• School of Doctor Komarovsky - “Should we believe the advice of Doctor Komarovsky? Could they be dangerous? Why do they love doctors and why do they criticize them? Let's use common sense." Who is Doctor Komarovsky - what the most famous doctor “from TV” can tell us


    Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky(born October 15, 1960, Kharkov, Ukrainian SSR) - pediatrician, doctor of the highest category, TV presenter of the program “Doctor Komarovsky’s School.”


    The parents of Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky were born in Kharkov. They were engineers by profession and worked all their lives at a turbine plant.

    Evgeny Komarovsky is the author of numerous scientific works, as well as popular science articles and books, the most famous of which is “The Health of a Child and the Common Sense of His Relatives” - which has gone through more than 15 reprints in Russia and Ukraine.

    Graduated from the Kharkov Medical Institute (pediatric faculty).

    Since 1983, he began working in the regional Kharkov children's infectious diseases clinical hospital, in the intensive care unit.

    From 1991 to 2000 - head of the infectious diseases department.

    in 1992 he first appeared on television due to the diphtheria epidemic. Then they began to interview him frequently as a pediatrician.

    Since 1996 - Candidate of Medical Sciences.

    In 2000, he left the hospital and began to work at a private medical center.

    In 2006 he opened the Komarovsky clinic - “Clinic”.

    In March 2010, the project “Doctor Komarovsky’s School” was launched on the central Ukrainian TV channel Inter.

    Winner of “The Most Handsome Man in Ukraine 2010.”


    After the fourth year, he married his classmate Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, also a pediatric ophthalmologist.

    Two sons - Dmitry (1982) and Andrey (1988).

    In 2013, a grandson and granddaughter were born, children appeared in the families of both sons.


    • Viral croup in children. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment tactics. Kharkov, 1993.
    • The beginning of your child's life. Kharkov, 1996.
      • The beginning of your child's life. Audiobook. Kharkov, 2008.
        • Beginning of life. Your child from birth to one year. Book+DVD. Moscow, 2009.
    • The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives. Kharkov, 2000.
      • The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives. Kharkov, 2007. Revised and expanded edition.
        • The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives. 2nd edition, revised. and additional Kharkov-Moscow, 2010.
    • Disposable diapers. Popular user guide. Kharkov, 2002.
    • ORZ: a guide for sensible parents. Kharkov-Moscow, 2008.
    • Diary. Our notes about our child. Kharkov, 2008.
    • A book for the runny nose: about children's runny nose for moms and dads. Kharkov-Moscow, 2008.
    • Cough book: about children's cough for moms and dads. Kharkov-Moscow, 2008.
    • 36 and 6 questions about temperature. How to help your child with fever. Kharkov-Moscow, 2008.
    • A handbook for savvy parents. Part one. Growth and development. Analyzes and examinations. Nutrition. Vaccinations. Kharkov-Moscow, 2009.
    • A handbook for savvy parents. Part two. Urgent Care. Kharkov-Moscow, 2010.
    • Little tales about hedgehogs. Kharkov, 2012.
    • A handbook for savvy parents. Part three. Medicines. Kharkov-Moscow, 2012.

    Participant's name: Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky

    Age (birthday): 15.10.1960

    City: Kharkov

    Education: Kharkov Medical Institute

    Family: married, has children and grandchildren

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    Evgeny Komarovsky was born into a family where no one had ever been associated with medicine.

    Mom was an engineer, dad too, and his grandfather was a military man, but Evgeniy himself feels that the desire to be a doctor was passed on to him at the genetic level.

    Sometimes he jokes, saying that either in a past life he was a doctor, or there are ancestors who were associated with the medical profession.

    At school, Komarovsky studied well and was a fairly sociable boy. When he was 10 years old, his sister was born - his reverent care and fear of losing her played a significant role in choosing his future profession.

    After school, he had two options - either go to medical school or join the army. He passed his exams with flying colors, so he had to wait for service. In parallel with his studies, Komarovsky begins to work part-time at a hospital- At first he was a nurse in intensive care, then, after receiving his diploma, he worked as an infectious disease specialist in a children's clinic.

    A few years later he took up the post of doctor in the intensive care unit, and a year later he was appointed head of the infectious diseases department. In 2006, Komarovsky decides to open a private office and advise the population.

    We must pay tribute to Dr. Komarovsky, beloved by millions, for his works - he is a candidate of medical sciences, has repeatedly written scientific papers, and has been awarded the Teletriumph Prize three times for the project of the Inter channel, “Doctor Komarovsky’s School.”

    It’s interesting, but his easy presentation and ability to talk about medicine in a language accessible to viewers arose back in 1993.

    Then he wrote his first work, and it was not a scientific work, but a monograph “Viral croup in children.” I wrote for myself and for friends, which is why I chose an accessible and understandable style. It turned out to be an incredibly fascinating book, and it was followed by a number of similar works.

    Doctor Komarovsky is known thanks to the TV program, but he first appeared on television in 1992, when a diphtheria epidemic was raging in the country.

    Komarovsky had to restrain his panic and tell his parents how to behave if their child was diagnosed with an illness and what to do to prevent infection from occurring. Now almost all mothers in Ukraine and Russia listen to Evgeniy’s opinion; he publishes books and provides online consultations.

    Komarovsky got married while still a student
    , he is still surprised that he was lucky not to make a mistake the first time and choose his woman.

    Katerina gave birth to two sons, Dmitry and Andrey, both of whom are already independent adults. It is interesting that the sons got married almost simultaneously, and children were born into their families in 2013.

    Dr. Komarovsky lovingly raises his grandchildren; you can often see photos together with their grandfather.

