• How to give urine diastasis. Urine analysis for diastase - indications, preparation, norms and causes of deviations. Reasons for elevated blood amylase levels above normal


    The digestive enzyme that is produced largely by the pancreas is called alpha-amylase or urine diastase. The enzyme helps the body absorb and break down heavy carbohydrates in the form of starch, glycogen and complex polysaccharides, turning them into simple and easily digestible sugar. Analysis of urine diastase shows the presence of pancreatic diseases.

    What diseases cause high diastasis?

    Diastases in urine often increase with the following diseases:

    1. Acute pancreatitis or exacerbations in the chronic form. That is why, in any form of pancreatitis, diastasis analysis plays a key role in diagnosis. With pancreatitis of any form, a 2-fold increase in diastasis is observed and its level ranges from 130 to 250 units. This indicator is one of the main symptoms of inflammatory processes in the pancreas.
    2. Inflammation of the gallbladder. Diastasis in this case is increased almost 10 times.
    3. Mumps (inflammation of the salivary glands). A high amount of diastase is observed.
    4. Diabetes.
    5. Gastritis, peritonitis and colitis. During these diseases, a slight increase in diastase is observed.

    Causes of low diastase in adults

    During pregnancy, the level of diastase in the urine decreases.

    Reduced levels of diastase in urine are observed in patients with the following conditions:

    • pregnancy;
    • peritonitis;
    • abdominal injuries;
    • excessive abuse of alcoholic beverages;
    • renal failure.

    In addition, long-term blockage of the duct, surgery to remove the pancreas, liver injury and cystic fibrosis (a genetic disease that affects all organs that produce mucus) can also cause a significant decrease in urine diastasis. It is important to say that in both men and women the normal level of diastase is the same. Reduced diastasis also depends on the patient’s diet and time of day.

    Normal for adults and children

    Acceptable values ​​for urine diastase vary depending on the person’s age:

    • in children and adolescents, the level of diastase in the blood starts from 16 and reaches 64 units. (newborns practically do not have this indicator; it begins to increase only by the age of one year);
    • the norm for adult men and women under 60 years of age should be from 20 to 124 units;
    • in people over 60 years of age it should be in the amount of 24 units per liter of urine and end with 151 units.

    How to collect urine for research?

    Preparing urine for research in the laboratory is not difficult, and the algorithm of actions is practically no different from the classic collection of urine for all usual analysis. However, there are nuances to the analysis of diastase in urine, which are important for every patient to know:

    1. Collecting urine for diastasis involves abstaining from drinking alcohol the day before the test.
    2. In situations where the patient takes any medications, he will need to seek advice from a specialist. The reason is that certain medications can reduce or increase the diastase rate.
    3. Before collecting urine, you need to prepare the container well and rinse it thoroughly with a soda solution.
    4. It is important to pay attention to the technology used in the laboratory. Based on this, the doctor must warn the patient in advance whether he needs to prepare urine at home or whether he will have to donate warm urine directly to the laboratory.

    Before taking the test, you must stop drinking alcohol.

    Urine analysis for diastase has two methods:

    1. 24 hour test. For this, the patient will need to collect all the daily urine and start in the morning. Only the first urination, which occurs immediately after waking up, is not taken into account. For this analysis, most often the laboratory provides the patient with a special 4-liter container containing a preservative. It is important to store such a container in the refrigerator or in a fairly cool place. Toilet paper, hair from intimate places, feces and blood are not allowed into the container.
    2. 2 hour test. During this study, the patient needs to collect urine, which is excreted during this period of time. It is best if the urine is collected in the morning before the test.

    How to get tested?

