• The benefits and harms of a raw food diet: research results. Raw food diet - the path to recovery or life from hand to mouth? The health benefits of a raw food diet


    Why is a raw food diet useful - is it such a fashion or is it a vital necessity? If you lead a healthy lifestyle or are fond of a kind of medicine, then of course you understand that a raw food diet is completely unrelated to eating cheese and the like. This is such a kind of diet, where foods are consumed only in raw form. The raw food diet is very similar to vegetarian food, only much stricter and tougher. There are a number of areas where everyone eats raw foods at their discretion. For example, raw grains or fruits, or maybe eating herbs or tops, but this is already an extreme way of a raw food diet.

    People who eat raw foods will never buy food in the store because, for example, dairy products have already been cooked and contain preservatives. The same applies to other products. So what is so useful in a raw food diet and why are many people addicted to this type of food?

    The raw food diet becomes especially popular every year and attracts more and more people.

    Raw plant foods are unprocessed and are "alive" and healthy food. Studies have shown that those who eat a lot of vegetables and fruits very rarely get cancer and various diseases associated with the heart. Only fresh vegetables and fruits have a beneficial effect on the entire human body. If the vegetables are boiled, then almost fifty percent of the beneficial elements that determine the specific taste of cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, horseradish and other vegetables, are destroyed. These substances create not only excellent taste sensations, but also protect against cancer.

    Yellow and red vegetables, as well as green leaves, contain carotenoids, which protect your body from chronic diseases and prevent the development of various tumors. If vegetables are cooked, then some of these substances are destroyed. Particularly sensitive to processing are biological substances that are found in celery, cabbage and cherries. Garlic also has a beneficial effect on our body if consumed fresh. It kills disease bacteria and improves blood circulation.

    Undoubtedly, a raw food diet brings many benefits to our body.

    Some of its advantages include a good preventive cleansing of the body. Such prevention is not as powerful as fasting, but with frequent use gives amazing results. A raw food diet is of great benefit in constipation, sluggish bowel disease and hemorrhoids, due to the increase in dietary fiber. Raw food treatment reduces a number of various diseases. For example, it gives a positive result for gout, and also frees the body from uric acid. For those who suffer from kidney disease, a raw food diet is a way of treatment as well as prevention. For skin diseases, rheumatism and much more.

    If you suffer from hypertension, then the use of a raw food diet can improve your health, due to the fact that table salt is sharply limited in food. Many people switch to a raw food diet in order to lose weight and buy things they like in the store. In such cases, it is better to eat vegetables raw. This is not only because the percentage of useful elements in the products decreases, but also in the raw form, the products give the greatest saturation. Unboiled food fills your stomach faster than boiled food. If you decide to go on a raw food diet, then you need to remember a few things. Foods that are high in calories, such as dates, a variety of nuts, and so on, should be avoided. By the way, scientists have proven that with a raw food diet, the treatment of obesity is faster than with starvation.

    If you look at it, fresh vegetables and fruits bring more benefits than soft foods. It also helps to strengthen your gums. Fans of raw food, if the diet is properly composed, do not deprive themselves of proteins at all. A large amount of protein is found both in various nuts and in legumes. Also in wheat, cauliflower and cabbage with the interesting name kohlrabi. So, we know why a raw food diet is so useful, but doctors are convinced that there are also disadvantages. In both cases, it can adversely affect your health. But still, raw food in your diet should prevail. Raw food, as a treatment for many diseases, according to some, does not justify itself, but this does not mean that it should be abandoned. To become a true raw foodist, you need to have a healthy stomach and good willpower, as well as endurance and knowledge. The best and most necessary way to prevent a raw food diet is to use courses that last about two to three weeks.

    With a raw food diet, there are several rules that will be useful to beginner raw foodists, I have an article on this topic. Eat less to begin with, as moderation sets your body up to accept raw food. Drinking water should be clean, and preferably mineral. Products must be at room temperature. You need to try to eat when hunger appears. If you follow all the rules, then a raw food diet will be not only healthy for you, but also tasty.

