• How to learn about premature childbirth. Premature childbirth - causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention. Premature test. What do doctors help


    Dr. Windham is a certified obstetrician gynecologist from Tennessee. He graduated from the alternate in the Medical School of Western Virginia in 2010, where he received a reward as the most outstanding alternator.

    The number of sources used in this article:. You will find their list at the bottom of the page.

    If you are pregnant, it is important to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of premature labor. Knowing the symptoms, you can seek medical care in time, which may allow preventive childbirth to prevent preversion. Premature childbirth happens between 20 and 37 weeks of pregnancy; When pregnancy, up to 20 weeks can be miscarriage. Premature genera can be caused by a variety of reasons, some of which are controlled, others are not. Be that as it may, during pregnancy, you should be able to recognize the signs of premature birth.


    Part 1

    Detection of symptoms

      Fight. One of the symptoms are fights that are felt as a reduction in muscles in the abdomen area, especially around the fetus. However, the fights do not always indicate premature births, since false contractions are also possible, the so-called brackstone-hick fights.

      Familiarize yourself with the factors contributing to Brekstone-Hick's fights. These contractions can be caused by a variety of reasons. For example, they may arise due to the fact that you or your child moved a lot. They can lead to sex or dehydration of your body. Finally, these contractions may be caused by filled bladder Or even the fact that someone just touched your belly. If the fights are rather weak and are associated with any of the listed reasons, these are most likely false contractions, and not a sign of premature birth.

      Possess the weakening of the bouts of Brexton Hicks. If you are tested by brackstone-hicks, they gradually fade away. To speed up this process, try changing the posture. If you stood or sit, lie, and on the contrary, stand up if you lay.

      Pay attention to the pressure in the stomach. If you started feeling the pressure at the bottom of the abdomen, it may indicate premature childbirth. You can also feel the pressure in the pelvis area. If you fear that you may have premature childbirth, call your doctor and consult him.

      Pay attention to spasms in the abdomen. If you have started spasms, it may indicate premature births. Usually they resemble menstrual spasms. In addition, spasms may be accompanied by diarrhea.

      Pay attention to the back pain. Although back pain may seem insignificant and not worthwhile, it also serves as a sign of approaching childbirth. In particular, the premature birth may indicate a stable, not passing back pain. This is not a sharp, but stupid and still pain.

      Consider changing the previous or appearance of new vaginal discharge. You may notice stains or traces of blood. Spots indicate easy bleeding. Inspect your underwear in search of these signs, although they can manifest themselves when visiting the restroom.

      Do not eat alcohol. Alcohol also increases the risk of premature birth. In addition, the use of alcohol increases the risk of birth of a dead child. If, using alcohol, you bring the child to the allotted period, further problems are not excluded, such as a fruit alcoholic syndrome capable of leading to abnormal and slow development.

      Do not use drugs. The use of illegal drugs, such as cocaine, can lead to premature birth. Any illegal drugs should be avoided, as they may adversely affect your child's health. Before taking any medicines, even natural nutritional supplements or medicines, to purchase which the recipe is not required, be sure to consult with your doctor.

      Avoid stress. Although it is impossible to do without stress at all, try to avoid situations that can lead to them. In addition, we engage the methods that will allow you to reduce stress if you still fell into a stressful situation.

      Take a break between pregnancies. Pregnancy, the following one by one may increase the risk of premature birth. Your body needs a break to relax and recover. Before trying to get pregnant again, it is better to wait after the previous birth at least one and a half years.


    If a pregnancy for a woman ends with a period previously installed by a period of time, and the child appears on the light, premature childbirth takes place. The degree of threat to the health of the new person depends entirely on the number of obstetric weeks, how much mother wore the baby under his heart. It is important to realize the potential causes of premature births in order to avoid such sustainable delivery in the future and its dangerous consequences for children's health.

    What is preterm labor

    Generic activity completed by a previously 38 obstetric week, characterizes pathological genera. For health, crumbs is a pathological process, however, thanks to modern technologies, doctors have learned to push children who have appeared on the light from 28 obstetric weeks and further. However, health problems still cannot be avoided, since the fruit has not yet fully completed its intrauterine development. Therefore, if there is a threat to premature births, a pregnant woman is urgently put on saving.


    Than longer child Dies in the maternal womb, the greater the chances of his appearance to light strong and healthy. However, there are different situations, and should not be eliminated when a woman does not reach pregnancy established by a gynecologist. Characteristic signs premature births do not differ much from natural generic activities, and the first harbinger is to leak spindle water.

    Since an increased physical activity is peculiar in the second half of pregnancy in the second half of pregnancy, the diagnosis may be difficult. However, a vigilant future mammy should pay attention to the following alarming symptoms:

    • increasing the tone of the uterus during palpation;
    • pulling or grapple-shaped pains of the lower abdomen;
    • constant activity of the fetus;
    • frequent urge to the toilet;
    • pulling the feeling of the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back;
    • writing a feeling of vagina zone.

    How begin

    If there is a pulling pain of the bottom of the abdomen, while the woman discovers the leakage of the accumulating waters, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance or immediately apply to the precious gynecologist. Early generic activity can provoke miscarriage, which cannot be allowed not under any circumstances. Early childbirth begins with a sharp abdominal pain, which is only enhanced in different positions of the hull. Pregnancy under threat, and a woman is better to give consent to hospitalization to the hospital.

    The reasons

    Most of the future mammies are asked the main issue, how to avoid premature births. In fact, the first thing is required to find out in detail why this pathological process is progressing, and how to reduce the risk of late appearance of crumbs. This specialist reports even when planning pregnancy to save a woman from subsequent problems throughout 40 obstetric weeks. In modern obstetric practice, the following reasons for premature births are distinguished:

    • preceding abortion, instrumental cleaning of the uterine cavity;
    • abuse of bad habits;
    • cervical infection and vagina;
    • resh conflict;
    • multi-way and multiplot;
    • premature aging or pairing placenta;
    • pelvic prevention of the fetus;
    • intrauterine infections;
    • gene mutations;
    • antiphospholipid syndrome;
    • heavy forms of gestosis;
    • breaking the fetal shells;
    • eastic and cervical insufficiency;
    • excessive sexual activity;
    • the presence of hidden urinary tract infections;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • pathology thyroid gland at the future mommy;
    • preeclampsia;
    • multiple pregnancy (twins);
    • female inflammation during pregnancy;
    • uterine bleeding.


