• Abortion - species, deadlines and consequences. How do abortion do? Medical interruption of pregnancy


    What such an abortion knows every woman, but how to make an abortion, what are the testimony and contraindications, the consequences are not known to everyone. An abortion is called the abortion of pregnancy, which occurred spontaneously either artificially for up to 22 weeks with a mass of the fetus to 500 g.


    By the course of the process, abortions are distinguished:

    • Spontaneous.
    • Artificial.

    Spontaneous interruption is divided by a period on which pregnancy due to various reasons was interrupted:

    1. Early spontaneous abortion is a spontaneous interruption for a period of up to 12 weeks.
    2. Late - spontaneous interruption on a period of 14 to 22 weeks.
    3. The familiar - such name received spontaneous interrupt, repeated more than two times.

    Artificial pregnancy interruption is also classified by conditions in which manipulation was performed:

    • Safe abortion - performed in a specialized institution under the control of profile specialists.
    • Insecious - performed in improper conditions, often by non-specialists. It is the fulfillment of manipulation in unsafe conditions that causes postoperative complications leading to the sad consequences and ending with the death of women.

    Interrupt can be:

    • Drug.
    • Instrumental.

    The instrumental solution path, depending on the term and the selected method of extraction, the following types:

    • Vacuum extraction - applied in the early deadlines to 12 weeks.
    • Dilatation, Curetzh - in essence resembles the performed quite often gynecological procedure of separate scraping.
    • Birth caused artificially applied at later timing.

    According to the characteristics of the clinical flow, abortions are divided:

    • Full.
    • Incomplete.
    • Faithful.
    • Beginning, in the go.

    Our article is devoted to coverage of some aspects of artificial abortion.

    Safe and unsafe abortions

    The fulfillment of unsafe abortions is a rather complicated and current problem of modern gynecology. Abortion statistics in the world, according to WHO, indicate that despite the rapid development of modern medicine, improving and increasing the availability of medical care, even in poor low-life countries, the annual amount of unsafe abortion performed is more than 20 million cases. Of these, approximately 5 million end with bleeding, uterine perforations, septic complications, resulting in a fatal outcome of about 50 thousand women.

    Even for developed countries, the death rate among women who have been made unsafe abortion make up 30 cases per 100,000 cases of unsafe abortion. And for African countries, the indicator reaches more than 500 fatal outcomes per 100,000 unsafe abortions.

    The risk of complications of unsafe abortion increases progressively with an increase in the period of pregnancy. As a rule, the likelihood of such an abortion is higher in the restrictions of the availability of the safe interruption, the absence of proper educational activities and propaganda of the reception of contraceptive drugs, as an alternative to the artificial interruption of pregnancy.


    In order to fulfill a safe abortion in a specialized medical institution, as for any medical invasive intervention, there are indications:

    1. Conscious choice of woman. On a time up to 12 weeks, a woman's right to choose is to choose from: to interrupt or not interrupt pregnancy.

    2. Wealing as a result of a survey of the intrauterine death of the fetus, pathological states of the fetus.
    3. Unforeseen complications that arose during pregnancy, carrying a threat to the life of a woman.
    4. Confirmed by the results of the survey ectopic pregnancy.
    5. Critical changes in the state of health of women who require immediate intervention directly related to pregnancy: the need for organ transplantation, conducting chemotherapeutic, radiation treatment in connection with the oncological disease detected against the background. It should be noted that the described clinical situation is not an absolute indication for interrupting pregnancy. In all the cases described, the desire and the right of a woman for preservation of pregnancy is taken into account, despite the high risk of fatal outcomes for both the mother and for the child.
    6. The legal aspect consisting in the right of abortion of pregnancy, resulting from rape, for a period of up to 22 weeks.


    Common relative contraindications are:

    • Acute inflammatory, infectious nature of genital disease.
    • Diagnosed ectopic pregnancy.
    • Term exceeding 12 weeks. The exception is the need to perform manipulation of medical testimony.
    • The presence of reserves conflict with first pregnancy.


    Before the abortion is made, there is a necessary compulsory list of surveys:

    • Generally clinical surveys, including blood test, general, biochemical, urine analysis, coagulogram, cardiography.
    • Gynecological examination.
    • Confirmation of pregnancy, including analysis of the level of chorionic gonadotropin.
    • Ultrasound examination confirming pregnancy detecting deviations during its course.
    • Blood tests on markers of viral hepatitis, HIV, syphilis.

    With appropriate indications, the doctor may assign additional clarifying research and tests.

    Medical interruption of pregnancy

    For the implementation of the drug abortion, the diagram of drugs of progressine antagonists and prostaglandins is used. Currently, a combination of mifepristone and misoprostol is applied.

    Indications for this type of abortion are:

    • Woman's desire. (provided if the term allows the use of this method).
    • The presence of medical testimony identified before the specified period.

    Contraindications are:

    • Intolerance to drugs.
    • Ectopic pregnancy.
    • Serious concomitant pathology in the aggravation phase, violation of the rheological properties of blood.

    Manipulation is carried out in a specialized institution under the supervision of a specialist. As a rule, it does not require the stationary stay of a woman, the reception of drugs can be carried out outpatient.

    Hospitalization is required when complications occur:

    1. In case of bleeding, requiring urgent intervention.
    2. With incomplete abortion.
    3. With the appearance of pronounced adverse reactions in the form of manifestations of allergies, dyspeptic disorders, indomitable vomiting, diarrhea, fever.

    The effectiveness of drug interrupt is from 92 to 98%.

    When appropriate such a method of interruption of unwanted pregnancy, an important psycho-emotional factor should be taken into account: the drug impact is psychologically much easier for women, rather than the use of instrumental methods. More complete information we are set out in an article about the drug abortion.

    Vacuum aspiration

    Refers to instrumental methods. It is recommended by WHO a way to safely interrupt pregnancy for up to 12 weeks.

    The effectiveness of this method is almost 100%, and the probability of complications on statistical data does not exceed 0.1%.

