• 100 days to change yourself. Hour a day


    Would you like to move to a qualitatively new level of life?

    Yes, yes, try to live differently: fuller, healthier, more energetic, happy to wake up, be in a good mood all day, and fall asleep with a deep sense of satisfaction from the day? Do you want to finally forget about debilitating boredom and apathy, about the lack of motivation in any business, get rid of procrastination (simply, laziness), start fluttering around, creating, and rejoicing?

    Sounds kind of unreal, right? Overly optimistic...

    But nothing is unreal. Our state, mood, health, attractiveness, desire to create determines the level of personal energy.

    Attempts to solve all problems at once always fail. There is no need to force yourself to go to the gym or scold yourself for apathy and laziness. There is no point in worrying that life is boring and monotonous, and besides, it lacks love and bright emotions.

    It is impossible to solve all these problems by remaining at your current energy level.

    If you are bored, sad, and don’t want to do anything, then you don’t need to force yourself to live according to the principles of positive thinking, creating artificial joy that is not in your soul, first work on increasing your energy.

    Most problems will resolve themselves when you take care of your energy.

    The right people will be attracted, your wishes will begin to come true, your activity and strength will simply amaze your imagination, events will spin around you, and your mood will be excellent.

    And of course, individuals with a high level of energy are very attractive to the opposite sex.

    Imagine an ordinary girl, a little bored, a little frustrated, her work takes too much energy to do anything else, so she comes home and sticks to the TV (or VKontakte), waiting for her prince, her soul mate, because “there is a destiny” " Her days are the same, but she has Indeed she has no strength to do anything else, interesting events and people are a burden to her, and she subconsciously avoids them, although outwardly she always has “reasons.” This makes her mood sad and depressed, and even when she goes out somewhere, she cannot attract anyone. There is too little energy, and people are subconsciously drawn to those who can give this energy, and not pump it out.

    Or maybe this girl is already married, but the whirlwind of cleaning, cooking, and children deprives her of the lightness and spontaneity that she once had, and for which her husband fell in love with her. Now she is weighed down by a burden of worries and responsibility, and she has no time to think about herself: her youth and beauty, her health and mood.

    Things are no better for men. Men with a lack of energy can rarely advance in their careers and earn a lot of money, but they easily gain weight, get a belly, and it seems to them that spending time watching TV with beer is the best option for relaxation.

    Both men and women in a low energy state are NOT attractive. Often even for their partners.

    Increasing your personal energy level is the best way to take your life to the next level in ALL areas at once.

    Over the past few years, I have taken the trouble to test the effectiveness of a variety of things, that is, in fact, I have been preparing for many years for an energy marathon. I tried many energy practices, meditations, lived in different daily routines, ate lightly, experimented with vitamins, herbs, and various healthy supplements. I haven’t experienced anything! Noni juice, black cumin oil, a potion of aloe juice with Cahors, Tibetan garlic tincture, you can’t even remember everything. I even drank wormwood infused with vodka - I’ve never tasted greater bitterness in my life. Luckily, I didn’t glue the fins together in the process)

    All this led to an understanding of what is really effective for cleansing the body and thoughts, what you need to do to feel good, get tired much less, stay in a good, even mood, cheerful and energetic.

    The most important thing you will get after passing it is POWER.

    You will have strength for creativity, for sports, for love... For everything that is not working out very well right now. And very importantly, you will want it all and you will be able to get it.

    What will happen at the marathon?

    You've already heard a lot about the benefits of this, that, what the eye of rebirth is, or why you should drink green smoothies.

    I finally brought it all together into a program, extensive, and at the same time, individual for you, because you yourself will determine what practices to implement, and what tasks to complete in general. Of course, the more you try, the better the result you will get, but I understand perfectly well that not everyone is enthusiastic about going to bed at 10 pm in order to get up at 5 am and meditate.