    Roda ahead of time Disease is not considered, but the general condition of the newborn depends entirely on the time of early delivery. If a child has failed to convey to 40 obstetrics, a conditional classification is presented below, which gives at least a distant idea of \u200b\u200bthe degree of pathological process and potential diseases in the human light:

    1. Very early childbirth. Premature appearance of crumbs falls for a period of 22-27 weeks. The weight of the fetus varies within 500 - 1,000 g, the doctor diagnoses the underdevelopment of internal organs and systems, problems with the disclosure of the lungs.
    2. Early childbirth. Premature birth of a child falls for a period of 28-33 weeks. The child weighs up to 2 kg, while the natural ventilation of the lungs is broken, the blood circulation system is imperfect.
    3. Births premature on 34-37 obstetrics, although they are considered pathological, but they encourage parents, since all internal organs and systems have already been formed. Weigh the newborn order 2 500 g

    Indications for artificial premature birth

    In practice, there are such cases when doctors consciously insist on premature, rapid stimulation of generic activities. The need for this occurs in the diagnosis of extensive pathologies in the organism of the mother or child. In addition, the life of both may be under threat. These critical moments are the detection of the following pathologies:

    • decompensated endogenous diseases of the complicated form, fraught with a patient with a fatal outcome;
    • preeclampsia and eclampsia, as a manifestation of severe gestosis, fraught with an imminent child's death;
    • extensive liver pathologies in pregnant women, when the natural outflow of bile is pathologically disturbed;
    • diagnosis in the body of a pregnant woman of Hellp syndrome with increased activity of hepatic enzymes;
    • intrauterine defects of development incompatible with the further viability of the fetus;
    • intrauterine death Fetal, fraught with infection and infection of the blood of a pregnant woman.

    How to call

    With suspected pathology or the presence of one of the above pathological factors, a pregnant woman is taken in the hospital. When determining the diagnosis and the need to stimulate childbirth prematurely, doctors use individual drugs that it is customary to enter intraminiotically into the vagina. In this case, we are talking about the following medicines: synthetic hormone mifepristone comprehensively with mizoprostol, oxytocin, dinoprostonton and dynogost. Surface aircraft is contraindicated, since the high probability of the death of the mother and the child.


    With internal deviation intrauterine development The fetus may begin childbirth before the progress of the period. Such thoughts pushing the hypertonus of the uterus, the destruction of the breakfod water, the expansion of the cervical cervical organ and the acute pain syndrome, the attacker of the consciousness of the feminine cyclic attacks. An additional method of examination is an ultrasound, determining the condition and position of the fetus in the womb. Before you stop acute pain syndrome, the doctor may assign a special test to confirm the fact of the beginning of the generic activity.


    Special test system called ACTIVE PARTUSS reliably determines the binding insulin-like growth factor - 1 (SIPFR) in the mucus of the cervical canal. The enzyme in the concentration tank is produced by the fruit shells of the embryo a few days before the start of childbirth. It is possible to conduct such a laboratory study only in a hospital, since it is not possible to organize a fence material at home at home without special equipment and tools.

    How to prevent

    Since, on early time, the child will be born prematurely, with low body weight and extensive lesions of the internal organs, the task of the doctor - the relief of those premature with the help of medical drugs can also be used alternative methods. Since the generic activity can begin at any time, the woman first is required to hospitalize, then examine, and then appoint effective treatment, leave under strict medical control. If you go correctly, the baby can be born exactly on time, without pathologies.

    Dexamethasone in the threat of premature birth

    To prevent the development of respiratory distress syndrome, the doctors use synthetic glucocorticosteroids. In the threat of early childbirth, a medical drug dexamethasone for intramuscular administration has proven itself well. It is allowed to use it strictly under medical testimony at obstetric period 24 - 34 weeks. Highlight two application schemes of the specified drug:

    • 12 mg twice for 24 hours;
    • 6 mg for 4 days over the day.

    Conservative treatment in hospital

    The definition of a complex treatment scheme is carried out individually - according to medical reasons after identifying the main cause (pathogenic factor) of progressive pathology. Doctors in the conditions of compulsory hospitalization to ensure the positive dynamics and the extension of the pregnancy of pregnancy unite representatives of various pharmacological groups:

    • antispasmodic drugs intramuscularly or rectally: but-shp, drootserin, papaverine;
    • adrenomimetics for intravenous administration: Rytodrin, Terbutalin, Ginipral;
    • NSAIDs rectally: indomethacin from 32 weeks of pregnancy;
    • glucocorticosteroids, Gestagens orally or intramuscularly: progesterone, uremines, dexamethasone.

    Maintaining premature births

    To avoid potential complications with children's health, intensive therapy should be carried out in the hospital. A positive result will definitely be, if you clearly follow all medical prescriptions. Methods for combating such a global disorder, it all depends on the general state of the patient, the fetus. Below are several effective tactics that are selected by the doctor, based on the complexity of a particular clinical picture:

    1. Expectant tactics. A woman provides peace - physical and emotional, give soothing decoctions, use soft sedatives and antispasmodics.
    2. Active tactics. If the neck will open for 3 cm and more, doctors use epidural analgesia or drip intravenously internally.

    Consequences for Mother and Child

    For a woman, the consequences of childbirth premature are not so significant, more connected with the physiological features of the female organism. For example, a crotch can be broken, or the doctor conducts a cesarean section with a further imposition of seams. But for the infant the consequences of premature appearance, it may seem fatal. It all depends on the term of childbirth. As an option:

    • severe generic injuries;
    • congenital diseases;
    • early mortality.

    Pregnancy after childbirth premature

    After pathological generations, the woman's body should be recovered as it should be restored, so it is certainly not recommended to rush with repeated conception. Doctors are advised by the gynecologist for a year, to pass a full medical examination, timely to treat hidden diseases (if there are those available), and even then think about the next replenishment of the family.

    Birth that occurred up to 28 weeks of pregnancy is called spontaneous miscarriage.
    The greatest percentage of spontaneous interruption of pregnancy falls on the timing of 34-37 weeks of pregnancy (55.3%), for an earlier period - 10 times less often.

    1. Entimiko-cervical insufficiency (ICN) - the failure of the cervix, in connection with which the inability to keep the fetal egg in the uterus. The most frequent causes of ICN are:

    Injuries of the cervix during previous pregnancies -, childbirth is large (more than 4 kg) fruit, fast and rapid genera, the use of obstetric tongs or vacuum, cervical breaks during childbirth;

    Previously made operations on the cervix - conization, amputation;

    Intrauterine interventions - abortion, scraping, hysterorescation;

    Gene defects leading to a violation of the synthesis of the cervical tissue (collagenopathy) - Elessa-Danlo, Martha, Randy-Ozerki and others;

    Infectious diseases, female genital organs causing the inferiority of the cervix - candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, herpes and megaloviral infection;

    Endocrine disorders (reducing the ovarian function, or hyperandrode - increased maintenance of men's sex hormones), leading to changes in the structure of the cervix, its shortening and the expansion of the cervical canal;

    Development defects - cervical hypoplasia, genital infantilism;

    Increased cervical load during pregnancy in multiplotion, multi-way, large fruit;

    Prelation of placenta or low location.

    2. Mioma of the uterus of large sizes or submucose myoma uterus.

    3. Vices for the development of the uterus, leading to the implantation of the fruit egg implantation - the intrauterine partition, the counya uterus.

    4. General infectious diseases of the mother - flu, viral hepatitis, rubella, chronic tonsillitis.

    5. General diseases in the decompensation stage - heart defects, hypertensive disease, blood disease, liver, kidneys, diabetes mellitus.

    6. Neuro-endocrine diseases are insufficiency of adrenal glands (Addison disease), excessive production of adrenal cortex hormones (Cushing syndrome), thyroid hypofunction.