    Indications for performing vacuum aspiration are:

    • The patient's desire to interrupt pregnancy for up to 12 weeks.
    • Incomplete interruption after the preceding drug abortion.
    • The presence of medical testimony for interrupting up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

    The procedure is performed in a specialized gynecological institution. Most often outpatient. Local anesthetics are used for the purpose of anesthesia during the procedure. According to abortion with the help of vacuum aspiration, the procedure for performing manipulations can be described as follows:

    1. It is carried out in the typical position of a woman using a gynecological chair.
    2. After treating the sexual paths with an antiseptic, the use of a local anesthetic manual, a special tube of vacuum aspirator is introduced through the cervical canal and the functional endometrial layer is aspirated together with an implanted fruit egg.
    3. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes.
    4. After the content aspiration, the contents of the uterus requires observation of the state of a woman to 2 hours, after which the patient is released home.
    5. It is recommended to perform aspiration under the control of ultrasound examination in order to assess the effectiveness of the intervention.

    Complications are:

    • Uterine bleeding, requiring surgical intervention when it is impossible to stop the conservative way.
    • Incomplete abortion - if it is impossible to perform ultrasonic control after the incision.
    • Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, manifestations of pronounced weakness - are temporary, significantly affects the long-term consequences.

    It is important to remember that after vacuum aspiration it is necessary to observe the sexual rest of at least 2-3 weeks.

    Instrumental abortion (Curetzh)

    Until recently, it was the only way to interrupt unwanted pregnancy.

    Indications for conducting:

    • To date, this method of interruption is applied in terms of more than 12 weeks exclusively taking into account medical testimony.
    • In case of incomplete aspiration after mini-invasive manipulation, when visualizing the residual fabric of the fruit egg during ultrasound control of the uterine cavity.

    Requires the conditions of the operating gynecological hospital. Performed under general intravenous anesthesia.

    The mechanism of how abortion (Curetzh) is made, is similar to the execution of separate scraping, conducted with the diagnostic purpose: through the disclosed outer zev and the cervical canal with a special tool (curette), the entire functional layer of the uterus with a fruit egg is scattered.

    Complications are:

    • Uterine bleeding.
    • Injury the walls of the uterus, the purple perforation, damage to the mucous membrane of the cervical cervix followed by the development of erosions.
    • The emergence of inflammatory processes of the bodies of the reproductive system.

    Artificial calling of birth

    Performed at later deadlines. In essence, it is an abortion, but with significant differences:

    • The presence of exclusively medical testimony: the statement of the fact of the intrauterine death of the fetus, identifying incompatible with the life of severe abnormalities of the child's development.
    • Complications of pregnancy, detected by severe pathology in the mother, requiring urgent treatment, which thorough the likelihood of deaths for the mother.

    Remote consequences of abortion

    The effects of pregnancy interrupt are divided into:

    • Early. These are early postoperative complications.
    • Remote.

    It should be understood that the interruption of pregnancy in the absence of early complications does not mean that the abortion is harmless, not affecting the body, the procedure.

    Located consequences are:

    1. Violations of the hormonal balance of the body, manifesting cycle disorders.
    2. The occurrence of tumor formations of the mammary glands.
    3. Tumor and prematubolic background diseases of the female genital sphere.
    4. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvis organs.
    5. The occurrence of the adhesive process in a small pelvis.
    6. Infertility.
    7. Psycho-emotional injury, experience.

    Of course, the right of each woman to solve the question of preservation or interruption of pregnancy. The decision-making should imply a calm and weighted analysis of all "for" and "against".

    Safe and unsafe abortions

    Abortions are divided into safe and unsafe. It is safe called an abortion, which is held with the participation of a qualified specialist (doctor, midwife, medical sister) with the help of approved and recommended methods and in the medical institution suitable for this. The abortion is considered unsafe, if a person is conducted without medical education or not the necessary training, in unsanitary conditions, or the woman itself produces it.

    Insecure abortions lead about 70 thousand women's deaths and about 5 million disability per year around the world. With a safe abortion, the risk of complications are significantly lower than when unsafe. The methods of safe abortion themselves also differ in probability of complications. In addition, the probability of complications depends on the quality of the procedure and the period of pregnancy. In Russia, the most common surgical abortion method of dilatation and banking (scraping), and, according to doctors, is one of the safest surgical interventions.

    Significant statistics on the communication of abortion with infertility currently does not exist. Also, scientific studies do not confirm the relationship between a safe abortion in the first trimester and adverse outcomes of subsequent pregnancies.

    Mortality from abortion complications

    According to WHO, in countries where the female population has access to safe abortions, the likelihood of death due to an abortion performed using modern methods does not exceed 1 per 100,000 interventions. For comparison, in countries that do not provide women's access to safe abortions, the likelihood of death from the complications of an abortion in the early terms is 0.9-3.5 per 1000 interventions. Every year in the world of 500 thousand women of childbearing age, perishing from the causes associated with pregnancy, 15% of cases is mortality as a result of complications of an unsafe abortion, and 98% of deaths fall into developing countries.

    In Russia, mortality as a result of complications of an artificial medical abortion is 0-3 cases per 100 thousand live births, or 0.05% of all maternal mortality.

    Medical testimony for abortion

    In Russia, the main indications for interrupting pregnancy are the death of the fetus in the womb or the threat to the life of the mother, by virtue of its condition or improper pregnancy (for example, ectopic pregnancy). Also testimony to abortion is the incorrect intrauterine development or the need for medical procedures, adversely affecting it (for example, organ transplantation). In most cases, the final decision on the use of an artificial abortion remains for a pregnant woman or her relatives.

    Indications for abortion in Russia are not limited to purely medical grounds. In the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), the main indication for the abortion is the desire of a woman. In the second trimester (up to 22 weeks), the abortion can be carried out if the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape.


    Before the abortion is held:

    • gynecological examination;
    • general blood analysis ;
    • shared smear;
    • analysis on hCG;
    • analysis on syphilis (RW);
    • analysis for viral hepatitis and;
    • hIV analysis;
    • coagulogram.

