• How to invoke the spirits of the dead. How to summon spirits


    People have always wanted to know what happens after death. In this they were divided into two categories - those who do not materialistically believe in the afterlife, and their opponents. But magicians and sorcerers, shamans have long understood that the spiritual world exists, that there are spirits. We will try to answer the question of how to summon the spirits of the dead as accurately and correctly as possible. To do this, take five ways.

    Method one - self-summoning spirits

    Before talking about this method, it should be said that it is highly recommended. The fact is that in such an important occupation as the evocation of spirits, support is needed. And it should be the support of a professional. It can be a magician, and a psychic. For example, Alena Kurilova always says in her TV shows that it is simply impossible to get in touch with the world of magic and spirits on your own.

    In order to perform the call of spirits alone, it is necessary to conduct this session in the dark. It is known that the souls of the dead can come very actively into this world from 12 o'clock at night until almost morning, until 4 o'clock.

    Since ancient times, people performed such a ritual only with the help of candles. They must be made of natural wax. At the same time, there should be no electric lighting in the room at all.

    • A special sheet of paper is prepared on which the necessary questions are written in advance. These questions are then read out.
    • Some believe that it is easier for the spirit to get into the living room if, for example, a window is open. But it is important to understand that the spirit is an incorporeal being, it is energy, there are no barriers for it at all.
    • Another important rule is the absence of any jewelry, as well as metal objects.
    • For the ritual, incense is very suitable, which can be dispelled in the room, that is, fumigate the room. It has long been believed that the smell of incense kills lower entities, simply scares them away.
    • As soon as the session is over, you need to express gratitude to the spirit of the deceased who has come, to say that he will not return again.
    • It is also necessary to use all means of security, that is, to call only one spirit, and not a whole crowd of them.
    • Naturally, a person must be in a sober state.

    The second way, how to call the spirits of the dead with the help of a witch board

    A very long time ago, a witch's board was created to communicate with the world of spirits. To make such a board, you can simply draw a circle on a regular Whatman paper using a compass. On the outside, you need to place the letters alphabetically, but inside, place the numbers from zero to nine. In the center it is necessary to draw a vertical line, on both sides of it write the words "yes" and "no". After that, you can proceed to the spiritualistic session. It is interesting that such a session was carried out not only in the dark, but also during the day. But for this you need to make the room twilight, curtain the window with curtains. Natural wax candles are also needed.

    Also for this seance you need a saucer. On its underside, you need to draw an arrow with some dark paint. After that, all the participants in the séance sit around this sorcery board, and the medium takes a saucer, warms it over a candle and places it in the center of the circle. Then you can say the words that should call the spirit.

    The third way to call the spirit of the deceased with scissors

    What people can't think of. It turns out that scissors can also serve as a specific tool for calling. This requires two people. A red ribbon, a spiritual book, is also taken. These scissors are located between the pages of the taken book so that the rings are only on the outside, that is, on the outside. Then the book is tightly bandaged.

    Then the person takes the scissors with his little fingers by the rings and calls on the spirit. The spirit must answer the call and after that the book must swing to the sides. Only after that you can ask your questions to the spirit that has come. If the book turns to the right, then this is a positive response of the spirit, to the left, respectively, negative.

    Method four - how to call the spirits of the dead with an ordinary needle

    The rite with a needle is no different from calling the spirit with the help of a witch's board. You just need to remember that instead of a saucer, a pendulum, which is a needle, will be used.

    To do this, we thread a black thread into the needle and hold the pendulum in the right hand. After that, you need to call on the spirit, such words must be repeated three times. After that, you need to wait for the response of your body. Thus, you need to focus on your feelings. If you feel someone's presence near you, then you can ask if this spirit has come.

    If the right spirit has come, then you can ask him the necessary question. The answer is obtained by moving the hand with this pendulum in a circle. If the needle stops at any letter, then this will be the answer. I must say that at first such seances can be difficult. It is necessary that the body get used to the thread with the needle, tune in to the pendulum. However, after some practice, you can get reliable answers.

