• Family Day May 15 congratulations. Congratulations on the Family Day: short, sms, quatrains for the holiday. Congratulations on International Family Day


    Congratulate loved ones, dear and loved ones with Happy Family can be twice: May 15, when it is celebrated International Family Day and 8 July when celebrated All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity... According to the old calendar, it fell on June 25 and was called the Day of Peter and Fevronia - in honor of the patrons of family and love. The symbol of this holiday is chamomile.

    Here are collected the best poems of congratulations to the Family Day.

    You always value your family
    Let there be joy in your home.
    Let the lucky star
    Keeps all relatives and friends!

    ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

    Let family life, comfort,
    Warm with affection
    Children scurry about joyfully
    Making you happy with a fairy tale!

    ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

    We congratulate the family,
    We wish you eternal happiness
    And simple earthly love
    From dawn to dawn!

    ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

    Love! And appreciate happiness!
    It is born in a family
    What could be more precious than her
    On this fabulous land!

    Happy family day
    And I wish you a lot of happiness
    To survive together
    All adversity and bad weather!

    ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

    You take care of each other
    And do not offend in vain!
    Happiness in the house and love to you,
    Always have a happy day!

    ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

    Happiness, joy, health,
    Dear you mine!
    Congratulations on your love
    Happy All-Russian Family Day.

    ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

    You are in a hurry to celebrate family day,
    And our wishes to accept:
    So that there are children, a house, a hearth, warmth,
    In all undertakings to be lucky!

    ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

    Family day
    Congratulations to you!
    With a strong union, and in love
    We wish you to live long!

    ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

    You managed to create such a family
    Which serves as an example for everyone.
    You always love your dear wife,
    Let the kids adore you!

    ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

    On family day, I want to congratulate
    Everyone who is next to me
    Who praised and understood
    I love you all very much!

    Family is the foundation of every life
    Love is the basis of all foundations
    And loyalty is above all whims,
    We are together - better than any words!

    ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

    We are together, we are a family
    This means that we are strong.
    Strong in love
    Loyalty, care.
    And we will not be broken by pain and care.
    We are a family
    And this is why we are strong!

    ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

    Family - in love and fidelity
    Live from year to year
    And in sorrow and in joy
    And not being afraid of adversity!

    ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

    May there be a strong family
    Giving us love and loyalty
    May every day and every hour
    With a smile to meet you!

    On May 15, 2019, we send congratulations on the International Family Day to our families and friends. On this page of our site are presented poems suitable for this occasion for International Day of the Family.

    Congratulations in verse on International Family Day

    Family is the most capacious word.
    In it one can hear the "seed" - the basis of life.
    The seven I's are the seven firmly bound,
    And future lives a reliable source.

    Family is joyful children's laughter.
    Family is what gives us success in life!
    Let each be a support family friend,
    And let all misfortunes pass everyone!

    Family is mom and dad
    Family is a joyful laugh.
    Family are stages of childhood,
    Family is dear to life for everyone.

    Family is holidays, weekdays,
    Family - when happiness is countless.
    It happens that family is difficult
    But it is important when it is there.

    On this national holiday of the family
    I sincerely congratulate you!
    Let the bad weather go around you ...
    I wish you family happiness!

    Congratulations on World Family Day will be a pleasure for your mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, grandparents. If you are separated by distances, you can send your loved ones poems dedicated to this international holiday in the form of SMS or e-mail.

    On International Family Day
    Congratulations to you
    With a strong union, and in love
    We wish you to live long!
    May the children of the elders never
    They do not upset in anything
    And dad and mom of kids
    Surrounding with care!
    For the heart - a holiday, warmth
    And joy in communication!
    We wish you with loved ones always
    Be in better relationship!

    Happy International Family Day
    I want to congratulate all of you.
    And I want to wish love
    We wish you family success!
    So that the cup is full
    There are fewer kids.
    And drink a cup to the bottom
    To the sound of the strongest love!

    Nothing is more important in life
    Relatives, your family,
    Today we wish everyone
    So that families take care of their own!
    Love loved ones, respect,
    Give them your warmth
    Pay more attention,
    After all, you are so lucky with them!

    Warm words of congratulations are nice to send and nice to receive. Especially if these are beautiful and soulful poems for the International Day of the Family, which will certainly resonate in the hearts of your relatives.

    International Family Day, -
    How much sense in this combination ...
    Family is like a fortress for people
    In it, the fulfillment of desires.
    And on this bright May day
    Congratulations on important date,
    Let the hearth of love burn
    And there will be respect and prosperity in the house!

    Families realizing all the value
    Having learned your disposition for so many years,
    Give good in the middle of May
    I want one piece of advice:
    Be gentle, patient with your neighbors,
    Despising their ambitions -
    Then only you will be happy!
    Happy International Family Day!