    Now Evgeniy lives in his house with his wife; in parallel with his work, he enjoys fishing, which he calls a personal pathology. It doesn’t matter what time of year it is or what the weather is like outside, if he plans to go fishing, he will do it no matter what.

    Photo by Evgeniy

    Dr. Komarovsky runs an Instagram page with more than 800 thousand subscribers.

    Dr. Komarovsky, the most popular pediatrician in Russia and Ukraine, the author of 13 books on child care, has released the third book in the “Handbook of Sensible Parents” trilogy, “Medicines.” To present the book, everyone’s favorite pediatrician visited Moscow and St. Petersburg. I took advantage of the situation and, over a leisurely lunch at JonJolie, asked Dr. Komarovsky all the most important questions.

    - The golden rule for a sane parent?
    - The main thing is the happiness and health of the family. The family should live not in the interests of the child, but in the interests of the family. If the child feels good and the dad feels bad, it’s disgusting. And the child should feel it. I can't imagine giving my child a chocolate bar and not dividing it into three parts. Mom is also a person, she also loves chocolate, you can’t humiliate her dignity. What a child becomes depends on the parents.

    - Name five myths about children's health.
    - It’s hard to choose five, there are dozens of times more. The first two: vitamins and immunostimulants affect the incidence of disease. There are extremely dangerous myths, for example, about the benefits of rubbing children with alcohol or vodka at high temperatures. Fourth: necessity is the first, second and third. Well, the fifth myth: you need to go to the sea in order not to get sick - at the sea you are more likely to get poisoned than to get better.

    - Perinatal matrices: myth or reality?
    - This is beyond my understanding. What I like most is the specialty “perinatal psychologist”. These are the people who know what the fetus is thinking. They know what kind of torment a child experiences when he was put alone in a crib, when he was deprived of his breast at the age of one and a half years...

    - Attention deficit disorder: myth or reality?
    - Reality, definitely. Previously, the child was left to his own devices without attention. And it is less dangerous than when it is provided to the TV or the Internet. This is a tragedy of society when a mother ties her child to the TV, because she is calmer when he is nearby, in the next room, than when he is running down the street. 20 years ago, all the fun was in the yard. Now all the fun is at home. This is where physical inactivity and the obesity epidemic comes from.

    - How does growing up on artificial nutrition affect a baby’s health?
    - Naturally, modern formula allows you to minimize risks if the mother knows how to handle it. At the same time, it has been proven that there is a lower risk of getting sick (for example, diabetes) if the child is breastfed. There can be nothing better than mom.

    Bloggers ask: is a pneumococcal vaccination required for a child who, in principle, gets sick infrequently and has never had pneumonia?
    - As a rule, no. The vaccine is expensive, not everyone can afford it. Now, if the state provides it to all of us at its own expense, then why not.

    - Should children be treated with antibiotics?
    - When they have bacterial infections that are sensitive to antibiotics, it’s worth it. What you should not do is treat children for viral infections with antibiotics prophylactically. Antibiotics have saved millions of lives, but they must be used as directed.
    The main rule of using medications: take them for a reason, not just for the sake of it. This “about” is described in any instructions in the “Instructions for use” section. Any medication that is not indicated is contraindicated. If you have the flu and you don’t find the word “flu” in the instructions for ampicillin, then it’s time to doubt the doctor who prescribed it.

    - Is it better to get chickenpox or get vaccinated?
    - Definitely, vaccinate. Chickenpox is usually a mild illness, but often it is not easy.
    I worked for many years in pediatric intensive care, and saw both chickenpox encephalitis and death from chickenpox. The head doctor says in the morning: “There is chickenpox in hematology.” To an ordinary person this phrase means nothing. But we understand: there are children with leukemia, without immunity; one windmill means half of them will die. And these children were brought to us to die. In nephrology, chickenpox - half of those on hemodialysis will die.
    A random girl suffered a severe case of chickenpox - her entire face is covered in scars.
    It is good to have a mild form of chickenpox at an ideal age and when you are healthy. Vaccination against chickenpox - as well as against influenza - is not a matter of expediency, but of material possibility.
    The statistics on complications of chickenpox could be significantly improved if children were vaccinated. And here’s the question: will you be able to gather people in Bolotnaya Square with the slogans “Protect our children from the disease for which protection has been developed”, “A country with a multi-billion dollar budget can afford to vaccinate every child”? The attitude towards children - towards pediatric medicine, towards kindergartens, towards schools - is a criterion of the maturity of a nation. If one hundred thousand people come out in defense of some political force, but do not come out in defense of their own children, excuse me, for such a nation this is a catastrophic situation.

    - Is there a future for Russian medicine in this case?
    - I have already raised my children. I will not send my grandchildren to the healthcare system. If, God forbid, something happens to them, I will take them to the country where I believe in medicine - to Germany, to Israel... - where I can control the quality of drugs, where I can influence something.
    Here I don’t trust the quality of medicines, I don’t trust those people who should control the quality of medicines, I see advertisements for medicines on TV, and I’m ashamed of the country. I am afraid that when civilized insurance medicine finally comes to us, they will not pay for civilized medicines, but for those produced by a relative of the director of the insurance company.

    - What is the stumbling block for Russian healthcare?
    - Soloukhin in one of his stories described the transition that each of us faces - from this life to that. It can be scary, it can be easy. You can beg in agony for three years for an ampoule of morphine, or you can calmly leave. And this depends on the health care system in the country. And the problem is this: at the age when we can change this system, we are interested in completely different things.
    An indicative case was in Ukraine. Ukrainian torrent closed. This protest movement has arisen! A bunch of men organized hacker attacks and crashed the websites of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the President. It got to the point that the president’s son stood up for them, and the site was opened. That is, when men were deprived of the right to watch free stolen movies, they were ready to tear anyone apart.
    But before that, there was no vaccine in Ukraine for almost two years. In a European country in the 21st century, children were not vaccinated for two years. Do you think any of these men lifted a finger for the sake of their children? I wrote a post about this on my blog: .