    Depending on the period of pregnancy, which takes an abortion, and the presence of concomitant pathology, the list of studies can be significantly expanded. In some institutions in front of an abortion, a woman is also offered to undergo fluorography, cytological smear from cervix, ECG and other types of surveys associated with reproductive health. However, as experts emphasize, such surveys should not be considered as a condition for access to an abortion, as they are optional to perform a safe abortion.

    Types of abortion

    Abortion methods are divided into surgical, or instrumental, and drug. Surgical methods involve the extraction of the fetus using special tools, but do not necessarily include surgical operation. Medical, or pharmaceutical abortion is a provocation of spontaneous abortion using drugs.

    Medical abortion

    Drug abortion is carried out to 9-12 weeks of pregnancy, depending on the recommendations and norms in a particular country. In Russia, the border for conducting a medication abortion is usually lower: up to 42 or 49 days from the beginning of the last menstruation. The medication method relates to secure abortion methods and is recommended WHO upon pregnancy time up to 9 weeks. There are also diagrams of medical abortion for the second trimester of pregnancy.

    The drug abortion is usually carried out using a combination of two drugs: one pill of mifepristone and one tablet of misoprostol. According to Russian standards, the patient can get these drugs only at his doctor and takes them in his presence. Free sale of medication abortion is prohibited. In regions where mifepristone is lowered, the drug abortion is performed using only mizoprostol.

    The drug abortion combination of mifepristone and misoprostol leads to a complete abortion in 95-98% of women. In other cases, abortion is recommended to complete the method of vacuum aspiration. In addition to incomplete abortion, the following complications may occur during drug abortion: increased blood loss and bleeding (probability of 0.3% -2.6%), hematometome (accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity, probability 2-4%). They are treated with hemostatic and antispasmodic drugs, the duration of therapy is 1-5 days.

    Surgical methods of abortion

    Abortion surgical methods, that is, using medical instruments, is carried out only by specially trained medical professionals in medical institutions. The main instrumental methods of abortion are a vacuum aspiration ("mini abortion"), dilatation and banking (acute banking, "scraping") and dilatation and evacuation. The choice of one or another method depends on the period of pregnancy and the possibilities of a particular medical institution. In Russia, the surgical abortion is also often called the procedure for dilatation and bank.

    Vacuum aspiration

    Vacuum aspiration, along with a drug abortion, is a secure method for carrying out an abortion of WHO assessment and is recommended as the main method of abortion under pregnancy up to 12 weeks. When manual (i.e. manual) vacuum aspiration in the uterine cavity, a syringe with a flexible plastic tube (cannula) is introduced at the end. A fruit egg is suused through this tube with fruit inside it. With an electrical vacuum aspiration, the fruit egg is suused using an electric vacuum suction.

    Vacuum aspiration leads to a complete abortion in 95-100% of cases. This is an atraumatic method that practically eliminates the risk of uterine perforation, damage to endometrial and other complications that are possible in dilatation and co-usage. According to WHO, the frequency of serious complications to be treated under the hospital, after vacuum aspiration, is 0.1%.

    Dilatation and Curetzh

    Dilatation and Curetzh (also acute Curetzh, in use "scraping") - this is a surgical procedure, in which the doctor first expands the cervical channel (dilatation), and then scraps the walls of the uterus with the help of a curetie (Curetzh). The expansion of the cervix can be carried out with the help of special surgical expansion or by receiving special drugs (in this case, the risk of injury to tissues and development subsequently cervical insufficiency is strongly reduced). Before the procedure, a woman must make pain relief and give soothing drugs.

    In Russia, dilatation and banking is the most famous and widespread method of abortion. Nevertheless, the World Health Organization refers it to less secure methods and recommends to resort to it only in extreme cases.

    Dilatation and evacuation

    Main article: Dilatation and evacuation

    Dilatation and evacuation is an abortion method, which is used in the second trimester of pregnancy. WHO recommends it as the most secure abortion method at these timing. Nevertheless, abortions in the second trimester are generally more dangerous and more often lead to complications than abortions in earlier deadlines. The procedure of dilatation and evacuation begins with the expansion of the cervix, which can take from several hours to 1 day. After that, electric vacuum suction is used to remove the fetus. In some cases, this is enough for a complete abortion, in other cases, surgical instruments are used to complete the procedure.

    Artificial kinds

    Artificial childbirth is an abortion method used in late terms (starting from the second trimester of pregnancy) and representing an artificial stimulation of childbirth.

    Unsafe "folk" methods

    In the history of mankind for interruption of pregnancy, various plants were used: Pijm, Mint Bolotnaya and others. The use of vegetable abortion can lead to serious, including deadly side effects, such as polyorgan deficiency, and is categorically not recommended by doctors.

    Sometimes the miscarriages are trying to cause the injuries of the abdominal cavity, independent use of medical preparations (for example, mizoprostol), the introduction of sharp objects into the cavity of the uterus, such as knitting needles or disinnted wire hangers, and other means. These methods are used in countries where abortions are prohibited or not available. Their use leads to a high level of complications and mortality among women.

    Resh conflict

    Moral aspects

    In the modern world, the admissibility of abortions and its limits is an acutely discussion problem, including religious, ethical, medical, social and legal aspects. In some countries (for example, in the USA, Poland), this problem has acquired such an acute, which caused a split and a fierce confrontation in society.

    The first moral question causing disputes is whether an existing human life is interrupted during abortion? (See,) Opponents of abortions talk about the "conceived child", "a unborn baby", "a child in the lamp of the mother." Many believers, in particular Christians, belong to the abortion as the murder of a person, although at the early stage of his development. See abortion and christianity. According to supporters of the right to abortion, the embryo cannot be considered a child with no legal entity, nor with social, nor from a biological point of view.

    The second discussion moral question concerns the priority of embryo interests over the interests of a woman or vice versa. Opponents of abortions put an embryo right to life on a par with the rights of a woman. Supporters of the right to abortion give the priority to the right of a woman on personal integrity and freedom of disposal by their own body.