    On the calendar May 15, 2018. This means that today a wonderful holiday is celebrated - International Day of the Family. Along with other countries, it is also celebrated in Russia.

    We invite you to please your family members beautiful SMS congratulations or congratulations in verse on International Family Day.

    Happy International Family Day!
    Smiles and sun.
    Let the rays always be kind
    Shine in your window.

    Let there be no quarrels, adversities.
    I wish you health, patience!
    May the holiday be all year round
    And every moment.

    Let your head spin
    From fabulous luck.
    In your family, love is alive,
    And that means a lot.


    The most valuable thing in life is family!
    Only relatives will understand and support,
    Laughing will help to overcome all obstacles
    They will teach, prompt, give hope.

    Love, understanding, warmth and care
    I sincerely wish you all today
    On a family day, bright and international,
    May all that we dream of come true!

    See also: International Family Day 2018: Animated greetings

    Family is mommy, daddy,
    Family is a joyful laugh.
    Family are stages of childhood,
    Family is dear to life for everyone.

    Grannies, grandfathers, grandchildren,
    Brothers, sisters, watchdog ...
    Family is warm hands
    And paint smeared nose.

    Family is holidays, weekdays,
    Family - when happiness is countless.
    It happens that family is difficult
    But it is important when it is there.

    On this national holiday of the family
    I sincerely congratulate you.
    Let the bad weather go around you ...
    I wish such a family to all.


    There are great values \u200b\u200bin life,
    They cannot be sold or bought.
    And celebrated all over the world
    International Family Day!

    May happiness enter every home
    Let the house smell like pie
    Let the sonorous laughter of children sound
    Love always reigns in the family!


    Happy International Family Day
    I congratulate the whole world
    Kindness, harmony and love
    I wish all families.

    Let the house be a full cup
    Anywhere on the planet
    Happy children laughing
    Let it be in every house.

    I wish loyalty to families,
    Love, warmth and light
    May every family be happy
    Share with the planet.


    Everyone has many desires
    And we all strive for the dream.
    But you can not ignore it,
    That the kids are on a white sheet
    Draw, display unevenly,
    A picture where the meaning of being is
    In short unconditional words,
    There is "mom", "dad" and "me".
    Happy Family Day to you!
    Keep your hearth, cherish
    With all that you have. I know,
    Family is peace for the soul.

    There is nothing more important than family
    For an earthly person,
    It was created for the family,
    Must live in the family forever!
    He must give birth to children
    And educate with love
    And give them development,
    Monitor your health!
    Let him give to all family
    God is his blessing
    And he will send to his parents
    A lot of patience!

    Family is the right to help
    Support and affection, warmth.
    Family is a quiet midnight
    When you are lucky with your family.
    Family is joy and children
    When you are not alone.
    Family is someone in the world
    Who are you with until the last gray hairs.
    Family is a chance to meet
    With all my heart, or maybe with my soul.
    Family is a way to communicate
    It's so good with brothers!
    It's great when there are sisters
    There is a grandmother, grandfather or grandson.
    For the holiday of relatives - without quotes,
    For the main friends and girlfriends!

    There are only three "whales" on which our whole world rests, and these are love, loyalty and family! And in order for the world to continue to exist, we must constantly support these "whales" And for this you need to trust each other, love each other and create families. I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - on the Day of Love, Family and Loyalty, and I wish you to create your own family, which will be strong and happy.

    Happy Family Day! This is the main miracle
    Joy of life, support on the way!
    May the family be all happy
    Nobody is sick, not sad!
    Life will be trouble-free and bright
    Only relatives will please!
    Sweet days and selfless love
    I want to wish for you!

    Remember, family is more important than anyone else in the world.
    No one can replace relatives.
    Parents, cousins, matchmakers, children,
    In relatives, after all, the main thing is family warmth!
    And everyone who cherishes his family
    Happy will live a very long time!
    After all, who, if not your family, wishes you?
    Everyone has a duty - to love a family!

    Family day is especially important
    Remember everyone who is next to us
    Every day, literally everyone
    Does business
    Gives us love, care,
    Speaks about the most important thing -
    On a clear day and in bad weather,
    Putting your fatigue aside.
    On family day, congratulate loved ones,
    Give them a smile.
    There is so much meaning in their life -
    To be for us, to forgive the mistake,
    Prompt, cheer up, comfort,
    Or just call:
    "We are relatives, we will support!"
    How can a family not be surprised!
    The case of many, the case of the strong
    The right to live your own destiny
    Combine in favorite
    With the right to live as one family!

    On the day of family, love and fidelity, I would like to wish you that your union was strong and staunchly resisted all misfortunes. Let, like Saints Peter and Fevronya, you will have the most important thing only that you are together. And whatever you sacrifice, you know, God will return everything to its place: you have to leave work, which means that a career in another place will go up rapidly, if you have lost friends, you will find new ones.

