• What happens if you eat vanillin. What is vanillin? Flavors identical to natural


    Vanilla is more than just a pleasant, appetizing flavoring in baked goods. Its benefits to improve the taste of culinary dishes do not end there. This spice has a number of important health benefits, including its ability to fight acne, improve hair growth, reduce inflammation, prevent chronic disease, and speed up recovery.

    Most people appreciate vanilla beans not only for their pleasant aroma and sweet taste, but also for the fact that they can help with some health problems.

    What does vanilla look like and where does it grow?

    Vanilla pods are today one of the most valuable ingredients in the world. It is second in value to saffron. It is the most popular spice in many culinary dishes around the world. Its fragrance is an integral part for most people.

    Vanilla spice is obtained from the pods of several species of plants of the genus "Vanilla" of the orchid family. The best quality vanilla is flat-leaved vanilla (Vanilla planifolia). It is from this species that many cultivars with longer pods are derived.

    There are two more types of this spice with somewhat short pods and inferior in quality to flat-leaved vanilla.

    The tropical forests of South America and, above all, the territory of modern Mexico are considered the birthplace of vanilla. It also grows in Brazil and other countries of this continent. Vanilla is very rarely seen in coastal areas, as it does not tolerate salty environments.

    Vanilla plant is a vine that, like most orchids, is an epiphytic plant. It climbs up the trees to get sunlight, get enough moisture and nutrients from the air.

    Vanilla has a thick stem with small branches, which can reach more than 10 meters in length.

    Vanilla blooms with cream, pale yellow or greenish funnel-shaped flowers, the diameter of which is 3 centimeters. This flower is open for pollination for only 1-2 days. Therefore, it is necessary not to miss the time for pollination. In nature, it occurs with the help of orchid bees. Outside their natural habitat, it must be pollinated by hand. Only pollinated flowers produce a crop.

    The fruit is a cylindrical black-brown pod. Its length can be from 8 to 30 centimeters and in diameter up to 1.5 centimeters. When ripe, it becomes more black and gives off a strong aroma. The ripening time is from 8 to 9 months.

    Inside the pod are tiny spherical, shiny black seeds. Vanilla is propagated by cuttings and less often by sowing seeds.

    Vanilla grows best in hot and humid climates at altitudes up to 1500 meters above sea level. The ideal climate for growing is moderate rainfall in the range of 1500-2000 mm, evenly distributed for at least 10 months of the year, and optimal temperatures of 15 to 30 degrees during the day and 15 to 20 degrees at night. The ideal humidity should be around 80%.

    Vanilla looks like this

    vanilla production

    On an industrial scale, this spice is now grown on the island of Madagascar, in India, Indonesia, Puerto Rico, the Caribbean and South America. They grow it in China. The main supplier of the spice is Madagascar, which accounts for more than 50 percent of all vanilla production.

    There are three types of vanilla beans:

    Bourbon (or Madagascar);



    Bourbon vanilla is a thin pod with a rich and sweet flavor, the sweetest of the three.

    The second most important is Mexican vanilla.

    Tahitian vanilla is blacker in color and less aromatic.

    Bourbon vanilla is grown in North and South America, on the islands of the Indian Ocean, such as Madagascar, Comoros, Reunion.

    Mexican vanilla is grown only in Mexico.

    Tahitian vanilla comes from French Polynesia, where it was brought from the Philippine Islands.

    Harvesting the pods is as labor intensive as pollination. It is produced by hand. But all these inconveniences are smoothed out by the great demand for spice. And not only for culinary purposes, but also for treatment.

    The pod itself, until it is opened, has no smell. The aroma appears after opening the fruit. To develop a stronger odor, the pods are air-dried after harvest and fermented for 4-6 months.

    Extract, powder, whole pods, and vanilla sugar are the most common forms found commercially.

    Vanilla chemical composition

    Like many spicy plants, the chemical composition of vanilla is very diverse. It contains:


    Fruit sugars: fructose, glucose, sucrose;

    Alimentary fiber;

    Traces of salts of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc;

    Vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6;

    In addition, it contains:

    Essential oil;

    Alcohols: pentanol, undecanol;

    Phenolic compounds such as cresol;

    Organic acids: salicylic, benzoic, anise, acetic,.

    Aromatic substances: nonanal, guaiacol, dodecanal, pentanal, hexonal, heptanal;

    In total, more than 169 different aromatic compounds have been found in vanilla. Therefore, it is impossible to compare it with artificial vanillin.

    Many of these compounds have antioxidant properties and are an integral part of many drugs.

    Vanilla useful properties

    This spicy ingredient has been and will continue to be one of the most trusted natural healing remedies and is also one of the most popular flavors for our palate. Due to its chemical composition, this spice has many beneficial properties.

    Vanilla is a natural tranquilizer. Its fragrance has calming properties.

    In aromatherapy, vanilla is valued for its relaxing properties, as a natural antidepressant, and used as an aromatic stimulant.

    All these properties are provided by volatile compounds: evenol, limonene, coumarins, benzaldehyde. The sweet aroma of vanilla and its derivatives promotes relaxation.

