• How hard to part with your beloved. How to survive parting with your beloved? Tips for a psychotherapist doctor. On the edge of the cliff


    Each person in one way or another has to face parting. And it doesn't matter how old you are and what the cause of separation caused by this event is caused by indescribable pain, tormented, torment and kill the soul particle. What happened is a colossal stress for a person. Faced with this, he either closes in himself, or begins to look for ways how to survive parting with an expensive person, quickly recover and return to normal life. This is what experienced psychologists advise those who found themselves in a similar situation.

    Why people are hard to carry parting

    Parting with a loved one causes a feeling of emptiness, grief and despair, causes hard heaving mental injury. Among the main reasons for forceing so sharply reacting to the rupture of relations, psychologists allocate the sincerity of feelings, affection, the fear of loneliness and challenge. Let's consider each factor in more detail.

    Sincere love is painted and inspired, it encourages to give out to the whole and completely beloved person. Loving does not represent life without a partner. A strong and comprehensive feeling cannot disappear immediately after parting. To calm down and come to yourself, you need time. While emotions are not cooled and will not go to the background, the memories of parting will cause torment and pain.

    It is no less hard to part with a person who is very tied. This is especially familiar to couples who lived together for many years. During the long time they studied the habits of each other, learned to trust and predict the partner's response. In one instant, it's hard to lose this. It is difficult to realize and reconcile with the fact that everything is left behind.

    Often the main reason forgoing sharply react to parting, the fear of loneliness becomes. An abandoned person falls sharply self-esteem. Thoughts about unworthiness and inferiority are constantly circling in the head. The obsessive fear of "and suddenly" appears: "And suddenly I will not meet anyone," and suddenly I will stay alone (lonely) ", etc. Such reflections do not inspire optimism, reject longing and are injected into depression, they are increasingly immersed in negative feelings associated with separation.

    Self-session forces to worry the fact of parting again and again. A person is constantly returning his thoughts into the past, recalls together lived happy and joyful days, looking at the photos, listening to music related to one or another event. All this causes him an oppressed state and a sense of guilt that does not allow you to quickly recover from the event that happened. So how to survive parting?

    Psychological practice shows: to survive parting, you need the time and desire of a person to cope with the problem. Do not hold on to the past and release all the thoughts and feelings about the gone. Understand: life continues, and a new stage awaits you ahead. So that the parting passes less painfully, psychologists recommend adhere to a certain sequence.

    To begin with, soberly take a look at what happened and review your attitude to the partner. After all, the sense of love of suffering does not cause. They are caused by other motivations that are masking for love: a prudence of a pride or an unbridled sense of property, the desire to live someone else's life or low self-esteem. Do not blame the others what happened. Honestly take a look at your drawbacks and make useful conclusions. Try to consider them when building new relationships. Remember: Tests are not given to a person just like that. They are needed to make us stronger and wise.

    Psychological practice shows: to survive parting, you need the time and desire of a person to cope with the problem

    Try to find something positive in parting. Stop offended and hate. Negative emotions destroy health. Throw everything that reminds you of the left person and causes sorrowful memories, tears or indignation. Do not lead the recovery lifestyle. Chat more with friends and relatives. Do not be afraid to tell them about your feelings. Spelling accumulated in the soul of experiences, you will feel relief. In addition, support for loved ones will help to cope with low self-esteem and increase self-confidence.

    Do not refuse new relationships. Understand: The gap has become the beginning of a new life, full of new impressions, joys and meetings. Open your heart for a new love, believe that you deserve to love and be loved.

    Distractions methods

    Leave depression and negative caused by the rupture of relations will help new hobbies and classes. No need to drastically change your life. It is enough to make several innovations so that she again played with bright colors. Here are some of the most popular ways to survive parting and rebuilding on a new way.

