• Rules for preparing nail baths and effective recipes. Baths that are easy to make at home: effective recipes for nails What baths to make for nails


    1. With salt: Dissolve 1 tablespoon of sea salt in 1 glass of warm water. Soak your nails in this salt nail bath for 10 minutes. Then blot your nails with a napkin and apply any rich cream.

    If you don't have sea salt, you can use table salt. Keep your nails in a bath of table salt for 10-15 minutes. Then also blot them with a napkin and lubricate them with a rich cream for hands and nails. Continued:

    2. With oil:
    You will need 0.25 cups of vegetable oil and 0.25 cups of apple cider vinegar. First heat the oil a little, then stir in the vinegar. Stir the mixture thoroughly until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained.

    Dip your fingertips into the bath until your nails are completely covered with the mixture. Keep for 10 minutes, then blot with a napkin.

    3. Nail bath with iodine and orange juice:
    To prepare such a bath you will need 2 teaspoons of table salt, 3-4 drops of iodine, 1/3 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice, 1/3 cup of water.

    Heat water, dilute salt in it, then add orange juice and iodine. Mix everything carefully until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

    Dip your fingertips into the bath so that your nails are completely immersed in the resulting mixture. Keep for 5-10 minutes. After the procedure, you need to wipe your hands and nails dry and generously lubricate them with any nourishing cream, especially your nails.

    4. Iodine-salt bath for nails:
    Heat 1 glass of water, dissolve 3 tablespoons of table salt in it, then add 1 teaspoon of 5% iodine tincture. Mix everything thoroughly.

    Dip your fingertips into the hot bath and hold for 10-15 minutes.

    5. Nail bath with oil and iodine:
    You need 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of 5% iodine tincture and 1 glass of water.

    Dilute iodine in water. Stir the oil into the solution and heat the entire resulting mixture in a water bath. Stir the mixture thoroughly until smooth.

    Place your nails in a warm bath and hold for 10-15 minutes.

    6. Bath for nails at home with oil and salt:
    Heat 1/3 cup of vegetable oil a little in a water bath and add salt. Mix the mixture thoroughly.

    Dip your fingertips into the bath and hold for 15-20 minutes, then put on cotton gloves and leave for 3 hours. After the procedure, rinse off any remaining product with warm water.

    7. Super strong nails

    - 1 teaspoon hot red pepper
    - 1 teaspoon hand cream

    Mix 1 teaspoon of hot red pepper (powder) and 1 teaspoon of any hand cream to make a paste.
    Wash off the nail polish, apply a mixture of pepper and cream on and around the nails, leave for 15 minutes.
    Wash off with soap and water, lubricate your hands with cream, apply varnish or fixative.
    Repeat after 7-10 days. Usually 2 times are enough, nails grow very quickly and become very strong.

    8. How to grow nails quickly

    To keep your nails beautiful and strong, you need to constantly take care of them. To do this, you can make nail baths, feed your nails, apply nourishing cream to your nails and hands, and so on. Now I’ll give you some useful tips for strengthening and rapid growth of nails.

    To strengthen and accelerate nail growth, you can take the following bath. It is necessary to squeeze out a tablespoon of lemon juice and add 5-7 drops of iodine to it. You need to soak your nails in this solution for 10-15 minutes. This procedure must be performed daily.

    To prevent nails from peeling and to grow quickly, iodine is applied to the nails at night. Immediately after applying iodine to the nails, they turn yellow, and in the morning they return to their normal color.

    A bath of iodine and salt helps. It is done as follows. An incomplete tablespoon of salt must be dissolved in a glass of water, and then add 5-7 drops of iodine. Nails should be dipped in this solution for 10-15 minutes. The procedure is performed daily.

    To make your nails grow faster, you can massage your nails with vitamins E and A. Vitamins are rubbed into your nails using massage movements. This procedure is performed daily before bed.

    It is very good to make a sea salt bath. A tablespoon of sea salt should be dissolved in 0.5 liters of water. You need to soak your nails in the prepared water for 15-20 minutes. After taking the bath, hands are wiped dry and lubricated with cream using massage movements. This procedure must be done within two weeks.