    An excellent motivational video about the benefits of a raw food diet.

    To be or not to be a raw foodist?

    The raw food diet is gaining more and more supporters every year, confident that it is the optimal nutrition system for the body. Is it so? What are the benefits and harms of a raw food diet? And what principles underlie it?

    What is a raw food diet?

    Raw food diet - food without heat treatment, primarily vegetables, fruits and berries. The diet also contains a variety of legumes, nuts and seeds. However, some raw foodists eat animal products: unpasteurized milk, raw eggs, dried meat and fish. Although true adepts replace meat with the same beans, dried eggplant and mushrooms. And they even prepare milk themselves from soy, grain and almonds.

    Various cereals and cereals are allowed to be consumed in sprouted and soaked form. Raw food products include honey and any cold-pressed oils. At the same time, they drink exclusively raw filtered or mineral water, as well as freshly squeezed juices.

    The energy of nature

    Ardent supporters of this system are sure that a raw food diet is the path to immortality. In their opinion, raw food treatment allows you to permanently get rid of all existing diseases, and "living food" helps to live in harmony with nature. What is the real benefit of such nutrition?

    Most of the vitamins, minerals and amino acids found in fresh foods are not destroyed by heat treatment and enter the body in full. Consumed in large quantities, fiber improves digestion. A raw food diet is a healthy diet also because it allows you to cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful substances in a short period of time. There is an opinion that raw foodists are less prone to heart disease and the risk of developing cancer. It is impossible not to mention that a raw food diet for weight loss is one of the most effective methods due to the low calorie content of products and the almost complete absence of fats and harmful carbohydrates.

    Side effects

    At the same time, one should not forget about the harm that a raw food diet causes to the body. Problems can begin already at the first stages, because the transition to a fundamentally new nutrition system is always associated with stress. Headaches, diarrhea, irritability, general weakness and poor health will definitely make themselves felt with a sharp change in eating habits. This is why the raw food diet for beginners carries some risk.

    Nutritional deficiencies are the main disadvantage of a raw food diet. Deficiency of vitamin B12, found only in animal foods, negatively affects the condition of nerve fibers and the production of red blood cells. Lack of iron leads to the development of anemia and is especially dangerous for women. With such a system, vitamin A, zinc, iodine and magnesium are poorly absorbed.

    inventive menu

    How to start a raw food diet? Refusal of familiar products should be smooth. Meat, semi-finished products, canned food and smoked meats should disappear from the diet gradually. They are followed by other products of animal origin, flour products, sweets, tea, coffee and alcohol. Food processing in the first stages can be carried out at 45°C. A higher temperature, according to raw foodists, makes the food "dead". It is better to soak nuts in clean water for 4-8 hours. So excess bitterness will leave them, and they will be quickly absorbed by the body.

    With a raw food diet, the menu may well include oatmeal. To do this, pour the flakes with water overnight, and in the morning add pieces of fruit or berries. Tomato and similar cold vegetable soups can also be added to the diet. Vegetable cutlets are also allowed. True, for their preparation you will have to get a dehydrator. In addition, at your disposal - the abundance of vegetable and fruit salads.

    Among the raw food recipes there are quite interesting snacks. Using a powerful blender, beat into a homogeneous mass 300 g of walnuts, 250 g of honey, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 1 tsp. cinnamon. We form balls and roll them in sesame seeds.

    You can also make almond cheese. Soak 2 cups of almonds in water overnight. In the morning we wash it and grind it in a blender, gradually pouring in 1-2 glasses of water. The resulting mass is transferred to a gauze bag and suspended for 8-12 hours at room temperature. In such a "cheese" you can add garlic, lemon juice and seasonings.

    Remember how to switch to a raw food diet without risk to health, only a specialist knows! Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to enlist his recommendations and undergo the necessary examinations.

    Among adherents of a healthy lifestyle, a raw food diet is gaining popularity. Most healthy people are 90-95% fit for a plant-based diet. And for those who already have diseases, the transition to such a diet is very useful.

