• Report on the topic "military sports education of students." Fostering a love of sports in preschool children Development and education in sports


    The main forms of moral education are: lesson, lecture, conversation, debate, sports films, reading conferences, stories, competitions, etc. Lectures are designed to contribute to the formation of moral feelings and concepts of schoolchildren, to reveal the basic concepts of sports ethics in an accessible and entertaining form, to contribute to the education of engaged in feelings of pride in Russian sports and Russian athletes. Approximate topics of lectures: “Young athlete - a role model”, “Alexander Karelin - the pride of national sports”. Lectures are more successful if the students are of the same age.

    Conversation is a widespread form of moral education, which allows you to include students in it, ask questions, listen to opinions, present facts, prove your convictions - this form leaves a deep impression and mark on the soul and consciousness of young athletes. Approximate topics: “Ethics of a young athlete”, “On the will and courage of Russian athletes”, “On sports honor”.

    Disputes, being an active form of moral education, allow the formation of moral concepts and beliefs and create a good basis for cultivating confidence, independence in judgments, assessments, and adherence to principles. Participation in disputes of famous athletes and coaches increases the effectiveness of its educational impact. It is important to clearly think through the content and course of the dispute, determine the nature of the issues being discussed, and arm yourself with facts and examples worthy of imitation. Sample topics: “Does sport help with studies?”, “The place of sport in the formation of an active life position,” etc.

    Sports films, books about sports followed by discussion, during which schoolchildren express their opinions with passion and interest, defend and defend their point of view, are a useful form of moral education. They help clarify the moral concepts necessary in life and enrich moral experience.

    A reading conference is an interesting form of moral education for older schoolchildren. It is usually devoted to general issues of moral education and ethical issues, for example: “Athletes in literature and life,” etc.

    Meetings with masters of sports, outstanding sports figures who can talk interestingly and captivatingly about preparation for and participation in major domestic and international competitions, communication with highly qualified foreign athletes and coaches, give interesting examples and facts that compare the views of Russian and foreign athletes on many aspects of life are of great interest to schoolchildren.

    Competitions are a specific form of moral education of the younger generation. This specificity is determined by the fact that competitions are a form of sports activity. To compete means to compete with other people to achieve a certain result. The main principle of competition between Russian athletes is the principle of justice and fair sports competition. In team competitions, the dependence of the success of the team on the success of each individual is clearly evident. This dependence is easily recognized, which leads to the formation of positive moral experience. The specifically set goal, the significance of the tasks assigned to the athlete, the focus on the manifestation of leading moral and volitional qualities are important conditions that determine the effectiveness of this form of moral education. The competition rules place the athlete in strictly defined conditions of sports competition with an opponent. They require not only discipline, honesty, self-control, but also respect for the opponent, judges, spectators, and the ability to show strength of character in the fight for the prestige of the team. Therefore, at competitions, special attention is paid to the behavior of athletes, their relationships with each other, with the coach, etc.

    Specific forms of moral education of schoolchildren are all forms of organizing physical exercise classes: clubs, sections, morning gymnastics. The formation of high moral qualities of the personality of students is facilitated by such forms of sports and mass activities in which the schoolchildren themselves act not only as participants, but also as their organizers. Here, many general pedagogical methods are used (beliefs, incentives, training, encouragement, censure, etc.), as well as those specific factors and ways of interaction on the formation of personality, which are represented by physical culture and sports. When forming rational principles of behavior in the process of physical education, conversations on ethical topics, explanations and other ways of moral education play an important role. Directly during physical exercise, the specifics of this process oblige us to look for especially capacious and concise forms of educational influence in words. But no matter how perfect they are, it is impossible to fully solve the problems of moral education only within the framework of physical exercises themselves. Conversations and debates on ethical topics, a detailed analysis of past or sports training sessions and competitions with an assessment of the ethical situations that arose in them, other special forms of moral education should form integral parts of the system of educational work of a physical education specialist.

    Physical education and sports activities provide the desired educational effect under conditions of pedagogically targeted guidance. In providing it, a physical education specialist also uses such ways as education through a moral example, through exercises - accustoming to ethically justified standards of behavior and through a system of regulated ethical relationships in the process of physical education and sports activities.