    7. Late Gestoz (Waterca, Nephropathy, Preeclampsia, Eclampsia). If the swelling begins to be observed in the later periods - this is a disturbing symptom. If there is not only legs, but also belly, face, you should immediately consult a doctor. In general, during prestal, it is distinguished by the triad of symptoms: the elephant occurs initially, to which the arterial hypertension is joined, and then proteinuria (promotion of protein in the urine). However, the triad is clearly diagnosed not always.

    8. Rhow-conflict - develops if a woman has a rhesus-negative blood, and the fetus is reserves-positive. The consequences can be tragic - there is a risk of developing a hemolytic disease in a child, the pregnancy often ends with premature births, more often than operational (cesarean section), in severe cases, a child can perish.

    In the risk group for possible offensive are pregnant:

    Younger than 18 and over 40 years old

    With rhesus negative blood

    Practitioners unprotected sex

    Undermining extracorporeal fertilization (risk of multipleness),

    Suffering from decompensated chronic general general diseases,

    Having over-high growth and other collagenopathy markers (mitral valve prolapse, tracheobronchial dysfunction, varicose disease, myopia),

    Having in the past miscarriage, premature and rapid labor,

    Previously undermining intrauterine interventions (abortion, scraping, hysteroresceration) or cervical breaks during previous births,

    Previously overlooking the operations on the cervix (amputation, partial removal it),

    Exposed in previous pregnancies surgical treatment over the Eastic Cervical Insufficiency (ICN).

    Premature births may be threatening and started. Important: If there is a threat, the abortion of pregnancy can be prevented, but it is impossible to stop the birth.

    For threatening premature births are characterized by periodic messenger pains and lower abdomen against the background of an increased tone of the uterus. But the neck of the uterus remains closed.

    With the early premature births that cannot be stopped, the neck of the uterus is shortened and revealed, often the octulation of the octoperwater waters occurs.

    If the term of your pregnancy has not reached 37 weeks, pay attention to the appearance of the following complaints:
    - pain at the bottom of the abdomen or in the lower back,
    - Fights,
    - premature dishentation waters
    - Blood discharge.

    What are the premature childbirth?

    A serious test for the baby is its appearance ahead of time. The organs and systems are not ready for non-utilized existence. Cossal efforts are required to create conditions in which the child will be able to compensate for the negative consequences of so early birth.

    As a result of premature births:

    1. The shells surrounding the fruit occurs, the influence of oily water, protecting the baby from the exposure to the external environment, the infection is connected after that;

    2. There are premature children with "immature" light, which cannot fully breathe, since they do not have a surfactant - a special substance that is produced in pulmonary alveoli (lung cells) and prevents them of "decline";

    3. In the process of expulsion of the fetus from the uterus and during bouts, hemorrhages can occur in the Baby's brain;

    4. During passage through the generic paths, still unequivocal bones of the child's skull are traumatized;

    5. Rales and injuries of the cervix from the mother.

    If your term of your pregnancy is less than 37 weeks, you have characteristic complaints, then be sure to consult a doctor, and better call "ambulance".
    Before the arrival of the Brigade of the doctors of the future mommy should be accustomed, adopting sedative tinctures (Valerian, dyeing) and drink 2-3 tablets "but-shts".

    The tactics of maintaining a pregnant woman chooses a doctor, depending on the period of pregnancy, the fact of the fattening waters, the state of the mother and the fetus. In obstetric hospitals, women with:

    1. Assign a bed mode.

    2. Monitor the state of health of the mother and fetus.

    3. Conduct therapy to reduce the excitability of the uterus and suppressing its contractile activity - sedatives, beta-adreminimetics and tocolitics - substances specifically affecting receptors and relaxation of the uterus.

    4. Antibacterial therapy in the threat of infectious complications, while the expectant tactic is selected with the control over the possible development of infection.

    5. Prevention of pulmonary complications in a child developing as a result of immaturity of pulmonary fabric - during childbirth up to 34 weeks of pregnancy.

    With preterm birth is born premature baby Weight more than 1000 g, capable of existence outside the womb with appropriate care and treatment.

    According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), childbirth is premature from 22 to 37 weeks of pregnancy (the weight of the fetus is 500 g or more). Highly early premature genera (22-27 weeks), early (28-33 weeks) and premature genera (34-37 weeks). In our country, the birth of 22-27 weeks do not belong to premature, but medical care is provided in the conditions of the maternity hospital, as well as take all the necessary measures to push the born fetus. The child born in such an early term (from 22 to 27 weeks) is considered the fruit during the first 7 days of life. Only after the week, in the event that the baby was able to adapt to the extra-utilization conditions of existence, it is considered a child.

    In modern obstetrics, the frequency of premature births is not only not reduced, but tends to increase by increasing the number of multiple pregnancies, widespreading auxiliary reproductive technologies.

    Causes of premature birth

    The causes of premature birth can be divided into two groups - socio-biological (non-medical) and medical.

    Social and biological reasons include bad habits (drinking alcohol, drugs, smoking during pregnancy), low socio-economic standard of living of the future mother, harmful working conditions (availability of radiation, vibration, noise, abnormal schedule, work at night), and Also defective nutrition, a state of chronic stress.

    Major medical reasons for premature births:

    • Infection (is one of the most significant reasons leading to early interruption of pregnancy). Premature childbirth can lead both acute and chronic infection (bacterial and viral). These may be general infectious diseases of the internal organs (pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs, pyelonephritis is inflammation of the kidneys, etc.), then the infection penetrates the fetus through the placenta; Or infection of genital organs (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, herpes, etc.), then an infection from the vagina can penetrate into the fetal egg.
    • Heated obstetric history (abortions, miscarriages - interruption of pregnancy up to 22 weeks and premature births in the past) and / or gynecological history (inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, uterine mioma - muscle layer tumor, hormonal disorders, genital infantilism - underdevelopment of genitals, vices The development of the uterus).
    • Eastic-cervical insufficiency - the inferiority of the locking function of the cervix due to traumatization during abortions, breaks in previous births, etc.
    • Extgazenital pathology (internal organs) - endocrine pathology (obesity, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease), severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and other organs. This group of reasons include thrombophilic conditions (diseases associated with an increase in the activity of the blood coagulation system), in which the risk of premature details of the placenta, thrombosis (clogs of blood vessel clouds) leading to premature births increases dramatically.
    • Complicated pregnancy (gestosis - toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy; pronounced forms of fetoplacentage failure; the causes leading to the formation of the uterus - multi-way).

    Symptoms of the beginning of premature labor

    The sign of the beginning of childbirth will be the appearance of regular grapple-shaped pain at thenime of the abdomen, which over time becomes stronger, long and frequent. At the beginning, when the pain at the bottom of the abdomen is quite weak and rare, mucous membranes may appear from the vagina, which indicate structural changes (shortening and smoothing) of the cervix.

    A fairly frequent event of the development of events can be premature expulsion of the octoperwater waters, and a transparent or yellowish liquid is distinguished from the vagina, the amount of which can vary from the teaspoon to a glass and more. The influence of the arrogant water may be accompanied by pain at the bottom of the abdomen, and may occur with the complete absence of increasing the tone of the uterus. As a rule, the oral influence is due to the infection of the lower pole of the fetus bubble as a rising path (the infection falls from the vagina).

