth period, even if it is a birth of twins or fetus in a pelvic preview, - the appearance of the last. If the baby was born through the cesarean, the placenta will be extracted directly during the operation.

    Of course, childbirth through natural ways is the best option for both the mother, and for a child. They allow you to go through the whole process from beginning to end, as it was conceived by nature. But in the case of cesarean section, it is not necessary to get upset. After all, a new man, son or daughter appeared on the light, what could be more beautiful than this event?

    For any mom, the moment of the appearance of her baby always remains one of the search-in moments in life. And the truth is - after all, for the past 9 months, she was patiently waiting for a little warm chick, which appeared from her flesh and blood to himself. And the most memorable such moment will be subject to natural childbirth - those with the help of which the baby appears without unjustified medical intervention, thanks to the forces and perseverance of Mom.

    Today, many women, afraid of pain in childbirth, are solved at least, on how maximum - on the cesarean section. None nor the other, if in these procedures there is really no need, the benefit will not bring. The process of detention is an ancient instinct. Conquering him and thoroughly preparing for childbirth, a woman may well be playing healthy and strong offspring on the light. A child who is born in the course of natural labor will be stronger and hardy, because together with mom will be held all the stages of the appearance of the light. At the same time will receive the necessary immunity, and the small body in the course of birth will be able to gradually adapt to the environment. After that, the baby, besides my mother's tenderness and love, will receive natural breastfeeding. All this is in the complex and is natural clauses that will ensure good health and health from the first minutes of life.

    Natural childbirth is carefully thought out and planned by the nature of the child's birthday of the child, to which the female organism is preparing at all time pregnancy. It is now science and medicine stepped far ahead, and often some of their services are resorting absolutely basely. This is why childbirth - often medical intervention in this natural physiological process is not necessary and unjustified, but for some reason it is applied. But just a few decades ago, a woman gave birth naturally, while the baby appeared on the light of healthy and strong. And it is not surprising: the female organism is created for the work of the offspring, all the necessary resources and forces are laid in it.

    Natural childbirth is childbirth without unnecessary medical intervention. If pregnancy passes with a normal pace and with normal indicators, there is no reason to worry that the childbirth will be unsuccessful. Healthy labor naturally pass at such a speed, as the nature is due. Thus, the duration of labor depends on many circumstances, as a rule, is at first-night 9-11 hours, and in re-calling 6-9 hours. If, throughout this time, no deviations from the normally underlying process are observed, then it is not worth interfere in it. With this condition, childbirth and can be considered natural.

    Preparation for natural labor

    Natural childbirth is definitely necessary to prepare. After all, if a woman knows what and how to do in one situation or another, how to breathe and relax and relax, it will greatly facilitate her the task of childbearing. Evaliable in natural childbirth is the correct position of the body. If a woman is given the opportunity to find the most comfortable posture itself, it will help her relax and reduce discomfort. In most cases, childbirth really go easier in a vertical position. But at the same time, it should be chosen by a woman, focusing on his own feelings and intuition - the truth, not without the help of medical personnel. Provided that the situation is chosen correctly, the anesthesia is almost never required.

    Very important in natural childbirth is a psychological attitude of a woman. The prepared woman can abstract during childbirth and think exclusively about his child, concentrate less on physical sensations. Also can help the presence of someone from loved ones or relatives. Presence is most desirable at the most difficult and long-term stage - with.

    Natural childbirth is still not without pain. No, pain is present, but the woman can control it and transfer it: that is why it is necessary to prepare psychologically and morally to naturally. A healthy and prepared female genus almost always can flow naturally. The fact is that during childbirth in the body of women, hormones are produced, which act as a kind of anesthesia. But this is possible only if the woman is relaxed and not alarmed: the voltage and the alarm status block the production of hormone-anesthetics. Therefore, it is so important to learn to relax, reassure even before childbirth.

