• Why a raw food diet is beneficial. Raw food diet - good or bad? Details about the pros and cons Raw food diet benefits and harms to the human body


    Why is a raw food diet useful - is it such a fashion or is it a vital necessity? If you lead a healthy lifestyle or are fond of a kind of medicine, then of course you understand that a raw food diet is completely unrelated to eating cheese and the like. This is such a kind of diet, where foods are consumed only in raw form. The raw food diet is very similar to vegetarian food, only much stricter and tougher. There are a number of areas where everyone eats raw foods at their discretion. For example, raw grains or fruits, or maybe eating herbs or tops, but this is already an extreme way of a raw food diet.

    People who eat raw foods will never buy food in the store because, for example, dairy products have already been cooked and contain preservatives. The same applies to other products. So what is so useful in a raw food diet and why are many people addicted to this type of food?

    The raw food diet becomes especially popular every year and attracts more and more people.

    Raw plant foods are unprocessed and are "alive" and healthy food. Studies have shown that those who eat a lot of vegetables and fruits very rarely get cancer and various diseases associated with the heart. Only fresh vegetables and fruits have a beneficial effect on the entire human body. If the vegetables are boiled, then almost fifty percent of the beneficial elements that determine the specific taste of cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, horseradish and other vegetables, are destroyed. These substances create not only excellent taste sensations, but also protect against cancer.

    Yellow and red vegetables, as well as green leaves, contain carotenoids, which protect your body from chronic diseases and prevent the development of various tumors. If vegetables are cooked, then some of these substances are destroyed. Particularly sensitive to processing are biological substances that are found in celery, cabbage and cherries. Garlic also has a beneficial effect on our body if consumed fresh. It kills disease bacteria and improves blood circulation.

    Undoubtedly, a raw food diet brings many benefits to our body.

    Some of its advantages include a good preventive cleansing of the body. Such prevention is not as powerful as fasting, but with frequent use gives amazing results. A raw food diet is of great benefit in constipation, sluggish bowel disease and hemorrhoids, due to the increase in dietary fiber. Raw food treatment reduces a number of various diseases. For example, it gives a positive result for gout, and also frees the body from uric acid. For those who suffer from kidney disease, a raw food diet is a way of treatment as well as prevention. For skin diseases, rheumatism and much more.

    If you suffer from hypertension, then the use of a raw food diet can improve your health, due to the fact that table salt is sharply limited in food. Many people switch to a raw food diet in order to lose weight and buy things they like in the store. In such cases, it is better to eat vegetables raw. This is not only because the percentage of useful elements in the products decreases, but also in the raw form, the products give the greatest saturation. Unboiled food fills your stomach faster than boiled food. If you decide to go on a raw food diet, then you need to remember a few things. Foods that are high in calories, such as dates, a variety of nuts, and so on, should be avoided. By the way, scientists have proven that with a raw food diet, the treatment of obesity is faster than with starvation.

    If you look at it, fresh vegetables and fruits bring more benefits than soft foods. It also helps to strengthen your gums. Fans of raw food, if the diet is properly composed, do not deprive themselves of proteins at all. A large amount of protein is found both in various nuts and in legumes. Also in wheat, cauliflower and cabbage with the interesting name kohlrabi. So, we know why a raw food diet is so useful, but doctors are convinced that there are also disadvantages. In both cases, it can adversely affect your health. But still, raw food in your diet should prevail. Raw food, as a treatment for many diseases, according to some, does not justify itself, but this does not mean that it should be abandoned. To become a true raw foodist, you need to have a healthy stomach and good willpower, as well as endurance and knowledge. The best and most necessary way to prevent a raw food diet is to use courses that last about two to three weeks.

    With a raw food diet, there are several rules that will be useful to beginner raw foodists, I have an article on this topic. Eat less to begin with, as moderation sets your body up to accept raw food. Drinking water should be clean, and preferably mineral. Products must be at room temperature. You need to try to eat when hunger appears. If you follow all the rules, then a raw food diet will be not only healthy for you, but also tasty.

    An excellent motivational video about the benefits of a raw food diet.