    The gifts of mother nature - vegetables and fruits, grains and legumes, nuts make up the diet of a raw foodist. They are low in fat and high in fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals. You can eat any unprocessed food in any quantity. “Live” food contains all the elements necessary for the body.

    August-September is the best time to switch to a raw food diet. During this period, markets and supermarkets abound with fresh vegetables and fruits.

    Most people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis, etc.) are suspicious of a raw food diet. But, you see, all these illnesses arise after the use of harmful products. And doctors recommend sticking to a fairly strict diet.

    With the transition to plant foods, the enzymatic system, destroyed by the use of traditional food, is gradually restored.

    First, the body will be cleansed of toxins and toxins accumulated over many years. Perhaps a temporary deterioration in well-being. Therefore, it is so important during this period to be patient and believe in success. The reward will be lightness in the body, a surge of strength and energy. In women, menstruation is painless, men notice an increase in potency.

    Within a week after eating raw foods, the feeling of hunger and dependence on food will disappear. The work of the pancreas is normalized, the level of sugar in the blood comes to healthy levels.

    With problems with digestion and lethargy of the intestines, a raw food diet is the best remedy.

    People who eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits have a reduced risk of cancer and heart disease.

    Cleanses from toxins

    Raw food is a food system. It is not just a diet, but a philosophy of life. Therefore, the transition to natural food must be properly and carefully prepared.

    A common reason for switching to a raw food diet is the desire to lose weight. Many people are overweight. And everyone is looking for their own diet.

    Losing weight on a "live" diet occurs naturally and in a normal way. Extra pounds go unnoticed and without difficulty. The body is cleansed of everything unnecessary, including fat. After all, it is known that raw vegetable fiber is the queen. Natural food is easy to digest and assimilate.

    Plant foods are the most beneficial for humans. That's how nature intended it. Plants are filled with the energy of the sun and the earth and generously share it with us. Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals that are lost during cooking. And raw foodists get everything in its natural form.

    Refusal of fried meat and fish, borscht and salads with mayonnaise, pastries and cakes in favor of raw food will inevitably lead to the loss of extra pounds.

    Do not think about what you are losing by giving up your favorite foods. Enjoy in anticipation of new dishes that will appear in your life. There are many raw food recipes on the internet.

    Rejuvenates the body

    To stay healthy and young for as long as possible, a person needs clean air and water, quality food and emotional harmony. Eating lifeless foods and drinks - food waste, we harm ourselves. Our blood and cells need natural food. After all, it is filled with natural nutrients.

    With excessive use of unhealthy products, the skin becomes dull and gray, loses its firmness and elasticity. Pimples or red spots appear on the face. All digestive organs suffer. The body is polluted with toxins. There is chronic fatigue.

    Eating raw vegetables and fruits, greens, sprouted grains and nuts, the body turns on the internal mechanisms of healing. It is known that every 7 years our body is updated. The body constantly regenerates cells. Plant foods are the best building material for new cells.

    People who practice a raw food diet for a long time seem to glow from the inside. They look happy, beautiful and young. The condition of the skin, hair, teeth, and all internal organs improves. The aging process slows down. A competent approach to a raw food diet allows you to “reset” several decades.

    Increases immunity

    The use of antibiotics and other drugs, refined foods and preservatives leads to a decrease in immunity. And then to the development of serious diseases.

    As you know, 70% of immunity is concentrated in the intestines. The microorganisms living there produce the most important vitamins and microelements for us, the lack of which slows down the production of hormones and reduces immunity.

    Raw plant food is rich in vitamins, amino acids, phytoncides, phytohormones and other biologically active substances.

    The healing powers of nature can prevent many diseases. A raw food diet is a healthy diet that eliminates intoxication, dysbacteriosis, and strengthens the body's immunity. Therefore, raw foodists get sick much less often, they have a high ability to resist infections.