    It helps with:




    The spice is used in weight loss diets.

    Vanilla contains coumarin, evenol, phenolic compounds, salicylic acid. All these components have an analgesic effect. Therefore, it can be considered a natural analgesic.

    These properties can be used to facilitate:

    muscle pain;


    Pain in the stomach;

    To improve digestion.

    In addition, it contains components such as catechins, which can be used in the treatment of herpes.

    Vanilla has traditionally been used as a natural remedy to reduce fever. It contains salicylates, salicylic, benzoic acid and eugenol, which have an antipyretic effect.

    Adding vanilla to food or using it in aromatherapy can be an effective treatment for rheumatic conditions and fibromyalgia.

    Vanilla has a strengthening effect and stimulates the functions of digestion. It has laxative and choleretic properties, stimulates the production of bile.

    Due to the presence of substances with antibacterial and antiseptic properties, it can be used for bad breath or halitosis. Among these substances, eugenol, tannins, vinylic acid and other organic compounds should be distinguished.

    The volatiles in this plant, in this case vanilla flavors, have antioxidant properties that are beneficial to the body and prevent premature aging. These substances include phenolic compounds, tannins, vanillic acid and others.

    These compounds stimulate the natural repair of skin cells, suppress free radicals, protect the immune system and reduce inflammation.

    Summing up, we can say that vanilla has the following medicinal properties:









    vanilla benefits for the body

    Most people appreciate vanilla only for its pleasant aroma and the sweet taste it imparts to baked goods and other sweet dishes. But it can also provide specific health benefits.

    Its use can help:

    Lower blood cholesterol levels, which is important for people at high risk of heart attacks and strokes

    Relief of pain in arthritis, gout and other inflammatory processes;

    Reducing the risk of atherosclerosis;

    Reducing inflammation;

    Increase the body's defenses;

    cancer prevention;

    Decreased nervous disorders;

    Improving metabolism, which helps maintain weight;

    Improving the functioning of the digestive tract;

    Prevention of digestive disorders: vomiting, nausea, flatulence, spasms, diarrhea;

    Improving the condition of the skin and hair.

    Vanilla, due to its properties, is often included in hygiene and cosmetic products for skin and hair care. Most often, vanilla essential oil is used for this purpose. Its use can help strengthen hair follicles, improve blood flow to the scalp, which in turn stimulates hair growth.

    The antibacterial properties of the spice are effective in fighting acne as it can eliminate the infection and speed up the healing process. Its use prevents the appearance of scars and dark spots from acne.

    Vanilla application

    The main use of vanilla beans is cooking. It is added mainly to sweet dishes and desserts, flavoring rich pastries.

    Vanilla extract can be an ingredient in cosmetics and hygiene products.

    Medicinal uses are little known and not as common compared to some other spices such as ginger or cinnamon.

    It should not be completely ignored in this area. Hot vanilla tea can be an excellent remedy during respiratory and viral infections, soothe cramps and reduce gas formation in the stomach.

    The essential oil can be used as a throat and mouth rinse to relieve sore throats and eliminate bad breath.

    how to grow vanilla

    Now many are fond of breeding orchids. Vanilla belongs to the family of such flowers. It is not difficult to grow it at home, subject to all the conditions that are required for its cultivation. And this:

    Provide the desired temperature;

    Required humidity (so purchasing a humidifier may become a necessity)

    Soil with a pH of 6.6 to 7.5% and rich in humus;

    Bright, shading from the sun, light.

    For its growth, you need a good support in the form of a lattice or just an ordinary board.

    Soil can be bought at the store specifically for growing orchids.

    During growth, it is necessary to maintain a certain soil moisture. It should be evenly moist, but not waterlogged.

    Feed in spring and summer once every two weeks with special fertilizers for orchids.

    After planting with seeds, it begins to bear fruit in the third year. After waiting for flowering, you need to not miss the time for their pollination. They are only open one day.

    After successful pollination, pods will tie in place of the flowers. If all stages are successfully completed, after 9-10 months you can harvest your spice crop.

    To enhance its flavor, the pods are blanched in boiling water, then fermented and sun-dried until they are thin and shriveled.

    How to choose and store vanilla

    Vanilla in the store can be bought in pods or mixed with sugar. When choosing pods, attention should be paid to their appearance: they should be thin-skinned and plump, dark brown (almost black), flexible, so that they can be wrapped around the finger without damaging their integrity.

    They must be stored in a closed container. The shelf life without loss of quality is about six months.

    Contraindications for use

    Vanilla is not an allergenic plant and has no side effects. Therefore, there are no contraindications to the use and use.

    Allergies can occur when picking the pods, which is often the case with pickers of this spice. It can present with headaches and skin rashes.

    Vanilla essential oil is contraindicated during pregnancy and children under 6 years of age.

    Consumption rate:

    Vanilla powder - from 0.5 to 1 gram;

    As a tincture - two to three drops taken 3-5 times a day.

