• Lunar and solar products table. How to choose a diet according to the Moon in the Zodiac sign? Why some foods can be harmful



    By far the most important and most unique not only of lunar products, but also of food products in general. Milk is not so much a biochemical as an energy food product, which, according to the Vedas, has no analogues in the entire universe. It helps to develop the subtle tissues of the brain and thus comprehend the absolute truth. The Vedas call milk liquid prema, or love. That is why the cow is considered a sacred animal and one of the 7 mothers of man, because she selflessly serves him by giving milk.

    From various spiritual traditions we know that many saints ate mainly milk and bread, and some only milk alone. Since Vedic times, there has been a fast on milk alone, following which a person can raise his consciousness and gain the rarest blessings. This fast is still observed by couples in the East to get a pious and spiritually elevated child. There are many cases in history when a couple, already at an advanced age and without children, conceived a holy child after such a fast. And nowadays, many couples follow this post to solve the problem of infertility and find long-awaited offspring.

    As described above, the Moon imparts the power of femininity, tenderness and fertility, and milk contains the most concentrated power of the Moon. By consuming lunar products, especially milk, a woman accumulates these qualities in herself, which means she becomes able to give good offspring. Many modern women note the amazing effect of dairy products - after their active consumption, a long-awaited pregnancy often occurs!

    To prevent milk from turning into mucus, it is very important to drink it correctly. You can drink fresh milk almost at any time, but do not mix it with main meals, and observe the compatibility of the products. Otherwise, milk, as a lunar product, can and should be consumed in the dark, from 7 pm to 7 am. And it’s better to drink it hot, slightly sweetened and with spices that suit you, to facilitate and speed up its absorption. During the day, milk is practically not digested.

    In the evening, spices you can add are ginger, black pepper (especially for those who are prone to mucus accumulation and often get sick), turmeric, nutmeg, fennel, saffron, cardamom, anise, ground cumin.
    In the morning, the same thing will do, but you can also add more cinnamon - this will give you energy! Each of the spices itself has healing properties and has a very beneficial effect not only on health, but also on character.

    Ginger and pepper are suitable for people with weak digestion and poor digestibility of dairy products; turmeric purifies the blood and contains iron and plant estrogen; nutmeg, anise and cumin will give you a sound, restful sleep if you suffer from insomnia; fennel is indispensable for coughs and bronchopulmonary diseases; green cardamom restores the balance of all doshas, ​​and saffron is almost the best cardiac and rejuvenating remedy (it is enough to add 2-3 stamens per glass)

    If you do not digest dairy products well, then you need to start consuming them with very small doses. One tablespoon per day (at night) is enough, and then you should look at the reaction. Gradually, the body can be accustomed to milk, the main thing is that in the morning there is no white coating on your tongue. If you find plaque, reduce the dose of milk. It should also be noted that vegetarians digest milk much easier, because... their body is free of toxins and waste products resulting from eating meat. In addition, eating meat neutralizes the beneficial lunar influence of milk and other lunar products.

    It is better not to overuse cold dairy products. And fermented milk can be consumed from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Used later, they will oxidize the body, which is not at all conducive to health and rejuvenation. On the contrary, excessive oxidation of tissue leads to the formation of free radicals and premature aging. Properly consumed dairy products can not only prolong youth and the reproductive period, but fill them with vital energy, the charm of femininity and the power of mind)))

    Dairy/fermented milk products also have different effects, selectively aimed at various systems and organs of our body:

    Milk - reproductive and nervous systems, brain, mind
    Buttermilk, whey - lymph, immune system
    Sour cream, cream - hormonal system
    Ryazhenka - ligaments and tendons, smooth muscles
    Kefir - enzymatic and digestive systems
    Cottage cheese - bone tissue, hair, nails, teeth
    Hard cheese - muscle tissue

    It is best to use perishable, unpasteurized dairy/fermented milk products that have not been treated with chemicals and radiation - the so-called “peaceful atom” that most yoghurts are treated with. Powdered milk, if it is real, also carries lunar beneficial energy. Ayurveda recommends adding a little milk (powdered if possible) to all dishes to give them the quality of goodness.