    • Change the image.
      Psychologists claim: the cardinal change of appearance helps to come to themselves after breaking the relationship. Change the haircut or repain your hair into another color. Update your wardrobe or change the style completely. Visit the cosmetic salon and enjoy the time perfectly.
    • Get out sports.
      Buy a subscription to the gym. Physical classes will help improve the mood and get an additional charge of energy. In addition, so you can improve confidence, maintain the form, tie new acquaintances and cause the enthusiastic views of the opposite sex.
    • Take advantage of shopping therapy.
      For many women, this is the best way to cope with experiences and depression. The updated wardrobe has a beneficial effect on the mood, distracts from silent thoughts. Connect to a trip shopping and girlfriends, and then you will not only get new clothes, but also have fun.
    • Go on a trip.
      Visiting unfamiliar places, you will get an unforgettable impressions and emotions, enjoy the beauty of local nature and architecture, you can take a fresh look at your old life. Being away from the place where the gap occurred, it is easier to analyze its actions and actions, to reflect why the beloved person was able to sob.
    • Start repairs in the house.
      Small redevelopment, new wallpaper or furniture change is an excellent opportunity to distract. Arrange a holiday in the refreshed apartment. Enjoy communication with friends, relax and enjoy yourself.
    • Visit theaters, exhibitions, museums.
      Go to the cinema or read positive literature. Cultural outlets will allow to charge in inspiration and acquire to the beautiful, the worldview will change and will become a source of positive emotions. In addition, you will have a wonderful chance for spiritual development and self-improvement.
    • Get your pet. Caring for a living creature will be a great way to get rid of loneliness, will help to distract and get pain due to the separation that occurred. A gentle kitten or a funny puppy will not only build leisure, but also become a source of excellent mood.

    Popular techniques

    A lot of special practices are known to help cope with stress and return the joy of life. They may be useful to those who believe in the possibility of adjusting the human energy body. Here is some of them.

    • "Second birth".
      Every morning, score a bucket of cold water. Start your right hand, start spinning the whirlpool clockwise and sentence the following words: "Clean water, see you angry and affection, help me to be born!" Repeat the phrase 6 times. Then pour the conspired water on the head of the head. Try to accompany the action with positive emotions. Imagine that you have just been born and clean as a baby.
    • "Benefit".
      Purchase the wax candle (preferably church). Light her, take both hands and place so that the flame is at the knee level. Slowly raise hands up, sticking the middle of the body. Draw in those places where the flame is cracking and begins to tremble. At the same time, mentally call the image of the person who left you and say: "I get rid of all connections with you. I'm freed from you. Sorry and let go. " Bring the candle to the level of the forehead and extinguish it.
    • "Writing a heart."
      Perform an exercise in the evening before bedtime. Sit face to the window and turn on quiet music. Try to relax and get rid of bad thoughts. Apply some fir or lavender oil into the center of the chest, neck and forehead. Focus on the inner sensations. Feel pain and severity in the heart area arising from thoughts about the gone. Make a deep breath and imagine that a hole appears in the center of the chest, through which pain and suffering begin to flow. Breathe slow and deep. Feel like every exhalation in the soul it becomes easier, a feeling of a pleasant chill appears in the chest. When the whole pain turns out, fill out the emptiness formed by a warm sense of love. Remember everything you like: beautiful sunsets, smell of baking, parents and pets. Wait until the heat is broken throughout the body, smile and go to bed.

    Survive parting with your beloved person is hard. To come to terms with what happened and continue to live without the usual relationship, it takes time. Not immediately comes to awareness that everything has changed and return the past will not work. The main thing is not to screw yourself and do not seek the guilty. Slowly, step by step to rebuild your life and move forward. Try to delete the memories of this person from memory for several days. Follow the advice of psychologists about how to survive parting, and perhaps in the future you will remember this episode with a smile, because it will start for new amazing relationships.

    Both girls and men want to know, which is often a problem. After all, suffering because of love the most sharp and to get rid of them is not so simple. Parting with a loved one, a girl or a man, you can survive, following our advice.

    In the article, psychologists will tell you about how to survive parting with your loved onewill give advice to how to do it more efficiently and without suffering. Since you can not always return to who you are no longer needed.

    Distracting something more

    To survive parting with your loved one, you need to find strength and emotions stronger than this feeling of suffering. It can be sport, beloved work, hobbies, communication with friends, favorite business. Find what we can leave for a year, not paying attention to anything. So it was after a year of feeling of suffering because of parting with a loved one pass. Find something more than that, the force that will repay you for a long time.

    Think about life

    How would you try, but if you love each other, then survive separation With your loved one, it will be problematic and for a while, you will be in a state of depression. In order to get out of this state as soon as possible and start a new life, filled with happiness and joy, you need to go deeper into your thoughts and depression. Remember that you will need to return and plunge as far as possible in your thoughts and feelings. This will allow you to analyze everything that happened and live as soon as possible, realizing them. Find out: When love is dying Since, running away from feelings, you have a long time at depression, which I do not want anyone.

