• Description of eco by day. How the IVF procedure works: in detail. How many attempts can be


    In vitro fertilization for some couples is the only way to become parents due to problems with the reproductive function of one or both partners. Therefore, couples suffering from infertility turn to this method with great hope, when other treatment is already powerless. In our article, we will consider how the IVF procedure goes and the stages by day.

    Preparation for the IVF procedure - stages by day

    The clinics use approved protocols that have certain deadlines:

    • ultrashort: 25-31 days;
    • short: 28-35 days;
    • long: 40-45 days;
    • cryoprotocol: using frozen germ cells.

    IVF stages by day are standard in any institution. The names of drugs, the number of manipulations, an individual approach to spouses may differ, taking into account problems in their reproductive system, which determines the duration of the process as a whole.

    A man takes part only in some periods of the procedure, while a woman is involved in all IVF procedures, stages by day.

    IVF procedure video and stages by day and month (video)

    How to tune in and prepare for the IVF procedure, stages by day, what rules must be followed, the doctor will tell in the video review.

    IVF stages

    Preparatory stage

    The preliminary stage in the IVF procedure consists of preparation for the procedure. It starts 3 months before the IVF procedure of the scheduled date. During this time, it is necessary to undergo an examination for both a man and a woman. If chronic diseases or infections are detected, get treated, get rid of bad habits, eat healthy foods, start taking vitamins and folic acid. When the doctor is sure of the end of the preparatory period, they proceed to the next stage in the IVF procedure by day

    ovarian hyperstimulation

    The second stage in the IVF procedure by day is ovarian hyperstimulation, which consists of two parts:

    1. Suppression of the production of its own follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).
    2. Impact on the formation of liquid bubbles with the help of its synthetic substitutes (gonal, puregon, menopur, clostilbegit, etc.).

    In this segment, with short procedures, stimulation is carried out from 2-5 days, with a duration of 8-17 days. With a long oppression begins on the 20-25th day of the cycle. The action on the ovaries is also from 2-5 days to activate their work to create several eggs within 12-17 days. The process is controlled by ultrasound. When the follicles reach maturity, an hCG injection is given, which accelerates ovulation.

    Duration and sequence of IVF stages by day

    Directly in vitro fertilization is performed in the following order and within the following terms:

    Egg retrieval

    • Extraction of eggs by puncture of follicles during the IVF procedure by day. With a long protocol, this manipulation is carried out on days 12-22, with a short protocol - at 14-20, and with an ultrashort one - at 10-14 days. From a woman under anesthesia, cells are taken from all ripe vesicles. At this time, it is desirable for a man to donate sperm, but frozen material is often used.

    Fertilization of the egg

    • At this stage, the main work is carried out by embryologists in the laboratory. Female and male germ cells are carefully examined, only full-fledged and viable samples are selected. The fertilization procedure itself begins on day 3-5 for any protocol option. The eggs and sperm are placed in a special environment, where they merge. The result will be visible after 18 hours, when the division begins. Monitoring is underway for 5 days. Chromosomal abnormalities are subject to separate identification. Defective embryos are removed, and normal ones are transferred to an incubator, where they continue to grow and divide. All these processes and stages by day in the IVF procedure are often recorded in the photo in order to control the rate of fetal development.

    Transfer of embryos to the uterus

    • And, finally, in the IVF procedure by day, there comes the crucial moment of transferring the embryos to the uterus. On the 3-5th or 7th day of the expectant mother, the gynecologist inserts a vaginal speculum and inserts a soft catheter prepared by the embryologist with 2-3 embryos (or another number, at the request of the woman) into the uterus through the cervical canal. The fruits are squeezed out, the catheter is removed, the doctor looks under a microscope to see if they are all gone, if not, the IVF procedure is repeated every day. At the end, the woman should be at rest for 2-3 hours or more at the discretion of the doctor.