    Happy Family Day, I heartily congratulate you,
    After all, there is nothing more expensive!
    And I wish you harmony, love
    At your home!
    Let the spouses love and dream
    Substituting a shoulder in sorrow,
    And let my friend understand friend,
    Adoring tenderly, hotly!
    Let relatives live in understanding,
    Let only children's laughter fill the house
    Take care of these golden years,
    After all, success is born in a family!

    Family is the most capacious word.
    In it one can hear the "seed" - the basis of life.
    The seven I's are the seven firmly bound,
    And future lives are a reliable source.
    Family is joyful children's laughter.
    Family is what gives us success in life!
    May relatives be support to each other,
    And let all misfortunes pass everyone!
    Family is a reliable stronghold of our life,
    That in childhood and old age protects us.
    Family - a house built on love,
    May joy and happiness reign in him!

    Take care of love, take care
    Protect from troubles, protect
    And cherish your family
    And love your loved ones, love!
    May they forgive us today
    Yes, and we will change our minds to be angry.
    Let all the past be forgotten
    Let us hasten to reconcile as soon as possible!
    After all, today is such a bright holiday -
    Family day, love day, good day!
    And everyone here became an accomplice
    In the creation of the world, warmth.
    Cherish your family and relatives,
    After all, they will always be with you.
    And keep close in life
    To those who will reach out in love.
    Be faithful, just love
    Take our word for it sometimes.
    And then happiness will knock on the door,
    To stay with you forever!
    Take care of your family, protect
    From adversity, from bad weather and evil.
    AND happy life live
    Happy family day, happy love day, gentlemen!

    I congratulate you on the Day of family, love and fidelity! I wish that all three of these components are always in your life! Let the family protect, support and warm with its warmth. Let love bring happiness, and fidelity gives confidence that it will always be so!

    Keeping love is not easy at all
    It is even more difficult to save a family.
    And there are no answers to questions
    How to make your marriage even stronger.
    We need both wisdom and patience,
    To live together for many years
    Appreciate beautiful moments
    And cherish this happiness.

    Family is the basis of happiness,
    Family is the light in the eyes
    Family is home for everyone
    Family is life in heaven!
    I, family, congratulations to you,
    I don't know how one can live without you!
    I promise you faithfully
    That I will always love you!

    The sacred values \u200b\u200bof the family are the base countries,
    The basics of a righteous life, simple.
    Today, this day, is so special
    We wish we gave blue!
    And in it is a dream that flaps the wing of happiness,
    Love that calls so captivatingly.
    And a bird with a long tail - good luck,
    That will sadly save you from all troubles.
    Let love and joy reign in the family
    And only real good.
    So that all the bad things in the past only remain
    And all the warmth reigned in the house,
    What is in the world. And peace of mind
    Family harmony, comfort.
    Let only devotion and loyalty reign
    In the house where they are always waiting for someone.

    Family is God's most invaluable gift,
    It is a fortress, each element of which is laid with love, on a solid foundation of loyalty. It is important to preserve this value, not to let the fortress collapse, remain faithful and protect it from the storm of offenses and formidable quarrels. Happy Family Day !!!

    Family, love and fidelity - three in one.
    What could be more reliable in this world?
    Your home on a solid foundation,
    Until you forget about it.
    Appreciate what you have today
    Your union only grows stronger over the years!
    Let the light of happy eyes not go out
    And tenderness will remain between you!

    Family is faith and happiness
    Family is a support and life,
    May on this family holiday
    Family grief will conquer all!
    Let there be a wife like an angel
    May the husband be faithful always
    Let the children bring only joy
    Happy holiday, our family!

    Ships are sailing, sailing across the sky,
    And the wind does not frighten them harsh.
    Today we celebrate Family Day -
    The most dear day in the world.
    We go against difficulties in the same way,
    When we are inclined, it does not break, the wind,
    As long as we know - there is a house ahead,
    Its windows shine with honey light -
    That is why we did not go astray.
    Let's postpone things on this day -
    We will visit the parents of our loved ones,
    We'll lay down the children a little later,
    Let's all get together - okay
    Open family album - a chubby volume ...
    Thank you, Family Day, for coming,
    And I reminded about headline values!

    On a wonderful holiday - Family Day from pure heart I want to wish that there is always happiness and understanding in the family, that love and joy bloom in the house, that your life is prosperous and kind, that your hearts always remain faithful and hopeful.

    The family is the most important unit of society. The existence of the state is impossible without it. Therefore, those countries that are concerned about their own development do not bypass May 15 - Family Day. After all, for civilization to develop, first of all, families must be strong.

