• Hat with large fields as it is called. Types of women's hats. History of the appearance of men's hats


    Constantly transform: material, and the form, and the rules of socks themselves are changed. At the same time, their need for a modern man's wardrobe is hardly challenging. Hat, once a completely indispensable thing, a little forgotten. In our review - hats, which can be safely worn today.


    Women's medium-sized felt hat with bent books and low tully. The name "Slavoch" is now rarely used, albeit in the designer, and in the collections of mass brands of such a type of hats appear with enviable for other conversion hats.

    Greta Gabo.

    Koker / Kok / Derby

    Traditionally men's hat from felt. The pot has a low tool-hemisphere. Once the bowler replaced a less convenient cylinder, and then he was supplanted with soft felt hats. Now the bowler has lost its gender personality, but it is still going to many. The main thing is to know with what to wear it.

    Charlie Chaplin

    Alasa gang in incomplete composition. Frame from the movie A Clockwork Orange, 1971


    The very "crumpled" of hats with ribbons, Fedor, has three dents on the tool and medium-sized fields. Usually Fedor was made from felt, but today it can consist of anything. Three depressions on a hat of hats allow it convenient to control - to shoot and wear again: young men can try to greet raised over his head. About the meeting with you will not forget. Fyodor is often called "Borsalino" (in honor of the brand that produced them).

    Humphrey Bogart. Frame from The Big Sleep, 1946


    Miniature female headdress, in shape resembling a bell. Popular in the 1920s, Cloce Hats perfectly harmonized with trendy short haircuts. Cleash caps are traditionally made of felt, have narrow fields that can be pulled out slightly, and a narrow tape. The functionality of such a hat is obvious: it closes the head and warm well - if it is made of natural materials.

    Angelina Jolie. Frame from Changeling, 2008


    A straw hat with a flat top, low tool, straight fields and ribbon. Wearing Canier appropriate to both men and women: lightweight material, weightlessness and relatively small sizes make it an excellent summer accessory.

    Harold Lloyd, American actor and film director


    Felt hat with dent along a sufficiently high tool, wide ribbon and curved fields. Homburg is known, mainly the fact that such hats wore many gangsters - the heroes of the "godfather". Although political figures also often preferred Homburg to other types of hats.

    British Politician Anthony Eden


    The most popular kind of hats appearance in the year before last - high with a flat top and small fields. The inconvenience of socks is not a reason to abandon such a wonderful outdoor headland: with a wooden sole or ankle boots with empty heels, too, did not immediately fit in the wardrobe. Arrange, in the end, not a unlocked party in the "oldest T-shirts", and a guest evening for exclusively respected people and your favorite people or organize a natural circus, with focus and the participation of pets.

    Colin Firth. Frame from the movie The King "S Speech


    Felt hat with big dent tul. Traditionally, Trilby is a mandatory element of the costume for racing. The "right" color of trilbies is considered brown, and the hat tape should be non-smoke and with a small bow or buckle side (on the left side). In sympathies to Trilby, many are selected - both public and unknown hats lovers. This can be explained by the fact that both Tula and hats fields have medium sizes: Trilby is not so miniature and funny, as a pot, but also does not require so careful selection of clothing as cowboy.

    Frank Sinatra

    Cowboy hat

    The same, in which the heroes of Clinta were loved and killed the heroes of Clinta. Made of felt, leather and, less rare, straw, cowboy hats have a concave top view of a high rounded toul and curved fields. Traditionally, such hats are considered loved by country musicians, Mexicans and the latter from the kind of cowboys. Girls cowboy hats can be worn in summer at open festivals or late spring with Cossack shoes. You advise young men to choose a cowboy style: to start, understand, whether you will go long hair and half boots on a small heel.

    Women's hat is one of the most significant accessories in the wardrobe. But now we somehow remember it only in the summer to protect yourself from the sun. However, let's figure out in the main basic forms of hats, on the basis of which you can create your luxurious models. According to the historian of fashion, Colin Makdauel, there are only two types of headdress: a cap or hat and a hat, and two types of silhouette - with fields and without fields. See, everything is very simple. And in fact?...

    1. Hat with challenges, Or is it otherwise called "Southwest", or a pilots hat. This hat is good in that it can change the position of the fields in different versions, as well as their size and width. Fields can be turned completely or partially. Perhaps their absence from behind.

