• The revolutionary diet of Robert Atkins. Hollywood diet reviews


    Cardiologist Robert Atkins has developed an effective method for losing excess weight, which is also known as the Hollywood diet. It involves giving up carbohydrate foods, due to which the body begins to draw energy from its own fat deposits.

    As a cardiologist, Dr. Atkins was well aware that excess weight had a negative impact on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Moreover, it is often the leading cause of terrible cardiac accidents.

    Therefore, the doctor first decided to lose weight himself, and then published his original method. Medical knowledge allowed him to create an effective and safe system for weight loss, which has become widely known throughout the world.

    The Atkins diet was revolutionary for several reasons:

      Thanks to it, the body begins to work in a new way, completely rebuilding its metabolic processes. This allows you to burn fat faster and more efficiently. During the digestion of food, which the author of the diet suggests eating, the body spends much more energy than to digest ordinary dishes.

      Carbohydrates are the source of energy for the human body. When this source dries up, the body begins to look for alternative reserves. These are your own fat deposits. This process is called ketosis.

      The brutal appetite disappears during the diet. After a person eats carbohydrates, insulin is released into the blood. This level also quickly begins to decrease, which provokes a feeling of hunger. The absence of fast carbohydrates in the menu guarantees no spikes in insulin in the blood. This means that the feeling of hunger will not arise too acutely.

    Atkins rules

    For the Atkins diet to be effective, you must follow several rules:

      Carbohydrates in the menu should be present in minimal quantities.

      It is unacceptable to go hungry or overeat.

      Every day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water.

      Taking multivitamins is a prerequisite for following a diet.

      Exercising can speed up the process of losing weight.

    Dr. Atkins himself insisted that his weight loss method was in vain called a complete diet. Indeed, in the literal sense of the word, only the first two phases of the proposed cycle are such.

      Phase 1 – induction. At this time, there is an active shutdown of metabolic processes in the body. During the first phase you can lose about 7 kg of excess weight.

      Phase 2 – balance. Her goal is to achieve her desired weight.

      Phase 3 – leaving the diet.

      Phase 4 – maintaining results. A person can adhere to it throughout his life. The main thing is not to gain weight again.

    The duration of the induction phase is 14 days. It is necessary to start the process of ketosis in the body. Carbohydrates coming from food must be monitored with special care, avoiding any “extra” carbohydrates. By days 12-14, weight loss can be equivalent to 5 kg. The daily carbohydrate intake in the first phase is 20 g.

    During the first phase, you can eat any meat, any fish and seafood. The menu contains limited amounts of fermented milk drinks, vegetables, legumes, seeds and nuts.

    The list of prohibited products is much more extensive:

      Flour products.

      All cereals.

      Sugar and its substitutes.

      Sweet fruit juices.

      All sauces that contain starch and sugar.

      Berries and fruits.

      Dairy drinks with sugar.

      Alcoholic drinks and carbonated drinks.

      Semi-finished products and products containing trans fats, preservatives and other harmful additives.

    The duration of the second phase is determined individually. It is the period of time that a person needs to bring his weight back to normal. This phase is considered the main one, during which it will be necessary to gradually increase the amount of carbohydrate food, gradually bringing it up to the daily norm. You should add 5-10 g of carbohydrates per week. The daily carbohydrate intake is equal to 2-3 g per 1 kg of weight, provided that the person does not play sports. If physical training is present, then the amount of carbohydrates is increased to 3-4 g per day per kilogram of weight.

    Throughout the entire period, it will be necessary to record your body weight. If, when introducing any product, weight increases, then it is necessary to again reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed per day. The transition to the third phase occurs when the weight is brought to the desired level.

    Food products remain in the second phase similar to the list from the third phase. Additionally, nuts are added, which are sources of healthy fatty acids. You can also diversify the menu with berries and fruits (raspberries, melon, strawberries, blueberries). Tomatoes and broccoli are added to the list of vegetables.

    The third phase is aimed at ensuring that a person creates for himself a diet that will help him maintain his normal weight. If you suddenly switch to your usual diet, the lost kilograms will quickly return. There should be as much carbohydrate food on the menu as the body tolerates without gaining weight. This is an individual maximum. You should not add more than 10 g of carbohydrates per week. The third phase can last 1-3 months.

    At this time, vegetables containing starch are allowed on the menu, namely: carrots, potatoes, beets, sweet potatoes. The list of fruits is also expanding; it will include apples, bananas, cherries, kiwi, mangoes, and watermelons. In the third phase, cereals are introduced: barley, brown rice, oats. However, protein foods continue to form the basis of the diet. The rules for creating a menu do not change compared to previous phases, but it is adapted for a longer period of time.

    Phase 4 – Weight Maintenance

    The fourth phase of the diet will last for the rest of your life. At this time, a person knows how the body reacts to certain foods, understands how he needs to eat in order not to gain weight.

    Menu for 14 days of the Atkins diet





    Two whites and one yolk in an omelette

    Baked chicken fillet with seasonings

    Vegetable salad with sour cream dressing - 100 g

    Stewed vegetables and beef - 100 g

    Wholemeal bread, a slice of ham, 2 cucumbers and a piece of cheese

    Pumpkin puree soup, pumpkin seeds

    Glass of fermented milk drink

    Salmon and vegetable salad. A serving of salad is 150 g

    Cottage cheese and peach

    Turkey meat with seasonings

    Natural yogurt

    White fish fillet in breadcrumbs

    Two eggs in an omelet, a piece of cheese and bacon

    Pork cutlets, stewed vegetables. A serving of vegetables is equal to 100 g

    Whole wheat bread and tuna

    Zucchini baked with seasonings

    Casserole with cottage cheese and sour cream

    Chicken thigh, stewed vegetables. Vegetable serving is 150 g

    Two boiled chicken eggs, lettuce leaves, cucumber

    Stuffed cabbage rolls in tomato sauce - 3 pieces

    2 scrambled eggs, chicken fillet, parsley and dill

    Porridge with pumpkin pulp and milk

    Natural yogurt, boiled chicken egg

    Stewed vegetables with veal meat

    Cottage cheese with sour cream and one banana

    Fish soup with cod, vegetables in salad. A serving of vegetables is 200 g

    A glass of kefir

    Steamed salmon steak

    A glass of kefir and 100 g of muesli

    Cheese soup, two tomatoes

    Cottage cheese with dried apricots. You can take no more than three dried fruits

    Chicken fillet chop with sour cream and cheese

    Vegetable salad - 200 g

    Pork cooked “French style”

    Glass of yogurt

    Cottage cheese and minced fish cutlets

    Cottage cheese casserole with raisins and sour cream

    Vegetable casserole, chicken breast

    Coffee and a slice of cheese

    Minced chicken cutlets, beans in tomato sauce. A serving of beans is 100 g

    Two cucumbers, a piece of ham and an omelette based on two eggs

    Soup with vegetables, chicken fillet

    Glass of fermented baked milk

    Stewed cabbage with meat - 0.2 kg

    Muesli and a glass of kefir

    Borscht with pork

    A piece of cheese, a glass of green tea and salmon

    Two stuffed peppers

    Two eggs and vegetables in a salad. Vegetable serving - 0.2 kg

    Fish soup with cod, cod fillet

    Any fruit

    Mackerel cooked in the oven with cheese and sour cream

    Protein omelet with asparagus

    Chicken broth soup with vegetables, chicken meat

    Vegetable salad - 0.2 kg

    Steamed turkey fillet

    This menu should be practiced during the induction phase. In the future, there are more and more carbohydrate dishes in the diet. You can alternate days, adjusting them to your nutrition schedule.

    Atkins food pyramid

    The bottom of the Atkins pyramid consists of protein foods. Therefore, every day you need to eat poultry or animal meat, fish, and seafood. The next step of the pyramid is non-starchy vegetables. Preference is given to various varieties of cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, lettuce, asparagus, carrots, and eggplants.