    Gives positive

    According to the results of research by Dutch scientists, it turned out that 50% of people who abuse flour products, hamburgers, chips and pizza are more likely to experience depression than others.

    Those who prefer vegetables, fruits and fish have a small percentage of melancholy. And those who especially complained about legumes, nuts, sour-milk products and red wine did not visit a bad mood at all.

    “Live” food allows you to clear the energy. A person begins to look at the world with different eyes.

    Raw foodists radiate positivity. People are drawn to them, it is pleasant to communicate with them. They are cheerful and smile a lot. Perhaps it is a close connection with nature that works such miracles.


    Raw food is mindful eating. The diet must be carefully planned and thought out in advance, but the result is worth it.

    Efficiency increases. The amount of energy is simply colossal - this is due to the fact that the body does not waste time and effort on digesting food.

    Raw foodists believe that by eating “live” foods, they connect to the energy of the Universe. Many things become possible. A raw food diet is the way to health, youth, beauty and longevity.


    Your feedback on the article:

    Raw food diet is a fashionable practice today. Many have heard about it, but everyone knows what it really is, and what the benefits and harms of this system can be. Therefore, before conducting any experiments with your body, you need to figure out what a raw food diet is and how it is useful. Why do we need food? The answer to this question seems to be obvious, because it is impossible to live without it. However, many people do not eat to live, but live to eat. They cook and eat certain foods no longer for health reasons, but for pleasure. It is understandable that this category is perplexed by the fact that you can eat raw food and get enough of it. At the same time, many experts believe that raw food is much healthier than anything that has been thermally processed. This is the essence of the raw food diet - to eat food without processing, that is, without cooking, without frying, pickling, and so on. Experts identify many arguments, both for the raw food diet and against it. It is necessary to understand in more detail what the benefits and harms of this practice can be.

    First, let's talk about the benefits of a raw food diet. In ancient times, our ancestors ate only raw foods, and this enabled them to survive. But is such a diet normal for a modern person. If we talk about such a practice as a raw food diet, its benefits and harms to the body will depend on a number of circumstances. Of course, a raw food diet is useful, and can restore a person's health. It all depends on whether it suits him and whether he needs it.

    Real "raw foodists" really get sick rarely. And if they happen to catch a cold or catch an infection, then the body will cope with this problem faster than the body of a person who eats in the usual way. Raw foodists have almost one hundred percent immunity from oncology, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The protection of their body does not allow chronic diseases to develop.

    Fresh and raw foods retain beneficial antioxidants and other active ingredients that cooking can kill. Also when eating raw foods sluggish bowel disappears. Dietary fiber in raw foods helps fight constipation, hemorrhoids, and in fact many cannot cope with these problems for years. The health benefits of a raw food diet are also great for kidney diseases, skin diseases, and rheumatism. Raw food diet allows you to normalize water metabolism. By reducing the amount of salt in the diet, hypertension disappears.

    Some foods that a raw food diet allows are high in calories, such as nuts and dried fruits. However, a small amount of them allows you to provide a feeling of satiety for a long time and saturate the body with energy, since it will spend it much less than when digesting heavy food.

    Also, on the question of whether a raw food diet is useful, it is worth noting that it helps fight diseases of the oral cavity, strengthens teeth and gums. Raw foodists can get rid of bad breath and get a beautiful and fresh complexion.

    Harm and contraindications

    You also need to understand what is harmful raw food diet. By itself, the way of eating is not harmful, but you need to know what to eat and how to do it. A raw food diet is not just eating raw foods. This is a whole philosophy, a separate science, closely connected with other scientific fields.

    For example, many people on a raw food diet lean on legumes, because they have a lot of protein. But it is better not to use these products every day and not in too large quantities. They also contain those substances that are difficult to digest. With their excess in the stomach, they can form toxins, the removal of which the body will require a lot of effort. Therefore, people who use them uncontrollably can feel the whole harm from raw food.