    2. Breton. This hat can have more or less high fields that are raised up. Hat received its name from French Brittany, where such hats were distributed.

    3. Bolero. The name happened from Spanish. As you know, a family beloved by many women also has a similar name. Its origin is borrowed from the ticket suit. And such hats were also a common headdress in Spain, especially in Spanish national dance.

    4. Concrete with sheer fields
    They are very similar to bolero hats. But unlike the first, whose fields are convex and slightly bent up, the fields of these hats are flatter and their diameter is greater. These hats are also called Tomi.

    5. Cannel hat
    This hat is also called the Matot. Translated from French - sailor. Hat with straight horizontal fields, the dimensions of which can be more and less, the fields can be both rounded and angular. Tula is also horizontal and straight. The straw hat is the same form called "Girardi". "Girardi" - from the National Head of Austria.

    6. Foretian hat. In this hat with a high-tulle field, small enough. They are rearned upwards, and in front are lowered down.

    7. Capelina.
    Kapelina has a soft shape, a round tulle of medium height and large enough, smooth and horizontal fields that are slightly raised.

    8. Cylinder. Favorite hat Marlene Dietrich. It is very similar to a male cylinder, but her Tula is somewhat lower and the fields flirtightly raised from the side.

    9. Bell or Cloch. This hat has different options: Cap, Cloce with deep fields, Cloce with wide fields (remember Audrey Hepburn in the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany"). In all versions there are fields, but the cap is the shortest, and the crushes with wide fields are naturally the biggest. Tully, on the contrary, the cap is the deepest and high, and clash with wide fields is the smallest. But the Cloch with deep fields is something mean between those two, above mentioned.

    10. Hat - Flapper. The shape of the hat is soft, high toula, the fields are large enough, but hanging out uneven flies, a little covered face of the lady.

    Such a hat has many options. Fields are bent over the sides up, in front of only slightly rounded up. Wearing such a hat can be slightly having thrown over the forehead. Fields may have a form and more and less adjacent.

    Fields can be really very large, slightly inclined and in front, and behind, when walking, hesitate. Such a hat should be able to wear as Sophie Loren can do (remember the film "High Fashion").

    13. Tyrolean hat. Its shape somewhat resembles the shape of the hunting, its fields are also raised up, but the front is lowered down. Soft hats shape. It is borrowed from the National Costume of Austria, where it is called "Salzburg". This alpine hat is well combined with Casual clothing.

    14. HAT - Tablet. Jacqueline Kennedy wore such a hat. Hat really resembles a tablet. It can wear more on the back of the head, opening a face and even hair, and on the contrary, it is moving forward closing the forehead.

    15. Turban. This hat is made of fabric with intricate passages, really similar to the Asian Turban. You can also tighten your scarf around the head as well. It was very loved in the 20s, and in the 70s of the twentieth century, and now.

    16. Cowboy hatwhich is not worth explaining. You will see it on the screens, where the North American cowboys will jump on dusty prairies.

    17. Hat "A-Lia-Rembrandt". First, Rembrandt is a Dutch artist of the XVII century. But the hat, which he wore, is borrowed and ladies. Hat with large, wide and flat fields, Tula high enough.

    18. Kickle. The hat is borrowed again from the wardrobe of men and really resembles a pot, but with small fields. Due to the softness, it is possible to change the shape of a tool, comicing it, and the shape of the fields, flexing them or up, or down.

    19. Hat - ball. Yes, she really is like a ball, and usually without fields.

    20. Hat - Fesca. Looks like a Muslim headdress. Form of Tuli conical, without fields.

    21. Hat - Current. The current has a straight form, a slightly similar to a tablet, but Tula is higher. Yes, and wearing such a hat it is better to shoot at the forehead.

    22. Hat - two-digger. This hat is also called "Marquis". It has a variety of modifications. Basically, the shape of the Tully round, the fields are small, bent upward and rear, the side of the fields are most often deployed down.

    Antique Hat, Military Diesel

    Modern carnival

    23. Triplet. Hat with low round tulle. Fields are small, can be curly, bent on all sides.

    24. Capor.Old lady headdress. A round hat with fields, bent forward, no fields. Previously, ahead was tied on ribbons.

    Right from Italy, has a slightly elongated Tul. Ahead of wide and straight fields, the back slightly bent up.