    Physical education has great potential for developing strong ethical standards and behavioral skills through exercise and training. In the gap between word and deed, between moral commandments and their real implementation, lies one of the common reasons for the lack of effectiveness of education. The specificity of physical education and sports activities is such that it inevitably confronts those involved with the need to constantly and firmly observe practical behavioral norms, and, consequently, develop appropriate behavioral traits (strictly adhere to the established regime of gymnastics and general routine of life, rules of behavior in classes, rules of competitions and etc.). It is essential that the acquired skills and norms of behavior undergo a rigorous test in the process of physical education and especially sports activities in conditions of complicated interpersonal relationships. Thus, in intense, emotionally charged situations of sports competitions, both behavioral skills and associated personality traits are revealed and tested for strength.

    According to M.I. Stankin (1987), the effectiveness of moral education methods increases if the following requirements are met:

    Individual approach to the education of each student;

    Taking into account the age of students when selecting examples of tasks and conditions for their implementation;

    Evidence of the example used;

    Relying on the experience and feelings of students.

    The moral consciousness of students is successfully formed when setting a socially significant goal and ways to achieve it.

    Means of moral education in sports

    The means of moral education of students in sports activities are:

    physical exercise;


    sport mode;


    social activity.

    Drill exercises are an effective means of instilling discipline and subordinating one’s actions to the collective. However, without a goal setting, the development of the above qualities will not happen by itself. The teacher needs to communicate the purpose, the specific objectives for each task, their meaning and the result they must achieve.


    Service in correctional institutions of the penal system has its own specifics and its own characteristics. The specificity of the service lies in the fact that employees carry out their activities among persons who have committed crimes and in various weather and climatic conditions. For successful professional activity, a correctional officer must have such qualities as good health, endurance, the ability to withstand prolonged dynamic work, and the body’s resistance to temperature influences. One of the important areas in the education of correctional officers, designed to form and develop the qualities necessary for him to successfully perform his duties, is physical education and sports education. The article discusses the concept of “physical education and sports education for correctional officers.” Various approaches are analyzed in defining such concepts as physical education and sports education. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the author formulated and proposed his own definition of the concept of “physical education and sports education for correctional officers.”

    penal system

    correctional officers

    physical education

    sports education

    physical education and sports education

    1. Barinov S.Yu. Sports culture as an element of student’s personal culture//Philosophy and the future of civilization: abstract. report IV Russian Philosophy. cong.:

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    4. Zezyulin F.M. Modern value potential of physical culture

    and sports and ways of its development by society and individuals // Current problems

    and prospects for the formation of professional skills in the process of training employees of justice agencies: Materials of the XII educational method. fees of teaching staff / VYuI of the Ministry of Justice of Russia. – Vladimir, 2003. – 156 p. – P.44.

    5. Lubysheva L.I. The concept of physical education: development methodology and implementation technology: lectures on the sociology of physical culture and sports. – M., 1996. – Issue 2. – P. 5.10.

    6. Lubysheva L.I. Sports culture as an academic subject at a comprehensive school // Physical culture: education, education, training. – 2004. – No. 4. – P. 2-7.

    7. Stolyarov V.I., Firsin S.A., Barinov S.Yu. Content and structure of physical education and sports education for children and youth (theoretical analysis): monograph. – Saratov, 2012. – 269 p.

    8. Kholodov Zh.K. Theory and methodology of physical education and sports: a textbook for students. higher textbook establishments /Zh.K. Kholodov, V.S. Kuznetsov. – 7th ed., erased. –

    M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2009. - 480 p.

    Physical education and sports are effective activities that ensure the development of the professional qualities necessary for correctional officers, but practice shows that at present they have not yet become a personal need for them and do not receive due attention in their lifestyle. In this regard, there is a need to improve the physical education and sports education of correctional officers in order to prepare professional, physically healthy employees.

    The purpose of this article is to understand what constitutes physical education and sports education for correctional officers. Analysis of scientific literature led to the conclusion that the issue of physical education and sports education has not been sufficiently studied and there is no understanding of this term. To determine what the process of physical education and sports education is, it is necessary to highlight and consider two basic concepts: physical education and sports education.