    Carrots are a healthy product that saturates the body with valuable vitamin A. However, raw carrots contain a lot of fiber, which can block its absorption. This component is absorbed along with fats, which are often excluded during a raw food diet. And in plants such as spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, there is a lot of acid that interferes with the absorption of calcium and prevents it from entering the body, so greens should at least be doused with boiling water before use.

    It should also be noted that the pros and cons of a raw food diet can change if you are allergic to certain types of protein. Proteins are neutralized during cooking, because the raw food diet in this case can be dangerous. It is not recommended to switch to it completely for people of age and, of course, for children, pregnant and lactating women.

    Discussing the benefits and harms of a raw food diet, experts agree that the absolute transition to eating raw foods is extreme. In their opinion, the best option is to use 60% raw and 40% cooked. After all, nevertheless, a lot of useful substances are found in meat, fish, eggs, which cannot be consumed without heat treatment.

    In addition, not all "raw" foods available to residents of big cities are not actually processed. Take at least dairy products. It is pasteurized, supplemented with various preservatives. Please note that only homemade fresh milk contains useful substances. Nuts and dried fruits sold in stores are also often roasted and dried in artificial conditions, which already makes them unsuitable for eating on the basis of a raw food diet.

    You can find different reviews about the benefits and dangers of a raw food diet, different opinions about this system. Of course, fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts are sources of numerous valuable substances. A raw food diet does not provoke overeating, normalizes the level of cholesterol and sugar, in addition, it allows you to make the diet quite diverse.

    However, it should be borne in mind that not everyone can completely switch to a raw food diet. If people have already acquired offspring, and no more children go, then in the absence of contraindications, you can try. But for those who still want to become parents, this is undesirable. For the full maturation of sperm and eggs proteins and fats are required animal origin. Learn it.

    Also, a raw food diet is not recommended for children and adolescents, since a complete diet is required for the proper construction of internal organs and the functioning of the glands. In its absence, delays in growth and development are possible. Children need both animal proteins and cooked cereals, which are a valuable source of energy.

    Older people also need to be careful. Their metabolism slows down and if they switch to raw food only, the body may not be able to isolate the necessary components from it.

    Raw food for a month or two will be useful people over 40 who have excess weight, diabetes, gout, high blood pressure - this will help to recover.

    Absolute contraindications to a raw food diet are insufficient digestion of raw food, as well as gastritis and colitis.

    How to switch to a raw food diet?

    You don't have to join the ranks of raw foodists just because it's trendy, because someone said it was good, and someone you know did. So you're only hurting yourself. The decision must be conscious and 100% personal. We need to weigh the raw food diet, assess your health. A raw food diet is recommended only when the body requires it. For the correct transition, it will take at least a year, since the body must completely reorganize to receive a new type of energy. In order not to cause irreparable damage to yourself, consider the following recommendations:

    • Be sure to consult your doctor. Every body is different and what works for someone may not work for you.
    • Starting to switch to a raw food diet, leave warm drinks and porridge in the diet for another 7-10 days. Then you will need to exclude them too. The amount of water in the diet should be more than before. It should not be less than two liters.
    • Increase the amount of fiber in your diet gradually. Eat more fruits and vegetables. This will help the intestinal microflora to rebuild.
    • It's better to start a raw food diet in June-July. Such a transition will be less painful, as there are many seasonal vegetables and fruits. But winter is a difficult period for raw foodists.
    • The diet should be built in such a way that it is balanced in terms of proteins and carbohydrates.
    • The diet should be determined individually. It is enough for someone to eat a couple of times a day, for someone - 5-6 times, although fractional meals are always preferable.

    The raw food diet allows heat treatment of food with temperatures up to 43 degrees.

    Thus, it is worth evaluating the benefits and harms of a raw food diet, reviews of which will make it possible to understand more. Most people are better off just borrowing certain features of the diet from this system, and don't switch to it completely.. However, everyone is individual, but first of all it is important to take care of your health.