    The fifth way is how to call the spirit of the deceased with the help of a psychic

    If you call the spirits of the deceased yourself, then it will look like an amateur activity. That is, an unprepared person will try to look, as it were, into another world and call on the spirit. There may be consequences for him. Therefore, the best way to summon a spirit is to call an ordinary psychic. Let a qualified specialist do it.

    Your task is to get answers to questions. Let it be a very good psychic that summons spirits, using special rituals, and burns candles. The fact is that psychics do this almost every day. They know all the secrets of such rituals, use special means for protection. And the issue of human protection is paramount here. After all, it is not known who will come to the meeting - it may be the spirit that is called, or maybe a demon or a demon. The Church generally forbids and does not recommend such seances. God created man to enjoy this life. And he will always have time to come to the world of spirits, and this will happen after death.

    The question of how to summon the spirit of a deceased relative is asked by many people who have had to lose loved ones. Below you will find rituals that it is quite possible to perform at home, and the rules that every novice medium should follow.

    In the article:

    In order to invoke the soul of your relative, turn off the light in the room, light three candles in front of you and put a photo of the deceased. Relax and calm down. Tune in to positive thoughts, imagine that, having come to you, this person will give answers to all your questions.

    When you're ready, say:

    Spirit (name), I call you.
    I want to know the answers to my questions.
    Appear before me like a shadow
    And tell me what the next day will give me.

    The text is pronounced three times, after which you will feel that the spirit has come to you. Usually, with the help of this ritual, you can find out your future. If your relative is supportive, he will definitely tell you everything he knows about your future.

    If you use questions that can be answered: “Yes”, “No”, then prepare symbols in advance that will help you figure it all out. Or ask the soul of a relative, when she comes, to touch your left hand if the answer is yes, and your right hand if the answer to the question is no. If you ask general questions, then wait for clues from fate the next day.

    After the ceremony, be sure to thank the deceased and say:

    Where you came from, where you will go. Amen.

    Summoning the Soul of the Dead in the Cemetery

    Cemetery- this is a place, imposition and damage, removal of curses and. This place has an inexhaustible supply of energy that can be used. Summoning your deceased relative to the graveyard is safer than any other ghost.

    In order to perform the ritual, take with you:

    • treat;
    • a bottle of clean water;
    • a candle.

    treat clean water bottle

    Come to the grave of your relative. Turn to him, say that you have come to ask for help, that without him you cannot cope in any way. Ask forgiveness in advance for disturbing him. After that, put a treat on the grave, light a candle and say:

    Oh, spirit (name), I (my name) came to you and call you. Do not be angry, spirit, that I disturb you. But I can't do it without your help. Appear before me now.

    If the spirit agrees to help you, then you will feel how the cold air begins to penetrate you. This means that he has come. Some mages can even see the very soul of a deceased ancestor. This greatly simplifies the ceremony, as you can follow the behavior and emotions of the deceased.

    When the spirit appears, ask him your question and ask for help. You can safely trust what he says, because if you had a good relationship with this person during your lifetime, and he agreed to help you, there is no point in deceiving you. When the rite is completed, thank the relative and say:

    You don't follow me, you come back to yourself. Amen.

    Then leave without looking back. As soon as you leave the cemetery, be sure to wash your shoes with the water you brought and remove all the remains of the cemetery earth from the soles of the shoes.

    Red ribbon and scissors to summon the spirit of a deceased person

    The rite with the use of scissors and a red ribbon is very strong. You can spend it at home or on the street, at night or during the day. It doesn't matter. His strength is enough to attract the soul of the deceased to our world.

    This ritual is not performed alone. At least one more person must be present (it is desirable that he be a relative of both you and the deceased). For the ceremony, take:

    • scissors;
    • red ribbon;
    • Bible.

    Bible scissors red ribbon

    If you are performing the ceremony at night, then turn off electrical appliances. The only source of light is the flame of a candle. Take a Bible in your hands and put scissors in it.