    The emergence of any of the above symptoms is the basis for the emergency call and urgent hospitalization in the maternity hospital, since the earlier the future mother will be in a medical facility, the greater the chances to preserve pregnancy. If there is no opportunity to extend pregnancy, in the maternity hospital all conditions will be created for gentle delivery, reducing the risk of developing complications for mother and fetus, as well as to push the premature newborn.

    How to pass premature birth

    The most frequent complications of flow premature birth There are anomalies of generic activity (weakness, discoordination of generic activity, quick or rapid genera), premature oral influence, the development of intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus (oxygen shortage).

    Fast childbirth.For premature births, the rapid and even rapid flow is characteristic. This circumstance is due to at first, In the fact that for the birth of premature fetus, there is a sufficient smaller cutting of the cervix (6-8 cm) than with timely childbirth (10-12 cm).

    SecondlyIt has been established that the contractile activity of the uterus in premature births is about 2 times higher than the activity during childbirth.

    Thirdly,the fruit of small sizes is moving faster by the generic paths. In this case, frequent, painful, long-lasting contractions are noted. If the average duration of timely delivery is 10-12 hours, then premature birth lasts 7-8 hours and less.

    The rapid flow of labor is a serious anomaly, which even during timely childbirth can lead to the development of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus. The active contractual activity of the uterus leads to a decrease in the uterine-placental blood flow, which is consequence of the hypoxia of the fetus, and also has a pronounced mechanical effect on the fragile body of a premature child. In addition, with a rapid passage of the generic paths, the fetal head does not have time to adapt to them, the consequence of the trauma of the cervical spine, as well as hemorrhages under the cerebral shell of the fetus during childbirth. As a result of injured injuries, a premature child experiences difficulties in the process of adaptation to new (outtitic) conditions of existence, which is most often manifested by neurological violations and requires careful observation and treatment.

    Due to the rapid advance of the child, the occurrence of soft tributes (breaks of the cervix, vagina, germ lips) due to the fact that the fabrics do not have time to adapt to the size of a born fetus.

    Weakness of generic activity. A more rare complication of premature birth is the weakness of generic activities, when the frequency and power of the fight decreases, which significantly increases the duration of labor and also adversely affects the intrauterine state of the fetus (hypoxia develops).

    Discordated generic activity.In addition to excessively turbulent or weak generic activities, there is somewhat less often for premature births - the form of anomalies of the generic act, in which the procedure for reducing the muscles of the uterus is disturbed (in the normal reduction begins in the corner of the uterus and spreads from top to bottom). With discharged generic activity, sharply painful contractions are noted, in between which the uterus is not fully relaxed, which leads to the development of intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus.

    Wrong fetal positions. With premature birth, the incorrect prospects of the fetus are more common (for example, pelvic previews) due to the small size of the fetus with respect to the magnitude of the uterus.

    Premature oral influence.This complication occurs at premature births is quite frequent and due to the Istimic-cervical insufficiency or infection. A part of the fruit bubble, facing the vagina, under the influence of infection undergoes inflammatory changes, becomes fragile, and the rupture of the fetal shells occurs. The oral oxide waters often occurs unexpectedly, while the fluid is distinguished from the vagina (from a wet spot on underwear to the waters of water in large quantities). The color of the oily water can be light and transparent (which is evidence of a satisfactory state of the fetus), in some cases water can acquire green, to be muddy, with an unpleasant smell (which is considered as a sign of intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus or infection).

    Infections.Infectious complications in childbirth or in postpartum period With premature births are observed much more often than during childbirth. This may be due to a protracted flow of labor (with the weakness of generic activity), a large duration of anhydrous period - more than 12 hours (since it is often after influencing the accumulative water before the battle may pass for many hours), as well as the initial presence in the body of a pregnant infection, which and It was the reason for the development of premature births. The most frequent infectious complications are postpartum endometrite (inflammation of the uterus), the suppuration of the seams after the breaks of the breaks. Extremely rare, but severe complications may be peritonitis (inflammation of peritoneum) and sepsis (generalized distribution of infection throughout the body).

    Maintaining premature births

    Since for the body of a premature child, childbirth is a strong stress, then the maintenance of premature births has a number of fundamental differences from the conduct of childbirth at diligent pregnancy.

    The main "motto", which are guided by obstetrics, is the most careful, expectant tactic when conducting premature births, the absence of any intervention without significant causes.

    Pregnancy pregnancy.At the stage of threatening or beginning premature births, if there are no contraindications (such as influencing oily water, serious complications of pregnancy flow, opening the cervix more than 4 cm, the presence of infection, etc.), treatment is carried out to preserve pregnancy. Currently, the obstetrics are in service effective drugswhich suppress the contractile operations of the uterus - tocolitics (the most widely used drug of this group is guinipral). To quickly reduce the uterine tone of the tocoletics, intravenously drip, after decreasing the tone, go to the reception of these preparations in the form of tablets.

    Prevention of complications.In the case of a pronounced threat of abortion in the period of less than 34 weeks, the prevention of respiratory distress syndrome of newborn (respiratory disorders due to the insufficient maturity of pulmonary tissue) is carried out by appointing pregnant hormones of adrenal cortex - glucocorticoids (prednisone, dexamethasone, betamethasone).

    The prevention rate of the syndrome of the fetal respirations on average is 24 hours (various glucocorticoid destination schemes have been developed - from 8 hours before 2 days, the choice of which is made depending on the specific obstetric situation). These drugs contribute to the acceleration of the maturation of the pulmonary surfactant in the fetus, since it is precisely the disadvantage of this surfactant, which is in alveoli - pulmonary "bubbles", through which gas exchanges are carried out between blood and air, and impede the decay of the lung on the breath, determines the development of respiratory disorders premature newborn.

    It has been established that on the delivery time more than 34 weeks, light fetas have enough surfactant, so there is no need for the prevention of respiratory distress syndrome. In service with obstetricians and neonatologists, currently there are preparations of surfactant (KuroCurf, Surfactant BL), with the introduction of which the premature newborn can significantly reduce the frequency and severity of respiratory disorders syndrome.

    During the labor, careful control is carried out as for the state of the feminine (the temperature, blood pressure is measured, if necessary, a clinical analysis of blood is carried out), and for the intrauterine state of the fetus by the method of cardiotockography (two sensors are superimposed on the stomach on the stomach and the heart activities of the fetus It allows you to carry out an effective assessment of the intrauterine "well-being" of the fetus), as well as by regular listening to the heart tones of the fetus through the front abdominal wall.

    The prevention of intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus is carried out, for this purpose piracetas are prescribed, ascorbic acid, caocarboxylase, actovegin.

    Anesthesia. The prerequisite for the proper maintenance of premature birth is adequate anesthesia, since the pain leads to the development of a vascular spasm, which necessarily has a negative impact on the state of the premature fetus, for which childbirth is a strong stressful situation. In order to anesthesizing childbirth, antispasmodics and analgesics are used, epidural anesthesia (anesthetic method, in which the medicine is introduced into epidural space). The injection is performed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt, into the space between the spinal wall and the solid shell covering the spinal cord, the catheter is introduced, and the painkillers come along it.