    An integrated approach is important - pay attention to the body, mind and soul. Only this approach can give tangible and stable results.

    The course lasts exactly 100 days and consists of three parts.

    Stage 1: body detox (as well as physical cleansing of space)

    We will do what everyone knows, but does not do: we will eat less harmful foods, but we will focus on healthy ones (and not just healthy ones, but those that give strength and cleanse the body), together we will try to review our daily routine and bring complete order around us.

    This is a time of cleansing, healing and even weight loss, if this is relevant to you.

    You will immediately notice the result on a physical level: you will be less tired, your thoughts will become clearer, your hair will become thicker (from useful supplements), your nails will be stronger, your skin will be tighter.

    Stage 2: detox of consciousness (mental cleansing)

    We will get rid of everything that pulls us down: traumatic situations, unfinished relationships, attachments to former partners, all kinds of negativity, and at the same time we will conduct an audit of people, affairs, and responsibilities. This will be an amazing life cleanse!

    Stage 3: energy filling.

    This is a time for energy practices, meditation, filling yourself with energy, activity, life...

    Don't let the phrase "energy practice" scare you. Perhaps you have already imagined hours-long meditations or complex daily routines that most ordinary people do not have enough time or patience for. There are very effective techniques that will take from 5 to 20 minutes a day, and these are the ones we will look at.

    How is the course going?

    We will give you access to subscribe to the newsletter and to a private section of the site where all tasks are located. The tasks will open gradually, not all at once. You will receive links to a new task in your emails. Letters will arrive from one to seven times a week, depending on the topic being worked on. Accordingly, within 100 days you will receive various tasks.

    Who is this course suitable for?

    • To all mothers on maternity leave!
    • For everyone who has recently experienced a breakup (a must! the most effective means of recovery and recovery from painful experiences)
    • Anyone who feels constantly tired or depressed (depression in the everyday sense, not clinical)
    • Everyone who is bored with life lacks emotions and events
    • Anyone who wants to become a more attractive person (to charm the opposite sex or make their chosen one fall in love with them again)
    • Anyone who wants to clear the physical space around them and get rid of unnecessary things: junk, extra pounds, etc.

    What won't happen

    There will be no diets or nutritional systems - I am not a doctor or nutritionist. Moreover, there will be no radical cleansing of the body, like “to cleanse the liver, drink a glass of poison, a glass of oil and half a glass of lemon juice.”

    Noni and wormwood juice will NOT be made with alcohol. These things cannot be done remotely.

    There will be NO hours of meditation, discussions of chakras, etc. This requires a mentor; no online format is suitable here.

    There will also be NO astral travel leaving the body, lucid dreaming, etc. I don’t do this myself and at this stage of my development I’m not even interested.

    Write all questions to email [email protected]

    Previously, this course was conducted in a marathon format. Then I wrote a new program (The Power of the Morning) and decided not to run this marathon anymore and took it off the market. Imagine my surprise that people wrote to me by email and asked me to hold it again. Someone was even ready to pay and immediately move on to tasks without the group or my participation. Then I realized that I was in a hurry. I had to return it, and in a course format where you can sign up at any time. No more waiting six months to boost your energy levels!

    There are a lot of tasks for these 100 days, this course is the longest of all our programs, so there will be no mandatory reports. The work is independent (but, of course, I answer questions). All tasks will remain in your personal account.

    ATTENTION! The nutrition and routine tasks are approximately the same as in the “Charming Power of the Morning” program. Everything else is different.

    By signing up for the course, you will receive workshops on increasing personal energy 810p. For a present!


    Let's change your life in 100 days. Detox of body and mind. Course on increasing personal energy.

    Total cost: 1450 rub.

    If you have participated in our programs previously, please log in. You may receive an additional discount.

    STEP #1. Select a Payment Method

    Select a payment method and make a transfer. Save a photo or scan of the receipt

    Sberbank card
    4276 3801 8612 7762


    Qiwi wallet number

    Paypal, email:
    [email protected]

    Payment system with different options for accepting payments. If possible, prefer other methods; interkassa has a transfer fee.