    You can make a nutritious herbal decoction for your nails. To prepare the decoction you will need 2 tablespoons of a mixture of St. John's wort, chamomile and burdock root. This mixture is poured with one glass of boiling water and infused. When the broth is infused, you need to dip your fingers into it. You need to do the procedure twice a week.

    9. Bath with sea salt against brittle nails

    Sea salt - 1 tbsp. spoon,
    -Warm water - 1 glass,
    -Essential oil 2-3 drops (optional: bergamot, ylang-ylang, cedar, frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, sandalwood or pine).

    I will add all the information and pictures from the VKontakte website.

    I collected everything in one post for my convenience, so as not to flip the page 100 times.

    I will be glad to see your proven recipes for nail care.

    Today, women all over the world are switching to home-based forms of care. Many people do not go to salons to make caring face masks, but prepare the compositions themselves. Women learn how to do their own hair styling, beauty treatments, manicures and pedicures. And it’s not always about saving money, although this is also important and good craftsmen charge a lot for their services. Carrying out the procedures yourself is, first of all, saving time - if you have a broken nail, you do not need to make an appointment with a specialist and go to him on the other side of the city. Home procedures are fast, economical and reliable, because manicure tools can become a source of infection if not properly processed. In this article we will talk about such an important procedure as nail baths. This is an excellent tool for strengthening and healing nail plates; if you carry out the procedure correctly and regularly, you can avoid nail extensions completely.

    Beneficial properties of nail baths

    About 10-15 years ago, artificial nails came into fashion, which became a real alternative for women, because not everyone could grow their own nails to the desired length. However, in recent years, the fashion for extended long nails has begun to fade away; today it seems tasteless and vulgar. Indeed, the modern fashion for natural and natural nails is breaking all records. Nails should be neat and well-groomed, this is the main thing. But what about ladies who have weak, thin and bending nails? Do they really need to continue gluing on rough and hard tips that are very uncomfortable to walk with? In no case! You can strengthen the nail plate with the help of special baths, which have many useful properties.

    In most cases, baths are made with special compounds that nourish the nail plate from the outside, providing a strengthening and healing effect. This allows you to deal with bendy and paper-thin nails.

    Healing baths for nails can be used after unsuccessful aggressive extensions, when the artificial coating (tips) is attached to your own nail plate. Often would-be craftsmen use simple super glue for fastening, which comes off along with your own nail; after removing the tip, a terrible sight appears before your eyes. Baths are aimed at restoring and strengthening nails after such procedures.

    Sometimes, due to a deficiency of calcium and fluoride in the body, nails may begin to split. In this case, baths will help protect the nail plate from destruction of the free edge.

    Baths are simply necessary before performing a trim manicure - warm water softens the cuticle, making it easier to remove later.

    As you know, nail growth occurs much faster in water. Nail baths can be used to enhance growth. For example, if in a couple of weeks you need to be at an important event with a beautiful natural manicure, you can speed up the growth of your nails in this way.

    Not every woman can boast of a lack of housework, which makes her hands rough and sometimes dark, especially in the area around the nails. Baths can solve this problem - you can return your hands to their former tenderness and smoothness.

    If you don’t cover your nails with varnish and want the natural beauty of your nails to be emphasized, just take a bath before going out. Nails have a porous structure, they absorb moisture and remain incredibly shiny and radiant for several hours after the procedure.

    Some women constantly experience that their nails often break. That is, even when a small length grows, a small notch appears on the side, which subsequently breaks the nail. Baths will help you correct the situation.

    Baths are very useful for nail fungus. Firstly, some active components of the liquid composition make it possible to infect fungal spores, that is, they have a therapeutic effect. Secondly, the affected nail is quite hard and tough; cutting it off without softening it with warm water is quite difficult. Thirdly, after the bath you can easily file down the thickness of the nail, visually equating it to healthy plates. It is much easier to disguise a properly treated fungal nail.

    To summarize the beneficial properties of this procedure, we can say that a nail bath is a universal and safe remedy that is useful for all women. But how to carry out the procedure correctly?

    Indeed, it is very important to know the correct technique for carrying out the procedure, otherwise excessive soaking of the nail plates can lead to their fragility.

