• Creating a successful social situation for the development of preschool children. Message for educators "conditions for creating a social situation for the development of children in preschool institutions." Features of the social situation during the transition from the primary preschool period to a hundred


    Ensuring emotional well-being as a necessary condition for creating a social situation for the development of children

    2. Emotions play an important role in people's lives, helping them perceive reality and respond to it. Feelings dominate all aspects of a preschooler’s life, giving them a special coloring. Child's behavior development of his emotional sphere is an important indicator in understanding the world of a small person and testifies about his mental state, well-being, possible prospects development.

    3. One of the first tasks Standard: protection and promotion of physical and mental health children, including them emotional well-being.

    Section 3.2.5. Conditions, corresponding to the specifics of preschool age, suggest:

    1) Ensuring emotional well-being through: direct communication with each child; respectful attitude towards each child, his feelings and needs

    4. Emotional teacher's attitude towards children

    Positive: constant care, attention to children, tactful help in case of difficulty. Uses verbal and non-verbal means of communication. Lets the child know that he cares about him. He responds kindly to their questions and requests for help.

    2. Instability: does not show initiative in relations with children, lacks sensitivity to children, pedagogical tact. Situational behavior with overall positive emotional coloring.

    3. Lack of positive emotional teacher's relationship with children: dry in approach, insensitive to mood, experiences, emotional well-being of children.

    Unconditional acceptance of every child by an adult

    Positivity of the environment children

    Equality in relationships between adults and children

    Flexible, person-centered approach

    Close professional cooperation of all specialists

    Creating conditions to reveal the personal individuality of pupils

    Attentive attitude and sensitive response to emerging children's problems, anxieties and fears

    Tactful communication with a child

    Confidentiality of information about participants in psychological and pedagogical interaction

    All this is ensuring the emotional well-being of the child

    6. Emotional well-being preschooler is determined by a variety of factors: physical well-being, psychological climate in the family, child’s self-esteem, his relationships with peers and adults, communication styles of teachers with children


    8. Methodological tools development of the emotional sphere of children

    Expression Exercise emotions and emotional contact

    Elements of psychological training

    9. games and exercises aimed at development of the emotional sphere

    A game “a wonderful dream of a kitten” Exercise "A kitten's wonderful dream".

    Children lie in a circle on their backs, arms and legs are freely extended, slightly divorced, eyes closed.

    Quiet, calm music is turned on, against the background of which the presenter slowly pronounces: “The little kitten was very tired, ran around, played enough and lay down to rest, curled up into a ball. He dreams of a magical dream: blue sky, bright sun, clear water, silvery fish, family, friends, familiar animals, mother says kind words, a miracle happens. A wonderful dream, but it's time to wake up. The kitten opens its eyes, stretches, smiles.” The host asks children about their dreams what did they see, hear, feel, did a miracle happen?

    The teacher passes the mirror around and invites each child to look at himself, smile and say: "Hello, it's me!"

    After completing the exercise, attention is drawn to the fact that when a person smiles, the corners of his mouth are directed upward, his cheeks can prop up his eyes so much that they turn into small slits.

    If a child finds it difficult to turn to himself the first time, there is no need to insist on this. In this case, it is better to immediately pass the mirror to the next group member. Such a child also requires special attention from adults.

    This exercise can be diversified by inviting children to show sadness, surprise, fear, etc. Before performing, you can show the children a pictogram depicting the given emotions, paying attention to the position of the eyebrows, eyes, mouth.

    A game "broken phone"

    A game "Tender palms".

    Children sit in a circle, one after another. With their palms they stroke the child sitting in front of him on the head, back, arms, lightly touching.

    A game "Magic Box".

    In the morning during the reception, I talk to the children and find out how they feel, what their mood is today. Then I show the box and explain that it is magical and you can put all your bad ones in it. feelings: anger, resentment, fear, rage, etc. I suggest that children do this by imitating folding movements. At the end of the game, we close the box and say that all the feelings we don’t need remain in it.

    10. For creation in the positive group emotional background, atmosphere of goodwill and security, we use psychological speech settings

    - hello, my dears! It's cloudy outside today. And in our group it is warm, light and cheerful. Your smile is the sun, which makes you feel warm and good, so you and I will smile at each other more often.

    11. Emotional life, emotional well-being, emotional self-expression and all higher human feelings are developing in the process of coordinated work of all participants in the educational process.

    Maybe we just got used to it,

    But you can't help but see it,

    What do teachers usually do?

    Tired eyes in the evening.

    We know what it is

    Children are a restless swarm!

    You won’t find peace here with just one,

    And not with such a crowd.

    This one is funny, and this one looks askance,

    There the fighter is already starting a fight.

    What about questions? Thousands of questions.

    And everyone requires an answer.

    How much affection and care is needed,

    Hear everyone, understand everyone.

    Grateful and hard work

    Constantly replacing my mother.

    Mom is not worried at work.

    After all, they always watch the kids

    Kind tired eyes.

    The day is over. Not all songs have been sung.

    Children's sleep is not disturbed.

    So take a bow from the entire planet,

    Behind children, take our bow!

    1) ensuring emotional well-being through:

    direct communication with each child;

    respectful attitude towards each child, his feelings and needs;

    2) support for children’s individuality and initiative through:

    creating conditions for children to freely choose activities and participants in joint activities;

    creating conditions for children to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts;

    non-directive assistance to children, support for children's initiative and independence in various types of activities (play, research, design, cognitive, etc.);

    3) establishing rules of interaction in different situations:

    creating conditions for positive, friendly relationships between children, including those belonging to different national, cultural, religious communities and social strata, as well as those with different (including limited) health capabilities;

    development of children’s communication abilities, allowing them to resolve conflict situations with peers;

    developing children’s ability to work in a peer group;

    4) construction of variable developmental education, focused on the level of development that is manifested in the child in joint activities with adults and more experienced peers, but is not updated in his individual activities (hereinafter referred to as the zone of proximal development of each child), through:

    creating conditions for mastering cultural means of activity;

    organization of activities that promote the development of thinking, speech, communication, imagination and children's creativity, personal, physical and artistic-aesthetic development of children;

    supporting spontaneous play of children, enriching it, providing play time and space;

    assessment of children's individual development;

    5) interaction with parents (legal representatives) on issues of the child’s education, their direct involvement in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on identifying needs and supporting the family’s educational initiatives.

    3.2.6. In order to effectively implement the Program, conditions must be created for:

    3.2.7. For correctional work with children with disabilities who are mastering the Program together with other children in Combined Groups, conditions must be created in accordance with the list and plan for the implementation of individually oriented correctional activities that ensure the satisfaction of the special educational needs of children with disabilities.

    3.2.8. The organization must create opportunities:

    2) for adults to search and use materials that ensure the implementation of the Program, including in the information environment;

    3) to discuss with parents (legal representatives) of children issues related to the implementation of the Program.

    3.2.9. The maximum permissible volume of educational load must comply with the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations”, approved by the resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2013 No. 26 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 29, 2013, registration No. 28564).

    3.3. Requirements for a developing subject-spatial environment.

    3.3.1. The developing subject-spatial environment ensures maximum realization of the educational potential of the space of the Organization, Group, as well as the territory adjacent to the Organization or located at a short distance, adapted for the implementation of the Program (hereinafter referred to as the site), materials, equipment and inventory for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, protecting and strengthening their health, taking into account the characteristics and correction of deficiencies in their development.

