• What is the correct name for knitted fingerless gloves? What are fingerless gloves called? What are long fingerless gloves called? What are fingerless gloves called?


    Many people have probably noticed gloves with cut off fingers in clothing stores. They come in different types and from different materials: beautiful lace and leather, wool and made of mesh. But what their purpose is is not clear to everyone, because they don’t really warm your hands, so why wear them? Below we want to talk about fingerless gloves: what they are called, where they are used and what the difference is. So you know whether you need these or is it better to buy regular ones.

    Clothing for hands

    Gloves with cut off fingers or mitts (where only the thumb has its own hole) and gloveletts (where each finger has its own hole) is not at all the invention of modern fashion designers. No one will say exactly when they appeared, but the first mentions were made at the beginning of the 19th century. Then peasants used them to work outside in cold weather.

    However, later mittens began to be worn by French fashionistas from high society. They were made for these purposes from thin lace or silk. Ladies decorated their wrists with them when going out to a gala reception, or during everyday walks. This turned out to be very convenient, because you didn’t have to take off your favorite rings.

    In the 80s of the 20th century, gloveletts became fashionable in the punk and rock movements, as they are convenient to play on various musical instruments. Bikers also had them as an integral attribute back then.

    Today, mittens and glovelettes are making a comeback, worn by girls who want to look stylish, athletes, military personnel and tourists. Modern designers have somewhat diversified the model range and now mitts come in three types:

    1. Regular without fingers;
    2. With clip-on mitten;
    3. Without compartment for palms and fingers - “Pipes”.

    Well, the material, length and color are very diverse, depending on the purpose.

    Loveletts for sports

    • Motorcycle racers and cyclists to ensure a comfortable grip on the handlebars and secure the wrist with a rigid cuff in case of a fall. They also save your hands during races in bad weather;
    • Wrestlers mixed martial arts to protect fists. This is some kind of alternative to boxing gloves, they are called shingarts . They have special plastic or rubber pads to soften the blow and better protect the hand. Especially in the joint area. Shingarts quickly gained popularity among wrestlers, as they allow you to preserve the motor abilities of the hand, but at the same time protect it well;
    • People doing fitness. The use of gloveletts seems optional here. But even working in the gym, you can easily injure your hand. Active force loads lead to the formation of calluses, cracks and scratches on the palms. Dirt can easily get into them and then inflammation will begin. This is exactly what the gloves are designed to protect against. For these purposes, ordinary models without overlays and inserts are suitable, the main thing is that they fit well on the hand.

    It is important to be able to choose the right product, otherwise it will chafe or fall off and will no longer be able to fully perform its functions.

    It is better to choose gloves in a store where you can try them on. First of all, pay attention to quality of tailoring. If it is leather or leatherette, you need to evaluate the integrity of the model. The fact is that the more pieces are sewn together, the more likely it is that they will come apart at the seams. Give preference to things made from one or two pieces. After all, it will sit tightly on the hand, plus the load from use - it can quickly literally fall apart.

    And be sure to check whether the mitts have special holes or mesh for ventilation. If not, your palms will sweat a lot.

    If you decide to make a purchase online, decide on the size. To do this, you need to measure the circumference of the palm of your dominant hand (usually your right hand). Take a tailor's tape measure and wrap it around your palm in a circle at the widest point (around the bones), compare the result with the table:

    Palm circumference (cm)

    Russian size

    European size

    When taking measurements, apply the tailoring tape tightly, but do not squeeze your hand.

    Leather fingerless gloves

    Leather models are worn by drivers of cars, motorcycles and bicycles, or by people who adhere to a certain style of clothing. They cannot be worn under a lace dress or a business suit; these are products for everyday, sports or street use.

    When purchasing them in a store, remember that they may shrink after washing. Therefore, when trying on, you need to choose those that will fit on your hand a little loosely.

    What is the advantage of these models?

    • They are made from natural materials. It can be cow, pig or lamb skin;
    • They don’t get wet in wet weather, they keep warm well in cold weather, especially if they have additional insulation;
    • Suitable for weightlifters, as they allow the palms not to slip when lifting heavy barbells;
    • Much stronger than other models. They are difficult to tear if caught on a nail, and do not lose their shape longer.