    Natural childbirth ends also naturally. So, after birth, the baby give mom in the hands, so that she could attach it to him: the tactile contact is very much needed. Then mom applies baby to his chest. The baby, born as a result of natural childbirth, usually gets natural feeding immediately from birth. After childbirth and postpartum processing, mom and kid can stay together even for the night.

    Cesarean or natural childbirth: what is better?

    The ability to attach a newborn baby to the chest immediately after birth is a huge advantage of natural genera in front of operational. This significance consists not only in the corporal contact of the world's closest people, which has the most beneficial effect affects the condition and mother, and the child. Huge value is a colostrum, which the baby gets at the first applying: this is the most valuable, the most nutritious and the richest baby substances are the first milk!

    The birth of a child is for him a big stress and hard work. Get for her award in the form of gentle mother's arms and colostrum, whose smell is familiar with the womb, it is very important for him! In this case, the kids are easier adapting to new living conditions and are restored faster after birth. But they have natural childbirth and other undeniable advantages over caesarean secting.

    Natural childbirth takes place in several stages, each of which is preparing for the next. It helps to survive Rhodework as comfortable as possible and safely to all its participants - and Mom, and the baby. If childbirth takes place by opening the abdominal cavity, the child moves sharply from one environment to another and does not have time to go through all these stages, as with natural childbirth.

    Cesarean section is a large stress for the maternal and children's body, it is an artificial and often undesirable interference in the processes laid by nature itself. And therefore it does not pass without a trace. However, in some cases, without such an operation, unfortunately, not to do. If doctors insist on the medical testimony to carry out childbirth by checking the cesarean section, then he should hear the opinion of the physicians.

    Natural childbirth after cesarean sections

    Many women would like to give birth naturally, but they are afraid that it is impossible if in the past they suffered a cesaric surgery. Modern obstetricians and gynecologists note that if there is no absolute testimony to conduct cesarean sections, then the delivery is naturally the best solution and the best completion of pregnancy, both for a woman and for the baby! After all, all the advantages of this method of birth of the child remain relevant even after the cesarean section transferred in the past. Of course, natural childbirth always remains in priority, but ...

    Unfortunately, if the previous baby girl gave birth with the help of cesarean sections, then the ability to give birth naturally in the future will largely depend on the type of operation carried out in the past and from the state of the scar. The work in her progress of the longitudinal scar deprives a woman the opportunity to give birth independently in the future. The transverse scar of Cesarean is not a contraindication to natural childbirth, if he healed well, and the body of the future mother properly recovered. Nevertheless, it will be necessary to prepare for natural clauses, as it should be, discussed with the doctor all the likely risks and ways to avoid their avoidance. And Ideally, preparation for future natural childbirth should be started immediately after the Caesarean surgery.

    In particular, it is necessary to strictly implement recommendations for the care of postoperative seam. Do not forget that it is better not to be pregnant before 2-3 years after Cesarean, and even better if the next pregnancy is planned for all the rules. It should also be known that a very long period between the previous and next pregnancy (at 10 years and more) can also become an obstacle on the way to natural childbirth after Cesarian.

    In a word, everything is possible, but the final decision in this case receives a doctor, examined in detail the history of previous pregnancy and the current state of a pregnant woman.

    Especially for - Ksenia Dakhno

    From the guest

    You know girls, natural breeding is certainly good, if there are no medical testimony or even doubt. I gave birth myself - painfully to horror was, broke into and inside and outside: seams on the cervix, seams on the perineum - well ?? Yeah. For example, on our last ultrasound, I did not see the double jig in the child's downtown in a child, and that you think hypoxia, asphyxia and retardation of psycho-speech development in a child for 2 years in development. Thanks to the uzistist who did not see the two-time cordiality, thanks to the doctors who did not do ultrasound before childbirth. If I just knew .. But now it remains only to treat the child. Soon the second genera is coming and controlled only all the self - that's what remains me - not to calculate any doctors. It will be necessary - I will go to Cesarean, just to avoid the consequences of natural labor.