    I think there is no need to talk much about the cosmetic use of milk and dairy products. Everyone knows the famous milk baths of Cleopatra and Josephine, as well as yogurt masks, which beauties of all times made to whiten the skin and give it freshness. In modern conditions it is difficult to indulge in milk luxury too often, but on the Full Moon any woman can feel like Cleopatra by pampering herself with a milk bath!

    Cleopatra's bath:

    Bring 1.5-2 liters of full-fat milk (ideally homemade, country milk) to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Pour about half a glass of milk into a cup, pour the rest of the milk into a bathtub filled with warm water (approx. 37 C). Add 2 tbsp to a cup of milk. honey and 2 tbsp. almond oil, stir and pour into the milk bath. Bathe yourself with admiration, judgment and praise for all parts of the body. Finish with a cool shower.

    I, as a Vedic astrologer, will draw up an individual natal chart and suggest effective rituals for attracting wealth into your life.

    Healthy eating

    You can forget about diets forever and eat whatever you want, listen with a smile about them and the miracle pills for all diseases, if you look at the Chinese lunar-solar calendar.

    A person eats every day and more than once. Using food as a tool to achieve harmony in your life is the simplest and most beneficial way. When you create a diet according to the rules of Feng Shui, you will not need to think about diets - your body will restore its weight itself, regulate all processes in the body, and cleanse itself of toxins. The accumulation of toxins in the body causes diseases, deterioration of the thought process and, as a result, failures in life, so it is necessary to periodically cleanse the body. Don’t think that complete cleansing will happen in a month or two. Our body will have to work hard to free itself from the heaps of waste: candy, potatoes with meat, cheeseburgers and chips, because you have so carefully collected “your riches” for so many years. It will take exactly a year to completely cleanse the body - then you will forever forget where the first aid kit lives and what the pill looks like.

    You can easily improve your health, emotions, body energy, level of intelligence, consciousness, if you adhere to the principle: healthy eating according to the lunar calendar, or more precisely, knowing about the properties of the elements - the taste and color of products.

    If there is a strong desire to eat or drink something, it means that the body lacks some chemical elements and substances, this indicates a deficiency of energies of a certain element. You need to satisfy your desire with a small amount of food of a given taste. If you can’t, but really want to, then it’s possible, sometimes even vital. You just need to remember what lunar day it happened and how the body reacted. Abuse of products of one element leads to psychological discomfort and diseases.

    The Chinese calendar divides the lunar stations into 3 parts - decades. In them, each element rules over 2 lunar days of the Western calendar.

    Tastes and elements

    Sweet taste - the taste of the Earth's energy

    When there are sweets

    The desire for sweets means the need to replenish the Earth's energy. Energy, which gives greater stability in life, helps to strengthen oneself in something. Sweet taste helps you become more relaxed, open to contacts and communication. Be more patient, collected, act quickly and at the right time. Necessary for increasing the amount of blood, muscle tissue and bone marrow, good condition of the eyes and hair, and promotes bone healing during fractures. Gives vital energy and strengthens the body, sharpens all 5 senses. But if you eat sweets without restrictions, then a feeling of anxiety and increased fears arise. An extra 0.5 kg of candy can disorient you and push you to take the wrong actions. Excess sweets lead to an increase in the amount of fat, foamy substances in the intestines and putrefactive bacteria. It is better to consume fruit juices, honey, fruits or unrefined sugar.

    Chang-e - the mythical inhabitant of the Moon says that there is a sweet taste in years ending in 5, 6, in the 10th lunar month; in years ending in 1, 2, 3, 4, in the 8th lunar month on 2, 8, 12, 18, 22, 28 lunar days will not cause harm.

    The sweet taste is especially needed by the body and is well absorbed.

    Sour taste - the taste of the element Wood

    Products with sour taste

    Taste stimulates human activity and helps to be more collected and patient, to digest food in the stomach. Promotes the removal of unprocessed food and toxins from the intestines.

    Abuse of acidic foods causes thinness, wrinkles, joints and vision suffer, and decreased potency and semen quantity. All fermented foods have a sour taste. The sour taste is useful and especially needed by the body in years ending with 1, in the 10th month; in years ending in 7, in the 2nd, 8th, 12th months on the 4th, 8th, 14th, 18th, 24th, 28th lunar day.

    Spicy taste - the taste of the elements Metal

    When can you eat spicy foods?