    Modern fashion designers have learned to make extremely elegant leather mittens for girls. They are decorated with rhinestones, bows and flowers. These can be worn under a fur coat or sheepskin coat.

    Tactical fingerless gloves

    And a separate view - tactical lovelettes. They are suitable for use by military personnel, scientists or tourists. Manufacturers of these models usually do not think about the color and design of the product; they are more concerned about the strength of the material, its water resistance and thermal insulation. The color is either regular black or camouflage.

    These products protect your hands well in all conditions, while allowing you to operate camp equipment, weapons and gear with bare fingers. You can buy them in special tourist stores, military stores and tourist departments.

    So, now you know almost everything about fingerless gloves: what they are called, where they are used and how to choose. This clothing accessory has a universal purpose and is suitable for both girls going to the ball and fighters or military personnel. Perhaps not every item can boast of such practicality, which is why mittens and gloveletts are very popular today.

    Video: Unpacking Fingerless Gloves

    In this video, Andrey Matrosov will show you what gloveletts ordered on aliexpress look like:

    With the onset of the winter season, the question of how best to insulate and at the same time maintain maximum comfort becomes very relevant. Fingerless gloves, like the regular version of this wardrobe item, are an indispensable item to protect your hands from hypothermia and to protect them while working.

    What are fingerless gloves called?

    This piece of clothing has an interesting history; it first appeared in Ancient Egypt and symbolized luxury and prosperity. Many people would be interested to know what fingerless gloves are called? There are two variations of their names:

    1. Mitts- this designation was given to them in France in the 18th century. A characteristic feature is that they were held on the hand due to small bridges between the phalanges or only due to the plasticity of the material from which they were made. Among noble ladies, French products played an aesthetic role and complemented them. In working-class neighborhoods, mittens were used to make work more comfortable.
    2. Loveletts- These are fingerless gloves that originated in America among “informals” already in the 20th century. Their difference from mitts is that these models have “fingers”, but they are cut to the middle and open the upper part of the phalanges. Winter fingerless gloves, as well as the summer version of this item, earned great love and recognition from bikers, motorists, and cyclists, and this is how these products appeared. Subsequently, they were chosen by show business stars for their performances, and then they began to be widely used on the catwalks during fashion shows.

    Women's fingerless gloves

    The accessory used by the fair sex performs not only a practical function, but also a decorative one, to create stylish looks. This is due to the fact that the contrast of the fabric and the revealing fingers and piece of skin look incredibly feminine. There are two styles of fingerless gloves that are completely opposite:

    1. A somewhat brutal look, which is achieved by combining leather accessories and jeans with biker jackets.
    2. A gentle and romantic image, this effect can be achieved if you use openwork models. An interesting variation would be if you use warm fingerless gloves of a coarse and even rough knit in combination with light dresses. With the help of such contrast you can achieve incredible femininity.

    Depending on the style, the following types of products can be distinguished:

    • with jumpers, while the phalanges remain completely open;
    • with phalanges closed to the middle;
    • with a clip-on mitten;
    • in the form of solid pipes that do not contain compartments for palms and fingers;
    • short, medium or long fingerless gloves.

    Leather fingerless gloves

    Leather accessories are associated with a rocker look, and they are really popular among motorcycle enthusiasts. They are also good in combination with casual clothes. With the help of leather models you can create not only daring images. Particularly brave girls wear them with a classic or light airy dress. This contrast looks very stylish.

    Women's leather fingerless gloves are in great demand among the fair sex who drive. But the leather that is used to make them differs from the material used for conventional accessories in its strength and elasticity. With these characteristics, maximum fit to the hands is achieved, which makes driving especially comfortable.

    Knitted fingerless gloves

    Knitted accessories are traditionally associated with a winter wardrobe. They can be made from either soft cashmere or thick, durable yarn. Such models are perfectly combined with knitted items of different textures. They will suit almost any outerwear: jackets, down jackets, fur coats and sheepskin coats. Long knitted fingerless gloves are used in combination with outerwear items that have three-quarter sleeves. The combination of high mittens with a short-sleeved sweater looks original, if this leaves an area of ​​skin on the forearm exposed.