    Legal aspects

    Legal status of permission to make an abortion in the world is permitted. Allowed, when rape, according to socioeconomic factors, medical reasons, with the severity of the pathology of the mother and the fetus. It is forbidden except: the rape, the severity of the pathology of the mother and the fetus, on medical testimony, and / or the presence of mental disorders. It is prohibited except: rape, the severity of the pathology of the mother, on medical reasons and / or the presence of mental disorders. It is prohibited except: the severity of the pathology of the mother and the fetus, according to medical reasons and / or the presence of mental disorders. Forbidden, without exception. In different ways, depending on the region. No information.

    Artificial abortion can be medical (according to the Law of the Russian Federation, it is produced in medical institutions to the doctors of the corresponding profile) and criminal.

    Currently, the norms relating to abortion are in the criminal legislation of all without exception of the countries of the world. In a number of countries, relevant criminal law standards are contained in special laws (Denmark, Sweden, France).

    However, the criminal policy against abortions and the specific composition of punishable acts in modern countries is extremely different depending on the relationship of this state and society to the problem of artificial abortion.

    All states regarding cases of abortion can be divided into four groups:

    1. Full ban. In this group of states, the abortion is considered a crime against intrauterine life and equal to the murder. Here, the abortion is considered criminal as such. In Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Ireland, Yemen, Colombia, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Mali, Nepal, Nicaragua, UAE, Oman, Paraguay, Papua New Guinea, Salvador, Syria, Chile, on the Philippines abortions are completely prohibited (as a rule, except for the deaths of a woman's life).
    2. Abortion for medical testimony and in other exceptional cases. In Algeria, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ghana, Israel, Kenya, Costa Rica, Morocco, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Uruguay abortions are allowed only with the threat of life and health of a woman, that is, on medical testimony. For example, in Spain in 1985 abortions were legalized in cases of rape, serious fetal anomalies and serious risk created by pregnancy for the physical or mental health of a woman.
    3. Abortion for medical and socio-economic indications. In England, India, Iceland, Luxembourg, Finland, Japan abortions are allowed only in medical and socio-economic indications, as well as in cases of rape.
    4. Freedom of abortion. In the most liberal group of countries, the legislator comes from the recognition of the right of a woman to solve the issue of pregnancy. The criminal policy is directed here to protect the health of a woman, that is, only over-hospital and late abortions are punishable. Abortions "Optional" in the early stages of pregnancy are permitted in the CIS and Baltic States, in the former Yugoslav Republics, Australia, Austria, Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Vietnam, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Italy, Cambodia, Canada, PRC, Cuba, in Mongolia, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, USA, Tunisia, Turkey, France, the Czech Republic, Sweden, South Africa.

    In Hungary, the human life of a person begins with the conception of the Constitution, which, in fact, equates an abortion to the murder.

    Abortion and mental health

    Main article: Abortion and mental health

    A significant place in the controversy around the problem of abortion is the question of whether an abortion affects mental health. In most scientific publications, in the WHO recommendations for obstetrician-gynecologists, it is believed that the overwhelming majority of women are transferred abortion without consequences for the psyche. A number of studies indicate that the percentage of mental diseases among women who have made an abortion is significantly higher compared to boring or not pregnant women of the same age. It should be borne in mind that these results do not mean the presence of a causal relationship between abortion and mental disorders, and may reflect the consequences of the prerequisites already existed for the disease. A number of researchers and institutions consider the issue of the presence of such a connection is not fully studied. . Researchers who approve the presence of high risk of psychiatric hospitalization after an abortion indicate that the implications for mental health may not come immediately, but after a long time after an abortion.

    Historical reference

    Mother that in the womb of the embryo life extinguished,
    At the same time he would have to die a painful death.
    Only then to avoid scarring ugly
    You rush into battle on such a terrible thing.
    Sharp weapon your body is tormented,
    The poison of a deadly baby gives her birthday.
    Does not kill and lioness baby small
    It is a pity to the Tigritis of the fierce living in the gorge.
    Meek g girls do it but kara
    They overtake them, and often, the fruit takes her
    Die dyed and painful long death.

    In 2009, the Fund of Social and Cultural Initiatives (RF), headed by the wife of the President of the Russian Federation, S. V. Medvedeva, made an initiative from 9 to 16 July stock "Give me life!", Aimed at preserving the life of unrolved children and women's health .

    In accordance with the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of citizens of citizens of July 22, 1993, each woman has the right to independently decide on maternity. The abortion is carried out at the request of a woman under pregnancy up to 12 weeks, according to social testimony - under the period of pregnancy up to 22 weeks, and in the presence of medical testimony and consent of the woman - regardless of the term of pregnancy. An abortion should be carried out only in institutions that have licensed the specified activity, physicians who have special training.

    According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Article 123), the abortion production by a person who does not have higher medical education of the corresponding profile is punishable by a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of convicted for a period of up to six months, or mandatory work on time From one hundred and 240 hours or correctional work for a period of one year to two years. However, if the specified act led to negligence the death of the victim or causing serious harm to her health, the guilty threatens the punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to five years.

    Additional Information

    The number of abortions in Russia and in the world

    In the United States in 2008, at 100 births accounted for 23.4 abortion.

    Other statistics

    see also

    • State regulation of abortion
    • Abortion in animals
    • Gianna Jesen


    B. Denisov, V. Sakevich Abortions in Russia (based on sample examination). "Evidence-proof medicine and clinical epidemiology." M.: NewFamied 2009, Vol. 2. -
    Denisov B. P., Sakevich V. I., will Russia go from abortion to family planning? Demoskop-Weekly, 2011, May 2-20, №№ 465-466. Archived from the original 24 August 2011. Checked December 1, 2009.
    B. Denisov, Assessment of the contribution of the participants in the process in the dynamics of abortions in Russia. NEW RUSSIAN DEMGRAPHIC LIVEJOURNAL (BLOGPOST) (June 27, 2011). Archived from the original source 24 August 2011. Checked August 2, 2011.