    The third step of the pyramid is represented by fruits and berries, including: pear, avocado, raspberries, blueberries, etc. If a person plays sports during a diet, then it is allowed to eat cherries and apples.

    The fourth component of the pyramid is dairy products, vegetable oil, legumes and nuts. They can be eaten, but in limited quantities. Various vegetable oils, sour cream, blue cheese, goat cheese, Parmesan, cheddar, feta, and Swiss are allowed. cheese

    The top of the pyramid is flour products. They can be eaten very rarely. We are talking about pasta made from durum wheat and bread made from whole grain flour. Pastries, any products made from wheat flour, and porridge are prohibited.

    Regardless of the stage of your diet, you can include herbs and seasonings in your diet, including: black pepper, cumin, thyme, curry, Chinese pepper and garlic.

    Allowed and prohibited foods on the Atkins diet

    Authorized products:





    Calorie content

    Greens, vegetables, mushrooms


    Chinese cabbage

    Iceberg (lettuce)



    Cottage cheese and cheeses




    Cottage cheese with 0% fat content

    Cottage cheese with 5% fat content

    Cottage cheese with 9% fat content

    Meat, poultry and eggs

    Pork tenderloin


    Beef tongue



    Fish and seafood

    red mullet



    Green tea

    Unsweetened dried fruit compote

    Prohibited products:

    Regarding prohibited foods, the following general recommendations exist:

      You should not eat foods containing sugar.

      You should avoid industrially produced juices, carbonated drinks and sweet syrups.

      All products made from white wheat flour, pasta, dumplings, cakes, dumplings, etc. are prohibited.

      You cannot add store-bought sauces, including soy sauce, to your dishes.

      Any alcohol during the diet is not allowed.

    Foods you should not eat while on the Atkins diet:





    Calorie content

    Vegetables and greens




    Green onions

    Salad pepper


    Beans in pods

    Fruits, berries, nuts, dried fruits







    Pumpkin seeds


    Cereals, flour products

    Buckwheat porridge

    Oatmeal porridge

    Wheat groats

    White rice

    Wheat bread

    Seasonings and sauces

    Dairy products, cheese, cottage cheese

    Milk 1% fat

    Milk 2.5% fat

    Kefir 1% fat

    Sour cream 10% fat

    Sour cream 20% fat


    Fish, seafood

    Red caviar

    Sea kale

    Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks


    Tomato juice

    Atkins Diet Recipes

      Boiled tongue – 0.35 kg.

      One head of onion.

      0.1 l sour cream.

      0.1 kg cheese.

      Greens, pepper and salt to taste.

    The tongue is boiled and cut into strips. Fry the onion in butter for no more than 2 minutes. The greens are chopped, mixed with tongue and onions, salted, peppered, seasoned with sour cream. Place the future julienne in baking dishes, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the oven. Cook the dish at 180 degrees for a quarter of an hour.

    Products needed to prepare the dish:

      Half a glass of milk.

      Four eggs.

      Two tomatoes.

      Bell pepper.

      150 g green beans.

      3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

      Salt, pepper and herbs to taste.

    The beans are cut into 2 parts and boiled in lightly salted water. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut into cubes. Bell peppers are peeled and cut into strips. Eggs are mixed with milk, herbs, pepper and salt. Add beans and tomatoes to this mixture. Fry the pepper on both sides in a frying pan, then pour in the milk-egg mixture. Cook the omelet with the lid closed for 10 minutes.

    Products needed to prepare the dish:

      0.5 kg peeled shrimp.

      Two tablespoons of butter.

      4 tablespoons lemon juice.

      Two tomatoes.

      One avocado.

      Two tablespoons of olive oil.

      Two stalks of celery.

      One cucumber and one carrot.

    Shrimp are fried in oil, flavored with lemon juice. Tomatoes, avocados, boiled carrots and celery are chopped, mixed with warm shrimp, seasoned with olive oil, salted and served.

    Products needed to prepare the dish:

      1 kg flounder.

      0.2 kg vegetable oil.

      0.1 kg peeled almonds.

      50 g raisins.

      0.5 kg of tomatoes.

      Ground red pepper and salt.

    The fish is rubbed with salt and pepper and fried in oil. Separately, fry raisins and nuts, then add tomatoes and simmer until the sauce thickens. The finished fish is poured with tomato dressing and served.

    Products needed to prepare the dish:

      0.3 kg chicken.

      0.15 kg smoked lard.

      1 piece of loaf.

      25 g goose liver.

      Half a head of onion.

      30 g champignons.

      1/4 cup milk.

      One egg.

      2 tablespoons butter.

      Parsley, ground black pepper and salt.

    Fat is rendered from lard, onions, mushrooms and liver are fried in it and seasoned with spices. Eggs and loaf pulp soaked in milk are added to the finished mass. Mix everything thoroughly. Stuff the chicken with the prepared minced meat, grease the frying pan with oil and cook in the oven for no more than 1 hour 10 minutes. You can use green peas or rice as a side dish.

    Pros of the Atkins diet:

      The weight comes off quickly.

      The diet is not starvation.

      Thanks to diet, you can reduce your cravings for sweets.

      Muscle mass does not burn on a diet.

    Cons of the Atkins Diet:

      The menu contains not enough carbohydrates, but an excess of fats and proteins, which is unnatural for the human body.

      Diseases of the digestive system.

      High level of creatinine in the blood.

      Carrying a child, breastfeeding, pregnancy planning stage.

      Joint pathologies.

      Menopause period.

      If a person plays sports as a professional, then a doctor’s consultation is required before starting to adhere to this diet.

    A minimal intake of carbohydrate foods into the body is associated with the following complications:

      Deterioration in performance.

      The appearance of kidney stones.

      Deterioration of brain function.

      The likelihood of developing gout.

      Increased likelihood of developing cancer.

      Increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

    Tips for losing weight on the Atkins diet:

      It is necessary to control the chemical composition and amount of carbohydrates in food. Sometimes there can be a lot of them even in the most unexpected dishes.

      Side dishes that a person is used to eating every day should be replaced with vegetables whenever possible. It is better to give up potatoes and cereals altogether, eating vegetable salads along with meat.

      A table of calorie content of foods and the content of essential nutrients in them should always be immediately available. You can print it out and take it with you to work. This will allow you to control the amount of carbohydrates you eat per day.

      The Atkins diet is designed to be followed for life.

      The Kremlin diet is the Russian equivalent of the Atkins diet. However, it is not as developed, and its menu is less balanced. Therefore, preference should be given to the Atkins diet.

      While dieting, you should definitely exercise.

      Is it possible to drink coffee while dieting? Coffee itself does not interfere with the process of losing excess weight. However, the caffeine it contains can trigger a spike in insulin in the blood, which will lead to a decrease in glucose levels. During the Atkins diet, glucose levels are already at a minimum, and even lowering them can pose a health threat. The likelihood of developing hypoglycemia increases. This is manifested by increased heartbeat, tremors of the limbs, increased sweating, attacks of hunger, and irritability. Therefore, coffee should be completely abandoned during phase 1 of the diet. In the future, you can drink it, but in small portions.

      I eat food in smaller quantities, but the weight has begun to come off more slowly. What is the reason? When the body begins to receive fewer calories from food, it slows down metabolic processes. Sometimes on the Atkins diet there is a seemingly paradoxical situation - a person increases portions and begins to lose weight faster. Calorie intake for women should be 2000 kcal per day, and for men - 2500 kcal per day. Although these indicators are purely individual.

      If you don't exceed your daily carbohydrate limit, can you eat sweets? This should not be done. By eating a small amount of sweets, a person does not exceed the permissible level of carbohydrates, but at the same time there is a sharp jump in the level of insulin in the blood. Therefore, it is best to avoid sweets on a diet.

      I had a breakdown, what should I do? The process of ketosis during a breakdown is disrupted. To return to your previous state, you need to limit your daily carbohydrate level to 20 g for several days. After 3-5 days, the weight loss process should resume. The main thing is not to fail again.