    Place your order on the website

    2. Fill out the form fields and submit your application. We will receive it and within 24 hours we will send you a check and access to participate in the program.

    Attention! The first and last name must be the owner of the account (card) from which the transfer was made. The card can be anyone's, we don't care.

    The order will be processed within TWO DAYS (usually much faster).

    Any person has a desire to change something in their life, adding more colors, smiles and simply positive emotions to it. Learn to get along with the people around you. Stop worrying about trifles and fall in love with life again. Many people think that this is incredibly difficult. However, with the following steps you can achieve significant results and turn your perception of the world upside down, while becoming a much better person.

    1. Creating a diary where unnecessary things that should be gotten rid of will be gradually entered. For example, tomorrow we throw out old newspapers, the day after tomorrow - useless disks and film cassettes, then we can take up book publications.
    2. Life follows the rule “we put all things in their place”: having opened something, we close it, if we drop it, we pick it up.
    3. Walking around the apartment, you should find hundreds of items that need repairing, such as a cracked tile or a socket that is about to fall off.

    Enjoyment of life

    1. Find time to write down on a piece of paper up to 10 things for which you feel extremely grateful.
    2. Write a list of 2 dozen things that give you the greatest joy, and over the next hundred days do one thing from this list.
    3. Take notes on all the positive and negative thoughts and feelings that came to you during the day.
    4. Laugh well and heartily every day for the next 100 days.

    Self-development and personal effectiveness

    1. Choose a piece that was difficult for you and you always left for later. Read it completely in 100 days.
    2. Try to learn about something new every day. It could be the name of a car, a cat breed, or just a new word from the dictionary.
    3. For the next 100 days, forget that you once knew how to cry into a friend’s vest. Get rid of bad thoughts.
    4. Wake up one minute earlier every morning by setting your alarm early. After 100 days, you can easily get up an hour and a half earlier, which will give you the opportunity to get a lot more done.
    5. Every morning, as soon as you open your eyes, write down everything that comes to mind in your diary.
    6. Constantly focus your attention for 100 days on understanding what you are striving for and what you want to achieve.

    Accounting for expenses and income

    1. In a notebook, keep a record of the funds spent for 100 days.
    2. In 100 days, learn how to spend your budget economically, without spending money on unnecessary things.
    3. When making purchases, use only paper equivalents of money, and put the change in a piggy bank. After 100 days, you will be surprised how much you have saved.
    4. In the next hundred days, do not make expensive purchases. It is recommended to use these funds for a deposit.
    5. Each of the next hundred days, spend an hour looking for new places to earn extra money.

    Time management, manage your time

    1. Put a notepad in your bag and let it always be with you. For 100 days, record important things and thoughts that come to your mind.
    2. Think carefully about your time use over the past 5 days. Don't waste it, put it to good use in the next 95 days.
    3. Select unproductive tasks and completely replace them with highly productive ones, which you will always do for the next 100 days.
    4. Figure out 5 things that take up a lot of your time. For example, cut down on watching your favorite TV series or time spent on the Internet.
    5. For 100 days, complete only one significant task per day.
    6. In the evening, start planning for tomorrow.
    7. Prioritize completing your most important tasks for 100 days, and complete the rest second.
    8. At the end of each week, ask yourself what you achieved, what worked and what didn’t.
    9. In the evening, be sure to clean your desk.
    10. Write a list of things that you decide to do in the next 100 days, and with a red pen cross out those that do not give you positive emotions.
    11. When you want to give up doing one thing for another, ask yourself, is it worth it?