    1. Before you begin the procedure, you need to prepare your nails for the bath. To do this, remove the old varnish (shellac, acrylic tips, gel and any other artificial coating). Under no circumstances should you cut the cuticle before the bath - the skin is not softened, so you can injure yourself.
    2. But you can give your nails the desired shape in advance - filing wet nails will be much more difficult.
    3. After this, pour warm water with the addition of medicinal compounds into the prepared clean container.
    4. Do not use excessively hot water for the bath - the skin on your fingers will swell; you can remove the excess part of the side ridges on both sides of the nail.
    5. It is optimal to keep the bath for 10-15 minutes or until the water cools.
    6. After the procedure, you need to be very careful - do not do minor work, the nails after steaming are quite soft and fragile, they can break from any minor impact. Give them half an hour, after which you can go about your business. But it is best, of course, to take baths at night.
    7. Immediately after the procedure, you can cut off the cuticle and apply nourishing cream or medicated oil to your nails and skin.

    One of the contraindications to a bath is damage to the skin. If there are cuts, wounds, abrasions, especially deep or inflamed, the procedure should be abandoned until the wound is completely healed.

    We moved on to the most interesting part - recipes that will help you restore and strengthen your nail plate.

    1. Sea water. Add three teaspoons of salt, the same amount of baking soda and a teaspoon of iodine to two glasses of warm water. This is an excellent composition for strengthening and thickening the nail plate. Regular baths according to this recipe will help you literally calcify your nail - make it harder and stronger.
    2. Oil and salt. Heat the vegetable oil to the optimal temperature, dissolve two teaspoons of salt in 100 ml of oil, dip your fingers into the mixture and hold for about 15 minutes. After this, blot your fingers with a napkin, do not apply cream, but put on cotton napkins until the morning. This is a great recipe for softening your fingers and strengthening your nails.
    3. Vitamins. This bath is necessary to restore nails after extensions. Add vitamins A, E and B12 from ampoules to a glass of water, and keep your hands in this bath for at least 20 minutes.
    4. Lemon juice and vinegar. In some cases, women need a whitening effect - when dark spots remain on their nails from food or household chemicals. You need to add a little lemon juice and vinegar to the water. This will not only clean the nail plate, but will also add a natural shine to your nails.
    5. Burdock oil, herbal decoction and iodine. Prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs - chamomile, St. John's wort and sage. Add a little burdock oil and iodine to the strained mixture, and keep your fingers in the warm liquid. This is an excellent remedy for accelerating nail growth.
    6. Blue iodine. There is a drug in the pharmacy - blue iodine, which effectively fights fungal infections. It penetrates the fungal spores, destroys them and prevents the development of the disease. It should be added to the bath - no more than a tablespoon. Apple cider vinegar also works great against fungal infections.

    Remember that you may be allergic to some unfamiliar foods, especially if you are prone to various types of reactions. After the baths, be sure to massage the skin adjacent to the nail - this will improve the nutrition of the plate and strengthen it. Do not forget about multivitamin complexes - nails should be strengthened not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

    If you have very thin and weak nails that do not grow back, you can use an excellent alternative to extensions - use shellac (gel polish). This procedure is becoming increasingly popular. Shellac is a coating that needs to be dried in a special ultraviolet lamp. The coating lasts for 2-3 weeks, it protects the nail from delamination and chipping, you will finally be able to grow your nails to the desired length. If your nails are so weak that even shellac does not stick to them, then you need to strengthen the plate with modeling gel, which has a denser and harder (after drying) structure. But it looks much more lively and natural than false nails.

    In a series of modern trends and fashion trends, do not forget about the natural beauty of your nails. To keep them strong and healthy, you need to eat right, not bite your nails, do household chores wearing protective gloves, and, of course, take strengthening baths for your nails. And then your hands will always look well-groomed and neat!

    Video: the simplest bath to strengthen nails

    Caring for your hands in general and nails in particular is not only useful, but also a pleasant process. Neat and healthy nails are a sign of well-groomed and feminine beauty. A variety of nail baths at home will help you create a beautiful, strong and natural manicure.

    A little time, attention and specific recipes can revive, strengthen or accelerate the growth of nails. But before you begin such procedures, you need to know certain rules for caring for your nails.