    Considering the fact that narcotic analgesics (for example, Promedol) can have an oppressive effect on the fetal respiratory center, the use of this group of drugs is inappropriate. Epidural anesthesia has proven itself well when conducting premature births, as it contributes to the improvement of uterine-placental blood flow, having a beneficial effect on the intrauterine state of the fetus and helping him to overcome the generic stress in relatively "comfortable" conditions.

    Rhodesimulation. The next feature of the tactics of childbirth with premature pregnancy is very careful attitude towards the relatives in the development of the weakness of labor activity.

    If, with timely childbirth, starting the rhodation, it is necessarily continued until the end of childbirth, then with premature births, a gentle technique is used: in normalization of generic activities, stimulation is terminated, since stimulation for the fragile organism of the premature fetus may cause the development of intrauterine hypoxia.

    Maintaining the fence period.In the period of expulsion of the fetus (period of the fence), in order to maximize the careful extraction of the fetus, the genera are taken without the protection of the crotch from the gaps (the so-called obstetric manual), also to minimize the crowning head of the fetus tissues of the trimming paths - episiotomy. In childbirth, a neonatologist is necessarily present, ready to provide emergency care for newborns and conducting resuscitation measures if necessary.

    Operation cesarean section. A rather difficult question is to determine the indications for the operation of cesarean section with premature births, especially if the term of pregnancy is less than 34 weeks. In modern obstetrics, the delivery by caesarean sections with premature pregnancy for up to 34 weeks in the overwhelming majority of cases is carried out in absolute indications - that is, in situations that pose a threat to the life of the mother. Absolute indications include the premature displeasure of the placenta, the prelation of the placenta (the placenta overlaps the neck of the uterus, and childbirth through natural generics are impossible), the transverse position of the fetus, etc.

    On the need for operational delivery in the interests of the fetus for premature pregnancy, the decision is made by collegial (with the participation of several specialists), taking into account the forecast for the future life of the child and subject to the possibility of providing qualified neonatological assistance to the adhesion of the newborn.

    Premature childbirth: how to behave

    The behavior of the feminine in the process of premature births does not have significant differences from behavior under timely childbirth. If the doctor is allowed, you can walk around the ward, to make comfortable positions of the body, under which pain is facilitated by fighting, using massage techniques (circular massage of the abdomen clockwise, the rubbing of the sacrum region, etc.), breathe deeply at the moment of contractions. In some cases (for example, with a pelvic prevention of the fetus), it is recommended to stay in bed.

    In this case, the best option will be on the side, as this provision eliminates the compression of large vessels (the result of which the development of the intrauterine suffering of the fetus may be), and also prevents too fast advanced fetal fetal paths.

    The most important thing is to keep calm and positive attitude, listen carefully and follow the recommendations of midwives and doctors.

    Premature baby

    The child, born as a result of premature birth, has signs of prematurity, the severity of which is determined in aggregate at birth - weight less than 2500 g, growth of less than 45 cm, the abundance of raw skin on the skin, soft nasal and ear cartilage, the girls are not covered with a large sex lips , the boys have eggs are not omitted in the scrotum, the nail plates do not reach the fingertips. At birth, the child is examined by an neonatologist in the maternity hospital and for further observation and treatment is translated into the separation of intensive therapy or resuscitation of newborns. As a rule, premature children are placed in a kuvez - a special incubator with transparent walls, in which the temperature, humidity, the oxygen content is maintained in the optimal limits for the kid. Finding in the koodis contributes to a smoother course of the adaptation period of the newborn outside the mother's body.

    The larger the term of pregnancy and the weight of the baby at birth, the more favorable forecast. If necessary, from the maternity hospital, a newborn is translated into a children's hospital to the second stage of sticking. There are maternity hospitals specialized in the conduct of premature births and the hazing of premature newborns equipped with modern complex equipment for babies, among the doctors of obstetricians and neonatologists in such medical institutions There is a great experience in treating, conducting birth, which allows you to significantly improve the outcomes for both the mother and for the child. Women having high risk Premature births, it is necessary to give birth in those enthusiastic institutions where all conditions are available to provide full resuscitation assistance premature newborn (Kuveza, devices for artificial ventilation of the lungs, as well as specialists of the corresponding level).

    Adaptation to new living conditions outside the womb of the premature child proceeds harder and longer than that of the docking. This circumstance is due to the immaturity of organs and systems, reduced by the ability to self-regulation, insufficient development of the immune system. Currently, significant successes have been achieved in the healing of premature newborns: drugs of surfactant appeared in service with doctors, which, when introducing a child, it makes it possible to significantly reduce the risk of respiratory disorders syndrome, the maternity hospitals are replenished with complex equipment to provide high-tech assistance (cuwes, devices for artificial ventilation of lungs, etc. p.), which allows to improve the outcomes and forecast for the further growth and development of the child.

    Prevention of premature birth

    The main activities aimed at preventing premature births are held at the level of women's consultation, since it is precisely qualitative observation over the course of pregnancy allows you to predict and diagnose the threat of its interrupt. Establishments for prevention of premature birth belong:

    • Pregnancy planning with preliminary preparation, which is the treatment of existing somatic diseases, the treatment of chronic foci of infection, so that at the time of pregnancy an organism future mom It was in the optimal to wear a child.
    • Early registerment of women's advice and regular monitoring of pregnancy progression. This is especially true if in the past the woman had already miscarriages, premature childbirth, abortions.
    • Treatment of foci of infection, especially colpitis (vaginal inflammatory processes), detected during pregnancy, since the most frequent path, provoking the development of premature birth, is ascending (the infection from the vagina rises up and infects the lower pole of the fetus bubble).
    • Timely prevention and treatment of pregnancy complications (such as placental insufficiency, gestosis - toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy, pyelonephritis is inflammation of the kidneys, etc.).
    • W. frameworking control over the intrauterine state of the fetus and progression of pregnancy (with ultrasound, it is possible to measure the length and state of the cervical cervical channel for the purpose of timely diagnosis of eastic-cervical failure).
    • When signs of a threat of pregnancy interruption - timely hospitalization and treatment with the prevention of respiratory disorder syndrome in the fetus.

    Premature childbirth: without panic

    With the appearance of grapple-like pain at thenime of the abdomen, the influence of the oily water (which may not be accompanied by painful syndrome!) It is necessary to urgently call "ambulance". In no case do not need to wait in the hope that "now everything will be held", thereby you miss the ability to preserve pregnancy.

    It is very important not to be in panic and not be confused at the unexpected beginning of premature births. Most importantly - calm down! After calling the "Emergency" you can take a sedative (Valerian 1-2 tablets, a latter 30 drops or 1 tablet, 1 tsp. New-passite) and lie on the left side before the doctor's arrival.

    It is necessary to take the documents (exchange card, passport, a generic certificate, a medical insurance policy), you can take a bathrobe and slippers. Everything else you may need, later bring relatives. Do not be nervous - remember that in the stressful situation there is spasmodes of vessels (including in the uterus, which disrupts the royal and placental blood flow), so you keep emotions under the control.