    Insertion into the endometrial wall

    • The final stage in the IVF procedure by day is the introduction into the wall of the endometrium. Here, the gynecologist prescribes hormonal drugs that help the embryo to gain a foothold, and continue to grow and develop. After 15 days, you can take a pregnancy test. At this time, loads are contraindicated, incl. psychological nature, hypothermia, sunbathing, etc. Sexual intercourse is allowed only after 3-4 weeks.


    According to analysts, only 30-35% of pregnancies occur after the first embryo transfer. Reviews of the IVF procedure, the stages of which we reviewed in the article, receive both positive and negative. Almost everyone calls the price and the negative impact on the woman's body hyperstimulation a minus. Well, the plus is obvious after the IVF procedure by the day - the birth of a baby, which for desperate parents takes all the minuses into the background.

    IVF is a method of infertility treatment, a feature of which is the fact that fertilization takes place outside the body of the expectant mother, but in a test tube. The IVF protocol is a scheme for carrying out procedures, starting from the preparatory stage and ending with the transfer of the embryo. There are several types of protocols, each of which has its own characteristics. Which one to choose? This is determined by the doctor on an individual basis, taking into account the cause of infertility, age, the state of the reproductive and other body systems.

    What is ECO?

    In vitro fertilization is a reproductive technology that gives infertile couples a chance to become parents. After passing the necessary tests and the preliminary stage, the eggs are removed from the ovaries of the woman and artificially fertilized. Embryos are placed in an incubator where optimal conditions are created for them. After 2-5 days, the highest quality blastocysts are transferred to the uterus. IVF efficiency is 30-50%. The older the woman, the less chance of pregnancy.

    Types of IVF protocols and their features

    Types of IVF protocols:

    1. in the natural cycle. Stimulation of ovulation does not occur, the egg matures naturally without the use of hormonal medications. The main difficulty is to calculate the right moment for the removal of the gamete. Often ovulation occurs spontaneously, so this protocol is the least effective.
    2. modified protocol. Close to the protocol in the natural cycle, but involves taking medication to prevent spontaneous ovulation.
    3. Long. Provides the maturation of a large number of high-quality eggs, the most productive. Requires long-term use of hormone-containing drugs.
    4. Extra long. It is used when a woman is diagnosed with gynecological or endocrine diseases that require prior hormone therapy.
    5. Short. Less effective than long, but easier to carry. Has a lower cost.
    6. Cryoprotocol. After fertilization, some of the embryos are frozen. In the future, they can be replanted after any period of time.
    7. Japanese. Medical burden is minimized. The main emphasis is on the quality of the embryos, and not on their quantity.

    Short protocol

    A short protocol reduces the risk of spontaneous ovulation, which often occurs with IVF in the natural cycle. It is relatively safe, the risk of adverse reactions is minimal, since the use of a large number of hormonal drugs is not required.

    The likelihood of developing complications in the form of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome with a short protocol is lower than with a long one. However, due to the fact that the number of eggs is small, and their quality sometimes leaves much to be desired, the effectiveness of the protocol is not too high compared to the long one.

    Indications and contraindications

    A short protocol is indicated for women with well-functioning ovaries who have reached the age of 30. It is used if the performance of a long protocol has been poor or there is a risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Such an IVF program is not used if a woman does not ovulate or if her menstrual cycle is irregular.

    Contraindications are also: pathology of the endometrium, a benign formation in the uterus (myoma) or polycystic ovaries. The protocol does not apply to chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys and other organs, incl. infectious (syphilis, hepatitis, tuberculosis) that are in the acute stage.

    Stages of the short protocol

    In the first days after the end of menstruation, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists are prescribed, which prevent a sharp increase in the level of luteinizing hormone that provokes ovulation. The next day, medications containing follicle-stimulating hormone are indicated to stimulate the growth and development of follicles, as well as to prepare the endometrium.

    Once the follicles have reached the required size, a preparation containing human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is administered. This is necessary to stimulate the ovulatory peak of luteinizing hormone. At the same time, sperm is given. With the help of a puncture, which is performed under general anesthesia, mature eggs are retrieved and fertilized. For several days, the embryos are in incubators, after which the highest quality of them are transferred into the uterine cavity. At this time, progesterone preparations are administered, which are needed to maintain pregnancy.