    Thanks to the pungent taste, bile, mucus, and a small amount of fat are removed from the body. The pungent taste helps digest food.

    Abuse causes pain in the muscles of the arms and legs, loose bones, and dry mouth. Due to the pungent taste, black bile accumulates in the body, which makes a person become suspicious, irritable, and melancholic.

    Acute is useful: in years ending in 3, in the 2nd, 6th, 10th months, in years ending in 7, in the 8th month on 2, 6, 12, 16, 22, 26 lunar days.

    Salty taste is the taste of the element Water

    Is it possible to eat pickles?

    Improved mood is associated with the action of the element Water. Its energy helps to open blockages in various organs and remove excess bile.

    Abuse of salty foods is the cause of numerous blockages, tumors in the body, scabies, rashes, dermatitis, skin rashes.

    Useful: in years ending in 5, in the 4th, 10th months, in years ending in 9, in 2, 6, 12th months on 2, 6, 12, 16, 22, 26 lunar days

    Bitter taste - the taste of the element Fire

    Bitter Tasting Products

    The taste of the element Fire improves cleansing of the stomach, intestines, and digestion of food. Removes excess bile and lymph. If you love coffee and smoke a lot, then your blood vessels become brittle and fragile. You will suffer from cramps, dizziness, headaches, and dry lips. The person becomes aggressive.

    But the bitter taste will not cause harm in years ending in the 9th, 6th, 10th months; in years ending in 3, in 2, 8, 12 months on 6, 10, 16, 20, 26, 30 lunar days.

    Interaction of tastes

    Chefs make the best use of the interactions of the elements. They clearly know that:

    • sour enhances bitter. Bitter - sweet. Sweet - spicy. Spicy - salty. Salty - bitter;
    • destroys: sour - salty. Salty - spicy. Spicy - sweet. Sweet - bitter. Bitter - sour;
    • Each organ requires its own taste. The heart is bitter. Liver - sour. Kidneys - salty. Lungs - acute. Spleen, pancreas - sweetish.

    Periodic fasting is necessary for the body, especially during responsible, stressful work, when active brain function is required to make important decisions. It is necessary to limit the consumption of fatty foods and animal proteins.

    Our wise ancestors always sang at the festive table, this is very useful, because... enhances digestion. Singing excites the energies of the element Wood, which unites all the elements and begins a new cycle.

    Eat right - eat everything that grows and moves on Earth! Then the Wheel of Fortune will not stop for you!

    Vedic astrology jyotish in its predictions operates with such a concept as upaya - this is a method of harmonizing the planets. According to this method, certain foods enhance the influence of the planets, depending on the day of the week.

    What is upaya?

    As already mentioned, upaya¹ is the tools and methods of harmonizing the planets in the horoscope. There are several types of upai. It could be:

    • fasting on certain days
    • reading mantras,
    • wearing precious stones,
    • charity,
    • wearing clothes of a certain color,
    • eating certain foods,
    • carrying out rituals, etc.

    How do foods enhance the influence of planets?

    All foods, according to their properties and effects on the human body, can be correlated with specific planets, although some of them may partially correspond to more than one planet. Certain foods enhance the positive qualities of planets if consumed on the day of the week ruled by the planet they correspond to.

    Monday is the day of the moon. What foods enhance the influence of the Moon?

    • Aquatic plants: Rice and other aquatic plants, especially those that bloom at night.
    • Juicy, soft or oily plants: for example, melon, coconut, cucumbers, corn.
    • Stewed or steamed vegetables (the only dish that does not make you gain weight if you eat it at night), and in general all stewed and steamed foods.
    • Dairy products. To strengthen and harmonize the Moon, it is good to drink after 18:00 or immediately before bed a glass of warm milk with spices (with cardamom and fennel, and if you have restless sleep, it is useful to add grated nutmeg). You can add a spoonful of honey to it for taste.
    • Herbs and spices: nutmeg, fennel, mint, lemon balm.
    • Chilled products.
    • Any other dairy products.
    • Olive oil.
    • Melon (it is better not to mix it with anything, as it is a good cleanser for the digestive tract).
    • Coconut (for coconut milk, same recommendation as for melon).
    • Almond.
    • Tea made from the following herbs: chamomile, mint (men should not drink it in large quantities, otherwise it reduces potency), any other soothing and relaxing herbs
    • Ordinary water (it is also called the drink of the sages, and cold water drunk in the morning on an empty stomach is also called the most natural and easiest way).