    Before you start practicing nail care, you need to familiarize yourself with a useful theory so as not to aggravate the situation, but to actually achieve the desired result. You should remember 5 simple rules for taking hand nail baths:

    1. Regularity is the main thing in this matter. To achieve results and, for example, strengthen the nail plate, baths for strengthening nails at home should be taken 1-2 times a week for 6-8 weeks.
    2. The water temperature should be slightly higher than body temperature, that is, 40-45 degrees.
    3. Individual approach for each specific case regarding the time of the procedure. Usually the session lasts 10-15 minutes, but if the skin of your hands is very delicate, you can reduce the procedure time to 5 minutes.
    4. For each problem there are separate bath recipes. The composition must be selected depending on what goals need to be achieved. If your nails have lost their health due to a lack of vitamins, then you need to use baths with plant extracts or citrus elements. If the problem is excessive dryness, then use baths with essential oils, etc.
    5. After each procedure, moisturizer should be applied to the nails and skin of the hands to achieve better results.

    These simple rules will help you achieve a longer lasting positive effect, and nail care will comply with the “do no harm” principle.

    Recipes for baths to strengthen nails

    Strengthening baths, especially salt recipes, are more popular. Salt perfectly fights the fragility of the nail plate, so salt baths provide a noticeable strengthening effect. Recipes for systematic care and strengthening of the nail plate:

    1. In a glass of warm water you need to dilute 1 tbsp. sea ​​salt sprinkled with 2-3 drops of essential oil, preferably lemon. Pour the solution into a bowl and dip your fingertips into the liquid for 15-20 minutes.
    2. Heat a third of a glass of water and dilute 2 tsp in it. table salt, then add a third glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and 3-4 drops of iodine, stir until smooth. You need to keep your nails in this bath for 5-10 minutes.
    3. With vegetable oil. A quarter glass of vegetable oil must be heated to 40 degrees, and then stir in the same amount of apple cider vinegar. The fingers are placed in the resulting mass for 10 minutes, after which they are soaked with a napkin.

    Course of treatment: from 6 to 12 weeks, 1-2 sessions per week.

    Remember! After each procedure, you need to generously lubricate your nails with a nourishing or moisturizing cream!

    Thus, strengthening recipes for nails do not require much effort and the use of expensive and rare ingredients. It is very easy and simple to prepare such mixtures at home.

    Baths for fast nail growth

    Many factors can influence slow nail growth, but this phenomenon can be combated with the help of baths for rapid nail growth. Here are simple but effective recipes to solve this problem:

    1. To prepare the mixture, you need to squeeze out 1 tbsp. lemon juice and add 6-7 drops of iodine to it, then dip your nails in the solution for 10-15 minutes. You need to take such baths every day for 1 month.
    2. Nourishing herbal decoction for rapid growth. Mix 2 tbsp. chamomile, St. John's wort, burdock root and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 2-3 hours, after which the broth is filtered and heated to 40 degrees. Then fingers are lowered into it for 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week for 6-8 weeks.
    3. Dissolve 3 tbsp in half a glass of warmed milk. honey and lemon juice, add 2 tbsp. table or sea salt. Dip your fingers into the solution for 20-25 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week for 2-3 months.

    Baths for nail care and growth will quickly and easily solve the problem of slow-growing nails, giving you your own natural, beautiful and long nails.

    Therapeutic baths for split nails

    Very often, due to a lack of calcium in the body, nails suffer. They become brittle and split before they have time to grow. Such nails require special nutrition rich in calcium, vitamin D and special care. Here are some effective recipes:

    1. Add 1 tbsp to 250 ml of warm water. sea ​​salt, 50 grams of liquid soap with glycerin, 5 drops of any essential oil. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until foam appears, then fingers are dipped into the mixture for 20 minutes. 2-3 sessions per week will be required. The course of treatment is at least 2 months.
    2. Pour 2 tbsp. finely ground plantain a third cup of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. After the broth has cooled, you need to strain it and add 5 drops of iodine. The procedure time is 10 minutes, 2 times a week for 4-6 weeks.
    3. Grind the celandine herb and pour in 2 tbsp. herbs with a glass of boiled water, then leave for about 1 hour. Then you need to strain the infusion, heat it to 40 degrees and add 2 tbsp. sea ​​salt. You need to keep your hands in this bath for 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment is 2 times a week for 3 months.

