• Malysh and Carlson (shortened for little ones). Astrid Lindgren The Kid and Carlson • fairy tales The Kid and Carlson read large


    Inna Zharikova
    Conversation on the story by A. Lindgren “The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof” (senior group)


    conversations on story A.

    on the topic:

    « Baby and Carlson, who lives on the roof»

    (excerpts from stories)

    Target: continue to introduce children to the work of A. Lindgren

    « Baby and Carlson, who lives on the roof».


    Bring children to understand the features of fairy tales stories;

    Learn to answer questions using complex sentences in speech;

    Encourage people to talk about their perception of a specific act of a literary character;

    Cultivate interest in the works of foreign writers.

    Vocabulary work: self-confident, breathtaking with excitement.

    Preliminary work: explaining unfamiliar words to children, looking at illustrations for the work.

    Progress of direct educational activities.

    1. Organizational moment.

    Educator: Guys, can you solve riddles? Do you know that there is a secret hidden in the riddle? (children's answers)

    The teacher makes a wish riddle:

    Fatty lives on the roof,

    And he flies higher than everyone else.

    He's the funniest guy in the world

    That's why children like it. (Carlson)

    Educator: Right, yes - it is Carlson, the most cheerful fat man in the world.

    (The teacher shows a picture on which depicts Carlson to confirm the correct answer)

    Main part.


    Now let's continue our acquaintance with the fabulous story.

    (The teacher reads the passage stories and conducts a conversation) .

    Why was he flying over the houses, over the street? Where is he lives? How did you guess? What words in the work speak about this? (children's answers)

    The teacher reads lines from excerpt:

    Carlson- he is a small, plump, self-confident man, and besides, he can fly. Everyone can fly airplanes and helicopters, but Carlson can fly on its own...

    - How do you understand the word: "self-confident"?

    Why is it unusual? Carlson?

    (Children's answers.)

    Educator: "Guys, let's fly like Carlson

    Physical exercise.

    (The teacher reads a poem by Tatyana Kersten. Children imitate the movements Carlson. Musical accompaniment: recording an audio CD of the teacher's choice)

    What hung their noses, (head down)

    Sad kids?

    I'll start the propeller (rotation of arms bent at the elbows)

    Straight from I'll come to you from the roof. (step in place)

    Where are the buns, jam, cake? (circular movements on the stomach)

    Carlson will quickly sweep away everything. (imitation of moving a spoon)

    And then play pranks, follow me! (arms to the sides, running in a circle)

    I'm terribly groovy!

    The teacher continues to read lines from works:

    “I’m not at all the most ordinary Baby,- speaks Baby.

    But this, of course, is not true. After all, there are so many boys in the world, who are seven years old, y which blue eyes, unwashed ears and torn pants at the knees. What's there to doubt? nothing: Baby- the most ordinary boy."

    How do you imagine him?

    Can we say which one it was? Baby? (children's answers)

    Educator: That's right guys! Baby was the most ordinary boy. How do you understand the word ordinary? What does it mean? (children's answers)


    Guys, do you remember how we met? Baby and Carlson? (children's answers)

    The teacher offers to listen to an excerpt from the work describing the meeting Baby and Carlson, then sets questions:

    Why The baby was standing without moving? What feelings did he have? (children's answers)


    That's right guys Baby It took my breath away with excitement because it’s not every day that little fat people fly past the windows. Guys, do you remember your favorite phrase? Carlson? (children's answers)

    - "Calm is only calm". At what moments did he speak? When did he say it? (children's answers)


    Do you think he was a good example for Baby? What could he teach him? (children's answers)

    Would you like to have a friend like this? Carlson and why?

    (children express their opinions)

    3. Reflection.


    Today, guys, we continued our acquaintance with the work of A. Lindgren« Baby and Carlson, who lives on the roof" Which of the characters in this work did you like most and why? Imagine, guys, what would happen if a hero like Karslosn actually existed in our time? (Children's answers)

    Next time we will travel further through the pages of this work and find out what adventures happened to them next.

    Publications on the topic:

    "Save water." Summary of the conversation with children (senior group) GOAL: Teach children to save tap water. It is clear to explain to children that people have to expend a lot of effort to get clean water.

    Conversation on the topic: “This is Victory Day!” 1st junior group Pr. sod. : tell the children what kind of holiday “May 9” is. Introduce them to the concept of war.

    Topic: Conversation about Victory Day (in the senior group) Goal: to educate children in a moral and patriotic spirit; reinforce their knowledge of how.

    Conversation about bread (senior, preparatory group). Conversation about bread (senior, preparatory group). Program content: To consolidate knowledge that bread is the most valuable food product.

    Goal: -to create a joyful mood in children; - to cultivate children's interest in nature; - pay attention to the appearance and structure of the frog;

    “Well, now I want to have a little fun,” Carlson said a minute later. - Let's run around the rooftops and figure out what to do there.

    The kid happily agreed. He took Carlson by the hand, and together they went out onto the roof. It was beginning to get dark, and everything around looked very beautiful: the sky was so blue, which only happens in spring; the houses, as always at dusk, seemed somehow mysterious. Below was a green park, in which the Kid often played, and from the tall poplars growing in the yard a wonderful, pungent smell of foliage rose.

