• Breivik told in detail who he was going to kill and what did not work. Anders Breivik: biography and life in prison


    The only organizer and performer of this nightmare was a 32-year-old Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik, comes from a prosperous and wealthy family, who until that moment did not cause any suspicions from the Norwegian authorities. In any case, the Norwegian police after the incident stated that Breivik was not a member of radical groups under the supervision of the authorities.

    The name of Anders Breivik has practically become a household name, like the name of a maniac at one time Andrey Chikatilo. From now on, lone killers in different countries of the world began to be called "breiviks", adding as a clarification the name of the place where another tragedy occurred.

    Politically active in his youth, Breivik has evolved from an ordinary supporter of traditional right-wing parties to an extreme radical calling for armed struggle against Marxists, Muslims, migrants, homosexuals and other groups that, in his opinion, are destroying traditional Europe.

    The ideological justification for Breivik's actions was his more than 1,500-page manifesto "2083: Declaration of an Independent Europe." According to Breivik, precisely by 2083, when it will be 400 years since the Battle of Vienna, which stopped the penetration of Muslims into Europe, "the third wave of jihad will be thrown back, and cultural-Marxist hegemony in Europe will crumble into ruins."

    Anders Breivik intended to take the first step towards this personally.

    "I finished…"

    This time was spent acquiring weapons, as well as creating a high-yield improvised explosive device. The future terrorist visited about 20 countries to buy weapons illegally, but in the end it turned out to be more difficult than arming legally - in the end, Breivik legally acquired a self-loading carbine and pistol in Norway. To purchase the components of the explosive device, the terrorist registered a vegetable growing company, which allowed him to legally buy the fertilizer that became the components of the bomb.

    On the eve of the explosion, Breivik ordered an elite prostitute to take home to “relieve stress”, and on the morning of July 22 he visited the church, praying for the success of the enterprise.

    On July 22 at 15:25, Breivik's car, stuffed with 500 kilograms of homemade explosives, exploded in the government quarter of Oslo, killing eight people. More than 200 people were injured.

    While the authorities cordoned off the area of ​​​​the explosion, trying to understand what happened, Breivik moved by ferry to the island of Utoya, where the youth camp of the socialist Norwegian Workers' Party worked. By that time there were about 650 young men and women in the camp. Upon reaching the island, Breivik, dressed in a police uniform, announced that he had arrived from Oslo for a security briefing in connection with the terrorist attack that had just taken place.

    The newcomer did not cause any fears and suspicions, and after a while several dozen people gathered around him. After that, Breivik opened fire on them.

    There were no security representatives on the island at that moment, so all those present for more than an hour before the arrival of the special forces detachment were in the complete power of an armed terrorist. Breivik during this time killed 67 people and injured more than a hundred, two more people drowned trying to escape.

    Breivik was not going to engage in battle with the special forces. Immediately upon the appearance of the police, the terrorist laid down his arms, stating: "I'm done ..."

    21 years with unlimited renewal

    When the first shock passed, the question arose in Norway: what, in fact, to do with Breivik?

    The maximum sentence in the country was , which, according to many, is absolutely not enough for a murderer of 77 people. However, they did not begin to rewrite the laws “under Breivik” - on August 24, 2012, the court found him guilty and sentenced him to 21 years in prison with a possible extension of the term for another five years if he is deemed dangerous to society, the number of extensions is not limited. That is, in fact, the judicial authorities of Norway have found a loophole to "close" the terrorist for life.

    However, the trial was not so much a triumph of justice as a triumph of Anders Breivik.

    At his trial, he confessed to the murders, but refused to consider them a crime. Breivik used the court to publicly declare his views, and he managed to fully realize this plan.

    At the trial, the prosecutor's office sought to declare Breivik insane, while the terrorist himself insisted that he acted quite consciously. Breivik's lawyer also insisted on the sanity of the client.

    Such a strange, at first glance, behavior of the parties during the trial was explained precisely by the nuances of the law - if Breivik is recognized as sane, then he will have a chance to be released, while in the status of a mentally ill he can be in isolation for life.

    But there is another reason that forced the Norwegian authorities to desperately seek the recognition of a terrorist insane.

    The mad killer is convenient from a political point of view, his actions do not require analysis and conclusions.