    Tuesday - day of Mars. What foods enhance the influence of Mars?

    • Spicy: pepper, garlic, mustard. Spicy seasonings and any other exciting, stimulating food.
    • Protein-rich: grains and legumes. Grains, legumes, and other heavy foods rich in protein, red lentils are very good.
    • Prickly and stinging plants: nettle. It contains a lot of vitamins, but it is contraindicated for those with varicose veins or thrombophlebitis, as it thickens the blood.
    • Stimulating and stimulating foods: coffee, tea,
    • Vegetables are red.


    All this food enhances rajasic (passion) and is primarily suitable for those who want to get rid of tamas (ignorance). Be careful not to overdo it, especially with spicy seasonings - it’s better to find out how much they really suit you from a Vedic astrologer or Ayurvedic doctor.

    Wednesday - day of Mercury.What foods enhance the influence of Mercury?

    • All products are green,
    • Basil, sage, thyme, chamomile, eucalyptus, mint, spinach,
    • Avocados, greens and all green vegetables and fruits.
    • Small and wild plants: okra.
    • Roots: carrots, parsnips.
    • Fruits and vegetables obtained by grafting or hybridization: nectarines, Romanesco cabbage, pluot, joshta, broccolini, nashi, yuzu, etc.
    • Tangelo fruit.

    Thursday is Jupiter day.Jupiter?

    • Fatty but clean food.
    • Butter or ghee.
    • Cream.
    • Pumpkin.
    • Naturally sweet food.
    • Berries.
    • Fruit juices.
    • Sugar cane.
    • Dates.
    • Olive oil.
    • Peppermint and curly (green) mint.

    Friday is Venus day.What products enhance the effect?Venus?

    • Sweet and sour fruits and berries: pomegranate, gooseberries, grapes.
    • Sweet and sour fruit juices.
    • Sweet refined substances: refined sugar, candy, caramel.
    • Bread and other flour products (best from 11:00 to 14:00).
    • Oriental spices with a mild taste (not hot or bitter).


    You can eat sweets in any quantity and not gain weight, but rather become more attractive and cheerful if you do it at the right time of day. Namely: until 11:00.

    Saturday is the lord of the day, Saturn.What products enhance the effect?Saturn?

    • Heavy, coarse and difficult to digest foods: legumes, peanuts.
    • Dark-colored foods: eggplants, plums, prunes, black sesame.
    • Old or dry: dried, black bread crackers, pickled, pickled or otherwise preserved products.
    • Any plants that grow in ascetic conditions.
    • Bitters: Most spices and herbs.
    • Foreign products.
    • Salt and vinegar.
    • Triphala.

    Sunday is the Day of the Sun.What products enhance the effect?The sun?

    • Bright red, yellow or orange
    • Grain (this is why it is better to eat grain food at lunch and not at night; its digestion requires the energy of the Sun, and it is especially strong during the day and not at night).
    • Oranges.
    • Almond.
    • All types of peppers (and other spicy foods).
    • Herbs (tea and seasonings): cardamom, Indian herb ajwain, chamomile, lavender, rosemary, saffron, medicinal and aromatic herbs, nutmeg.

    In the harmonious diet of the Slavs, herbs and products were used and used only wisely, and there are solar ones, which fill you with strength, there are lunar ones, i.e. which give you purification and deliverance from something, and there are plants and products that combine both lunar and solar forces, or “triglavs”, “triglas”

    Lunar Herbs and Products(power of purification, new peace)

    Peak flowering: May-June and August-September.

    They can be recognized by color: the flower (this is the head of the plant, reflects its soul): green, white, blue, blue, cold purple. They bloom in the morning before 11 o'clock or in the evening after 6. They are collected at this time. Often - with morning dew. If from very serious diseases, for example, cancer (a disease of extreme cold), then on evening dew.

    Dry them only in the shade, not on the stove. Consume within one year (they are afraid of dampness): infusion, tincture (vodka: this is not alcohol!)