    What day of the cycle does it start and how long does it last?

    Entry into the short IVF protocol begins immediately after menstruation. On days 2-3 of the cycle, injections of GnRH agonists are prescribed. Stimulation of follicle maturation lasts about 2-3 weeks, then hCG preparations are administered 36 hours before egg collection. After puncture, the gametes are fertilized. Embryos mature for 3-5 days, then they are placed in the uterus. Thus, the short protocol takes the same amount of time as the average cycle - about 28 days.

    Long protocol

    With a long protocol, there is more time to stimulate the follicles, so the likelihood of obtaining several high-quality eggs at once is higher, which increases the woman's chances of becoming pregnant. Due to the fact that the production of one's own hormones is blocked, the cycle is under the complete control of the doctor, and there can be no surprises in the form of accidental ovulation.

    The disadvantages of a long protocol include high cost and a large drug load. There is a risk of developing complications in the form of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. According to statistics, every third woman who has entered into a long protocol faces this.

    When is it prescribed, what are the contraindications?

    Long IVF protocol is indicated for:

    • endometriosis - inflammation of the lining of the uterus;
    • increased production of androgens;
    • hyperplastic processes of the endometrium, causing its abnormal thickening;
    • obesity
    • ovarian cysts;
    • myoma - a benign formation in the uterus.

    The protocol is contraindicated in oncological and infectious diseases, serious pathologies of the heart. It is used with caution in polycystic ovaries, high plasma estrogen levels, recent ovulation stimulation.

    Stages of a long protocol

    The stages of the long and short IVF protocols are the same, the difference lies only in their duration. Initially, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists are prescribed, which suppress their own hormonal levels. Further, preparations based on follicle-stimulating hormone are introduced to stimulate ovulation. When the follicles reach the desired size, medicines containing hCG are used, after which a puncture is performed. The eggs are fertilized, and after a few days the embryos are placed in the uterus.

    What day of the cycle is carried out and how long does it last?

    A long protocol is entered a week before the start of menstruation. GnRH agonists are used for 12-17 days. Medicines that stimulate the maturation of follicles begin to be administered from 3-5 days of a new cycle. On the 13-20th day, an injection of hCG is prescribed, 36 hours after it, the eggs are removed and fertilized. After 3-5 days, the transfer is made. Thus, the duration of the protocol is 40–50 days.

    Extra long protocol

    The extra-long protocol includes the same steps as the long protocol, but they are preceded by long-term hormone therapy. This is necessary if a woman has gynecological diseases or endocrine pathologies. One of the indications is endometriosis in severe form. The purpose of the preliminary stage is to reduce the severity of violations. On average, it lasts 3 months, but can be extended until the situation returns to normal.

    Modified Protocol

    The modified protocol is close to the natural cycle protocol. The maturation of the follicles occurs naturally, no stimulation is applied. However, the problem of sudden ovulation has been solved - the patient is prescribed GnRH agonists, which do not allow a jump in luteinizing hormone. Because of this, the modified protocol is preferred and used more frequently than the natural cycle protocol.