    Find another love

    The main thing is not to be disappointed due to unfortunate love, since all through it. The main thing to continue to love and believe those who love you. To understand how to survive parting with your loved one You need to start to love everyone even more. Who surrounds you, then real and sincere love will find you. Giving love, you get her storm.

    It makes no sense to suffer because of failed love

    If love allowed you to part with your loved one, then you did not fit each other or your love was completely simple affection. So why suffer because of artificial love, which was not. Find real love, then you will understand the distinction between love, love and affection.

    Never be discouraged and do not suffer if you broke up. So you really do not come, each other and between you, can not be love. Believe me, there is that person who will love you and you, respectively, too.

    Why do you need to do something distracting?

    Many are asked how to survive parting with your loved one And why for this you need to find what you would distract you. It is necessary so that attachment to a person leaves your life, as this is not love at all. True love will never leave your heart and will not allow any parting. And if you broke up with your loved one, then it is a simple attachment that disappears with time and not to suffer, you need to do your favorite thing so that you have lacking time even about the thought, about this person.

    Just survive parting with your loved one

    The question is: how to survive parting with your loved one, Contains the answer. You just need to survive this sense of suffering, and for this you need to find something that can distract you. Someone goes into creativity, someone in business, someone finds the essence of life, and someone is looking for another beloved person.

    Everyone has their own way, but in a different way you will not be able to survive parting with your loved one, especially if they met or even lived together for a long time. If you met for a long time, the feeling will pass by itself for several weeks

    The main thing is not to drink alcohol and do not do bad things.

    Most have no will and character forces, so trying by alcohol and drugs. It bursts their mind and, accordingly, they lies their health and life in general. Destroy yourself because of simple attachment does not make sense. Try to find at least a drop of strength and escape from such a fate.

    Many people because of misunderstanding what love is, left life, but if you are a strong spirit, then we will survive parting even without suffering if you begin to act and continue to love yourself, peace, nature and everything surrounds you. Find out: How to safely get acquainted on the Internet, since you in any case will have to search in the future of another beloved person who will love you truly and you also.

    Stay friends

    If you are still young and hastily decided to part and now suffer because of this, then you may have made a mistake and you need to continue at least communicate and be friends. Inconsider a person to stay friends, then perhaps your feelings over time, come in order and you, aware that you love each other. The main thing in fact be while friends and do not hurry to play feelings.

    How to find out what it is not love

    More than 80% of people cannot understand what love is and because of this, such suffering occurs. If you broke up, it is to understand whether it was love, do not communicate and do not think about this person at least 3 months if the feelings remain, then maybe this is love. But if there is no sincerity and reciprocity in relationships, but no sense to continue to meet.

    Start Loving Native and Creator

    To realize how to survive parting with your loved oneYou need to start to love the nature and creator, it will allow you to keep in yourself the feelings of love and send them to the most important source of love and kindness. When you save love in your heart, even after parting with your loved one, then you will be happy and, I will definitely have that person with whom you will live and meet for a long time, and maybe a lifetime.

    Learn to let go

    If a person leaves your life and does not want to be together to be with you together, then learn to let go of such people, since you really don't come together, and even if you stay together, you will not love. Even if a person does not feel any feelings for you, but wants to be together, he will try to love you while feelings do not manifest in his heart. Look for such people or let them find you, as love is not suffering and not affection, it is the highest feeling, pleasure and joy that the person can feel the person who can love sincerely. When you yourself learn to love, then you will no longer have such problems and wrong feelings.

    Relief of relationships is stress both for the initiator of parting and for its partner. An abandoned person is psychologically much harder, because it is not always parting for him expected. Instead of falling into deep depression, in this case it is better to extract lessons from the situation and try to start living again. Do not blame yourself in what happened and constantly remember the departed love. In order to quickly forget about parting, you can use the advice and recommendations of psychologists.

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    According to research of psychologists, the initiator of the break of relations leaves one third of negative emotions. Even if parting is expected, the second partner still gets a psychological trauma. This is especially true for women. It doesn't matter how long the relationship lasted and what was the status of the initiator of the gap - a husband, a loved one, the first guy, a wife or a girl. Anyone after parting will wonder: for what I have it?

    Any pain needs to survive.