      Does diet harm your kidneys? The load on the kidneys during the diet is increased, so adherence to it is contraindicated for people with diseases of these organs. If a person is absolutely healthy, then he has nothing to fear.

      Did Dr. Atkins himself die of heart disease? Dr. Atkins suffered from cardiomyopathy, which was caused by an infectious disease. The illness has nothing to do with his diet. He died at the age of 72 from a head injury. The doctor received it when he fell on the floor in his own office.

    Details Healthy eating Diets

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    The Atkins diet is especially popular in the West, one of the fastest-acting and most effective diets.

    The main principle is to limit carbohydrate intake.

    Carbohydrates, along with proteins and fats, are one of three classes of nutrients from which the human body draws energy to maintain its vital functions. There are simple (so-called monosaccharides) and complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates can be broken down into simple ones in the presence of water - this process is called hydrolysis.

    Carbohydrates include all sugars, starch (complex carbohydrate - polysaccharide), fiber.

    The “Kremlin” diet, known in Russia, is nothing more than a simplified version of the Atkins diet.

    The first ideas about the role of carbohydrates in weight gain and limiting their consumption for the purpose of losing weight were expressed long before Robert Atkins.

    The low-carbohydrate diet that will be discussed was invented in 1963 by a young cardiologist Robert Atkins (USA). Convinced of the effectiveness of the proposed nutritional system, Dr. Atkins published a book in the early 1970s, which was a bestseller in America in the 1980s and 1990s. The Atkins diet came to Russia in the new millennium.

    The Atkins nutrition system places the human body in extreme operating conditions, in which glucocentric energy exchange is replaced by adipocentric one. And this happens due to a critical deficiency of carbohydrates in the diet. A deep, multi-day lack of glucose affects the functioning of the brain; the body receives a kind of alarm signal and uses a reserve mechanism for using fats to produce the carbohydrates the body needs.

    Dr. Atkins formalized his research in the form of a diet; in his opinion, the “root of evil” lies not in meat and animal fats, but in sweets, flour and cereal products, starch-rich vegetables, and, oddly enough, fruits - sources of fructose and glucose. All these foods contain large amounts of carbohydrates and sugar, and therefore energy, and the body stores excess fat “in reserve.”

    The main advantage of the Atkins diet is that, while providing effective weight loss, the diet does not limit the consumption of many foods prohibited in classic low-fat and low-calorie diets, such as meat (including fatty meat), cheese and other dairy products, fats (vegetable oils, mayonnaise ). Thanks to this, following this diet, you do not experience a constant feeling of hunger, which is so difficult to tolerate on other diets. The Atkins diet is comfortable and highly effective.

    Before turning to the Atkins diet, you need to undergo a thorough medical examination, which will tell you whether your body is suitable for such a serious shock.

    Since this is a very strict diet, it puts a lot of stress on the body. Each person is an individual organism; for some, this nutritional system will benefit, but for others it may harm.

    It is important to carefully consider your motivation for losing weight. Come up with a reward that you can give yourself at the end of the diet, keep a diary of your achievements. Psychologists say that such little tricks help to deceive “hunger” and significantly reduce dependence on junk food. You can live a wonderful life by following the principles of a healthy diet.

    Among the strict contraindications to following the diet: atherosclerosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy, lactation, people with impaired renal function and high levels of creatinine in the blood. People with diabetes need to be especially careful with this diet. When moving to the second level, you need to introduce carbohydrates in small portions. It is important to have portable scales on hand and track your weight dynamics in order to settle on the individual norm at which the body will maintain a normal balance.

    If you are going to adhere to this diet, then you need to:

    • undergo a full examination (this is necessary to assess the positive outlook expected after completing the Atkins program);
    • take measurements of the chest, waist, hips, arms and legs;
    • measure blood pressure;
    • take blood tests: basal blood glucose, glycemic profile, cholesterol and blood lipid levels, liver and kidney function indicators.

    The Atkins diet consists of 4 main stages

    1. Induction phase - reconfiguration of metabolism, initiation of ketosis - the process of fat burning;
    2. Continued weight loss phase. Finding a personal limit for the daily intake of carbohydrates that ensures long-term weight loss;
    3. The phase preceding the maintenance of constant weight. Transitional from active weight loss to weight maintenance. Determination of the daily carbohydrate intake to maintain constant weight, preparation for the transition to the maintenance regime;
    4. The phase of maintaining and maintaining constant weight.

    Ketosis, the fat-burning process initiated by the body when there is a carbohydrate deficiency, is a key physiological process at the heart of the Atkins diet.

    It is worth considering that if ketosis persists in the body for a long time, for example, several months, then problems may begin - the level of urea in the blood will increase and, as a result, urolithiasis will occur. When ketones reach a certain level in the body, the body begins to get rid of them, and at the same time potassium and sodium are excreted, the loss of which can lead to cardiac arrhythmia or dehydration. In order to avoid this problem, you need to strictly follow the diet instructions and take additional vitamins and minerals.

    Important diet rules:

    • Drink as much water as possible. Water is an essential component of all biochemical reactions in the body. With a lack of fluid, metabolic processes - including fat burning - slow down. In addition, water is necessary to effectively remove excess ketones from the Atkins diet from the body. It is recommended to drink about 2 liters per day. Please remember that drinks containing sugar are strictly prohibited. Sometimes, especially when we are not losing weight as quickly as we would like, we limit our fluid intake so that when we weigh ourselves, the scale will show a more desirable figure - never do this: you should not deceive yourself and harm your weight loss. Our goal is to lose weight by burning fat, not water.
    • It's better to have several small meals instead of one big one. This advice is especially important for foods with carbohydrates - your daily carbohydrate intake should be divided into as many meals as possible. After consuming a large amount of carbohydrates at once (even within the daily norm), blood glucose levels can rise noticeably, stopping the process of ketosis. During long breaks between meals, the body slows down its metabolism to save energy; even a small snack can stimulate the processes. Don't ignore breakfast - eat at least a minimal amount of food in the morning to "start" your metabolism, which slows down during sleep.
    • When eating carbohydrates (especially in the later phases of the diet, when noticeable amounts of carbohydrates are included in the menu), try to eat enough fat and protein at this meal in order to slow down the absorption of carbohydrates. Never eat foods rich in carbohydrates separately - “undiluted” carbohydrates are absorbed very quickly, raising the concentration of sugar in the blood. Eat vegetables in the form of a salad, dressed with butter, sour cream or mayonnaise, and combine them with meat or fish dishes.
    • During the Atkins diet, especially the induction phase, it is useful to consume vitamins and minerals, in particular, vitamin complexes and dietary supplements containing vitamin B5, chromium, selenium, and vanadium are recommended. These elements affect glucose metabolism, increasing the effectiveness of your weight loss.
    • The Atkins Diet is very strict about the carbohydrate content of food, so even a few grams of foods rich in sugars or starches can be harmful to the diet. Hidden carbohydrates can show up in unexpected places.
    • Remember to avoid overeating as much as possible. Eat in moderation, slowly, until you feel full, and do not overeat.
    • If you are not sure whether a product belongs to the prohibited or permitted list, look at the carbohydrate content on the packaging or in the tables. Remember that the classification applies to products in their pure form, for example, fish is allowed, but not fish stewed with carrots in tomato.

    Indicator strips

    One of the means of monitoring the progress of the diet is indicator strips, which allow you to determine whether the body is in a state of ketosis.

    Indicator strips for the presence of ketone bodies in urine are sold in pharmacies everywhere under various brands. There are also combined indicators of the presence of ketones and glucose in the urine; For the Atkins diet, a glucose test is not useful (there should be no glucose in the urine), but these strips can also be used

    When using strips, it is important to remember the main rule: the degree of redness of the strip is not an indicator of the intensity of fat burning. A darker line (more ketones) does not mean faster weight loss, but more often means that you are not drinking enough fluids. High concentrations of ketones can be observed after exercise, which means that metabolism is activated - in this case, this is a positive signal. But remember that too high a concentration of ketones leads to some change in blood pH (since one of the ketone bodies - acetoacetic acid - has an acidic reaction), which is undesirable. To avoid this, always drink as much fluid as possible and be careful not to reduce your carbohydrate limit below the recommended values.