    • Safe abortion: Recommendations for health care systems on policies and practice // World Health Organization, 2004 (Russian text)


    1. Artificial abortion // Dictionary of Terms of HRD. Revised Ikmart and WHO Mark Terminals, 2009
    2. What types of abortion are there? Brief explanation and comparison by abortion methods
    3. (December 2009) "UNSAFE ABORTion: Global and Regional Incidence, Trends, Consequences, and Challenges" (PDF). Journal of Obtetrics and Gynaecology Canada 31 (12): 1149-58. PMID 20085681.
    4. Akulova V. Dossier: Abortions in Russia
    5. World Health Organization. Safe abortion: Recommendations for health care and practice systems. Geneva, 2004.
    6. Gaufberg, Slava V. ABORTION, complications. EMedicine (August 29, 2006). Archived from the original source on August 24, 2011. Checked on June 30, 2007.
    7. Russian Society of Acusters-Gynecologists, Russian Association "Population and Development". Quality of medical care for women with abortion: unresolved questions. Manual for doctors. M., 2011.
    8. Dickka G. B., Erofeeva L. V., Yarotskaya E. L. From Curetki to a pill. Artificial abortion: Russian realities // Status Praesens. Akuster gynecologist - a doctor and man. - № 1 (4), February 2011
    9. Health and Ethics Policies of the AMA American Medical Association. H-5.982 RETRIEVED APRIL 24, 2007.
    10. ACOG Statement on the US Supreme Court Decision Upholding The Partial-Birth ABORTIO BAN ACT OF 2003 (April 18, 2007). Retrieved 2007-04-22.
    11. Magazine 9 months No. 2 2005 http://www.9months.ru/ginekologia/705
    12. The US Supreme Court in 1973 decided that 14 the amendment in the Constitution does not apply to yet born ( the Word "Person," AS Used in the Fourteenth Amendment, Does Not Include the Unborn) http://www.tourolaw.edu/patch/roe/
    13. In 2004, J. Bush Ml. Signed an act "On unborn victims of violence"
    14. Joyce Arthur. Is the embryo man? .
    15. Bazelon, Emily.. , "NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE " (January 21, 2007). Checked January 11, 2008.
    17. Position Statement on Women's Mental Health in Relation to Induced ABORTION. Royal College of Psychiatrists (March 14, 2008). Archived from the original source on August 24, 2011. Checked on June 28, 2009.
    18. Stotland NL (2003). "ABORTICE AND PSYCHIATRIC PRACTICE." J Psychiatr Pract 9 (2): 139-49. DOI: 10.1097 / 00131746-200303000-00005. PMID 15985924. "Currently, There Are Active Attempts to Convince The Public and Women Considering ABORTION THAT ABORTION FREQUENTLY HAS NEGATIVE PSYCHIATRIC CONSEQUENCES. This Assertion Is Not Borne Out by The Literature: The Vast Majority of Women Tolerate ABORTITION WITHOT PSYCHIATRIC SEQUELAE. "
    19. ABORTION AND MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS: EVIDENCE FROM A 30-YEAR LONGITUDINAL STUDY. - Fergusson et al. 193 (6): 444 - The British Journal of Psychiatry.
    20. Invited commentaries on ... ABORDER AND MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS. - Casey et al. 193 (6): 452 - The British Journal of Psychiatry
    21. Pregnancy Loss and Psychiatric Disorders in Young Women: An Australian Birth Cohort Study. - Dingle et al. 193 (6): 455 - The British Journal of Psychiatry.
    22. ABORTITION AND DEPRESSION: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study of Young Women. - Pedersen 36 (4): 424 - Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
    23. PSYCHIATRIC ADMISSIONS OF LOW-INCOME WOMEN FOLLOWING ABORTION AND CHILDBIRTH // Canadian Medical Association Journal, May 13, 2003, Volume 168, number 10, p. 1253-1256.
    24. "The Observed Associations May Be The Result of Less Social Support for Women Who Deliver, Reactions to ABORTION ITSELF OR COMMON RISK FACTORS TO AMONG MENTALLY ILL WOMEN AND THOSE WHO HAVE ABORIONS THAT WOM NOT YET BEEN IMENTIFIED." http://www.cmaj.ca/cgi/content/full/168/10/1253.
    25. Translated from S.V. Shirvinsky, this passage from the "Love Elegi" Ovid sounds like this:

      Genuine to women in the future that they do not participate in battles

      And with the shield do not go in the rude soldier,
      If you are without war, they are their own weapons worship,
      Blinds are taken behind the sword, with life is entrusing his own?
      The one that the example was filed to throw out a gentle embryo -
      It was better to died in the battle with himself!
      If in antiquity so the mothers were lying in love,
      Would the whole human race with a sort of evil!
      Would come again to seek who in the world of deserted
      Would the stone throw, again catching up people.
      Whoever Priamov's power crushed when Fetis,
      The sea goddess, did not want to wear his fruit?
      If in a tight stomach did not leave B or El Double,
      Who would have found this powerful hail then?
      If used in the womb, the Enai Venus ruined,
      That would not have to have land in the future Caessees to know. Also died b and you, even though I could get rid of the beautiful,
      If I bought my mother to do what you did.
      I myself, who to die from love is intended, at all
      It would not be born on the light, do not wish me mother.
      Can I unripe bunch of tearing with vine grape?
      Can you bruthene a naked hand to shoot?
      Swole yourself, ripening. Born give to develop.
      It is necessary to suffer a little, if awarded - life.
      What is the womb to ulce some special weapon?
      How is unborn children poison to death?
      All Kolchidyanka is blamed, the blood of babies;
      Everything sorry: Mother ruined him.
      Mothers-beasts they. But each had a slant reason:
      Both were avenged with husbands, blood sraising children.
      You tell me, what are you Terey Ile Jason encourages
      With a shiver, embarrassed with your hand to hit your body?
      Srod did not do in the Armenian logs of Tigers;
      Does it be decided to lose weight of the lioness's offspring?
      Women make them sin, even tender, - and waiting for them to pay away:
      Frequently killed fruit female female herself, -
      Dypsy, - when she is carried to the fire, blossoming
      Hair, each in the crowd loudly shouts: "POWER!"
      Let me dissolve words in the broadstream of the air!
      Let my prediction become only an empty sound!
      Gods good, only once without harm to sink her to her ...