    Raw food diet is a fashionable practice today. Many have heard about it, but everyone knows what it really is, and what the benefits and harms of this system can be. Therefore, before conducting any experiments with your body, you need to figure out what a raw food diet is and how it is useful. Why do we need food? The answer to this question seems to be obvious, because it is impossible to live without it. However, many people do not eat to live, but live to eat. They cook and eat certain foods no longer for health reasons, but for pleasure. It is understandable that this category is perplexed by the fact that you can eat raw food and get enough of it. At the same time, many experts believe that raw food is much healthier than anything that has been thermally processed. This is the essence of the raw food diet - to eat food without processing, that is, without cooking, without frying, pickling, and so on. Experts identify many arguments, both for the raw food diet and against it. It is necessary to understand in more detail what the benefits and harms of this practice can be.

    First, let's talk about the benefits of a raw food diet. In ancient times, our ancestors ate only raw foods, and this enabled them to survive. But is such a diet normal for a modern person. If we talk about such a practice as a raw food diet, its benefits and harms to the body will depend on a number of circumstances. Of course, a raw food diet is useful, and can restore a person's health. It all depends on whether it suits him and whether he needs it.

    Real "raw foodists" really get sick rarely. And if they happen to catch a cold or catch an infection, then the body will cope with this problem faster than the body of a person who eats in the usual way. Raw foodists have almost one hundred percent immunity from oncology, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The protection of their body does not allow chronic diseases to develop.

    Fresh and raw foods retain beneficial antioxidants and other active ingredients that cooking can kill. Also when eating raw foods sluggish bowel disappears. Dietary fiber in raw foods helps fight constipation, hemorrhoids, and in fact many cannot cope with these problems for years. The health benefits of a raw food diet are also great for kidney diseases, skin diseases, and rheumatism. Raw food diet allows you to normalize water metabolism. By reducing the amount of salt in the diet, hypertension disappears.

    Some foods that a raw food diet allows are high in calories, such as nuts and dried fruits. However, a small amount of them allows you to provide a feeling of satiety for a long time and saturate the body with energy, since it will spend it much less than when digesting heavy food.

    Also, on the question of whether a raw food diet is useful, it is worth noting that it helps fight diseases of the oral cavity, strengthens teeth and gums. Raw foodists can get rid of bad breath and get a beautiful and fresh complexion.

    Harm and contraindications

    You also need to understand what is harmful raw food diet. By itself, the way of eating is not harmful, but you need to know what to eat and how to do it. A raw food diet is not just eating raw foods. This is a whole philosophy, a separate science, closely connected with other scientific fields.

    For example, many people on a raw food diet lean on legumes, because they have a lot of protein. But it is better not to use these products every day and not in too large quantities. They also contain those substances that are difficult to digest. With their excess in the stomach, they can form toxins, the removal of which the body will require a lot of effort. Therefore, people who use them uncontrollably can feel the whole harm from raw food.

    Carrots are a healthy product that saturates the body with valuable vitamin A. However, raw carrots contain a lot of fiber, which can block its absorption. This component is absorbed along with fats, which are often excluded during a raw food diet. And in plants such as spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, there is a lot of acid that interferes with the absorption of calcium and prevents it from entering the body, so greens should at least be doused with boiling water before use.

    It should also be noted that the pros and cons of a raw food diet can change if you are allergic to certain types of protein. Proteins are neutralized during cooking, because the raw food diet in this case can be dangerous. It is not recommended to switch to it completely for people of age and, of course, for children, pregnant and lactating women.

    Discussing the benefits and harms of a raw food diet, experts agree that the absolute transition to eating raw foods is extreme. In their opinion, the best option is to use 60% raw and 40% cooked. After all, nevertheless, a lot of useful substances are found in meat, fish, eggs, which cannot be consumed without heat treatment.

    In addition, not all "raw" foods available to residents of big cities are not actually processed. Take at least dairy products. It is pasteurized, supplemented with various preservatives. Please note that only homemade fresh milk contains useful substances. Nuts and dried fruits sold in stores are also often roasted and dried in artificial conditions, which already makes them unsuitable for eating on the basis of a raw food diet.

    You can find different reviews about the benefits and dangers of a raw food diet, different opinions about this system. Of course, fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts are sources of numerous valuable substances. A raw food diet does not provoke overeating, normalizes the level of cholesterol and sugar, in addition, it allows you to make the diet quite diverse.