    26. Takes. All well-known and favorite headdress without fields. Beret, actually, is called a headdress, whose Tula and fields merged into one. Berets can be different in size and form. Thanks to its softness, you can wear as to whom who goes more, changing his shape somewhat.

    27. Hood. This is a headdress in which the cap and the cervical scarf as one is. Closes his head, neck and protects the face from the wind.

    Previously, just called the cape. This is a round hat, reminiscent of a rubber hat of a swimmer. Such a hat was carried only married women.

    29. Hat - helmet. This headdress has a round tool, without fields and is somewhat similar to a hat - a ball, but in it most often the sides cover the ears, as if stretched on the ears, i.e. Similarity helmet.

    February 2, 2012, 00:54

    Hat - a headdress consisting of a tool - covering the head of the part - and fields - protruding the edge of the material strip of material. Hats can be decorated with feathers, stuffed, ribbons, etc. The hat can be used as a means of protecting head and hair (from precipitation, wind, sun), and can also perform a decorative function. Hat species Plot many: Akuba Akubab (or "Land Plains") is not just the pride of Australians, it has become an important part of the whole national culture.

    Gallery Gallery (lat. Galerus Ruber - Red Cap) - Cardinal, very large, flat, red hat with wide fields, from which 15 tassels hang around 15 sides.
    Kotelok Kotelka / Kok / Derby - Eating a men's hat from felt. It has a low tool (hemisphere). The factory replaced the uncomfortable cylinder, and then he himself was supplanted with felt hats. Now the bowler is worn and men and women.
    Fedora Fedor is a classic gentleman hat with soft fields that can be brought up or omitted. "Fedor" is called Snap Brim ("reversible field"), because the back of the field of this hat is taken to climb upwards, and the front is to lower the eyes for a lot of mystery. On Tulle "Fedor" there are three dents.
    On the right, on the left, upstairs - for three fingers, which lift the hat at the form of a particularly seductive lady or shifted it even lower on the eyes, if the lady passed by, not bothering to take a look.
    His name "Fedor" received from the eponymous play Victorien Sarda 1882. He writes for the famous actress Sarah Bernard Piez "Fedor". The action takes place in St. Petersburg and in Paris. The main characters were NiHist Boris Ivanov, who killed Count Gorhekina, and having loved his widow of the Graphian beauty Fedor. For this performance sew a new head remove. This hat is called Borsalino. Giuseppe Borsalino Founder of the Hat Production Company, put his label and on the hats of other styles. Boater Chanotier hat - from the French word "Canotier" - rower. This is a headdress consisting of a low, cylindrical shape of the tool and direct narrow fields. The material for the hat served predominantly straw, and a distinguishing feature of the hat was a black tape, accruiling around Tuli.
    At first, the canium was wearing young people who are fond of rowing, and only then the hat rapidly spread into the masses.