    This evening was made for walking on the rooftops. A variety of sounds and noises could be heard from the open windows: the quiet conversation of some people, children's laughter and children's crying; the clanking of dishes that someone was washing in the kitchen; dog's bark; strumming the piano. Somewhere a motorcycle rumbled, and when it rushed by and the noise died down, the clatter of hooves and the rattling of a cart could be heard.

    “If people knew how nice it was to walk on the roofs, they would have stopped walking the streets a long time ago,” said the Kid. - It’s so good here!

    “Yes, and it’s very dangerous,” Carlson picked up, “because it’s easy to fall down.” I'll show you a few places where your heart skips a beat with fear.

    The houses were pressed so closely together that one could easily move from roof to roof. Attic projections, pipes and corners gave the roofs the most bizarre shapes.

    Indeed, walking here was so dangerous that it took your breath away. In one place between the houses there was a wide gap, and the Kid almost fell into it. But at the last minute, when the Kid’s foot had already slipped off the ledge, Carlson grabbed his hand.

    - Funny? - he shouted, dragging the Kid onto the roof. “These are exactly the kind of places I had in mind.” Well, shall we go further?

    But the Kid didn’t want to go further - his heart was beating too hard. They walked through such difficult and dangerous places that they had to cling on with their hands and feet so as not to fall. And Carlson, wanting to amuse the Kid, deliberately chose the more difficult road.

    “I think it’s time for us to have some fun,” Carlson said. “I often walk on the roofs in the evenings and like to make fun of the people living in these attics.”

    - How to make a joke? - asked the Kid.

    - Over different people in different ways. And I never repeat the same joke twice. Guess who is the best joker in the world?

    Suddenly, somewhere nearby, the loud cry of a baby was heard. The baby had heard earlier that someone was crying, but then the crying stopped. Apparently, the child calmed down for a while, but now he started screaming again. The scream came from the nearest attic and sounded pitiful and lonely.

    - Poor little thing! - said the Kid. — Maybe her stomach hurts.

    “We’ll find out now,” Carlson responded.

    They crawled along the cornice until they reached the attic window. Carlson raised his head and cautiously looked into the room.

    “An extremely neglected baby,” he said. “It’s clear that father and mother are running around somewhere.”

    The child was literally breaking down crying.

    - Calm, just calm! - Carlson rose above the window sill and said loudly: - Here comes Carlson, who lives on the roof - the best nanny in the world.

    The baby did not want to be left alone on the roof, and he also climbed through the window after Carlson, thinking with fear of what would happen if the baby’s parents suddenly appeared.

    But Carlson was completely calm. He walked up to the crib in which the child lay and tickled him under the chin with his plump index finger.

    - Spit-plop-ply! - he said playfully, then, turning to the Kid, he explained: “That’s what they always say to infants when they cry.”

    The baby fell silent for a moment in amazement, but then began to cry with renewed vigor.

    He took the child in his arms and shook him vigorously several times.

    The little one must have thought this was funny, because she suddenly smiled faintly with a toothless smile. Carlson was very proud.

    - How easy it is to cheer up a baby! - he said. - The best nanny in the world is...

    But he was unable to finish, as the child began to cry again.

    - Spit-plop-ply! — Carlson growled irritably and began to shake the girl even harder. - Do you hear what I’m telling you? Spit-plop-ply! It's clear?

    But the girl screamed at the top of her lungs, and the Kid stretched out his hands to her.

    “Let me take it,” he said.

    The kid loved little children very much and many times asked his mom and dad to give him a little sister, since they flatly refused to buy a dog.

    He took the screaming bundle from Carlson’s hands and gently pressed it to himself.

    - Don't cry, little one! - said the Kid. - You're so cute...

    The girl fell silent, looked at the Kid with serious, shining eyes, then smiled again with her toothless smile and quietly babbled something.

    “It was my pluti-pluti-plut that worked,” said Carlson. - Pluti-pluti-plut always works flawlessly. I've checked it thousands of times.

    - I wonder what her name is? - said the Kid and lightly ran his index finger along the child’s small, vague cheek.

    “Gylfiya,” answered Carlson. — Little girls are most often called this way.

    The kid had never heard of any girl’s name being Gyulfiya, but he thought that someone, the best nanny in the world, knew what such little ones were usually called.

    “Little Gylfiya, it seems to me that you are hungry,” said the Kid, watching how the child strives to grab his index finger with her lips.

    “If Gylfiya is hungry, then there is sausage and potatoes here,” said Carlson, looking into the buffet. “Not a single baby in the world will die of hunger until Carlson runs out of sausage and potatoes.”

    But the Kid doubted that Gylfiya would eat sausage and potatoes.

    “Such small children are fed, in my opinion, milk,” he objected.

    Gyulfiya vainly caught the Baby's finger and whimpered pitifully. Indeed, it looked like she was hungry.

    The kid rummaged around in the cupboard, but didn’t find any milk: there was only a plate with three pieces of sausage.

    - Calm, just calm! - said Carlson. - I remembered where I can get milk... I'll have to fly somewhere... Hello, I'll be back soon!

    He pressed the button on his stomach and, before the Kid had time to come to his senses, he quickly flew out of the window.

    The kid was terribly scared. What if Carlson, as usual, disappears for several hours? What if the child’s parents return home and see their Gyulfiya in the arms of the Baby?

    But the Kid didn’t have to worry much - this time Carlson didn’t have to wait long. Proud as a rooster, he flew into the window, holding in his hands a small bottle with a nipple, the kind from which infants are usually fed.