    However, it should be borne in mind that not everyone can completely switch to a raw food diet. If people have already acquired offspring, and no more children go, then in the absence of contraindications, you can try. But for those who still want to become parents, this is undesirable. For the full maturation of sperm and eggs proteins and fats are required animal origin. Learn it.

    Also, a raw food diet is not recommended for children and adolescents, since a complete diet is required for the proper construction of internal organs and the functioning of the glands. In its absence, delays in growth and development are possible. Children need both animal proteins and cooked cereals, which are a valuable source of energy.

    Older people also need to be careful. Their metabolism slows down and if they switch to raw food only, the body may not be able to isolate the necessary components from it.

    Raw food for a month or two will be useful people over 40 who have excess weight, diabetes, gout, high blood pressure - this will help to recover.

    Absolute contraindications to a raw food diet are insufficient digestion of raw food, as well as gastritis and colitis.

    How to switch to a raw food diet?

    You don't have to join the ranks of raw foodists just because it's trendy, because someone said it was good, and someone you know did. So you're only hurting yourself. The decision must be conscious and 100% personal. We need to weigh the raw food diet, assess your health. A raw food diet is recommended only when the body requires it. For the correct transition, it will take at least a year, since the body must completely reorganize to receive a new type of energy. In order not to cause irreparable damage to yourself, consider the following recommendations:

    • Be sure to consult your doctor. Every body is different and what works for someone may not work for you.
    • Starting to switch to a raw food diet, leave warm drinks and porridge in the diet for another 7-10 days. Then you will need to exclude them too. The amount of water in the diet should be more than before. It should not be less than two liters.
    • Increase the amount of fiber in your diet gradually. Eat more fruits and vegetables. This will help the intestinal microflora to rebuild.
    • It's better to start a raw food diet in June-July. Such a transition will be less painful, as there are many seasonal vegetables and fruits. But winter is a difficult period for raw foodists.
    • The diet should be built in such a way that it is balanced in terms of proteins and carbohydrates.
    • The diet should be determined individually. It is enough for someone to eat a couple of times a day, for someone - 5-6 times, although fractional meals are always preferable.

    The raw food diet allows heat treatment of food with temperatures up to 43 degrees.

    Thus, it is worth evaluating the benefits and harms of a raw food diet, reviews of which will make it possible to understand more. Most people are better off just borrowing certain features of the diet from this system, and don't switch to it completely.. However, everyone is individual, but first of all it is important to take care of your health.

    Pitfalls of a raw food diet in a useful video

    Hello, friends!

    Today, when we constantly have to face various difficulties in life, we especially acutely feel all those troubles and pain that cause us health problems.

    An illness, not even the most serious one, literally knocks us down. And we drop out of life for some time: we lose strength, time, money and, in addition to pain, experience a lot of discomfort and trouble.

    Especially about the need to do something to prevent such problems in the future, those people who have had serious illnesses from their own experience, or close people or relatives suffered serious illnesses, think about it.

    The outlook on life, habits and diet is changing, people are looking for a way to change life in order to live it happily and without suffering.

    A raw food diet is such a nutrition system, according to those who switched to it, that solves almost all health problems.

    Is this so and what is such a technique, what are the principles of nutrition, we will try to figure it out.

    From this article you will learn

    Raw food - what is it?

    Even those people who are skeptical about a healthy lifestyle have heard of the raw food diet. And like any technique, it also has its fans and those who are against it.

    Moreover, they speak out both positively and negatively, even those who have tried to eat in this way. Why is this happening, where did this technique come from, what is its essence, and what happens to a person in this case?

    Cooking, as the art of cooking, has existed for relatively few years, and before that, people ate without exposing food to thermal effects.

    Unless meat and fish, in addition to salting, could be smoked, dried and baked on an open fire (such cooking methods are still considered the most favorable for the gastrointestinal tract today).

    That's when heat treatment is not required (it doesn't matter, boiling, stewing, baking or frying), and provisions are used in its original form, in what is provided by nature, and is called a raw food diet.

    It is based on a separate menu, when there is no need to mix many ingredients. Adepts have their own philosophy that it is necessary to eat only such food - the one that is intended specifically for humans.