    Komarovsky's books are translated into various languages ​​of the world. Here is a fresh translation into Chinese.

    In books you write that children, starting from the maternity hospital and throughout life, are overheated, while the child does not suffer from the cold, but, on the contrary, is hardened. When and how should we work with the health care system and parents to protect new members of society from overheating?
    - For many years I was sure that the main thing was patient explanatory work. However, our society, unfortunately, is not ready for this. Since 1917, both the Russian and Ukrainian Ministries of Health have been communicating with their doctors using the so-called. orders.
    Here, too, it is necessary to issue an order on the inadmissibility of preventive antibiotic therapy for viral infections, an order on the categorical inadmissibility in children's institutions of exceeding the temperature and humidity standards prescribed by the law on sanitary and hygienic norms and rules.
    In the papers approved by the chief sanitary doctor, everything is well and correctly spelled out. In SanPiNakh (Sanitary and Hygienic Rules and Norms. - M.I.) it is said, for example, that in the bedrooms of a kindergarten the transoms must be open at all times. They close five minutes before children go to bed and open five minutes after children go to bed. Humidity 40-60%, temperature not higher than +22°C. If you go to a typical kindergarten, you will see that the humidity is 20% and the temperature is +28°C. Educators must comply with these SanPiNs, but they do not consider it a crime to deviate from the rules so as not to get involved with some Klusha, who just immediately shouts: “What are you doing, you’re going to give my child a cold!”

    - Is the situation the same in maternity hospitals?
    - It’s one thing if a newborn is not full-term: he has an inadequate thermoregulation system, he does not absorb vitamins - such a baby is put in an incubator and fed what he lacks. A full-term baby is a completely different matter; he should not experience discomfort in a room where it is +28°C and there is nothing to breathe; it is better to wrap him in the skin of a killed bear and continue to breastfeed.
    Sometimes mothers say that in the maternity hospital the midwife does not allow them to open the window. Oh, she's a great expert! She doesn’t care at all about all the SanPiNs, about Onishchenko, about doctors, about the wishes of this mother. She is the queen there, she has in her hands the only vessel in the entire department, and without five rubles in her pocket she won’t give it to you, go ahead. And this same Marfa Ivanovna determines in the maternity hospital who to let in and who not to let in, it doesn’t matter to her whether you want to be near your wife or not.

    How do you feel about modern medical reforms? In particular, what position do you take on health care financing?
    “I believe that the money that is allocated is absolutely enough to make every resident of the country proud of the healthcare system. Another thing is that they are spent irrationally. This applies to both Russia and Ukraine.
    There was a great Semashko healthcare system. It was simply impossible to think of anything better in terms of price-quality ratio. This Soviet system had to be “polished” a little: remove unnecessary bureaucracy, remove the light forms of corruption that existed then, close those medical research institutes that were of no use, and then we would be proud of this updated system. But it didn't happen.
    After all, what could be more reasonable! One hundred And t, for example, a hospital in the center of Moscow. This is the building O and billions. Offer any company to build a luxurious modern clinic outside the city, in the forest - in exchange for this building. Everyone is interested in this. Why isn't this happening?

    - What is the Komarik project named after you?
    - Five or six years ago I figured out how to prevent a kindergarten from killing a child - I developed a package of requirements “Komarik”. This is a legally registered franchise that can be used by any kindergarten.
    In a regular kindergarten there are, for example, 30 children in a group. 28 mothers want the transom to be open, and two want it to be closed. Only those parents who have passed the test for knowledge of Dr. Komarovsky’s system and agree with this system can take children to Komarik. Only those who agree that children can walk in any weather, that they cannot be forced to eat, that temperature and humidity must be maintained, etc., etc.

    - Has this project already been implemented somewhere?
    - The first “Komarik” was opened not in Russia or Ukraine - there is no prophet in his own country - but in Almaty, then there was Krasnodar and now, finally, Moscow.
    After the kindergarten there should be a school, whose task is to raise not a smart child, but a happy, healthy, physically developed one, prepared for the realities of life. The first five years will reveal his inclinations, and the next five years he will be trained with others like him.
    For the first three years in Almaty, the project developed quietly, but now there is no end to those interested: they shove money just to get in - they saw that the incidence there is 10 times lower than the city average.

    How do you feel about the idea of ​​individual schools, where children would be divided not by age, but by temperament, psychological development, night owls and early risers, etc.?
    - I don’t believe that this is feasible on a national scale. For your money they will give you everything you want. I myself have a negative attitude towards this idea. I believe that school should still teach a person to live in society. Let's say you're a morning person. So what, your employers will adapt to this all your life? If you are required to get up at 8 in the morning, and not at 5, adapt your inclinations to society, learn to get up at 8.
    I am extremely skeptical about early development methods because they do not make a person happy. It makes his life much more difficult when the child finds himself in a society of precocious people. The more we develop a person, the more needs he has and the more difficult it is to satisfy them. We don't make him any happier. But, in fact, this is precisely the main thing. In the end, we create people who invent needs for themselves and go over corpses to realize them. We see them every single day.

    Is it true that during pregnancy you should try as many activities as possible, so that these skills are transferred to the child’s potential?
    - This is unscientific.

    - As well as art therapy, hippotherapy, etc.?
    - All these are types of psychotherapy. Go wherever you want, pay a lot of money - then horses, and dolphins, and fairy tales, and anything else will help you.