    -Where did you get it? — the Kid was surprised.

    “Where I always get milk,” answered Carlson, “on one balcony in Östermalm.”

    - How, did you just steal it? - exclaimed the Kid.

    - I... borrowed it.

    - On loan? When are you going to return it?

    - Never!

    The kid looked sternly at Carlson. But Carlson just waved his hand:

    - It’s nothing, it’s an everyday matter... Just one tiny bottle of milk. There is a family there where triplets were born, and they have a bucket of ice full of these bottles on their balcony. They will only be glad that I took some milk for Gyul-fiya.

    Gylfiya extended her small hands to the bottle and smacked her lips impatiently.

    “I’ll warm up the milk now,” said the Kid and handed Gylfiy to Carlson, who again began to scream: “Pluti-pluti-plut” and shake the baby.

    Meanwhile, the Kid turned on the stove and began to warm the bottle.

    A few minutes later, Gylfiya was already lying in her crib and fast asleep. She was full and satisfied. The baby fussed around her. Carlson furiously rocked the crib and sang loudly:

    - Plutty-pluti-plut... Plutty-pluti-plut...

    But, despite all this noise, Gylfiya fell asleep, because she was full and tired.

    “Now, before we leave here, let’s play some pranks,” suggested Carlson.

    He went to the buffet and took out a plate of sliced ​​sausage. The kid watched him, eyes wide in surprise. Carlson took one piece from the plate.

    - Now you will see what it means to play pranks. — And Carlson stuck a piece of sausage on the doorknob. “Number one,” he said and nodded his head with a satisfied look.

    Then Carlson ran to the cabinet on which stood a beautiful white porcelain dove, and before the Kid could say a word, the pigeon also had sausage in its beak.

    “Number two,” said Carlson. - And number three will go to Gyulfiya.

    He grabbed the last piece of sausage from the plate and thrust it into the sleeping Gyl-fiya’s hand. It actually looked very funny. One might have thought that Gylfiya herself got up, took a piece of sausage and fell asleep with it.

    But the Kid still said:

    - Please don't do this.

    - Calm, just calm! — Carlson answered. “We’ll stop her parents from running away from home in the evenings.”

    - Why? — the Kid was surprised.

    “They won’t dare leave a child who is already walking around and getting his own sausage.” Who can foresee what she will want to take next time? Perhaps dad's Sunday tie?

    And Carlson checked to see if the sausage would fall out of Gyl-fiya’s little hand.

    - Calm, just calm! - he continued. - I know what I do. After all, I am the best nanny in the world.

    Just at that moment the Kid heard someone coming up the stairs and jumped up in fright.

    - They are coming! - he whispered.

    - Calm, just calm! - said Carlson and dragged the Kid to the window.

    The key has already been inserted into the keyhole. The kid decided that everything was lost. But, fortunately, they still managed to climb out onto the roof. The next second the door slammed, and the words reached the Kid:

    - And our dear little Susanna sleeps and sleeps! - said the woman.

    “Yes, my daughter is sleeping,” the man responded.

    But suddenly a scream was heard. Gulfiya's dad and mom must have noticed that the girl was clutching a piece of sausage in her hand.

    The kid did not wait to hear what Gylfiya’s parents would say about the antics of the best nanny in the world, who, as soon as she heard their voices, quickly hid behind the chimney.

    - Do you want to see the crooks? - Carlson asked the Kid when they caught their breath a little. “Here I have two first-class swindlers living in the same attic.

    Carlson spoke as if these crooks were his property. The kid doubted this, but, one way or another, he wanted to look at them.

    From the attic window that Carlson pointed to, loud talking, laughter and screams could be heard.

    - Oh, there is fun here! - Carlson exclaimed. “Let’s go see what they’re so amused by.”

    Carlson and Baby crawled along the cornice again. When they reached the attic, Carlson raised his head and looked out the window. It was curtained. But Carlson found a hole through which the entire room was visible.

    “The swindlers have a guest,” Carlson whispered.

    The kid also looked into the hole. In the room sat two subjects who looked quite similar to swindlers, and a nice, modest fellow like those guys whom the Kid had seen in the village where his grandmother lived.

    - Do you know what I think? - Carlson whispered. “I think my crooks are up to something bad.” But we will stop them... - Carlson looked into the hole again. “I bet they want to rob that poor fellow in the red tie!”

    The crooks and the guy in the tie were sitting at a small table right next to the window. They ate and drank.

    From time to time the swindlers patted their guest on the shoulder in a friendly manner, saying:

    — It’s so good that we met you, dear Oscar!

    “I’m also very glad to meet you,” Oscar answered. — When you first come to a city, you really want to find good friends, loyal and reliable. Otherwise you will run into some scammers, and they will scam you in an instant.

    The swindlers chimed in approvingly:

    - Certainly. It doesn't take long to become a victim of scammers. You, guy, are very lucky that you met Fille and me.

    “Of course, if you hadn’t met Rulle and me, you would have had a bad time.” “Now eat and drink to your heart’s content,” said the one called Fille, and again patted Oscar on the shoulder.

    But then Fillet did something that completely amazed the Kid: he casually put his hand in the back pocket of Oscar's trousers, took out his wallet and carefully put it in the back pocket of his own trousers. Oskar did not notice anything, because just at that moment Rulle squeezed him in his arms. When Rulle finally released his embrace, he found Oscar’s watch in his hand. Rulle also put them in the back pocket of his trousers. And Oscar again did not notice anything.