    Luna products are afraid of boiling. Taste - sour or astringent (yarrow, oregano, loach, mouse pea). Root vegetables, rice, oats. They require a lot of watering and love shade. Use at the correct time - after September 22. Then they are eaten more than other foods. The main thing is that they clean. Eating too much can be bad. Imbalance in the body.

    Solar herbs and products(filling power, manifest peace)

    Contain a lot of heat, heat, often dry. The main strength is flowers and fruits. Although there may be leaves. Flowering - July-August. Method of preparation: decoction, broth, broth, sbitni. Collect - from 12 to 5 o'clock. Products are sweetish, sweet. Plants (flowers) - yellow, orange, red, pink. They grow well on the south and east side of the house, they love a lot of sun. They fill with the power of the Sun.

    St. John's wort, immortelle, valerian, mustard, elecampane, sweet clover, clover, cinquefoil, rye, wheat, almost all fruit trees (except plum), tomato, pepper, melons.

    Plants of Triglav

    (balance, rightful world)

    These plants grow equally well in both warm and cool conditions and ripen from April to autumn. Taste: tasteless or bitter. Double color (double power: Moon and Sun), or different colors.

    Chamomile, sunflower, pansy, buckwheat. Spices: onion, garlic, dill, parsley, plantain, kupavka, wormwood. Type of preparation - any.

    1. Solar ones mix only with solar ones, lunar ones - only with lunar ones.

    2. Solar and lunar plants can only mix with each other with the help of Triglav. In order to make drink (food), you need to take all three types of plants in a one to one ratio. Exceptions are only for the king of the plant kingdom (St. John's wort: solar) and the queen (oregano: lunar). They can mix without triglaviii

    Healer Arina Nikitina.

    The lunar diet is based on the changing phases of the moon, which are believed to have an effect on our body. As you know, a person consists of 70-80% water; astrologers are sure that the Moon, by controlling the ebb and flow of the oceans, also affects the human body.

    The essence

    The desire to stay slim and eating according to the lunar calendar is the most comfortable combination. The person does not involve himself:

    • In risky experiments on health;
    • A completely unnecessary expense.

    After all, nature has long solved the human problem of rational nutrition. Observations of the Moon, intertwined with legends, tell us a simple algorithm for choosing products and a reasonable regime of cleansing, physical activity and relaxation. This is nutrition according to the lunar calendar for every day.

    Days of bread, milk and meat

    1. Nutrition days;
    2. Days of cleansing.

    The first, in turn, are divided into days when animal food is mandatory, and days when its consumption weakens the body’s immunity, affecting the subtle bodies of a person. On the third and twenty-fourth lunar days, the symbols of which are respectively the Leopard (speed and pressure) and the Bear (strength and power), it is simply necessary to eat meat, poultry, and dairy products. They help build the body by participating in the synthesis of collagen, which is so necessary for the heart muscles, skin and nails. On other days, no matter how many eggs, cottage cheese or meat dishes a person eats, his physical body will not become stronger. All efforts will be spent on processing material that is useless at this time, and even your nails will remain brittle. The lunar diet does not limit a person on the physical plane, and is very demanding on order on the subtle plane.

    Dairy products and nuts are considered astral foods

    A person's ability to control his emotions depends on the integrity of his astral body. It is impossible to unbalance and destroy someone who is in harmony with his feelings. Somehow, it is dairy products that strengthen the astral plane; it is not for nothing that in India, the land of yogis, cows are revered this way. The diet according to the lunar calendar devotes only two days to milk: the fifth and twenty-third, when milk and cottage cheese are simply necessary. And if the favorable fifth day (of the Unicorn) activates the process of alchemical processing of dairy food into astral energy, then the twenty-third, with its unfavorable tendencies, threatens the astral body with complete exhaustion. This is when you can put the dough and bake cheesecakes with cottage cheese - a symbol of our Ego (Sun). All the calories will be swallowed by the Crocodile, the sacred Hero of this day. Fairy tale? So we'll see.