    But a sane armed radical who grew up in the most prosperous country is a problem that suggests that there is a serious internal crisis in Norwegian society.

    Is Breivik 2.0 waiting for Europe?

    The fact that the policy of multiculturalism has reached a dead end is indicated not only by Breivik, but also by quite serious and respectable European politicians.

    When the streets of German cities are filled with Muslim women wrapped from head to toe, for whom Sharia norms are higher than the state laws of the country in which they live, when young people from Arab countries declare entire areas of cities “Islamic territory”, this inevitably causes rejection and opposition from the outside. at least part of the indigenous population.

    No effective methods have been found in Europe to overcome this crisis, and the problem is becoming more and more acute every year.

    Some believed that Breivik's attacks would cause not a surge of radical sentiment, as the terrorist himself hoped, but their rejection.

    Indeed, in the first months, the right-wing parties of Europe, even those who hastened to publicly distance themselves from Breivik's actions, experienced a serious outflow of the electorate.

    The outflow, however, did not last long. The shock has passed, but the problems remain. As a result, the influence of right-wing forces in Europe began to grow again. And it is possible that somewhere in Europe a new lone terrorist is now growing up, inspired by the example of a “senior comrade”.

    Europe still remains unarmed both before Islamic fundamentalism and before the extreme radicalism of "native Europeans".

    Oil and gym torture

    As for Anders Breivik himself, you can’t call him a “martyr for an idea.” Having killed 77 people, the Norwegian terrorist enjoys all the benefits that the state offers to prisoners. Moreover, special conditions have been created for the "state criminal number one".

    In the Ila prison, a whole wing was specially converted for him. Breivik has at his disposal a three-room solitary cell with an area of ​​24 meters, consisting of a bedroom, an office and a gym. He is allowed walks in the courtyard and correspondence. Nevertheless, almost from the first day in prison, the terrorist demands better conditions, calling the current ones “sadistic”.

    Indeed, isn't it sadism when the butter that is brought to you is badly smeared on bread? Isn't that sadism that Breivik wanted to establish? Is it not a mockery when a prisoner is deprived of the opportunity to communicate with like-minded Nazis?

    However, today Breivik's whims concern only him, and even the leadership of the prison, to whom the terrorist gives a lot of headaches.

    On the third anniversary of the tragedy, Norwegians bring fresh flowers to memorial signs in honor of the victims of the attacks and convince each other that the Norwegian society has become even more united.

    Activists of the youth wing of the Norwegian Labor Party launched 69 balloons into the sky over the island of Utoya - the number of those who died here three years ago. “We want to show Breivik that we don’t give up, you didn’t win. We will continue our work,” the young people told the Norwegian media.

    However, the summer camp where the tragedy occurred is now being held elsewhere. Activists say that perhaps the camp will return to the island in a year - if its organizers have the moral strength to make such a decision.

    IN Breivik committed his crime that day. For mass murder, he received as much as 21 years ...
    With a touching explanation - "without the right to marry for good behavior for 10 years" but with the possibility of extending the term. Beasts... 21 years old, that's about three months for killing one person... He was not recognized as crazy and now he is in a personal prison, more like a sanatorium. He writes books, eats well, but is still dissatisfied with the conditions of detention. About how he managed to carry out a double terrorist attack under the Cat...

    In principle, this term was immediately clear. The longest prison sentence in Norway is 21 years. For the rest of his term, he will live in a well-guarded building, with views of the city without bars. In a three-room "cell" with an office, a computer, a TV, a gym and a swimming pool... and even under the supervision of doctors.

    On July 22, 2011, Breivik cynically shot 77 people! At the same time, 34 people were killed between the ages of 14 and 17, and 242 people were injured. And now he is comfortably isolated from society by a special law (which was adopted purely for purely Breivik).

    But he organized and carried out a double terrorist attack in Norway on July 22, 2011. First, he set off an explosion in the center of Oslo...

    and then went to a youth camp on the island of Utoya and opened fire on the teenagers. The small island was littered with corpses. In addition, the young people believed that he was a policeman who came to save them, and they themselves went to him for help. When the police arrived on the island, he surrendered without putting up any resistance. He values ​​his life very highly.

    Explaining his actions, Breivik said that in this way he wanted to draw the attention of Norway and Europe to the influx of Muslim migrants and opposed multiculturalism, in his opinion destructive.