    Here, I found information a long time ago on how to increase the chances of eco.
    how to increase the chances of successful embryo implantation??? The first stage is replanting. 1. It is believed that on the day of replanting (a few hours in advance) it is necessary to have good sex with your husband (preferably with an orgasm). Why? Because this will in the best way increase blood circulation in the uterus, which means that it will be easier for the embryos to implant. But after replanting, up to the analysis of hCG (or until the first ultrasound - then consult a doctor) - you should not have sex, you must observe complete sexual rest. 2. Eat pineapples and protein foods, drink plenty of fluids. 3. 2 hours prior to embryo transfer, one tablet of PIROXICAM-Piroxicam should be taken, which increases the likelihood of successful implantation. The second stage - after replanting
    1. The replanting was successful and you are already at home. The first three days you need to lie down, you can say “corpse”, getting up only to the toilet and the kitchen for reinforcements. These first days are very important as the implantation of the embryos will take place. It is known that blastocysts are implanted on the first day (the day of transfer is not considered), and blastomeres in the first 2-4 days. I do not agree with this. IF I HAVE PROBLEMS WITH HEMOSTASIS AND, CONSEQUENTLY, WITH CIRCULATION IN THE UTERUS, THEN I SHOULD NOT BE A CORSE.
    In the following days, it is advisable to start moving: do not strain, do not run, but just walk, walk, and it is better in the fresh air. An hour or two of walking per day is enough. 2. It is very important to insert Utrozhestan correctly, because many IVF pregnancies in the early stages are lost due to its improper use. Our body needs appropriate progesterone support, so it is important to follow the doctor's prescriptions for taking the necessary drugs on time and correctly. As for the introduction of Utrozhestan (many doctors do not focus on this - and this is important!) - for this we lie down on the bed, put a pillow under the ass, spread our legs wide and shove it far, far away (preferably right to the cervix or to the very ears)) into the vagina. It is advisable to lie down after this for about an hour and not get out of bed and from the pillow. Thus, Utrozhestan will not spill onto the pad and its maximum absorption into the body will occur. I don't quite agree with this either. Of course, it needs to be inserted correctly, but it dissolves in about an hour. It is enough to lie down for an hour, if then a part falls out, the body will take for itself what is needed for that time. You really need to push it in as deep as you can.
    3. Aim for success and stay calm.
    4. Discuss the situation with the doctor in advance, if you start to have pain, then how to eliminate them (you cannot tolerate it). The pain is the same as during menstruation, but can be worse. And they cannot be tolerated. The most harmless remedy is no-shpa. But, unfortunately, it does not help everyone. Everything else is more harmful. But in the period of 3-7 days (the first day - the day of the puncture), you can take almost everything (even analgin and other GINS). But you need to discuss this with your doctor. Candles with papaverine help well (absolutely harmless), but, again, not for everyone
    5. Further, in the period of 3-7 days, maintain a semi-bed rest. No stress, no housework. Walk in the yard on a bench (I quietly went out into the yard with a book, sat on the bench for a couple of hours - and back to bed). There are no dog walks, shops, etc. Forget about all this
    After the 7th day, you can already begin to move slowly. But everything is very, very moderate. I do not agree. It's better to take a little walk. Especially in summer. Nothing good comes from lying.
    6. From the 4th day, you can lead a normal life, with the exception of the following:
    - lift weights over 2 kg, jump, run;
    - live sexually until the next menstruation;
    - take hot baths and wash in the bath (you can take a shower);
    - it is desirable to avoid hypothermia and overheating, to beware of colds;
    - without special instructions (which can only be given by a doctor) to take medications;
    - avoid all sorts of conflicts as much as possible;
    - desirable to avoid

    Before becoming clients of a reproductive medicine clinic, women ask questions about how the artificial insemination procedure goes and on what day of the menstrual cycle the embryo is implanted during IVF. This date is not fixed and certain factors may influence the medical decision. We will analyze in this article what the date of transfer and other nuances of choosing the day of fertilization depend on.

    How is IVF done?

    In vitro fertilization itself has important stages both before and after embryo transfer:

    • schema or protocol definition;
    • selection of hormonal treatment;
    • stimulation of egg production;
    • support for oocyte maturation;
    • follicle puncture;
    • embryo culture;
    • transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity;
    • hormonal support for implantation;
    • pregnancy test;
    • conception confirmation.

    Together, these stages will determine the exact date of replanting and subsequent manipulations.

    What is stimulation

    They stimulate ovulation in cases where the onset of pregnancy does not occur due to the inability of the ovaries to form a mature egg. A direct indication for stimulation is the absence of conception for 6 months or more.

    The main task of the procedure is to help the body produce a good egg and ensure the rupture of the follicular sac under the influence of certain drugs.