    Psychology tips will help to survive parting with a loved one:

    • Do not keep everything in yourself, the situation needs to be survived. As with the disease, in this case it is possible to facilitate the symptoms, but it will not work quickly quickly. You need to try to distract from sad thoughts. Meet friends, pamper yourself with your favorite dishes, listen to music. In order to take what happened, cope with emotions and accept the fact that the couple broke up, it is necessary to feel all the pain, and then it will become easier over time.
    • It is necessary to firmly put the point in the relationship and remove all reminders and "binding threads": erase SMS messages, unsubscribe from each other, to remove the partner's gifts away, its things, joint photos. Do not store the past in the present.
    • At first, after parting, it is better not to communicate at all. If it is impossible, then try to reduce the dialogues to a minimum. In about a month, "emotional immunity" is produced.
    • If there is a need to spill your pain, you can contact a professional psychologist.For many it will be easier to tell about parting a close or native person - mom, girlfriend. It is worth entering people, to organize an evening for the most expensive people, who rarely saw each other during a turbulent novel or for many years of marriage.
    • Move your pain, loss and separation more pleasant with a highly raised head, flawless laying, manicure and make-up. This is a kind of "armor" from all adversity and the best recipe from any negative.
    • When one source of joy disappears, it is worth switching to something else, new and interesting. Learn the stove pie for a new recipe, start learning a foreign language, go to the long-awaited vacation, help mom with repair. Make small good deeds that will improve the mood. Revise plans for the future - after all, before they were joint. Vacation, meetings with friends, new impressions, the change of profession will be the beginning of a new life.

    How to part with a guy

    Frequent misconceptions

    It would seem that relationships are finished and put a point. But many begin to seek the causes of what happened in themselves. A person is visited by negative thoughts, a sense of guilt appears.

    Tosca, apathy, extension, reluctance to communicate, breaking sleep and within two weeks or longer - the symptoms of depression. If the reasons are in fatigue, overvoltage, stress, for the treatment of light form of this neuropsychic disease, it is enough to relax. Other ways to get rid of the depression return to the usual life.

    The reasons

    The name of the disease is formed from Latin Deprimo - "cripple", "suppress".

    According to statistics, the symptoms of depression are found in 15% of women and 10% of men.

    What are the reasons for the depressed mood, pessimism, unwillingness to enjoy life, apathy, disbelief in their own strength and abilities?

    Increasing social status, increasing income, rapid career require intellectual and emotional stress. The accompanying reduces the production of neurotransmitters that provide clarity of thinking and the optimal attitude causes the symptoms of depression.

    Inner disorder or external conflict - the cause of mental injury - give rise to a sense of anxiety, the stress of the psyche.

    To get rid of depression, the body eliminates stress with irritation or through vegetative disorders - upset nervous regulation varies the function of internal organs and systems.

    Otherwise, depression reduces, smoothes, but does not fully eliminate the alarm - the cause of excessive brain activity.

    A dreary depressed mood accompanies the loss of interest in life. The world environment is cruel and unfair, the feeling of own worthlessness and unnecessaryness. An hopeless future is associated with suffering. Loss of need for pleasure, futility of any effort.

    No doubt that negative thoughts are their own. In fact, they are only a protective reaction to eliminate the alarm.

    Depressed mind deprives the initiative. To eliminate the causes and symptoms of depression, nothing wants to do. The lack of power generates a closed circle.

    The disease is seriously treated if the internal discomfort has achieved significant sharpness, it accompanies the pulsating headache.

    The attack provokes a shock: the loss of a loved one, a catastrophe, dismissal with his beloved work, a serious illness, family complexity, a large failure in a financial or professional sphere.

    The reasons for depression are children's experiences that distort the right perception of "adult" reality, psychological trauma from unfair punishment.

    The disease causes disappointment in people, an unfriendly attitude of others, uncertainty in their own, the lack of clear goals in life.

    Depressive neurosis causes acute or chronic stress. Its development contributes to overwork and overstrain when performing routine cases, and not just tasks that require self-dedication and concentration.

    The awakening of depression, which is laid in genes, can cause manic-depressive psychosis - severe illness with rare well-being improvements.

    The postpartum depression causes hereditary predisposition and stress at the birth of a child. For treatment, the doctor appoints antidepressants.

    In old age, atherosclerosis worsens the blood supply of the brain, it gets less oxygen. Therefore, signs of depression in the elderly more often.

    The reason for depression is diseases that violate the functioning of the brain.