    And he killed mostly girls. He listened to music in headphones and shot everyone who got in his way ... some even tried to swim away from the island. There were also Chechen children. Unlike the fleeing Norwegians, they did not run away, but from behind shelters they threw stones at Breivik. He complained about it in court. Once even hit in the head ... non-humans ... Chechens were also kept in prison, they believed that they were his assistants. Thank God, later figured out what's what.


    He looked like the protagonist of a Nazi movie - showing, Adrian runs his hand over his head. - Blond hair, combed back, and such a special expression on his face ... Stone, or something ...

    About the explosion in Oslo, 21-year-old Adrian Prakon, a youth camp worker on Utøya, together with his friends, learned from messages on the radio: people were confused - they called friends and cried. The camp participants were gathered together to be informed about what had happened. Adrian recalls that the last words at that meeting were "Remember that Utøya is probably the safest place in Norway right now." Someone called their parents, and heard in response: "It's good that you are on the island, and we do not have to worry." But they were all wrong - armed with a semi-automatic rifle and a pistol, Anders Breivik at that moment was already approaching Utoya:

    We received a call from the office and were told that a policeman had come ashore to see us,” recalls Adrian Prakon.

    Having landed on the eastern coast of the island, Breivik, still on the pier, kills the only guard of the camp and the head of the camp. they thought that he came to strengthen the security. And he slowly enters the cafeteria, where at that moment most of the inhabitants of the camp have gathered, who are told about the events of the terrorist attack in Oslo. Breivik interrupts the meeting, calls people to him - and cold-bloodedly opens fire on them ...

    I was going to the cafeteria to get informational materials for distribution, - says Adrian Prakon, - But suddenly I heard shots and saw people running. They were shot in the back, they fell dead right in front of me. I saw the shooter: dressed in a black and red uniform, with slicked hair, he looked like a Nazi. Two people started talking to him, and a second later both were shot...

    Panicked people run from the cafeteria to the campground in the center of the island, looking for shelter. Adrian ran along with everyone, but halfway through he looked back and hid behind a huge canopy to see what was happening:

    The killer approached the tents, slowly raised the curtains, looked inside - and fired. And then from the inside the tent was painted red ... The bloody massacre was carried out by him slowly, cold-bloodedly and cruelly. He was so relaxed and calm. He kept everything under control. It was clear that he had been planning this for a long time...

    Walking through the tent city, Anders Breivik continues to shoot everyone who catches his eye. During the explosion of the government building, the terrorist was psychologically distant from his victims - but now, when he shoots people on the island, one by one, Breivik looks them right in the face ...

    Those who were not in the tent camp are trying to hide in the forest, behind the camp buildings, in the clefts of the rocks. Another part of the inhabitants of the camp, including Adrian, runs to the shore, trying to swim away from the island. The young man throws himself into the cold water as he was - in clothes and rubber boots. He manages to swim about 150 meters, but it is still very far from the opposite shore. Adrian realizes that his strength is leaving him - and turns back to the shore, along which Breivik walks with a carbine in his hands:

    He stood ten meters from me, shooting at the swimmers. It is difficult to say whether he noticed me from the very beginning or only at that moment. He looked at the shore and other swimmers with a long and heavy look, looked at me and pointed the weapon in my direction - the muzzle looked straight into my face. I was knee-deep in water and couldn't move. I was a real live target and all he had to do was pull the trigger. I remember that I screamed in horror and begged: "Please don't shoot me! Please don't!"

    And for some reason he did not shoot, but turned to the people who were floating away. Shot at them and yelled, "It's the day you die! I'll kill you all!"

    I had a hard time getting my breath back. At this point, my legs buckled. Having somehow reached the shore, I collapsed on the pebbles. For some unknown reason, I was still alive...

    However, this was not the end of the nightmare. An hour later, the terrorist returned to the place where Adrian, along with other survivors, hid behind trees and rocks. In the video filmed by Norwegian television crews from a helicopter circling over the island, Adrian is one of the blurry figures in the freeze frame. He watches as one of his friends begs Breivik for his life.

    Shooting started again - people fell on me, as if they had been cut down, fell into the water .... I heard the breath of the killer, his steps: two meters, one meter ... He stood above me. I heard him reload his weapon and knew it was over...