    When to stimulate

    On which day of the female cycle stimulation begins during IVF, the scheme, or rather the protocol, according to which the procedure is carried out, determines. It is selected by a reproductologist based on the patient's health, the state of her cycle, the presence of unsuccessful implantation of embryos in the past, and body weight.

    There are several protocols:


    It is prescribed from 2, 3 or 5 days and lasts from 8 to 12 days. Differs in the least load on the female body and the minimum number of negative consequences.


    The procedure begins simultaneously with the blockade of the pituitary gland (the first 2-3 days of menstruation) and lasts the same as with a long scheme of in vitro fertilization. Follicle rupture is activated by an injection of human chorionic gonadotropin 36 hours before the puncture.


    With the help of a gonadotropin preparation from 3-5 days of the cycle for two weeks (up to 17 days). A day or two after the drug is discontinued, a stimulating injection is given.

    Super long

    It is similar to a long IVF regimen, but the drugs are administered over several months. Injections are administered 1 time every 28 days. Stimulation is prescribed after confirmation of positive changes in the body. Most often this happens after 60-90 days after the IVF regulatory phase.

    The exact date of activation of ovulation is selected by the doctor. It is impossible to name a certain day without knowing the medical history of a particular patient. Therefore, such questions should be asked to the attending physician.

    Egg collection period

    On which day of the cycle eggs are taken for IVF, it is determined not by a rigid time frame, but by the readiness of the woman's reproductive system. Even under the influence of hormonal injections, each organism reacts differently to the regulatory and stimulatory phases.

    Therefore, it is possible to determine the exact date of the puncture only after ultrasound monitoring. Normally, the daily increase in the follicular sac is approximately 0.1-0.2 cm. The thickness of the mucous layer of the uterus, which should acquire a three-layer structure, is also taken into account.

    After confirming all favorable conditions, 36 hours before the puncture, an hCG injection is given. On the example of a protocol with days:

    • long (12-22);
    • short (14-20).
    • ultrashort (10-14).

    Special measures are also taken to prevent premature ovulation. Further, the number of possible embryos that can be grown in vitro will depend on the number of oocytes obtained.

    Do not worry, because the doctor will warn about the puncture in a few days. The procedure itself in the IVF program is displayed as 1 day.


    Prior to embryo transfer, artificial insemination must be carried out. On which day of the cycle IVF is done depends on the time of the puncture. Most often, the reproductologist carries out the process of fertilization 4-6 hours after taking the female biological material. This will be the beginning of the embryonic period.

    After 16-18 hours, the specialist conducts an assessment. If you get a lot of good embryos, then you can think about freezing. Cryo freezing allows you to reduce the negative effects of hormones that are used to stimulate ovulation. Therefore, if the first embryos were planted, but they did not take root, you can repeat the procedure in the following cycles, but without exhausting HRT.

    It is very important that embryologists do not make mistakes. How successfully frozen embryos can be transferred will depend on the experience of the clinic and knowledge of the cryotransfer protocol.

    When does the transfer occur

    On which day of the cycle embryo transfer is done during IVF, depends on the rate of development of the embryos, their quality, as well as the patient's history. Most often, the start of embryo transfer is scheduled for the third or fifth day of cultivation.

    A pair of embryos are usually transferred into the female uterus, which are in excellent condition. Many experts advise planting blastocysts. They have a higher chance of implantation, as well as a significantly reduced risk of multiple pregnancies.

    The embryo transfer procedure is scheduled for 6-8 days from the start of ovulation. But due to the fact that there are many unforeseen situations during hormone therapy (displacement, unpreparedness of the mucosa), doctors monitor and can allocate another time for the implantation window. Just remember:

    1. A positive ovulation test is mandatory.
    2. Next, the age of the embryos is taken into account.
    3. The final decision is made after the results of the ultrasound.

    What's next

    Before letting the patient go home after embryo transfer, the doctor decides on hospitalization. It is recommended to be under observation for women who have complications. In a normal situation, the specialist will give the usual recommendations and prescribe the appropriate hormonal support.