    Shapoklyak (FR. Chapeau Claque) - a male headdress, a type of cylinder, its feature is that it could be folded. The first Shapoklyak was made in Paris in 1830s. Located inside the cylinder, the mechanism allowed it in the vertical direction. In the room, the shapoklyak was worn folded, under the arm. Until 1914, this hat was mainly affiliated with a ballroom toilet. After the First World War, Shapoklyak, as well as the cylinder, was separated from use. Shuta Schute- Dame and Maiden Hat, similar to Chepetse, in the style of the Biedermeier, often straw with wide fields framing the face.
    The lady's fashion entered the theater, where. It appears as a details of about 1800, then remains in fashion until 1860. Bolivar
    Very popular in the 1820-30s of hats worn fashionable and in Russia and in Europe. Bolivar's hat had very wide fields, the top of the hat was like a cylinder whose tula was expanded to the top. The material for finishing Bolivarov served mainly black atlas. Sometimes, the hats fields were so wide that even in the doorway, without removing Bolivar, it was possible and not to squeeze. Bolivar's homeland hat is a new light, in particular, Latin America. By the title of their own, they are obliged to leader the liberation movement of the peoples of South America - Simono Bolivar. It is curious that the legendary revolutionary of such hats with wide fields did not carry, but it was such a magazine that it was extremely popular among its numerous supporters. The removal poverty led to the spread of Bolivarov among non-indifferent changes in Russian nobles. Pushkin himself wore Bolivar and put it on Onegin. Panama
    Panama is a lightweight hat with elastic fields from a special variety of straw - Tokilla. Panama is the national headdress of Ecuador. This headdress received its name due to the fact that Europe and the USA, where he once entered the fashion, was supplied exclusively through Panama Cocked hat
    Hat with fields hurried so that they form three corners. It was distributed in the second half of the XVII century and was popular until the end of the XVIII century, until he was replaced by a two-digger. Two-gang Two-angles, unlike the tricons, were wonderful and occupied less space than their predecessors. These were important qualities for secular rounds, because now the headdress has become more convenient to keep.
    The two-gauge is a hat with two horns, which appeared in the eighteenth century and successfully replaced the tricon. Russian fashionists called the bicon of Wellington Confederate In Russia, the confederate is often inaccurately called the traditional Western European academic headdress in the form of a quadrangular shape hats without fields, with a brush
    In fact, the Confederate, Rogatyvka, Ham (Polish. ROGATYWKA) is a four-fingered headdress in the Polish army known since the XVIII century. Pork pie or pork Pork-Pai - a bowl like a bowl: a low almost cylindrical Tula with a hollow, resembling a cake (PORK PIE - pork pie), and short, curved fields. . Worn by representatives of some subcultures in 1960-1970.
    Sombrero (from Isp. Sombrero, Sombra is a shadow) - a wide-frame hat with a high cone shaft and usually with rounded up the edges of the fields. Part of the Mexican national costume. Peasant Sombrero - straw, and more expensive Sombrero do from felt. In modern Mexico, the cities of Sombrero are almost not found. Trilby The classic "Trilby" is a soft male brown hat with a long fold all over and dent in front. . The name of the hat is borrowed from the novel of George Duhumier "Trilby". The book enjoyed unheard of popularity, so soon it was decided to put a performance on the novel. According to the scenario, one of the actors has repeatedly appeared on the stage in the hat, to which the name "Trilby was immediately glued And although Trilby is very similar to Fyodor, but unlike the latter it is a men's hat. So called the beautiful Irish simulator, who under hypnosis of the demonic musician Swengali became the famous singer, and after his death lost the gift
    Peak popularity These hats survived in the 60s. Then the Americans began to massively transplanted into convertibles, and enjoy the ride in fashionable before the broad-widespread hats was much more difficult - the journey, unlike the practical "Trilby", constantly broke off the wind from the head. Slavoch
    Slavoch - felt hat with small soft lowered fields. The hat has a military past - for a long time Similar hats were part of compulsory uniforms in the armies of different countries, say, Australia, Britain, India and Germany. Your offensive name (from the English "Slouch" - a hunchback, a sutured) headdress received, thanks to its ergonomic properties - lowered fields allowed water drops to slide down. Cloch
    The lady's hat in the shape of a bell tape was in fashion in the 1920s.
    Homburg (HOMBURG) - a male felt hat with highly curved fields and tulle ribbon. Manufacture of such a fauna hat began in Bad Homburg on the Philip Mökkel Hat Factory. The turning point in the fate of the hat was a visit to Homburg the heir to the British throne, the future king Eduard VII on August 29, 1882. Edward saw a local production hat from his nephew, Kaiser Wilhelm II, who worn green Homburg to the hunting costume, and ordered himself from Mökkel Homburg in a traditional elegant gray color. The new style of a male hat quickly displaced the cylinders and bowlers reigned. In the UK, Homburg is called Anthony Eden by the name of the Prime Minister. Homburg was an integral element of the official male costume until the 1950s. Breton Caper Special view of a fur cap with a soft shade. It is believed that for the first time the Breton caps appeared not in Brittany, but in Sweden, where they were a soft cap with a visor and headphones sewn to it. In Europe and America, Breton Caps are perceived as a traditional headdress of sailors. In Russia, the Breton Capka was known called "Kartuz" and used both military and civilians in everyday use. Breton hat Summer female widecabber hat with hemispherical tool and curved up the fields. It is often decorated with a ribbon around the tool and flowers. Typically is made of straw or light tissues. As can be seen from the name, this headdress came to us from Brittany, the northern province of France. There, the hat of such a form was included in the casual suit of the peasant, because it was extremely comfortable. She protected from the Sun, and due to the fields bent to the top did not close the review. By the beginning of the 20th century, the Breton Hat has won the whole world and is still extremely popular female summer headdress. Visor (Visor) The visor is called either the caps in the form of a visor attached to the tape, fastened on the back of the head or the visor itself. These hats are designed to protect your eyes from bright direct sunlight and are often used by ladies who care about their hairstyle not only at exquisite secular receptions, but also on a tennis court or on a volleyball court. These "caps" are convenient because the head does not sweat even during the active activity. Ladies' Hats (Millinery) The current meaning of this word is "Hatter". In general, most often the word is used, starting from the 17th century, to refer to women's hats and related accessories, which can be found in the coat of Hatter. Previously, this word was called Milan's residents in Italy. Later, it moved to manufacturers of women's clothing, and then it came to the manufacturers of hats, which in huge quantities supplied their products from Milan to the UK. Now they are basically called the author's caps. Hunter hat
    Hatry Hatry (English Deerstalker Hat), also known as Sherlock Holmes hat - a kind of hats, which was usually worn in rural areas of England, as a rule, during the deer of hunting (Deerstalking), from where her name happened. Due to the association of this hat with Holmes, it is also considered to be a traditional headgear for a detective. The Merriam-Webster dictionary refers the appearance of the name for the hat by 1870.
    Her main feature is the presence of two "tongues" for the ears and two visors - ahead and rear. They close from the sun and face, and the owner's neck. "Ears" can be associated under the chin or on top of the top. I can say that even having a small excursion to the story and types of hats, I never started distinguishing them with 100%))))