    This range excludes meat products and animal milk, fish, poultry, eggs. There are controversies about honey - some use it, while others insist that it is the work of bees, and therefore is not raw food.

    There are also discussions about milk, that if you use it directly without applying pasteurization or boiling to it, you can - since in this case it is raw.

    There are adherents of eating meat and fish without heat treatment, but there is a very high risk of eating worms, microbes that can be found in meat.

    However, the main principle remains the use of exclusively fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, juices and fruit drinks, germinated cereals.

    You can drink clean, not boiled and not carbonated water. Coffee, tea, alcohol are prohibited. Such food, which heals the cells of our body, can cure many existing ailments and prevent the emergence of new ones.

    Ongoing research proves that changes occur at the cellular level. Both among domestic nutritionists and abroad, there are those who positively evaluate such a system, and negatively.

    The raw food diet is conditionally divided into 5 categories:

    1. Any products and dishes, including animal and poultry meat, fish and milk, without any heat treatment.
    2. Vegetarian - raw + eggs and milk (without meat and fish).
    3. Vegan (without any animal food).
    4. Fruitarianism. In addition to fruits, berries, vegetables, nuts and seeds are allowed.
    5. Carnivorous (Extremely rare, as no fruits and vegetables are allowed, and therefore extremely tasteless.)

    In any case, it is either monoraw or mixed. In the first case, it is permissible to use only one thing at a time.

    The second option makes it possible to cook not only salads, but also what ordinary cuisine cooks: soups, borscht, cereals, confectionery, sauces and dressings.

    Modern raw food cuisine is very diverse and delicious: you can easily cook whatever you want, from ice cream, cakes and cheesecakes to sushi and rolls.

    About diversity raw food menu we will talk with you in the following articles, and so that you understand how varied and tasty your meal will be, I advise you to visit super online store for vegans and raw foodists.

    Here you will find a variety of useful things, you can buy any yummy from the widest range at a very attractive price.

    In addition, you can buy for yourself such ingredients that will allow you to cook your favorite dish at home.

    There is also a wide range of ecological products for body, hair, kitchen and home care. There are special, proven household appliances, without which cooking is impossible, there is special literature and films, a lot of useful and interesting goods.

    By registering, you get privileges and additional bonuses that are convenient to pay for goods. For your comfort - a convenient form of payment and delivery.

    What's the use?

    The world does not stop research on species nutrition. And the most famous is The China Study by Colin Campbell.

    In addition, it will be interesting to get acquainted with the works of Graham Douglas, and from domestic ones - Marva Oganyan and Dr. Sinelnikov, in order to understand whether a raw food diet is good for the body.

    I want to list those positive effects for health, which are noted by those who have already tried it. Why species - because for each species of living beings on our planet, nature provides its own.

    Predators have teeth - fangs, with which it is convenient to tear the flesh, there are sharp claws, with which they help themselves in this. The gastrointestinal tract is relatively short in length, which allows the processed flesh to be removed from the digestive system as soon as possible.

    And in the stomach there are the necessary acids and trace elements that help break down the muscles and recycle them. A person doesn't have it.

    The intestines are of great length, so that during the movement of plant foods through it, it is possible to extract all the benefits to the maximum.

    So, what are the positive effects that those who switched to a raw food diet observe in themselves:

    • since the ingredients do not lose useful substances that heat treatment destroys even at 40-45 ° C, we get a lot of useful vitamins and microelements, which provide the necessary cells of our body.
    • raw food gently passes through the stomach and intestines, cleansing it of mucus and toxins, pus that have accumulated during the intake of animal food.
    • easy and fast weight loss. At the same time, the load on the joints and the spine is reduced, lightness is felt, movement brings joy, rheumatic pains go away, meteorological dependence goes away or is significantly reduced.
    • with the constant use of food in a natural state, the load on the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract is reduced, which makes it possible to restore their normal functioning if there were any diseases and prevent new ones.
    • bowel cleansing is done naturally or with enemas, but you get rid of constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, and bloating.
    • bad breath disappears.
    • you can notice the signs of detoxification with your own eyes, as the condition of the skin improves: the rash, acne, peeling disappear, the color and tone of the skin improve.
    • improves the functioning of the lungs and circulatory system.
    • sleep improves.