    Pitfalls of a raw food diet in a useful video

    Vitarianism, or naturism (as this trend is called in another way) consists in eating those foods that are not subjected to heat treatment. There have been many rumors about the benefits and harms of a raw food diet for many years. But this trend has become especially popular in the world in recent years.

    To understand the benefits of a raw food diet, it is worthwhile to carefully understand the issue. It is impossible to condemn or praise such an image without proper knowledge about this current. We will understand in detail.

    What it is?

    Vitarianism is a categorical rejection of thermally processed food. Raw foodists themselves call such food "dead". They believe that high temperature completely destroys useful substances. Moreover, adherents of a raw food diet are sure that such food kills the human body.

    There are many varieties of raw foods. They all focus on eating raw foods, but there are significant differences.

    • A raw food diet with a bias towards veganism. Only raw vegetables and fruits are eaten. Animal products are completely excluded.
    • Vegetarian raw food diet. Only vegetable products are consumed, but some products of animal origin (milk, honey, eggs) are allowed. It is allowed to eat bread made from whole grain flour, but without the addition of yeast.
    • Vitarianism is omnivorous. Any products of animal and vegetable origin that are not subjected to heat treatment are allowed.
    • Raw food diet of the Paleolithic era, or raw meat diet. This species involves the use of raw meat and fish. Vegetable products make up the minimum diet.
    • Fruitarianism. Various fruits, berries, some vegetables and sprouted grains are allowed for food.

    Omnivorous and vegetarian raw food diets are considered optimal types of nutrition. Such diets allow you to most effectively saturate the human body with all the necessary substances and trace elements. A vegetarian raw food diet is considered the most beneficial from a medical point of view.

    Adherents of Vitarianism do not get tired of constantly repeating the invaluable benefits of their type of nutrition. Raw food diet is almost a panacea for all diseases and problems. A miraculous cure for cancer, quick weight loss - all this is promised by raw foodists. But is it really so? Knowing about the real benefits of a raw food diet will help to understand this.

    Consider the proven benefits of Vitarianism.

    1. Due to the fact that raw vegetables and fruits contain a lot of dietary fiber, the intestines work properly. The stool becomes regular, flatulence and bloating disappear.
    2. The vascular wall is significantly strengthened. This type of nutrition is the best prevention of cardiovascular pathologies.
    3. Due to the restriction of salt in the diet, people suffering from hypertension forget about high blood pressure and headaches.
    4. Thanks to the thorough chewing of plant foods, the condition of the gums improves and the teeth are significantly strengthened.
    5. Excess fluid is quickly removed from the body. Over time, it does not accumulate even with a large amount of alcohol consumed.
    6. Phytoncides contained in many plants (garlic, onion,) do not volatilize during heat treatment. This means that they are more effective in preventing the reproduction of viruses and bacteria in the body.
    7. Eating raw vegetables and fruits of bright color (carrots, tomatoes,) saturates our body with a colossal amount of carotenoids. These substances improve metabolism, strengthen our immunity and prevent the development of cancer cells.
    8. Due to the fact that the consumption of animal proteins is reduced, the kidneys begin to work less intensively. Reduces the risk of kidney and liver disease.
    9. The appearance is greatly improved. Nails become strong and well-groomed, skin becomes velvety and even, and hair becomes silky and strong.
    10. The mood improves significantly. A person feels inspired, full of strength and energy.

    It is worth noting that the ability to easily saturate your body is considered a significant advantage of a raw food diet. This helps in the fight against excess weight. Fiber quickly fills our stomach and gives a feeling of satiety. Due to this, dietitians often prescribe raw food as a diet to their patients. A well-designed raw food diet allows you to achieve better results than drugs and trendy diets.

    Potential harms of a raw food diet

    Don't get your hopes up thinking that things are pretty rosy in the raw food diet. This type of food has its pitfalls. No wonder doctors all over the world advise competently and gradually switch to naturism.

    What are the dangers of a raw food diet?