    Proper nutrition

    1. To lose 2.5 kg of weight in 100 days, consume 175 kcal less daily.
    2. Eat vegetables daily.
    3. Eat fruits daily.
    4. For 100 days, stop eating your favorite pizza or cakes.
    5. Try not to eat everything on your plate.
    6. Use only natural juice.
    7. Replace soda with water.
    8. Have a light breakfast in the morning.
    9. At lunch and dinner, eat only healthy foods.
    10. Find a dozen healthy snacks for yourself.
    11. Plan healthy meals for several days in advance.
    12. Keep a special journal to record the menu composition.
    1. Exercise physically every day for 100 days.
    2. Buy a pedometer to get into the habit of walking 10 km every day.
    3. Place a scale in the bathroom and record changes in your body according to the schedule.
    4. Set a timer to remind you to drink water every hour, but don't force it.
    5. Do meditation regularly.
    6. Try to see something positive in your lover and be sure to write it down.

    Attitude towards others

    1. Keep a special album for managing common affairs, where you can paste newspaper clippings, photographs, everything that you associate with your life together. After three months, give the album to your partner.
    2. Give your partner a kiss and a big hug every morning.
    3. Within 100 days, make new acquaintances on the street or on the Internet.
    4. Connect more with people who inspire you.
    5. Before responding to someone's rudeness, weigh everything whether your offender is worth a response.
    6. For 100 days, do not judge any incident without talking about it with everyone involved.
    7. Do exceptionally good things.
    8. Over the next 100 days, praise anyone who deserves it.
    9. Within 100 days, learn to listen carefully to your interlocutor.
    10. Learn empathy.
    11. For 100 days, enjoy the fullness of life.
    12. Strive to see only good intentions in the actions of others.
    13. For 100 days, always tell yourself that everyone is trying their best to become better.

    Video: How to improve your life in 100 days

    In order to change your life (and in any direction), you need very little - just start taking action. But this “simple” is not always that simple. Sometimes we know what to do, but these actions seem scary to us. And sometimes we have neither a clear plan nor an understanding of how to make this plan. Perhaps these 60 small steps will help you finally start doing at least something.


    1. Create your own “Decluttering Calendar,” dividing the days into different areas of your home.

    Day 1. We sort through the magazines.

    Day 2. Let's disassemble the DVD.

    Day 3. Let's sort out the books.

    2. Live by the mantra: “Everything has its place and everything needs to be put in its place.” Try to follow the following 4 rules for all 100 days:
    1. If you took something, put it back.
    2. If you open something, close it.
    3. If you drop something, pick it up.
    4. If you removed something, hang it back.

    3. Walk through your home and find 100 things that need fixing or a little touch-up. For example, change a light bulb, seal a hole in the wallpaper, screw in a new socket, etc.


    4. Finally, follow the advice that psychologists from all countries and completely different views write about: write on a piece of paper from 5 to 10 things for which you can thank your life every day.

    Competence goes much further than words. It means a leader's ability to articulate what is needed, plan what is needed, and do what is needed in a way that makes it clear to others that you know what to do and it is clear to them that they want to follow you. If you want to truly develop this quality in yourself, you must do the following: Show your competence every day, Never stop improving all the time, Bring everything to a successful end, Do more than is expected of you, Inspire others.

    5. Create a list of 20 small things that you enjoy doing and make sure you do at least one of these things a day for the next 100 days. For example, eat your lunch on a bench in the park, walk in the park with the dog in the evening, paint with watercolors for 1 hour, etc.

    6. Keep a diary of your internal dialogue, that is, write down the thoughts and feelings that arose throughout the day. For example, how many times a day have you accused yourself of something, how critical are you of others, how many times a day have positive thoughts come to your mind, etc.

    7. For the next 100 days, try to have a good laugh at least once a day.

    Study and self-development

    8. Choose a difficult book that you still haven’t decided to read, but wanted to. Read it in 100 days from cover to cover.

    9. Learn something new every day. For example, the name of a flower, the capital of a distant country, the name of the dog breed you like, etc. And in the evening you can scroll through your head all the new things you learned over the past day, take out a dictionary and learn a new word.