    Long fingerless gloves

    In recent seasons, the trend has been winter outerwear with short sleeves, which can have a very short length or three quarters. To complement them, they use long knitted fingerless gloves, which look incredibly organic in this case. Similar accessories are successfully used with knitted sweaters and even warm sundresses. There are several options for how to wear mitts:

    • leaving an area of ​​skin open in the forearm area;
    • deliberately using products of very long length, leaving them lowered and thereby creating folds.

    Fingerless gloves for driving a car

    Driving products are designed to provide maximum comfort while driving. The main function that fingerless driver gloves should perform is to achieve close contact with the steering wheel, which is made possible due to the softness of the material. This is the reason why they differ from conventional models. The leather used for manufacturing is characterized by special properties:

    • incredible softness (sheep leather has it);
    • elasticity, strength, high heat protection (deer leather);
    • low maintenance, long service life (goat leather).

    Fingerless driving gloves have a number of undoubted advantages, which include:

    • preventing hands from slipping on the steering wheel;
    • ensuring tight contact with the steering wheel;
    • freedom and ease of control of all levers and buttons on the panel;
    • protecting fingers from hypothermia;
    • contribute to the fact that grip strength decreases, so hands get less tired;
    • special cutouts on the knuckles eliminate discomfort when bending.
    • must fit exactly to size;
    • tight fit, as they may stretch over time;
    • the material must be non-dying;
    • machine processing of seams.

    Lace Fingerless Gloves

    Lace accessories are traditionally used to complement evening dresses and light flowy or chiffon dresses. Their style can be both ultra-modern and retro. Depending on the style, openwork fingerless gloves can be of the following varieties:

    • long (they are combined with open dresses) and short (they are combined with any festive outfit);
    • made in light or dark colors;
    • a regular shape or with a loop that fits on the middle finger, while the hand looks very elegant.

    Short fingerless gloves

    If long accessories perform an aesthetic function, then short ones are considered more convenient. They provide comfortable work that needs to be done in a cool room, and are very convenient when used while driving. Short fingerless gloves for training are very popular among athletes; they can make you feel as comfortable as possible during exercise. This style is universal and will suit almost any outfit.

    Fingerless sports gloves

    Sports models have a special structure that is different from ordinary products. At the same time, their stylish design allows them to be successfully used outside the gym; they are especially popular among lovers of extravagant looks and bikers. Paired with jeans, fingerless sports gloves look simply unbeatable. The characteristic features of the products are:

    • the presence of an internal part with leather reinforcement that protects hands from calluses;
    • performing the function of ensuring hygiene, which is very important when using sports equipment;
    • Modern synthetic material is used for manufacturing, allowing the skin to breathe and making exercise comfortable. Thus, fingerless cycling gloves are equipped with special holes for ventilation, which eliminates the possibility of your hands becoming sweaty during the ride.

    Men's fingerless gloves

    Not only women, but also the stronger half of humanity want to feel comfortable and look stylish. For lovers of brutal looks, men's leather fingerless gloves are intended. They can be perfectly combined with denim and leather clothing. Such accessories are extremely popular among car enthusiasts; in this case, the problem of a cold steering wheel will disappear by itself.

    Children's fingerless gloves

    With the onset of the winter season, it becomes very important for every mother to ensure that her child is protected from the cold while walking. Fingerless gloves for children do an excellent job of this task. They will not only save you from the frost, but will also provide comfort to your baby while playing. The models have clip-on mittens that can be put on or taken off at any time.

    Gloves help protect our hands from cold and discomfort. Only this accessory can provide reliable protection to the skin of our hands. We feel comfortable and confident in gloves. Not to mention their external, very attractive appearance.

    Sophisticated France and its name

    I think few people know what fingerless gloves are called. In fact, this accessory is called differently in different countries. For example, in romantic France they are called “mittens”. By the way, French-made gloves stay on the hands due to the elasticity of the material from which they are made.