    But suddenly Carlson, who lives on the roof, carefully put his plump hand under the curtain and pulled Oscar’s wallet out of Fille’s pocket. And Fille didn’t notice anything either. Then Carlson again put his plump hand under the curtain and pulled out Rulle’s watch from his pocket. And he didn’t notice anything either. But a few minutes later, when Rulle, Fille and Oscar were still drinking and eating, Fille put his hand in his pocket and discovered that his wallet had disappeared. Then he looked angrily at Rulle and said:

    - Listen, Rulle, let's go out into the hallway. We need to talk about something.

    And just then Rulle reached into his pocket and noticed that the watch had disappeared. He, in turn, looked angrily at Fille and said:

    - Went! And I have something to talk to you about.

    Fille and Rulle went out into the hallway, and poor Oscar was left all alone. He must have gotten bored sitting alone, and he also went out into the hallway to see what his new friends were doing there.

    Then Carlson quickly jumped over the windowsill and put his wallet in the soup bowl. Since Fille, Rulle and Oscar had already eaten all the soup, the wallet was not wet. As for the clock, Carlson attached it to the lamp. They hung in plain sight, swaying slightly, and Fille, Rulle and Oscar saw them as soon as they returned to the room.

    But they didn’t notice Carlson, because he crawled under the table, covered with a tablecloth hanging to the floor. Sitting under the table was the Kid, who, despite his fear, never wanted to leave Carlson alone in such a dangerous position.

    - Look, my watch is hanging from the lamp! - Oscar exclaimed in surprise. - How could they get there?

    He went to the lamp, took off his watch and put it in the pocket of his jacket.

    - And here is my wallet, honestly! - Oscar was even more amazed, looking into the soup bowl. - How strange!

    Rulle and Fille stared at Oscar.

    - And the guys in your village, apparently, are no slouch either! - they exclaimed in unison.

    Then Oscar, Rulle and Fille sat down at the table again.

    “Dear Oscar,” said Fille, “eat and drink your fill!”

    And they again began to eat and drink and pat each other on the shoulder.

    A few minutes later, Fille lifted the tablecloth and threw Oscar's wallet under the table. Apparently, Fillet believed that the wallet would be safer on the floor than in his pocket. But it turned out differently: Carlson, who was sitting under the table, picked up his wallet and put it in Rulla’s hand. Then Rulle said:

    - Fille, I was unfair to you, you are a noble man.

    After a while, Rulle put his hand under the tablecloth and put the clock on the floor. Carlson picked up the watch and, pushing Fille with his foot, placed it in his hand. Then Fille said:

    - There is no comrade more reliable than you, Rulle!

    But then Oscar screamed:

    - Where is my wallet? Where is my watch?

    At the same moment, both the wallet and the watch were back on the floor under the table, because neither Fille nor Roulle wanted to be caught red-handed if Oscar started a scandal. And Oscar had already begun to lose his temper, loudly demanding that his things be returned to him. Then Fille shouted:

    - How should I know where you put your lousy wallet!

    “We haven’t seen your crappy watch!” You must take care of your own goods.

    Then Carlson picked up first his wallet and then his watch from the floor and thrust them straight into Oscar’s hands. Oscar grabbed his things and exclaimed:

    “Thank you, dear Fille, thank you, Rulle, but next time don’t joke with me like that!”

    Then Carlson hit Fille on the leg with all his might.

    - You will pay for this, Rulle! Fille yelled.

    Meanwhile, Carlson hit Rulle in the leg so hard that he howled in pain.

    -Are you crazy? Why are you fighting? - shouted Rulle.

    Rulle and Fille jumped out from the table and began to poke each other so energetically that all the plates fell on the floor and broke, and Oskar, scared to death, put his wallet and watch in his pocket and went home.

    He never returned here again. The baby was also very scared, but he could not get away and therefore, hiding, sat under the table.

    Fille was stronger than Rulle, and he pushed Rulle into the hallway to finally deal with him there.

    Then Carlson and Baby quickly crawled out from under the table. Carlson, seeing fragments of plates scattered on the floor, said:

    — All the plates are broken, but the soup bowl is intact. How lonely this poor soup bowl must be!

    And he banged the soup bowl on the floor with all his might. Then he and the Kid rushed to the window and quickly climbed out onto the roof.

    The kid heard Fille and Rulle return to the room and Fille ask:

    - Why did you, idiot, give him your wallet and watch out of the blue?

    -Are you crazy? - answered Rulle. - After all, you did it!

    Hearing their swearing, Carlson laughed so hard that his stomach shook.

    - Well, that's enough entertainment for today! - he said through laughter.

    The kid was also fed up with today's antics.

    It was already completely dark when the Kid and Carlson, holding hands, wandered to a small house hidden behind a chimney on the roof of the house where the Kid lived. When they had almost reached the place, they heard a fire truck rushing down the street, honking its siren.

    “There must be a fire somewhere,” said the Kid. - Do you hear the firefighters passing by?

    “And maybe even in your house,” Carlson said with hope in his voice. - Just tell me right away. I will gladly help them because I am the best firefighter in the world.

    From the roof they saw a fire truck stop at the entrance. A crowd gathered around her, but the fire was nowhere to be seen. And yet, from the car to the very roof, a long ladder quickly extended, exactly the same as what firefighters use.