    A short-term absence of redness of the strip can be observed after eating a meal containing carbohydrates, even within the recommended limits. It is normal for the test to show ketones again after an hour or so. And the absence of a change in the color of the indicator for several days indicates that there is no ketosis - probably there is an excess of carbohydrates in the food.

    There is no need to use strips, since in most cases it is enough to monitor the scale readings. But for complete control or, for example, in case of slowing down weight loss, they can be useful.

    Permitted and prohibited products

    A detailed list of foods allowed on the Atkins diet, prohibited for consumption and allowed in strictly limited quantities.

    Authorized products:

    • Meat: all types of meat - pork, beef, rabbit, poultry.
    • Fish: all types of marine and freshwater fish.
    • Natural seafood: shrimp, mussels (crab sticks not included).
    • Vegetable fats, all oils: olive, sunflower, corn, etc.; mayonnaise (check the packaging).
    • Vegetables for salads: lettuce, radish, chicory, Chinese cabbage, parsley, cucumber, fennel, paprika, celery.

    Products allowed with restrictions:

    • Unsweetened fermented milk products: cottage cheese, cheese, butter, sour cream
    • Legumes: peas, beans, beans
    • Some vegetables: green salads, cucumbers, tomatoes, all types of cabbage, eggplants, zucchini.
    • Olives (preferably green)
    • Nuts and seeds.

    Prohibited products:

    • Sweets: all foods containing sugar. Bakery products: all types of bread, cookies, muffins, pizza
    • Flour products: pasta, dumplings, dumplings, cakes, dishes breaded with flour or breadcrumbs
    • Cereals, cereals, cereals: porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, pearl barley, etc.), muesli, corn, flakes.
    • Tomato paste, soy sauce, ketchups, sweet sauces, sauces based on flour or starch.
    • Vegetables rich in starch or sugar: potatoes, carrots, beets
    • Fruits and berries - most fruits and berries are prohibited: grapes, bananas, pineapples, oranges, strawberries.
    • Kefir. Popular in many diets (and usually not very popular with those losing weight), kefir is a product that is very poorly suited to the Atkins diet. Kefir contains about 4 g. lactose (milk sugar) per 100 g, so 2 cups of kefir, 250 g each. per day will completely exhaust your norm of 20 grams. carbohydrates on induction - that is, you will not be able to eat a salad even on this day without exceeding the limit.

    Induction phase:

    The main phase of the Atkins diet is 14 days, during which dietary restrictions must be strictly followed. Daily carbohydrate intake should not exceed 20 grams. in a day. You don't have to follow any restrictions on calories or the amount of food you eat, but you should only eat when you're hungry and stop eating when you're full, rather than eating until your stomach hurts.

    First phase rules:

    • eating 3 times a day or 4-5 times in smaller portions, the time interval between meals is no more than 6 hours;
    • liberal combination of proteins and fats;
    • taking no more than 20 g of carbohydrates per day;
    • exclude bread, flour products, vegetables rich in starch, as well as nuts and seeds from the diet - during the first 2 weeks of the program;
    • reduce the amount of food you eat until you feel satisfied rather than full;
    • Avoid eating foods and drinks containing aspartame and caffeine, which can lower blood glucose levels;
    • take at least 8 glasses of water per day. for constipation, take more plant foods and dietary supplements containing fiber.

    Acceptable food during the induction phase:

    • Fish: salmon, herring, sardine, trout, flounder.
    • Poultry: chicken, turkey, duck, goose, pheasant, quail.
    • Shellfish: oysters, shells, crabs, shrimp, lobsters.
    • Meat: beef, pork, veal, venison, lamb.
    • Eggs: hard-boiled, soft-boiled, scrambled eggs, fried eggs.
    • Cheeses: cheddar; goat, lamb or beef cheese; processed cheeses; gouda; Swiss cheese; Roquefort and other blue cheeses containing mold; fibrous cheeses.
    • Vegetables for salad: no more than 2-3 cups per day - alfalfa, celery, chicory, cucumbers, escarole lettuce, endive lettuce, watercress, dill, parsley, radish, sorrel, bell pepper, mushrooms.
    • It is also acceptable to consume other vegetables containing slightly higher amounts of carbohydrates: artichokes, asparagus, green legumes, beet greens, spinach, celery, dandelion, leeks, onions, pumpkin, okra, eggplant, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, curly cabbage, kohlrabi cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, turnips.
    • Seasonings: basil, red capsicum, dill, garlic, black pepper, ginger, rosemary, thyme. Adding sugar is not allowed. Salads can be dressed with vegetable oil, vinegar, lemon juice, herbs and spices, but without adding sugar; no more than two items, one tablespoon each.
    • Fats and oils: soybean oil, grape oil, sesame oil and sunflower oil.
    • Liquid foods: broths, soda, coffee and tea - with reduced caffeine content; herbal tea, lemon juice, plain and spring water.

    The second phase of Dr. Atkins' program is the continued weight loss phase.

    The phase that makes the Atkins program so desirable and unique for everyone.

    Second phase rules:

    • continue to burn your own fats, continue to lose weight;
    • continue to control your appetite, especially cravings;
    • continue to monitor your carbohydrate intake;
    • allow yourself more variety in food;
    • continue to consume those carbohydrates that contain the most nutrients;
    • slow down weight loss based on increased physical activity (slightly increase the level of carbohydrate consumption, taking into account the increased energy expenditure with an increase in the volume of physical activity).

    By following phase two of the Atkins diet, you increase your carbohydrate intake by 5 grams each week while your weight continues to decrease. Once, at a certain level of carbohydrate intake, your weight stops falling. The amount of carbohydrates consumed exceeding this value leads either to weight stabilization or to its increase. This is the critical level of carbohydrate consumption for weight loss.

    This level of carbohydrate intake also reflects the level of metabolic resistance during the continued weight loss phase, which depends on age, heredity, level of physical activity, hormonal status, nature of medications consumed and other factors.

    The higher the resistance and the lower the volume of physical activity, the lower it is. A significant reduction in the critical level of carbohydrate consumption in the second phase of the program - the phase of continued weight loss - creates obstacles to further adherence to the program and contributes to unsatisfactory results.

    Products that should be added to the second phase:

    • Vegetables: three-quarters cup of boiled spinach; half a cup of red sweet paprika; one medium tomato; two-thirds cup of boiled broccoli; 8 medium asparagus; one cup of cauliflower; half a cup of chopped onions; half an avocado.
    • Daily Ingredients: 5 ounces homemade fresh cheese; 5 ounces string cheese; half a cup of farm cheese (Fetaki); two-thirds cup of processed cheese; half a cup of heavy cream.
    • Nuts and seeds: walnuts - 14 halves; almonds - 24 pcs.; caria pecan nuts - 31 pcs.; unpeeled sunflower seeds - 3 tablespoons; peeled roasted peanuts - 26 pcs.; 1 ounce cashews - 9 pcs.
    • Fruit: half a cup of blueberries; a quarter cup of raspberries; half a cup of strawberries; three quarters of a cup of melon.
    • Juices: a quarter cup of fresh lemon juice; a quarter cup of lemon juice; half a cup of tomato juice.

    After 6 weeks of following the Atkins program, blood tests should be repeated, especially a glucose tolerance test. Those subjective feelings of improved well-being will be reflected in the improvement of all blood parameters. If your weight loss is slow, then increasing your carbohydrate intake should be done more slowly than once a week, about once every 3-4 weeks.

    The second phase lasts until you are 5-10 pounds away from your ideal weight. It should last so slowly that the weight loss is almost unnoticeable. Your goal is to slowly increase your carbohydrate intake until your weight loss is less than 1 pound per week.