    When introducing the concept of physical education, in most cases the authors refer to the works of L.I. Lubysheva, however, for the first time the content characteristics of physical education were defined by V.K. Balsevich. He reflected his understanding of physical education “as a process of purposefully introducing the younger generation to the entire set of physical culture values.” When studying scientific literature, the definition most often encountered is L.I. Lubysheva, who understands physical education as the pedagogical process of forming the physical culture of an individual. At the same time, when defining the concept of physical education, it is often replaced with the concept of physical education. Despite the fact that at first glance these two concepts are similar, they have very different semantic meanings.

    Physical education is a process that ensures the targeted formation of only “part” of this culture - motor skills and physical qualities of a person, “the totality of which determines his physical performance.” A similar definition is given by Zh.K. Kholodov. In his opinion, physical education is a type of education, the specific content of which is teaching movements, nurturing physical qualities, mastering special physical education knowledge and forming a conscious need for physical education activities.

    IN AND. Stolyarov, S.A. Firsin, S.Yu. Barinov. in their study they come to the conclusion that “... at present, physical education should be aimed at developing in a person certain physical qualities, vital motor skills and abilities, but also deep knowledge about one’s body, means of purposefully influencing the physical condition, maintaining and strengthening health, and, in addition, corresponding interests, needs, value orientations and maintaining a certain lifestyle.” In this case, the definition of physical education is close to the definition of physical education, however, in his research, the author adheres to the concept of L.I. Lubysheva.

    Speaking about physical education as a pedagogical process of forming the physical culture of an individual, it is necessary to explain what physical culture in general is. The formation of physical culture is historically associated with the need of society for a physically prepared and healthy population capable of functioning in conditions of labor and military activity. In the process of development of society, physical education became a key point in the formation of motor skills. A new stage in the development of physical culture is associated with the awareness of its influence on the spiritual sphere of a person as an effective means of intellectual, moral, and aesthetic education.

    When forming the physical culture of an individual, it is necessary to understand what underlies its formation, its components, structure, and what determines the level of its development. L.P. Matveev and A.D. Novikov understands the physical culture of an individual as the results of the use of material and spiritual values ​​related to physical culture, embodied in a person, i.e. a person’s assimilation of physical education knowledge, skills, and abilities that are achieved through the use of physical education means, indicators of physical development and physical fitness. The formation of a person’s physical culture is associated with a person’s familiarization with the spiritual and material values ​​of physical culture.

    When considering the value potential of physical culture, two levels of values ​​are distinguished: social and personal. Social values ​​include the special knowledge accumulated by mankind, sports equipment, technologies and methods of sports training, health improvement and sports activities. In other words, everything that is created by man for physical improvement, recovery and organization of a healthy lifestyle. By these indicators one can judge the degree of culture of society as a whole. A person’s knowledge in the field of physical development and improvement, his motor skills and abilities, the ability to self-organize himself to engage in physical exercises reflect his personal level of mastering the values ​​of physical culture.

    According to the concept of physical education L.I. Lubysheva, this process of education includes three components: socio-psychological education, education of bodily culture and intellectual education. Socio-psychological education is aimed at the formation of ideological foundations and conscious mastery of the values ​​of physical culture. The formation of the worldview, value orientations and motivation of an individual in the field of physical culture is directly related to the level of its education, therefore socio-psychological education is closely related to intellectual education. The content of intellectual education is aimed at developing in a person a body of theoretical knowledge that covers knowledge in the field of philosophy, medicine and other sciences closely related to physical education. The education of bodily culture serves to solve motor problems and is designed to form physical qualities, abilities and skills of movement control and the ability to rationally use physical potential using available means, forms and methods in the theory and practice of physical culture.

    The above allows us to conclude that the content of physical education is aimed at the formation of three elements of the individual’s physical culture: 1) knowledge; 2) motor skills and abilities; 3) motivation of physical activity. All elements of a person’s physical culture are interconnected and are formed in close connection with each other.

    Speaking about sports education, it should be said that this is one of the types of activities to transform a person. Sports education has an effective influence on human development through the formation of a sports culture of the athlete’s personality.