    - Maybe they are behind me? - the Kid asked anxiously, suddenly remembering the note he had left with him; because now it was already so late.

    “I don’t understand why everyone is so alarmed.” Could anyone really not like that you went for a little walk on the roof? — Carlson was indignant.

    “Yes,” answered the Kid, “to my mother.” You know, she has nerves...

    When the Kid thought about this, he felt sorry for his mother, and he really wanted to return home as soon as possible.

    “It would be nice to have a little fun with the firefighters...” Carlson noted.

    But the Kid didn't want to have any more fun. He stood quietly and waited for the fireman, who was already climbing the ladder, to finally reach the roof.

    “Well,” said Carlson, “perhaps it’s time for me to go to bed too.” Of course, we behaved very quietly, frankly speaking - approximately. But we must not forget that this morning I had a strong fever, at least thirty to forty degrees.

    And Carlson galloped to his house.

    - Hi baby! - he shouted.

    - Hello, Carlson! - the Kid responded, without taking his eyes off the fireman, who was climbing the stairs higher and higher.

    “Hey, Kid,” Carlson shouted before disappearing behind the pipe, “don’t tell the firefighters that I live here!” After all, I’m the best fireman in the world and I’m afraid they’ll send for me when a house catches fire somewhere.

    The fireman was already close.

    - Stay where you are and don’t move! - he ordered the Kid. - Do you hear, don’t move! I'll get up and take you off the roof now.

    The kid thought that it was very nice of the fireman to warn him, but pointless. After all, he had been walking along the rooftops all evening and, of course, could even now take a few steps to approach the stairs.

    - Did your mother send you? - Little asked the fireman when he, taking him in his arms, began to descend.

    - Well, yes, mom. Certainly. But... it seemed to me that there were two little boys on the roof.

    The kid remembered Carlson’s request and said seriously:

    - No, there was no other boy here.

    Mom really had “nerves.” She, and Dad, and Bosse, and Bethan, and many other strangers stood on the street and waited for the Kid. Mom rushed to him and hugged him; she cried and laughed. Then dad took the Baby in his arms and carried him home, holding him tightly.

    - How you scared us! - said Bosse.

    Bethan also began to cry and said through her tears:

    - Don't ever do that again. Remember, Baby, never!

    The baby was immediately put to bed, and the whole family gathered around him as if today was his birthday. But dad said very seriously:

    “Didn’t you realize that we would worry?” Didn’t you know that mom would be beside herself with anxiety and cry?

    The baby huddled in his bed.

    - Well, why were you worried? - he muttered.

    Mom hugged him very tightly.

    - Just think! - she said. - What if you fell from the roof? What if we lost you?

    —Would you be upset then?

    - What do you think? - Mom answered. “We wouldn’t agree to part with you for any treasure in the world.” You know that yourself.

    - And even for a hundred thousand million crowns? - asked the Kid.

    - And even for a hundred thousand million crowns!

    - So, am I worth that much? - The Kid was amazed.

    “Of course,” mom said and hugged him again!

    The kid began to think: one hundred thousand million crowns - what a huge pile of money! Can it really cost that much? After all, a puppy, a real, beautiful puppy, can be bought for only fifty crowns...

    “Listen, dad,” the Kid suddenly said, “if I’m really worth a hundred thousand millions, then couldn’t I get fifty crowns in cash now to buy myself a little puppy?”

    Lindgren Astrid

    We present the most interesting student works.

    Popova Dasha

    Writer Astrid Lindgren wrote a wonderful book "Baby and Carlson." She brought together all the children and their shortcomings and got Carlson.
    He has red hair, blue eyes, chubby arms, and he is not thin. Most importantly, it had a button on its belly and a propeller on its back. Carlson could fly. Our hero had a house on the roof. His house is a mess. Carlson's furnishings are bad: a small sofa and many different trinkets hanging on nails.
    Carlson is a cheerful, kind, good friend. But, like any person, he also had his downsides. Carlson is greedy, grumpy, lazy, and he was terribly touchy. Carlson loved to steal, although these actions could hardly be called theft: for each thing he took without asking, he paid five eras.
    Carlson had a positive influence on the Kid. He helped him open up and taught him several of his phrases: “Trifles, an everyday matter,” “Calmness,
    just calm."
    Freken Bock thought that Carlson was a classmate of the Kid, Uncle Julius from the very beginning, when Carlson mocked him, thought that he was an otherworldly creature.
    All of Baby's relatives didn't really like Carlson, but mom, dad and the rest understood that the child needed a friend. I also think that every child needs his own Carlson.
    For adults, Carlson is a fiction, but for children it is not.

    Nekrasova Lena

    I read A. Lindgren's book "The Kid and Carlson". And it had a main character. His name was Carlson. He was moderately well-fed, as he considered himself, handsome, smart, he had red hair and blue eyes, and, most importantly, he had a propeller on his back and a button on his stomach.
    Carlson had positive and negative traits. Positive: he was cheerful, kind, playful and sympathetic. And negative traits: greedy, sloppy, dirty, cunning, lazy and a little thief.
    While the Kid didn’t know about Carlson, he was secretive, timid, and shy. And when he got to know and became friends with Carlson, he became open, more hooligan, and responsive. His room became cheerful and noisy. The kid found a true friend in Carlson.
    Everyone thought differently about Carlson. For example, Freken Bock thought that Carlson was a simple classmate of the Kid. The newspaper wrote that he was a flying barrel. For a long time, parents did not believe in him and thought that this was an invention of the Kid.
    Carlson is a little invention of many children.