    If fresh vanilla is not available, then an extract can be used as a substitute in cooking. Of course, natural, not synthetic. It takes 3 teaspoons of extract to replace one pod.

    Vanilla is a favorite spice with a sweetish aroma that creates warmth and comfort in the house. Perhaps that is why many of us choose vanilla-scented products for our homes.

    Who doesn't know the sweet vanilla smell?! It is present in most confectionery products as a flavor enhancer. But is vanillin familiar from childhood harmless? Let's figure it out.

    natural and synthetic vanillin

    Before discussing the benefits and harms of vanillin for the body, it is worth finding out what types of it are. It is worth mentioning right away that in fact there are two types of this product:

    • Natural vanillin - made from the pods of fragrant creepers belonging to the orchid family. The main supplier of natural vanilla is Madagascar. And its share is less than 5% of the total amount of vanillin produced in the world.
    • Synthetic vanillin - is produced by synthesis from various raw materials - clove oil, residues of the paper industry, from rice bran and the largest volumes from petrochemical materials.

    Natural vanillin practically does not harm human health and is very expensive, so let's take a closer look at the effect of a synthetic analogue on the body.

    Common forms of vanillin. crystalline form

    It has a smell that is almost indistinguishable from natural vanilla, is not afraid of thermal exposure, has a long shelf life and retains its properties when heated to 250 degrees. Crystalline vanillin is in demand in the confectionery industry, especially for making ice cream. The crystals are perfectly soluble in alcohol already at 20 °C, and in water at a temperature of 75 °C.

    Powder form

    In fact, this is a vanillin powder with various impurities based on glucose varieties (dextrose, lactose, etc.). Powder, in comparison with crystalline vanillin, has the finest structure and is widely used in the manufacture of chocolate products. Even at room temperature, the fragrance has a pronounced odor and is highly soluble in water.

    liquid form

    This form is used when using vanillin in dissolved form, for example, in drinks. The liquid is created from a crystalline base dissolved in a variety of carriers (ethyl alcohol, triacetate, propylene glycol). The main indicators of the liquid form are the temperature regime of the carrier and the percentage of vanillin content. The water-soluble carrier propylene glycol dissolves at 180 degrees, therefore, liquid vanillin on this basis is characterized by increased thermal stability and is usually used for the production of dairy products, confectionery and a variety of drinks.

    The benefits and harms of crystalline, powdered and liquid vanillin will be discussed further.

    What is useful vanillin?

    The popularity of the aromatic additive was given by the sweetish vanilla aroma. Therefore, the beneficial effect of vanillin is more often associated with the effect of vanilla smell on the body. It has a good calming effect on the nervous system, effectively reduces irritability and anxiety.

    Relieve tension, relax, achieve a sound restful sleep can help the use of any cosmetic product with the addition of a small amount of vanilla. When applied to skin or hair, the vanilla scent will stay with you all day long.

    I would like to add about the positive impact on a person when using natural vanillin:

    • contains antioxidants that prevent aging and maintain a beautiful appearance;
    • stimulates brain activity, improves concentration and memory, has a beneficial effect on creative abilities;
    • has a powerful anticarcinogenic effect, prevents the formation of malignant tumors;
    • enhances the therapeutic effect on the body with arthrosis, arthritis;
    • strengthens the immune system, helps a person recover quickly after infectious and inflammatory diseases.

    What harm can be caused by the use of vanillin?

    We will talk about synthetic vanillin, since a natural product has practically no side effects on human health.

    Like any artificially synthesized substance, vanillin is harmful to the human body.

    In some variants of the synthesis, coumarin is used - a highly toxic carcinogen. It has been proven to negatively affect the liver.

    But the flavoring vanillin, the benefits and harms of which we are studying, is used in such small doses that it is difficult to prove the actual harm from the use of vanillin. Except as an allergic reaction to a flavor or any component in its production. This can manifest as skin irritation, pigmentation disorders and skin dermatitis. This usually refers to workers who systematically come into contact with it in production, such as sorters or powder packers.

    There are no reliable data on the safety of vanillin for pregnant and lactating mothers. Contraindication only with individual intolerance to vanillin.

    The use of vanillin in moderate doses is practically safe for the body. But permanent use is not recommended, like any synthetic product.

    Energy and biological value

    100 g of vanillin contain:

    The increased calorie content is offset by small doses of vanillin. And it is used in products that are difficult to attribute to dietary foods. Usually, vanillin is added to high-carbohydrate foods with a high fat content - biscuits, chocolate, cookies, ice cream.

    The use of vanillin

    There is a great demand for vanillin flavoring in the food industry, for the manufacture of food products. Especially popular is the use in the manufacture of ice cream and chocolate, according to statistics, these two products consume 75% of the produced vanillin. It is widely used to enhance the taste of tea, cocktails and other alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

    But few people know that vanilla aroma is harmoniously combined with meat dishes. For example, when preparing sweet and sour fruit sauce.

    Vanillin is often used not only to give a pleasant aroma to the product, but also to kill the smell and taste of a poor-quality product. It is important to use vanillin in strict proportions, an excess of flavoring will give a specific bitterness to the product.