    To determine whether urine diastasis is low or high, certain reagents are used in the laboratory. Proper analysis involves the use of toluene, 0.85% saline, starch solution and phosphate buffer solution. The analysis process begins with specialists heating about 70 grams of saline solution and boiling it. Next, another test tube is used, into which 3 ml of this solution is added, after which 1 gram of starch solution is poured into it. The liquids should be mixed thoroughly using a specialized glass stick. After the laboratory assistant, a mixture of two liquids is added to a boiling saline solution, mixed, and left to cool. After the resulting mixture has cooled, it is poured into a 100 ml flask, however, liquid should be added according to a special mark.

    To determine the level of diastase in the laboratory, certain reagents are used.

    Then specialists mix the starch together with saline solution. This liquid should be 90 milliliters. 10 ml of toluene and 10 ml of buffer solution are added to the liquid. Next, laboratory assistants prepare an iodine solution. 20 milliliters of iodine and 80 milliliters of water are poured into the flask. Then the doctors proceed directly to the analysis, for which they place 15 test tubes in a stand, into 14 of which they add 1 milliliter of physiological solution. Urine is poured into the 1st and 2nd test tubes, which is mixed with saline solution poured into the container. Then 1 milliliter of contents is poured into the 2nd and 3rd test tubes and mixed carefully. The following manipulations take place according to the scheme described above, laboratory assistants fill all test tubes up to the 15th. 1 milliliter of liquid is poured out of it so that all contain the same volume of material.

    Diastase is an enzymatic substance produced by the pancreas that takes part in the digestive process, affecting the breakdown of starches and polysaccharides into easily digestible forms of sucrose. Diagnosis of biological fluid for diastasis helps to reproduce the clinical picture of the pancreas. This allows doctors to timely take the necessary therapeutic measures to prevent dangerous consequences if pathological changes occur in the organ.

    The pancreas produces a special enzyme alpha-amylase (blood diastase), which actively participates in the functional activity of the digestive system and is active in the synthesis of food products entering the internal organs. Amylase is one of the components of digestive juice. The main process of breakdown of carbohydrate components occurs in the initial part of the small intestine. In accordance with the normal components, diastase is a natural enzyme that is necessary for the body of a healthy person. The problem of the functioning of internal organs appears when it increases for some reason.

    In the absence of pathological changes in the human endocrine system, the concentrated product remains at a stable level. If it increases, this indicates a malfunction of the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract.

    Functions of the pancreas

    The largest organ of the digestive system is located in the upper region of the peritoneum behind the stomach and intestinal region, with which it is connected by a canal (duodenum) and with the stomach from the left side to the right (to the liver). Enzymes secreted by the gland pass through the cecum.

    The organ of the digestive system performs certain functions:

    1. Produces enzymes that promote the digestion of food, reducing the content of protein, fat components and carbohydrates for faster penetration into the blood. This function determines the rate at which the body absorbs the substances entering it.
    2. Synthesizes hormones that affect the activity of metabolic processes in the body (normalizes metabolism). Moving through the circulatory system, they transmit impulse signals to controlled organs and regulate their functioning.

    Acinar cells take part in the production of digestive enzymes, as well as in the synthesis of gastric juice, which creates conditions for the functionality of enzymes. In turn, the synthesis of enzymes is controlled by the nervous and endocrine systems. When food enters the stomach, impulses are sent through nerve cells to the brain organ, thereby stimulating the work of accinar cells. The result is a large release of enzymes from the pancreas that enter the pancreatic juice, which are subsequently excreted from the body.

    Preparation and delivery of tests

    Testing for diastasis implies the need to collect the patient’s urine. For adequate indicators, it is necessary to follow some rules:

    1. Urine collection for diastasis should be carried out on an empty stomach, so the patient should not have breakfast before the procedure.
    2. A week before donating urine, eating fatty, spicy, smoked and sour foods is prohibited. Marinated, spiced foods and sweets are also contraindicated.
    3. You should stop taking medications 5-7 days in advance (if you need to take vital medications, you should inform your doctor about this).
    4. Two days before the diagnosis, it is prohibited to drink alcohol and you should stop smoking.