    3.3.2. A developing subject-spatial environment should provide the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children (including children of different ages) and adults, physical activity of children, as well as opportunities for privacy.

    3.3.3. The developing subject-spatial environment should provide:

    implementation of various educational programs;

    in the case of organizing inclusive education - the necessary conditions for it;

    taking into account the national, cultural and climatic conditions in which educational activities are carried out; taking into account the age characteristics of children.

    3.3.4. A developing subject-spatial environment must be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

    1) The richness of the environment must correspond to the age capabilities of the children and the content of the Program.

    The educational space must be equipped with teaching and educational means (including technical ones), relevant materials, including consumable gaming, sports, health equipment, inventory (in accordance with the specifics of the Program).

    The organization of the educational space and the variety of materials, equipment and supplies (in the building and on the site) should ensure:

    playful, educational, research and creative activity of all pupils, experimenting with materials available to children (including sand and water);

    motor activity, including the development of gross and fine motor skills, participation in outdoor games and competitions;

    emotional well-being of children in interaction with the subject-spatial environment;

    opportunity for children to express themselves.

    For infants and young children, the educational space should provide necessary and sufficient opportunities for movement, object and play activities with different materials.

    2) Transformability of space implies the possibility of changes in the subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children;

    3) Multifunctionality of materials implies:

    the possibility of varied use of various components of the object environment, for example, children's furniture, mats, soft modules, screens, etc.;

    the presence in the Organization or Group of multifunctional (not having a strictly fixed method of use) objects, including natural materials, suitable for use in various types of children's activities (including as substitute objects in children's play).

    4) Variability of the environment implies:

    the presence in the Organization or Group of various spaces (for play, construction, privacy, etc.), as well as a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment that ensure free choice for children;

    periodic change of play material, the emergence of new objects that stimulate the play, motor, cognitive and research activity of children.

    5) Availability of the environment assumes:

    accessibility for pupils, including children with disabilities and children with disabilities, of all premises where educational activities are carried out;

    free access for children, including children with disabilities, to games, toys, materials, and aids that provide all basic types of children’s activities;

    serviceability and safety of materials and equipment.

    6) The safety of the subject-spatial environment presupposes the compliance of all its elements with the requirements to ensure the reliability and safety of their use.

    3.3.5. The organization independently determines the teaching aids, including technical, relevant materials (including consumables), gaming, sports, recreational equipment, inventory necessary for the implementation of the Program.

    3.4. Requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of the Program.

    3.4.1. The implementation of the Program is ensured by management, pedagogical, educational support, administrative and economic employees of the Organization. Scientific workers of the Organization may also participate in the implementation of the Program. Other employees of the Organization, including those engaged in financial and economic activities, protecting the life and health of children, ensure the implementation of the Program.

    The qualifications of teaching and educational support workers must correspond to the qualification characteristics established in the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section “Qualification Characteristics of Positions of Education Workers”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2010 N 761n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 6, 2010, registration N 18638), as amended by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2011 N 448n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 1, 2011, registration N 21240).

    The job composition and number of employees required to implement and ensure the implementation of the Program are determined by its goals and objectives, as well as the developmental characteristics of children.

    A necessary condition for the high-quality implementation of the Program is its continuous support by teaching and educational support workers throughout the entire period of its implementation in the Organization or in the Group.

    3.4.2. Teaching staff implementing the Program must have the basic competencies necessary to create conditions for the development of children, as outlined in paragraph 3.2.5 of this Standard.

    3.4.3. When working in Groups for children with disabilities, the Organization may additionally provide positions for teaching staff who have the appropriate qualifications to work with these disabilities of children, including assistants (assistants) who provide children with the necessary assistance. It is recommended to provide positions of appropriate teaching staff for each Group for children with disabilities.

    3.4.4. When organizing inclusive education:

    When children with disabilities are included in the Group, additional teaching staff who have the appropriate qualifications to work with these health limitations of children may be involved in the implementation of the Program. It is recommended to involve appropriate teaching staff for each Group in which inclusive education is organized;

    When other categories of children with special educational needs are included in the Group, including those in difficult life situations 6, additional teaching staff with appropriate qualifications may be involved.

    3.5. Requirements for the material and technical conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education.

    3.5.1. Requirements for the material and technical conditions for the implementation of the Program include:

    1) requirements determined in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations;

    2) requirements determined in accordance with fire safety rules;

    3) requirements for means of training and education in accordance with the age and individual developmental characteristics of children;

    4) equipping the premises with a developing subject-spatial environment;

    5) requirements for the material and technical support of the program (educational and methodological kit, equipment, equipment (items).

    3.6. Requirements for financial conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education.

    3.6.1. Financial provision of state guarantees for citizens to receive public and free preschool education at the expense of the corresponding budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation in state, municipal and private organizations is carried out on the basis of standards for ensuring state guarantees for the implementation of the rights to receive public and free preschool education, determined by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, ensuring the implementation of the Program in accordance with the Standard.

    3.6.2. The financial conditions for the implementation of the Program must:

    1) ensure the ability to meet the requirements of the Standard for the conditions of implementation and structure of the Program;

    2) ensure the implementation of the mandatory part of the Program and the part formed by participants in the educational process, taking into account the variability of individual development trajectories of children;

    3) reflect the structure and volume of expenses necessary for the implementation of the Program, as well as the mechanism for their formation.

    3.6.3. Financing of the implementation of the educational program of preschool education should be carried out in the amount of standards determined by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to ensure state guarantees of the implementation of the rights to receive public and free preschool education. These standards are determined in accordance with the Standard, taking into account the type of Organization, special conditions for obtaining education by children with disabilities (special conditions of education - special educational programs, methods and teaching aids, textbooks, teaching aids, didactic and visual materials, technical means of collective teaching and individual use (including special ones), means of communication and communication, sign language interpretation in the implementation of educational programs, adaptation of educational institutions and adjacent territories for free access of all categories of persons with disabilities, as well as pedagogical, psychological and pedagogical, medical, social and other services that provide an adaptive educational environment and a barrier-free living environment, without which it is difficult for persons with disabilities to master educational programs), providing additional professional education for teaching staff, ensuring safe conditions for learning and education, protecting children’s health, the focus of the Program, categories of children, forms training and other features of educational activities, and should be sufficient and necessary for the Organization to carry out:

    expenses for remuneration of employees implementing the Program;

    expenses for teaching and educational means, relevant materials, including the purchase of educational publications in paper and electronic form, didactic materials, audio and video materials, including materials, equipment, workwear, games and toys, electronic educational resources necessary for the organization all types of educational activities and the creation of a developing subject-spatial environment, including special ones for children with disabilities. Developing subject-spatial environment is a part of the educational environment, represented by a specially organized space (rooms, area, etc.), materials, equipment and supplies for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, the protection and promotion of their health, accounting features and correction of deficiencies in their development, acquisition of updated educational resources, including consumables, subscriptions to update electronic resources, subscriptions to technical support for the activities of educational and educational means, sports and recreational equipment, inventory, payment for communication services, including expenses, related to connecting to the information and telecommunications network Internet;

    expenses associated with additional professional education of management and teaching staff in the profile of their activities;

    other expenses related to the implementation and ensuring the implementation of the Program.

    Conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children

    Slide 1 " Conditions, necessary to create a social situation for the development of children«

    Slide 2 According to the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the main tasks of subsidiaries is development moral qualities, the formation of value orientations in preschoolers based on norms and rules of behavior that have developed in society.

    Much attention is paid development the child’s initiative, his interaction and communication with adults and peers, the basics of behavior in everyday life, in nature, in society; formation of rules of behavior at the level of “what is good and what is bad”, perception of the surrounding world, emotional responsiveness, empathy.

    Slide 3 Emotionally comfortable climate in the group, organization of various situations, meaningful, personality-oriented interaction between the teacher and children –

    the basis for the accumulation of positive experience and value orientations of students.

    Situations are being constructed teacher:

    Real practical experience and conditional,

    verbal situations.

    Slide 4 In each situation, the teacher needs:

    - To become interested in a problem that requires a solution, to present it emotionally, to introduce children into the situation. (What's happened)

    — Encourage the search for possible options and solutions situations. (How to help)

    - Turn on children into specific practical action. (Help resolve the conflict, show concern.)

    — Help to experience a feeling of satisfaction from a successfully resolved problem, to understand how the emotional state of the participants has changed situations, and rejoice with them. (It’s so good when we support each other! It’s so good when friends help you)

    Slide 5 For playing games situations we use:

    Slide 6 Our constant assistants in parents are responsible for the social development of children. Only in cooperation with close adults can high educational results be achieved.

    Slide 7 Thank you for your attention!

    Technology for creating a situation of success in educational activities Over the past decade and a half, the phrase “situation of success in educational (learning) activities” has become commonplace in pedagogy.

    Advisory material for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Conditions for the development of a child in director’s play” The management of director’s games is difficult due to the predominance of individual forms, as well as their inherent intimate nature. That's why.

    Ensuring emotional well-being as a necessary condition for creating a social situation for the development of children 2. Emotions play an important role in people's lives, helping to perceive reality and respond to it. Feelings dominate all parties.

    Conditions for successful speech development in children A person spends his entire life improving his speech, mastering the riches of language. Each age stage brings something new to his speech development.

    Pedagogical conditions for the cognitive development of preschool children The development of the problem of cognitive development of preschool children led us to the need to identify and substantiate pedagogical conditions.

    Formation of social competence of preschool children as a factor in the development of social giftedness The topic of the experiment: “Formation of social competence of preschool children as a factor in the development of social giftedness.” The purpose of our experiment.

    Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of self-service skills in children with multiple developmental disorders PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS FOR THE FORMATION OF SELF-CARE SKILLS IN CHILDREN WITH MULTIPLE DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS The article discusses.

    Seminar (educational) “Conditions for successful speech development of children” Seminar (educational) for educators Topic: “Conditions for successful speech development of children” Prepared by: V. M. Ganyukova, senior teacher of MKDOU.

    “Checkers tournament” - to create conditions for the intellectual development of children of senior preschool age Objectives: 1. development of spatial concepts, imaginative and logical thinking in children; 2. consolidation of the ability to perform games.

    Conditions for the spiritual and moral development of a preschool child in the process of environmental education The formation of a child’s personality, the development of a correct attitude towards the environment, a certain moral position is impossible without a harmonious one.

    III. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education

    3.1. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the Program include requirements for the psychological, pedagogical, personnel, material, technical and financial conditions for the implementation of the Program, as well as for the developing subject-spatial environment.

    The conditions for the implementation of the Program must ensure the full development of the personality of children in all main educational areas, namely: in the areas of socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic and physical development of the personality of children against the background of their emotional well-being and positive attitude towards the world, towards themselves and to other people.

    These requirements are aimed at creating a social development situation for participants in educational relations, including the creation of an educational environment that:

    1) guarantees the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;

    2) ensures the emotional well-being of children;

    3) promotes the professional development of teaching staff;

    4) creates conditions for developing variable preschool education;

    5) ensures openness of preschool education;

    6) creates conditions for the participation of parents (legal representatives) in educational activities.

    3.2. Requirements for psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education.

    3.2.1. For successful implementation of the Program must be ensured the following psychological and pedagogical conditions:

    1) respect of adults for the human dignity of children, formation and support of their positive self-esteem, confidence in their own capabilities and abilities;

    2) the use in educational activities of forms and methods of working with children that correspond to their age and individual characteristics (the inadmissibility of both artificial acceleration and artificial slowdown of children’s development);

    3) building educational activities based on interaction between adults and children, focused on the interests and capabilities of each child and taking into account the social situation of his development;

    4) support by adults for the positive, friendly attitude of children towards each other and the interaction of children with each other in different types of activities;

    5) support for children’s initiative and independence in activities specific to them;

    6) the opportunity for children to choose materials, types of activities, participants in joint activities and communication;

    7) protection of children from all forms of physical and mental violence5;

    8) support for parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their health, involving families directly in educational activities.

    3.2.2. In order to receive, without discrimination, a quality education for children with disabilities, the necessary conditions are created for the diagnosis and correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation, the provision of early correctional assistance based on special psychological and pedagogical approaches and the most suitable languages, methods, methods of communication and conditions for these children, contributing to the maximum extent to the receipt of preschool education, as well as the social development of these children, including through the organization of inclusive education for children with disabilities.

    3.2.3. During the implementation of the Program, an assessment of the individual development of children may be carried out. Such an assessment is carried out by a teacher within the framework of pedagogical diagnostics (an assessment of the individual development of preschool children, associated with an assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions and underlying their further planning).

    The results of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) can be used exclusively to solve the following educational problems:

    1) individualization of education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of his developmental characteristics);

    2) optimization of work with a group of children.

    Used if necessary psychological diagnostics child development (identification and study of individual psychological characteristics of children), which is carried out by qualified specialists (educational psychologists, psychologists).

    A child’s participation in psychological diagnostics is permitted only with the consent of his parents (legal representatives).

    The results of psychological diagnostics can be used to solve problems of psychological support and conduct qualified correction of children's development.

    3.2.4. The occupancy of the Group is determined taking into account the age of the children, their health status, and the specifics of the Program.

    3.2.5. The conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children that corresponds to the specifics of preschool age presuppose:

    1) ensuring emotional well-being through:

    direct communication with each child;

    respectful attitude towards each child, his feelings and needs;

    2) support for children’s individuality and initiative through:

    creating conditions for children to freely choose activities and participants in joint activities;

    creating conditions for children to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts;

    non-directive assistance to children, support for children's initiative and independence in various types of activities (play, research, design, cognitive, etc.);

    3) establishing rules of interaction in different situations:

    creating conditions for positive, friendly relationships between children, including those belonging to different national, cultural, religious communities and social strata, as well as those with different (including limited) health capabilities;

    development of children’s communication abilities, allowing them to resolve conflict situations with peers;

    developing children’s ability to work in a peer group;

    4) construction of variable developmental education, focused on the level of development that is manifested in the child in joint activities with adults and more experienced peers, but is not updated in his individual activities (hereinafter referred to as the zone of proximal development of each child), through:

    creating conditions for mastering cultural means of activity;

    organization of activities that promote the development of thinking, speech, communication, imagination and children's creativity, personal, physical and artistic-aesthetic development of children;

    supporting spontaneous play of children, enriching it, providing play time and space;

    assessment of children's individual development;

    5) interaction with parents (legal representatives) on issues of the child’s education, their direct involvement in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on identifying needs and supporting the family’s educational initiatives.