    Popular vanilla smell when creating cosmetics. Each cosmetic company has more than one series using vanilla flavor. It is often used to eliminate the unpleasant odor and taste of pharmaceuticals, especially children's and detergents. Successful attempts by Taiwanese scientists to use vanillin in the treatment of psoriasis are known.

    Vanillin has also found its use at home for the preparation of a repellent against midges and mosquitoes based on an aqueous or oily solution, as well as when mixed with baby cream. For infants, this is the only absolutely harmless repellent.


    The health benefits and harms of vanillin, like other flavors, are not yet fully understood. But we can say with confidence that the use of this product in the correct dosage will not cause any harm to health.

    Natural spice vanilla (vanilla) is obtained from the fruits (pods) of the plant of the same name. It comes from Central America, but in terms of the volume of vanilla plantations, it is not Latin American countries that occupy the first place at all, but Madagascar, Indonesia and China. Obtaining finished vanilla spice is a rather complicated and lengthy process. Yes, and growing vanilla itself is a very laborious and difficult task. Accordingly, natural vanilla costs a lot of money and is used mainly in very expensive products.

    vanilla plant

    Vanilla Pods

    It is worth noting that the main aromatic substance of vanilla is vanillin. It happens that it is specially extracted from pods; the result is a white powder with a strong characteristic odor. Natural vanillin, of course, is also an expensive product. But, in any case, its taste and aroma are much less versatile than the taste and aroma of a full-fledged vanilla spice, which is considered much more noble. However, natural vanillin itself is harmless (although it is not recommended to use it in large quantities).


    In order to save money, food manufacturers often use an artificially obtained analogue of vanillin - it is called "flavor identical to natural vanillin." It is obtained in chemical laboratories by organic synthesis. It costs, of course, much cheaper than natural vanilla. Moreover, it is also much more economically consumed: to achieve the same aromatic effect as when using natural vanilla, flavoring is required 40 times less!

    You understand that the savings are very noticeable - given the huge production volumes of most food factories and combines. Flavoring identical to natural vanillin is already shoved into literally all products: pastries, cookies, gingerbread, chocolate, ice cream, sweets, curd cheeses, even tea ... Meanwhile, this additive is not absolutely harmless and has at least two disadvantages.

    Firstly, the composition of vanillin (both natural and artificial) is much poorer than the composition of natural vanilla. The fact is that vanilla fruits consist of more than 200 different components (including essential oils), and vanillin is only one of them, a substance with a characteristic vanilla smell. Accordingly, the flavor imitates this only substance - vanillin.

    Thus, the flavoring agent can convey the characteristic vanilla taste and smell, but it is no longer able to recreate additional taste and aromatic shades and nuances. Therefore, the taste and aroma of a product using natural vanilla is very different from the taste and aroma of a product in the manufacture of which a flavor was used.

    Secondly, flavor identical to natural vanillin may contain some chemical impurities, sometimes toxic - to one degree or another. With regular use, they can cause problems with the liver, kidneys, and other organs. Of course, the use of "flavoring identical to natural vanillin" is allowed by both Russian and international standards, that is, it does not pose a serious threat to health, and even more so to life.

    Generally speaking, it all depends on the conscientiousness of the manufacturer of this flavor. Pure and conscientiously produced vanillin, of course, does no harm. But after all, from the composition on the packaging of the product, we will not find out who and how produced the flavoring used there ...

    Thus, I would not advise regularly buying products containing natural vanillin flavoring. Yes, occasionally - once a week or two - it is quite possible to use them, but it is still not worth it to enjoy cookies and chocolate containing this flavor every day. And when making homemade cakes, you should also not use artificial vanillin (or the so-called vanilla sugar, which is artificial vanillin ground with powdered sugar).

    Today, the women's site "Beautiful and Successful" will talk about the benefits and harms of fragrances. In order not to mislead you from the first lines, we’ll say right away that the benefits of food additives that give the product a particular flavor, negligible(but this is only on condition that the flavoring is natural). But you can suffer from flavors, but again, this is subject to the constant use of products that include artificial flavors. However, first things first, so first a little theory.

    What are flavors?

    Food additives, after the introduction of which the aroma and taste of the product improves, are called flavorings. Their use very beneficial for manufacturers because it allows them to create the widest range of food products with different aromas and tastes, for example, ice cream, jelly, marmalade, caramel, soft drinks, etc., based on products of the same type.

    The addition of food additives and flavorings to products is very beneficial for manufacturers, which cannot be said about consumers of these products. After all, the result of the use of products stuffed with flavorings and other additives is health problems.

    Food flavors: classification

    natural flavors

    This group of flavors includes substances obtained during physical impact on natural raw materials.

    Physical influence refers to methods such as pressing, distillation, extraction. Any natural product of plant or animal origin can act as a raw material.

    So, natural strawberry flavor is obtained by pressing strawberries. The natural aroma of orange is obtained during the extraction of essential oil from the orange peel (extraction). But the aroma of onions or garlic can be obtained after all the water is removed from the squeezed juice (distillation).