    If initially hats were performed only one function - to cover the head from the scorching sun and other climatic inconvenience, today they are a mandatory element of the image: for a hike on horseback, or on the beach, the original accessory, which will emphasize the outfit of fashionista or stylish man.

    More than once through the Hat history, she was considered a real Must Have, without which a decent lady or gentleman could not go outside. Without hats, the military did not have the right to appear before the bosses - it was a bad tone that could serve as a turning point in their career. It is the fields of hats that hiding eyes from passersby. It was them that they were raised when meeting with friends or clumsily miles, being in confusion.

    During the time of living, Coco Chanel, women went to special hat boutiques, acquiring several accessories at the same time. In the wardrobe, fashionistas could have about hundreds of various hats, each of which was ideally suited to a particular alongside. It was the hats that caused the unrestrained envy of the girlfriends, precisely from under the veil of beauties threw passionate views on men or made recognition that do not require extra words.

    As Rett Butler said, if a woman does not know how to wear a fashionable hat, then things are really bad. Moreover, the question of choosing a headdress is relevant to this day. In recent years, fashion for hats began to return to gradually. These accessories have become much more popular than, for example, in the 80s of the XX century. How to choose a stylish accessory? First you need to figure out their varieties. Next, I will be listed that fashionable women's hats, which are relevant today.


    Real Queen hats - Fedor. Today on the streets of many cities you can meet girls in such heads. Perhaps this is the only model that has not come out of fashion throughout the almost entire existence.

    Fedor (English Fedora) - a soft felt hat, closed once with a ribbon. Fields are soft, they can be lifted and lowered. There are three dents on the Tul. It was invented at the end of the 1880s, called operetta popular in those years. It is usually worn by men, but there are hats and women

    Around Tuli usually satin ribbon or buckle. Fedor is often manufactured from felt, but modern designers produce hats collection using various accessories.

    The brand under which the most famous Fedora hats is produced - this is, no doubt, Italian Borsalino. You can read in more detail.

    Bright example: Indiana Jones and Michael Jackson.


    Similar to Fyodor in the outlines of the hat - Panama. The name appeared after the construction of a Panama channel was given hats of this species. Construction work completed, the channel functions, the hat remained in fashion.

    What is the main difference from Fedor? Traditional Panama was made of straw, now it is also released from recycled paper. Around the Tuli make a tape or tackle a handkerchief.

    Bright example: Madonna and Sean Connery.


    Trilby is another trendy model of hats. Trilby became a trend at the beginning of the 60s of the last century. Then they were exclusively representatives of strong sex. At this time in the US, many have moved to strong convertibles, Trilby turned out to be the most convenient view of the hats: the narrow fields did not interfere with the review, and the tight fit allowed the head left to hold on his head during the wind. Trilby moved from jazz musicians.