    What is preterm labor

    It is customary to consider the childbirth premature, if they happened on the 23-37 week of pregnancy, with the weight of the fetus, more than 500 g and the child was born alive, living at least 7 days. With multiple pregnancy, premature births are considered from 22 to 35 weeks of tooling.

    How often are childbirth earlier

    For the soul calm of the future mothers, it is important to know that on statistics ahead of time there are only 7-8% of the kids, that is, only 8 bodies of 100 begin prematurely.

    And already from this number:

    • no more than 5-7% of women give birth to children on the 22-27 week of pregnancy (early childbirth). Despite the difficulty with the lycage of such newborns, some of them can save their lives;
    • a third of premature births falls on 27-33 weeks from conception (median childbirth). More than half of these crumbs stay to live and delight relatives;
    • almost 60% of prematurely born babies come to this world on the 33-37 week of tooling (late childbirth), and from completely docking differ only as low weight. Their bodies and systems are sufficiently developed for independent life.

    About 75% of the premature genera for the course of the process are natural and only 25% are caused artificially.

    Premature children are not always very small, born on 35-36 weeks weigh up to 2.5 kilograms, and their organs and systems are ready for independent operation

    Indications for artificial stimulation of generic activity ahead of time:

    • serious diseases caused by irreversible violations of the work of organs or systems representing the threat to the life of the mother;
    • the serious flow of pregnancy due to the gestosis, accompanied by a preeclampsia or a developed eclampsia - a state, in which blood pressure and protein indicators in the urine significantly increases, and the vision is deteriorating;
    • violations in the movement of yellow, concomitant pathologies of the liver function - intravenous cholestasis of pregnant women;
    • Hellp-syndrome is the intrinsicness of the body to pregnancy, manifested in the last weeks of to wear. It is characterized by pathologies in blood formation, expressing in the deterioration of blood intake and violation of the liver;
    • constant deterioration of the child's condition, despite the efforts taken to stabilize;
    • vices in the development of the fetus incompatible with life;
    • the death of the child in the womb.

    Table: Differences in the processes of natural and artificial labor

    Generic activity Natural childbirth Artificial kinds
    Participation of hormones in labor Oxytocin causes the uterus to shrink, but the intensity of abbreviations increases gradually. For an average of 10 hours, the female organism has time to adapt to a new state and relax until the uterine cuts reach the amount of up to 7-10 per hour duration of about 1-2 minutes.The maternal organism is not ready for childbirth, therefore the synthesis of oxytocin does not occur. It is necessary to introduce intravenously synthetic oxytocin with a dropper and the contractions for an hour rapidly grow. Time to rest between royaltic abbreviations is simply not left, which greatly exhaust a woman physically.
    Pain during battles With the natural production of oxytocin, the pains that stimulate emission of endorphine are transmitted to the brain, which is 10 times stronger than morphine. Therefore, sensations in natural genus are not so painful even without the use of anesthesia.Synthetic oxytocin does not have the ability to penetrate through the hematostephalic barrier, so the brain does not know that the allocation of endorphine is required. Hoeers with artificial stimulation of generic activity often ask for anesthesia. For example, epidural anesthesia.
    Behavior in kind Fights make the fencers look for a comfortable position, some women find relief under warm water in the shower or even swimming in the pool. A partner can knead the belt to give birth, removing some of the painful sensations. The displacement of naturally giving birth is not limited, pregnant women can walk along the corridor until the contractions become too intense.Oxytocin, entering the body drip, significantly limits women in movements. With the help of cardiotocographer (CTG), the palpitations of the fetus must be constantly monitored. After applying epidural anesthesia, the guinea can only lie on the side or sit on the bed, which can harm the child. Therefore, most often doctors make a decision on cesarean section.
    Frightened Poverty Reflex Reflex pushing the fetus in giving birth is manifested by the desire to live. With complete disclosure of the uterus, the maximum production of oxytocin occurs and the fruit is literally extruded out. And the power and energy of mothers gives a powerful emission of adrenaline into blood.Artificial stimulation of the battle does not allow to increase the level of oxytocin, and the reflex of the fetus is absent. In epidural anesthesia, it is impossible to do without the help of obstetricians to extract the fetus from the mother's womb.
    Protection of a child from hypoxia Oxytocin penetrates through the placenta to the baby, preventing the children's brain from possible oxygen fasting (hypoxia).Synthetic oxytocin interferes with the production of natural, and the baby's brain remains without protection. For a long-term lack of oxygen, the fruit meets weak cardiac activity, so the cesarean section is often carried out.
    Third period of birth After the birth of the child, the empty uterus continues to shrink and descend, the placenta is separated from its walls and goes out. Oxytocin makes this process at a small-board. But the main purpose of the hormone of love in the postpartum period is the formation of a refined bonding between mother and newborn, important for both health. The oxytocin tide is felt by each body cell.Stimulated generic activity without oxytocin injection may be complicated by strong bleeding after childbirth. Synthetic hormone is not so harmless, as it may seem. Oxytocin has an impact on the well-being and mood of the newly minted mother, and its absence in the case of artificial stimulation is able to cause postpartum depression.

    What is the threat of premature birth

    A few weeks before the expected date of birth can be felt by false contractions - pain pulling in the lower back and the abdomen. Sometimes they are accompanied by the active movements of the fetus in the uterus and bloody discharge from the vagina. Similar symptoms require immediate appeal to the doctor. With a vaginal examination, the unchanged state of the uterine neck is detected. This condition is called the threat of premature births, and correctly appointed and the treatment allows you to convey the child to the term.

    Pregnant women with threatening childbirth recommend bed mode and avoiding physical or sexual activity. It is equally important to protect the future mother from psychological upheavals. To reduce the level of stress, the reception of sedatives is prescribed, as necessary, a woman advises a psychologist, psychotherapy may need in particularly severe cases.

    In the threat of premature births, preventive actions aimed at reducing the symptoms of respiratory failure - distress syndrome are certainly prescribed. For this, mom is prescribed hormonal drugs that contribute to the production of surfactant - the substances necessary for the maturation of the fetus of the fetus.

    If the threat arises due to the inability of the neck of the uterus to keep the fruit (exhaustic-cervical insufficiency), two methods of treatment are used:

    • surgical. The cervix applies circular seams and tightened, like a blood, so as not to give to open ahead of time;
    • non-surgical. With the help of a plastic ring (obstetric pessary), originating a partial load of the uterus with a fruit, fix the uterine cake.

    The infringement of the oily water requires special attention in the threat of premature genera in the absence of other signs of the beginning of the generic activity. During pregnancy from 28 to 34 week, the hatching is trying to extend if the expulsion of the water bubble is not accompanied by infection. A favorable set of circumstances even in this case allows you to delay the childbirth for several weeks. The time won is spent on the ripening of fetal systems, especially respiratory and digestive. Since the fetal shell does not protect the crumb from the penetration of infections, the course of antibiotics and drugs blocking the cutting of the uterus are prescribed.

    Be sure to measure the body temperature of a pregnant woman twice a day, so as not to miss the beginning of infection of the generic pathways. For the same purpose taken general analyzes urine and blood, bakposposev and smear from the vagina. Carefully monitor the condition of the child. If the slightest signs of infection are found, the artificial stimulation of generic activity begins.