    A little history

    Women's fingerless gloves have become very fashionable since the eighteenth century. Now this is a stylish accessory for modern fashionistas.

    Fashion trends - stylish and original accessories

    This unusual item of clothing performs a more aesthetic rather than utilitarian function. Because graceful fingers peeking out from this model of gloves look very cute and very feminine.

    Exquisite lace

    Nowadays, many informal organizations use just such fingerless lace gloves. By the way, very often such communities become trendsetters.

    Lovelettes will make you irresistible

    Do you know what fingerless gloves are called in our country? Our fashion designers call this unusual accessory “glovelettes”.

    Today, our representatives of the fair sex flaunt in fashionable gloves, whose fingers are cut off only halfway. If you skillfully create an original and beautiful image and complement it with such an unusual element, then all attention will be focused on you. After all, everything unusual and bright attracts our attention and arouses genuine interest. In fact, it doesn’t matter at all what the fingerless gloves are called, the main thing is that they fit harmoniously into the overall look.

    Convenient sports accessory

    By the way, bikers and cyclists think little about the question of what fingerless gloves are called. They are more interested in the convenience and quality of the material. After all, such sports-type accessories not only protect athletes’ hands from cold winds and rains, but also do not bind their fingers, so they are as comfortable as possible.

    Where can I buy fingerless gloves?

    You can look for such accessories for quite a long time, but if you try, then everything is in your hands. It is worth visiting large shopping centers or stores that sell hats, gloves and other fashionable and current accessories. In such stores you can study color catalogs and, having selected the model you like best, purchase a new and stylish wardrobe item.

    Boutiques on the Internet

    As a rule, stores that sell fingerless gloves offer a very wide range of these products, ranging from elegant lace models to rough biker ones. Don’t be afraid to wear such unusual things, because to be fashionable means to be interesting and attractive.

    Have you ever wondered where and when gloves appeared, why they are called that, and what types of gloves there are in the world? In Russian, this word comes from the word “perst”, which means “finger” in Old Russian. The first mittens with compartments for fingers were called finger mittens. The history of gloves begins in Egypt, the cradle of civilization. In Ancient Rome, gloves were used not for protection from the cold, but for eating, so as not to get their hands dirty, and, of course, as part of military equipment. Later, gloves became an obligatory element of knightly uniform and a sign of belonging to the highest circles. Gradually they became a kind of symbol of knightly valor, glory and honor. Remember, when challenged to a fight or duel, the opponent was thrown a gauntlet. In the 19th century, gloves were a mandatory attribute of a ballroom costume; thin gloves complemented a black tailcoat for men, and long lace ones adorned the outfit of ladies. Nowadays, gloves are also a necessary wardrobe item. They save you from the cold outside, complement a woman’s suit, and are used to protect your hands while working.

    The first fingerless gloves were used exclusively for work; they were comfortable, as they did not restrict movement, and the fingertips did not lose their sensitivity. Like There are several names. For example, in France they were called mitts; they had only bridges between the fingers, or did not have them at all, and were held on the hand due to the plasticity of the material from which they were made. Such models have been known as a fashionable women's accessory since the 18th century. As a rule, they were worn with a dress, so they served more of an aesthetic than a utilitarian function. Indeed, women's fingerless gloves, from which thin fingers peeked out, looked very touching, cute and exciting. And in working-class neighborhoods, on the streets and squares of flower sellers, street vendors still used mittens for ease of work.

    Loveletts are what fingerless gloves are called in America.

    In America, fingerless gloves are known as gloveletts. They came into fashion thanks to various informal youth associations, which in the middle of the 20th century were trendsetters among young people, challenging the tastes and preferences of the otherwise moderate and respectable bourgeois environment. “Hobo” is what fingerless gloves are also called, referring us to the style of poor neighborhoods and slums. Lovelettes differ from mitts in shape. They have fingers, only they are cut off from the middle and reveal the upper part of the phalanges. This shape turned out to be very convenient for motorists and motorcyclists, so gloveletts became popular primarily among bikers, cyclists and car enthusiasts. They were made from thin genuine leather and decorated with numerous rivets and straps, as well as slits for ventilation.