      But pretty: then let him punish.

      Ovidi. Love elegances; Metamorphosis; Sorrow Elegy / Per. With Latin. S.V. Shervinsky; Hitch Article S. Osherov; Comment. M. Tomashevsky; Having left. V. Levik ;; Art. D. Shimilis. - M.: Fiction, 1983. - P. 64-65

    26. Abortion (cessation of pregnancy) - article from the Big Soviet Encyclopedia (3rd edition)
    27. What happened after the abortion ban in 1936 // Demoscope
    28. Wedding in the USSR: Recognition Transformation
    29. Declassified statistics for abortion per 100 live births, 1960-2003 USSR-CIS
    30. Site "Demography of Russia"

    Sometimes there are situations when pregnancy is undesirable. In this case, it is necessary to decide on abortion. Surgical abortion is an artificial interruption of pregnancy, carried out by scraping the walls of the uterus.

    The procedure can be carried out in the first 12 weeks of gestation. In exceptional cases (for medical testimony or after rape), pregnancy is allowed for a period of up to 22 weeks. Medical abortion up to 8 weeks - the least traumatic operation at which you can avoid negative consequences. Despite the fact that the surgical abortion is more traumatic than a medical or vacuum aspiration, it continues to remain the most frequent method.

    Medical testimony for abortion:

    • heavy pathologies of the mother's cardiovascular system;
    • renal or liver failure;
    • infectious diseases (tuberculosis, rubella);
    • endocrine disorders, diabetes melligent;
    • the presence of malignant tumors;
    • mental disorders;
    • detection of anomalies for the development of the fetus or the presence of chromosomal disorders, such as Down syndrome.

    Unplanned pregnancy after, if less than 2 years has passed since its inception, it is also extremely undesirable because the incomparated scar in the uterus creates a threat to the body gap in the later dates and during childbirth.

    How do surgical abortion do?

    The procedure is carried out only by a gynecologist in a hospital. Before the operation, the doctor informs the patient about the course of intervention and possible complications. If she continues to insist on abortion, a number of studies are prescribed to prepare for this manipulation:

    • fence;
    • Uzi small pelvis organs;
    • analysis on HIV infection, venereal diseases, hepatitis B and C;
    • general blood test and analysis on the level of hCG.

    The survey data is also necessary to accurately establish the fact of pregnancy, since the delay of menstruation does not always indicate the conception.

    On the designated day in the morning hours, it is impossible to eat in order to avoid the appearance of vomiting after the introduction of anesthesia. The procedure is carried out under intravenous anesthesia on the gynecological chair. With the help of a special toolkit, the doctor expands the cervical canal. Then, using a curette, produce destruction and extraction of the fetal egg and scraping the walls of the uterus. Upon completion, the doctor must make sure that the entire uterus of the uterus was completely cleaned.

    Is it painful to make a surgical abortion, and how much is it possible without anesthesia?

    The process of interrupting pregnancy is surgically quite painful manipulation even for those women who have a high pain threshold. Therefore, it is recommended to do under anesthesia.

    A more secure and gentle method of conducting a surgical abortion will be the use of a hysteroscope. This is a special apparatus, which is used to study the uterus. Operation under the control of the hysteroscope eliminates the risk of damage to the endometrium and is a guarantee that there will be no unreasonable fragments in the uterus.

    How long does the operation last?

    The whole procedure takes 15-20 minutes, but after it, the patient must hold several hours in a medical institution. This period is necessary in order to come to yourself after anesthesia and enable medical personnel to trace the patient's condition. Normally, it should not have strong bleeding, nausea, vomiting, high temperature and severe grabs pain in the lower abdomen.

    Contraindications for surgical abortion:

    • blood coagulation disorders;
    • the presence of infections such as chlamydia, gonococci, staphylococcal, streptococci (during the operation they can penetrate the blood, causing its infection).

    Period after abortion

    If the abortion of pregnancy was produced by an experienced doctor in a medical institution, the procedure does not cause difficult complications. A woman can go home on the same day, however, should avoid severe physical exertion. In the first hours, minor pains are usually felt in the lower abdomen. This is a natural uterus reaction, which at this time is a bleeding wound.

    In the afternoon, small bloody discharges are noted similar to conventional menstruation.

    How much is the selection?

    Normally, their duration should not exceed 5-7 days.

    If the amount of selection exceeds the norm, hemostatic drugs can be prescribed: water pepper extract, aminocaproic acid, transcases. It is possible to use folk remedies: brazers from nettle, boring uterus, red brush. If the selection continues longer and, moreover, they go abundantly and with clots, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    For 2-3 days, the body temperature can be increased to 37-37.5 ° C. Higher rates during the week after an abortion indicate the presence of an inflammatory process and also require treatment of a doctor.

    In the afternoon, the following rules must be followed:

    1. Do not lift gravity, avoid physical exertion and stressful situations.
    2. Within a few days, do not take a bath, do not swim in the pool and open reservoirs.
    3. It is necessary to ensure that the lower part of the body is warm.
    4. Exclude smoking and alcohol.
    5. Observe the sexual rest for 3-4 weeks.
    6. Monitor the quality of nutrition.

    After 1-2 weeks after the operation, the woman should visit the doctor and pass an ultrasound to make sure that her holding passed with minimal consequences for the body. After inspection, the doctor will help to choose to eliminate the repetition of unwanted pregnancy in the future.

    Possible complications

    Even if the abortion was produced by a qualified specialist, the risk of developing complications is quite high.

    Is it possible to stay pregnant after it?

    Since the scraping is produced almost blindly, there is a risk of incomplete removal of a fetal egg. In this case, severe bleeding begins, abdominal pain, chills, weakness are noted. Bleeding and pain may also testify to injuries of genital organs and impaired integrity of the walls of the uterus (perforation).