    In the first year of life, children are examined at the clinic every month. Are monthly examinations with a pediatrician necessary if there are no complaints?
    - Not sure. The doctor should examine the newborn; it would be good to examine him at one month of age, at three months, at six months and at one year. By the way, a qualified nurse is able to do this without a doctor.
    The main risk is the very fact of visiting the clinic. If a one-year-old child has to wait for a doctor in the corridor of a clinic, where other children are coughing and sneezing, this situation is definitely wrong, and we must fight it. If you want the doctor to see your child often, adjust the system in such a way that if you are told to come at 15:00, then at exactly that time Marya Ivanovna is already waiting for you. If a child falls ill in the corridor of a clinic, the state pays for treatment. Logically, the state is interested in making sure that the child does not sit in the corridor.

    - When will the time come when there will be no hour-long queues in children's clinics?
    - I have already said that the reason for this is the absolute isolation of men from everything that concerns children. It is obvious. When men begin to take care of their offspring, then the situation will change. When a family decides to buy a car, the man starts surfing the Internet six months in advance, finding out the details and terms of purchase. And when they decide to have a child, in only 1% of cases you will meet a dad looking for information about parenting. If your car was filled with low-quality gasoline, you would destroy the gas station. And when the hospital provides poor quality care for your baby, you don’t care. A man has always had two main functions: to protect and feed his family.
    To keep children healthy, you need much less money. It’s more important to get the process right, and then the state will save even more. But no one is interested in children getting sick less.

    Personnel issue. As far as I know, there is a terrible shortage of specialists. How to attract personnel to the industry and why is it not possible to do this now, despite huge cash injections?
    - The deficit will increase exponentially. This issue cannot be resolved as long as you cannot survive on a doctor’s salary unless you violate God’s commandments.
    There is not a single Ukrainian university in the ranking of the 600 best universities. And there are only a few Russians. Go to any research institute and ask how many drugs they have developed over the past 20 years have received international recognition. Answer: zero. Question: why should I maintain this research institute with a hundred professors and three hundred associate professors? What a shortage! We have God knows how many of these personnel, but they are arranged in such a way that they do not approach the sick.
    The most adequate, most competent doctors work as representatives of pharmaceutical companies. Nobody wants to run around the site for $120. The rest have too low competencies. 90% of doctors believe that homeopathy is herbal treatment. Well, what to do with them?

    - Isn't the workload of a modern schoolchild excessive?
    - Ideally, the issue of out-of-school time needs to be resolved. If, in addition to school, a child does homework for three more hours, and the rest of the time he stupidly watches TV, there is nothing good about it. Our problem is the lack of free public school sports. It is impossible to imagine a school in Canada that does not have a skating rink or a school swimming pool. We only dream about it. But making volleyball courts is inexpensive: string a rope between two posts and let the children play.
    It is necessary for the child to have intense physical activity for one and a half hours a day. If we organize this hour and a half, then no workload at school will be excessive. Then we will keep him healthy.

    - How is the benefit of an hour and a half exercise explained?
    - This is human physiology: the heart should not beat smoothly, but respond to loads, which ensures the normal functioning of blood vessels and muscles. We need to motivate children to run faster, jump higher, walk without acne, etc. Then they won’t even start smoking in the 8th grade. It is necessary to develop a cult of a healthy attitude towards oneself. Because a person who systematically kills himself is a person who has little brains. Being stupid is a shame. A person who smokes is stupid because he goes against instinct, he deliberately kills his health. There are no living beings that deliberately kill themselves.

    - Is school holidays enough for your child or maybe he needs more? Perhaps they need to be divided into periods differently?
    - It’s not the fact of the holidays that is important, what’s important is how the child spent them. How many children can afford to go swimming at sea during the autumn holidays, and skiing during the winter holidays?

    - Computer: for or against, from a medical point of view?
    - Yes, of course! What would it be like without him? You just need to know how to use it. It is quite obvious that it needs to be dosed. If a child jumps around for an hour and a half a day, then let him sit quietly and stare at the computer.

    - Vegetarian nutrition for children: is it possible?
    - By and large, this is unnatural for humans. What mom and dad believe in, the child usually believes in too. If parents want to pass on their beliefs to their child, I have a technique that allows you to stay healthy while being a complete vegetarian. I myself believe that a child has the right to eat what he wants. But if I, as a doctor, don’t see a way to convince my mother, then I’m forced not to relax, but to suggest a method: what to eat, what vitamin complex to drink, so that you can do without prohibited foods.
    There are shops for vegetarians all over the world, but are there many of them in Russia? There are one or two in Moscow.

    - How harmful or beneficial are seasonal vitamin tablets? They are said to cause cancer.
    - It is not true. Only a manufacturer of non-tablet vitamins can say this. The question needs to be framed differently. Vitamins are therapeutic and prophylactic agents that are taken according to strict indications. If a person can afford a harmonious, varied diet, he does not need any vitamins. With the exception of certain situations, and then more often we are talking about microelements: increased need for iodine in pregnant and lactating women, folic acid in preparation for pregnancy, vitamin D - if you live in the Arctic Circle.

    - Are there crisis years from 7 to 18 years old - or is it one continuous crisis?
    - It seems to me that the mentioned range is stretched. The riot of sex hormones, without a doubt, changes life priorities. Peers, usually of the opposite sex, become authorities for the child; The opinion of your desk neighbor becomes more important than the opinion of mom or dad. It is important to have time to become an authority for a girl before she turns 10, and a boy before he turns 12 (all this is approximate, of course). If you failed to do this, then, unfortunately, you are too late - you will not be able to influence the situation.

