• Daria Pynzar was discharged from the maternity hospital. Daria Pynzar and her son were discharged from the maternity hospital. Daria Pynzar was discharged from the hospital.


    30-year-old Daria Pynzar was discharged from the Perinatal Medical Center in Moscow. The mother and her newborn son were met by the father of the family, Sergei Pynzar, and the eldest son, Artem. In addition to the family, former participants in the television project House 2 Irina Agibalova, Elina Kamiren, Ella Sukhanova, Igor Tregubenko and other friends of the couple came to the discharge. Daria and Sergey became parents for the second time on May 15, they had a boy 50 cm tall and weighing 2.73 kg. The parents named their second child David.

    Daria Pynzar:

    We're already home. Today was a busy day, I was very glad to see everyone. many were confused by my shorts))) I’ll explain))) I thought that I would check out on a sunny morning, but in fact it turned out that it was on a rainy evening))) well, I couldn’t do another night without Temochka)) and what’s the difference)) the main thing is that it’s convenient ))

    Sergey Pynzar:

    The discharge from the maternity hospital went well, finally my yummy ones are going home.

    Ella Sukhanova:

    Congratulations to our Dashulya and Seryozha on the birth of their second son, David!

    Igor Tregubenko:

    Congratulations to our dear Seryozha, Dasha and Temka on the new addition to their family!!! Pynzaryat are great fellows, good health, joy and boundless love to you...)))

    Elina Kamiren:

    Dashulik and Seryozha, our family congratulates YOU once again 🎈🎈🎈🎉🍼🍼🍼 You are the soul!!! Today I experienced a colossal range of emotions😍 Happiness, euphoria, tears😘😘😘 I decided that in the future I want a son🍼 💋 I tried on my tummy, how do you like me?

    Irina Agibalova:

    Congratulations once again to Dashulya, Seryozha and little Artyom on the new addition to your wonderful family!!! Let little David grow in love and make you happy.

    On May 18, the girl was discharged from the maternity hospital along with her youngest son, who was named David according to the calendar. Viewers of “Home” can find out everything about her preparation for the birth of her baby from Monday to Thursday at 23:00 in the show “Pregnant”.

    May 15 became memorable for the Pynzar family, because it was on this day that their second child was born. The baby, 50 cm tall and weighing 2.73 kg, kept company with his older brother Artem, who came with his father Sergei and the couple’s close friends to meet the happy mother.

    Daria did not hide her pregnancy and actively shared tips on caring for herself and raising children with her fans. According to her, she is now in a state of euphoria and is not at all afraid of sleepless nights.

    Daria Pynzar: “The birth of a second child is always a more conscious step, so I’m ready for anything! I want to fully immerse myself in family life, establish breastfeeding and not let my baby go for a minute. By the way, David is like two peas in a pod like little Artyom – just as sweet and beautiful!”

    Sergei Pynzar: “When I took my son in my arms, I realized what happiness means. Everything that we call with this word cannot be compared with the feeling that you experience at this moment. It is simply impossible to describe it in words! After all, this is what is worth living and working for.”

    Within a couple of days of her stay in the maternity hospital, the girl had already been visited by her older sister Natalya and her childhood friend Irina. Her husband did not leave her side all this time, leaving the main surprise for “dessert.”

    Sergey Pynzar: “The best gift for Dasha is a trip, so now I’m actively looking for suitable options. I think I’ll still settle on Bali: this island made an indelible impression on us and is ideal for a holiday with children.”

    However, before going on travels, the Pynzar family will take care of another, more important matter - the baptism of the newborn. This event is scheduled for the third week after his birth, so they still have time to decide who will become their son's spiritual mentors.

    Former participant in the reality show “Dom-2” Daria Pynzar is finally going home with her newborn baby. Her husband Sergei Pynzar came to pick up mother and son from a prestigious Moscow maternity hospital. Numerous family friends also came to congratulate the new parents and also to see the child.

    Relatives of one of the brightest couples of the reality show “Dom-2”, who managed to become a strong happy couple, received warm words addressed to the newborn baby.

    Pynzari's son was born in one of the prestigious clinics in Moscow. Daria admitted that the birth was quite easy. But still, in order to relieve pain during contractions, the young mother used a very ordinary hammock.

    “The doctors advised me to sit in it during contractions, and it helped me a lot, I almost didn’t feel any pain! Of course, this is also a huge credit to the doctors. They, one might say, “gave birth” to the baby for me in just three attempts. It only hurt me a little, until the epidural was done, and only then, just before the birth of my son. I am indescribably delighted with the hospital, I advise everyone to give birth here!” - Daria admitted to StarHit in her first interview after giving birth.

    And the new dad is in seventh heaven. He constantly posts photographs from the maternity hospital, where his wife and youngest son are. The former reality show participant tries to leave his wife alone as little as possible. Even during childbirth, Sergei was next to Daria in order to somehow alleviate his wife’s suffering, and also performed a very important action.

    “He supported me, spoke kind words. He stroked his head and held his hand. Seryozha cut the umbilical cord and immediately took the baby in his arms. And when I saw the child, I immediately realized that he was a copy of Tem, exactly the same, only dark. And he weighs even more than Tema - 2750 grams, and the weight of his first son at birth was 2530 grams. The younger brother’s height is 50 cm, a little more than the elder’s at birth – 47 cm,” said Pynzar.

    Daria prepared very carefully for childbirth. As an experienced mother, she remembered the most important moments of her first pregnancy, so she was more relaxed about everything that happened during the birth of her second son.

    “I didn’t feel the same way about my first pregnancy as I did about my second, because I didn’t yet understand how tender and tender it was. And now, when I know that inside me there is a living tiny person, a small personality, I want all attention to be focused on his person. I do not believe and never have believed in the “evil eye.” I believe only in the materiality of thought and try to go towards my dream - a big and happy family,” Pynzar shared with her fans.

    Nowadays, the happy married couple is still deciding on the choice of name for their son. Daria admitted that she was repelled by Christmastide. On May 15 such names as Gleb, Boris, Egor, Mikhail, David fell. Pynzari are more inclined to the latter, noting that it is very unusual.

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