    From the guest

    Bore, three naturally, and everything is wonderful, nor seams are ruptured. True, during the first birth, it was put like a dropper that I would resist. It would be more experienced not for what would not give this crap to put.

    From the guest

    The first pregnancy at 35, and immediately twins (not Eco), after the announcement of joyful news (on the ultrasound), I immediately thought about Cesarev (this thought arose from inexperience, fear of course). However, my doctor immediately said: "Why do you need a COP? You're healthy, there are no contraindications yet, you can cope with myself, dear!" And there was right! These words are that the installation is, I think I absorbed her attitude, her words. Then there was courses for preparing for childbirth, and it seemed to me .. - I'm so clever, everything practically knows))) I understand. I probably did it and helped, felt inner calm, the more pregnancy proceeded well. True, in childbirth I was completely forgotten what was taught how to breathe what is happening at all ..))) But the benefit of the midwife was near (I gave birth under the contract with the CTA) did you bother of course and gave birth to a son and daughter for 3 kg each !!!

    From the guest

    I gave birth to the most naturally, without stimulation and other prehets of the hospitals, the umbilical cord was cut only an hour after childbirth, when pulsation stopped. It was terribly afraid that I would stimulate me, because the change ends, and I still do not face or even because of something. As a result, I chose a TSA, where they know what natural labor is. I am very glad that everything went well.

    From the guest

    Natural childbirth is fine. Myself gave birth, without the slightest intervention of doctors, without stimulation, punctures of the bubble, Anasthesia ID and everything forgiven greatly - the contractions were not particularly painful, there was no breakdown, a healthy, cheerful baby was born. An hour later after giving births, the faces of the maternity hospital and called their relatives. I think Cesarean should be done only according to the testimony of a doctor, and this is the load, seams and unnecessary operational intervention in the body - more minuses.

    From the guest

    She gave birth to firstborn for 4.5 hours without Cesarean and anasthetics, it is very painful, but tolerant, I was preparing so at all to the apocalypse. It is important to breathe, the technique helps not to yell in foolish and concentrate, very advice to study the launched and think more, what is the kid :)

    From the guest

    I am for Cesarean! How many cases when people gave birth with generic injuries: cerebral palsy, chopping from umbilical cord and TP. My three acquaintances ended the childbirth tragically: two children have disabled children, and a friend (((and they all gave birth at the blatous doctors! With no risk, there is no risk! In the first pregnancy, I was filled after 5 hours of kits and when the discovery was already decent . This is done specifically, so as not to break the natural proprest and that the child is prepared. 15 minutes after Cesarean under general, when I came to myself gave me a child and we didn't part up with him. I went to the ward with him, tied to a sheet. Came in The rate is already in a week! I want to give birth a second time with the help of Cesarean.

    From the guest

    I myself gave birth, I didn't even want to think about Cesarean, it's not natural and the scar then for life, and more than two cesarean, you can't feel all the joy of the child, it has already been 5 years old and I still remember how my son appeared On the light! I am for the natural! Let it hurt, but children stand

    From the guest

    Girls, epiduralka - very risky! Think first first! I can list the minuses that my acquaintances encountered, who gave birth to epidroquint. 1. It's very hard from it to move away. The child lies near the crying, and she was not what, the whole body was wildly leaned 2. If low pressure is all his life - do not even think, the wildness will be wild. 3. One of my familiar month after the birth began to refuse legs sometimes. I went to the hospital, they said that from the epidrawl. Of course, once at times you do not have, but better think

    From the guest

    Everything would not be that if there were fewer injuries in the natural childbirth I wait for the third I want Cesarean enough of the clavicle fractures

    From the guest

    To think about women's births begin, just after seeing two stripes on the dough, and, the closer the "day of X", the more experiences and questions on this topic. How to understand when to go to the maternity hospital, where and with whom to give birth to whether it will be possible to give birth yourself or have to resort to Cesarean cross section? Natural childbirth is the goal of many future mothers, because it is thought out by nature the way the child's appearance is on the light, the best completion of a healthy pregnancy, if there is no contraindications.