    The issue of the need for sports education in society was raised back in the 19th century by the founder of the Olympic movement, Pierre de Coubertin. Since then, many Russian and foreign researchers have been studying sports education (S.Yu. Barinov, V.E. Ignatiev, O.V. Kozyreva, L.I. Lubysheva, V.I. Stolyarov, S.A. Firsin, etc. .). Dutch researcher Wim de Heer argued that “Sports education includes, as its constituent components, assistance from adults, as well as the creation of prerequisites for the following processes: a) achieving good sports results in combination with moral satisfaction from sports activities; b) formation of sports behavior; c) determining the place of sport in the general way of life.” A. Pavlutsky believed that the concept of sports education characterizes “a system of targeted individual and collective influences on the personality of the person being brought up, which should lead to the learner’s assimilation of the values ​​and norms of the culture of sports, recognized and accepted by the social group as desirable.” In other words, we are talking about “introducing the student into the circle of values ​​and standards of the “pure” culture of sports.”

    When defining sports education, scientists identify two directions in its implementation, according to which two goals are identified and appear in two forms: 1) fostering a positive attitude towards sports, familiarization with the system of sports values; 2) education through sports, or education through sports (V.I. Stolyarov, L.I. Lubysheva). L.I. Lubysheva states in her works that “...sports education involves the development of personally significant qualities, the formation of abilities, and equipping students with the knowledge about life necessary for the successful functioning of a person in modern society. The goal of sports education is to form a personality capable of overcoming difficulties, developing will, surviving, self-development and achieving success, victory, first of all, over oneself.” In the works of V.I. Stolyarov and S.Yu. Barinov’s characterization of sports education, taking into account its indicated directions, is a pedagogical activity, the main goal of which is to assist the student (with his active participation) in the formation and improvement of the level of his sports culture. In this article, the author adheres to their position and believes that sports education is a process aimed at developing an individual’s sports culture.

    When studying sports culture and analyzing the many definitions of this phenomenon, we can come to the conclusion that sports culture is part of the general culture, the basis of which is the values ​​of sports and the value attitude towards sports activities.

    The basis of the sports culture of the individual, according to S.Yu. Barinov, constitutes such a positive value attitude towards sport, within the framework of which the standards, values ​​and cultural norms associated with sport are internalized by the individual, i.e. became the property of his inner world.

    L.I. Lubysheva believes that a person’s sports culture contains a specific result of human activity, means and methods of transforming a person’s physical and spiritual potential through mastering the values ​​of competitive and training activities, as well as those social relations that ensure its effectiveness.

    Thus, the author comes to the conclusion that the basis of a person’s sports culture is the values ​​of sports internalized by the individual, which, as a result of his sports activities, were mastered by him and became the property of his inner world.

    Analyzing the above, taking into account the characteristics of physical education and sports education, we can conclude that physical education and sports education is a purposeful, organized process aimed at developing the physical and sports culture of an individual. The content of physical education and sports education is aimed at developing knowledge, motor skills and a sustainable need for physical activity and improving one’s physical abilities.

    The work activities of correctional officers in the penitentiary system involve the performance of their duties in difficult conditions. The specificity of service in correctional institutions is that employees carry out their activities among persons who have committed crimes; in various weather and climatic conditions, such as cold, heat, rain, snow; in places where there are large concentrations of convicts, who often have various, including severe, forms of illness. These circumstances require from employees such qualities as good health, endurance, the ability to withstand prolonged dynamic work, and the body’s resistance to temperature influences. A correctional officer also needs skills and abilities such as good coordination, precision of movements, strength, the ability to use combat techniques and others. In order to develop the qualities necessary for an employee, it is important to maintain high physical activity and lead a healthy lifestyle. In this regard, physical education and sports education of correctional officers should be aimed at developing such knowledge, skills and abilities that will contribute to the development, first of all, of the qualities necessary for him in the performance of his official duties, and will also contribute to his mastering the values ​​of physical culture and sports. The physical culture and sports education of employees will be determined by the level of his knowledge in the field of physical improvement, motor abilities and skills, the ability to organize a healthy lifestyle, socio-psychological attitudes and orientation towards physical culture and sports activities in order to form his personality, capable of overcoming difficulties. only in the service, but also in everyday activities.