    It is important to understand that it is possible to determine the onset of pregnancy no earlier than two weeks after the procedure.

    Low hCG on the 1st day of IVF delay does not mean failure, but it does not confirm the attachment of the embryo. According to the results of this analysis, only biochemical pregnancy is confirmed. The final answer to the question can be obtained after ultrasound in the third week after IVF.

    It is necessary to exclude any experiences, because negative emotions can adversely affect the result of fertilization. Therefore, it is very important to maintain emotional stability, get more rest and visit your doctor if you have any problems.
    The article only gives approximate answers, so the information cannot be applied for every case. The embryo is transferred when the body is completely ready for the procedure, and the endometrium has the necessary thickness and structure. Therefore, it is better to discuss all stages of fertilization, embryo development and subsequent sensations with your doctor.

    When prescribing in vitro fertilization, a reproductologist makes a number of fundamentally important decisions. He needs to decide on the set and dosage of drugs, the age and number of embryos for replanting. But the main thing is that he needs to decide how long the IVF protocol will be. In addition to the cryoprotocol, when embryos are frozen for further replanting, there is also a long and short scheme. The choice of the scheme depends entirely on the indicators of the reproductive health of the couple.

    The division of a short IVF protocol by the days of the menstrual cycle allows, with minimal expenditure of body resources and maximum efficiency, to achieve the desired result, that is, pregnancy. This technique of artificial insemination is not suitable for all patients, so the final decision remains with the reproductologist, despite the obligatory consideration of the patient's wishes.

    The short IVF protocol is considered the most natural for the female body. Of course, the interference in the hormonal background and the general system of the woman's body is significant. However, the peculiarity of this protocol is that it is minimal and is made taking into account individual characteristics.

    The undoubted advantage is the cost. If IVF is not performed under the MHI policy, then the costs for the short version of the procedure will be much lower, since it uses fewer expensive drugs. The difference is that preparation for puncture begins on the third day of the menstrual cycle. Previously, a woman has natural periods that are not subject to medical correction. The body of the patient in a short protocol is calm and feels as natural as possible. If, for reasons of a woman's health, an in vitro fertilization procedure with a short protocol is acceptable, then this is what is performed.

    Important differences

    The only difference between a long scheme and a short one is the absence of additional hormonal agents in the latter. A long protocol takes longer. It starts on the 20-22nd day of the menstrual cycle. From this period, the woman begins taking GnRH agonists. These drugs involve the complete blocking of their own hormonal levels. They act on the hypothalamic-pituitary system. The duration of the use of such funds is determined by the doctor individually. The advantage of a long protocol is the ability to fully control the work of the reproductive system of the body: the growth of the endometrium, the maturation of follicles.

    A short protocol with antagonists involves ovulation stimulation, which begins on day 3, puncture and further implantation of fertilized cells into the cavity of the patient's reproductive organ. However, this cycle can be influenced by its own hormonal background, despite the use of strong drugs, as a result of which processes beyond the control of doctors can occur.

    Indications and contraindications

    A short IVF protocol is prescribed for women who do not have serious health problems. The procedure is recommended if there is:

    • multifollicular ovaries;
    • high risk of hyperstimulation in a long protocol;
    • the age of the patient is more than 30 years;
    • unsuccessful long protocol in the past;
    • male infertility when confirming female fertility.

    Hormonal diseases such as endometriosis, PCOS, uterine fibroids, menstrual irregularities, anovulation, and others are considered contraindications for the short protocol. A long protocol is given preference when there is no certainty that the body will adequately respond to a certain dose of hormones.

    How many days is the short protocol

    If a woman is to have IVF and a short protocol, then preparation will begin immediately after menstruation. In some patients, the bleeding does not even have time to end, as the doctors are already starting stimulation. The duration of the short protocol directly depends on the average duration of the menstrual cycle. It cannot be shortened or lengthened, unlike a long one. The average period for performing in vitro fertilization from and to is 4 weeks. If the patient has late ovulation, then this interval may increase by 7-14 days.