    At the same time, in a shorter period of time, a person manages to fully sleep and rest, and a supply of energy appears.

    • there is much more time, since there is no need to stand at the stove: cooking does not take time.
    • simplicity and ease in everyday life - no need to wash the dishes: just rinse is enough.

    For some, the last two points not only save a lot of time, but also cheer you up, since the time that you usually spend cooking is perceived as an unpleasant duty. And here manipulations in the kitchen are quick and easy.

    What is the harm?

    The benefits and harms in this case are to some extent a relative concept, since if you switch to this type of nutrition correctly, then there will be no negative consequences.

    First, you need to consult a doctor for advice, undergo an examination, pass the necessary tests in order to know exactly about your state of health.

    Since changes can cause serious exacerbations of chronic diseases, and such ailments, the presence of which you did not even suspect, because they were sluggish or just began their destructive impact.

    In order not to provoke exacerbations, you need to find out what condition you are in, and if there are any problems, undergo a course of treatment or supportive therapy.

    Only after that you can start. This must be done gradually: only then will it be possible to eat without disruption to boiled food.

    There are also individual characteristics here: the older the age and the worse the state of health, the more carefully you should make adjustments to the menu.

    First, increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, greens that you eat daily, gradually reducing the amount of animal food.

    Replace red meat with dietary: poultry or rabbit, eventually replacing it completely with fish. So gradually increase the proportion of raw foods.

    Sometimes this transition can take a year or more. Do not hurry. Since a sharp rejection of the usual favorite dishes can provoke a breakdown. So get used to it slowly.

    You will not notice how your taste sensations change. Raw will be very tasty. This is because you will consume less products that contain chemical additives, flavors, flavor enhancers and the like.

    Getting rid of synthetics, you can experience the taste of food in a new way.

    Among the shortcomings are the following factors:

    • food that was not amenable to heat treatment may contain dangerous viruses and pathogenic microbes, which, once in the favorable environment of our gastrointestinal tract, begin to multiply intensively.

    Over time, they accumulate and can be harmful, increasing the risk of poisoning.

    • some contain toxic substances that can adversely affect the functioning of internal organs. Before using this or that ingredient, it is better to know its properties.

    So, for example, it is believed that flax seed, useful for the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, with an excessive amount (over 50 grams in dry form) can release toxins that poison a person from the inside.

    • when eating livestock in its raw form, there is a risk of infection with worms.
    • at first, people feel a surge of strength and energy, 4-5 hours are enough for a good rest.

    Don't get euphoric about it. Long-term changes in the daily routine can cause apathy and loss of energy.

    • at first, some observe hair loss, a rash on the skin.

    This suggests that the process of purification has begun, and the body is released from toxins through the skin.

    Hair follicles can react with excessive shedding, but this process is not long. Weakened hairs will fall out, and new ones will grow in their place.

    In general, hair can become even thicker, sometimes pigmentation changes - hair becomes lighter, gray hair decreases.

    • there are persistent rumors that tooth enamel is becoming unusable, since fruit juice strongly affects and destroys. This is not true.

    Since the food is softer, and chewing it does not require as much effort as for an animal, gum tissue can weaken, and caries occurs. Among the recommendations for the correct transition, there is a visit to the dentist.

    • there may be a constant feeling of chills, even when warm.
    • the first two or three months may not be the best way to affect the appearance: thinness, flabbiness of the skin and its dryness can make the appearance unattractive.

    This is frightening for some, but over time the body will get used to the new look, the skin will tighten, and weight gain is possible. This is where physical activity comes in handy.

    Is this system right for you?

    First of all, you should find out why you need such a technique. If you want to improve the quality of life and cure diseases, then to some extent you will succeed if you start right.

    Let me remind you: a mandatory consultation with the attending physician and treatment of ailments (identified at the same time or chronic). Often a sharp transition to a raw menu provokes the development of certain diseases.

    But a gradual and correct beginning can completely change your life. If with the help of such nutrition you decide to cure all diseases, then you will succeed to a greater extent, and if this is just a tribute to fashion or a desire to be curious, then problems may arise.