    It is important that the attribute does not fit completely in the book, and the scissor rings remain outside. After that, take a red ribbon and tie it tightly around the book. You and your partner should grasp the rings of the scissors with your fingers, then say:

    Spirit (name), we pray you, come, appear to us and answer our questions.

    If a relative decides to visit you, the book will start moving. After that you can ask your questions. Immediately warn the spirit that if he wants to answer yes to your question, then let him turn the book to the right, if he wants to say “no”, let him turn it to the left.

    Each of you can ask a relative about something only 3 times. No more, as the spirit may get angry.

    There is an invariable magical attribute that is used when communicating with the dead - a magic board. There are two options for working with such a witchcraft attribute.

    • Firstly, you can make it yourself, you can read about how to work with it in the corresponding article on our website.
    • Secondly, you can buy a ready-made attribute.

    The differences between these methods are fundamental. If you settled on calling the spirit with the help of a finished board, then you should know a few important nuances:

    • never undertake a ritual alone. Even if you have to ask a very personal question. You yourself cannot be alone with a spirit called in this way, since at the time of the ritual a window opens into the other world, and if you get scared or back down, you may be pulled into the world where the spirit came from;
    • both of your hands should be on the special device that comes with the board (an additional triangular board with a piece of glass in the middle). All other participants in the ritual must keep their hands on the board. It is strictly forbidden to tear them off in the middle of the ceremony;
    • do not anger the spirit, do not ask provocative or confusing questions. They should be clear and concise;
    • use the glass in the extra board to see the spirit, but be extremely careful.

    When you are ready to perform the ceremony, say all in unison:

    Spirit (name) we call you! Come and show us!

    Wait a little, after which the one who holds the extra plank should ask:

    Spirit, are you there?

    If the pointer moves and goes to the word "Yes", then you can ask questions to the spirit of the deceased who has come.

    How to call the soul of a deceased relative in a dream?

    A dream is a different reality in which a person can live another life. It is in this world that a person can simply contact the dead. Remember, every time they want to convey important information or warn of an incident, we dream of the dead.

    To a dead person in a dream, you need (before going to bed) tune in to receive information. To do this, sit down, imagine the image of the deceased in front of you and ask to come to you this night in a dream.

    Say that without his advice it will be very difficult for you to make the right decision. After that you can go to bed. If there was a close emotional and energetic connection between you and the deceased, then he will definitely come.

    Information will be transferred in two ways:

    • either you can talk to this person (perhaps even hear his voice, and he will give you advice);
    • or you will be shown two pictures. Usually the dead show two outcomes of events. Those. what will happen if you do this, and what will happen if you do otherwise.

    This is a reliable and trusted way, as the deceased can look far into the future. Even if what you see in a dream does not come true in the coming days, after a certain amount of time you will realize that you did not even notice how the future that was shown to you by the spirit has come.

    Ritual with andalusite

    Dead? Probably, for many, such a question will seem more than strange. People belonging to this category will smile skeptically in response and notice that they, in principle, do not believe in any mysticism, but consider it nothing more than a fiction that has replaced children's fairy tales.

    However, we would not be so categorical in our statements, because even science sometimes encounters And more and more often those who at first just wanted to be curious and find out how to summon spirits at home, and now do not know how to get rid of the consequences of what you have done.

    Section 1. General concept

    According to mythology, the spirit is an entity with supernatural abilities, endowed with will and the ability to perceive, while always remaining beyond human understanding.

    It is believed that spirits are able to suddenly appear and disappear, move in space, contact with people. They can also harm human health and cause visions in him, cause various natural phenomena. That is why, before being interested in the deceased, it is recommended to answer two key questions:

    1. Is it worth doing it at all?
    2. Will I be able to resist what I face if the goal is achieved.

    Section 2. The Spirit from a Religious Perspective

    This article will talk about how to evoke the spirit of a person, but first let's try to figure out what is meant by the very concept of the spirit.