    However, in Russia the interpretation of the term "natural flavoring" is somewhat different from that adopted in Europe.

    According to it, a substance can be called a natural flavoring agent, which, in addition to the natural flavoring agent, contains also includes a flavoring agent. And this means that natural food flavors are not as harmless as it might seem at first reading the word "natural".

    Flavors identical to natural

    Pear, raspberry, grape, etc. flavors have the same composition as their natural counterparts, berries and fruits. Only they are obtained not physically, but chemically (synthesized in the laboratory), but

    have the same formula as natural flavors, therefore they are called identical to them. Flavors that are identical to natural can harm your health only if you use products containing these substances every day.

    Artificial Flavors

    These are completely chemical flavoring compounds that have no natural analogues.

    Food flavors: harm

    Compared to other food additives, flavorings are not so dangerous, but they still cause some harm to health.

    Let's begin with preference should always be given to products with natural flavors, since neither an identical, nor even a synthetic flavor can fully convey the true aroma and taste of a particular product.

    However, everything is not so simple here either.

    • Firstly, the taste and aroma of natural products under the influence of high temperatures is unstable.
    • Secondly, natural flavors are expensive.
    • Thirdly, identical to natural or synthetic flavors, in contrast to natural food flavors, are much more convenient to use due to their “unpretentiousness” and lower cost.

    To make the conversation about the dangers of flavors more substantive, sympaty.net suggests referring to an example - flavoring "vanillin".

    Vanillin is the main aromatic substance of vanilla. The use of this spice in its pure form is an expensive pleasure, therefore, they began to extract a white powder from vanilla pods, which has a strong smell characteristic of this spice. Natural vanillin flavor does not bring harm (an exception is individual intolerance). On the contrary, due to the content of polyphenols in it, it fights against malignant neoplasms. It can be used in the prevention of vascular and heart diseases, it relieves inflammation, has an antimicrobial effect and anti-allergic properties.

    However natural vanillin in stores and in finished products, all the more so - a rarity, because its price, although it differs downward from the price of vanilla, remains quite high. Therefore, vanillin flavoring, identical to natural, or its synthetic "brother" is widely used.

    The harm of a flavor identical to natural vanillin is due to the presence of unhealthy chemical compounds in it. The most dangerous is the additive coumarin, the toxic effect of which destroys the liver. It is clear that the flavoring agent identical to it does not have the beneficial properties of natural vanillin.

    Harm of artificial flavors

    Flavors, mostly artificial, although harmful to health, are not as significant as other food additives. Significant harm to health, especially for children, can only be caused by heavy use of products with synthetic flavors.

    Long-term consumption of foods containing high concentrations of artificial flavors can adversely affect the liver.

    If we talk about safe food flavors, then it should be said that most food flavors are safe, if consumed in reasonable quantities, I mean, little by little, and not every day. Preference, of course, should be given to natural or identical flavors, and sympaty.net still recommends limiting the use of products with artificial flavors.

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    Such a fragrant, alluring vanillin. Its benefits and harms have been studied almost completely. But known to a very narrow circle of people. So we fill the gap in knowledge. Moreover, many people still confuse vanillin and vanilla.


    Vanilla is a long brown pod. Vanillin is a synthetic substance, flavoring. That's the whole difference. Therefore, in the store, do not rush the seller, asking for a bag of vanilla or that vanilla pod over there.

    By the way, there are several types of synthetic flavoring. It all depends on the materials from which vanillin is prepared. It can be:

    • oil
    • paper production waste
    • tonka bean
    • coal tar

    Yes Yes exactly. Did you think that the product is extracted directly from the pods? Dudki. And more recently, they figured out how to extract vanillin even from manure. True, the scientific world did not appreciate the discovery and awarded the scientist the Shnobelevka. To be disrespectful.

    the benefits and harms of carob

    The benefits of vanillin

    For health or in the process of treatment, vanillin does not bring any benefit. At all. Unless its gentle smell can slightly calm the shattered nervous system or drive away insomnia. But don't sniff vanilla for too long.

    After a short time, it becomes intrusive, and then it becomes suffocating. The body reacts with aggression and irritability instead of appeasement.

    Did you know? It turns out that someone started a story that you can pacify a flash of anger with vanillin. And after all, everyone, as one, believed and repeated this heresy. They didn't even bother to think logically. Well, how can vanillin relieve anger? While a person sniffs the sweet aroma, he will have time to smash everything to hell. And then calm down. Of course, it's vanillin helped! By the way, you can pour the powder into the eyes of a person. Then he will definitely not be angry. So, here, too, vanillin is honor and praise.

    What is useful vanillin

    But the benefits of fragrant powder are still there. In the kitchen. There is no need to tell how vanillin is used for culinary purposes. Fragrant spice is added to pastries, puddings, cocoa. Some housewives even add a pinch of it to the compote. To smell like a child.

    But few people know that the vanilla smell goes well with meat dishes. Especially if you prepare a sweet and sour fruit sauce, and flavor it with a little vanilla.