    Multiple pregnancy is particularly often ends before the term and the more children in the mother's womb, the less weighs each of them.

    Causes of the start of premature birth from mother and fetus

    To the most frequent reasons causing premature resolution from the burden on the motherboard, are as follows:

    • unsatisfactory domestic conditions and insufficient nutrition;
    • drinking alcohol, narcotic drugs and smoking during pregnancy;
    • failure to the future mother from observation by the doctor;
    • age under 17 and over 40 years old (due to the underdevelopment of the reproductive system or acquired chronic diseases and abortions in the past);
    • anemia;
    • suffered during pregnancy pneumonia, venereal and infectious diseases;
    • eastic and cervical insufficiency;
    • multi-way;
    • miscarriages and premature births in the past;
    • uterine polycystic;
    • acute attack of appendicitis;
    • improper formation of the placenta;
    • intrauterine infections provoking the starting break of the fetal shells;
    • excessive physical activity;
    • status of strong nervous voltage.

    From the fetus, premature appearance to light causes:

    • congenital brain damage;
    • pulk development of the digestive system;
    • violation in the work of the kidneys.

    Video: Top 3 Causes of premature birth

    Do you think that childbirth ahead of time is only among those who have had health problems or violated the regime when to wear? You're wrong. All 6 months from the date of registration of 8 weeks I regularly handed over the tests (without deviations), I walked daily for 2 hours (allowed the warm season most of the pregnancy period), it was properly fed and followed all the instructions of the doctor. But the stress from the resulting fall of the 2008 crisis hit our family, heavily taped me.

    Risk factors for premature birth

    Several factors are distinguished, giving rise to a pregnant to the risking group to give birth prematurely:

    • late beds;
    • multiple pregnancy;
    • misconception of the fetus;
    • pairing placenta;
    • defects of uterus and uterine appendages;
    • gene mutations;
    • internal genital injuries;
    • malformations of the fetus;
    • moma uterus;
    • rhow-conflict with a child.

    Video: What is intrauterine fetal infection

    Signs of premature birth

    Symptoms of the emergence of premature genera are the same as beginning on time:

    • pulling painful pain, feeling at the bottom of the abdomen;
    • frequent urination for urination and defecation;
    • the feeling of cutting and pressure in the genitals.

    Video: how to understand that the fights started

    Table: Symptoms of premature births in stages

    Stage of premature birth Symptoms of premature birth Survey results
    • pulling back pain and abdominal at the bottom;
    • non-periodic grapple-shaped cuts in the uterus;
    • graceful sensations in the field of vagina and rectum;
    • frequent painless urge to urination.
    • the cervix is \u200b\u200bnot changed;
    • the fruit is closely located predatory to a small pelvis.
    • explicit gravity pain at the bottom of the abdomen every 3-10 minutes;
    • often there is an extension of amniotic fluid (accumulating waters).
    • the cervix is \u200b\u200bshortened, smoothed;
    • a finger passes to the uterine sin.
    • frequent and regular contractions;
    • very often - pouring amniotic fluid.
    Output of the uterine neck up to 4 cm.

    November 22, 2008 before the estimated date of childbirth of my son remained a month. On the eve of my husband and I were on the birthday of Cola, I had to go on foot to the fifth floor and descend too, since the elevator did not work. And the sausage of Ira was delicious, I could not resist and ate 2 pieces. And salmon - a little piece went to the sausage. Saturday morning began at 4 o'clock with drawing pain at thenore of the belly, I already thought that I didn't like or fat food did not like my stomach, in 8 months, accustomed to useful food, as suddenly painful feelings themselves retreated. Puzzled by this phenomenon Lena lay down to lump and slept 2.5 hours. When the situation was exactly repeated, a guess pierced me - this is a fight. But as so, I have been pulling to the last with marriage, while in October my child did not drag me into the registry office, and we have painted after 10 days - the certificate from the hospital has helped. But I was waiting for a passport for a whole month and there was still no time on his hands. But things were collected in the hospital (thanks to mom!) And exchange card on maiden Familia. Magnifying the husband with the words "I have a fight, we went to the passport," I barely dissuade him to call him in the ambulance. The fights, meanwhile, rolled out once every 2 hours, but in the passport department they were culturally sent to give birth, promising to issue a passport to the spouse of 12 days. At home, during the next hike to the toilet, I noticed a strange mucus on underwear. By calling the sister of her husband, who herself recently became a mother, I learned that it was moved through a traffic jam and I urgently time in the hospital. Despite the still infrequent contractions, I lay down the aquet to the car who had arrived and went to give birth.

    How do premature birth

    When pregnant with suspicion of premature birth falls in the hospital, the duty officer-gynecologist conducts a survey:

    1. The oral survey, revealing the risk factors of premature births.
    2. Inspection of a woman that allows you to determine whether there is a leakage or an infringement of spindle water (amniotic fluid).
    3. In the absence of leaking, inspect the beings of the uterus and the uterine neck for disclosure. If the external changes are not detected or are minor, the inspection is repeated every 30 minutes within 4-6 of the coming hours. When signs or increasing discovery, premature genera is diagnosed.
    4. Estimation of the state of the fetus, oilyoper waters, fetal shells and placenta with ultrasound and KTG.
    5. The fence of microbiological analyzes of the creek of the uterus and the uterine smear.

    On the basis of these studies, the doctor makes a decision on the tactics of treatment for suspension of generic activity or objectiveness.

    What to do a woman in suspected premature birth

    First of all, you need to calm down. Take preparations based on the lattice or valerian and before the arrival of emergency it is desirable to drink something from spasmolitics to reduce the uterine tone. Preparations containing dolls or papaverine are suitable.

    Without permission, do not get up, but you only need to lie on the left side.

    Who came in the ambulance with suspicion of premature births necessarily in the first minutes should inspect the doctor's duty doctor

    Features of the process of preterm labor

    The small size of the fetus makes premature labor rapid and natural generic paths often do not have time to prepare.

    This is the complexity of the early appearance of a child to light:

    • in premature babies, cranial bones have not yet been formed enough, so they cannot protect the brain from the pressure during the fights and pushing out of the marriage of the mother;
    • the generic paths threaten the squeezing of the baby's head, as they do not have time to stretch and can break in the process of childbirth.

    Therefore, the event to reduce active abbreviations and adequate anesthesia is necessarily present in the tactics of the process of premature labor. It is forbidden to use forceps or provide other assistance to remove the child, which must certainly come out of the birth paths alone.

    In the case of the wrong position - the painter, pelvic prediction The fetus and so on - the cesarean section is used.

    The newborn for a minute hold on the same level with the mother's uterus, then the umbilical cord is chosen and immediately transmit to neonatologist.

    The whole process from the beginning of regular battles before the birth of a child has prematurely giving birth to 4 hours, and rapid labor is even faster.