    First of all, it is believed that he can be endowed with human features, will and the ability to perceive the world around him, is able to take on the images of a person or other living being, object and phenomenon. It follows from this that everything living and non-living has its own spirits: there are spirits of animals and plants, fire and water, winds, etc. And what are the features of their behavior?

    The Spirit influences the life of what it refers to. For example, he controls the animal and plant, the outcome of the hunt and the power of nature. A person's behavior can offend him or, conversely, please him. As a result, this entity can take revenge or become a patron. This factor, by the way, must be taken into account before calling the spirit of a dead person or animal.

    Along with a person's knowledge of the real world, there was a conviction that some of his actions are capable of influencing the implementation of the desired in the most mysterious way. Although there is an opinion that belief in spirits makes it difficult to fully understand the manifestations of nature, which because of this are perceived either as benevolence or as the revenge of unknown forces.

    The natural spiritualization of the world creates the idea that human life is inextricably linked with the world of spirits: a person communicates with them, conflicts, makes requests, thanks ...

    Section 3. Spirits of people

    Many religions and superstitions describe the existence of man. It is believed that the soul of the deceased can rest in another world or move to another body only if the burial ritual is observed, and if it is not disturbed by anything.

    Otherwise, the spirit may remain among the living until it finds peace or is buried. According to Orthodox canons, the soul of a deceased person is among the living for 40 days and only then passes into another world. In Shintoism, the soul of a person who has died a violent death will remain in the world of the living as long as his offender is alive. It is also believed that the home is protected by the spirits of deceased parents.

    There are practices that allow a substance called the soul to temporarily leave its body, float in space and watch what is happening from the side. However, many scientists deny this.

    Section 4. What is important to remember when invoking spirits?

    The question of how to call the spirits of the dead remains open. Although, according to experts, in principle, almost anyone can communicate with them. But before the session, you should learn more about these entities. It is worth remembering that spirits are very changeable. They can be deceptive and dangerous.

    Calling the spirit of a deceased relative, do not expect him to reveal all the secrets of the future. He may well hide negative information about failures, illnesses or death. Only proper communication with him will allow you to get the necessary information, help or protection. This is what the mediums say.

    Section 5. How to summon the spirits of the dead without leaving home?

    Ritual with scissors. The ritual requires the participation of 2 people. You will also need scissors, a red ribbon and any spiritual book. The scissors are placed between the pages of the book, leaving the rings on the outside. Then the book is tied with a ribbon and proceed to the session. Holding the rings of scissors with little fingers, they call on the desired spirit. You can ask questions after the book starts to move. Moving to the right is a positive response, to the left is a negative one.

    Ritual with a needle. In this case, you need a witch's board and a needle with black thread, used as a pendulum. Taking a needle with a thread in your right hand, you should say the words three times: "Spirit (such and such), come to my call." When strange sensations of the presence of an outsider appear, you need to ask the question: “Spirit (such and such), are you here?” If the spirit is nearby, then the answer will follow. Now you can ask any questions. The spinning needle will point to the letters on the board that need to be written down. The resulting word will be the answer to the question asked.

    There are several ways to call a spirit at home, and each of them requires special care and adherence to the rules. Preparation plays an important role in the ritual, because the slightest mistake can lead to unpredictable consequences.

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    What spirits can be summoned?

    When conducting a seance, it is preferable to invoke good entities, for example:

    • elemental spirits;
    • gnomes;
    • forest spirits.

    Refrain from trying to communicate with famous personalities - they are too often called from the world of the living, and this angers souls. You can call the spirit of a deceased relative or friend with whom you were especially close. It can help in the fulfillment of desires and tell about the future.

    However, the result does not always justify itself, since the souls of the dead, being in another dimension, gradually forget about earthly existence. If a person died a long time ago, he is unlikely to remember you. Please note that the spirits of deceased relatives and friends are not always honest. If something terrible is coming in the future, for example, illness or death, the spirits of loved ones will keep silent about it so as not to upset you ahead of time.