    Today, such hats can be seen on men and women. Trilby differs from Fedor in that it has a higher and pointed tully, and narrow, usually curved fields (at least behind). Around the Tuli tie a ribbon or leather strip. Material used for manufacture can be absolutely any: felt, wool, straw, paper, leather, dense cotton.

    Trelby Hat was a traditional accessory for the visitors of English races. The brown model was worn with a classic suit from a tweet.

    Today, trilly hat is practically not used as a supplement to a strict suit. Now such a headdress is appropriate with a youth way.

    Bright example: Frank Sinatra and Kate Moss.


    Varieties of broad-grained hats are a huge set. It can be a beach option from painted or natural straw, as well as an exquisite hiding hat to the theater or ballet, and may be a soft model of felt, with wavy fields (quite popular in 70-80 GH of the last century). Material to create a hat - any.

    Bright example: Marilyn Monroe and Vanessa Hudgens.

    Cloche / Closh

    Cloch - a ladies hat in the shape of a bell tape, which was in fashion in the 1920s. The name happened from the French word cloche. Also, this headdress is called more Flapper Hat.

    Cloch is a miniature hat without fields, a tightly fitting head and a closing ears. The main material is felt (for winter season) and straw (to access the beach). Cloce again becomes fashionable.

    A vivid example of this headland is an image of Angelina Jolie in the film "Substitution".


    The bowler was considered a trendy accessory in the last century, and an exceptionally male accessory. Headdresses of this type were created from felt, with a round tulle (as a result of which the hat received its name) and narrow fields. Today the bowlers can again be seen on the streets of various cities. Only one thing has changed - now only girls are predominantly worn.

    Bright example: Charlie Chaplin.

    People wear hats for a very long time for a variety of reasons: protection from the Sun, as an addition of the outfit, as an element of uniform or due to religious beliefs. Hats were perceived as a sign of distinction, as a sign of absolute elegance and accessories to the elite circle of people.

    However, today hats got widespread, and now, any man can plunge into a modern style and replenish your wardrobe with an interesting subject. In this article we will talk about the fact that men's hats are representing, we learn the story of male hats and consider 10 types of hats that can be worn in autumn, in spring and summer.

    History of the appearance of men's hats

    Since its first appearance, hats have undergone significant changes. Initially, a simple hat was called Pileus. It was a headdress that was worn by religious beliefs or to underline the status.

    One of the first documented images of the hats can be considered painting in the FIV tomb (Egypt), which depicts a man in a straw hat. Although this headdress has little in common with the first hat, it shows the importance of this accessory over the centuries. Pileus hat is one of the first hats, about which we, humanity, know anything. It is also worth remembering the Frigian cap, which was worn by Roman and Greek slaves.

    The very first hat with the fields from Greece and was called "Petasos". On many frescoes and sculptures of Greece, the messenger of the gods - Hermes, immortalized precisely with Petasos on his head. There is an opinion that it was Petasos who became the progenitor of modern hats.

    In the Middle Ages, the hats began to denote social status. For Jews, a Jewish hat, known as Ermolka, has become a favorite headdress. Jews still worn in religious purposes. An interesting fact, in 1215 the fourth Lateran Council proposed to consider a Jewish hat as a way to identify Jews.

    It is due to the popularization of sports among men, we are obliged to be hats to wear for protection from the sun. The tradition of wearing hats at horse races arose in Royal Escot in the UK. In accordance with, all guests of events accompanied by a monarch should have worn hats. Such a dress code was transferred to other events - for example, to America in Kentucky Derby.

    As soon as the fashion for hats spread around the world, the baseball teams in America began to supply their headquarters of their players to increase the field of view of the players in the sun. Later, hats began to call baseball caps. Since each team had their baseball caps, the fans began to wear them to demonstrate their loyalty and love for the team or individual players. From baseball, hats moved to other summer sports, their popularity grew. Baseball caps became more bright, and soon they covered the heads of the Americans.

    Although men's hats are not suitable for the office, they are ideal for relaxing on the beach, walks on the embankment or ordinary trips through the entire city on a warm summer day. Men's summer hats are the perfect protection from the sun blow.