    3.2.6. In order to effectively implement the Program, there must be conditions have been created For:

    1) professional development of teaching and management personnel, including their additional professional education;

    2) advisory support for teaching staff and parents (legal representatives) on issues of education and child health, including inclusive education (if it is organized);

    3) organizational and methodological support for the process of implementation of the Program, including in interaction with peers and adults.

    When creating conditions for working with disabled children mastering the Program, the individual rehabilitation program of the disabled child must be taken into account.

    3.2.8. The organization must create possibilities:

    1) to provide information about the Program to the family and all interested parties involved in educational activities, as well as the general public;




    2 CONCEPT OF SOCIAL SITUATION OF DEVELOPMENT L.S. Vygotsky introduced the concept of the social situation of development as the most important characteristic of age, revealing the relationship between the child and his social environment. If the social situation of the mental development of a child of infancy is a situation of the inextricable unity of a child and an adult, the social situation of “WE,” then in preschool age the child’s interests move from the world of objects to the world of adults. For the first time, the child psychologically goes beyond the family, beyond the circle of close people. The adult begins to act not only as a specific person, but also as an image. The social situation of development in preschool childhood is “child - adult (generalized, social). A generalized adult is a bearer of social functions, i.e. a driver, a policeman, a salesman, a teacher, a mother in general.

    3 CONDITIONS NECESSARY TO CREATE A SOCIAL SITUATION OF DEVELOPMENT (FROM GEF TO) I. Ensuring emotional well-being. II.Support for individuality and initiative. III. Establishing rules of interaction in different situations. IV. Construction of variable developmental education, focused on the level of development that is manifested in the child in joint activities with adults and more experienced peers, but is not updated in his individual activities. V. Interaction with parents (legal representatives) on issues of the child’s education, their direct involvement in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on identifying needs and supporting the family’s educational initiatives.


    5 CONDITIONS PROVIDING EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING (ACCORDING TO E. ERICSON) 1. A well-developed sense of individuality (more on this in the next section). 2. Ability to communicate. 3. The ability to create close relationships. 4. Ability to be active.

    6 ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE Emotional well-being leaves an imprint on the ability to communicate with other people. To achieve a positive result, it is important that partners have two qualities: the ability to clearly, directly and intelligibly express their thoughts and feelings and the ability to understand the thoughts and feelings of the opposite party. Speaking and listening skills are important because they determine the quality of relationships.

    7 RULES OF ACTIVE LISTENING 1. Talk facing each other. Eye contact. 2. Give the child feedback: Ask clarifying questions, for example: “Have you decided...”. Name the child’s feelings: “Are you angry?” 3. Pause after each child’s response. 4. Repeat what you heard from the child, indicate his feelings. What's good? 1. The child’s negative experience will weaken. 2. The child will talk more about himself. 3. The child is making progress in solving his difficulty independently.

    8 REMEMBER: How did you feel as a child when you came into contact with adults? Were there adults in your childhood with whom you had good informal contact and who paid attention to you (which you needed for good contact with adults) How did your family react to your display of strong emotions? What did they tell you at the time? How has this affected your life? Conclusions: If a child is on a “starvation diet,” he pulls the “blanket of attention” onto himself, even if it is negative attention.

    9 One of the main conditions for maintaining emotional well-being even in difficult situations is emotional stability - the ability to overcome the state of excessive emotional arousal when performing complex activities, the non-susceptibility of emotional states to negative influences (external and internal). This is one of the psychological factors of reliability, efficiency and success of activities.

    10 EMOTIONAL STABILITY OF A TEACHER Reasons for the manifestation of emotional instability (according to the results of a survey of teachers; Semyonova E.M., Minsk): 1st place - material and living conditions; increased responsibility for the life, well-being and health of the child; low prestige of the teaching profession. 2nd place – subjective factors (which indicates that teachers underestimate their own personal characteristics to demonstrate emotional stability): individual typological characteristics (independent of the person); emotional imbalance and excitability; inability to manage manifestations of emotional state. Teachers ranked behavioral flexibility (patterned, rigidity of thinking and behavior) in 12th place in the ranking series, which indicates that teachers are inattentive to these features of professional behavior.

    11 EMOTIONAL STABILITY OF A TEACHER During the research, it became clear that in fact, the manifestation of emotional stability in the professional activities of a teacher is determined by the psychological characteristics of the individual: Professional self-awareness (motivation for teaching, humanistic motives of the individual, positive self-perception, desire for self-improvement) Emotional responsiveness (ability to understand, sincerely accept the experiences of children, show warmth and participation to them) Volitional self-regulation Behavioral flexibility (ease of behavior adjustment, prompt response to changing situations, ability to adapt to changes that may occur unexpectedly)

    12 HOW TO INCREASE EMOTIONAL STABILITY Safe emotional release (name, acknowledge and safely release feelings) The meaning of safe emotional release. Prevention (games and exercises for relaxation) Rules. Increasing professional self-esteem. One of the main reasons for low self-esteem is criticism. Inner critic. Support.

    13 ABILITY TO CREATE CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS REFLECTING: 1. How do you understand honest, trusting relationships with other people (children)? 2. What prevents you from establishing such relationships with loved ones, with your own children, children of the group? (write down) 3. What is good about establishing such a relationship?

    14 Close relationships are determined by trust, attention, care for each other and allow: - to freely express your innermost thoughts and aspirations and at the same time not be afraid of being misunderstood and not accepted; - feel comfortable and free, relax, relieve internal tension; -increase self-esteem and develop a sense of self-worth. Establishing close relationships goes through a number of conditions: the ability to open up (trust); accept the other as he is, without the desire to change him; provide support and help to each other both in words and in deeds.

    15 A special place in emotional well-being is occupied by the need to be loved and a person’s ability to love others. However, before a person learns to love others, he must learn to respect and love himself. Failure to do this is an indicator of self-disrespect (Distress “I’m not good enough”)


    17 DEVELOPMENT OF A SENSE OF INDIVIDUALITY The development and formation of a sense of individuality occurs in adolescence. However, for many people, the development of individuality continues throughout their lives. The process of experiencing oneself (self-knowledge) changes as one grows and matures. A person’s individuality includes a whole complex of elements: age, gender, ethnicity, religion, profession, abilities, hobbies, relationships with other people, features of self-awareness as an individual.

    18 DEVELOPMENT OF INDIVIDUALITY IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN In a small child it is expressed in action, in the first disobedience, the first stubbornness, and then in the words: “I myself.” The development of individuality is facilitated by: 1) a person’s ability to interact with others - formed by imitation of the so-called “significant others” (in preschool age these are parents); 2) the ability to understand the ambiguity of an action (you can’t swing at your mother, but you can wave away a fly); ambiguity of the properties of things (a stick can be used in the game as a spoon and as a thermometer); 3) the ability to resist a pattern, a stereotype of behavior (different styles of behavior in conflict); 4) the ability to take the point of view of another person (in a role-playing game;

    19 PERSONAL ACTIVITY Activity (behavior, activity) is the ability to transform the material and spiritual environment. Personal activity is manifested in creative activity, will, and communication. Active actions can pursue humanistic and anti-humanistic goals, have both a socially useful and antisocial orientation.