    It is difficult to diagnose the masked depression, its symptom - the pain of the internal organ. Treat antidepressants.

    Alcohol eliminates the symptoms, raises the mood, but does not treat depression, the dependence is dangerous.

    Depression is a sign of hypothyroidism, anemia, infectious diseases, a consequence of the hormonal restructuring of the body after childbirth or in menopause.

    The symptoms of depression causes a long admission of some painkillers and preparations for the treatment of heart and blood vessels.

    The reason for seasonal depression, dreary mood when changing the time of the year is a decrease in ultraviolet.

    Development of the disease

    First in the brain dominates a certain area. It slows down other sites, their excitement expands and strengthens the depressive area. Gradually, the condition covers the brain.

    If you do not get out of depression, the depressed mood is in the habit, it makes it difficult to treat.

    The state exacerbates negative emotions, which forced to consider the world - unfair, themselves - a worthless and unnecessary, future - unpromising.

    In fact, consciousness only converts negative emotions into gloomy thoughts. There is no own opinion of the individual at this expense.

    Symptoms of depression

    The correct diagnosis and treatment are prescribed with stable, for two weeks, several symptoms.

    The main symptom - depressed mood. Thoughts in negative events. Some cry days out. Others become irritable. Exacerbation of diseases, insomnia.

    Ceases to please, gives pleasure. Former hobbies do not distract from longing. The circle of interest is narrowed, there is no desire to watch your favorite films. Maintaining attractiveness seems to be a meaningless ritual.

    Symptom of depression - lack of powerwhich is enough to lie and sad. Flashing activity is quickly tired. In the professional sphere it is difficult to move towards the goal, the efforts are automatic. It is difficult to focus and do something else other than the experiences.

    Negative emotional background requires self-timberattributing yourself flaws. There is no desire to think about the future - it scares, strengthens the symptoms of depression, which protects the brain from overexcitation, the cause of which is anxiety.

    Thoughts commit suicide. Complete specific actions interferes with fear of physical pain, suffering from loved ones. If spiritual flour is inadvertising, and there are no loved ones or do not want to be a hindrance, some decide to get rid of depression by this way.

    The shortage in the brain of neurotransmitters, primarily serotonin, contributes to the development of the symptoms of depression. Sereotonin deficiency violasters Night Son. Despite the drowsiness, for which the overall inhibition is taken, it is not possible to fall asleep during the day.

    Depressive dominant suppresses appetitethat reduces weight. On the contrary, the activation of food receptors of the inverted sections of the brain is caused by an unlimited appetite.

    Depressive disorder suppresses sexual attractionIt ceases to give pleasure, reduces the need for proximity. Sometimes the violation of the sexual sphere cause more concern than a dreary mood, forced to treat depression.

    Symptom of depression - many bodily disorders, diseases of the head, heart, neck, abdomen.

    Five and more listed symptoms sign about the deep stage of the disease.

    Often, depression is confused with nervous exhaustion, the reasons for which are excessive activity, insufficient rest, lack of sleep. Stress develops increased fatigue, loss of ability to continuous intellectual or physical work. She ceases to bring joy. Anxiety, loss of taste for life.

    Treatment with vitamins

    Symptoms of depression causes a serotonin deficiency, which dull painful sensitivity, normalizes blood pressure, appetite, controls the synthesis of growth hormone.

    The body generates serotonin from the indispensable amino acid tryptophan, the mood regulator. The lack of tryptophan reduces serotonin production.

    Thiamine (Vitamin B1) warns a depressive state, insomnia, chronic fatigue. It contains a flour of coarse grinding, potatoes, legumes, cabbage.

    Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) creates conditions for the transformation of tryptophan in serotonin. Otherwise, the body consumes tryptophan on the synthesis of vitamin B3.

    The reason for depression is a deficit, they are rich in the liver, meat, fermented milk products, eggs.

    Triptophan requires the receipt of pyridoxine (vitamin B6). Therefore, the symptoms of depression warn nuts, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, oranges, lemons, cherry, fish, eggs, legumes.

    The effect of pyridoxine in women blocks estrogen hormone, which increases the exchange reactions with tryptophan, causes a lack of the latter to produce serotonin.

    The estrogen level increases contraceptive pills, the critical period.

    Antidepressant treatment

    To remove anxiety, improving the mood in the treatment of depression, the doctor prescribes antidepressants. They slow down the level of serotonin.