    Adrian was shot in the shoulder at close range. He hid behind a pile of bodies so that the killer would take him for dead - and could hold out until help arrived. At 18:26, a police anti-terrorist squad "Delta" arrives from Oslo to Utoya: the fighters of the squad are divided into two groups of 5 people each - one examines the north of the island, the other goes south.

    Suddenly I heard the screams of strangers, - recalls Adrian Prakon. - He raised his head, saw the approaching policemen with machine guns and remembered that that man, the terrorist, was also a policeman. And we all thought: "Oh, my God! It's his accomplices who came to kill us." We threw stones at them, wept and screamed. But when these people began to help us cope with injuries, we realized that they were real policemen...

    At 18:33, Anders Breivik surrendered himself - going out to a grove on the southern tip of the island, the police saw a man standing in a clearing with his hands behind his head, in front of whom a weapon lay on the ground. For an hour and a half spent on the island, the terrorist managed to kill 69 people.

    Since that terrible day in July, Adrian was relentlessly haunted by one thought: why did the terrorist save his life? On April 23, he received an answer to this question. On this day, at the trial, a grinning Breivik said that he would shoot again the inhabitants of the youth camp of the Social Democrats, even knowing that almost half of his victims were teenagers under 18 years old. But Adrian Prakon, he changed his mind about killing ... because of his appearance. "There were people who looked more like" leftists ", but unlike the others, this guy looked like" far-right ". When I looked at him, I saw myself in him - and did not shoot at him, "explained murderer.

    If the terrorist then knew whom he was going to spare, he would not hesitate to pull the trigger. Ironically, Adrian Prakon, who seemed "socially close" to the Norwegian racist, is the son of Polish immigrants, moreover, a homosexual who cannot share Breivik's ideology filled with hatred and xenophobia. And yet, the killer's mistake saved his life.

    And another surviving member of the youth camp, 23-year-old Chetil Bergheim, having learned that Breivik was assigned a new psychiatric examination, says: “I would be glad to know that a crazy person shot at us. It doesn’t fit in my head that a healthy person could do such a thing.” .

    A tragedy like the one that happened in Norway on July 22 has not been seen in the country since World War II, Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said during his televised address to the nation.

    "This bloody and cowardly attack did not shake our democratic foundations," he said. "We are a small but proud nation. Bombs and bullets will not silence us."

    By itself. Breivik later smiled at the court, zigged and acted like a movie actor after an Oscar. And he had expensive lawyers, which he was later paid by the court. And Breivik sat in a personal prison.

    According to the media, a year of keeping Breivik in such a "personal boarding house" will cost the Norwegian taxpayer 2 million euros a year. At the same time, Breivik himself believes that he did everything right, that he killed out of self-defense and only regretted that he had killed so few teenagers. Breivik was unlucky, because the defense asked to be recognized as INNOCENT!

    Pokp is sitting, he is active. On November 9, 2012, Breivik sent a 27-page letter to the Norwegian Penitentiary Service in which he complained about prison life. Breivik does not like the attitude of the prison guards, the rubber handle that rubs his hand when used for a long time, the pressure to shave and brush his teeth under the supervision of the guards, and sometimes they bring him cold coffee and butter, which, in his words, "is impossible to spread on bread." In general, Breivik called the conditions in prison "sadistic" ...

    In the photo, the inhuman conditions of his detention.

    On March 15, 2016, a court session was held to consider the case on the conditions of his detention in prison. On April 20, 2016, a court in Oslo partially granted Breivik's claim about prison conditions and ruled that the government should compensate all of his lawyers' expenses - 330,000 crowns (about 40 thousand US dollars).

    It turns out that the Norwegians, including the parents of the children he killed, will support him. Maybe not even for life...

    OSLO, April 19 - RIA Novosti, Anastasia Yakonyuk. Norwegian defendant Anders Breivik, whose case is being tried in the Oslo District Court, at cross-examination on Thursday, spoke in detail about the preparations for the attack, about who he was going to kill in those days and about even more cruel plans that could not be realized.

    "I played World of Warcraft 16 times a day throughout the year. I just played, ate and slept," Breivik explained.