    What is natural childbirth

    Naturally called such childbirth when the child passes through the generic paths: the neck of the uterus and the vagina (and not removed through the incision in the stomach, as with a cesarean section). This method of appearance has many advantages for mom and baby. A woman is restored faster, because she has no postoperative seams, she can wear a child on the hands and raise the stroller.

    The baby during the passage through the generic paths, receives its first dose of useful bacteria, which populate the intestines, stimulate immunity and protect against dysbiosis. In addition, according to perinatal psychologists, a complex transition from intrauterine life to the harsh conditions of the outside world in a newborn is easier if he appeared naturally.

    Hormones, which are produced in the process of childbirth, launch complex mechanisms in the psyche of women, form attachment to the child, what we call the maternal instinct. Immediately after the appearance of the crumbs, it will be put on the stomach of the mother, and will give an opportunity for the first time to attach to the chest. This touching point, which is remembered to all women, during the operation of cesarean section is impossible.

    Preparation for natural labor

    For many months, before childbirth, the woman regularly visits the gynecologist, monitors the nutrition and gives a lot of analyzes; Reads books and sites about pregnancy. The whole family seats the future children and purchases the dowry for the baby. For these pleasant troubles, it is important not to forget that the readiness for childbirth is not only the packages collected in the maternity hospital. You need to check your training in two directions.


    In order for childbirth naturally, the psychological attitude of the woman is very important. There are three levels of women's readiness for childbirth: low (panic sentiment, waiting for pain and suffering), medium (positive attitude, while uncertainty in their forces) and high (happiness, emotional rise, willingness to cooperate with doctors).

    To bring ready for childbirth to the desired level help special classes with psychologists on free courses in female consultations and commercial centers. The newest trend - Double, women with special knowledge in the field of psychology and obstetrics, which provide individual support for a pregnant woman during the last trimester of pregnancy and in childbirth. It is possible to hire such an assistant in any major city.


    Preparation is needed not only by the mind, but also the body. An important event will help to configure the study of breathing techniques, massage, physiological poses for a successful delivery. Woman should be good to present what is happening in every stage of childbirth, in order to make it easier to easily make this process and help the baby, because he also has serious work.

    How are the natural delivery

    Births flow in three stages: disclosures, expulsion and last time. The beginning of the generic activity is the emergence of regular bouts. It is believed that the generic pains in this period cannot be avoided, however, this is not always the case. If the woman is well physically prepared, at the initial stage, it can only feel that it is periodically stomaching.

    Future mothers are often worried if they will be able to distinguish real contractions from training. Then applications for smartphones come to the rescue - "snatching". Noting in the appendix every peak of painful sensations, you can track the interval between the fights; The program will determine whether it is time to go to the hospital.

    First stage

    The disclosure is the longest phase of childbirth, on average it lasts 9-12 hours, in the first birth, as a rule, longer than in repeated. The cervix gradually opens up to give the baby the opportunity to go through the generic paths. The degree of disclosure checks when inspecting an obstetrician. When opening on 4 centimeters and more, a woman is sent to the birthroom. In the maternity hospital, soft childbirth is increasingly practiced when a woman is not necessary to lie during the fights - she can jump on the phytball, stand in comfortable for her poses. It helps to alleviate painful contractions.

    Second phase

    Full is the disclosure of 8-10 cm. So the second stage of childbirth begins - the expulsion of the fetus. At this time, the woman feels attempts - strong urges, similar to the desire to relieve the intestines. At this stage, it is especially important to listen to the instructions of the competent obstetress, which will help the baby to be born without damage. If a child is large for the tribal ways of a woman, it helps to be born using a small cut in the crotch - episiotomy.

    Third stage

    The newborn put mom on the stomach, give umbilical cord and cut it. A healthy baby was born, but the birth was not yet finished, ahead of the third stage - the birth of the pilot. Soft pressure on the stomach Obster helps to get out the placenta. As a rule, it immediately demonstrates a woman. The new mom is not up to this, but to make sure the integrity of the last is very important. Even a small part of the placenta, left in the body of the Hife, can cause serious postpartum complications.