    Although some hats are unique, all headquarters can see a lot in common.

    • Tula or Crown - Most of the hat that is responsible for covering and protecting the top of the head. In summer men's hats, this is the easiest and most breathing part of the Uraz.
    • Band - It is a tape or strip. It is attached to the bottom of the Tulley and helps to absorb moisture from the head in order to prevent sweat running on the forehead or eyes. Band is often adjusted using a cord that can be pulled out for tightening. Also, the name of Grosgray or Pugari is often used - it should not be confused with a band. These names are used to the outer part of the hats, and the band is located inside.
    • Visor - This is a hard part of the hats, which comes out of the front of the Tool to protect the eyes from the sun and the rain.
    • Edge or field - serves the same goal as the visor, however, it is located not only in front, but throughout the plane of the head.

    How to choose the size of a male hat

    For most hats, the best way to determine the size is to fit your head. Measures can be made in centimeters or inches. They are difficult to understand. Please refer to the table below. Measure the circumference of your head using a measuring tape for the tailors (in the common ribbon is called "meter"), wrapped it around the skull at an altitude of 2-3 cm. Above the level of ears or approximately in the middle of the forehead.

    Unfortunately, many people today choose hats s sizes S, M, L, or even choose the "one size on all" principle. However, these hats will not sit well at you. If the tide is too small, it will cause your headache. Of course, in the headwear store you can try out different hats, it is enough to merry a few pieces.

    Table of sizes of men's hats

    Girth of the head (cm)Girth of the head (inches)RussiaEnglandUSAIntern
    54 21.6 54 7 2/3 6 3/4 Xxs.
    55 21.6 55 6 3/4 8 1/3 Xs.
    56 22 56 8 1/3 7 S.
    57 22.4 57 7 7 1/3 M.
    58 22.8 58 7 1/3 7 1/4 L.
    59 23.2 59 7 1/4 7 3/8 XL
    60 23.6 60 7 3/8 7 1/2 Xxl
    61 24 61 7 1/2 8 2/3 Xxl
    62 24.4 62 8 2/3 7 3/4 Xxxl
    63 24.8 63 7 3/4 7 7/8 Xxxl
    64 25 64 7 7/8 8 Xxxxl
    65 25.6 65 8 8 1/8 Xxxxl

    Types of men's hats

    Modern manufacturers make a bet on versatility and coverage of a large number of species and styles. Men's hats are easily turning into original items that complement the outfit, become its inspiring and final stroke.

    With the approach of summer, the time comes to select the most exquisite accessory, which allows you to get the maximum return in the summer season. So, 10 kinds of men's hats that deserve your attention:

    Panama (The Panama Hat)

    Panama hat, which is also known as a straw hat, appeared on the basis of a broad-breasted straw hats in the central part of Ecuador. It was manufactured from the intertwined leaves of the CARLUDOVICA Palmate plant, which is known among the local as Palma Hipihapa.

    Panama is a bright tone hat, light and perfectly breathable. There are those who claim that Panama is able to keep 4-5 liters of water, while no drop will fall down.

    What to wear a hat: Panama is associated with the sea coast, in the summer it is complemented by costumes, moccasins and sunglasses "Aviator".

    Thrilby Hat)

    Men's trilly hat is very similar to Fedor's hat. However, Trilby has a shorter edge, which is also wrapped up a bit up.

    Traditionally, the trilby hat is made of rabbit wool. However, Trilby became popular when it began to make it from such materials as tweed, straw, wool and a mixture of wool and nylon.

    What to wear a hat: Trilby can be worn with cotton shirts, chinos shorts, or cotton costume and suede shoes.

    Men's hat Pork-Pai (from English Pork Pie - "Pork Pie")

    A flitch hat is a hat of felt or straw with a cylindrical tulle and a flat vertex. Usually it is short (it has from 7 to 10 centimeters height) and has a special recess at the top. The name of the hat received for the similarity with the dish of pork pie. For many years, a flitch hat is one of the most important signs of the British style.

    What to wear a hat: Porg-Pai can be combined with thin fitted jackets fitted in light colors and can also be supplemented with a shirt with a collar on buttons with various accessories and a silk tie with an interesting printer.