    20 THREE TYPES OF BEHAVIOR Passive behavior is expressed in the fact that a person shifts the solution of his problems to others. He goes with the flow, hides his true thoughts, feelings and desires from himself and others. It ends with the fact that a person, as a rule, blames anyone for his failures, but not himself. In addition, relationships with other people do not work out or are destroyed if they existed. Active behavior is expressed in the fact that a person openly declares his needs, desires and his desire to satisfy them by all permitted methods. His attitude towards other people is friendly, respectful, and they pay him the same. Having identified his goal, a person strives to achieve it. Independence and self-esteem are inherent in such people; an active life position creates normal, healthy relationships between people (or healthy competition). Such people, as a rule, achieve great success. At the same time, active behavior can also be aggressive. In this case, achieving the goal occurs through infringement or claims on the rights of other people. Naturally, this causes their response, which ultimately ends in complete isolation of the person and rejection from others. Aggressive behavior insults others, hurts their self-esteem, and forces them to take retaliatory measures.

    21 NEED IS THE REASON FOR PERSONAL ACTIVITY Need (exists objectively) is the reason for the activity of the individual, it is a person’s need (need) for something, something for which he strives. It can be unconscious and conscious. Internal awareness of a need (motive - exists subjectively in the mind, is always aware) encourages a person to actively search for ways to satisfy it and become a motivating reason for activity. The fulfillment of necessary, obligatory needs is emotionally recognized as satisfaction, and the fulfillment of optional needs as pleasure. Satisfaction of needs is the source of creation, and pleasure is the source of destruction.

    22 Needs can be divided into biological, personal and social. Biological ones are aimed at ensuring the body’s needs for food, warmth, safety, movement, reproduction, etc. Personal needs stimulate a person to maintain his independence and individuality: these are the needs for self-expression and self-affirmation. Social needs are aimed at activity and contacts with other people: this is the need for communication, inclusion in a group, in an activity.

    23 CONCEPT OF NEEDS BY A. MASLOW 1. Physiological needs. 2. The need for safety, reliability. 3. Social needs. 4. The need for self-esteem and self-esteem. 5. The need for self-realization and personal development, for self-actualization, understanding one’s place in the world.


    25 CREATING CONDITIONS FOR POSITIVE, FRIENDLY RELATIONS BETWEEN CHILDREN Work in small groups. Assignment: List the conditions that, in your opinion, are necessary to create friendly relationships between children 1. Select small group speakers (1 minute). Group members complete the task independently (5 minutes) 2. Take turns speaking, the speaker writes it down (5 minutes) 3. Group speakers read out the answers. 4. The presenter adds if necessary: ​​children may belong to different national, cultural, religious communities and social strata, as well as have different (including limited) health capabilities.

    26 DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATION ABILITIES Brainstorming. Means for developing the communication abilities of preschool children. Select committee members who will process the proposed solutions. Stage 1 – problem statement. Stage 2 – generation of ideas. Rules: no restrictions on the number of ideas; a complete ban on criticism (including positive); any ideas, even the most absurd ones, are welcome; combine and improve any ideas (no authority). Stage 3 – grouping, selection and evaluation of ideas. Evaluation is no longer limited, but your feelings after brainstorming are welcomed.

    27 CHILDREN’S CONFLICTS Presentation “How to help children resolve conflict”

    28 WHAT ARE THE RULES, WHEN AND HOW TO IMPROVE THEM Work in small groups. Task: 1. At what age can rules of interaction be introduced? 2. Formulate rules (for different age groups)


    30 THE POSSIBILITY OF USING THE ZONE OF PROXIMAL DEVELOPMENT 1. In organized educational activities 2. In independent activities of children

    31 Construction of variable developmental education, focused on the zone of proximal development of each child, through: Creating conditions for mastering cultural means of activity; Organization of activities that promote the development of thinking, speech, communication, imagination and children's creativity, personal, physical and artistic-aesthetic development of children Supporting children's spontaneous play, its enrichment, providing play time and space Assessing children's individual development


    33 On issues of child education, their direct involvement in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on identifying needs and supporting the family’s educational initiatives

    • How much, what time, when? How much does a child sleep per day in the first year and a half of life? Rarely does a mother (or grandmother) not wonder how much sleep their youngest family member should sleep, what time are sleep changes normal, when does a child stop sleeping three-two-once during the day, how many hours of sleep should be at night, and how much during the day? With the passage of […]
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    THE CONCEPT OF SOCIAL SITUATION OF DEVELOPMENT L.S. Vygotsky introduced the concept of the social situation of development as the most important characteristic of age, revealing the relationship between the child and his social environment. If the social situation of the mental development of a child of infancy is a situation of the inextricable unity of a child and an adult, the social situation of “WE,” then in preschool age the child’s interests move from the world of objects to the world of adults. For the first time, the child psychologically goes beyond the family, beyond the circle of close people. The adult begins to act not only as a specific person, but also as an image. The social situation of development in preschool childhood is “child - adult (generalized, social). A generalized adult is a bearer of social functions, i.e. a driver, a policeman, a salesman, a teacher, a mother in general.

    CONDITIONS NECESSARY TO CREATE A SOCIAL SITUATION OF DEVELOPMENT (FROM GEF TO) I. Ensuring emotional well-being. II.Support for individuality and initiative. III. Establishing rules of interaction in different situations. IV. Construction of variable developmental education, focused on the level of development that is manifested in the child in joint activities with adults and more experienced peers, but is not updated in his individual activities. V. Interaction with parents (legal representatives) on issues of the child’s education, their direct involvement in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on identifying needs and supporting the family’s educational initiatives.

    ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE Emotional well-being leaves an imprint on the ability to communicate with other people. To achieve a positive result, it is important that partners have two qualities: the ability to clearly, directly and intelligibly express their thoughts and feelings and the ability to understand the thoughts and feelings of the opposite party. Speaking and listening skills are important because they determine the quality of relationships.

    RULES OF ACTIVE LISTENING 1. Talk facing each other. Eye contact. 2. Give the child feedback: Ask clarifying questions, for example: “Have you decided...”. Name the child’s feelings: “Are you angry?” 3. Pause after each child’s response. 4. Repeat what you heard from the child, indicate his feelings. What's good? 1. The child’s negative experience will weaken. 2. The child will talk more about himself. 3. The child is making progress in solving his difficulty independently.

    REMEMBER: How did you feel as a child when you came into contact with adults? Were there adults in your childhood with whom you had good informal contact and who paid attention to you (which you needed for good contact with adults) How did your family react to your display of strong emotions? What did they tell you at the time? How has this affected your life? Conclusions: If a child is on a “starvation diet,” he pulls the “blanket of attention” onto himself, even if it is negative attention.