    Normal indicators

    The diastase rate is determined based on the calculation of units/l. The norm for children over 2 years of age and the norm for adults are identical - 25-125 units/l. Gender does not play a role in this case.

    The diastase rate for older people ranges from 20 to 169 units/l. In pregnant women, the blood diastasis rate should maintain its natural parameters. At the slightest deviation, we can talk about the occurrence of internal pathological processes.

    Factors exceeding the norm

    Sometimes the diastase indicator goes beyond the normal range, which indicates the development of pathology:

    1. Pancreatitis. As a result of a violation of the secretory function of the pancreas, the quantitative and qualitative composition of gastric juice is destabilized, because of this there is an excess of the enzyme in the blood cells.
    2. A malignant formation in an organ that provokes an increased content of the enzyme.
    3. Movement of stones through the bile ducts due to cholelithiasis.
    4. Violation of the normal functionality of the renal structures (normally, diastase is excreted through the kidneys; in pathology, accumulation of the enzyme in the blood is observed).
    5. The inflammatory process in the peritoneal area significantly affects the amount of amylase, which accumulates in large quantities in the pancreas.
    6. The breakdown of carbohydrates in diabetes mellitus.
    7. When the parotid salivary gland becomes inflamed, it causes an increase in the level of diastase.

    The results of diagnosing urine for diastasis may show serious pathology of the pancreas. Its timely identification will help to take measures to restore the normal functioning of the organ and prevent the unpleasant consequences of the problem. Seeking qualified help will allow the patient to lead a normal life, periodically undergoing the necessary diagnostic examinations.

    Diastase in urine is a special enzyme, which in urology is also called “alpha-amylase enzyme”. It is produced by the pancreas, promoting the breakdown of starch and various polysaccharides into simple, easily digestible types of sugars.

    Based on the results of a urine test for diastasis, it is possible to detect serious pancreatic dysfunction, and promptly take all necessary measures to prevent dangerous consequences that can provoke the diagnosed pathologies.

    What is alpha amylase and how does it affect human health? How to take urine tests correctly in order to get reliable laboratory results? For the sake of their own safety, every person who cares about the normal functioning of their body should know about this.

    Normal urine diastasis and reasons for its increase

    Knowing what urine diastasis is, every person should understand why its significant increase is dangerous, as well as why it occurs. There are several reasons why alpha-amylase exceeds the permissible limit in urine. Among them, the most common are:

    • development of pancreatic diseases;
    • diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;
    • disruptions in the functioning of the biliary tract;
    • acute appendicitis;
    • peritonitis;
    • pancreas cancer;
    • diabetes;
    • inflammatory processes occurring in the prostate;
    • excessive production of enzyme by the pancreas, etc.

    In some cases, a urine test for diastase may show a significant decrease in the enzyme alpha amylase, which is due to:

    • sclerotic disorders of the normal functioning of the pancreas;
    • atrophy (death) of pancreatic tissue.

    The rate of urine diastase in adults and children is different, so there is no need to panic when you see “suspicious” numbers on the form. Moreover, the amount of alpha amylase directly depends on the patient’s age. It means that:

    • in people over 60 years of age, the concentration of alpha amylase in a urine test can exceed 124 units per 1 liter (as a rule, the content of this enzyme ranges from 24 units to 150 units per 1 liter of urine sample);
    • the norm of urine diastase in adults (up to 60 years) is from 20-124 units/l;
    • the norm of urine diastase in children is 16-64 units.

    Note. Alpha amylase is completely absent in newborns. However, as they grow older, its content gradually reaches normal (in the absence of the pathologies described above).

    It is important to remember that when determining the level of this enzyme in the urine, the gender of the patient does not play a role. Therefore, when it comes to the normal level of alpha amylase in men, you need to look at the indicators that are typical for all adults.

    Danger indicators and emergency measures

    Since the rate of diastase in urine in adults and small patients should not exceed the levels described above, numbers in clinical tests such as 128, 512, 1024 units should cause a person’s concern. What do these indicators say?