    Stages of the short protocol

    The scheme is selected for each patient individually. The state of one's own hormonal background and the features of the menstrual cycle are assessed in advance. All drugs are administered in stages, and the patient knows on which day the next drug will be taken. A schematic development of a short IVF protocol by day involves the following steps:

    • from the 2nd day of the cycle, the patient uses the prescribed agonists;
    • from day 3, FSH and LH preparations are taken;
    • by the time of maturation of the follicles (11-16 days), an injection of hCG is administered;
    • after 36 hours, a puncture is performed;
    • 3-5 days the cells mature in the laboratory after fertilization;
    • replanting;
    • determination of the result in 2-3 weeks.


    Stimulation in a short protocol lasts no more than two weeks. The drug causes an ovarian response and increased oocyte growth. At the same time, the preparation of the endometrium is carried out. Some IVF medications can inhibit the growth of the functional layer of the uterus. When using these, medications with estrogens are simultaneously taken. From the beginning of stimulation, the following means are used: Proginova, Puregon, Metipred, Pregnil, Orgalutran and others. All medicines are taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription in an individual dose. Self-regulating the volume of drugs and the duration of their use is life-threatening.


    An injection is given 36 hours before egg collection. Usually a woman performs an injection on her own, but strictly according to the doctor's instructions. For this, we use: Horagon, Diferelin, Ovitrel or other hCG-based products.

    A puncture is performed under the control of an ultrasonic sensor with a long needle. A woman at this moment is usually under anesthesia, since the manipulation is quite exciting and painful. The duration of the operation does not exceed 60 minutes. Before the procedure, a woman is not recommended to eat or even drink. From this moment, it is necessary to start taking maintenance drugs: Duphaston, Utrozhestan or their analogues with progesterone.

    Embryo transfer

    The time of embryo transfer during in vitro fertilization is chosen in accordance with the specifics of the protocol. The age of the embryos allows a variation of 2-5 days. The introduction of embryos is carried out without prior anesthesia. In rare cases, a woman may be offered anesthetics in the form of tablets or injections. Before the procedure, the patient needs to fill the bladder.

    The introduction of embryos during IVF into the uterine cavity occurs through a catheter. It does not hurt, because the doctor does not use a needle or surgical instruments. Although many women note discomfort and severe discomfort at the time of replanting. Much depends on individual characteristics. It is unpleasant if a woman has a bend of the uterus (it is more difficult for a doctor to “get” with a catheter to the endometrium). Also, those women who could not relax their stomach due to strong excitement also complain: the reproductologist has to work, overcoming the reflex spasm of the patient's muscles. In any case, this stage is short and never accompanied by severe pain.

    Within one hour after the manipulation, the woman needs complete rest. In the future, with good health, the patient goes home.

    Hormonal support after the transfer must be strictly observed. Missing any prescribed medication can derail the entire operation. 3 days after transplantation, a woman is recommended to take tests to determine d-dimer and progesterone levels. Based on the data received, appointments are adjusted, if necessary.

    For 7-10 days after replanting, a woman receives a sick leave. At this time, it is very important to relax a lot, do pleasant things and distract yourself from worries.

    Results control

    You shouldn't do it right away. Firstly, it will be uninformative, and secondly, it may show residual hCG from the injection. After all, a pregnancy test reacts to the content of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine. And with IVF they put: it promotes ovulation. The test may be positive up to two weeks after the injection, even if conception has not taken place.

    Therefore, to avoid disappointment, testing at home can be performed no earlier than 12 days after transferring embryos aged 5 days (“five days”). If three days have been postponed, then you will have to be patient and wait at least two weeks.

    It will show a much more accurate picture. A week after the transfer, its level will be more than 10 mIU. It is possible to confirm a successful result and establish the number of embryos in the uterine cavity 14 days after the moment of replanting using ultrasound.

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