    One of the main conditions for maintaining emotional well-being even in difficult situations is emotional stability - the ability to overcome the state of excessive emotional arousal when performing complex activities, the non-susceptibility of emotional states to negative influences (external and internal). This is one of the psychological factors of reliability, efficiency and success of activities.

    EMOTIONAL STABILITY OF A TEACHER Reasons for the manifestation of emotional instability (according to the results of a survey of teachers; Semyonova E.M., Minsk): 1st place - material and living conditions; increased responsibility for the life, well-being and health of the child; low prestige of the teaching profession. 2nd place – subjective factors (which indicates that teachers underestimate their own personal characteristics to demonstrate emotional stability): individual typological characteristics (independent of the person); emotional imbalance and excitability; inability to manage manifestations of emotional state. Teachers ranked behavioral flexibility (patterned, rigidity of thinking and behavior) in 12th place in the ranking series, which indicates that teachers are inattentive to these features of professional behavior.

    EMOTIONAL STABILITY OF A TEACHER During the research process, it became clear that in fact, the manifestation of emotional stability in the professional activities of a teacher is determined by the psychological characteristics of the individual: Professional self-awareness (motivation for teaching activities, humanistic motives of the individual, positive self-perception, desire for self-improvement) Emotional responsiveness (ability to understand, sincerely accept children's experiences, show warmth and participation to them) Volitional self-regulation Behavioral flexibility (ease of behavior adjustment, prompt response to changing situations, ability to adapt to changes that may occur unexpectedly)

    HOW TO INCREASE EMOTIONAL STABILITY Safe emotional release (name, acknowledge and safely release feelings) The meaning of safe emotional release. Prevention (games and exercises for relaxation) Rules. Increasing professional self-esteem. One of the main reasons for low self-esteem is criticism. Inner critic. Support.

    ABILITY TO CREATE CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS REFLECT: 1. How do you understand honest, trusting relationships with other people (children)? 2. What prevents you from establishing such relationships with loved ones, with your own children, children of the group? (write down) 3. What is good about establishing such a relationship?

    Close relationships are determined by trust, attention, care for each other and allow: - to freely express your innermost thoughts and aspirations and at the same time not be afraid of being misunderstood and not accepted; - feel comfortable and free, relax, relieve internal tension; -increase self-esteem and develop a sense of self-worth. Establishing close relationships goes through a number of conditions: the ability to open up (trust); accept the other as he is, without the desire to change him; provide support and help to each other both in words and in deeds.

    A special place in emotional well-being is occupied by the need to be loved and a person’s ability to love others. However, before a person learns to love others, he must learn to respect and love himself. Failure to do this is an indicator of self-disrespect (Distress “I’m not good enough”)

    DEVELOPMENT OF A SENSE OF INDIVIDUALITY The development and formation of a sense of individuality occurs in adolescence. However, for many people, the development of individuality continues throughout their lives. The process of experiencing oneself (self-knowledge) changes as one grows and matures. A person’s individuality includes a whole complex of elements: age, gender, ethnicity, religion, profession, abilities, hobbies, relationships with other people, features of self-awareness as an individual.

    DEVELOPMENT OF INDIVIDUALITY IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN In a small child it is expressed in action, in the first disobedience, the first stubbornness, and then in the words: “I myself.” The development of individuality is facilitated by: 1) a person’s ability to interact with others - formed by imitation of the so-called “significant others” (in preschool age these are parents); 2) the ability to understand the ambiguity of an action (you can’t swing at your mother, but you can wave away a fly); ambiguity of the properties of things (a stick can be used in the game as a spoon and as a thermometer); 3) the ability to resist a pattern, a stereotype of behavior (different styles of behavior in conflict); 4) the ability to take the point of view of another person (in a role-playing game;

    PERSONAL ACTIVITY Activity (behavior, activity) is the ability to transform the material and spiritual environment. Personal activity is manifested in creative activity, will, and communication. Active actions can pursue humanistic and anti-humanistic goals, have both a socially useful and antisocial orientation.

    THREE TYPES OF BEHAVIOR Passive behavior is expressed in the fact that a person shifts the solution of his problems to others. He goes with the flow, hides his true thoughts, feelings and desires from himself and others. It ends with the fact that a person, as a rule, blames anyone for his failures, but not himself. In addition, relationships with other people do not work out or are destroyed if they existed. Active behavior is expressed in the fact that a person openly declares his needs, desires and his desire to satisfy them by all permitted methods. His attitude towards other people is friendly, respectful, and they pay him the same. Having identified his goal, a person strives to achieve it. Independence and self-esteem are inherent in such people; an active life position creates normal, healthy relationships between people (or healthy competition). Such people, as a rule, achieve great success. At the same time, active behavior can also be aggressive. In this case, achieving the goal occurs through infringement or claims on the rights of other people. Naturally, this causes their response, which ultimately ends in complete isolation of the person and rejection from others. Aggressive behavior insults others, hurts their self-esteem, and forces them to take retaliatory measures.

    NEED IS THE REASON FOR PERSONAL ACTIVITY Need (exists objectively) is the reason for the activity of the individual, it is a person’s need (necessity) for something, something for which he strives. It can be unconscious and conscious. Internal awareness of a need (motive - exists subjectively in the mind, is always aware) encourages a person to actively search for ways to satisfy it and become a motivating reason for activity. The fulfillment of necessary, obligatory needs is emotionally recognized as satisfaction, and the fulfillment of optional needs as pleasure. Satisfaction of needs is the source of creation, and pleasure is the source of destruction.

    Needs can be roughly divided into biological, personal and social. Biological ones are aimed at ensuring the body’s needs for food, warmth, safety, movement, reproduction, etc. Personal needs stimulate a person to maintain his independence and individuality: these are the needs for self-expression and self-affirmation. Social needs are aimed at activity and contacts with other people: this is the need for communication, inclusion in a group, in an activity.

    CONCEPT OF NEEDS BY A. MASLOW 1. Physiological needs. 2. The need for safety, reliability. 3. Social needs. 4. The need for self-esteem and self-esteem. 5. The need for self-realization and personal development, for self-actualization, understanding one’s place in the world.

    CREATING CONDITIONS FOR POSITIVE, FRIENDLY RELATIONS BETWEEN CHILDREN Work in small groups. Assignment: List the conditions that, in your opinion, are necessary to create friendly relationships between children 1. Select small group speakers (1 minute). Group members complete the task independently (5 minutes) 2. Take turns speaking, the speaker writes it down (5 minutes) 3. Group speakers read out the answers. 4. The presenter adds if necessary: ​​children may belong to different national, cultural, religious communities and social strata, as well as have different (including limited) health capabilities.

    DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATION ABILITIES Brainstorming. Means for developing the communication abilities of preschool children. Select committee members who will process the proposed solutions. Stage 1 – problem statement. Stage 2 – generation of ideas. Rules: no restrictions on the number of ideas; a complete ban on criticism (including positive); any ideas, even the most absurd ones, are welcome; combine and improve any ideas (no authority). Stage 3 – grouping, selection and evaluation of ideas. Evaluation is no longer limited, but your feelings after brainstorming are welcomed.

    Construction of variable developmental education, focused on the zone of proximal development of each child, through: Creating conditions for mastering cultural means of activity; Organization of activities that promote the development of thinking, speech, communication, imagination and children's creativity, personal, physical and artistic-aesthetic development of children Supporting children's spontaneous play, its enrichment, providing play time and space Assessing children's individual development

    Goal: presenting experience in creating conditions conducive to the social situation of development of preschool children.