    The late consequences of the surgical abortion are equally dangerous, such as:

    • disorders of the regularity of the menstrual cycle;
    • adhesion formation;
    • the emergence of benign tumors in the uterus as a consequence of a hormonal balance failure;
    • , miscarriages, premature labor in subsequent pregnancies;
    • secondary infertility;
    • psycho-emotional sphere disorders, depressive states.

    Every woman decorated to such an operation must remember that it risks their health and health of their future children. Especially dangerous scraping when pregnancy is the first. The probability of negative consequences increases, if the history has already been interrupted pregnancy, in the presence of inflammatory diseases of the organs of the sexual sphere, while previously transferred operations in the uterus or ovaries. In women who have made several abortion in the youth, significantly increases the risk of developing oncological diseases of the genital organs during menopause.

    Abortion and subsequent pregnancy

    Monthly restore in about a month. Usually they do not differ in length or abundance from previous menstruation.

    When can I get pregnant after an abortion?

    As a rule, the restoration of the ability to conceive occurs after 1-1.5 months, but often the body perceives the first days of the afternoon period as the beginning of the new menstrual cycle. The ripening of the egg can occur after a few weeks, so partners need to choose a reliable means of contraception immediately after the resumption of sexual life.

    Is it possible to breastfeed if an abortion is made?

    Abortion of pregnancy surgically is not an obstacle to breastfeeding. After the ends of the anesthesia ends, the mother can continue to feed the child. Breast milk After interrupting pregnancy carries a potential danger to the baby only if the procedure has been completed with complications, antibiotics were prescribed for the treatment of mothers.

    If a woman decides on the birth of a child, she should know that a new pregnancy can not be allowed earlier than six months after surgical abortion. But most of the gynecologists recommend longer than a long time, up to one year. Any interruption of pregnancy is stress for the entire body that needs a restorative period. It is necessary to stabilize the disturbed hormonal balance and healing of injuries of the genital organs. Before you start planning conception, you need to visit the gynecologist for general inspection and examination.

    Even if a long time has passed between an abortion and coming new pregnancy, a woman needs additional observation. This necessity is related to existing risks for the state of the fetus and the flow of pregnancy.

    Often there are following pathologies:

    • fetal impairment with oxygen (hypoxia);
    • low attachment of the fetal egg;
    • breaks of the uterus during the delivery.

    In women who have undergone one or more abortions, the risk of ectopic or frozen pregnancy, the birth of a child with a low weight and subsequent delay in development.

    Abortion is an artificial abortion of pregnancy regardless of the period on which it was produced.

    Whether it is only a group of cells in a fruit egg, or an embryo with a heart - life has already originated at the moment of merging the sperm with an egg. And even if it is a group of cells, it may already have the ability to feel, because the nervous tube is formed on the period of 21 days from conception. Therefore, the interruption of pregnancy even before the delay will be called an abortion.

    But the more time passes from the moment of conception, the more the consequences for the woman, since the artificial removal of the birth life contradicts nature. Abortion Even before the delay in the root differs from contraception, because a woman and so not at any moment of life can conceive, and the actual methods of contraception do not harm. But if the conception occurred, the consequences for the health of the woman will certainly take place.

    Leaving a moral aspect of the issue on this, we turn to his medical unit. The seriousness with which it is worth approaching this issue makes us start with the transfer of abortion consequences and leave a description of his species for later.

    The consequences of abortion

    1 Regardless of the method of abortion - Medical, instrumental, vacuum, - After rejection of the embryo from the wall of the uterus, it remains an open wound, very intensely supplying blood vessels. Therefore, bleeding is inevitable and this process should be controlled by a doctor. More severe or prolonged bleeding may mean that the abortion is not fully spent, and can be life-threatening.

    2 The remaining open blood vessels in the uterus are an entrance gate for infection. Not every woman knows about the presence or lack of hidden infections in front of an abortion, and the situation, as a rule, arises suddenly. Time for testing and treatment usually does not remain.

    Therefore, the likelihood of penetrating this infection through the wound in the wall of the uterus and the development of such a disease as endometritis.

    In fact, this complication of an abortion is the most likely and its development occurs in almost 100% of cases. Not everyone has acutely, but can manifest much later. It is with this disease that the subsequent woman is connected, so what is it?

    Because of the microbes in the uterus, inflammation occurs, which can flow as sharply with temperature and pains, and almost asymptomatic. As a result, the inner layers of the uterus - endometrium, undergoes some changes, the scars may form on it, and after all, it should be embedded in these fabrics to be implanted.

    Not even knowing about the state of the endometrium and changes in it, the woman cannot conceive, or it is possible to do it with a special difficulty and far from the first time.

    It all depends on the intensity of past inflammation. And the endometritis can be manifested only with more painful menstruation and more abundant, or vice versa, weak and meager discharge. In this case, the endometrite, most likely, has already moved into a chronic shape and it is almost impossible to cure it. Therefore, it remains only to rely on your own luck.

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    It is much easier to prevent endometritis than to treat it. For this, after the abortion, especially with instrumental intervention, the doctor may assign antibiotics.

    And one more thing that is worth remembering: a sharp cessation or too abundant bleeding after an abortion is a bad sign.

    In the first case, it means that there was a spasm of the cervix and blood stood in the uterus. In both situations, the development of endometritis is most likely.

    3 The last consequence of the abortion is associated with hormonal stress for the body of a woman. Upon the occurrence of pregnancy, a complete restructuring of the body takes the process of tooling the child, there are completely different hormones, which literally manage the woman not only physically, but also psychologically.

    In the case of an abortion, a hormonal breakdown occurs, as a result of which the entire endocrine system of women suffers.

    But she plays an important role throughout her life and more than once it will be useful to her not only upon subsequent pregnancy. Thus, the failure in the work of the ovaries leads to a violation of the menstrual cycle.

    Thyroid gland, which also suffers, regulates almost all human life processes. Adrenal glands can begin to produce men's sex hormones, which certainly becomes noticeable in the appearance of a woman. Violation of the pituitary function can lead to psychological infertility, in other words, frigidity.