    The habit of biting your nails is another factor in their splitting, so you need to get rid of this habit urgently!

    Recipes for a beautiful manicure

    Proper and timely care of nails is the key to their beauty. Taking vitamins and hand baths will help make your manicure beautiful and natural:

    1. With olive oil. You need to heat 150 ml of olive oil in a water bath to 40 degrees and add a few drops of orange juice to it. Take the bath for 15-20 minutes. It will take 20-25 sessions 3 times a week.
    2. With vitamin C. Heat 150 ml of vegetable oil in a water bath and mix with 50 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Immerse your hands in the solution for 15-25 minutes. The procedure should be carried out twice a week for 3 months.
    3. On herbs. Grind 1 tbsp. herbs and 1 tbsp. mint, mix the herbs and pour 250 ml of boiling water over them. Infuse the decoction for 10 minutes, then put your hands in the infusion for 15 minutes. The course of treatment is 2 times a week for 2 months.

    Such baths will help normalize blood circulation and tone the skin around the nails at home.

    Nail baths with essential oils

    Home nail care using baths with various essential oils is very effective. The recipes for such mixtures are very simple: 2-3 drops of essential oil are mixed with base vegetable oil (avocado, wheat germ, almond, macadamia, jojoba). The type of essential oil you need to add depends on what problem you need to solve:

    • for a more transparent nail plate you need to add eucalyptus, lemon or myrrh oil;
    • to eliminate delamination and fragility, incense, pine, bergamot, patchouli, sandalwood, and cedar oils are added;
    • for shine and polishing, you need to add ylang-ylang, bergamot, lavender oil;
    • for an anti-inflammatory effect, sandalwood, rosemary, tea tree, and chamomile oils are added.

    Nail baths at home are indeed very effective, but care must be regular and correct. There is no need to exceed the time of sessions and their number, since side effects may occur due to an overdose of the main components. In addition, bath recipes need to be changed after 2-3 courses, since the body gets used to the active ingredients and they cease to have the necessary effect.

    The benefits of nail baths are as follows:

    Improving blood flow, which stimulates metabolic processes and cell regeneration;

    Restoration of the nail structure, strengthening of the plates due to the saturation of the tissue with nutrients;

    Adjustment of water-salt balance;

    Skin toning;

    Prevention and treatment of fungal infections;

    Preventing nails from splitting;

    Restoring the color and natural shine of the plates;


    Any cosmetic procedures are performed subject to restrictions. Baths are no exception. You should refrain from this treatment of fingers in the following cases:


    The presence of open wounds on the skin;

    Varicose veins;

    Infections on the skin, including viral diseases.

    During pregnancy, you should avoid foot baths. And before using any composition, it is necessary to clarify whether it contains an allergy trigger. When using any ingredient for the first time, it is recommended to conduct a preliminary test (applying a small amount of the product to the back of the hand).

    Important! The use of low-quality components for baths is not allowed. These may be spoiled products or products that have expired.

    Recipes for nail baths at home


    Sea salt baths help eliminate brittle nails. The recipe for the liquid is simple, you need to take a tbsp. a spoonful of salt and dissolve it in water, the temperature of which is 40-43°. After immersing your hands in the bowl, you should make sure that the nail plate of each finger is covered with the solution. Session time – 15-20 minutes.

    With iodine

    This type of solution helps level the plate and prevents delamination. Heat olive oil to a temperature of 35°, pour it into a bowl. Add a couple of drops of rosemary essential oil and 3 drops of iodine. After mixing the oil product, dip your fingers into it. After 20 minutes, blot them with a napkin.

    With oils

    Oil baths help strengthen the plate, level its surface, enrich it with vitamins, and balance tissue moisture. One of the recipes involves combining 100 ml of warm jojoba oil and 40 g of sea salt. The action time of the composition is 15-20 minutes.

    Herbal baths

    Medicinal plants are used both internally and externally. A warm decoction of chamomile, calendula, rosemary, sage and other herbs helps strengthen the plate, restore damaged nail structure, and enrich the skin with valuable microelements.