    10. Stop complaining for the next 100 days. Negative thoughts lead to negative results. Every time you feel like complaining, try to stop yourself.

    11. Set your alarm a minute earlier every day for 100 days. Try to get up immediately after the alarm clock rings, open the windows, and do some light exercise. After 100 days, you will wake up 1.5 hours earlier without much effort.

    12. During these 100 days, keep “Morning Pages” - a simple stream of consciousness in the morning, which you will write down in a special notebook. This should be the first thing you do after waking up.

    13. Try to focus your attention on thoughts, words and images of who you want to become and what you want to achieve.


    14. Create a budget. Write down every penny you spend in 100 days.

    15. Look for good financial advice on the Internet and choose 10 of them. Try to follow them for the next 100 days. For example, going to the store with limited cash and no credit card, doing several things in one trip to save on gas, etc.

    16. Pay in stores only with paper money and put the remaining change after shopping in a piggy bank. After 100 days, calculate how much you can save.

    17. For 100 days, do not buy anything that you do not really need (this means quite large purchases). Use this money to pay off a loan (if you have one) or put it in a deposit account for six months.

    18. Devote at least 1 hour a day to finding or creating a source of additional income.

    Time management

    19. Carry a notebook with you everywhere for 100 days. Write down all the ideas and thoughts that come to your mind, make your to-do list, add new appointments literally on the go right after your calls.

    It's no secret that some time ago a financial crisis began in our country. For me personally, this crisis very “fortunately” coincided with maternity leave and the birth of twins. The market in which I worked for 10 years collapsed almost overnight, leaving me with payments for the unemployed from the state treasury and a one-time benefit of 8 thousand. After about a year of living in austerity mode and raising children in a non-stop rhythm, I decided to breathe out and go to training. This time my choice fell on the “Smart Path” training center. I read a lot about the method of Alexander Sviyash, as well as about the method of Nikolai Kozlov. And in general I agreed with the author: what is in our heads is in our lives. However, for some reason it was not possible to implement the wise postulates from the books in practice.

    20. Monitor how you use your time for 5 days. Use the information you've collected to create your "time budget": the percentage of your total time spent on the things you do every day. For example, house cleaning, time to travel to work, rest, etc. Make sure you stay within your budget for the next 95 days.

    21. Determine for yourself the least priority thing that you can not do for 100 days, and replace it with something that is really important.

    22. Identify 5 ways your time can be wasted and limit this time in the next 100 days. For example, do not watch TV for more than 1.5 hours, do not spend more than 1.5 hours a day on social networks, etc.

    23. Stop multitasking and do only one important thing a day.

    24. Plan your day in the evening.

    25. Do the most important things on your to-do list first, and then everything else.

    26. Over the next 14 weeks, review each week. During your weekly survey, answer the following questions:
    - What have you achieved?
    - What went wrong?
    - What did you do right?

    27. At the end of each day, tidy up your desk, sort out papers and office supplies. So that every morning you will have order on your desktop.

    28. Make a list of all the promises and commitments you have made for the next 100 days, then take a red pen and cross off everything from the list that will not bring you joy or bring you closer to your goals.

    29. During these 100 days, before you switch from one task to another, ask yourself throughout the day whether this is the best use of your time and resources.


    30. Losing about a pound of weight requires burning 3,500 calories. If you reduce your calorie intake by 175 each day, you will lose approximately 2.5 kg after 100 days.