    Play online game Breivik went to live with his mother after his firm closed in 2006. He said that he wanted to save money to prepare for the attack, and that it was cheaper for his mother to live. By this time, Breivik had at his disposal about a million crowns (167.4 thousand dollars).

    When asked by the prosecutor whether this year Breivik made the final decision to stage a terrorist attack, the defendant answered in the affirmative. In addition, he added that the computer game helped him develop an attack strategy and tactics.

    The multiplayer online game World of Warcraft was released in late 2004. Now this virtual universe has approximately 12 million subscribers worldwide.

    After the double terrorist attack on July 22 last year, the video games World of Warcraft and Call of Duty - Modern Warfare were withdrawn from sale in Norway. The reason for this was Breivik's statement about what exactly. The decision was made by retailers out of respect for the families of the victims.

    A gun named Mjolner

    One of the main issues that the court needs to sort out in detail is where Breivik bought weapons and who helped him with this.

    The defendant himself explained that, since it is extremely difficult to legally acquire weapons in Norway, he had to join a shooting club, membership in which gave him the opportunity to buy weapons and train in shooting.

    Breivik gave names to each type of weapon, explaining that such a tradition existed among the Scandinavian Vikings and many other warlike peoples.

    "The great Spanish hero El Cid, who fought against Islam in Andalusia, gave a name to his sword, we also know about similar facts from Scandinavian mythology," Breivik said, explaining that it was from Scandinavian myths that he took names for his weapons. .

    Breivik said that he called one of the guns Gungnir (Gungnir) - that was the name of the spear of the Scandinavian god Odin, which was endowed with the magical power to return to the owner.

    "I called the Glock Mjolner (Mjolner) - the hammer of the god Thor was called, and the car was named Sleipner, named after the eight-legged horse of the god Odin. The names were written in runes," the defendant said.

    "I think it's a wonderful European tradition that is still alive today. Many Norwegian soldiers in Afghanistan gave names to their weapons," he said.

    In addition, Breivik said that he trained and pumped up muscles for a long time, and also took steroids to be in good physical shape and carry heavy weapons and explosives.

    Maximum plan: three bombs and a mass shooting

    Speaking about the organization of the explosion in the government quarter, Breivik said that he had implemented only part of his plan. Initially, he planned to detonate three bombs with a total weight of 2.5 tons.

    The first target for the explosion was the government quarter, the second - the main office of the workers' party. For another explosion, I initially chose the editorial office of the newspaper Aftenposten, but there were too many peaceful people there, and I abandoned this idea. As for the third goal, I wasn't sure. I thought about the royal palace as a third goal," Breivik said, explaining that he did not intend to harm the royal family itself and would choose the moment for her to be absent, because, like many nationalists, he supports the monarchy.

    In addition, he considered the editorial offices of the newspaper Dagbladet, the public broadcaster NRK and several others as possible targets for the explosion.

    "However, making bombs turned out to be much more difficult than I thought. There were several problems. I did not have enough components," the defendant said.

    Preparing an explosion in the government quarter, Breivik assumed that as a result of this terrorist attack, the government building should collapse, and all members of the cabinet of ministers, including the prime minister, who was the main target, would die.

    Breivik noted that he estimated his chances of survival after three explosions at 5%, but if he still managed to survive, he might have gone to the city center and started shooting passers-by.

    "I would try to execute as many people as possible," he said.

    Execute, no pardon

    The main task of the terrorist on the island of Utoya, according to him, was to attack the political elite on one of the five days that the meeting continued. On the first day, Marthe Michelet, a political commentator for the Dagbladet newspaper, was to visit him, the next day, Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre, then former Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundland. Then the current Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg was supposed to arrive.

    "So any one of the five days was good for an attack," Breivik said, explaining that Støre and Brundland were his most attractive targets.

    He planned to take a camera and iPhone with him to capture the death of the former prime minister - he was going to slit her throat, and post the video of the execution on the Internet. The second target was the head of the youth wing of the party, Eskil Pedersen, then Breivik would begin to kill the camp participants.

    "I didn't plan to shoot (only) 69 people, I wanted to kill everyone using water as a weapon of mass destruction," Breivik said. According to him, he believed that many young people would drown from fear.

    At the same time, the accused noted that he did not want to be branded as a killer of children and planned that young people over 18 years of age would become victims. He was sure that only those who had reached the age of 16 could join the youth wing of the party, and that the percentage of 16-17-year-olds in the camp was very small. The fact that among the executed were children under 16, he learned the next day after the attack.