    From the informal community, fingerless gloves came onto the scene with the advent of rock. Musicians willingly used them to create provocative outfits. With sharp metal spikes, black long to the elbows or short on a strap, gloveletts were part of the shocking images created by musicians on stage. Thus, the popularity of fingerless gloves grew. From the music scene they migrated to the catwalks and became a fashionable addition to urban attire and evening dresses.

    Elbow-length lace fingerless gloves are one of the most elegant and stylish accessories for women's formal wear. They are decorated with rhinestones and natural stones. Lovelettes and mitts are the names of fingerless gloves, which act as a bright and attractive addition to a fur jacket, vest or warm thick knitted sweater. They are worn in sets with woolen scarves and round hats. The design of such gloves can be very diverse, as proven by the latest new items of the season.

    Have you ever wondered how, when and where such an accessory as gloves first appeared? Are there many types of gloves in the world?

    A little about the history of gloves

    • The word “glove” in Russian takes its origin from the word “finger”, which means “finger” in Old Russian. The first mittens that had compartments for fingers were called finger mittens.
    • Gloves, like many things now known throughout the world, originated in the cradle of our civilization - Egypt.
    • In Ancient Rome, gloves were initially used not for protection from the cold, but during meals, so as not to get their hands dirty, and also as a component of military equipment.
    • In medieval Europe, gloves were already an obligatory element of a knight's uniform and a symbol of belonging to the nobility. Over time, they became a kind of synonym for knightly valor, honor, and glory.
    • In the 19th century, gloves were a mandatory component of a ballroom costume. Made from thin snow-white leather, they complemented a black men's tailcoat, and long lace ones invariably adorned ladies' outfits.
    • Nowadays, gloves are an indispensable item of clothing. They save us from the cold in winter and are also used to protect our hands while working.


    When the first fingerless gloves appeared, they were used exclusively for work: they were comfortable, did not restrict movement, and the fingers did not lose sensitivity.

    What are fingerless gloves called? There are several names. For example, in France they were called “mitts”. These gloves had only bridges between the fingers, or did not have them at all, and were held on the hand only due to the plasticity of the material from which they were sewn.

    This accessory model has come into fashion since the 18th century. Often these fingerless gloves were worn with a dress, so one should talk about their function being more aesthetic than utilitarian. Indeed, the ladies' fingerless gloves looked very touching, cute and even exciting. In working-class neighborhoods, just on the streets and squares of cities, flower girls and street vendors still used fingerless gloves for ease of work.

    Loveletts - fingerless gloves

    Speaking of American tradition, on this continent fingerless gloves are better known as gloveletts. Such gloves became fashionable thanks to various youth associations of “informals”, which in the middle of the 20th century. were the main trendsetters of youth fashion. “Hobo” - in the poor neighborhoods of America and its slums, fingerless gloves were also called that.

    Lovelettes are slightly different from mitts in their shape. They have fingers, but they are cut off from the middle, and therefore expose the upper part of the phalanges. This shape was chosen by motorists and motorcyclists due to its convenience, therefore, first of all, gloveletts gained popularity among bikers, car enthusiasts, and cyclists. These fingerless gloves were made of thin genuine leather and decorated with a large number of rivets, straps and slits for ventilation.

    When rock culture began to march across the planet, the gloveletts migrated from the informal community straight to the big stage. Musicians enjoyed using fingerless gloves to create outrageous stage costumes. Sharp metal spikes, black rough leather, elbow-length, short product with straps - this is how the gloveletts appeared on stage in shocking images of musicians.

    The growth in popularity of fingerless gloves did not stop there. From the music scene they moved even further - to the catwalks, becoming a stylish addition to a tracksuit, urban winter outfit and even an evening dress.

    To this day, one of the most elegant and fashionable accessories for women's holiday attire is considered to be long, lace, fingerless, elbow-length gloves, decorated with rhinestones or natural stones.

    Now you know what fingerless gloves are called.

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