    Advice. Do not pour too much spice, trying to enhance the smell of the finished dish. The aroma will become cloying and suffocating, and it will be impossible to eat food due to strong bitterness.

    Vanillin in cosmetics

    Some sources claim that there are other benefits of vanillin in addition to the kitchen. Allegedly washing with water with dissolved powder works wonders. For those who are inclined to believe in fairy tales, we advise you to climb the article a little higher and read again - what this flavor is extracted from.

    Think for yourself, which of the following will benefit the skin and miraculously change it for the better? That's right, absolutely nothing. Therefore, you should not translate the odorous powder in vain.

    If you absolutely want to do something necessary for the skin and always with vanilla, then just add a few drops of essence or solution to your body milk or caring cream. No, it won't be useful. Such an amount of vanillin will not bring harm either. Why then add? For flavor. The scent stays on clean, damp skin for a very long time. At least you're enjoying yourself.

    Advice. You can add a few drops to the hair balm. So the subtle sweet aroma will accompany you a little longer.

    the benefits and harms of oat bran

    Vanillin harm

    Flavors of chemical production are interesting because they always present a lot of surprises in laboratory studies. However, vanillin is not at all from this story. Its negative sides were clear from the very beginning. After all, scientists knew what the substance was made of.

    The fragrant tonka bean powder is especially insidious. It contains a lot of coumarin. This substance is dangerous because it is not excreted from the body, but gradually accumulates. When a certain concentration is reached, coumarin begins to poison the human body. Especially goes to the liver. After all, it is she who takes the brunt of all toxins and poisons.

    But don't be afraid. And then stop using vanillin altogether. In order to get poisoned, a person of average body constitution needs to eat 80 g of fragrant powder at a time. But no one in their right mind would eat vanillin with spoons. And not so much of it is eaten by the average person. Even throughout life.

    Therefore, you can safely add flavoring to your diet. Of course, in adequate doses. By the way, if you carefully read the inscriptions on the spice bags, you can completely avoid the terrible coumarin. Just be careful when buying.

    What is the harm from vanillin

    Absolutely all sources, like parrots, repeat the mantra one after another: with individual intolerance to the fragrant powder, dermatitis and eczema can occur. Who came up with this? With individual intolerance, only anaphylactic shock occurs! Whether up to an eczema to the person at such moment? Ah, unfortunate writers. At least look for accurate information before misleading people.

    Another very "important" statement of such authors: vanillin is very high in calories, therefore it is not suitable for dietary nutrition. And another stupid myth. No doubt, the calorie content of the flavor is high. It is 288 kcal per 100 g of product. Read again. For 100 g! And how many grams of vanillin do you add to the dough? Maximum 1-1.5. Well, where is the danger for the figure or the contraindication to use in the diet? Always think before believing any nonsense.

    Otherwise, vanillin will not bring any harm. Well, unless you overeat them to satiety. Although, this is hardly possible. A very bitter taste.

    It turns out that he is the most ordinary, this vanillin. The benefits and harms of it are now no secret to you. Therefore, in a conversation with friends you can show off your knowledge. And, of course, use the information for personal purposes. For example, in the kitchen. Then your household will thank you. A trifle, but nice.

    the benefits and harms of sorbitol

    Video: how to make vanilla sugar from vanillin

    Vanillin is a spice with a pleasant, sweet smell, which is extracted from vanilla fruits. It is a colorless powder consisting of small crystals. Vanillin is used for the production of baked goods and confectionery, as well as for the creation of perfume compositions.


    Vanillin is extracted from a plant called flat leaf vanilla. This flower belongs to the orchid family. Vanilla is an evergreen climbing plant. As it grows, it wraps around tree trunks. Its leaves are large, ovate, pointed at the end. The inflorescences are of a very unusual shape - they remotely resemble a splayed hand. Flowers about 6 cm in size, usually painted yellow or green. The seeds ripen in long pods, from which the spice is subsequently extracted.

    Where does it grow

    Vanilla is native to the West Indies, a group of islands located in the Caribbean. At the beginning of the 19th century, this plant was discovered by the Englishman Henry Charles Andrews, and over the next 200 years, vanilla spread to greenhouses around the world. At present, the largest amount of flat leaf vanilla is grown in the southern states of the United States, in Central America and in the north of South America, since the climate is most suitable for this flower there.

    spice making method

    Vanillin is extracted from vanilla seeds that ripen in the pods. First, the seeds are treated with boiling water, then a long process begins, during which the seeds are alternately heated in the sun and steamed in plastic containers. This process takes about two weeks, after which the seeds darken and become dark brown. Then, the seeds are dried and simply kept for several months so that the smell intensifies.

    For the production of vanillin, the following types of vanilla are cultivated today:

    • Vanilla is fragrant. It grows in Mexico, Indonesia, the Caribbean and Madagascar. Differs in large inflorescences. It has a rich, "warm" aroma.
    • Antillean vanilla. It grows in the countries of Central America, at an altitude of 0.5 km above sea level. Most often used in the form of an extract.
    • Vanilla Tahitian. The place of cultivation of this plant, which is the result of crossing the two species described above, is French Polynesia. This species is grown not only to obtain vanillin, but also for decorative purposes.