    The third phase of Dr. Atkins' program

    In the third phase, your daily carbohydrate intake continually increases by 10g per week. The slower you add new foods and the higher the amount of carbohydrates you consume, the higher your critical carbohydrate intake level will be to maintain a constant weight.

    Third phase rules:

    • increase your daily carbohydrate intake by no more than 10 g per week;
    • supplement your diet with other carbohydrates, no more than one per meal;
    • exclude from the diet those new foods that contribute to weight gain; return of physical symptoms lost during the induction phase; increased appetite; lead to addictions; fluid retention in the body;
    • if you have gained weight, return to your previous level of carbohydrate intake;
    • prefer proteins and fats in your diet;
    • Take vitamin and mineral supplements regularly.

    Products that should be added to the third phase:

    • Nuts: half a cup of almonds; a quarter cup of cashews; 2 ounces roasted and shelled peanuts; three-quarters cup brown pecans; half a cup of cedar; a quarter cup of pistachios; three quarters of a cup of walnuts; one-third cup of pumpkin seeds; a third of a cup of sesame seeds; 2 ounces sunflower seeds.
    • Vegetables rich in starch: half a cup of carrots; a quarter cup of sweet potatoes; half a cup of split peas; half a cup of plantain; three-quarters cup of beets; a third of a cup of parsnips; half a cup of white potatoes.
    • Legumes: a quarter cup of lentils; a quarter cup of different types of beans.
    • Fruit: half an apple; 12 cherries; 1 peach; 12 grapes; one cup of strawberries; half a grapefruit; three quarters of a cup of melon; 1 kiwi; one cup of watermelon; half a cup of fruit cocktail diluted with water; one plum; a third of a banana; third mango.
    • Cereals: a quarter cup of rice; a quarter cup of oats; a quarter cup of sesame seeds; one piece of white bread; a quarter cup of barley; a quarter cup of spinach.

    Remember, anything that increases your appetite reflects destabilization of your blood glucose levels.

    Once you reach your goal weight, you will eventually enter the fourth phase of Dr. Atkins' program - the weight maintenance phase.

    The fourth phase of the program - maintaining a constant weight

    As you approach this phase, maintaining your diet should not be difficult for you. Once they reach this phase of the program, Dr. Atkins' patients report tremendous positive changes in every aspect of their lives. This is not to say that your lifelong way of eating does not require a certain will on your part, you must make sure again and again that only your personal responsibility guarantees your success and good health for many years to come.

    It is important that the decisions you make when moving from one phase to another are truly your conscious choice.

    Commitment to following the phase of maintaining a constant weight will allow you to:

    1. provide yourself with a proper diet that will keep you slim for life;
    2. Maximize your intake of healthy, nutrient-dense carbohydrates while allowing your weight to fluctuate within 3-5 pounds of your goal weight.
    3. prevent consumption of foods that adversely affect your health;
    4. learn to control weight, returning to previous phases of the program if necessary;
    5. learn to control biochemical parameters of blood, blood pressure, taking the necessary dietary supplements;
    6. reduce risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other metabolic diseases;
    7. feel energetic and healthy throughout your life.

    Rules for the fourth phase:

    • strictly adhere to your critical level of carbohydrate intake to maintain a constant weight;
    • exercise regularly;
    • take dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals necessary in each modified lifestyle;
    • strengthen anti-addiction strategies;
    • Do not allow yourself to gain more than 5 pounds from your ideal weight.

    Dr. Atkins' diet is universal for both adults and overweight children; by teaching them to eat properly, you prevent the risk of hypertension, diabetes, disorders of sexual development and other metabolic disorders. It should also be noted that with age, the rate of metabolic processes in the body decreases, which makes it difficult to remain slim and graceful in adulthood and old age, as in young years.

    It has been observed that weight gain in healthy people occurs every five years of life. By following the rules of the Atkins diet, changing not only the quantity, but also the quality of food consumed, you will be protected from many negative phenomena that accumulate in the body with age.

    • In 2003, a sensation was published in the American media: it turns out that Robert Atkins, who died at the age of 72 due to the consequences of a head injury received in a fall on the threshold of his office in New York, suffered from severe obesity and had very unhealthy coronary heart disease. vessels. Although for 36 years of his life, Atkins strictly adhered to the diet he invented.

    Robert Atkins and his book "Dr. Atkins' New Revolutionary Diet"

    One of the most famous and sensational diets of its time is the Dr. Atkins diet. It received this name in accordance with its popularizer, Dr. Robert Atkins. In 1972, he published the book “Dr. Atkins' Revolutionary Diet,” which became a bestseller and attracted mass attention to his proposed method of carbohydrate-free weight loss. His diet was based on the previously proposed system of weight loss by A. Gordon and W. Bloom using a low-carbohydrate diet.

    The basis of the Atkins diet. Ketosis. Ketoacidosis

    The basis of the no-carbohydrate (or more correctly, almost no-carbohydrate diet) system is the body's use of gluconeogenesis (the creation of glucose from other compounds in the body) to ensure normal metabolism. This occurs against the background of a sharp restriction of carbohydrates in food or during fasting. In these situations, the body begins to disassemble its own proteins and fats and from the elements - glycerol, fatty acids and amino acids - create its own carbohydrates - glucose. This is required to ensure normal nutrition of the brain, red blood cells and other vital systems and tissues. The intermediate substances in this case are ketone bodies. These compounds include acetone, acetoacetic acid, beta-hydroxybutyric acid. Normally, ketone bodies are present in the blood in a very small amount, on the order of 1-2 mg/100 ml, and are not determined by laboratory methods. During fasting or severe restriction of carbohydrates in food, as well as with certain diseases (for example, diabetes), the content of ketone bodies in the blood increases significantly. Ketone bodies can be directly used by brain cells and muscles instead of glucose. An increase in ketone bodies in the blood leads to their partial removal in urine, exhaled air and through the skin. In turn, this can cause the patient to smell of acetone when breathing or talking. The state of increased ketone bodies in the blood (and, accordingly, in the urine) is called ketosis. When ketone bodies rise against the background of high glucose levels in diabetes, a more serious and dangerous condition develops, called ketoacidosis. When a healthy person uses the Atkins diet, we can only talk about ketosis (and not ketoacidosis), and this is one of the unpleasant side effects of such a diet. The phenomenon of ketosis can also be observed during complete fasting.

    Atkins diet detailed description

    What is Dr. Atkins' nutrition system? The main rule of this diet is to limit the intake of carbohydrates from food as much as possible. The entire Atkins weight loss program is divided into 4 stages.

    Stage 1 of the Atkins diet - induction stage

    The induction stage of the Atkins weight loss system takes 14 days and is the very first step towards the formation of a carbohydrate-free diet. At this stage, the author recommends maximum restriction (up to complete absence) in the body.

    Prohibited products:

    Fruits, vegetables containing starch, berries, milk and dairy products (except sour cream and cheese). Various legumes, seeds and nuts are prohibited. All types of bread and bakery products. Crackers, cookie chips and other foods containing carbohydrates are prohibited. Gravy and sauces should not be added to food, as they contain starch or flour and usually sugar. Tea, coffee and soft drinks containing sugar are prohibited. Tea and coffee are prohibited even without sugar, since the author believed that the caffeine they contain lowers blood sugar levels and increases cravings for sweets. Do not eat sausages, cutlets and other meat products that contain bread or starch and nitrites.

    Authorized products:

    Meat, fish, poultry, seafood (animal origin), eggs. Whole milk cheeses can be consumed no more than 120 grams per day. Offal dishes no more than 300 grams per day. The author recommended buying all these products only of excellent quality, fresh, not canned.

    Some vegetables that do not contain starch, mainly leafy ones, are also allowed. These include celery greens, lettuce, parsley, sweet peppers, mushrooms, alfalfa sprouts and others. The daily amount of such vegetables should not exceed 2-3 cups by volume. And if among them there are green onions, cabbage, beet tops, dandelion leaves, etc., then the amount is reduced to one glass of the former and one glass of the latter. All vegetables should also be of excellent quality and free of nitrates.