    - New standards for caring for premature babiesconsidered bornvery young - from 500 g. Do such children have any prospects? Do they need to be dealt with?
    - This topic causes me great skepticism and pain. Give society an analysis: over the past five years in our country, s One hundred children weighing from 600 g to a kilogram walked. Give society statistics about what happened to them in the first five years, what it cost their parents, how many families broke up, how happy, healthy, and functional these children are now, and how their eyesight is. Give society answers to these questions.
    I was in Frankfurt in a department for such children and heard such pain in the words of those who care for them - and this is at their level! 90% of these children are blind, they have problems with their skin and intelligence.
    If we decided that we care for premature babies because this is the European standard, let's start with something else: with European vaccination standards, European school standards... If we bring children into this world, let's start with something else.

    - What self-help measures does a child need to know?
    - I wrote a book about this. This is an almost finished script for a 50-episode film about emergency care. It needs to be filmed and shown in all schools: what a child should do when he has a high temperature, when a friend is electrocuted, when someone is pulled out of the water... Our posters demonstrating help for drowned people - when the poor thing is being pressed through the knee, as if the lungs are a washcloth, from which water can be squeezed is a national disgrace. I am ashamed for the country when they start discussing the benefits of a tourniquet. A correctly applied tourniquet is tantamount to the loss of a limb; it is needed if, for example, an arm is torn off. At the same time, there is a tourniquet in every first aid kit.
    But almost no one here knows what an Epipen* is. Do you remember in the movie “The Social Network” the police break into the house where the guys are using cocaine? From one of them, the policeman takes out a syringe and asks what is in it. The guy says, “Epipen,” and they leave him behind. Every dog ​​knows what epinephrine is and why it is needed. If we put an EpiPen in our car first aid kit instead of a tourniquet, we could save several thousand lives in a year.

    - What do you consider a priority in the work of a pediatrician?
    - Mutual understanding with mom and dad. Explaining their role to them is that they are more important than the doctor. With us, it usually happens the other way around: the doctor tries to prove his importance. Just like a nurse, a midwife, school teachers, a car mechanic, a plumber, an electrician: “You won’t be anywhere without us.” Moreover, the plumber will begin his story by saying that all the previous plumbers who visited your apartment are absolute idiots.
    The capabilities of parents are an order of magnitude greater than those of the state. It is impossible to raise children regardless of society, and societies are different everywhere. Therefore, my main task is to provide a method of care, education and assistance for illnesses that can be implemented in the country where you live, taking into account your mentality, your grandmothers and your healthcare system. A technique that will allow you to raise a child and save your family.

    - Evgeniy, how can one find you on the Internet?
    - The real Komarovsky lives on. For today only here.

    About the new book by Dr. Komarovsky
    Previously, specialists could not afford to write about medications; this topic was always taboo for both doctors and parents: if you tell the truth about some medications, they will replace them with others; if you tell others, they will stop buying them... And this is a matter of personal interest.
    “Handbook of Sensible Parents: Medicines” Evgeny Komarovsky wrote for two years, but the preparation took, according to the author, 35 years. Textbooks about medicines are written not by doctors, but by pharmacologists. But the paradox is that it is with doctors that parents talk about medications. Therefore, one of the primary goals of Dr. Komarovsky’s new book is to become a Russian-pharmacological phrasebook. When the instructions, which are theoretically intended for the average person, say that “this drug inhibits the C-450 enzyme,” it hardly becomes clearer why this medicine is needed.
    The book consists of three parts: 1. Pharmacological ABC, where the basics of pharmacology are given: how a medicine differs from a drug, and a pill from a lozenge. 2. Stories about medicines - about the main groups of medicines, with an emphasis on children's age. 3. Specific situations: medications and pregnancy, medications and breastfeeding, medications and allergies, what is 20 mg in 5 ml, etc.
    Many pharmaceutical companies would give a lot to keep this impressively voluminous book (the Index alone took 40 pages) from being published. “One of my acquaintances, a chemist,” comments Komarovsky, “having looked at the contents, he bought three copies at once with the words: it will quickly become a bibliographic rarity, such a book will not be allowed to be published twice.” For the same reason, the publishing house released a circulation six times larger than usual.

    There are few modern parents who do not know who Dr. Komarovsky is. Indeed, for more than 5 years, this honored pediatrician with 20 years of experience in the Kharkov infectious diseases hospital has been hosting an educational program “Dr. Komarovsky’s School”, in which in accessible words he covers the most pressing topics in raising children, as well as caring for them with various diseases.

    At the same time, Dr. Komarovsky does not use any new techniques; all Dr. Komarovsky’s advice is based on the basics of pediatrics, WHO recommendations, as well as common sense, which in turn can cause disagreement among many of his colleagues who are accustomed to working the old fashioned way, and not listening to new discoveries in medicine.

    In his television programs, Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky not only teaches what to do in a given situation with a child, but also clearly shows and explains to parents why this is necessary and why. What can hardly be achieved from pediatricians from the clinic; at best, they do not have time for these conversations; at worst, they prescribe medications according to the regimen that they have known since medical school, without really delving into the mechanism of the disease, or simply playing it safe.

    Komarovsky’s ardent opponents have become doctors, whom he interferes with in the pharmacy business with his educational activities, because now every mother, having gone to Dr. Komarovsky’s website, can get an intelligible answer to her question about treatment methods, before buying up half of the pharmacy using the “good doctor’s” prescription. receiving his percentage. Now every mother may wonder why her child is injected with a strong antibiotic without fully understanding the causes of the disease. Naturally, such interference in the mysteries of medicine, and the fact that parents try not to blindly trust doctors, as was the case before, but are interested in the details of the treatment process, cannot but irritate many doctors, but what can you do, because neither medicine nor pediatrics are worth on the spot, and children's doctor Komarovsky became the first who began to explain to parents the points that interested them.