    "I understood that I would be criticized for killing young people under the age of 18. I thought that I could understand how old they were by appearance, but they turned their backs and I could not see their faces. The implementation of the plan turned out to be more difficult than I expected" Breivik said.

    When asked by the prosecutor how he assesses his actions today, the defendant again stated that he would have acted in exactly the same way.

    A Norwegian court found Anders Behring Breivik sane, who blew up eight people near the government building in Oslo and shot 69 more at a youth camp on the island of Utoya on July 22, 2011. The terrorist was sent to prison for 21 years with the possibility of an indefinite extension if he is deemed dangerous to society. Thus, the court satisfied the wishes of both Breivik and the relatives of his victims. The terrorist does not intend to appeal the verdict.

    Everyone is happy

    The sentencing was scheduled for 10 am (local time, 12:00 Moscow time) Friday, August 24. When Breivik was brought to court, he, as happened in past meetings, raised his hand in a Nazi salute immediately after the handcuffs were removed from him. The court announced the verdict, unanimously adopted by five judges: Breivik is recognized as sane enough to bear criminal responsibility for his actions, and is sentenced to the maximum possible prison term in Norway - 21 years. However, this does not mean that Breivik will be released in 2032 (the term is counted from the moment of detention): if he is recognized as still dangerous to society, then the term of imprisonment will be extended by five years. The number of such extensions is not regulated by Norwegian law.

    As a matter of fact, the main intrigue of the sentencing was the question of whether Breivik's court would recognize him as sane or not. At the same time, this intrigue is exclusively moral and a little political, and does not have a significant impact on the fate of a terrorist. In any case, he would have gone to the Ila prison for a long time, where he spent the last year, the only question is whether he would have been given a company of psychiatrists to accompany him or not.

    Most Norwegians, including victims of the attacks and relatives of Breivik's victims, believed that he should be recognized as sane, otherwise the defendant's responsibility for the murders would be downplayed. In this they are entirely in solidarity with the terrorist: Breivik considers himself mentally healthy and believes that if he were recognized as insane, it would be "humiliation" and generally "worse than death." Thus, the verdict passed by the court satisfied everyone, except, perhaps, the prosecutor - he just advocated Breivik's insanity.

    When deciding on the mental health of a terrorist who considers himself a member of the Knights Templar, the judges relied on two psychiatric examinations. The results of the first of these were published in November 2011. Then the experts came to the conclusion that Breivik suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, hears voices from his youth and is prone to suicide. The Norwegians took these conclusions ambiguously: someone believed that recognizing Breivik as crazy was the same as writing off the crimes of Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot as "paranoid schizophrenia", while someone did not fit in the head that a healthy person could shoot teenagers on Utoya.

    Breivik himself, as well as his defense, led by lawyer Geir Lippestad, were dissatisfied with the conclusions of the first examination. In January 2012, the court ordered a second examination, for the sake of which psychiatrists continuously monitored Breivik for three weeks. Its results, which are completely opposite to those of the first study, were published in April. Doctors recognized Breivik as sane and stated that at the time of the attack he was not in a state of psychosis. However, the terrorist did not turn out to be absolutely healthy (which is not at all surprising in our stressful time): he, experts concluded, does not always adequately assess the situation, and during the murders he was in general upset. Breivik was quite satisfied with these conclusions. Subsequently, experts in court said that before the attacks, Breivik had taken stimulant drugs - apparently, they explain his "frustrated feelings."

    After the second examination, the actual trial of Breivik began. The purpose of the defense was to prove his sanity. To do this, Lippestad decided to call as witnesses a variety of radical figures: both nationalists who are in solidarity with Breivik (for example, the far-right blogger Fjordman) and Islamists (in particular, Mullah Kraker). Thus, he hoped to prove that the war between the West (represented by Aryan Norway) and the East (represented by Islam) exists not only in the head of the Norwegian terrorist. The court, however, did not allow all the witnesses for the defense to be called, and some of them themselves refused. However, this did not affect the fact that the outcome of cases turned out to be the way Breivik would like to see him - and the victims, along with the families of the victims, at the same time.