    Spices allowed: basil, oregano, allspice, dill, thyme, garlic, etc.

    Allowed for refills: olive oil and vinegar (not balsamic), lemon juice and sugar-free dressings.

    Allowed drinks: drinking water, carbonated water, clear broths, diet drinks with sweeteners (among which preference was given to sucralose) without aspartame and without calories. Coffee and tea only without caffeine.

    At this stage of weight loss, the greatest attention is paid to creating a diet without carbohydrates. The maximum amount of carbohydrates consumed daily with food should not exceed 20 grams. It should be taken into account that meat (especially some types of poultry and seafood) contains carbohydrates. This is the so-called animal starch - glycogen. It must also be added to the total amount of carbohydrates.

    Here is an approximate set of dishes for the Dr. Atkins diet in the first phase of weight loss;

    Three egg omelette with avocado
    Mozzarella cheese with tomato
    Decaffeinated coffee with cream
    Beefsteak (240 g)
    Green leafy vegetables and spinach salad with onions, mushrooms, celery and parmesan cheese
    Grilled salmon (270 g)
    Salad – kale with sesame seeds, garlic and lemon

    Dr. Atkins Diet Calculation

    The diet looks very appetizing and complete, but do not forget to count the carbohydrates. Cheeses included in breakfast and lunch also contain carbohydrates, as do sesame seeds and garlic. Half an avocado will exhaust a quarter of your allowed carbohydrates. Another quarter will go to 50 grams of lemon juice, which can be poured over 15 grams of sesame seeds and half a leaf of kale. Yes! Don't forget to add the creamer you added to your decaf coffee. And I forgot about the tomato... What then is left for lunch? “Salad of green leafy vegetables and spinach with onions, mushrooms, celery and Parmesan cheese...” there’s cheese again... Apparently you’ll have to reduce the sesame seeds to one pinch... “Atkins suggests counting , which is 1 gram of carbohydrates, on average contained in 30 grams of any cheese. At the same time, the author of the methodology calls for “eating to the full, but not to the full.”

    In addition to this set of products, Dr. Atkins strongly recommended the use of vitamin and mineral nutritional supplements, explaining that the long-term malnutrition that the patient had before switching to his technique creates the need for additional vitamins and minerals. But even when eating according to his own method, he also insists on constantly taking nutritional supplements, although he considers his nutritional system to be correct and sufficient in all respects.

    In the process of being on the first stage diet according to Dr. Atkins, he recommended using test strips (sold in pharmacies) to determine the presence of ketone bodies in the urine. Thus, according to Atkins, the patient can be convinced that fat burning in the body has begun.

    The result of the first stage of a no-carbohydrate diet

    The result of this stage of weight loss should be a weight loss of 3-4.5 kg. And also, according to the author, energy should appear and appetite should decrease. Among other things, at this stage the patient learns to count carbohydrates in the diet and separate foods with high and low content. After completing the first stage and if the results are positive, you can move on to the second.

    Stage 2 of the Atkins diet - active weight loss stage (ASW)

    At this stage, the same products are allowed as in the first stage. Attempts to increase the amount of carbohydrate supplier products in the diet are now permitted. The daily increase in carbohydrates can be no more than 5 grams once a week. On average, this corresponds to half an avocado, six or eight asparagus spears, or half a glass of tomato juice.

    The patient should remain at this stage of weight loss until he achieves his goals. That is, until full. Thus, this period can be up to several years (as described by Atkins himself). At the same time, he warns that if weight loss suddenly stops or, on the contrary, body weight begins to grow, you must urgently return to the previous 20 grams of carbohydrates per day.

    Rules for the active weight loss stage

    Proteins and fats remain the basis of the diet.
    Gradually increase carbohydrates, adding 5 grams no more than once a week.
    Add foods from only one group to your diet at a time.
    At first, consume added foods no more than three times a week. If everything is fine, you can proceed to regular use.
    If weight gain begins after adding the product, remove it from your diet immediately.
    Stay in the Active Weight Loss (AWL) phase until you have no more than 2.5 to 5 extra pounds left.

    Stage 3 of the Atkins diet - transitional

    Stage 3 of the Dr. Atkins diet provides the same rules, but unlike stage 2, you can add carbohydrates by 10 grams once a week. This amount corresponds to 12 cherries or 12 grapes. 10 grams of carbohydrates are also contained in one plum, half a glass of carrots, half an apple. At the same time, the author warns that if you begin to gain weight again, then, as in the previous stage, you must abandon the addition of carbohydrates and switch again to their sharp limitation.

    Rules for the transition phase of the Atkins diet

    Increase your daily carbohydrate limit by no more than 10 grams once a week.
    New products are allowed to be added to the diet no more than one at a time.
    If weight gain begins when adding a product, it is necessary to immediately abandon it.
    If, after adding carbohydrates to your diet again, your weight begins to increase, you need to return to the previous level of restriction.
    The diet should have enough and.
    It is necessary to take vitamin and mineral supplements regularly.

    Ideally, the transitional stage lasts at least a month, but it is better (as the author himself writes) if its duration is two or three months. As you add carbohydrates, your weight loss will slow down and finally stop. This is a signal to end the increase in carbohydrates.

    Stage 4 of the Atkins diet maintenance

    Here, finally, is the last maintenance stage of the diet, which its author calls “an eating style for life.” At this stage, all the rules remain the same, only it is recommended to carefully monitor your weight. Its fluctuations should not exceed 1-2 kilograms. Dr. Atkins recommends weekly weigh-ins and if you gain weight, "...make a vow that when you reach your maximum weight limit, you will immediately... ...go back to the induction phase"*.

    For this diet, Dr. Atkins points to a critical carbohydrate intake level of 25 to a maximum of 90 grams per day for people who do not exercise. On average, he believes that 50 grams of carbohydrates would be normal for the average person. If the amount of carbohydrates is equal to 40 grams, a person will lose weight, and if it becomes equal to 60 grams, then he may begin to gain weight. According to the tables given in the author’s book, 50 grams of carbohydrates correspond to half a glass of carrots plus a glass of potatoes. And this is the maximum dose per day (!) It is recommended to constantly take vitamin and mineral food supplements, as well as “develop a strategy to combat temptations.” Dr. Atkins calls this nutrition system “Not a diet, but a lifetime of pleasure” (I quote from the book verbatim).

    Dr. Atkins diet and healthy eating

    Dishes in a low-carbohydrate diet look very appetizing, but you will have to eat without bread and without side dishes.

    Can the nutrition proposed by the author of the method be called healthy at all stages of weight loss and further support? In my opinion, no. Dr. Atkins himself points out in his book* some of the disadvantages of such a diet. These include constipation, lack of vitamins and minerals, as well as dietary fiber deficiency, which causes constipation. To correct these problems, he suggests continuous use. Evaluate for yourself the usefulness of a diet consisting of two apples and half a potato. Or one banana and two slices of whole grain bread. And nothing else from carbohydrates. And this is in a day. Can living on the verge of ketosis with constantly taking pills and counting carbohydrates in your food be called healthy?

    I would also like to note that patients who experienced this revolutionary diet noted that on the second or third day there was a difficult desire to overcome to simply eat bread or fruit. In my opinion, this is a natural need of the body, expressed in a peculiar feeling of hunger in relation to certain foods. This natural desire must be satisfied. In Dr. Atkins' system, one must learn to suppress this desire. I think that this is a definite drawback of such a diet, since deferred desires will eventually require release.

    And now I want to shed some light on the other side of this whole system. In 1998, Dr. Atkins founded Atkins Nutritionals to produce low-carbohydrate nutritional supplements. These products are strongly recommended by Atkins in his books on weight loss and in his cookbooks. The company's value was estimated at about $100 million. But after Atkins' death, the popularity of his diet fell sharply. However, the Atkins Nutritionals company was sold for more than $500 million. The financial rationale for popularizing such a nutrition system is completely clear.