    Levilien Danya

    I read A. Lindgren’s book “The Kid and Carlson”, and the main character there is Carlson himself. The events take place in the Swedish city of Stockholm.
    Carlson had a funny appearance: he had blue eyes, red hair, small chubby hands, a propeller on his back and a button on his stomach. He had advantages - he is kind, sympathetic, cheerful. He is also funny and, of course, mischievous, but despite all these advantages, he had many disadvantages - he was a hooligan, a petty thief and a slob. He was a slob because he broke his mother's favorite dish. This is one such example.
    When Carlson visited the Kid for the first time, he was glad to see him, because that day he made a real friend.
    Freken Bock thought he was a mischief maker, Uncle Julius thought he was actually a flying gnome, and Bosse, Bethan, mom and dad thought he was a child's fantasy.
    Somewhere he is real, and somewhere he is fictional, but still he is the Kid’s best friend.

    Tarasova Kristina

    Once I read A. Lindgren’s book “The Kid and Carlson”. The main character of the book is Carlson. He lived in the city of Stockholm. Carlson had a house on the roof behind the chimney.
    Carlson is a little man who had chubby hands. There was a button on Carlson's stomach and a propeller on his back. Carlson has blue eyes and short hair.
    Carlson is very cheerful, playful, funny, kind, but touchy, has a sweet tooth, a thief, a braggart, a cunning man.
    When the Kid didn’t know Carlson yet, he was bored. The kid met Carlson, and his life changed a lot. He became cheerful, playful, bold, self-confident, brave.
    Uncle Julius thought that the flying Carlson did not exist. Freken Bok - that this is a classmate of the Kid, whose rich parents bought a propeller. Christer and Gunila that Carlson is an invention of the Kid.
    I believe that Carlson is a fairy-tale character who exists in the world of fairy tales.

    Chernova Masha

    I read A. Lindgren's book "The Kid and Carlson". I don't like Carlson as a hero. Carlson is plump, red-haired and short. He has a button on his stomach and a propeller on his back. Carlson lived in a house on the roof. He is a petty thief, always has the highest opinion of himself, an arrogant, greedy and lazy dirty fellow. But he is sympathetic, funny, brave and funny.
    When the Kid didn’t know Carlson, he was timid, but after he met, the Kid became brave and picked up various words from Carlson.
    The kid considered Carlson his best friend. Freken Bok thought that Carlson was Baby’s school friend and a stupid hooligan. Julius considered Carlson just a boy. Mom and Dad knew who Carlson was and did not have a very good opinion of him, and Bethan and Bosse thought the same as their parents. In the newspaper, Carlson was considered a flying barrel.
    In my opinion, Carlson is an invention of the Kid.

    Larionova Dasha

    I read A. Lindgren's book "The Kid and Carlson". I really liked the main character - Carlson.
    He has blue eyes, red hair, a propeller on his back and a button on his stomach.
    It had its pros and cons. The advantages are that he is cheerful, moderately well-fed and in full bloom. And the downsides are that he was greedy, cunning, fat, and boastful.
    When the Kid didn’t know Carlson yet, he was timid and shy. And when they became friends, the Kid became more open.
    Baby's mother did not believe that Carlson existed. Even dad, even Bosse and Bethan didn't believe him. Both Christer and Gunila - no one believed in his existence. It seemed that everything was in vain, there was no more hope! But suddenly one day everyone who didn’t believe saw him. The baby was happy. Because he really wanted to introduce him to his family. But others were not happy.
    But who is he - Carlson? Probably a children's fantasy. After all, there are many children, and so many fantasies. They all fantasize! All.
    Still, Carlson had no family...

    Dneprovskaya Lera

    I was reading a book. The author of this book is A. Lindgren. The title of this book is "Baby and Carlson." The main character of this book is Carlson. This is a small plump man with chubby little hands. He has a propeller on his back and a button on his stomach. He lived on the roof. He was a greedy, lazy, arrogant prankster. But he was also kind and a good friend. Before Carlson, the Kid was timid, he did not make noise, and always played alone. But when Carlson appeared, the Kid’s life changed dramatically. He became cheerful, loud, and no longer shy.
    Everyone considered Carlson a child's invention. The newspaper said it was a barrel that flies. Freken Bock believed that Carlson was a classmate of the Kid who was breaking his parents’ gift. I believe that Carlson is a childhood fantasy that has come to life.

    From the site administration

    The main characters of the book “The Kid and Carlson” are a seven-year-old boy, whose parents simply call him the Kid, and a funny little man named Carlson, who lives on the roof and can fly. The baby lived in a large and friendly family. He had both a mother and father, as well as an older brother and sister. But the Kid didn’t have a friend, and he was very happy when one day Carlson flew to his windowsill. The little cheerful man with a propeller on his back did not like a quiet life, and he always wanted to play all sorts of mischief.

    In a very short time, the friends managed to blow up a steam engine, walk on the rooftops, where they scared two thieves to death, and do many other pranks. Moreover, every time after pranks, Carlson managed to disappear in time, and the Kid turned out to be guilty in the eyes of his parents. Parents did not want to believe in Carlson’s existence. But at Baby’s birthday, the whole family finally met the little flyer.