    In these drugs need few. Most simply tired, not resting enough, which is why Handrite is more often in a dreary mood.

    Tablet eliminates stress. Long-term reception is addictive. There is no treatment, the medicine eliminates the symptoms of depression. Refusal of tablets Returns signs of depressive state.

    Side Effects: Reducing blood pressure, vomiting, fuzzy, constipation, lethargy, infantility, worsening hearing. The effect of antidepressants on the brain is not fully studied.

    Therefore, stress and light forms of depression are treated with proper nutrition, exercise approved by a physician folk remedies.

    Water treatment

    To improve the mood, prevent and overcome depression, take clean water every day. It is necessary for the optimal functioning of the brain, the prevention of longing and anxiety.

    The dehydrated organism does not produce enough urine, which increases the acidity. For its neutralization, the restoration of the acid-alkaline balance consumes tryptophan.

    A sufficient flow of clean water removes excess acid, retains tryptophan reserves, helps to avoid and exit depression.

    How to get out of depression

    The disease reduces the alarm, derails from a cruel unfair world, an unpromising future, reduces interest in life. At the same time, it turns into suffering, sincerity and the validity of which are not subject to doubt.

    Suffering strengthens the presting of pity for himself, hope for helping from outside, passivity. The disease convinces consciousness that any effort is meaningless, you do not need to change the mind.

    On the other hand, the treatment of depression requires the consumption of an overwhelmed energy of energy so that the body cease to spend on destructive thoughts at least part of the psychic forces.

    That is why any activity is important for the exit from depression sake of concrete actions, without a specific purpose. Mechanical movements suppress the disease, which makes it easier.

    To secure progress, it is not bad to get praise from others, deliver a little pleasure to delicious food, a beautiful bauble.

    After each simple case, be sure to praise themselves, which also helps to get out of depression - "I can all, I'm well done, I get everything wonderful."

    Folk remedies

    Prevent and overcome depression help products rich omega-3:, fatty fish varieties (salmon, tuna, mackerel, salmon). Reliable helps raisins, it improves the mood, gives a charge of cheerfulness.

    Refuse tea, coffee, alcohol, chocolate, sugar, rice, white flour products.

    FLEGMATALS Useful raw vegetables and fruits. Cholerics to cook them for a couple or bake in the oven.

    Hunther It is useful to eliminate and warn the disease:

    • Digger 1C.L. Grass glass boiling water, tomorrow 15 minutes in a water bath, give cool, strain.

    Take 1/4 cup three times a day.


    • Finally 10-12 hours 1C.L. Herbs in a glass of boiled water room temperature, strain.

    Take 1/2 cup several times a day to eliminate intellectual fatigue, raising mood, depression treatment.

    Changed: 06/26/2019
    1. It should be understood that very rare relationships lasting all your life!
      Sooner or later you can have some embodiment or break, and you will part.
    2. There must be an understanding that in this world in principle there is nothing that is so stable so much that it would never go and did not destroy.

    Understanding this 1 of the Council of the psychologist on how to survive parting with your loved one, strongly reinforces your knowledge.

    2. Find your favorite lesson who wants to do and be passionate about all and with great passion

    • Causes of your life in principle, the finding of your classes, which wants to do, want to live and be passionate about - it strongly supports you emotionally and from all sides!
    • Having it, you will not be swallowed so much and throw in panic with some kind of loss, even if you broke up with your loved one.
    • Your favorite passion, occupation, your own way, energy and passion invested in it - very much recharge you, give a goal in life, give a feeling of pleasure and pleasure from life.
    • Thanks to them, you forget about the gray weekdays, completely penetrate the process, forgetting everyday trifles and ruptures. You are no longer soared about what to do if you were thrown or how to survive it.
    • Bursting the relationship, now you can easily immerse yourself in your favorite business and completely dwell and grow on with him.
    • For example, it can be your projects, business ideas, events, your creativity, financial plans, hobbies and favorite sports. Who is what is much.

    Always remember your favorite hobby and passion, put it now in the first place, and then you will no longer need a psychologist's advice on how to survive parting with your girlfriend or a young man.