    Do not call those who committed suicide - it is dangerous for an inexperienced psychic.

    Rules and preparation for the session

    In order not to provoke evil spirits and do everything right, follow these recommendations:

    • perform the ritual from 00.00 am to 04.00 am;
    • prepare in advance questions that you will ask the spirit;
    • during the session, open the window - so it is easier for the soul to get into the house;
    • use only wax candles;
    • call no more than two spirits at the same time;
    • do not conduct a session alone;
    • remove jewelry (except amulets);
    • at the beginning of the session, greet the spirit;
    • at the end of the session, thank and order to go to another world.

    Ways to summon spirits

    You can communicate with the spirit of the deceased in many ways - perform a ritual in a cemetery, use a spirit board, call it with cards or a mirror.

    Calling the Spirit to Answer Questions

    To summon a spirit that answers questions, use the following items:

    • river water;
    • wedding ring belonging to the deceased;
    • white saucer;
    • red thread.

    Instructions for summoning the spirit:

    1. First, in the early morning, you need to collect river water, and then pour it into a saucer exactly at midnight.
    2. Put on the table and turn off the light, light candles.
    3. The red thread must be passed through the ring, holding it above the water with your left hand. Say a phrase like: "Good spirit, come, answer my questions."
    4. Then ask an exciting question aloud and observe the ring. If the ring rotates in a circle, then the answer to the question is yes. If it swings - negative.

    Good Spirit Summon

    If you want to summon a good spirit or entity, you don't have to do it at night.

    During the day, choose a place in nature (forest, lake, etc.), hold hands and call the spirit you want to call three times. Say the following phrase: “Light spirit, come to us. Hear us, we trust in you (the name of the spirit), come to us, open the veil of secrecy to us, show yourself.

    Close your eyes and mentally imagine this being. When it appears, tell him about your desires.

    Calling the spirit at home

    At home, evocation of spirits is not a safe occupation, since a person must have strong energy in order to resist demons. Choose a simple rite that does not threaten with consequences.

    Be sure to use protective amulets that drive away negative energy.

    Having decided to conduct a spiritualistic session, pay attention to such common methods:

    • with scissors or a needle;
    • by cards;
    • with the help of mirrors;
    • using a Ouija board;
    • with the help of candles;
    • ceremony with a saucer.

    Calling on the street

    To call the spirit on the street, try one old rite.

    It will need the following attributes:

    • seven wax candles;
    • white cloak;
    • salt;
    • incense;
    • knife with white handle.

    Seven wax candles Incense Chalk Salt White Cloak Knife


    1. Choose a location for the call. It is desirable to find a place with strong energy. Avoid cemeteries due to the accumulation of negative energy.
    2. Before starting the ceremony, draw a circle with chalk or salt. Make sure the line doesn't break anywhere.
    3. Then arrange seven candles in a circle, go inside the circle and plunge the knife into the ground, leaving the handle sticking out.
    4. Wear a white cloak and burn incense to ward off evil forces. Close your arms over your chest and close your eyes, imagining the energy around you and the being you are summoning.
    5. Feeling someone's invisible presence nearby, open your eyes and turn to the spirit: “Dear spirit, I call you. I don't know your face or your name. Appear before me, good spirit. Hear me, do not reject the servant of God (name), for your help is needed.

    The spirit summoned by this rite can only be asked three questions.

    Ouija board

    One of the most common ways to summon otherworldly entities is the Ouija Ouija board. If it is not possible to buy it, then you can do it yourself with the help of a saucer and whatman paper, on which letters of the alphabet and numbers are written.

    When making contact with the afterlife using an impromptu board, follow these tips:

    1. Turn off the lights, light the candles and sit in front of the blackboard.
    2. Heat the saucer from the flame of the candle and place it in the center of the circle.
    3. Touch the saucer with the fingertips of both hands.
    4. Watch the saucer move. If it starts to move, then the spirit is nearby.
    5. In order for the spirit to appear, it is necessary to say the following words: “Spirit (name), we call on you. Come and show us."