    To look after the Kid, the parents hired a housekeeper, Miss Bok, whom the boy called “housekeeper.” Together with Carlson, they played the strict housekeeper in every possible way and made fun of her. But in the end, they made peace with Miss Bock, and she really liked the little important man who flew so funny, buzzing with his propeller.

    This is the summary of the book.

    The main idea of ​​the book “Kid and Carlson” is that young children definitely need friends who are close to them in spirit and in their range of interests. Neither parents nor other adults can replace children's communication with peers. Carlson, this cheerful man without age, had a remarkable character trait - he was liked by everyone, both children and adults, and even the strict Miss Bok. The book teaches you to be attentive to children and their interests in order to prevent distortions in the character of the growing little person.

    In the book, I liked Miss Bok, who at first seemed like a very strict woman with an obnoxious character, but in the end it turned out that she could be very friendly.

    What proverbs fit the book “The Kid and Carlson”?

    A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.
    If you don’t have a friend, look for it, and if you find it, take care.
    The world is famous for miracles.

    “The Kid and Carlson” is a fairy-tale trilogy by Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren. The first part of the work was published in 1955, when Lindgren's fame had already thundered throughout the world thanks to the red-haired Pippi Longstocking. The public liked the funny little man named Carlson so much that Lindgren composed a continuation of the story: in 1962, the second part about the return of the little man with a motor was published, in 1968 - the third and final chapter, telling about the new adventures of Carlson and the Kid.

    Despite the fact that Pippi is recognized as Lindgren’s most popular character, Carlson is more loved in Russian culture. Today this is one of the most replicated and recognizable literary images. Many of his expressions turned into phraseological units: “Calm, just calm,” “Trifles, an everyday matter,” “A moderately well-fed man in the prime of life,” etc.

    The Soviet cartoon “Kid and Carlson” (1968) played a huge role in popularizing the image in our country. Director Yuri Stepantsev, production designers Yuri Butyrin and Anatoly Savchenko worked on the film, and the calling card of the project was the creative tandem of Klara Rumyanova and Vasily Livanov, who voiced Malysh and Carlson.

    In 2012, a modern version of Carlson’s adventures called “The Same Carlson” was released on Russian screens. The role of the flying hooligan from the roof was played by the popular Russian comedian Mikhail Galustyan.

    Let's go back to childhood and remember the plot of our favorite book about the friendship between the Kid and Carlson.

    Part one: Carlson, who lives on the roof

    In a very ordinary Stockholm house lived a very ordinary family with the surname Svanteson - father, mother and three children. The eldest's name was Bosse, and he, like all fifteen-year-old boys, liked to stand in the football goal more than at the school board. The daughter's name was Bethan, and she, like all fourteen-year-old girls, wore long braids and wanted to please boys. And the youngest Svante was simply called Baby, and he, like all seven-year-old boys, did not wash his ears, rubbed holes in the knees of his pants and dreamed of a puppy.

    This story happened on a day when being a Kid wasn't so good. Mom again scolded her son for his frayed pants, his sister sarcastically recommended wiping his nose, and dad scolded him for coming home late from school. At that moment, the Kid felt like the loneliest person on the planet. Mom has a dad, Bosse and Bethan are always together, but he has no one!

    Upset, the Kid went to his room. And then he arrived - a small plump man with a motor. After spinning a little in the air, he landed on the window sill of the Kid’s room. “Can I sit here for a while?” - asked the strange stranger. “Isn’t it hard for you to fly like this?” - asked the amazed boy. “Not a bit, because I’m the best flyer in the world! However, I do not advise every simpleton to repeat this trick. By the way, my name is Carlson, and I live on the roof.”

    Who is Carlson
    Carlson was the most extraordinary creature of this ordinary Stockholm house. Firstly, he lived in a small house on the roof, and secondly, he could fly! Everyone can fly airplanes and helicopters, but Carlson flew on his own - just press a button on his stomach and the motor would turn on, which would take its owner to any place.

    Carlson's exact age is quite difficult to determine. At least, he modestly positions himself as “a moderately well-fed man in the prime of his life,” handsome, intellectual and cheerful.

    With the advent of Carlson, the Kid’s life changed dramatically. On the one hand, he finally had a close friend, on the other, a lot of troubles had increased, because Carlson was always trying to play pranks and mischief.

    For example, on the very first day, a plump little man from the roof burned through a shelf of books and blew up the Kid’s steam engine. A little later, Carlson arranges a tour of the Stockholm rooftops, during which the Kid is looking for a rescue squad called by his worried parents. This semi-fantastic rooftop dweller turns a snow-white sheet into a ghost costume and scares away thieves who break into the house.

    Carlson likes to praise himself, lie a little and noticeably increase himself. According to him, he is the world's best specialist in steam engines, the world's best rooster drawer, the world's best master of high-speed room cleaning, the world's best builder, the world's best nanny, the world's best fireman... This list goes on and on.

    At first, the Kid could not share his joy of meeting a new friend - no one believed in Carlson’s existence. Yes, he himself was in no hurry to get to know those around him. As soon as someone outside entered the room, Carlson immediately disappeared. He was the first to reveal himself to Baby's friends Christer and Gunilla, and much later to the entire Svanteson family.

    This happened during the celebration of the Kid's eighth birthday. Young Svante loved this holiday very much and regretted that so much time passed between one birthday and another, almost like between one Christmas and another. However, Baby's eighth birthday turned out to be special because he finally got a dog!