    3. Realize that the relationship with any conclusion of a mission and the goal in life cannot be

    1. Social programming inspires that allegedly relationships - The main component in life. That is, building relationships people make the main component of life. This is a very common thing that can be observed now.
    2. She is such a Hollywood and movie or from some hidden children's dreams. Meets both men and women. And if you don't get rid of this illusion, you will still need the advice of a psychologist about how to survive a gap with your loved one.
    3. There is another misuse of people. People come to their second half like under a tree of wood from work or study with conviction "But I will be fine here."
      And so if this happens in your head, then, as a rule, it does not justify it.
    4. Sooner or later illusions collapsed. To some extent, people can create this illusion to each other, then it is all scattered just in the fluff and dust.

    Relationships are certainly important.

    In them we can realize ourselves, to be implemented to another person, to establish emotional contact with the partner, to do their own and his life is easier.

    But in general, they cannot be a mission.

    Relationships with any defold mission in life can not be!

    Illusions of girls

    From the side of the girls, such a thing in the head is present more often. And so they often need help and different advice of a psychologist about how to survive parting with a beloved man.

    Girls take a relationship in greater rank, because they have such a biological factor as a family and a child.

    Your jamb is that you had to be distracted from hard clinging for relationships and dellage their goal in life.

    From this you will be only worse, because illusions sooner or later begin to break up, and you will again think about what to do when your beloved left you.

    4. Do not ride yourself to the emotional hole after parting

    1. It is very important when such gaps occur And critical moments, it is not to give yourself to ride into the emotional pit. Some begin depressed. You can do about the ways to get rid of depression. They can last not one day, but even a week or two. It can very much to undermine you.
    2. Emotionally, the problem may be completely shroud. But, for example, a man can slip emotionally in this gap that he will have a desire to leave in the mountains, to become a monk and nothing else to do anything in this life or leave his head into business, forgetting about women at all.
    3. Although not really so serious. Everything happens. Do not wind yourself, do not make an elephant from fly and know everything about how to survive parting with a girl after a long relationship or many years of living together.

    5. First decide the psychological problem: you do not need to fall into extremes and run to search for a new partner

    After the break, it can be a feeling that allegedly needs to be solved and immediately right now.

    It is necessary to break the problems as they are received.

    No need to decide everything and immediately.

    First find harmony with yourself and grade the problem inside

    If you have an unstable emotional state, depressed, then first disperse with it.

    Some people fall into extreme after breaking and will soon go to look for a new partner.

    And it allegedly will be solving the problem. It allegedly closes questions about how to survive pain parting with a loved one.

    Is it a decision?

    What mistakes do people do?

    People just shook their soul wound with the plaster, looking for a replacement rather, instead of dealing with themselves.

    This squeezing out of extremes to the extreme does not end with anything good.

    Please accept the state in which you are now, see him and tell me: "Yes, now I'm not quite in harmony with me after breaking. Well, nothing, I will first decide this question, and then we'll see. "

    Remember this and no longer need the advice of a psychologist about how to survive parting with your husband.

    6. What can your brain can do with you: analogy with a paved plate

    • All your memories of past loveWhen everything was fine, bloomed and smelled - it's just visibility.
      If that balance was preserved, it would really be so. And so this illusory visibility. This is already like a paved plate, which also backed up.
    • How can the brain joking with you? When you had a gap and there were a lot of jambs, which I don't even really want to remember, the brain throws you up this brought to the record.
    • You yourself put this in the head for a broken platewhere there is no longer melody playing, but it sounds incomprehensible grinding, a pitiful semblance of a melody and some unpleasant sounds.
    • This plate is no longer necessary to repair!
      We just need to find what you really need!
    • Don't even try to come back. It's not worth it.
      Come to the situation soberly and you will know everything about how to start living after parting with your loved one.

    7. Allow yourself to leave forever: there is nothing to solve, you do not need to cling

    Allow yourself to leave forever.

    Understand that it is already nothing to allow.

    Someone from you cast and it is important to understand that this is normal.

    No matter how painful everything is perceived, let yourself go to leave forever.

    Just like your partner gives itself this opportunity.

    Every girl and every guy gives me this opportunity.

    Understanding this will close your experiences about the thoughts on how to survive the break of relationships with your favorite people.

    8. Make a choice to be cool and not needy, remove expectations

    1. Not needy person is The one that does not cling to other people is inclined to give more than getting and never waiting for anything from this life! Strive to them to be.
    2. Not needy person does not think aboutthat you will have in the future (even if there is a guarantee of 99%, you do not speak others). You can say: "Yes, I have such plans ...". You're going to do it, but you do not live it.
    3. You take what you have at the momentBut you never expect that something will happen in the future - good or bad. It's useless.
    4. Those thingsfor which you can cling in life can be so efemranes and destroyed.
    5. Your realityshould not be based on something outside!