    Bibliographic link

    URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=24759 (date of access: 06.15.2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

    How do you know if your child can become a champion? What to talk about with a sporty child? What qualities should you focus on developing? “Break” character or work with what you have? How to help your child achieve heights and remain a good parent? We will discuss all these issues in our article.

    “Will my child become a champion?” Personal qualities

    When sending their child to sports, many parents hope to raise a real champion. Often it is for this reason that a child is brought to the hospital, and not because they are trying to preserve his health, teach him how to spend his time profitably, or for anything else.

    But it is obvious that not every child will grow up to be a champion, reach heights in sports and bring home a weighty medal from prestigious competitions to mom and dad. To do this, you need to have not only physical qualities suitable for this sport and financial and time resources. This requires character. Strong personality.

    In essence, development in sports is a constant overcoming of difficulties. This is exactly what you should pay attention to when you ask the question: “Will my child be a champion?” What matters is how your child copes with difficulties.

    But in any case, do not rush to make a final verdict. Remember, this is still a child. And it is at the stage of active development and formation. It’s just very important at this stage to honestly answer the question of what your child is strong at and what he’s not. And build on this.

    Sport as part of life or entertainment

    It is a rare child who does not show any interest in physical activity, and parents often do not know where to put this endless energy. But if your child is not at all happy about active games and is happy to replace them with reading or embroidery, then everything is obvious. He's just not interested. This, of course, does not mean that sports are superfluous in his life. No. But he is probably not destined to reach heights in this field. And sport here will act as an obligatory part of maintaining health (such as brushing your teeth).

    If your child carries a soccer ball everywhere, or if he cannot be pulled out of the playground due to an irresistible involvement in an active game, or he often does not have the endurance to sit in one place or walk calmly next to you, then sports is most likely for him. , it will be a joy. For such a child, sport will become, if not a part of life, then certainly a favorite pastime.

    Any interest in a child’s head appears and is shaped by what surrounds him.

    Sports parents who don't spend a single weekend lying on the couch cannot have an unsportsmanlike child. And why all? Because it has been part of his life since birth. Life without sports does not exist for him. This is not only a rare entertainment (once a year to the skating rink, badminton on vacation), but it is an integral “routine” for all members of his family.

    But even non-sports parents have children who are future champion athletes. It is important to notice your child’s passion and support him in this in every possible way. Or better yet, get carried away yourself. Ideally, you would do the same thing, but you can simply dig into the theory and history of the development of your child’s favorite sport (or better yet, all sports in general). Make your child fall in love with the sports world and make him dream of being a part of it. Constant trips to interesting sporting events, hundreds of sections in the first year of sports trials, discussion of world sporting events, morning family exercises - all this should become an integral part of your life.

    And, of course, interest must be supported by character development. And there are many tricks here to ensure that the young athlete does not give up everything halfway.


    The concept of “determination” implies that a person has certain beliefs, which he does not abandon under the influence of any failures and obstacles. In other words, this is a quality that helps you achieve something that no one has ever achieved before. This means defeating everyone and becoming a champion.

    The goal is the driving force in the education of an athlete. It must be correctly formed by the child’s tutor. And this goal consists of factors such as the motivation with which the child came to play sports. In the early stages of classes, you should encourage the child, celebrate his successes and be sincerely proud of his still modest achievements. This will help develop a child’s positive self-esteem and desire for new achievements.

    Determination of purpose is formed in a young athlete through the reinforcement of interest in sports activities, through the assessment of achievements, as well as through control of sports activities. Those. You won’t be able to just bring a child to a section and pick up a champion a few years later. Successes and failures, analysis of mistakes and support, your participation in the child’s life shape him as a person.

    Concentration is another important quality for success in sports. Any athlete knows: being involved in a situation gives results. Why, not only the athlete knows this, but any of us knows this. If you concentrate on your work, then it turns out better than if, while doing it, you think about the upcoming trip to the theater or a conflict with a colleague.

    Sports require constant concentration. During sports activities, it helps to overcome fatigue, not to relax even for a second, and to bring your movements to the ideal. And outside the training process, it disciplines the individual from temptations and excesses that are not part of the young athlete’s daily routine.