    Vitamin-mineral supplements strongly recommended by Dr. Atkins for his followers and low-carbohydrate foods are products of Atkins Nutritionals, founded by Robert Atkins.

    Regarding the effectiveness of this nutritional system for health, it would be very interesting to trace the health status of the author of the “New Revolutionary Diet” himself, Dr. Atkins. During his lifetime, Robert Atkins constantly struggled with excess weight. He tried the first low-carbohydrate diet program on himself in 1963 at the initiative of Dr. A. Pennington. At the time, he reported losing 27 pounds in 100 days. After this, he begins to administer the diet to the patients. Atkins died at the age of 72 after suffering a head injury from falling on an icy pavement. His body was cremated at the request of his wife. No autopsy or examination of the cardiovascular or other systems was performed. There is still controversy regarding his state of health at the time of admission to the hospital. Based on a publication in The Wall Street Journal, it is concluded that Dr. Atkins suffered a heart attack two years before his death (accompanied by cardiac arrest) and had signs of heart failure accompanied by edema. At the time of his death, he weighed 258 pounds, which is 117 kg. His height was about 6 feet (1 m. 80 cm). According to the death certificate, Robert Atkins died from a head injury resulting from a fall, not from a cardiac disorder.

    Death certificate of Robert Atkins. The arrow indicates the conclusion that death occurred as a result of head contusion and epidural hematoma

    In the process of researching the effects of a diet practically devoid of carbohydrates on the human body, the vast majority of experts agreed that such a diet is unsafe. Abnormalities in intestinal motor function and a tendency to develop osteoporosis were clearly detected.

    The relationship between the consumption of protein foods and the loss of calcium in urine (Hegsted M., Schuette S. A., Zemel M. B. et all)

    There is evidence that a diet containing large amounts of animal protein in the diet contributes to an increase in the incidence of cancer of some localization in the body, especially if this diet is not balanced with an appropriate amount of plant foods. In the available literature on centenarians, there is not a single description of those eating according to the rules of a low-carbohydrate diet.

    * R. Atkins "Dr. Atkins' New Revolutionary Diet"

    The Atkins diet promises to lose weight without feeling hungry, while simultaneously becoming younger. And you can trust her promises, because these effects have a scientific basis. What is the Atkins diet, what is its mechanism of action, advantages and disadvantages? Who can use it, and who absolutely cannot?

    The Atkins diet can be called the progenitor of all protein and ketogenic diets. After all, its creator, American cardiologist Robert Atkins, was the first to suggest using proteins and fats for weight loss, sharply limiting any carbohydrates.

    The essence of the Atkins diet

    The idea of ​​​​creating this diet came to the American cardiologist Robert Atkins in 1963 after reading an article in a medical journal about a new approach to treating obesity - limiting the consumption of carbohydrate foods (before that, it was believed that weight loss was only affected by reducing the calorie intake). Thirty-three-year-old Dr. Atkins became interested in this new concept not only as a cardiologist, but also as the owner of a large number of extra pounds - his weight at that time exceeded 116 kg.

    He tested the nutrition system he developed on himself, and the results were impressive - while following the diet, he lost 28 kg. The point of the diet was that you need to eat mainly protein and fatty foods, reducing carbohydrate intake to a minimum. At the same time, foods that do not contain carbohydrates can be eaten in any quantity.

    Diet rules

    Dr. Atkins' diet consists of two stages. The first stage, lasting 14 days, is called “stimulating” and is characterized by limiting carbohydrates to 20 g per day. During this period, a restructuring of metabolism occurs - due to a shortage of fuel in the form of glucose, the body switches to extracting energy from accumulated fat reserves. This process is called ketosis, it is accompanied by a drop in blood glucose levels, depletion of glycogen stores in the liver and increased production of growth hormone, which helps rejuvenate the body. Weight loss at this stage is rapid.

    It is difficult to adhere to this diet for a long time, since due to a lack of glucose in the muscles, muscle weakness and increased fatigue develop. Therefore, after two weeks, you need to move on to the next stage - finding the optimal amount of carbohydrates, the consumption of which does not cause weight gain.

    Products containing complex carbohydrates are gradually introduced into the diet - various vegetables, unsweetened fruits, cereals, unsweetened rye bread. Of course, you need to say goodbye forever to fast carbohydrates - sugar, honey, white bread, potatoes. The daily consumption of complex carbohydrates should be increased by no more than 10 g per week. You must weigh yourself every three days. While the weight decreases or remains constant, you can increase the daily dose of carbohydrates, and as soon as the weight begins to increase, the increase in the amount of carbohydrate foods in the menu must be stopped.

    In this way, the optimal number of carbohydrates is found that does not lead to obesity. For different people, it can range from 40 to 150 g per day. Let us remind you that the Atkins nutrition system allows you to eat non-carbohydrate foods - meat, fish, cheeses, eggs - in any quantity.

    To calculate the amount of carbohydrates, the doctor created a table with their content in 100 g of various foods, which makes it easy to calculate the allowed daily amount of carbohydrate foods. For example, approximately 20 g of carbohydrates are contained in 550 g of fresh cucumbers or 350 g of white cabbage.

    Permitted and prohibited products

    It’s not difficult to create a menu for 14 days yourself if you know what foods can be included in the diet for this diet. This:

    • all types of meat and poultry, including fatty ones;
    • seafood and all types of fish, including fatty fish;
    • lard;
    • vegetable oils;
    • eggs;
    • non-fat and unsweetened fermented milk products - cheese, cottage cheese, kefir - in limited quantities, since they contain carbohydrates that must be taken into account in the daily allowance.

    These products and dishes made from them should become the basis of the menu. As a supplement to them, you can select low-carbohydrate vegetables from the table so that their total amount does not exceed 20 grams per day.

    The menu for every day after a two-week period of a strict diet, in addition to the above products, may also include:

    • legumes;
    • all kinds of vegetables;
    • rye bread without sugar;
    • buckwheat, oatmeal;
    • unsweetened fruits;
    • nuts.

    The consumption of these products is strictly regulated by the permissible daily allowance of carbohydrates, which cannot be exceeded. You can calculate their allowed amount using the table of carbohydrate content in foods.

    Product nameCarbohydrates, g / 100 g
    Red caviar3
    Olive oil0
    Sunflower oil0
    Hard cheese2,9
    Cheese "Druzhba"0
    Cottage cheese 5%1,9
    Cottage cheese 9%2
    Green beans7,2
    Pumpkin seeds10,7
    Dry wine0,4
    Semi-dry wine1,5
    Kefir 1%4,1
    Milk 1%4,9
    Cream 10%4
    Sour cream 20%3
    Mayonnaise “Provencal” 67%2,6
    Light mayonnaise 30%5,2
    Squash Cavier6,4
    White cabbage5,8
    Green onion5,7
    Bulb onions9,3
    Bulgarian pepper6,3

    All other foods - sugar, honey, candy, sausages, baked goods, bananas, potatoes, rice, pasta and other carbohydrate foods are prohibited when following the Atkins diet.

    Pros of the diet

    The benefits of the Atkins diet include:

    • high efficiency- weight loss is happening at a rapid pace, usually about 5 kg in the first two weeks;
    • lack of hunger, since there are no restrictions on the consumption of protein and fatty foods, which are the most satisfying;
    • skin changes characteristic of rapid weight loss, absent or weakly expressed- there is practically no loss of turgor, new wrinkles and sagging do not appear.

    These advantages could elevate the Atkins diet to the rank of the best means for losing weight, if not for its disadvantages.