    The best dachshund in the world named Bimpo was sleeping peacefully in a basket, and Baby, Christer and Gunilla were trying to keep up with Carlson, who was eating all the treats from the table with great speed. Mom, Dad, Bosse and Bethan came in and were taken aback when they saw a small plump man in the company of children. The stranger waved to the family with a plump hand smeared with cereal and whipped cream. The adults closed the door and agreed not to tell anyone about the Kid’s extraordinary friend.

    Carlson was not a fiction. He really existed!

    Part two: Carlson, who lives on the roof, has arrived again

    The Kid spent the whole summer staying with his grandmother; all this time he did not see Carlson. Returning home, the Kid waited every day for his friend to return, but the little man from the roof still did not appear. At times the boy lost hope and cried quietly in his bed. “Carlson will never fly again!” - thought the Kid.

    The sound of an engine was heard that day when the Kid was sitting at his desk and sorting through his stamps. A few moments later, Carlson appeared in the room. "Hi baby!" - the plump little man said cheerfully. “Hello, Carlson!” - The Kid exclaimed joyfully.

    Carlson told the Kid that he was also visiting his grandmother. His grandmother, of course, is the best grandmother in the world, much more caring, kinder, more generous than the one that the Kid has. Then the guest demanded a treat and was very upset that nothing special had been prepared for his unexpected visit. With an offended look, having swallowed all the fried sausage that his mother had prepared, Carlson became a little better and suggested doing some spring cleaning.

    First, he vacuumed the curtains, which immediately became black and wrinkled, then he sucked up the best brand from the Kid’s collection, and to free it, he gutted the entire dust container onto the carpet. Dust covered the room in a thick layer. “Calm, just calm! - as usual, Carlson said - Now all the dust is in its place. This is the law of order."

    Then the friends went to clean Carlson’s house on the roof. This time the Kid cleaned up, and the owner supervised the process, lying on the sofa.

    The Kid's parents were getting ready to leave. A housekeeper, Miss Bok, was hired to look after the house and the boy. The kid expected her to be a beautiful young girl, but Miss Bok turned out to be a corpulent, domineering woman in her years. She immediately established her own rules in the house, turned the Kid’s life into a real hell, and in retaliation she was nicknamed “the housewife.”

    When leaving, mom and dad strictly forbade telling Miss Bok about Carlson, but the mischievous little man from the roof never followed the rules. He decided to teach the nasty lady a lesson. In the usual way, he pulled the sheet over and pretended to be a ghost. Seeing a flying and also talking ghost, the housekeeper barricaded herself in the bathroom. But soon Carlson’s deception was revealed and after a short “war” with the culminating “battle for meatballs”, Miss Carlson and Baby became very good friends.

    When Mom, Dad, Bosse and Bethan returned, they all gathered in the living room in front of the TV. Miss Bok spoke on the other side of the screen. Carlson inspired her to participate in a culinary talk show. Everyone devoured the cake baked by the former housekeeper and enjoyed each other's company.

    Part three: Carlson, who lives on the roof, plays pranks again

    Another whole year passes. It is impossible to keep Carlson's existence a secret for long. And now the city newspapers are already full of sensational articles about an unidentified flying object that looks like a small barrel. Among the many journalistic guesses, the leading version is about a foreign spy satellite. They promise 10 thousand crowns for his capture.

    Meanwhile, Baby's parents are going on a cruise, and Bosse and Bethan are also going on a summer vacation. Not wanting to abandon Carlson during such a difficult period for him, the Kid remains in Stockholm under the care of an old friend, Miss Bok. They are kept company by a distant relative of their father - Uncle Julius from Västergötland - a self-sufficient elderly miser, a whiner and a hypocrite.

    In a word, the summer holidays did not promise any special adventures for the Kid. But how can it be boring when your best friend is Carlson, who lives on the roof?!

    Carlson continues to wage “battles” with Miss Bock, organizes his birthday, drives away the crooks who covet a reward for the capture of the “spy companion,” and re-educates old Julius, opening him to the world of fairy tales. Julius stops grumbling, being capricious and moping, he falls in love with Miss Bok and proposes to her.

    Well, Carlson goes to the editorial office of a Stockholm newspaper and gives a sensational interview, debunking the theory about the satellite and spies. He refuses to give his name, only intriguingly notices that it begins with “Karl” and ends with “son”, describes in vivid colors all his advantages and demands to pay a reward in the amount of 10 thousand promised crowns. The editors give him part of the fee in five-era coins, because only this, in the opinion of the unusual fat man, is real money. Carlson also tells the world that he has a younger brother to whom he is very attached.

    Find out more about , a man who made an invaluable contribution to the creation of children's literature, leaving behind an innumerable variety of works for children.

    The entertaining story about the red-haired girl in the book will definitely captivate your attention, and you will definitely want to read the book to the end.

    At first, the Kid is angry with Carlson for revealing the secret of his existence and dooming the family to a lifetime of attention from annoying journalists. But after reading Carlson’s confession about his attachment to his “younger brother,” he immediately stopped sulking. This means that Carlson feels the same as he does! So this is real friendship! She exists!

    The kid and Carlson spend the rest of the evening on the veranda of the house on the roof, warm buns melt in their mouths, and the Stockholm stars wink good-naturedly at the two little night owls!

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