    Contraindications to natural breeds are divided into absolute and relative. Absolute include:

    • pathologically narrow pelvis (3 and 4 degrees of narrowing);
    • pronounced myopia (myopia) in mothers - swells can lead to retinal detachment;
    • transverse position of the fetus after the influence of the accumulate waters;
    • obstacles in the generic routes (scars, tumors, the strength stage of the vaginal varicose);
    • long lack of generic activity after water is poured (the risk of hypoxia for the child);
    • the unexplored scars on the uterus (for example, if after previous birth, by Cesarean, the time recommended by doctors);
    • infectious diseases in mothers who kid can become infected by passing through the generic paths (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis and others).

    Relative contraindications are a pelvic presence of a large child (over 3500 g), multiple pregnancy, weak generic activity, chronic diseases of the mother. In all these cases, the question of how to give birth independently is determined by the doctor individually. Vaginal childbirth - the ideal to which you can strive, but do not forget that the life and health of all participants in the process should be in the first place, therefore, it is unacceptable to abandon the intervention of doctors.


    It's no secret that Cesarean section is an operation that the significant percentage of pregnancies ends. Some future mothers know in advance that their baby will appear on the light with the help of Cesarean, others are preparing for natural breeds, but problems arise in the process, and the operational outcome becomes the only possible. A conscientious doctor just does not appoint Kesarean, for such an outcome of pregnancy should always be good reasons. In this article we will talk about the testimony and contraindications to Cesarean section. Traditionally, testimony to the COP is divided into absolute and relative, testimony from the mother and from the fetus. Below are lists of indications both to the planned and emergency cesarean section.

    Absolute testimony to Cesarean section

    The decision on the need for cesarean section in each particular case is taken by the doctor. Despite the unpredictability of the delivery process, in a number of situations it is known in advance that it is impossible to give birth to a natural way, therefore a planned caesarean section is appointed. Indications from the mother and child, physically making natural labor impossible, are called absolute.

    Absolute testimony for Cesarean cross section from the mother:

    1. Absolutely narrow pelvis - This is the narrowing of the pelvic bones of a woman through which the child does not physically go through during the natural genera. Obstechers include pelvis sizes or normal or narrowed. Anatomically narrow pelvis has objectively reduced dimensions, and it is impossible to naturally in such a situation. Absolutely narrow is considered the TAZ II-IV degree of narrowing. With the III-IV degree of caesarean cross section will be planned, and at the II degree, the decision is likely to be taken already during the natural genera.

    Under the normal size of the pelvis or with the I degree of narrowing, normal genera are possible, but if the woman has a large child, there is a chance that its pelvis will be clinically narrow. The sizes of the pelvic ring in this case simply do not correspond to the size of the fetus head.

    A thorough measurement of the true sizes of the pelvis with the help of ultrasound examination and radiopelvimetry (radiographs of the pelvis bones) allow you to find out whether a woman give birth to or requires the appointment of a planned caesarean section.

    Even with the normal size of the pelvic ring, the child may incorrectly turn in the process of childbirth. If a frontal or face insertion of the head is detected during a vaginal study, this means that natural labor is impossible, since the head cannot pass through the pelvis with its greatest size. Such a situation is an absolute indication for emergency cesarean sections.

    1. Mechanical obstacles For the natural delivery (mioma of the uterus in the region, the ovarian tumors, the deformations of the pelvis bones) are also an absolute indication to the planned caesarean section. This factor is diagnosed with ultrasound.
    2. Threat of rupture uterus There are women who have already passed through the cesarean cross-section or having any operations in the uterus. The probability of breaking the doctor determines as the state of the scar. If it has a thickness of less than 3 mm, uneven contours and connecting the connective tissue, the risk of breaking the uterus along this seam is too large so that the woman gives birth on their own. The scar for accuracy is examined both before and during childbirth. Additional factors in favor of Cesarean are the presence of two and more cesarean sections in the past; Heavy postoperative period after the previous caesarean - with high temperatures, inflammatory processes in the uterus; long healing of the seam on the skin; Numerous natural bodies that thinned the wall of the uterus.