    Most expensive prisoner

    The verdict was, among other things, beneficial for the Norwegian budget. The government has already spent 12.5 million crowns (almost two million euros) on keeping Breivik in prison. In each subsequent year, as expected, up to five million crowns (700 thousand euros) will be spent on the maintenance of a particularly dangerous terrorist. If it were necessary for Breivik to equip a psychiatric clinic in prison, the cost of treatment, according to the Norwegian press, would be four times more, but even with a normal prison sentence, Breivik costs Norway 15 times more than an ordinary criminal. And this is not to mention the 600 million crowns (about 82 million euros) spent on moving ministries from the government building that he blew up.

    The Norwegian will spend the coming years not far from Oslo - in the Ila prison. In total, it can contain up to 124 men. In Il, a whole wing was equipped especially for Breivik. He was given three rooms (a bedroom, a gym and an office) of eight square meters each and a patio for walking, however, surrounded by a concrete wall with barbed wire. The day before the sentencing, the prison authorities published their photographs, hiding from the public (for security reasons) only the terrorist's bedroom. For example, however, you can look at an ordinary bedroom in "Ila" - or, although no one will allow Breivik to have so many dangerous personal items.

    Breivik, like all other Norwegian prisoners, will have the right to write and receive letters and watch TV while serving his sentence. In addition, according to Norwegian law, he must have cellmates. At the end of May, that special people will be hired for Breivik's company, since the Norwegian authorities do not want to endanger such a neighborhood. However, in a press release published on August 22, the prison did not say anything about the inmates. But it was said that he was not allowed to see prisoners from other parts of the prison, but that he could communicate with his wing comrades. Whether there will be real prisoners or specially trained people is not specified.

    In addition to exercise machines and furniture welded to the floor, which can not be used as a weapon, Breivik's cells contain a laptop, although not connected to the Internet. It does, however, have an offline version of Wikipedia installed (with what regularity it is updated and whether it contains all the articles is not specified). Nothing else is known about the contents of the prison computer, but it can be assumed that Breivik will not be given the opportunity to spend 21 years in Modern Warfare 2: prison representatives called the laptop a "modern typewriter."

    Breivik's typewriter will come in very handy in the near future: on August 22, his lawyers spoke about his client's plans to write an autobiography. This work can take its rightful place next to the 1500-page terrorist manifesto called "2083 - European Declaration of Independence".

    Well, the ultra-right Norwegian can draw inspiration from the walls themselves. The building in which "Ila" is located was built in the late 1930s for a women's prison. It was erected, however, only by the arrival of the Nazis in Norway in 1940, and until May 8, 1945, the concentration camp "Grini" was located there.

    About two years ago, terrorist attacks were carried out in Norway, prepared by a certain Anders Breivik. The terrorist was immediately called a fighter against the Islamic colonization of Europe, a man who hates Muslims. However, is it really so? It seems that as soon as something extraordinary happens, the public's attention is forcibly directed towards, let's say, the "Muslim trace". Later, evidence is drawn by the ears, designed to fix the accusations against Muslims in the minds of people. After that, it is extremely difficult, almost impossible for the truth to “get through” to people and eradicate deliberate lies. This was the case with the terrorist pilots who allegedly hijacked the planes that rammed the WTC towers. The dumbfounded "terrorists" called the media, claiming that they were alive and well and did not think about any hijackings, and even more so about terrorist attacks. They even apologized, but ... who heard them? The attack on the World Trade Center remained the work of Muslims for everyone. Or the recent fuss about the terrorist attacks in Boston. They intensively searched for the "Muslim trace" and, of course, "found it", and then unexpectedly, right during the interrogation, they killed the suspect. Go and prove now who is who. Breivik was not killed, but convicted and imprisoned. However, the information that has appeared on the global network allows us to take a different look at the deed of his hands. Will these rumors be taken into account? But still…