    Much time is devoted to developing concentration in sports training and school classes. And your task, as a parent, is to reduce distractions in your child’s life, solve problems at school or conflicts within the family in a timely manner. And, of course, an excellent assistant here is a well-formed one, which removes chaos from the child’s head and creates fertile ground for concentration on achieving the goal.

    Willpower is formed under the influence of failures and temptations. From the very beginning of his journey, the little athlete learns what it means to deprive himself of much. You just need to eat the right food, go to bed on time, take care of your health, and overcome pain and injury. Being an athlete is difficult. And being a champion is a hundred times more difficult.

    Even if your child doesn’t succeed in something the first time in everyday life, don’t rush to do it for him. In no case. He is a person just like you, with arms and other body parts. He just has less experience. And it is very important for him to receive it. Therefore, in any difficult situation, encourage your child, give a hint, or simply motivate him to try again and again. And don’t skimp on praise when your little athlete makes a successful attempt.


    Any athlete must have the skill of self-organization. At that moment, when there are no parents, a coach or friends in the section nearby, he must have an understanding of what he must do. Therefore, it is extremely important that you make all decisions together with your future champion, explain to him why, how, how much and why he should train, sleep, eat, etc., so that at the moment when he is left to his own devices, he feels responsible and understood the consequences of his actions.


    Success and victories often elevate an athlete in his own eyes above others, and this spoils his relationships with others, which can bring many problems in the future. Modesty will help avoid this.

    The child should be taught to be reserved, moderate and calm. He must be able to keep himself within limits. This helps you concentrate and achieve your goals. Tell your athlete that the modesty of a winner adorns and elevates him in the eyes of others above any achievements and forms respect for his personality, which is valuable and not fleeting.

    Work on yourself

    The ability to work on oneself is a mechanism for the development of any specialist, including an athlete. Sports achievements require painstaking work on the personality, body and abilities.

    The child must have the awareness that he can achieve anything, he just needs to try and take actions to achieve his goal, develop and work on himself without anyone’s instructions.


    All the qualities that we have discussed in this article are integral to the personality of a true champion. Not every child and not every parent is able to withstand all the tests on the path to victory. And not everyone will become a champion athlete.

    But sports education will strengthen character and will be useful in achieving goals in any field, no matter what your child chooses as an adult.

    Find out more about .

    Understanding: in order for all the child’s organ systems to form correctly and immunity to always be high, it is necessary to teach sports from preschool age. If you do this wisely (in moderation), then in the future the child is unlikely to need to see doctors often; for example, there will be no need to go to a hematologist. Sport is the path to health!

    Subtleties of “grafting”

    You should know right away: if a preschooler is loaded with a full program, he will develop an aversion to sports and, indeed, to physical activities in general. This cannot be allowed. It is important that all methods and forms are playful and in the direction that the child likes. Olya is in love with dancing, and Sasha is in love with martial arts. A dog, by the way, is also a sports “child” :) Only in this case can we say that the child will begin to love sports activities, and in the future he will be able to decide which sport to take more seriously. And parents will be able to see the child’s inclinations and priorities.

    Remember the principle of gradualism! The point is that tasks should not be made more difficult right away. Go from simple to more complex one step at a time. To make it clear, let's give an example. So, the child learned to catch a ball thrown up. Gradually increase your throwing distance. You can change the trajectory, but gradually. The child gets tired quickly, so give him rest. And no one has canceled the variety of exercises! But don't go overboard. It is important to hone one movement rather than scatter several.

    One more nuance: If your baby has difficulty remembering movements, then you should use simple things. Flags or skittles are suitable as equipment. They make it more interesting and easier to remember movements. It would be good if the child himself, who is showing the movements, is equipped with these tools. Stimulating interest and imagination is always important! Come up with something new, add movement, general dynamics to each exercise. Special groups help children create all the prerequisites for health and develop team spirit in them. This will be useful not only in sports, but also in real life. Therefore, it is important to develop.

    Without saying goodbye... It is important to summarize. If you want your child to grow up as a harmoniously developed personality, then you should work with him from early childhood. You can send them to special groups where socialization takes place. But even at home, there should be systematic activities supported by interest. The result will be the child's well-being. The chances of having to see a doctor will be significantly reduced. So, a psychiatrist and a neurologist may not be required. And this is an extremely important factor.