    31. For 100 days, eat vegetables 5 times a day.

    32. For 100 days, eat fruit 3 times a day.

    33. Choose one of your favorite but not very healthy foods and replace it cold turkey for 100 days.

    34. During these 100 days, eat from smaller plates to control the amount of food you eat.

    35. Consume 100% juice instead of high-sugar substitutes.

    36. Instead of soda, drink only water.

    37. Make a list of 10 easy and healthy breakfasts.

    38. Make a list of 20 easy and healthy dishes that you can eat for lunch and dinner.

    39. Make a list of 10 easy and healthy snacks.

    40. Use your healthy meal lists to plan your meals for the week ahead. Eat this way for the next 14 weeks.

    41. Keep a food journal for 100 days to see if you are deviating from your menu plan.

    42. Spend at least 20 minutes every day on physical exercise.

    43. For 100 days, always carry a pedometer with you and try to walk 10,000 steps a day.

    44. Set up your scale and hang a chart in your bathroom. At the end of each of the 14 weeks, weigh yourself and record data on weight loss (gain), changes in waist size, etc.

    45. Set an hourly reminder on your watch or computer to drink water.

    46. ​​During these 100 days, meditate, breathe, visualize - make it your daily ritual to calm your mind.


    47. Find something positive about your partner every day for 100 days and write it down.

    48. Keep an album of your joint affairs, take up scrapbooking. At the end of your experiment, give your partner the resulting album and a list of all the positive things you observed during these 100 days.

    49. Determine for yourself 3 actions that you will take for 100 days in a row to strengthen your relationship. It could be the words (I love you) or a hug every morning.

    Social life

    50. Chat with someone new every day for 100 days. This could be your neighbor with whom you have never communicated before, your comment on a blog where you have never written anything before, a new acquaintance on social networks, etc.

    51. During these 100 days, focus on communicating with people you admire and respect.

    52. If someone has offended or upset you, think for a minute before responding.

    53. During these 100 days, do not even think about making a final verdict before you have heard both sides.

    54. Try to do at least one good deed a day, no matter how small it is.

    55. Praise everyone who deserves it.

    56. Practice active listening. When the interlocutor speaks, listen to him, and do not rehearse your answer in your head, ask again to make sure that you heard everything correctly, etc.

    57. Practice compassion for 100 days! Before you judge someone, try to look at the matter from their point of view. Be curious, find out more about the other person (his interests, beliefs, etc.)

    58. Live your life and don't compare yourself to anyone.

    59. Look for good intentions in the actions of others.

    60. For 100 days, constantly remind yourself that everyone is doing everything as well as they can.

    Personal development

    60 small steps to a better life in 100 days

    I found an article on the Internet. I'll try to do at least some of it. I'm copying everything here without looking)

    In order to change your life (and in any direction), you need very little - just start taking action. But this “simple” is not always that simple. Sometimes we know what to do, but these actions seem scary to us. And sometimes we have neither a clear plan nor an understanding of how to make this plan. Perhaps these 60 small steps will help you finally start doing at least something. And even if after 20 steps you realize that this is not your plan, you will be ready to make your own plan. Your eyes are afraid, but your hands are doing well?

    Goal Accomplishment Criteria

    I'm happy)

    Personal resources

    Time, desire and willpower

    Goal ecological compatibility

    1. House

        Putting things in order in various areas of the home.

        Live by the mantra: “There is a place for everything and put everything in its place.”

        Walk through your home and find 100 things that need fixing or a little touching up. For example, change a light bulb.

    2. Happiness

        Write on a piece of paper 5 to 10 things that you are grateful for in your life every day.

        Create a list of 20 small things that you enjoy doing and do at least one of these things a day for the next 100 days.

        Keep a diary of your mental chatter - that is, write down your thoughts and feelings that arise throughout the day.

        For the next 100 days, try to have a good laugh at least once a day.

    3. Study or self-development

        Choose a difficult book that you still haven’t decided to read, but wanted to. Read it in 100 days from cover to cover.

        Learn something new every day. Write in your diary.

        Stop complaining for the next 100 days. Negative thoughts lead to negative results.

        Set your alarm a minute earlier every day for 100 days. You will be able to get up earlier and earlier.

        For the next 100 days, keep “Morning Pages” - a simple stream of consciousness in the morning, which you will write down in a special notebook.