    1. Due to the lack of meat in the diet, the level of vitamin B12, or cyanocobalamin, is significantly reduced. This vitamin plays an important role in hematopoiesis. Its deficiency causes the development of anemia.
    2. Eating too much raw food causes digestive upset such as diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
    3. In sexually mature women, a raw food diet causes amenorrhea. Approximately a third of women on this type of diet suffer from missing periods if they do not take vitamin supplements.
    4. Vitarianism is contraindicated for people prone to food allergies, since thermally unprocessed food contains a high content of allergens. The transition to a raw food diet is possible only after consultation with an allergist, with the exception of allergenic foods.
    5. In people suffering from acute diseases of the stomach and pancreas (pancreatitis, ulcers), a raw food diet can cause an exacerbation. Boiled and baked food is shown to such people for effective treatment.

    Particular attention should be paid to the topic of pregnancy. There is no consensus on the dangers of a raw food diet for a pregnant woman and fetus. Some doctors are of the opinion that such a diet is dangerous, while the other part speaks of solid pluses.

    The thing is that meat products contain folic acid, which is vital for a child: it is responsible for the normal development of the fetus. Meat is famous for its high content of this acid. Animal products also contain essential amino acids. For example, the highest content of valine and leucine is registered in meat products.

    With a lack of folic acid and amino acids, fetal developmental disorders are observed. The nervous, circulatory, cardiovascular systems of the child suffer. A pregnant woman experiences a feeling of weakness and drowsiness. Of course, modern pharmacology allows you to replace these substances with synthetic analogues. But there is nothing better than the original contained in natural meat.

    A raw food diet also has a negative effect on the child's body. Childhood is a period of intensive growth and development, when the body needs all the nutrients. An illiterate raw food diet can provoke an abnormal development of the child's body. In the future, this can cause diseases of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs.

    Popular misconceptions about the raw food diet

    Many people who have nothing to do with dietetics and medicine are often biased towards naturism. There is a category of people who, on the contrary, praise it as a miracle pill. And both camps are partially mistaken. To understand who is right in what, a detailed analysis will help.

    • Myth #1. "Raw food is for everyone."

    Fundamentally wrong statement. There are a lot of people for whom this type of diet is not suitable for medical reasons (pregnant women suffering from stomach diseases). Some eating raw foods can be fatal (these are people suffering from severe food allergies).

    • Myth #2. “Immediately after the start of a raw food diet, you feel a rise in energy.”

    This is unlikely, since a cardinal restructuring of the body begins. With the transition to new food, our body is well cleansed. And during this cleansing, nausea, headaches, weakness, dizziness may occur. The human body needs some time to get used to.

    • Myth #3. "It's hard for a raw foodist to find food and a place to eat."

    With our frantic pace of life, of course, it is difficult to come up with new dishes. At home, you can experiment in your free time. And bring fruit and a light vegetable salad to the office. Yes, and a bite to eat in a cafe is not difficult. Now many restaurants and cafes have dishes for vegans and raw foodists on their menus.

    • Myth number 4. "Raw vegetables are not able to satisfy hunger."

    Thanks to the fiber contained in plant foods, the feeling of fullness comes faster.

    • Myth #5: Raw foodists only eat fruits and vegetables.

    This is wrong. The diet of the Vitarians is quite rich. In addition to fruits and vegetables, it includes berries, legumes, sprouted grains, milk, eggs, honey, meat and fish, seaweed. All these products allow you to come up with a lot of combinations and dishes.

    But the delusion of novice raw foodists about the amount eaten can be dangerous to health. Do not think that you can consume an unlimited amount of raw foods. Some of them are not as safe as they might seem at first glance. For example, eating a large amount of raw mushrooms can provoke poisoning. In everything there should be a reasonable measure.

    You can sum up the raw food diet using the example of Angelina Jolie. This Hollywood actress is an ardent adherent of a raw food diet. Raw foods form the basis of her diet. It is her diet that the actress is grateful for the beauty and vitality. But Jolie believes that the body can not do without animal products. Therefore, once a week, she allows herself to eat a piece of fish or a steamed turkey fillet.

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