    Here are just some of Dr. Komarovsky’s advice regarding various areas of pediatrics, which touch on the most pressing topics at the moment.

    About newborns

    In his television programs, Dr. Komarovsky talks very interestingly and in a new way about newborns, their reflexes, needs, and describes development month by month. Particular attention is paid to the fact that parents do not allow the baby’s immunity to develop from birth and as a result they end up with a constantly ill child with adenoids and colds.

    According to Evgeniy Olegovich, you should not wrap up babies under one year of age, because if thermoregulation is poor, the body receives a signal that it is hot outside and begins to cool itself. Also in the doctor’s reviews you can learn in detail about how to increase lactation, how to care for a newborn, hear all the arguments on the topic “dummy, pros and cons,” how to massage a 3-month-old baby, as well as many other videos where Dr. Komarovsky gives advice to young parents.

    Colic in newborns

    In the program about colic in a newborn, not only all possible causes of its occurrence are revealed, but it is also shown what parents should do to reduce the suffering of their baby; in these cases, Dr. Komarovsky recommends massages, a diet for a nursing mother, and only as a last resort, medications.


    This burning topic is still being discussed on the Internet and on the sidelines of medical institutions, since Evgeniy Olegovich, risking his authority as a pediatrician, did not agree with the recommendations of the WHO and modern pediatrics regarding the introduction of the first complementary foods in the form of cereals or vegetables. As Komarovsky explains, the most optimal products for a child’s stomach are fermented milk products, they are easily digestible and have an optimal composition in the form of proteins, fats, vitamins and microelements, which are so necessary for a growing body. Another stumbling block was palm oil in baby food, which Dr. Komarovsky sees nothing wrong with if consumed in moderation, like any other oil.

    Doctor Komarovsky about vaccinations

    Having worked in the infectious diseases department for more than 20 years, Evgeniy Olegovich knows what mass refusals to vaccinate lead to, for this reason, contrary to newfangled trends, he defends the opinion of the need for vaccinations for children.

    Infectious childhood diseases

    The area of ​​knowledge where Dr. Komarovsky has practically no equal is infectious diseases and diseases in children. In his programs, Evgeniy Olegovich clearly shows how these diseases develop and describes methods of treating them, while tirelessly repeating the dangers of self-medication. Covering the topic of rhinitis, Evgeniy Olegovich does not recommend taking vasoconstrictors for more than 5 days in a row, as they lead to chronic runny nose. If rhinitis manifests itself in the form of green snot in a child, Dr. Komarovsky recommends treatment with antibiotics, since such manifestations indicate the presence of a bacterial infection. A separate topic is devoted to herpetic sore throat in children, in the treatment of which Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend the use of general antibiotics, since, firstly, they do not affect the cause of such a disease - the virus, and also significantly weaken the child’s immune system.

    Secrets of education

    Dr. Komarovsky's books are written with good humor and a rational vision concerning both medical and pediatric problems. Touching on the topic of “hyperactive child”, as well as children’s tantrums at 2-3 years old, Dr. Komarovsky once again insists on a pedagogical solution to a medical problem, because this is exactly the case when, by observing the regime and discipline, you can achieve more than stuffing children with medications and tranquilizers .

    Dr. Komarovsky has a reputation as an honored doctor who follows his principles, which is why parents listen to his opinion and trust him. Over the 5 years of the program’s existence, he became a family doctor for more than one family, and saved no fewer lives than during his entire many years of practice in the infectious diseases department of a children’s hospital.

    Our guest is the famous children's doctor Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky.

    Evgeny Olegovich, you are the author about how to raise healthy children. Today you are shown on TV, the book is being republished and sold out again, they write about you on the Internet... You, in turn, claim that you are just an ordinary children's doctor who graduated from an ordinary medical institute. But at the institute, you probably weren’t taught to keep your children in a cold room and bathe them in a large bathroom, and even in cold water? Where then did such unconventional ideas for our latitudes come from? Did you somehow take all this and come up with it yourself? Were you afraid to start?

    The main paradox can be found in the question itself. Those. from the point of view of elementary logic, an air temperature of 18-19 degrees is certainly not a sign of a cold room, but water is 34 degrees... Not to mention the fact that only a Soviet person can call our large bathtub “big”. I started with my own children. And after my children there were friends, relatives, neighbors. I had personal contacts with everyone, not limited to illnesses alone, so I acted not in the role of a doctor, but in the role of a neighbor, friend, relative who simply advised. What I mean is that there was no one to come and figure it out. And I didn’t come up with all this, there was a book called “Swimming Before Walking,” plus books by Arshavsky, plus Nikitin. It is clear that, taking into account special education, ideas were perceived and refracted. The main difficulty was different - to create an education system that would be accessible to everyone. For it is one thing to implement all this in your family, when you can control your wife, child, and grandmothers, and another thing to give advice and leave the parents alone with their problems. But when the number of such “our” half-patients exceeded several hundred, it became clear that such children get sick less, and it is easier for parents, and, most surprisingly, grandmothers change their position and begin to agree that “it should have been this way.” "! In our country, this is a powerful argument - if you manage to convince your grandmother, it means that you are most likely to be right.

    What if all the children got sick at once, and their moms and dads came running to sort it out? Could this happen?