    A version is circulating on the World Wide Web that Breivik did not fight against immigrants, but tried to "save" Norway from the dictatorship of the ruling Norwegian Workers' Party (Arbeit Party). The real backstory of Breivik's lone attack on the ruling party turned out to be so dangerous for the status quo of the Norwegian way of life that it was decided to "turn the arrows", i.e. It was announced that Breivik hates Muslims. However, an alternative version claims that Breivik is one of the many victims of the so-called juvenile justice. At the age of four, he was taken away from his natural parents and transferred to a foster family. The removal of children from their families in Norway is carried out by the organization Barnevarn. This is such a state system of "protection" of children, created ostensibly to combat incest - a sort of Norwegian folk entertainment. The Barnevarne system operates on the basis of a state plan in the form of a quota for the removal of children from natural and adoptive parents. Withdrawal centers even compete to meet the quota, a kind of socialist competition. In each quarter, reports, graphs, charts are published that clearly indicate how many children in which area were selected. Behind all this officialdom lies a terrifying reality: Barnevarn centers, available in every (!) village, regularly identify children who complain about their parents. The cause of a child's complaint may be the demand of parents to prepare lessons. For a child, there is nothing easier than getting rid of demanding parents, because every school has an announcement: "If your parents ask you to do your homework - call us. We will help free you from such parents". And the children knock on their parents. A disease called "withdrawal of children" has struck all the Scandinavian countries. For example, in Sweden, over the years of the program, 300,000 children have been seized. This is a whole generation that grew up without the care of real parents. Which of them will grow up people, it is difficult to assume unambiguously, but it is unlikely that they will be normal people.

    The system of weaning children was developed and implemented under the auspices of the ruling Workers' Party in Norway. In fact, even Norwegian government officials (one must understand - members of the ruling party) do not hide their preferences and plans. For example, one of the ministers admitted that he is a homosexual and wants all the children of the country to be like him. On his own initiative and with the support of the state, an experiment was carried out: all “classical” literature was withdrawn from kindergartens (all sorts of Cinderellas, fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm and Andersen). Instead, other literature was written and implemented, in which a prince falls in love with a king or a prince, a princess girl dreams of marrying a queen. According to the law introduced by the Workers' Party, teachers are obliged to read such fairy tales and show pictures to children already in kindergarten on pots. In a word, the state has created an educational system that is aimed at the total corruption of the younger generation. Moreover, the very Ministry of Children's Affairs in Norway is called, if the name is translated word for word, "The Ministry of Children and Equity for All Forms of Sexual Diversity." The policy of the state is bearing visible results: heterosexuals in Norway have already become a minority, and sociological research materials show that in less than 40 years Norway will become a ninety percent homosexual country.

    In Norway, there are human rights activists who are trying to fight the punitive system of Barnevarn. They allege that under state care, children are trafficked for the purpose of sexual abuse. Human rights activists organize protest rallies against the forced separation of parents and children by the state. In other words, human rights activists are fighting against the state project to destroy families. Indeed, when you read such headlines in Norwegian newspapers, you might think: "One fifth of the children in Norway have already been saved from their parents." One fifth for Norway is how much? There are just over 5 million citizens in Norway, of which one million are children, which means that we are talking about 200,000 “rescued” children who now live not at home with mom and dad, but in foster families.

    Now about Breivik. Swedish journalists unearthed the story of the transformation of a young man into a terrorist. So, it is reported that at the age of four, Breivik was raped by a Norwegian foster mother. It was Barnevarn who took him away from his own mother and sent him through a vicious circle from one traditional Norwegian family to another. And each family tasted it. The child began to change in the psyche and a desire was born to take revenge on the source of this evil, namely, the authorities that introduced and maintain this inhuman system. The grown-up Breivik had been preparing his action for nine years. Probably Breivik knew about his brothers in misfortune, after all, he read the newspapers. And he could have known about such a case, which was written about in the newspapers: one boy was taken from his mother in childhood, and his life began in shelters, i.e. in foster families. He was raped in every shelter he visited. He lived to the age of 18, bought a gun, came "home" and shot his adoptive parents. Breivik decided to aim "higher" than a couple of perverts, called the foster family. He was well-armed, made a diversionary maneuver (an explosion in Oslo) and calmly went to the youth camp of the Norwegian Workers' Party, shot 77 young party members.

    It is possible that after his arrest, Breivik, in exchange for the conditions created for him in custody, was offered to remain silent about the true motives of his crime. And since it was easiest to switch the arrows to Islamophobia, Breivik was presented as a true Aryan - a fighter against migrants from the South.

    As difficult as it may be to believe what is written above, there is still reason to think about what role those same migrants can play in the future in saving the jaded North from “itself”.

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