    The saucer or pointer will move from letter to letter, forming words.

    This video shows you how to summon spirits using the Ouija board. Taken by HonorToHave/HTH/witch blog.

    Summon with cards

    Cards are one of the most accessible ways to summon a spirit. It is important that they have not been involved in the game before.

    Perform the following rite:

    1. Put out the light, light a candle, and draw a protective circle of salt and chalk.
    2. Shuffle the cards imagining the spirit you want to talk to. First you need to understand whether the spirit is set to talk. Pull out a card at random and look at the color of the suit: if red, the answer is yes, black is negative.
    3. Place a few cards face up in front of you and start asking questions.
    4. After asking, turn over the card and look at the suit. Worms - the answer is “yes”, spades - “no”, clubs - “I don’t know”, diamonds - “probably”.

    Protective circle made of salt or chalk Candle playing cards

    Calling the spirit through the mirrors

    This sinister rite is usually used to communicate with the dead.

    For it you will need:

    • mirror;
    • coin;
    • wax candle;
    • needle.

    Prick your finger with a needle and write the letters of the alphabet on the mirror and the words "yes" and "no" with blood. Then you need to light a candle and put the coin on the edge of the mirror. Say a conspiracy: "Spirit (name), come to me, appear in a familiar mirror, have a conversation with me, tell the whole truth, do not hide secrets."

    Then wait until the spirit starts moving the coin. Ask if the spirit wants to speak and then ask questions. Keep track of which letters the coin points to and add up the answers.

    Magic today is quite a popular science. And even the development of the Internet, social. networks and other new technologies cannot outshine it. Each of us wants to feel like a magician at least a little. And one of the most important questions is how to call the spirit of a deceased person of a relative or not? You can do this, both in a dream and in reality. And you don't need anything special for this. Perform a simple ritual and create moral focus. Perhaps then you yourself will be able to talk with the one who left our world.

    What is needed to summon the spirit of a dead person?

    For this purpose, you need a semi-dark room. At the same time, a window or door should be slightly open in this room. This is necessary so that the spirit knows that it is expected.

    It is also worth taking candles in black, yellow or pink. Such candles should be lit in the church.

    You may also need a ouija board, which is sold online and in many occult stores. Willow and incense are an integral attribute here. You can also purchase a special spirit ring.

    It is believed that other entities can come along with the summoned spirit. To prevent this from happening, you should fumigate the room with incense. It is a kind of protection.

    How to call the spirit of a relative?

    To call the spirit you should sit in a circle around the board. Next, you need to put your hands on the board and focus. Each of the participants in the session must sincerely believe in what is happening. Otherwise, nothing will work.

    Candles should be lit in the room, and no one should disturb you. If the spirit comes, something strange will happen. For example, candles may go out or an object may fall. The most obvious sign of presence is the movement of the pointer on the magic board.

    If you are summoning the spirit together, you can try the scissors method:

    • Take a book on magic or spiritualism;
    • Put scissors between its pages so that their rings stick out from the outside;
    • Tie the book with ribbon;
    • Take the rings of the scissors with your little fingers.

    Call features

    In order to invoke the spirit of a deceased person in a dream or in reality, all callers must create a circle. To do this, you can either put your hands on a table or board, or hold hands.

    It is best to conduct a session from 00.00 to 04.00. There must be complete silence. And only candles should burn in the room.

    On the body of each person should not be objects made of metal (decorations). A list of questions for the spirit should be created in advance. Questions should be simple and clear.

    In order for you to succeed, you should not eat a lot before the session or drink alcohol. Don't do this for more than 1 hour a day. And it is better to spend only 1 session, calling 1 spirit, but no more.

    If you follow all the rules, then you will definitely succeed. But don't go into it too much. All these sessions are not proven by science. Live real life. And if it doesn't work out for you, then it's for the best.

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