    The not needy person does not need equally both in things and in humans! The paradigm is that they are with them, but at the same time there is no loss of fear!

    The not needy person never wonders on how to live after parting on.

    A strong person is only glad that weak people themselves go out of his life.

    Woman live harder to live, but maybe. Do not cling to people.

    In women, the natural need for a man who will protect it, take care, they cling to men. In this their cant!

    On our site you can also on how to get rid of affection and love addiction.

    9. In the next six months or a year, change the perception of relationships

    • After your parting, do not cling at once for the new person and do not try to make it immediately with your own very long time.
    • Do not confuse in order to do not communicate with anyone at all and do not meet. No, you still communicate and get closer with new people, enjoy the passing between you.
    • But there should be no this desire to make a person with his own property for some long time.
    • You must remove the temporary framework where you begin to unconsciously drive a person.
    • Live so the next six months after a break. Then after half a year, based on the inner sensations, you can return to a long relationship with one girl (man).

    Thin moment to implement

    Replace the desire to make a person with your own property to make it happy.

    The best thing you can do for a partner is to provide him with a full life, and you will be there to be with him when he and you wish it.

    You still sincerely love the partner, but do not try to keep it in any way.

    You must live your life and provide a partner with complete freedom of choice.

    Implement this perception and no longer worry about how to survive parting with a lover or your secret passion.

    The difference between healthy and unhealthy need

    1. There should be no border and understanding that your man.
      And then you can always go further in terms of the development of your spirituality, your level of happiness and harmony.
    2. Yes, you can have a certain percentage of need in new relationships, but this healthy need, - when you just want to see a person (No matter how you spend time). Just want to be together.

    10. Ask yourself: "Are your sensations and the image of a former partner are real, or is it your subjective perception?"

    Ask you questions:

    1. Is it possible that the former partner gives you some feelings, or is this your subjective perception paints them with such, making it special?
    2. If the guy's perception of a former girl as "special", "Giving love to everyone" and "however," the health "was real, then why don't all guys perceive her?
    3. Why nobody from other people on the planet, located next to his ex-girlfriend, does not feel better from it as a guy?


    The way the guy perceives the former girl such a clay is his personal subjective perception of the girl.

    In addition to him, no one else perceives it.

    All other people see the same girl, the same appearance, her face, but their well-being is not improved in any way!

    And it is very important to realize to close anxiety about how easier to survive parting with your loved one.

    You yourself draw an addition to the image of the ex, it does not come from himself

    1. The guy is simply tied to those old emotions, tactile sensations and past pleasures that they gave each other. His perception draws it some kind of special, as if she had Nimbi over her head.
    2. Similarly, it can be said about the former men who are unrequited continue to dry out women. Your remaining love after break is only your personal subjective visibility.
    3. You yourself and your perception of feelings draws such an addition to the former person. This supplement itself does not come from your former partner.
    4. This image that draws you your perception - does not exist in reality. Remember this and close all your questions about how to survive the pain of parting with a married man or that one sooner or later you would have to part.

    11. Your attachment is tested to feelings and feelings that you experienced before with a partner, and not to the person

    Understand that you are tied to the feeling, and not to the person himself.

    This feeling is drawn by your personal subjective perception.

    Understand it, and you will be much easier.

    Ask yourself:

    1. Why don't you feel this feeling towards yourself?
    2. Why does it occur only towards other people?

    The answer isthat you just do not love yourself.

    People do not like themselves and as a consequence need help from outside, they ask the councils of a psychologist about how to survive a gap with her husband, a guy or female face.

    12. Love yourself to truly

    When you fall in love with yourself truly, your total love will be much stronger than feelings for a former person.

    Your love for yourself will be the strongest and strong. No feelings will be able to absorb and bind you.

    And then you will forget about attachment to feelings, you will give more to this world.

    And then people will begin to stretch to you.

    Now you know everything from psychology on how to survive parting with your loved one, and you do not need any forums.

    If you integrate these understanding in your life, then thoughts like "would soon move away after the painful break" you will no longer have in your head.

    You will remove many pains and suffering from the relationship and begin to look at things more objectively.

    This is your life, make the right choice!

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