    From yellowness and dullness of the plate

    Mix apple cider vinegar (100 ml) and olive oil (100 ml), add lemon essential oil (3 drops). Heat the mixture in a water bath to 40°. Session duration is 10 minutes.

    For nail whitening

    In a glass of water (40°C), dissolve 10 g of sea salt and baking soda, add 30 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 4 drops of iodine. Session duration is 15 minutes.

    From fungus

    Healing plants are used to prevent and treat various diseases. One of the recipes effectively eliminates fungal spores when used in combination with traditional therapy. The bath product is prepared on the basis of dried flowers: chamomile (5 g), rosemary (10 g), St. John's wort (10 g), burdock root (5 g). All components are poured with boiling water and infused for 20-25 minutes. Session duration is 25-30 minutes.

    Skillful use of simple nail bath recipes will help the skin of your fingers maintain a healthy appearance and the nail plates to be strong and smooth. For those who are accustomed to determining age by the condition of their hands, there will be no chance of adding a couple of extra years.

    Watch the video “The best RECIPES for nail baths”

    Hand and nail care is an integral part of caring for the appearance of any self-respecting lady. After all, you see, hands can be called the calling card of every woman, and the condition of the nails not only indicates well-groomed, elegance, aristocracy, but is also considered an indicator of health.

    Deterioration of nails - splitting, discoloration, white spots and excessive brittleness can be caused by both internal and external causes. Brittleness and thinning of the nail plates often indicate malfunctions of organs and systems, or are caused by poor hand care.

    The main reasons for bad-looking nails:

    • hypovitaminosis and lack of microelements;
    • disturbance of metabolic processes, including water-salt and mineral metabolism;
    • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gout, hormonal imbalances;
    • frequent contact with chemicals, including household chemicals;
    • frequent contact with water (due to the absorption of excess moisture by the nail plates; when drying, they separate);
    • fungal infections (onychomycosis);
    • consequences of extensions (gel or acrylic coating);
    • wearing false nails;
    • the use of low-quality nail coatings, including varnishes and removers for them, containing acetone, formaldehyde, toluene and other toxic solvents and compounds.

    To normalize the condition of the nails, the first step is to eliminate the negative causes, and, if necessary, undergo a medical examination of the body and undergo appropriate laboratory tests. Dietary supplements with vitamins, calcium, magnesium and other minerals designed to maintain the beauty of the skin appendages have proven themselves well.

    All housework, even washing dishes, must be done with special gloves. And then experts advise following a number of simple recommendations for maintaining beauty, which include home procedures (baths, wraps, applying creams, using medicinal liquids and varnishes, etc.).

    It is not necessary to visit expensive beauty salons; you can organize high-quality care for your nail plates yourself. One of the most common procedures includes baths for strengthening nails, which will not take much time to perform at home, but the results will appear after 2-3 weeks of care.

    After a hard day's work, you will only need 15 minutes every day, during which your hands are immersed in medicinal solutions, while enjoying relaxation in front of the TV, communicating with family members or meditation.

    Baths for nail growth at home

    Naturally, at the first signs of deterioration in the condition of your nails, you should begin daily procedures. By immersing your nails in medicinal baths, you saturate the keratinized particles and the area adjacent to the nails with healing compounds that restore the structure.

    Nails require special care in winter and spring, when the body is depleted of ultraviolet radiation and a lack of vitamins. At the same time, other unfavorable factors also affect the nails: frost, wind, dry air in rooms equipped with a heating system.

    Baths for nail growth at home include salts, essential oils, vegetable oils, plant extracts, bee products, glycerin, fruit juices, iodine tincture, and various foods.

    During the treatment period, nails should be free of any coating, even a thin layer of medicinal varnish, since any film clogs the top layer, slows down cellular respiration and prevents beneficial compounds from seeping into the deeper layers.

    For baths, take a shallow container or 2 containers (1 for each hand). The amount of healing liquid should be such that it completely covers the nail plates along with the cuticle.

    A lasting result in the form of well-groomed nails can only be expected if the procedures are carried out regularly. A one-time bath, even with the most powerful ingredients, does not give a visible effect, since the medicinal compounds must thoroughly saturate the plates and periungual ridges, including the cuticle.