        Over the next 100 days, try to focus your attention on the thoughts, words and images of who you want to become and what you want to achieve.

    4. Finance

        Create a budget. Write down every penny you spend in 100 days.

        Look for good financial advice on the Internet and choose 10 of them. Try to follow them for the next 100 days.

        Pay in stores only with paper money and put the remaining change after shopping in your piggy bank.

        For 100 days, don't buy anything you don't really need.

        For 100 days, dedicate at least 1 hour a day to finding or creating a source of additional income.

    5. Time management

        For the next 100 days, carry a notebook with you everywhere. Write down all the ideas and thoughts that come to your mind.

        Identify a low-priority task that you can’t do for 100 days, and replace it with something that’s really important.

        Identify 5 ways your time is wasted and limit that time for the next 100 days. For example, do not watch TV for more than 1.5 hours.

        For the next 100 days, stop multitasking and do only one important thing a day.

        For the next 100 days, plan your day in the evening.

        For the next 100 days, do the most important things on your to-do list first, and then everything else.

        Over the next 14 weeks, review each week. During your weekly survey, answer these questions: What have you accomplished?

        For the next 100 days, at the end of each day, tidy up your desk and sort out your papers and office supplies.

        Make a list of all the promises and commitments you have made for the next 100 days and cross out the unnecessary ones.

    6. Health

        If you reduce your calorie intake by 175 each day, you will lose approximately 2.5 kg after 100 days.

        For the next 100 days, eat vegetables 5 times a day.

        For the next 100 days, eat fruit 3 times a day.

        Over the next 100 days, eat from smaller plates to control the amount of food you eat.

        For the next 100 days, consume 100% juice instead of high-sugar substitutes.

        For the next 100 days, drink only water instead of soda.

        Make a list of 10 easy and healthy breakfasts.

        Make a list of 20 easy and healthy dishes that you can eat for lunch and dinner.

        Make a list of 10 easy and healthy snacks.

        Use your healthy meal lists to plan your meals for the week ahead.

        For the next 100 days, keep a food journal to see if you are deviating from your menu plan.

        For the next 100 days, spend at least 20 minutes exercising every day.

        For the next 100 days, always carry a pedometer with you and try to walk 10,000 steps a day.

        Set up your scale and hang a chart with your bathroom. At the end of each of the 14 weeks, weigh yourself and record your weight loss.

        For the next 100 days, set a reminder on your watch or computer to repeat every hour to drink water.

        For the next 100 days, meditate, breathe, visualize - make it your daily ritual to calm your mind.

    7. Relationship

        For the next 100 days, find something positive about your partner every day and write it down.

        Over the next 100 days, keep a scrapbook of your shared activities. At the end of your experiment, give him the resulting album and a list of all

        Determine 3 actions that you will take every day for the next 100 days to strengthen your relationship.

    8. Social life

        Chat with someone new every day for the next 100 days.

        Over the next 100 days, focus on connecting with people you admire and respect.

        Over the next 100 days, if someone has hurt or upset you, think for a minute before you respond.

        For the next 100 days, don't even think about making a final verdict until you've heard both sides.

        For the next 100 days, try to do at least one good deed a day, no matter how small.

        For the next 100 days, praise everyone who deserves it.

        For the next 100 days, practice active listening. When the other person speaks, listen to him.

        Practice compassion for the next 100 days. Before you judge someone, try to look at the matter from their point of view.

        For the next 100 days, live your life and don't compare yourself to anyone.

        Over the next 100 days, look for good intentions in the actions of others.

        Over the next 100 days, constantly remind yourself that everyone is doing the best they can.

    • 11 April 2018, 08:26
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      Every action we take, mental or physical, is accompanied by an act of will. At its core lies a general state of mental tension. Let's take a closer look at this aspect and see how you can train willpower. Will as a function of the psyche Psyche...