    Of course, it could, but on condition that the original logical constructions would not be correct. Then, probably, I would stop being smart and trying to give advice. But the concept turned out to be correct and allows, with minimal effort and money, to raise a healthy child and not just raise, but raise in the conditions of the surrounding reality. All this allowed the release of the first popular book. And after that, the number of “followers” ​​increased sharply and the evidence of correctness became many times greater. Now it can be said that the strategic, most fundamental issues have been resolved. But tactical details can never be completely resolved, i.e. There is still enough work for many, many years.

    Your quote: “Our society, our leaders, our healthcare, our way of thinking and our family relationships have given rise to a certain special, specific science. In the recent past it was called “Soviet pediatrics”, but what "It has evolved now, no one knows. This science cannot be understood outside of practical medicine, namely our, domestic practical medicine - let alone local ministers-academicians or the imported Doctor Spock." In the electronic version of your book, this is the only place where Spock is mentioned; there is no word at all about other pediatricians. Foreign authors did not and do not know our realities. What is the attitude of domestic pediatricians to your system of education? You are probably familiar with the opinions of your colleagues?

    Let's start with the fact that in the concept of "attitude of our pediatricians" two aspects can be distinguished. The first is representatives of official health care - professors, departments, ministries of health, city health departments, etc. There is no relationship - I simply do not exist. Not a single letter, not a single response - neither positive nor negative; The second is practical pediatricians, i.e. those who are led, taught and controlled by the above-mentioned representatives. Here everything, in turn, is very ambiguous. In general, there are very, very few reviews, no, hundreds there will be two, but compared to the total number of letters, this is just a drop in the bucket. The reviews available are mostly positive, but here we must take into account the fact that the real everyday life and level of well-being of domestic pediatricians for the most part does not provide for the possibility of electronic communication, so it is difficult to assess the true picture. The main paradox is that in pediatrics the doctor is assessed mainly by parents. And when a certain doctor publishes books, when you can see him on TV 1-2 times a week, when you make an appointment with him 2-3 weeks in advance reception, then, due to the mentality of colleagues, all this causes irritation rather than a desire to find out why all this is happening. I never allow myself to criticize my colleagues, I try to treat any child as I would treat my own, but I am forced to cancel some previously prescribed medications and make other diagnoses (mostly correct). If a certain professor does this, this is understandable, but if not a professor... And if a certain doctor unsuccessfully treats bronchial asthma with hormones, and then at an appointment with Komarovsky it turns out that it is not asthma, but whooping cough, then the doctor is not at all happy about that someone turned out to be more attentive and more professional. Moreover, this does not cause a desire to improve one’s own qualifications, but negativism towards the nasty “very smart” Komarovsky... Nothing can be done about it. Yes, I'm not trying to do anything. I’m not bored, there are enough patients, the treatment results seem to be quite good, so why complain? We only respect real power and real titles. I don’t have these titles, because any title and any power require an investment of time, effort, money and conscience. Don't want. A typical example is the book “Viral croup in children” - a 400-page monograph based on material from more than 5 thousand patients - this is a candidate’s dissertation. On the day when I had my defense, in front of me, on the material of 90 patients, a certain aunt defended her doctorate. .. Well, which of the modern domestic pediatricians can afford to write a book? As a rule, these are representatives of “official health care” - professors, academicians. And in any such book everything will be smart and academic, and they (the books) are similar, like twins. And non-professionals also write - just parents who share their experience, here there is both independence and a system - a typical example is the Nikitins.

    Have you met the systems of our modern pediatricians? Not retellings of foreign authors, but rather our own systems, integral, conceptual and focused on our realities?

    Did not met. And if I had met him, I would have propagandized him left and right. And why, in this case, would I need to write all this and not sleep at night?

    Last summer, on the Black Sea beach, I saw with my own eyes a mother who was bathing a six-month-old girl in the sea. The child not only swam to the best of his ability, but also dived quite deeply. There were always astonished mouths near my mother, and all the time someone was asking my mother something. I was interested in how long the child had been swimming. It turned out from birth. The Nikitins' books appeared quite a long time ago. Today there is your book. Even real examples of somewhat unusual raising of children can be seen, like the one that amazed the entire beach. But for most parents, something prevents them from hearing any, even the most logical, arguments. It seems that both Komarovsky and Nikitin are all ideas for a small number of enthusiasts. How do you think?

    I have always considered myself a person absolutely far from extremism. And everything I advocate is for the most part accessible, simple, easy to implement, not at all dangerous, economically profitable, and allows for fairly wide fluctuations. And if Komarovsky’s ideas even give you the impression that “these are ideas for a small number of enthusiasts,” then there is only one conclusion: I sadly overestimated the average level of common sense per parental unit. But I clearly see two global obstacles in the dissemination of ideas: 1. The detachment of the main carriers of common sense (male persons) from the processes of care and education. 2. The sad fact is that pediatricians, for the most part, stoop to the level of grandmothers and follow the opinion of the average person.

    What happens... It turns out that dads have common sense, but moms don’t? Doctor, let's fight! Why do you offend young mothers?!

    If we assume that the interview is being read by a person who is hearing the name “Komarovsky” for the first time, he may be offended. And if a person is already familiar with books and articles, he will take it for granted. For those who doubt it, read the chapter in the book “Family Members: Tactics of Rational Action.” The fact that a woman is a more emotional being and, in comparison with a man, less logical, is well known. There are exceptions, but this is the trend. Pregnancy and childbirth are not the best time to reduce the influence of emotions on actions. And men, along with their common sense, often leave a woman alone with her problems, seeing their duty only as earning money for food and diapers... How to deal with this? There are two ways: 1. Convince them (men) that they should, are obliged to help, scold them - they say, shame on you, she can barely stand on her feet, etc. 2. Emphasize their wisdom and innate intelligence - guys, she will break the woods without you... Believe me, the second way is more effective. And if, after reading, several young mothers are offended by me, and several young fathers want to give the child a massage and take part in bathing, they will pay attention to how many blouses the child is wearing, they will ask why he eats every 20 minutes at night, they will get acquainted with the local police officer pediatrician, etc. - So in this situation, I will consider my mission completed.