    Cons of the diet

    The Atkins diet has many disadvantages, some of which can be neutralized:

    • Despite the fact that this diet does not bother you with the feeling of hunger, the lack of sweets is poorly tolerated by those who are dependent on them, and they may even become depressed. Sweetening drinks with stevia extract, a natural sugar substitute containing 0 calories, helps smooth out this deficiency.
    • Due to the limited variety in the diet, there may be a deficiency of some vitamins and minerals, in particular vitamin C. This can be eliminated by taking vitamin-mineral complexes.
    • Due to the large amount of proteins, constipation may occur. This can be avoided if you eat cucumbers, fresh or sauerkraut in the permitted quantities every day and supplement your diet with fiber supplements.
    • Glucose deficiency is manifested by muscle weakness, increased fatigue, problems with concentration, decreased mental activity, and deterioration of mood may begin.
    • The acid-base balance in the body shifts to the acidic side; if this continues for a long time, then acidification is fraught with the development of serious diseases, including oncology.
    • Due to an increase in ketones in the urine, kidney function deteriorates and urolithiasis may develop.
    • Excess proteins can cause severe joint damage - gout, which is called meat-eaters' disease.
    • Due to unlimited consumption of animal fats, the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood may increase, which leads to the development of atherosclerosis.
    • Female fertility decreases because a product of protein processing, nitrogen, accumulates in the reproductive organs, interfering with the fertilization process.
    • Despite all the disadvantages of this diet, eating animal food is not cheap.

    Like all weight loss diets, the Atkins diet does not follow the rules of a healthy, balanced diet, which means it cannot be followed for a long time. Therefore, after its cancellation, the weight will gradually return to its previous values, as happened with the creator and promoter of this diet, Dr. Atkins.


    The Atkins diet should not be followed by people with cardiovascular diseases, kidney or joint pathologies. This nutritional system is also not applicable for pregnant and lactating women and people over 50 years of age.


    The only reliable and harmless way to lose weight is a balanced diet, the calorie content of which is lower than the body's energy needs. This can be achieved by increasing physical activity and reducing the amount of high-calorie foods, including fast carbohydrates.

    The low-carbohydrate Atkins diet with its protein menu, designed for 14 days or more, is very popular among both ordinary people and celebrities. Many people willingly share positive reviews and before and after photos, demonstrating impressive results. It's time for us to talk about this food system, which recently celebrated its fiftieth anniversary.

    The essence and nuances of the Atkins diet

    By tradition, first we will tell you about the main features of the diet in question. Below you will find important information that you need to familiarize yourself with before you start mastering a new diet. Pay special attention to existing contraindications.

    • The minimum time you need to spend on the Atkins diet to see the first results is 2 weeks. There is no maximum time limit.
    • The main principle of this system, like other protein diets, is to reduce carbohydrate consumption and “lean into” proteins. This transition helps to improve metabolism, more intense fat burning, and if you add physical activity, then faster muscle mass growth. And the energy for life will be taken from fats accumulated over the years. This process is called ketosis. And on the basis of it such popular diets as our Kremlin and world-famous Dukan nutrition system were invented.

    • The Atkins diet consists of four stages. The first is called "induction". Its task is to change metabolism and provoke the breakdown of adipose tissue. Here it is necessary to strictly follow all nutritional rules and get used to consuming a minimum amount of carbohydrates in food. This figure should be no more than 20g per day. In addition, the first phase requires plenty of fluid intake, at least 8 glasses per day, and fractional meals 4-5 times a day.

    • The second phase is called “continued weight loss.” It is needed so that you can determine your own individual daily carbohydrate intake. That is, compared to the first phase, their number will increase, but this figure should be such that the weight continues to be lost steadily and unhindered.
    • The third stage is “transitional”. It is a consolidation of the results obtained. And the fourth is “saving.” Here the name speaks for itself and, as you already understand, this phase is aimed at ensuring that you never experience excess weight again.
    • Unfortunately, it will not do without contraindications. Thus, while following the Atkins diet, there is a high probability of developing constipation and gastritis, as well as other gastrointestinal problems. In the early stages, while the body is being rebuilt, memory may also deteriorate and reactions may slow down. And due to the breakdown of fats, your mouth will smell unpleasant.

    Even celebrities resort to this diet

    Important! Of course, the most important stage, shaping the entire system, is the first stage. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a menu for 14 days with special care. And in order not to confuse anything and not to eat some “forbidden” product, it is better to prepare (or download from the Internet) a special table with a list of allowed foods and their carbohydrate content.

    Sample menu for the first stage

    Now we will show you what the approximate menu should be for the first two weeks of the diet. As for diversity, there will be no problems with it. After all, here you can find the simplest dishes for the lazy, and delicious recipes for those who like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen.

    The first day

    Morning: scrambled eggs from two eggs in butter + a thin slice of bacon + black tea.
    Snack: 300g vegetable salad of cucumbers and tomatoes.
    Dinner: half chicken breast + fried mushrooms (champignons, chanterelles, oyster mushrooms)
    Evening: trout or salmon steak, sprinkled with lemon juice.

    Low Carb Foods

    Second day

    Morning: a hearty portion of cottage cheese with milk + green tea.
    Snack: 1 grapefruit.
    Dinner: fish soup 400g without potatoes + 1 hard-boiled egg.
    Evening: 100g boiled broccoli + 2 pieces of chicken roll with herbs.

    Day three

    Morning: scrambled eggs from 2 eggs with spinach + coffee without sugar.
    Snack: 150g low-calorie yoghurt.
    Dinner: leftover chicken roll from dinner + a glass of kefir.
    Evening: salad with crab sticks and avocado + green tea.

    Day four

    Morning: pancakes with maple syrup without sugar + coffee or tea.
    Snack: hard cheese 20g + glass of milk.
    Dinner: chicken soup + 300g vegetable salad.
    Evening: peppers stuffed with lean minced meat - 2 pcs.

    Day five

    Morning: baked apples with green tea without sugar.
    Snack: half a boiled breast.
    Dinner: beef stew + 1 orange.
    Evening: Raba fried in oil with herbs.

    Day six

    Morning: 2 sausages + black tea with lemon.
    Snack: fried mushrooms.
    Dinner: cottage cheese casserole + small piece of chicken fillet.
    Evening: salad with shrimp + 150g chicken.

    Day seven

    Morning: 3 small cheesecakes with tea or coffee.
    Snack: natural low-calorie yoghurt 150g
    Dinner: chicken puree soup 300g.
    Evening: baked beef with cheese and mushrooms.

    Day eight

    Morning: 1 sausage + 1 boiled egg + tea.
    Snack: glass of fermented baked milk 200g.
    Dinner: chicken cutlets with 100g of stewed vegetables.
    Evening: fish casserole without potatoes.

    Day nine

    Morning: scrambled eggs with whites and cheese + coffee.
    Snack: 250g cucumber, tomato and leek salad.
    Dinner: lean pork chops + glass of water with lemon juice.
    Evening: fish cutlets 2 pcs + fried eggplants 80g.

    Day ten

    Morning: a glass of kefir + 1/2 apple.
    Snack: half a boiled breast.
    Dinner: white fish fried in batter + 3 lettuce leaves.
    Evening: chicken roll with herbs 2 pieces + a handful of nuts.

    Day eleven

    Morning: cottage cheese casserole 180g + a glass of lemon juice.
    Snack: a slice of dietary ham + 2 small fresh cucumbers.
    Dinner: cutlets made from lean minced meat.
    Evening: seafood salad + steamed veal.

    Day twelve

    Morning: two sausages + a glass of milk.
    Snack: one grapefruit.
    Dinner: fish soup without potatoes + 1 egg.
    Dinner: Meatballs with a minimal amount of rice.

    Day thirteen

    Morning: protein omelet + black tea with lemon.
    Snack: hard cheese 25g + a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk.
    Dinner: steamed chicken leg + 80g fried eggplant.
    Dinner: stewed trout steak + green tea.

    Day fourteen

    Morning: 3 cheesecakes + a glass of milk.
    Snack: 150g omelette with herbs.
    Dinner: julienne with mushrooms and cheese + water with lemon juice.
    Dinner: chicken chops with sour cream and cheese + a handful of walnuts.

    What's great about the Atkins diet is that it's filling. And the 14-day menu that we posted above proves this. And also before and after photos, where completely different people demonstrate truly excellent results!

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