    Social development situation

    The social situation of development is an essential characteristic of the age period of development, introduced by L. S. Vygotsky. The social situation of development as the only and unique relationship between the child and the environment, specific for a given age, determines: 1) the child’s objective place in the system of social relations and the corresponding expectations and requirements placed on him by society (A. N. Leontiev); 2) the peculiarities of the child’s understanding of the social position he occupies and his relationships with people around him; the child’s attitude to his position in terms of acceptance - non-acceptance. The social situation of development poses specific tasks for the subject at each age stage, the resolution of which constitutes the content of mental development at a given age. The achievements of the mental development (see Mental development) of the child gradually come into conflict with the old social situation of development, which leads to the destruction of the previous ones and the construction of new relationships with the social environment, and, consequently, to a new social situation of development. The newly emerged contradiction between new, higher social expectations and requirements for the child and his capabilities is resolved through the rapid development of appropriate psychological abilities. Thus, abrupt changes in the social situation of development are one of the essential components of age-related developmental crises.

    How many changes and new developments have been happening lately, and we adults can barely keep up with the pace of life, realizing that we need to change ourselves: change our lifestyle, our values, our style of activity, but we must help our students enter the modern world, so complex and dynamic.

    In connection with the release of the Federal State Educational Standard, we decided to analyze the conditions that currently exist in our preschool educational institution in order to improve them in the future. Please pay attention to clause 3.2.5. Federal State Educational Standard. I will introduce you to my work experience in this area, and please mark on the pieces of paper those points that you think can be traced in our work experience. So, what is a social situation of development? You can see the scientific definition on the slide. (Slide)

    An indicator of the effective operation of a kindergarten is to ensure, first of all, emotional well-being of the pupil, which forms the basis of his psychological health.

    At the preschool educational institution, much attention is paid to the development of the emotional and personal sphere, so that the child feels comfortable at the beginning of the child’s entry into a new environment - the environment of the kindergarten. In this regard, we pay great attention to the adaptation period, considering it very important for further social development, since the separation of a child from an adult, in particular from parents, leads to new relationships in a new situation. Whether it will be developmental or not depends on the adults around the child. Therefore, work on organizing children’s adaptation to preschool begins long before the child enters the preschool.

    Studying a child before entering a preschool educational institution begins with getting to know the lifestyle of his family. To do this, a survey of parents is carried out when they come with vouchers to the preschool educational institution, from which conclusions are drawn about the child’s readiness to enter the preschool educational institution. Children and parents continue to get acquainted with the kindergarten in absentia through photo albums: “Our favorite kindergarten.” In order to ensure the successful adaptation of children to the preschool institution, teachers organized the “Hello, Baby!” club, since neither the parent nor the teacher can make the process easier adaptation alone. Preschool teachers introduce parents to age characteristics, features of play activities, and the preschool regime. Parents get acquainted with teachers who carry out the educational process in kindergarten. During the adaptation period, in working with parents we use both traditional and non-traditional forms of work “Family gatherings”, “Theatre of an adult actor” Meeting on the topic “Adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten ” was carried out in the form of a television program “Experts of Pedagogical Affairs”. The teacher presented video material in which routine moments were demonstrated throughout the day; parents of older children were invited as experts, who shared their experience in adapting children to preschool educational institutions. As experience shows, parents of pupils also undergo a kind of adaptation: separation from the child, resulting in increased anxiety, uncertainty, concern for psychological comfort, therefore, teachers of our preschool educational institution recommend performing joint creative tasks with children at home, these are usually manuals for didactic games: lacing, fasteners. Joint activities have a beneficial effect on both adults and children and instill confidence in them. Such works are of particular value for the baby, because the toy was made by beloved adults. The crafts are bright, unique, help to hold the child’s attention for a long time, and their versatility allows the manual to be used in different types of activities.

    At the beginning of the adaptation period, children are very susceptible to a new environment and react painfully to an unstable environment, therefore, during the adaptation period, teachers do not change the interior of the group to make it easier for the child to get used to it. In order to freely navigate a new space, teachers fill it with bright visual landmarks, such as those that attract attention with color, shape, sound (hanging toys, balloons, bright modules, paintings.)

    The first acquaintance with teachers and children took place in a favorable environment full of positive emotions. Both group teachers and the children’s parents are present. Teachers introduce children and parents to the group, and the “Magic Engine” helps them in this, which introduces children to sensory, motor, imaginative, and constructive toys. At this age stage, the child considers an adult to be a play partner, so educators involve the child in joint play activities.

    Children are very attracted to the corners of artistic creativity, which contain such a variety of bright artistic means and unconventional unusual materials. Visual creativity is the first type of productive activity that a child masters, so our teachers of early age groups pay special attention to arranging this corner, in which children not only draw, sculpt, etc., but also experiment with artistic materials (sand, clay, salt dough , crayons, pencils, etc.). While playing in the corners, the teacher pays attention to each child, learns his interests and abilities.

    Kids love privacy; for this we use small screens: behind which the child can play with his favorite toy brought from home, or look at a family photo album. The environment thus surrounding promotes the organization of independent activity.

    Teachers try to interact with each child during the adaptation period: the teacher takes the child in his arms, gently coaxes, talks, introduces him to new musical, moving toys that usually interest children. Care and attention, the joy of confidential communication, co-creation with an adult help the child feel confident in his abilities. Indispensable helpers at this stage are finger games, works of small folklore forms that the baby has heard since birth: pestles, nursery rhyme games, lullabies that the teacher sings when he puts the children to bed.

    The rest of the pupils are not left without attention: after the introduction of a new member of the children's team, a series of games are held that consolidate in the children's memory information about their newly arrived friend. (Slide: In this case, games are used to get to know the children and the teacher: “Let’s get to know each other!”, “I’m coming to visit you with gifts”, “Come visit me, I’ll treat you”, “Look through my window”, “ Whose voice?”) It is difficult for a newcomer to get used not only to the environment, but also to the children around him. Therefore, our teachers organize children for play, communication or artistic creativity in pairs or small groups. Our teachers consider experimenting with visual media together with children to be effective for uniting children (using non-traditional materials such as sponges, cotton swabs, etc.).

    Kids are very receptive to fairy tales and therefore teachers at our preschool educational institution often use their favorite fairy-tale character to attract children to play or switch attention to another type of activity. (The children play with interest with the bunny and build him a new hut, and then they all go for a walk together or sit down to eat in the company of three bears).

    Successful adaptation is the key to the physical and psychological well-being of the child, which is the basis for social and personal development and the further comfortable stay of children in preschool educational institutions. Our kids move to another group, to another teacher, and this is also a kind of adaptation. To ease the transition, teachers and older children communicate with our kids while they are still attending the early years group. Kids enjoy watching performances and concerts presented by the Little Actor's Theatre, in which older students and teachers participate. Our “chefs” are happy to help the kids make gifts for the children of the group, for relatives, and participate in the design and equipment of the group: they bring their own toys and crafts.