    The greatest victory is victory over yourself.


    The purpose and directions of sports education

    The concept of “sports education” appeared in the scientific literature relatively recently. Before this, as a rule, the problems of education through sports were considered. Indeed, sports contain enormous positive educational potential. Sport builds character, teaches you to endure difficulties, and to persevere in stressful situations. Many years of systematic training sessions develop a strong personality, the ability to overcome one’s weaknesses, and the ability to control one’s emotions. In the conditions of competition, the basics of legal culture with its rules of fair play are learned. Sport is a powerful factor in socialization and instilling social activity. This is a favorable field for gaining experience in interpersonal relationships, where relationships and interactions are built between the athlete and the coach, and between the athletes themselves.

    The main goal of sports education is the formation of a sports culture, the moral foundations of the personality of a child, teenager, young man in the process of sports activity.

    The history of sports is replete with cases of highly moral actions by the world's largest athletes, who become role models for children and youth. But the ambitious desire to win at any cost provokes weak-willed or dishonest athletes to commit unseemly acts. We are talking about such forms of disregard for the norms of sports ethics as the use of doping, deliberate violation of competition rules, etc. Suffice it to recall the precedents when the most famous football players Maradona and Ronaldo scored goals with their hands and, not noticed in these actions by the referee on the field, brought victory to their teams. Such inappropriate actions may become established among some athletes as permanent characteristic forms of behavior, which will serve as a negative example for children and adolescents.

    Sports education, in addition to specific (sports) tasks, involves solving a number of problems of moral education of young athletes, including:

    • - education of moral behavior skills in training sessions, competitions, and in everyday life;
    • - formation of adequate ideas about what should be, about good and evil, about good and bad;
    • - developing empathy for the experiences of other people;
    • - developing the right relationships with comrades, rivals, coaches, family members, etc.

    The development of moral qualities in young athletes should be carried out in three areas:

    • 1. Formation of knowledge about morality by using appropriate methods. Thus, to communicate the necessary information from the field of sports ethics and norms of behavior in various sports, coaches use stories about difficult situations that arise in the relationships of athletes with judges and spectators during classes and during competitive struggle, explain the essence of conflicts that arise and show the most appropriate moral values. gi to overcome them. You can practice reports and messages on similar topics from the athletes themselves, which is useful for mutual education.
    • 2. Formation of moral convictions, since knowledge about morality must be translated precisely into beliefs, that is, into deep confidence in their truth, so that they become a guide to choosing the method of one’s own actions. K.D. Ushinsky also noted that beliefs cannot be bought in a bookstore or begged from good friends; they are a product of everyone’s comprehension of both their personal and social experience. The teacher’s task is to encourage students to critically reflect on their experience. This is achieved through discussions of a debatable nature, discussion of the actions of their comrades in the conditions of the educational and training process and competitions, through the analysis of striking examples from sports, life and literature. The teacher, with the help of leading and clarifying questions, examples and tips, leads students to correct and independent conclusions on their part, which ensures the formation of solid knowledge in the field of morality and discipline, which turns into beliefs. The basis of a trainer’s ability to suggest is his high authority and good command of words.
    • 3. Systematic training of moral behavior, promoting the development of moral and volitional qualities in students. This requires: a clear statement of educational objectives; organization of classes with optimal motor and intellectual density and the deliberate creation of pedagogical situations that require conscientiousness, the manifestation of volitional efforts and morality. In addition, individual tasks should be used to eliminate deficiencies in personal qualities and physical fitness in students through self-education. It is useful to monitor the success of completing such tasks on the part of parents, as well as mutual control of the children. At the same time, the teacher is obliged to publicly report the successes achieved by each athlete.

    Sports education involves solving a number of educational problems. The training process is associated with creative, search activity. To achieve a high sports result, an athlete must learn a lot, understand a lot, starting from understanding a person, including himself, as a sociobiological individual and ending with the rules and principles of constructing the training process. Nowadays, sport has reached such heights that only highly educated individuals with a sports culture are able to achieve victories at the international level.

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