    If you have serious problems with the digestive system and have allergic diseases, then this menu is not suitable for you, since most of the allergens are neutralized only during heat treatment.

    This method is suitable for those who seek to change their lifestyle to a healthier and more natural one. It implies not only the cure of bodily ailments, but also a change in one's worldview, views on many aspects of our life.

    It is possible to get a complete guide, support, recipes and other useful information on this topic, and absolutely free. Subscribe to newsletter to get professional help on the right transition to a raw food diet.

    Thanks to this information, you will learn all the nuances and “pitfalls”, and if you manage to get around them, you will feel great.

    Millions of people have found great health thanks to this nutrition system - try it yourself. It's great that you can just try it, and if you don't like something, you can refuse.

    Many, having tried for the sake of interest, remained faithful to him.

    I wish you, friends, bon appetit and good health!

    I suggest watching an interesting video

    Raw eating is a very strict food system, which provides for the complete exclusion of any food subjected to heat treatment - both boiling, frying, etc., and freezing. Raw foodists allow the consumption of food dried in the sun, as well as cold-pressed vegetable oils. They include cereals in the menu only in the form of germinated grains.

    Adherents of the raw food diet argue the expediency of such a system by the fact that the nutritional value of the products is preserved in this way. The principles of the system are based on the fact that the human food chain could not include thermally processed food. Therefore, it is the raw food diet, in their opinion, that is a biologically natural type of nutrition. Details about the features of this power system, as well as arguments for and against, reviews are given below in the article.

    Peculiarities of nutrition of raw foodists

    The benefits and harms of a raw food diet are viewed differently by raw foodists and scientists. According to raw foodists, when heated, the lion's share of useful nutrients is destroyed. Therefore, unprocessed food is considered useful, which is consumed in its “original” form by raw foodists.

    Undoubtedly, the benefit of unprocessed food is that it contains a large amount of , minerals . After all, everyone knows how useful the consumption of fresh gifts of nature. However, raw foodists not only determine the advantages of such a diet, but also recognize it as the only right one for the body.

    Whether this is actually the case, conclusions can be drawn by learning more about the principles and consequences of this type of nutrition. Mostly raw foodists are dominated by vegans - that is, those who do not consume animal products at all. However, some people who consider themselves raw foodists, on the contrary, eat only raw meat and raw animal products.

    The following types of raw food diet are defined:

    • Omnivorous - a person consumes all types of food, but only raw or dried.
    • Vegetarian - fish and meat are excluded, milk, raw eggs are included in the diet.
    • Vegan - only raw plant foods are consumed.
    • Carnivorous - the basis of nutrition is raw fish, meat, seafood, eggs, and vegetables and fruits on the menu are minimized.
    • Fruitarianism is the consumption of only berries and fruits, as well as some varieties of vegetables.

    At the same time, the opinion of adherents of each of the listed nutritional options is reduced to the belief that raw food is most beneficial for the human body.

    The vast majority of raw foodists are vegans, so below we will focus on the benefits and harms of this type of food. Very often you can find reviews that a raw food diet helped get rid of a variety of diseases - both acute and chronic, lose weight, and also improve the condition of nails, hair, skin.

    Most often among fans of raw food consumption, the following theses are heard:

    • Among all biological species, only humans and some domestic animals eat thermally processed food. That is why only they get cancer and genetic diseases.
    • When food is heated, beneficial enzymes are destroyed, carcinogens And free radicals , which provokes dangerous diseases.
    • When the nutrients in foods are heated, they can trigger destructive chemical reactions. So, thermally processed carbohydrates provoke and degenerate into the carcinogen acrylamide.
    • During the frying process, they are destroyed and provide protection against the influence of free radicals.

    The effect of raw food on the body

    Thermally processed foods tend to be more difficult to digest than raw foods. In turn, unprocessed food provides the following effects:

    • Reduces the acidity of the body, "providing" it with alkalis.
    • Much less often leads to inflammatory processes and fermentation in the intestines. Such food passes through the digestive system more easily, thereby ensuring a more coordinated work of the digestive tract.
    • Makes the treatment of patients more effective hypertension , autoimmune diseases, cancer, etc.
    • Prevent accumulation in the body.