    But if a woman decided to make an abortion by virtue of the established life situation, then no consequences and medical arguments except moral, are not able to stop it. That is why there is an abortion in our country, and each woman can spend it in hospital conditions under the control of the doctor.

    Officially in Russia, the abortion is allowed to 22 weeks, and in the presence of medical testimony - on any time. However, if only the desires of a woman are sufficient for the abortion for up to 12 weeks, then with a period of from 12 to 22 weeks, abortion is possible only in case of rape of a woman.

    Interestingly, each doctor reserves the right in each specific case to abandon the abortion on its own moral and ethical considerations. At the same time, the medical institution is obliged to conduct an abortion not earlier than 7 days after the conversion of a woman. And if the term is 4-7 weeks or 11-12 weeks - then not earlier than 48 hours after the appeal.

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    Abortion methods used in Russia

    1 Instrumentalwhich is carried out by scraping the uterus.

    On the one hand, this method is the most reliable, and the likelihood that pregnancy will be preserved, almost equal to zero. But on the other hand, when scraping is the likelihood of infection in the uterus. There are also cases of puncture of the uterus, when the only output can be deleted it. And if this damage does not notice in time, the consequences can be fatal.

    2 Vacuum or mini abortion. Of course, the word "mini" does not mean the number of consequences, but is associated only with the size of the fetal egg. A thin nozzle is introduced into the uterine cavity, which, with a vacuum, tears the embryo.

    In this case, the wound injury and cervical damage is minimal, respectively, the likelihood of the development of unpleasant consequences is reduced. At the same time, the method is very important to control the complete elimination of all parts of the fetal egg from the uterus using the ultrasound. Ultrasound is required and before carrying out an abortion to determine the term of pregnancy.

    This type of pregnancy interrupt is possible for up to 12 weeks, but the possibility of holding it is rather dependent on the size of the fetal egg.

    3 Medical abortion Refers to non-surgical types of abortion, that is, excludes all instrumental interference in the uterus.

    The abortion takes place after taking the drug of a mifepristone, which blocks the effect of progesterone - hormone supporting pregnancy. And in the first day after his reception, the embryo dies. After that, the woman takes the following drug - Mizoprostol, which causes the opening of the cervix and cutting the uterus, as a result of which the dead embryo is displayed out.

    In this article, you will find basic information about what an abortion is and how it is produced. This is important information that is usually hidden from the woman anesthesia and the silence of doctors.

    Abortion is not a simple medical procedure. For many women, this event, the resulting serious physical, emotional and spiritual changes.

    Most women suffering from the consequences of past abortions indicate that they would like them to be notified about all the facts before they went to the abortion.

    Medical abortion

    Drug abortion means interrupting pregnancy caused by drugs. It often ends with operational intervention and serious physical and moral consequences.

    Having a view of an ordinary tablet (preparations of Mifegin, Mithferibon, RU 486, Pencrofton, Pastinor), a medicinal abortion is designed to reduce the feeling of guilt, which inevitably and naturally arises from each woman after an abortion.

    Medical centers practicing medicinal abortion are misleading, telling about the false simplicity of this type of abortion.

    Attention! There is an erroneous opinion that drug interruption is an alternative to abortion. No, this is a dangerous error. Medical interruption is the real abortion, as a result of which human life is killed.


    Mini patron (vacuum aspiration) is made at an early stage of pregnancy (up to 7 weeks).

    The muscles of the cervix are stretching with metal struts until the disclosure becomes wide enough so that abortive tools can pass into the uterus. The doctor attaches to the tube (it is introduced into the uterus) a special syringe and a intrauterine child sucks out.

    Despite the fact that miniature, unlike ordinary abortion, is produced in earlier deadlines, miniature is also a way to destroy the conceived child, i.e. human life.

    The physical, moral and emotional consequences of miniature are not less complex and are dangerous than complications of an operating abortion. From the very moment of conception within you is alive, a small man, with its individual DNA set. With the already definite color of the eyes, hair and the floor of your child. Do not let yourself be deceived by the words that there is a clutch of cells inside you. It is not true.

    Vacuum aspiration with subsequent scraping

    It is performed within 6-14 weeks after the last menstrual period.

    During this procedure, the doctor opens the cervix with metal expansion or laminaria (subtle sticks that are inserted by the clock before the procedure itself). The doctor introduces the tube into the uterus and attaches it to the pump. The pump grinds the body of the child to the part and sucks them out of the uterus. In the case of the doctor, the doctor can use a curette (rounded knife) to scratch the parts of the body of the child from the uterus.

    Extension and deletion

    This operating abortion is performed during the second trimester of pregnancy - within 13-24 weeks after the last menstruation.

    Since the developing child doubles in the amount between the 11th and 12th subedels of pregnancy, his body is too large to be fragmented suction and go through the tube. In this case, the cervix must be opened wider than when the 1st trimester abortion. Therefore, laminaries are introduced per day or two to the abortion itself.

    After the cervix is \u200b\u200bopen, the doctor takes out parts of the body of a child with tongs. To easily remove the skull of the child, it is pre-smeared by forceps.

    Expansion and deletion at the later date:

    Parts of the child's body are captured at the clamping guide. Parts of the child's body come off from the body itself and stretch through the vaginal channel.

    The remaining parts of the body are clamped and pulled out. The child's head is clamped and crushed to go through the vaginal channel.

    Placenta and the remaining parts are suused from the uterus

    Expansion and extraction

    Produced on the period of 20 weeks after the last menstrual period

    This procedure takes 3 days. During the first two days, the cervix is \u200b\u200bexpanding and give a woman antispasmodic drugs. On the third day, a woman accepts a medicine provoking childbirth. After the childbirth began, the doctor does an ultrasound to determine the location of the child's feet.

    Capturing the legs with forceps, the doctor pulls out the child out, leaving inside only his head. Then, the scissors do the hole in the skull and releases the contents outward. The skull is destroyed and the child is removed from the uterus completely.

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