    Diastasis 128 units - what is the diagnosis?

    This level of urine diastase is observed in acute pancreatitis, as well as in the presence of inflammatory processes in the pancreas. Chronic pancreatitis, which is in the acute phase, may also occur.

    Diastase - 512 units

    Diastasis in human urine can be increased to 512 units in the presence of swelling of the tissues lining the pancreas. With this pathological process, the outflow of juice from the pancreas worsens, which is why it lingers in it.

    Amylase – 1024 units

    Such indicators are extremely dangerous and may indicate severe disturbances in the functioning of the life-sustaining system. At the same time, an increase in the concentration of alpha amylase can last for only a few days, while the disease can last much longer.

    What can affect AA levels in urine?

    Under certain conditions, the determination of alpha amylase in urine may be unreliable. As a rule, such fluctuations in results are caused by a number of certain factors, among which the main role is played by:

    • taking medications based on codeine, diuretics, morphine, etc.;
    • drinking alcohol immediately before the test;
    • external influence on a urine sample (saliva contains a certain amount of amylase, so if the patient (even accidentally) sneezes or coughs on the collected material, the results of the study will be unreliable);
    • period of bearing a child, etc.

    Among other things, false results from clinical studies can result from a person’s ignorance of how to properly take a urine test for diastasis. Of course, the rules of this process are practically no different from how to prepare for a regular urine test, but they still need to be clarified.

    Preparing for a urine test for the presence of the enzyme alpha amylase - diastase

    Knowing how to collect urine for diastase, you can be completely confident in the authenticity of the results obtained. To do this, remember the following recommendations:

    1. Do not drink alcoholic beverages for 24 hours before the test.
    2. When taking medications, ask your doctor if you can continue treatment or if it is better to stop it for a while. The fact is that some groups of drugs, as mentioned earlier, can significantly influence the results of studies.
    3. To collect urine, you must use either a sterilized glass jar or a special container, which can be purchased at almost every pharmacy.
    4. Before you start collecting urine, talk to your doctor. You may have to give your urine directly at the clinic.

    Based on what urine diastasis is and what effect its level has on the functioning of all organs and systems in the human body, we can draw a clear conclusion: if you monitor your health and regularly undergo medical examinations just for prevention, you will not miss the moment development of severe pathology. This, in turn, is the main guarantee of the full functioning of not only the pancreas, but also other organs that perform important functions for the life of every person.

    Diastasis in urine reflects changes in this enzyme in the blood. An increase in its activity is observed in inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, injuries, and diabetes mellitus. It is important to follow all the rules for collecting urine: exclude some medications, drink plenty of fluids the day before the test

    Abdominal pain is a symptom of many diseases of internal organs, therefore, to make a correct, accurate diagnosis, a full examination of the body is prescribed. In this case, an analysis such as studying the amount of urine diastase must be carried out. The norm is from 10 to 124 units/l, but this figure varies.

    Each laboratory, in accordance with the reagents and determination methods used, sets its own standards - they are always indicated on the company letterhead. In addition, the norm depends on the age of the person. The second name of the enzyme is alpha-amylase.

    What is called diastase

    In the body of every person, many processes do not occur without complex substances - enzymes. One of them is diastasis. Thanks to this enzyme, carbohydrates are broken down into simpler molecules - sugars, which can be absorbed by the body.

    Diastase is predominantly produced by the pancreas; to a lesser extent, it is synthesized by the salivary glands, intestinal mucosa, and in women by the ovaries. The concentration of the enzyme changes throughout the day. Usually, after eating, its content decreases, since part of the alpha-amylase is used to digest food. On average, to break down normal blood sugar (which is 1-3 mg) you need from 40 to 60 units of diastase.

    The enzyme is excreted in the urine by the kidneys, so its content in the blood and urine is interrelated, but determining the level of amylase in the blood is technically more difficult.