    This is how natural vanillin is made, but most of the spice sold in stores is artificial vanillin. It is made from different raw materials through synthesis.

    Production of synthetic vanillin

    Most of the spice sold in stores is artificial vanillin. It is made from different raw materials through synthesis. The possibility of synthesizing vanillin was discovered at the end of the 19th century in Germany by Wilhelm Haarmann and Ferdinand Tiemann. The production of synthetic vanillin was the first step towards the creation of artificial flavors. Currently, artificial vanillin can be obtained from a wide variety of substances, including eugenol, lignin, and petrochemical feedstocks.

    Flavoring identical to natural

    Vanillin, obtained by synthesis, belongs to the group of flavors identical to natural ones. This means that it has the same chemical structure as natural vanillin and can be used as a food product. Flavor identical to natural, in contrast to artificial flavor, is found in materials of animal and vegetable origin.

    Smell difference between synthetic and natural vanilla

    The difference in flavor between synthesized vanilla and natural vanilla is actually quite significant. According to research, there are four hundred different components in the smell of vanilla, and vanillin is just one of them. Therefore, the aroma of real vanilla is much richer and more multifaceted than the smell of an artificial substitute.


    • white or colorless powder;
    • sweet aroma;
    • bitter taste.

    Nutritional value and calories

    Nutritional value and calorie content per 100 grams of product

    Chemical composition

    The composition of natural vanillin includes:

    • essential oil;
    • gluco-vanillin;
    • tannin;
    • cinnamon ether.

    Where and how to choose

    In specialized stores selling professional bakery and confectionery products, vanilla can be purchased in a variety of forms: in pods, in powder, as well as in the form of an extract or essence. Synthesized vanillin is sold at any grocery store.

    A quality product should have a strong, rich aroma. If you buy vanilla beans, make sure they are long, soft, and bend well.

    Beneficial features

    • soothes and relaxes;
    • is a good antidepressant;
    • has antioxidant and anticarcinogenic effects;
    • considered a natural aphrodisiac;
    • normalizes metabolism;
    • helps relieve allergy symptoms;
    • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
    • is an antimicrobial agent.


    • may cause a severe allergic reaction, manifested in irritation of the skin and mucous membranes.


    Vanilla essential oil has a strong, spicy-sweet aroma that lasts for years. It has found application in medicine, cosmetology and aromatherapy. Vanilla oil is a part of many cosmetics and perfumes. Not only is it an excellent fragrance, but it also has a calming and rejuvenating effect. The beneficial properties of this oil allow it to be used to combat various diseases. Vanilla essential oil can be used orally, inhaled or in aroma lamps, or added to a bath or massage mixture.


    In cooking

    • vanillin is added to rich pastries to give it a special flavor;
    • vanillin is an essential component of many recipes for sweet creams and sauces;
    • housewives often add vanillin to berry and fruit jams;
    • most confectionery products, including chocolate, caramel, soufflé, etc., contain vanillin;
    • sometimes vanillin is used to flavor alcoholic beverages, such as liqueurs and some varieties of vodka;
    • vanillin is added to dairy and curd products to make them more fragrant.

    Take 4 eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Slowly beat the whites, gradually mixing in a glass of sugar and a pinch of vanilla. After that, without stopping whisking, pour the yolks into the resulting mass. Then, kneading the dough from the bottom up, add a glass of sifted flour. Then set the oven temperature to 200 degrees and let it warm up. While the oven is heating up, prepare the baking dish. The bottom can be oiled or lined with parchment paper. The cake should be baked for 20-25 minutes.

    Cottage cheese vanilla cream

    Beat in a homogeneous mass 2/3 of a standard package of butter, 170 grams of cottage cheese and 1 tsp. vanillin. Beat at low speed. Then add a glass of powdered sugar and beat the mixture again, this time gradually increasing the speed to maximum. Cream is ready!

    In medicine

    Natural vanillin can be used as an aid in the fight against the following diseases:

    • rheumatic pains;
    • digestive disorders;
    • fever;
    • mental disorders;
    • depression;
    • sleep disorders;
    • diseases of the nervous system;
    • skin inflammation;
    • poor health on critical days;
    • menstrual irregularities;
    • intestinal colic.

    When losing weight

    Many modern weight loss systems include vanilla, not as a food supplement, but as a powerful antidepressant. Inhaling the sweet aroma of vanilla helps fight bad moods, relieves anxiety and calms the nerves. In addition, when inhaling this smell, a person produces hormones that block the feeling of hunger.

    At home

    If you dilute a bag of vanillin in water and sprinkle your clothes and skin with this solution, you can safely relax in nature without fear of an invasion of midges, as the sweet smell repels these insects.

    • Natural vanillin is considered one of the most expensive spices in the world.
    • Some Indian tribes used vanilla beans instead of money.