    Absolute indications for Cesarean section by the fetus:

    1. Prelation of placenta - Extremely dangerous situation, which, fortunately, is easily diagnosed during pregnancy using ultrasound. The predatory placenta is attached not to the back of the uterus, as it should be, and in its lower third and sometimes even right above the neck, overlapping the exit for the fetus. The prelationship of the placenta may cause strong bleeding, representing the risk to the life of the mother and the child. This anomaly in the absence of blood discharges, indicating the placenta detachment, becomes a diagnosis to a planned caesarean section only in late pregnancy. Previously, you do not need to panic, the placenta can still rise in a normal position.
    2. Premature placent detachment - separation of the placenta before the start of childbirth or in their process is also dangerous for women (abundant blood loss) and for the fetus (acute hypoxia). It is an absolute indication to emergency cesarean section.
    3. Pup loop It can occur in the process of childbirth with multi-way, when a large volume of the oily fluid is poured (water water), and the child's head has not yet inserted into a small pelvis. The fallen pupovine turns out to be siled between the pelvic wall and the head, which means that the blood flow between the mother and the child is disturbed. If the obster diagnoses such a state with a vaginal inspection after the deposition of water, this is a reason for emergency cesarean sections.
    4. Cross position of the Future It becomes an absolute indication for the cesarean section already in the course of childbirth. In a natural way, the child can be born only if it is located head or buttocks down, i.e. He has a head or pelvic preview. In cross position, children of repeated women are most often (due to the weakening of the muscles of the uterus and the abdominal wall), also factors contributing to the transverse position of the fetus are the prelation of the placenta and the multi-way. If the child does not turn into the course of childbirth even with the help of obstetric manipulations, the doctors have no choice but to make an emergency cesarean section.

    Relative readings for Cesarean section

    The name "Relative Indications" speaks for itself: These include such conditions in which natural labor is physically possible, but have a theoretical risk to health and even the lives of women and kids.

    Relative readings for Caesarean operation. Mother's side section:

    1. Extragenital pathology - Concomitant diseases of women who are not related to its gynecological health and pregnancy. The essential load that the female is experiencing in the course of childbirth may cause its health to the exacerbation of existing pathologies. Therefore, doctors include a number of diseases to relative indications for cesarean sections:
    • cancer of any localization;
    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • diabetes;
    • myopia is a high degree with the risk of retinal peeling;
    • kidney disease;
    • diseases of the nervous system and a number of others.

    In addition, the relative testimony for cesarean section includes diseases that can be transmitted from mother to a child when it passes through labor pathways, for example, genital herpes.