    How it all began

    The history of May 15 has its roots in the distant 1989, when the first attempts to create a tradition were made. However, the world community supported this initiative and took seriously the problems of families only 5 years later. And 1994 was declared the International Year of the Family.

    At the same time, the UN Assembly joined in solving problems. The organization adopted a resolution that the world has a new red calendar day - May 15 (Family Day), which should be celebrated annually. She hoped that on this day every year around the world there will be various conferences, forums, festivals dedicated to pressing family problems.

    2014 is a jubilee year, because the citizens of the whole world have celebrated Family Day for the 20th time. In Russia, they began to support this tradition a year later, in 1995. From that moment on, our state began to pay more attention to the problems of families in the country. And 2008, by decree of the Commander-in-Chief of Russia, was proclaimed the Year of the Family.

    Family importance

    An adequate perception of the surrounding world and the acquisition of correct moral attitudes, certain character traits - all this in a person is laid in a narrow circle of close people. A person only in a family can receive warmth, love and affection. Parents are primarily responsible for the entire personality.

    A strong family is the key to the well-being of the entire population of the planet. Therefore, the state needs to show great concern for this unit of society. May 15 - Family Day - encourages everyone on the planet to think about the conditions in which today's families live, whether they bring up their children well, how they overcome life difficulties that have got in the way.

    Sometimes you need a reason to remember the parental home, children, family values and their ancestry. For these purposes, a certain day was allocated. Ensuring the transfer of traditions from generation to generation is one of the main functions of a social unit. Its importance cannot be understated in society. She must be raised on the basis of a complete family.

    Why is this holiday special?

    World Family Day on May 15 is gaining popularity every year. The issues that were raised on the day of the celebration are then resolved at the top of the state throughout the year. This moment significantly distinguishes Family Day from many other holidays, which are remembered only on the day of the event.

    Family Day is a very important and quite popular holiday. Any such event has a positive effect on the relations of its members and brings them closer. And the celebrations dedicated to this very cell of society will all the more contribute to its cohesion. We can safely say that the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating such an event was successfully implemented. Although the holiday is still young, it already has its own traditions.

    Family Day traditions in Russia

    Every year May 15 - Family Day - is celebrated with a solemn ceremony in the Kremlin. The "Family of Russia" award is presented there. presented with the Order of Parental Glory. The corresponding decree on the approval of the awards was signed in the Year of the Family and, accordingly, has been issued since May 2008.

    Also on this day, various festivals, discussions, conferences are held throughout the country, and throughout the whole time (for several years now) the propaganda of the value of the family and childbearing has been carried out, which is gradually bearing fruit. In many Russian regions over the past few years, there has been an increase in the birth rate and excess over mortality.

    There is another wonderful tradition associated with Family Day - to celebrate another event throughout the country. All in the same 2008, Orthodoxy was officially proclaimed - the Day of Peter and Fevronia, which is celebrated by the whole country on July 7. On this day, there are also many activities aimed at supporting the institution of the family.

    Family support in Russia

    The celebration of Family Day on May 15, as a rule, in civilized states is quite loud, since the issues related to it are important for the development of countries. It has been celebrated in Russia for 19 years. Every year there is a burning key theme with which the plots of all the events held at this time are connected.

    The year 2008 was declared the Year of the Family in the Russian Federation, for which the government has developed a significant state program aimed at developing the support of families in our country. First of all, the state supports those families who are in a difficult life situation. So, an important direction in the program is to provide assistance to lonely pensioners and children who do not have guardians.

    The statesmen have not forgotten about the problems of motherhood and childhood. For example, there is an acute problem of mortality during childbirth, both of mothers and their babies. In order for these indicators to tend to zero, it is necessary to ensure the proper quality of medical care for this category of citizens at the expense of the state, which is what the current programs are aimed at.

    Also, the country is successfully pursuing a policy to increase the birth rate and support large families... For example, the “maternity capital” program has been successfully implemented, in which a target certificate is issued for the birth of a second child, and this amount is indexed every year by the percentage of inflation (if the certificate has not yet been used). Or another - the provision of a plot of land for housing construction at the birth of a third child.

    Support for large families in European countries

    The most important problem in European states, discussed on International Day of Families on May 15, is the problem of fertility. It is even more acute in advanced economies. How do European states deal with this issue? Mainly through subsidies.

    For example, in France, where the birth rate is at the highest level among the European community, there is a program called "Big Family". Thanks to her, at the birth of each subsequent child, the family receives tax breaks. Thus, a family with four children pays almost no taxes to the state.

    In Germany, it also receives a tax bonus for every child born. And a plus for each child receives monthly payment in the amount of 154 euros. In Sweden, the benefit received increases with the emergence of the next In addition, if the family is recognized as poor, the state charges additional subsidies.

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