    I gave an interview to the SanPropuscan and allowing you to inspect, I went to the ward with things, where a girl with bats was already. "Lord, another primary" - a duty nurse has been welcoming me. I was made by the injection of drootaverine (but-shops) intravenously and ordered lying on the left side. An hour later, they allowed stroll along the corridor to the CTG and listen to the heartbeat. Ultrasound did me 2 weeks ago and the indicators were satisfied with the obstetrician-gynecologist. At the 36th week, the child was completely formed, and to the fact that he will weigh no more than 2500, I was ready. His husband and son of his one-utilized sister were born on time with a weighing of 2400 grams, but rose quite strong. Ilya is now 20 years old and it is almost 2 meters in growth. So, I was distracted. The next 4 hours passed under the jokes-booms of the nurse, in every way distracting us with Tanya from pain, and periodic trips to the KTG apparatus, the baby lowered the lower. In 17-20, I was angry with a gynecological chair, the doctor examined me and decided to pierce fruit bubbleSo that the waters finally flowed out, because the uterus was already quite revealed. Here in 17-25, I felt what real contractions are. I immediately told me under the handle opposite the viewing office. There I again climbed on the chair, from excitement and rolling the fights could not figure out how to hold on to the vertical handrails, it promised to die loudly and asked to take care of my baby. The doctor stroked me on his head and reminded proper breathing. In 17-55 I heard the first cry of the Son. And the passport of my husband still brought me, and in the line with the date of issue, the birthday of my sentence is indicated. Even changing the document when the time will come, I do not want.

    Possible consequences and complications for mother and child

    In women who had previously laid deadlines, postpartum depression and other psychological problems are often developing because of the sense of guilt before the kid. You should not torment yourself with experiences, because Kroch needs your love and care, and you will also help you restore physical and mental health more.

    Due to the insufficient development of bodies, premature children first have to breathe and get nutrients through the tubes

    The consequences of premature appearance for newborns are becoming much harder:

    • if the lungs are still not developed enough, the baby is connected to the apparatus of artificial respiration. The kids born to the 35th week of pregnancy, in their underdeveloped lungs, a small amount of surfactants and the deficit has to be filled with drugs, which saves life to most premature babies. But sometimes it is still not possible to do without artificial ventilation of lungs (IVL);
    • in children with immature light cloth, chronic forms of lung diseases are often developing. They are prescribed drugs that stimulate the growth of light tissue;
    • highly premature children need to be connected to the devices that perform the functions of most organism systems:
      • respiratory;
      • cardiac;
      • circulatory;
    • often prematurely born children connect to the apparatus of nutrition or inject nutrients intravenously. Then fats, proteins and carbohydrates needed for full-fledged development fall into a children's body.

    At an older age, premature children face a particularly complex respiratory disease. They increase the risk of developing asthma, increasing the tendency to bronchopasm and the appearance of shortness of breath in infectious diseases.

    Insufficiently ripening brain during childbirth often suffers from hypoxia, which negatively affects the nervous system of its functions. Such people typically have a very low pain threshold, the nervous tissue is unusually sensitive to mechanical damage.

    Video: Recommendations of a neonatologist doctor parents of premature babies

    Table: Forecasts for children born at different deadlines

    Pregnancy term for preterm birth Baby weight Features Forecast
    22-28 weeks (very early). up to 1000 grams.Extreme prematurity threshing
    disabilities in most cases, even if the child survives.
    Lights have not yet matured, IVL required.
    Long rehabilitation in the incubator -
    the simulator of the maternal uterus - increases the chances of survival.
    Available to save:
    • up to 24 weeks - 40% of children;
    • july 25-27 - 75% of children;
    • at the 28th week - 90%.
    28-32 weeks (early). 1000-1800 grams.Moderate prematurity can also turn into disabilities, but in less than half of the cases. Insufficiently mature light might need an artificial respiratory unit.It is possible to save up to 95% of children.
    32-34 weeks. 1300-2100 grams.Most organs and systems are sufficiently developed.It is possible to save 95-98% of children.
    35-37 weeks (Late). 2000-2500 grams.These children differ from completely docking only weighing, all systems and organs are fully developed.It is possible to save more than 98% of children.

    Postpartum rehabilitation

    Rehabilitation after premature births lasts three months old up to two years. First you need to be especially attentive to vaginal discharge while reducing the uterus returning to normal sizes. In the case of premature delivery, they continue longer than those who have born on time. It is necessary to control the consistency, color, smell, so as not to miss a sudden start of bleeding.

    Some moms may require psychological rehabilitation due to the fault complex that the baby could not be able to convey, especially if it caused serious health problems with krochi. During this period, the support of loved ones, which will help with everyday affairs, play a very large role, but will not give a woman to clicter in themselves.

    It is certainly to regularly visit the gynecologist to eliminate the likelihood of incorporation of diseases that brought to premature births. Planning a new pregnancy is recommended to wait until the body is finally restored.

    Breastfeed should begin when the doctor approves, but it is necessary to argue to preserve lactation immediately how milk will start coming.

    Mom are allowed to spend children even in intensive care, kids are very helpful to feel maternal love and care

    After how much is discharged after premature birth

    No one calls for you, each case is considered individually. The duration of stay in the hospital depends on the state of the mother and child, the degree of prematurity. May write in 2-3 weeks, but the baby will go to the department of newborns for a long time. And you can be at home in a week or two with the child.

    My son had the only problem besides low weight - the thermoregulation gave the failures and we spent 6 days in the maternity hospital, the petty was in the same Chamber with me, but I slept in a heated cuvez.

    Prevention of premature birth

    The probability of occurrence of childbirth ahead of time can be revealed even during registration, so it is necessary to honestly answer questions about the suffering or chronic diseases and the presence of bad habits.

    If you get into the risk group:

    • for sure, adhere to the recommendations of the doctor and take the prescribed drugs. From all infectious diseases it is necessary to recover at the stage of pregnancy planning, and then observe precautions, avoiding sources of infection. It is impossible to pass visits to the doctor, and all the hardware and laboratory studies should be carried out on time;
    • check out the symptoms of the approaching childbirth and immediately visit your gynecologist when signs are found. Timely appointed therapy will allow you to push the date of delivery, and the baby is enough to develop enough to appear;
    • refrain from sexual relationship if the doctor insists on this;
    • try not to be overworked;
    • get rid of bad habits, including in nutrition;
    • do not self-medicate.

    Video: how to avoid premature birth

    Features of pregnancy after premature birth

    If a woman has already premature birth happened, all its subsequent pregnancies will be held under the close attention of doctors. In such future mothers are recommended:

    • early regulation to pass all the necessary analyzes as early as possible;
    • advanced list of suggested surveys:
      • research on hormones;
      • antibody titers;
      • careful study of smears and bakpospases;
      • blood pressure monitoring;
      • other analyzes, depending on the reasons provoked the early childbirth at the previous time;
    • attraction to the observation of pregnant narrow-profile specialists - cardiologist, endocrinologist and others;
    • planned hospitalization in a critical period for prophylactic therapy;
    • rooms in the hospital before childbirth in specialized branches of perinatal centers.

    There are women who give birth before the term, and it will always be normal. Dangers or threats for the next pregnancy premature once in itself does not carry.

    Childbirth for the next pregnancy

    If prevention measures have been taken before conception and during pregnancy, the next birth will begin on time and will be held without problems. An exception can be a state of correction, but they happen extremely rarely.

    Video: how to make and give birth a healthy baby

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