    Baths for fingernails and toenails are best done before bed. First, you should wash your limbs with mild soap, for example, baby soap, dry your hands/feet and immerse them in the medicinal solution for the required period of time.

    After the procedure, the skin is lubricated with a nourishing cream, and if necessary, cotton gloves or socks are worn so that the nutritional components continue to have a healing effect until the morning.

    Local bath salt

    A salt bath for nails will quickly restore their structure, strengthen the plates, eliminate split ends and improve color. According to reviews from experienced manicurists, sea salt is best suited for baths, both foot and hand. If it is not available, you can use a regular kitchen one (stone, coarsely ground).

    3 tablespoons of salt are dissolved in 0.3-04 liters of warm water, the fingertips are immersed in the saline solution for 15 minutes, then the hands or feet are washed with cool water and a nourishing cream for hands, feet or a mixture of vegetable oils is applied. To enhance the effect, add pharmaceutical tincture of iodine (3-5 drops) to the saline solution.

    A bath also works well to strengthen nails and prevent their delamination with salt and essential oils: eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, grapefruit, myrrh, rosemary, etc. Esters of blue chamomile, tea tree, sandalwood have an anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect. Lemon, bergamot, and juniper oil will help whiten your nails at home.

    To prepare a productive healing bath, add 3-4 drops of one or more of the listed esters to ¼ cup of sea salt, for example, 2 drops of lemon, 1 drop of grapefruit and 1 drop of rosemary oils, then the crystals are diluted in ½ liter of warm water and the tips are immersed in the medicinal composition fingers for 20 minutes.

    Oil baths for nails

    A number of vegetable oils have a beneficial effect on the nail plates. The most effective of them are: burdock, castor, olive, cocoa, coconut, almond seeds, jojoba, rose hips, sea buckthorn. These products perfectly soften the cuticle, intensively nourish and strengthen nails, activate growth processes, protect them from adverse factors and infectious agents.

    To eliminate fragility and strengthen, any of the listed oils or a mixture of them in equal proportions are heated in a water bath and the fingertips are immersed in the solution for 15 minutes. After the procedure, the remains of the oil are rubbed into the nails and skin of the hands with massaging movements. To enhance the effect, add essential oils to oil extracts at the rate of 3-4 drops for every 10 ml of base.

    It is also recommended to add fat-soluble vitamins to any vegetable oils, in particular retinol and tocopherol. For a third of a glass of oil, take 1-2 teaspoons of a vitamin solution or squeeze out the contents of 2-3 capsules, for example, Aevita. Such procedures strengthen the plates and help improve color.

    Baths with a mixture of oils and honey work well. In a steam bath, melt 1 tablespoon each of cocoa butter, coconut and polyfloral candied honey. The nails are kept in the warm mixture for a quarter of an hour, then the cuticle is massaged for 5 minutes, washed off with a warm chamomile decoction and a nourishing cream is applied.

    An oil-lemon bath has a universal effect on your fingertips. To prepare it, heat 3 tablespoons of corn, sunflower or any other vegetable oil, dilute the juice squeezed from half a lemon in it, and leave the nail plates for about 20 minutes. After the procedure, rub the remaining product into your hands, put on cotton gloves and go for a night's rest.

    Other therapeutic baths for nails

    Freshly squeezed grapefruit juice (100 ml) in combination with ammonia (50 ml) and pharmaceutical glycerin (50 ml) is an ideal remedy for whitening and eliminating brittle nails. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and heated in a water bath. The procedure time is 10-15 minutes.

    A decoction of celery root helps strengthen and whiten nails. 1 peeled root vegetable is boiled in a liter of water for half an hour. The resulting liquid is cooled to a temperature of 40°C and used for baths.

    Apple cider vinegar is also indispensable in nail care. It is combined with vegetable oils (1:1), heated to room temperature and used for baths.

    By systematically performing therapeutic nail baths, you can qualitatively improve their condition, without spending money on expensive salon procedures. In addition, experienced specialists advise, at every opportunity, to wipe the nail plates with a slice of lemon, which, as a rule, is present in any refrigerator. Beauty is at your fingertips at any age!

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