    For diagnostic purposes, a urine test for diastasis is prescribed. This study is especially important for diabetes, signs of pancreatitis, kidney disease, thyroid disease, poisoning, abdominal trauma, and so on.

    Amylase normal limits

    Urine diastase concentrations change with age. In children, levels from 10 to 64 units/l are considered normal. From 17 to 60 years of age, the rate increases, reaching up to 124 units/l. In adults over the age of 60, diastasis in urine is even more elevated - from 25 to 160 units per liter.

    Deviation from the specified parameters indicates the development of pathology, therefore, determining the level of diastase is a mandatory analysis required during examination for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, internal secretion organs, kidneys, in complex diagnostics for bruises, other injuries, or admission for treatment with complaints of abdominal pain.

    In what cases does the enzyme level increase?

    Diastasis in analyzes increases in many diseases, but its greatest amount is detected in pancreatitis, as well as in a cyst or malignant tumor of the pancreas. When these diseases develop, the cells of the organ that produce enzymes are damaged, and their contents are absorbed into the blood, and at the same time the concentration of amylase in the urine increases.

    Urine diastasis in pancreatitis can reach a level of 8000 units/l or more.

    If a tumor develops, then the indicators are much lower, although they exceed the norm - up to 256 units/l. also increased with inflammation of the salivary glands (mumps), cholecystitis. Such diseases provoke a tenfold increase in indicators. Kidney diseases are also reflected in the tests - diastasis in the urine increases with glomerulonephritis and nephritis.

    Other reasons that cause increased amylase levels:

    • abdominal organ injuries;
    • peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum (exacerbation period);
    • internal bleeding;
    • some oncological processes;
    • diabetic ketoacidosis;
    • renal failure;
    • acute conditions - ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis, exacerbation of cholelithiasis or urolithiasis.

    Amylase levels are constantly elevated in those who suffer from alcoholism. But amylase is always elevated in acute pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus or kidney disease. In the latter case, other indicators also change: the level of creatinine is increased, protein, casts, leukocytes, and red blood cells appear in the urine.

    What causes a decrease in diastase levels?

    In adults, enzyme concentrations are reduced due to several conditions. First of all, with chronic pancreatitis, since the disease occurs with a decrease in the functions of cells that secrete amylase. The same picture is observed in children.

    The enzyme level drops significantly after removal of the pancreas. The reasons for the phenomenon are clear: no organ - no enzyme.

    A decrease in diastase is caused by hepatitis, its acute or chronic form, cystic fibrosis, colitis, poisoning, including certain drugs, alcohol or drugs. The level of amylase falls with exacerbation of thyrotoxicosis, and in rare cases, toxicosis of pregnant women.

    It is worth remembering that the concentration of the enzyme changes during the day, and accordingly, urine tests will have different results. Other factors influence the information content and accuracy of analyzes, so there is a clearly defined algorithm for preparing and submitting material.

    How is urine collected for research?

    If the material needs to be collected routinely, during an examination or admission to a hospital, then 24 hours before the test you should not drink alcohol (including medications containing alcohol).

    You cannot eat or drink anything 2 hours before the collection. Urine is collected in the morning and immediately sent to laboratory technicians, since amylase quickly breaks down.

    If acute pancreatitis is suspected, daily urine collection for diastasis is necessary. While the study continues, alcohol is completely prohibited, but food intake and drinking regimen remain unchanged. It is even recommended to slightly increase the amount of liquid you drink.

    During the analysis, it is prohibited to take medications that may cause an increase in amylase: corticosteroids, oral contraceptives, diuretics, pentazocine, cholinergic drugs. Material is collected every 3 hours throughout the day.

    In order for the study to show reliable results, urine must be collected in a clean, special container and given to laboratory technicians. If the patient is at home, it is recommended to toilet the external genitalia, come to the laboratory, and collect material there.

    Amylase breaks down in just an hour, so it is important to deliver urine for examination as quickly as possible, preferably while still warm.