    English Keps (The Flat Cap)

    Men's hat with a flat vertex, also known as a "bunker" in Scotland, is a rounded English clinch with a small hard edge in front. It is made of wool and cotton, most often from the tweet. The lining in the inner part is usually made of silk. This style can be traced until the 14th century. His origin is obliged to British immigrants.

    What to wear a hat: english clouds suitable for. His perfection, a men's hat reaches when combined with everyday dresses. It can be worn almost with all anything. You can wear English clinches with cotton shorts, Slim-Fit jeans, polo shirts, various casual belts or coats.

    Fedora (Fedora)

    Fedor - Fetal Hat, in most cases intended for men. The headdress is usually bent longitudinally at the bottom of the Tooli and has dents in front of both sides. Also, the soft felt can be compressed in a drop-shaped outdoor or to have a dent center. Fedor's types of folds differ significantly. Usually the height of the crown is 11.4 centimeters.

    What to wear a felt hat: Fedor can be worn with their cotton shirts, straight trousers and light sports jackets. In addition, you can experiment with suede brogues and round sunglasses.

    Homburg (HOMBURG)

    The Hamburg men's hat is an elegant formal version of Fedor's hats. Homburg is the best option for a formal dress code. She has the same lean fields like Fedor. In addition, the fields themselves have a tougher structure. It should be noted that Homburg hat has no side sleep, like Fedor, but there is a slight recess on the upper part of the Tool.

    What to wear Hat Hamburg: The best option is a male classic suit. Perhaps this is one of the few hats that can be worn in a business style.

    Chanotier (translated from French Canotier - "Rowing", English BOOTER)

    Cantier is a summer, exclusively male hat. She is also known as "straw canothy", "Skimmer" or "Somer". Cantica is made of rigid straw and is complemented by a rigid flat tool and fields with a solid or striped Grosgrin around the Tool.

    Cantier was popular as a daily summer headdress, at the end of the XIX and early XX century. Today, the canium is a symbol of Venice and the traditional headdress of the gondolors.

    What to wear a hat can be wearing with t-shirts, jeans and checkered shirts in an informal casual style. By the way, Canier can be put on a summer suit of light tones for a more elegant male style.

    The NewSboy Cap - The Newsboy Cap - the "Newspaper Hat")

    The octagon cap, which is also called "Gatsby", has a lot in common with the English cloud. It has a general shape and a hard visor in front, however, the shape of hats is more complete, has eight corners. In addition, it has a small button at the top.

    In 1920, the octagon is widespread in people's clothing during military conflicts of the first half of the 20th century.

    What to wear a hat: the octagon is well combined with denim shirts, trousers of narrow cut, jeans and light scarves.

    Baseball Cap (The Baseball Cap)

    Baseball cap is a soft hat with a rounded tool and a rigid visor in front of the head. The frontal part may have a team logo or other characters, as a baseball cap is often used by sports teams as a souvenir or fan attributes. In the back of the hat there may be a retainer for fitting baseball caps in the size of the head.

    Perhaps today, this is one of the most common male hats in the world. Baseball cap - the rare item that develops any styles and changes very slightly over time.

    What to wear a hat: a baseball cap can often be observed combined with subjects of everyday or sportswear. You can wear it with Casual pants (chinos or hachaki), jeans, cotton t-shirts and jackets, sneakers and suede boots.

    Cap (The Cap)

    The usual baseball cap inspired the military to the experiment, and they stitched the cap for their needs. Cap has a rigid rounded visor and a flat top. Unlike baseball caps, the cap has a soft tulle over the entire surface, while in a baseball cap the front part (frontal) has a seal in the form of a plastic insert, dense fabric or foam rubber. In the production of cap, mostly, cotton and nylon are used.

    What to wear a hat: a cap can be worn with conventional T-shirts and trousers that correspond to everyday subjects of the male wardrobe.


    The cap is also known as a "fodder hat." This form of a headdress is used for the armies of many states, as well as militarized civilian organizations. The cap has a tool, band and visor. The visor is rather short. Previously, it was made of leather, and today - from brilliant plastics.

    What to wear a hat: a cap can be a bold and provocative headdress, if we carry it on a "citizen". The cap is perfectly combined with pants, jeans and shirts, as well as with any casual clothing objects. If you are a motorcycle amateur, you can wear it with a leather or a biker jacket (but in no case instead of a helmet during a ride).

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