    Almost no product of the confectionery industry can do without this crystalline powder. But, and that's not all. Vanillin, and we will talk about it, is also used in the production of liqueurs and spirits, in perfumery, and vanilla is even added to some medicines. About, What We Didn't Know About Vanilla and about what secrets this fragrant powder hides our publication...

    Vanilla and vanillin

    Vanillin is a powder that has the characteristic taste and smell of vanilla, was created by scientists and chemists and has become a worthy and affordable alternative to natural vanilla. However, if scientists still managed to recreate the smell in artificial conditions of a chemical laboratory, then, unfortunately, they could not fully reproduce the healing properties of natural vanilla.

    That's why, when talking about vanilla, which is used in medicine, we are talking about a natural product, and not its synthetic substitute. As for vanillin, this powder is perfectly soluble both in water, in ether and in alcohol, and does not leave behind any sediment, only a characteristic fragrant plume. Another unique property of vanillin is its ability to interrupt the intensity of other odors, therefore, it is very often added to products in order not only to interrupt the main odor, but to soften the unwanted aftertaste.

    If during the boiling of milk you feel an unpleasant odor, add a little vanillin to - and there will be no trace of an unpleasant odor.

    However, it is very important not to overdo it here, as the vanillin powder itself (not!) has a slight bitter taste, and if you overdo it, your dish will smell good, but have a bitter aftertaste. It is generally accepted that

    the optimal dosage of vanillin powder per kilogram of dough is only seven grams of vanillin.

    vanilla properties

    For the first time, Europeans learned about this plant called vanilla when they visited America, back in the early sixteenth century. There, vanilla is a fairly common plant, and for the natives it did not represent anything surprising and unusual. On the contrary, the natives added vanilla to their food. So, for example, the Aztec leader named Montezuma became famous, in addition to his heroic deeds, for having a weakness for a drink prepared and vanilla. Such a drink helped him not to leave without due attention any of his six hundred wives! History tells that the leader Montezuma had fifty children! According to scientists, such fertility was directly related to his favorite drink. Europeans became interested in this outlandish plant and decided to bring it to Europe. And, already in the seventeenth century, vanilla was also known there. However, the cost of vanilla was fabulous, and only very rich and wealthy people could afford to enjoy its delicate aroma.

    Vanilla history

    Vanilla is collected from trees from the genus of lianas, from the orchid family. It is noteworthy that only unripe and still mature pods of the two species Vanilla planifolia and Vanilla pompona are of value. Thus, the size of the pods of the first type of vanilla can reach twenty-five centimeters, and they are considered the best raw material for the production of high-quality vanilla. Not many people know that vanilla, unlike vanillin and vanilla sugar, which cost a penny, is still worth its weight in gold today. As for the second type of vanilla, it is a little cheaper, but its qualities are still superior to those of a synthetic substitute for vanillin.
    As we have already mentioned, unripe pods are of value, they are plucked and ... placed in boiling water for a few seconds. After such a hot bath, the pods are taken out and spread on where they dry for a whole week. By the end of the week, the color of the pods turns brown and they begin to exude a characteristic subtle vanilla scent. After that, the pods are moved to the shade and dried there for several more months. However, care must be taken that the pods are dry and not moldy. After such a long and very tedious process of making vanilla, this spice finally acquires a dark and rich color, with a specific white coating, which consists of small crystals. These are the crystals that vanilla fans appreciate the most ...

    The smell of this plant is recognized as one of the strongest in the world. And the most effective - the flavoring is able to awaken the appetite of any lover of pastries, cookies, cakes, pastries, yogurts, buns. The product is also used in the perfume industry, for the production of perfumes and skin and hair care products. What are the benefits and harms of vanillin for the body?

    In pre-Columbian America, the Aztecs used the plant as an ingredient in the preparation of a drink made from cocoa beans, high-calorie and aromatic, quickly and effectively satisfying hunger. Europeans got to know this product in the sixteenth century, they figured out how to evaporate the extract from the seeds and get a powder with a crystalline structure that can be added to food.

    Seeds of a beautiful and charming orchid can benefit a person not only in cooking, but also improve the body. They contain polyphenols, a complex of antioxidants useful for the body, which normalize metabolism, slow down the aging process and prolong youth. Vanillin fights cancer problems, participates in the prevention of heart and cardiovascular diseases. The flavor has an antibacterial effect, it strengthens blood vessels and relieves inflammation, and has anti-allergic properties.

    Natural vanillin is able to treat neurodegenerative ailments such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Vanilla affects the formation of dopamine, a substance whose deficiency plays a major role in the development of these two diseases.

    The extract from a natural plant is very expensive and rarely found on the shelves. Industrialists found a way out - they created cheap, artificial vanillin, which has the same aroma, but differs significantly in its properties. The harm of an artificial product obtained by chemical means is quite predictable, coumarin is often added to it, it is carcinogenic, toxic, and can have a destructive effect on the liver. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur to an artificial product, up to the development of eczema.

    It can be concluded that an artificial product in moderate doses is safe for health. But do not abuse it, especially when it comes to cooking for children.

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