    Indicators are deciphered taking into account factors such as the patient’s age and the methodology used by the laboratory to study the biomaterial. The gender of the patient is not particularly important: the enzyme rate is almost the same for men and women, so decoding does not cause difficulties in this regard. It is necessary to give urine according to the same rules for representatives of both sexes.

    Diastase, or alpha-amylase, is an enzyme necessary for the proper digestion process, which is produced by the pancreas and salivary glands. Let's figure out why it is important for a pediatrician to know what urine diastasis is in a small patient. Let's find out its norm in infants and older children. Let's learn how to properly collect urine from children for analysis.

    Urine diastasis can indicate many disorders in the child’s body

    Why do you need a urine test for diastasis?

    The amount of diastase enzyme in the urine indicates the functioning of the digestive system and indicates the presence of critical health changes in the human body. Both high levels of alpha-amylase and low concentrations are dangerous. Testing urine for diastase will help the pediatrician find out the amount of enzyme produced in the child, indicate existing pathologies, and allow him to make the correct diagnosis.

    How to properly collect urine?

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    Diastasis in urine is determined by 2-hour or 24-hour urine collection. To obtain a reliable result, special rules must be followed. With the 2-hour method, the child’s morning urine sample should be collected and delivered to the laboratory within 2 hours. It is unacceptable to collect biological material the evening before and store it in the refrigerator - the diastase will be destroyed and the analysis result will be unreliable.

    For a reliable result, you should not eat or drink 2 hours before taking the test. Be sure to wash your genitals with soap. Skip the first and last portions of morning urine - collect the middle one in a sterile container.

    Advice for parents of infants: use a sterile urine collector, which is sold in pharmacies, or collect urine in a sterile container. It is unacceptable to collect material on oilcloth or squeeze it out of a diaper or diaper - this will negatively affect the reliability of the result.

    24-hour urine collection is carried out in a special container with a preservative. It is forbidden to touch its inner surface with your fingers! All urine is collected into it during the day, starting in the morning, but without skipping the first emptying of the bladder.

    To test for diastase, about 30 ml of urine is needed, so when collecting 24 hours, do not bring all the urine collected per day. Dispense and deliver 20-30 ml to the laboratory.

    Alpha-amylase levels increase when taking certain medications, such as tetracycline antibiotics. If you or your baby are taking medications, ask your doctor about their effect on the results before taking the test.

    This is what disposable pediatric sterile urine bags look like

    Norms for children

    The diastase rate varies among children of different ages. Until one year, this enzyme is practically not produced: the norm is from 5 to 65 units per liter. After 12 months of life, diastase levels in urine will vary from 25 to 125 units per liter. A deviation from the normal values ​​of diastase towards a decrease or increase indicates problems in the baby’s health. To make a correct diagnosis, the pediatrician will prescribe additional tests.

    Decoding the results

    A general urine test of a child is an informative method of diagnosis. Its result indicates the preconditions or presence of any disease. Having interpreted the meaning of diastase alone, parents will not be able to make a diagnosis on their own. This can be done by a competent specialist, based on additional information. What is the reason for the deviation from the norm in one direction or another?

    Exceeding the norm indicates pancreatitis. An increase of 200 times or more indicates a chronic form of the disease. If the level of diastase in the patient’s urine increases, along with high levels of urea and creatinine, the doctor diagnoses “renal failure.”

    Experienced specialists should carry out the analysis and decipher it

    An increase in alpha-amylase may indicate:

    • ulcer;
    • colitis;
    • peritonitis;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • inflammatory processes of the gallbladder;
    • viral and bacterial infections;
    • intestinal obstruction;
    • mumps (mumps);
    • abdominal injuries;
    • oncology.

    A deviation of diastase from the norm to a lesser extent is a sign of improper functioning of any of the body systems. A decrease in the diastase enzyme is observed with:

    • viral hepatitis;
    • pancreatic tumors;
    • blockage of the bile ducts;
    • liver diseases.

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