    Dreams of slimness and the smell of fresh bread

    “Food separately - pleasure separately” is a rather primitive approach to losing weight, just like eating without bread. The lunar diet for weight loss, with its gastronomic diversity, really devotes only two to three days to bread. Only in the mystery of the 13th lunar day, a hot crispy crust is not so much calories as the quintessence of painstaking work, through which a person can participate in the turn of the Cosmos in the direction of Good - salting. You can lose weight before your vacation without bread, but systematically violating the recommendations of the 13th lunar day, when all living things cross the symbolic threshold between death and rebirth, would be unreasonable. At this time, thanks to enhanced intestinal peristalsis, Qi energy is easily included in the processes of cleansing and renewing the blood, transforming the power of grain into the energy of an evolutionary leap.

    Willful self-restraint can result in weakness and stupidity

    Cereals, as mood conductors, regulate the balance of male and female energy in the Man-Environment flow. Wheat flour saturates baked goods with YANG energy (hot, dry, gravitational), leveling human energy on cold, damp, frosty days. And rye, oatmeal, and corn bread are Yin foods, cooling, and in the cold season exacerbating the unconscious desire to warm up with high-calorie foods. In summer, such bread is simply necessary. Of course, on certain lunar days: 13, 22 and 29, of which only the twenty-second day is initially harmonious, although it is considered a turning point (Ekadashi day). Its symbols: the Elephant, which consumes a lot of plant food, and the Scroll with the Golden Key as the personification of book wisdom. The only day of the lunar month on which flour and sweet foods are strongly recommended.

    “When people bake bread, demons run away to the mountains”

    If the thirteenth is evolutionarily critical, then the twenty-ninth is simply a satanic (Hydra, Octopus) lunar day. The house should smell like bread and pancakes. The waning moon diet is part of a ritual of protection against rampant evil spirits, which are destined to disappear with the appearance of the new moon. Refusal of food is a contraindication for 3, 9, 15, 19, 23, 24, 26 and 29 lunar days, when such asceticism causes more harm than good. This warning does not apply to therapeutic fasting for more than seven days, during which the body switches to endogenous (internal) nutrition.

    The lunar diet is not so strict, it only outlines trends. Effectively managing your own weight is as simple as managing the formula: “You can’t starve, don’t eat” based on our tables:

    Table 1 “STARVING. You can't eat"

    DayMain SymbolAdditional SymbolColoring and tasks of the dayPreferencesTolerances
    Hecate Day
    Creation of mental images.
    Beginning of 2-day fast
    2 Cornucopia.
    Hecate Day
    The degree of purification corresponds to the expected abundance.
    Shank-prokshalanaNo hunger
    day of silence
    RodRose of Wind.
    Don't talk too much
    You can starveCleansing the stomach and intestines.
    Don't eat eggs or chicken
    day of silence
    Receiving a hidden name
    Total dry fasting changes the worldThe presence of open fire is required: lamps, candles, fireplace
    family nest
    Genealogy studies will point to your purpose.
    Strengthening family and traditions.
    A successful start to a multi-day fastSteam baths
    powerful turning point
    Labyrinth with the Minotaur.
    Ekadashi Day
    Fire swordYou can remake yourself - turn Matter towards the Light.
    Ability to complete.
    Do not fall for dirty provocations in the astral plane.
    A successful start to a multi-day fast.
    Lots of water and juices
    17 Bunch of grapesBellJoy.
    Mysteries of Shakti.
    Uncontrollable energies.
    Weakening of the kidneys.
    Sleeping a lot is not recommended.
    Feasts without alcohol
    It’s better to fast and cleanse your intestines.
    Sauna combined with rejuvenating treatments
    Prefer plant foods to meat foods
    18 is unfavorable.
    Day of Silence
    Weakening of the kidneys.
    oil (it is better to rub in)
    Victory over yourselfIdeals.
    Practice of growth
    25 TurtleTwo vessels - living water and dead water.
    Clear Awareness suggests a way out of old problems.
    Activation of Sidhi - higher psychic powers: everything works out the first time, on impulse
    Therapeutic fasting
    26 unfavorableToadWise
    False wisdom.
    Don't talk too much
    FastDon't eat animal food
    27 TridentNeptune.
    Round table
    Collective wara.
    28 Lotus
    Hecate Day
    Awareness and correction of karmic mistakes by hunger
    Juice hunger

    Table 2 “You can’t go hungry. EAT"