    1. Pregnant Brees It is a dangerous pathology arising from some women in the second half of pregnancy. With gestosis, the work of the kidneys, vessels and brain of the future mother are disturbed. This deviation of high arterial pressure is manifested, the appearance of a protein in the urine, edema, headaches, flickering "flies" before eyes and sometimes convulsions. Gestosis in his heavy forms (preeclampsia and eclampsia) is a medical indication for emergency cesarean section, as it causes hypocia of the fetus.
    2. Clinically narrow pelvis - This is a mismatch of the sizes of the pelvic ring of a woman and the size of the presets of the child (head). At the same time, the kid's head is not included in the generic channel with complete disclosure of the cervix and the availability of active bouts. The danger of this pathological state is in the risk of uterus, acute hypoxia of the fetus (which may even lead to his death). The child's head size cannot be absolutely accurately defined before delivery, and in addition, it is possible to incorrect insert or pumping the head, so the clinically narrow pelvis is diagnosed already during the delivery process and is an indication to emergency cesarean section.
    3. Age of women older than 30 or 35 years and first childbirth . An dangerous factor in this case is not the age, but the health of the feminine. It is logical that the 20-25-year-old primary, most likely, is healthier than that which is already 30-35 or more. However, not everything is so unambiguous, and doctors know about it. The age of 35 may only be a relative indication for Cesarean section. If a woman is in his 35 healthy, and pregnancy proceeds easily and safely, it is likely that it will be able to give birth to naturally.
    4. Persistent weakness of generic activity . In the event that already started natural genera for some reason have subsided, the gains are not observed or they are completely disappeared, and drugs do not bring results, doctors speak of the persistent weakness of labor activities. If the child suffers (the instruments show the presence of hypoxia), the caesarean section will see the physicians with a more favorable outcome, rather than waiting for the resumption of natural labor.
    5. Scar in the uterus By itself, it is only a relative indication for Cesarean cross section. But this is a risk factor of the uterus, which always draws the attention of the obstetrician. The scars in the uterus are not always connected with the previous cesarean section, they may be a consequence of artificial abortion or removal of miom. For the state of the scar, it is necessary to follow, especially after 36-37 weeks of pregnancy, and in case of its usefulness, the woman has every chance to give birth to naturally.

    Relative readings for the planned caesarean section from the child:

    1. Pelvic prevention of fruit Allows the woman to give birth to the most, but still it is considered pathological. Natural childbirth with pelvic prediction carry the risk of fetal hypoxia and generic injuries. The situation is aggravated if the child is large (more than 3.6 kg), and the mother is the owner of an anatomically narrowed pelvis.
    2. Large fruit (more than 4 kg) is an indication to cesarean section only with other relative readings.
    3. Revealed chronic or acute fetal hypoxia (oxygen starvation) can serve a sufficiently weighty cause for operational delivery. The causes of hypoxia may be different: chronic hypoxia It is usually caused by gestosis of pregnant women and leads to a delay in the development of the fetus; acute hypoxia It may occur during a protracted or, on the contrary, too fast and active childbirth, with a papile placenta or deposit of umbilical cord. To diagnose oxygen starvation, extremely dangerous to the child's life, use:
    • listening with an obstetric stethoscope,
    • Ultrasound with dopplerometry (study of blood circulation between the fruit, the placenta and the uterus),
    • cardiotokography (registration of heartbeat and movements of the fetus using a special apparatus),
    • amnioscopy (examination of amniotic fluid using an optical device).

    If hypoxia is detected, and the treatment does not bring results, the decision is made on the need for cesarean sections to preserve the health of the child.

    Each of the relative testimony cannot be the reason for the appointment of caesarean section, however, when making a decision on the outcome of pregnancy, the doctor weighs all the pros and cons of each option. If the operation is presented to the doctor safer to the health of a woman and a child by the way of a delivery, the choice will be made in its favor, taking into account the relative readings alone. In addition, there are so-called combined testimony to Cesarev. They are a totality of factors, each of whom in itself is not an indication to Cesarean section, but together they turn into a real threat to life and health in natural genus. For example, it has transferred pregnancy and detected hypoxia; large fruit and pelvic preview; age older than 35 years and the presence of a serious disease.

    Conditions for cesarean sections

    The cesarean section can be carried out only under the observance of a number of conditions. These include:

    • the viability of the fetus;
    • the consent of the woman or its legal representatives (relatives) to the operation;
    • availability of operating, equipped with all necessary tools and a qualified surgeon;
    • no infections.

    Contraindications for Cesarean section

    Like any operation, cesarean section has a number of possible contraindications. However, they are not absolute, since the reasons for the operation are usually sufficiently sufficient. Operational delivery is undesirable in the following cases:

    • the possibility of a woman of purulent-septic complications in the postoperative period;
    • intrauterine fetal death;
    • the presence of the fetus of deformities and defects of development incompatible with life;
    • deep presence of the fetus (respectively, its unvisability outside the uterus);
    • long pronounced hypoxia of the fetus, when it is already possible to deny the possibility of stilling or the death of a newborn.