    Nutritionists often argue about whether it is worth practicing a raw food diet, harm or benefit dominates with this type of diet. Some of them partially agree with certain theses in favor of this nutrition scheme. However, adherents of the raw food diet "attribute" to it a lot of positive qualities, arguing that the raw food diet:

    • reduces the severity of inflammatory processes in the body;
    • improves the functioning and condition of the heart muscle;
    • cleanses the skin;
    • prevents development and helps to get rid of such a problem;
    • contributes to maintaining a healthy body weight and a beautiful figure;
    • reduces the amount of carcinogens and antinutrients in the body;
    • helps to normalize liver function;
    • provides the body with nutrients.

    Expert opinion

    However, scientists are less optimistic about the benefits of following such a diet. Currently, research on the effect of this type of nutrition on the body will continue. The results of some of them already give grounds to draw conclusions about the impact of eating raw food on health and answer the question of whether such a diet is harmful.


    Studies conducted to determine whether there are links between heart disease and raw fruit consumption have shown the benefits of a raw food diet. If a person ate a lot of thermally unprocessed fruits and vegetables, his risk of getting vascular and heart diseases was significantly reduced. Also, in such people, the level of “bad” decreased and the amount of “good” increased, which also had a positive effect on the state of the heart.

    Weight loss

    In the course of various studies, experts came to the conclusion that by practicing a raw food diet, you can significantly reduce weight and body mass index. According to the results of one of the scientific experiments, which lasted seven months, people, adhering to such a diet, managed to lose an average of 3.8 kg. Thus, in this case, the answer to the question of whether a raw food diet is beneficial is positive.

    The impact on women's health of prolonged practice of a raw food diet

    A study was conducted on the impact of a raw food diet on 297 women and 216 men in order to determine raw foods and weight loss. All volunteers were divided into five groups, depending on what was the percentage of raw food in their diet. According to the results of the study, scientists recorded that men on average lost 9.9 kg, and women - 12 kg. However, about a third of women under 45 years of age had a manifestation - complete or partial. As a result, the experts concluded that the possible harm of a long-term raw food diet, which is to maintain too low weight and the manifestation of amenorrhea.

    Dental condition

    In a study on the impact of a raw food diet on the frequency and severity of dental erosion, information was studied on 130 people whose diet was at least 95% raw food. On average, they followed this diet for 39 months. The results confirmed that this type of diet, compared with the usual, increases the likelihood of tooth erosion.

    chronic diseases

    In an experiment aimed at studying the effects of eating exclusively raw food for a week on the body of people with chronic diseases, volunteers were divided into two groups. People from the first ate only raw vegetables, from the second - cooked in a microwave oven. According to the results of a survey of volunteers, the experts concluded that such a diet is useful if it is followed for a short time.

    The Impact of a Raw Food Diet: A Rodent Study

    The purpose of this experiment was to determine the impact of raw and cooked foods on the health of rodents. Laboratory rats were divided into three groups. The rodents from the first consumed only raw food, and in the end they were healthy, energetic and produced normal offspring. After opening their bodies at an age equivalent to 80 years in humans, scientists noted that all organs of the rats were in a normal state.

    The rats from the second group ate the cooked food. And its harmful effects on health were pronounced, as rodents suffered from, they often developed pneumonia , cataract , arthritis , cancer and others. Many rodents from this group died prematurely; at autopsy, pathological changes in various organs were found in them. Rats from the third group received raw food, but only up to an age that corresponds to the human 40 years. Then they alternated raw food and periods of fasting. As a result, after the autopsy, the scientists noted that the internal organs of the rats were not sufficiently damaged.

    Harm of a raw food diet

    Some of the health hazards of a raw food diet have already been described above. But, in addition to the negative impact on the condition of the teeth, the female reproductive system and underweight, there are other disadvantages of this type of nutrition.

    Answering the question of what is harmful consumption of raw food, first of all, it is necessary to note the increased risk of a number of diseases due to an unbalanced diet. It is very important that a person receives, along with the products, the rate and amount of useful substances that he needs. Discussing the dangers of a raw food diet, experts note the following negative effects associated with it:

    • Increases in the body homocysteine , which leads to the risk of getting heart and vascular diseases.
    • Deficiency of an important for the body, lack of bone mass, insufficient amount of "good" cholesterol.
    • The risk of toxins in some foods, as they are neutralized during the cooking process.
    • An increased likelihood of changes in sex hormones in men, in particular a decrease in production.