    How many children do you estimate are being raised following your advice? Well approximately?

    I can’t even say approximately. Because many people do not implement the system in full, but apply in practice only certain provisions - both regarding care and regarding assistance in case of illness. Should we count such people? You can't rely on the circulation of books - not everyone who buys them will use them. Considering that the “advice” appeared not only in the form of books, but also in the form of newspaper and magazine articles, the listening audience is quite large. They published "Arguments and Facts", "Zerkalo Nedeli", "9 Months", "Liza. My Child", more than 2 dozen regional, city and district newspapers from Minsk to Yakutsk.

    It often happens that people who have lived together for quite a long time become similar in some ways. This can often be seen in families. After some time, some traits of the spouses are gradually “borrowed.” You have been working with children for a long time. Did it change you in any way? What still pleases you about little children, what surprises and delights you?

    I understand that within the framework of the question it would be necessary to say that many years of communication with children have made me spontaneous, cheerful, trusting, etc. - but what is not there is not there. You might be surprised, but my communication with children on a professional level is very pragmatic. There are no special surprises or admirations. There is no influence on me. An extremely realistic approach, without cooing and admiring. A certain set of professional skills - how not to scare, how not to hurt. I began my medical career in intensive care. There you cannot do without sorting and sifting through emotions. Otherwise, either drink vodka or go to a psychiatric hospital. The fact is that any emotional coloring interferes with making decisions. Well-mannered - ill-mannered, beautiful - nasty, boy - girl - all this is important only to the extent that it can influence treatment. It pleases, delights, and surprises the ability of children to recover; therapists can only dream of this. Yes, my patients bring me personally drawn pictures, read poems and sing songs - all this touches and pleases me, like any normal person, but this has no connection with how I will treat, i.e. listening to poetry, etc. I am not a doctor. An ordinary man, middle aged...

    Today there are many methods of early childhood development. At least on the Internet, this topic is quite actively represented. What do you think about these methods? How important do you think this is for children and parents?

    I am professional - i.e. exclusively as a pediatrician. Personally, it is very important for me that the development of intelligence does not come at the expense of health, that natural physical activity for a child in the fresh air is not replaced by rearranging cubes in a confined space. The very methods of early development outside the scope of classical pediatrics are pedagogy, psychology, they often have a scientific physiological basis, but still this is clearly beyond my professional competence. I have a generally reserved attitude. From the point of view of a specific individual, I see advantages, but from the point of view of adaptation of this individual to an environment where not everyone is so developed, I see complete disadvantages. If to early learning to count, read, etc. I would also like to add the art of adaptation... That would be great. The main conclusion that I made for myself is that the methods early development make parents of precocious children happy. In relation to the child himself, this is far from true. More often it’s the other way around.

    You are talking about the difficult adaptation of developed and educated people to society. But the relationship between developed people and society has always been difficult. But is this a reason? In your opinion, there is no need to develop anything in children?! But you yourself are probably more pleased to see interesting, smart children who can get pleasure not only from overseas humor on the level of “how funny is your uncle’s butt plopped into a cake.” I saw a technique that describes, day by day, how to teach a child to read at the age of one. It is not clear, however, why the child needs this so much. Well, what if you learn to read not by letters, but by syllables, and not be a fan, but find time for a walk and for the sun?... Evgeniy Olegovich, you are not an enemy of progressive humanity, are you?!

    Not the enemy!! Definitely. And if you’re not a fan and find the time, I’m all for it! - There’s nothing to argue about here. I just wish that pedagogy didn’t focus on letters and numbers. 90% of 4-year-old boys can easily distinguish an Audi from a Mercedes, but cannot distinguish an oak from a poplar. Oh, how beautiful it would be - this is St. John's wort, this is wormwood, this is viburnum, this is a badger, this is a jay, this is a ravine, this is a lake, this is a spring, etc., so that from early childhood it can be tied to living things, to nature, to true values.

    A lot of. Illustration - in July of this year (2003) I was out of town for 19 days (vacation). In 19 days - 412 letters... And this is July, when people get sick less often, and the holiday season - when many people try to stay away from computers. And in winter, 40-50 letters per day are not uncommon. It is very pleasant that the authors of the letters often go beyond purely medical problems. And topics related to fishing and tourism, and the lives of our compatriots abroad, and reports on the achievements of my virtual patients. For me, the archive of letters, especially the “good and different” section, gives an idea of ​​this.

    You live and work in Kharkov. But thanks to the Internet, you are known far beyond your hometown. I saw letters from Russia, the USA, Japan. How long have you been using the Internet? What have you found for yourself on the World Wide Web, as a doctor and as a person?

    Letters really come from anywhere - at first I was extremely surprised, but now I’m used to it. But! New Zealand, Australia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina, Vietnam.... The Internet appeared at my home 5 years ago. Professionally, this is a unique opportunity to save time - I still remember dozens of hours spent in libraries, and now all the latest information is available without leaving home. Well, the website, or rather the mail, is a separate issue. I know for sure - thanks to the huge number of intelligent, competent, reasonable letters - I have become more optimistic about the future of our children - I am convinced that we have plenty of prudent and caring parents.

    In turn, I can say that, having the opportunity to read an intelligent, competent and cheerful doctor, I become more optimistic about the health of children who grow up according to your methods. Thank you, doctor.

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