    With the probability of fetal death, the choice of the method of the delivery is directed primarily on the preservation of the life and health of a woman. Operation, especially with risk factors, may cause infectious-septic complications (inflammation of uterus or appendages, purulent peritonitis - acute inflammation in the field of peritoneum), since the dead fruit becomes a hearth infection.

    Doctors allocate the following risk factors for the development of purulent-septic complications:

    1. A variety of immunodeficiency states (HIV, weakening immunity after receiving potent drugs, etc.).
    2. The presence of a woman of an infectious disease in acute or chronic form (inflammatory processes in the appendages, caries, chronic pyelonephritis, cholecystitis, infections of the upper respiratory tract, etc.).
    3. Gynecological diseases and pregnancy complications, worsening blood microcirculation (pregnant, anemia, hypotension and hypertension, etc.).
    4. The duration of labor is more than 12 hours or anhydrous period (after the fattening of the oily water) for more than 6 hours.
    5. Significant blood loss, not replenished in a timely manner.
    6. High frequency of vaginal (especially instrumental) studies.
    7. The presence of a corporate cut in the uterus (across muscle fibers).
    8. An unfavorable infectious economy in the hospital.

    However, in the presence of absolute testimony to Cesarev, even with an acute infectious process, threatening with septic complications, a woman must be operated on. Until recently, only one option was possible in such a situation - the extraction of the fetus with the simultaneous removal of the uterus to avoid purulent peritonitis. However, now there is a more favorable technique that allows you to preserve the uterus - caesarean section with the temporary insulation of the abdominal cavity (extraperitoneal caesarean section).

    Myths about Caesarean section

    In modern medicine, unfortunately, there was a dangerous tendency to increase the number of cesaric sections. This is especially true of developed, prosperous countries. Some women are still dreamed of Caesarean as a light way of delivery. The reason for this relationship is in ignorance or misunderstanding what cesarean cross section is. Let the popular myths about this operation:

    1. It is painless, unlike natural labor . Not true. Caesarean section - operation, during which several layers of tissue are cut. Yes, overall anesthesia or epidural anesthesia "turn off" pain during surgery (by the way, not always completely). But after death from anesthesia, pain in the seam area can make a postoperative period, especially its first days, completely unbearable. But you need to get up to go to the shower and toilet, and care for the baby - feed, take it on your hands. Some women feel pain for several months.

    2. It's even better for a child "He doesn't need to pass through close birth, risking to get a generic injury." Absolute misconception. Children born as a result of Cesarean receive a generic default injury. Neurologists always refer them to the risk group on speech violations and other development delays. Nature has created a mechanism of natural genera not just like that. A sharp change in the process of pressure operating on a child, the influence of anesthesia, the passivity of the baby in the generic process, less contact with the mother due to restrictions after cesarean, the high probability of artificial feeding - all this can not affect the adaptation of the child to the environment. It's harder to learn to scream, breathe, suck. Nothing about the advantages of Cesarean sections for crumbs speaks out (if, of course, it is not about salvation of life and health).

    3. In 30 or 35 years, health is no longer to give birth to the most, especially for the first time . This is not true. Age is only a relative indication for Cesarean section, which cannot be decisive. The doctor must take into account the health status of a particular patient, and not its passport age.

    4. After Cesarean - always Cesarean . The presence of a scar at the uterus from the previous delivery of the operation also relates to relative testimony for cesarean section. Modern diagnosis allows you to establish the wealth of the scar and predict the possibility of natural genera.

    As you can see, the cesarean section is not what you should strive at any cost. However, in the presence of testimony, you do not need to panic. The method of delivery is undoubtedly important, but even more importantly, the mother and newborn baby are alive and healthy. It was this that should be a priority goal of a doctor who appoints you a cesarean cross section or giving good to natural childbirth. We wish you health and an ambulance happy meeting with your baby!

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