    Not every person is able to withstand such a diet, taking into account both taste preferences and willpower. In addition, some people have direct contraindications to eating only raw food. You can not adhere to such a diet for people with problems in the digestive tract, a tendency to food allergies, since the consumption of raw food can provoke complications, as well as the manifestation of side effects. This diet should not be practiced by the elderly and those who suffer from chronic diseases.

    Until today, there is no consensus on whether children can practice this type of nutrition. Indeed, on the one hand, there is proven evidence that small raw foodists have good health, good health, they are active and not obese. On the other hand, this still poses a danger to the developing organism, since the digestive system of a small child cannot receive nutrients from raw food in the same way as it happens in the gastrointestinal tract of an adult. Therefore, nutritionists do not recommend giving babies only raw food.

    Many doctors confirm that raw food children are often diagnosed with anemia ,d deficiency of protein and a number of other substances important for the body.

    To date, not enough research has been done on the impact of raw food consumption on children's health. However, in most cases, experts agree with the following beliefs:

    • A raw food diet is dangerous for children, as it does not make it possible to get enough vitamin B12 contained in the liver, fish. For the development of the baby's brain, this vitamin is very important, because with its deficiency, there is a violation of the cognitive functions and social development of the child.
    • This type of diet can provoke a noticeable decrease in cholesterol levels, which, in turn, will lead to the development of a depressive and anxious state. Also, low cholesterol can be one of the causes of manifestation.
    • In children who eat only raw foods, there may be a lack of iron, because the source of this trace element is: meat, legumes, eggs. In the first years of life, iron is very important for the development of the brain - its deficiency can cause a deterioration in immunity and a slow development of intelligence.
    • The consumption of raw foods for children can be dangerous in terms of infection with pathogenic microorganisms ( coli , salmonella ), development of an intestinal infection.

    It is highly discouraged for expectant mothers to practice this way of eating, as this can lead to premature birth and low birth weight.

    If a woman is categorically determined to eat only raw food during the period of bearing a baby, she needs to make sure that the body is provided with all the substances and elements important for the development of the baby. In this case, the expectant mother is advised to take vitamin supplements.

    Plant foods contain less essential than meat and fish. But if you combine products correctly, then when consuming raw food, you can get a lot of useful substances.

    Adherents of a raw food diet during pregnancy claim that women with such a diet can easily control their weight, they feel alert and energetic, and receive enough fiber. However, it is important that the health indicators of a pregnant woman are monitored by specialists.


    Thus, a raw food diet is a healthy diet for the body, if you follow its principles for a short time. For those who periodically practice such a nutrition system, it is important to properly compose a diet, especially when choosing products for children responsibly. However, the constant consumption of exclusively raw food can be dangerous for the body and cause severe harm to health.

    Text: Tatyana Maratova

    Raw food diet - this way of eating has recently gained more and more supporters. But it’s one thing when a person from childhood, due to their cultural traditions, does not eat food cooked “on fire”, it’s another thing if he suddenly decided to switch to a raw food diet in adulthood. It may be dangerous.

    Raw food diet - is it worth arguing with evolution?

    What does it consist of the harm of a raw food diet, is explained in detail in medical articles. By limiting the range of products that we are ready to consume, we thereby exclude a significant part of them from the diet. Among them, obviously, there will be those that contain the nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of our body systems. It is good if the newcomer to the raw food diet has a sufficient amount of academic and encyclopedic knowledge regarding raw foods. Not to mention the high level of self-discipline, because he must constantly control his diet in terms of the energy component.

    One of the main arguments about the dangers of a raw food diet is the fact that a deficiency of protein and its organic compounds, which a person receives from meat during a normal diet, can adversely affect health. In response to this, adherents of a raw food diet usually point to the high protein content in legumes, forgetting that their excessive consumption is already harmful to a person.

    Yes, the raw food diet has its positive aspects, but, on the other hand, the harm of such a diet is confirmed by medical research. Switching to a raw food diet is a serious step that can take a toll on your health. Before making such a decision, you should always consult with your doctor.

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