    DayBasic symbolAdditional characterColoring and tasks of the dayRecommendationsTolerances
    3 LeopardWeaponActive.
    Speed ​​and pressure.
    Suddenness and speed of reaction.
    Useful for sharpening knives
    All foods that help build the body: meat, milk, poultry, eggs, liverSauna
    4 Tree of Understanding Good and EvilAdam's applePassivity.
    AllDon't eat animal food
    5 Unicorn
    Showing emotions
    Transformation of the subtle body from food energy.
    Homemade baked goods fill you with goodness
    Milk, cottage cheese.
    Follow your tastes and preferences when it comes to food.
    Get full, but don't overeat
    You can't go hungry.
    Don't eat animal food
    Working with odors.
    Cleaning activities are not recommended
    Eliminate dairy products.
    Light favorite food
    A small feast without alcohol
    BatMilky WayAstral dirt.
    Satanic filth is being introduced.
    Mental imbalance.
    Spiritual resistance to negativity - resetting karmic programs.
    Controlling emotions neutralizes damage.
    Don't look in the mirror.
    Repayment of debts.
    Best for steam bath.
    Cleansing with food.
    Danger of intoxication, poisoning
    You don't have to go hungry, but don't overeat.
    Don't eat animal food
    12 BowlHeartPure prana.
    Cosmic love.
    Cleansing the bronchi.
    Dehydration is deadly.
    There is a lot of water.
    All juices except apple juice as a symbol of enrichment.
    Everything that builds the body.
    The stomach can and should digest food quickly.
    Less rough food.
    Wheel with Swastika inside, saltedSpinning wheel.
    Clean energy for generations.
    Correction of the past through the scrupulous implementation of personal plans.
    Teaching about the path.
    Working with thread
    Nuts, pickles.
    It's good to bake bread.
    Load the stomach
    Limit sweets and bitters.
    Less water (internal fermentation processes must be activated)
    14 PipeManipuraCleansing.
    A brilliant start.
    An end-to-end perspective opens up.
    Almonds, salted.
    Bitter and sweet are not allowed
    Full moon
    JackalAstral battles.
    Carnal temptations.
    Correction of the pancreas.
    Protection of the astral plane from destruction by asceticism.
    You can do stupid things out of instinct.
    meditation - Emptiness.
    Fasting is a Warrior's weapon.
    Lunar energies connect to the energies of food and strengthen it + and its -
    Hot spicy or lean food.
    Barley and legumes.
    Viburnum tames instincts and strengthens memory.
    You can't eat apples.
    Don't eat animal food.
    ButterflyStairway to Heaven.
    Blood purification procedures
    Moderation in foodDon't eat animal food
    Single creator.
    Avoid annoying ideas and people.
    Postpone response to cooperation proposal until another day
    Simple food.
    Round vegetables
    21 HorseChariotActive.
    Voluntary sacrifice.
    Revolutionary perestroika.
    Colon and rectal cleansingSimple food.
    Round vegetables
    22 Elephant
    Ekadashi Day
    Golden Key.
    Discovery day.
    Secret knowledge.
    Life force flows with delicious food
    Lots of plant foods.
    The only day when sweets and starchy foods are mandatory
    Milk, cottage cheese, nuts.
    Don't eat animal food
    Center of Dynamics in the lunar calendar
    Using sexual energy improves health and improves the spirit.
    Men's Energy Day
    Load the stomach.
    Less liquid
    Not to starve
    Hecate Day
    Openness to energetic negativity.
    Cut off false connections. Active protection
    bake pies and pancakes at homeDon't eat animal food.
    golden swan Cleansing.
    Harmonious celebration
    LightDon't eat animal food

    The accuracy of the choice is proportional to the amount of information collected and taken into account

    Each table contains preferences and tolerances, sometimes contradictory. The final choice depends on your mood and personal plans. Additionally displayed:

    • Measures to cleanse the body.
    • Symbols of lunar days, explaining the essence of phenomena and hidden motives of personal behavior.

    If the lunar day is marked as critical, this means a turning point, the possibility of choosing between ascending to a new level of evolution and getting stuck in old habits, in an old circle of circumstances. Light ones provide a person with the opportunity to rise above himself, while unfavorable ones indicate the danger of degradation. The coloring and tasks of the day can prompt you to make the right choice. On magical days, every little thing affects the balance of power.

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