    Traditionally, in order to maintain a favorable emotional state when children move to a preschool group, its teacher and the early childhood group teacher jointly organize a “Group Birthday” with funny games, songs, dances, and fairy-tale characters.

    Children, if desired, bring their favorite toy from the previous group to the new group and independently choose a place for it in the interior.

    It is very difficult during this period not only for children, but also for teachers. Since the entire future living with the children depends on the first meeting. This period is also complicated by the crisis of 3 years, when the child tries to do everything on his own, even if “I Myself” does not always work out. And when each member of the group says “I myself,” and you need to get ready for a walk, the older students come to the rescue and help you tie your hat and boots. Kids accept their help better than from an adult, because they consider themselves equal to big children. When moving from one age group to another, it is very important to become familiar with the subject environment and our teachers show new materials, equipment, tools and methods of using them.

    As a result of joint activity, a specific product appears: a drawing, appliqué, plasticine or paper figurine, which will invariably be taken home and will serve as a link between the teacher and the child.

    During this period, the teacher to whom the children from the early age group came needs to advertise himself to the parents. For this purpose, he presents children's works, diplomas, photographs from competitions, and general events of former graduates.

    (non-situational - cognitive communication.)

    the next age period is 4-5 years. this is middle age

    The next age period I would like to focus on is the average age of 4-5 years. These children are interested in everything - they are “why-why”. They are distinguished by great physical activity. In this regard, our preschool educational institution has collected a card index of outdoor, folk outdoor games, and attributes for them. Preschool teachers have developed activities based on tongue twisters and nursery rhymes that can be used during routine moments.

    in each group there are children of different characters, some are active and quick-tempered, some are calm and balanced, and some are closed and indecisive (Character traits are especially pronounced at this age) and for each the teacher creates emotionally favorable conditions. In the middle-aged group there is a punching bag hanging: if a child reacts emotionally to a peer’s refusal to give him a toy and wants to hit him at all costs, then the teacher brings him to it to relieve tension. The teacher develops children's communication skills through play, showing by example how they can negotiate, ask, and use polite words. To create friendly relationships between children and prevent conflicts in the group, together with the children we discuss and establish certain rules of interaction: together with the children in the group, we create a catalog “What is good and what is bad” (For example: bad - laugh at the failures of others; at external and internal features, it is good to help children and the elderly), during the day, at routine moments, minutes of silence are introduced - sleep: when children try to talk in a whisper, or after a noisy game, lie quietly on the rugs, imagining and imagining something unusual, and then tell about what is presented or sketch. Thus, the teacher finds out the interests and wishes of the children and creates certain conditions for the support and initiative of the children (for example, a child is interested in dinosaurs, the teacher, in order to interest other children and support the initiative of this child, brings a beautifully illustrated book about dinosaurs to the group, invites the children to ask their parents about what they know about dinosaurs, prepares a presentation about the life of dinosaurs. As a result, in the middle group a dinosaur museum was created.) In the middle groups, to relieve emotional stress, a minute of screaming is held, which is usually spent on a walk. It has become a rule in the group to organize “Jumble” time, when children can do whatever they want. At this time, the teacher observes the children playing in order to determine for himself certain areas of work, to create a unique individual trajectory for the development of each child. It is no secret that recently the number of children with various developmental disabilities has increased, but for them it is also necessary to create optimal conditions for development and help them find themselves in the children's team. The teacher carefully observes such children, talks with parents about what the child likes to do at home, what his preferences are. For example, one has a speech delay, but he is great at putting together puzzles. The teacher brings new puzzles to the group, and together with the children they cut up postcards and pictures to create their own, original puzzles. The teacher encourages and supports the child in his hobby, draws the attention of other children to his successes. After which the status of this child increased: the children began to turn to him for help in putting together puzzles, and also invited him to joint construction games. Thus, by supporting the child’s initiative, emotionally favorable conditions are created for his development, as well as friendly relationships between children and communication abilities are developed. Such children are usually slow and have difficulty switching from one type of activity to another, so teachers organize a flexible stay in a preschool educational institution (send them to get dressed earlier, sit down to eat, get up earlier, etc.)

    The plot-role-playing game is developing intensively. (This is a social situation of development) Children of this age (4-5 years old) strive to communicate with peers, but cannot always agree. The teacher supports the children's wishes. combining them into subgroups of 2 to 3-5 people. To organize a joint game and expand the plot, he brings in new equipment or introduces a new hero or offers a problematic situation. It is known that play occurs when children have vivid, concrete ideas, so our teachers talk about any phenomenon or event that interests him, so our teachers introduce children to the work of adults, to events in social life, tell works of art and fairy tales, and watch together film presentations with children so that children can independently organize the game. Middle-aged children are very jealous of their play areas and can show open negativism towards peers. To avoid conflicts in the group, the teacher offers the students screens and play mats. If, nevertheless, a conflict arises, then the preschool teacher shows by his example that it is impossible to enter the play space without the permission of the children at play: he can “knock” on their door, “call them on the phone,” or simply ask for permission. Children are thus taught to respect the play space of their peers. The teacher encourages manifestations of goodwill, the ability to come to an agreement, and to give in on something. You can learn more specifically about creating conditions for the development of children of middle preschool age from the experience of a teacher of the highest qualification category Chernova I.N.

    Methods and techniques for ensuring emotional well-being, supporting children’s individuality and initiative, establishing rules of interaction in different situations (this is a point from the Federal State Educational Standard) continue to be improved in older age groups, based on the age and individual characteristics of children.

    Our pupils remain in the same group throughout preschool age, but this does not mean that their environment does not change. If in early preschool age teachers support the environment so that it is easier for the child to get used to the new environment, then by the end of preschool age the teacher changes and transforms it in order to promote the child’s development. Therefore, the acquisition of play corners becomes more complicated, more space is given to the learning area in which students not only study, but also play educational - subject-didactic games, in which they learn the properties and characteristics of objects in the process of real practical activities. In older preschool age, children strive to communicate more and more with their peers, so our teachers develop positive, friendly relationships between children in joint and independent creative activities, which creates a favorable atmosphere. At the beginning of the day, the teacher, organizing the children, informs or reminds them of the topic of the week, asks the children what they would like to learn about this topic (for example, the topic “Theater”), what they already know, and set them up for independent and joint activities. Then they jointly plan what they will do today during the day, discuss who will do what to achieve a specific goal, thus, in the process of joint planning, communication skills are developed that make it possible to prevent conflict situations between groups of children. Pupils independently discuss, agree, and unite based on interests to obtain a specific, common result. (One group of children is engaged in the construction of the theater, another is preparing the scenery, the third is thinking through and preparing a fairy tale for staging.) During the week of the theater, the children learned what types of theater exist (Musical, puppet, dramatic, animal theater), became acquainted with theatrical professions, various types of theater, dramatized fairy tales, using various types of theater. At the end of the week, when familiar types of theater were tested, the teacher invited the children to think about what kind of theater they could open. The children were interested in what else theatrical attributes could be made from? As a result, the project “On the Fairytale Paths of Summer” was developed, which began in one group and was implemented by the entire kindergarten. Both kids and adults participated in the project. During the project, the following were developed: a cardboard theater, a theater made from spoons, a theater made from Kinder Surprise, etc.

    Our Teachers support children's initiative in creating attributes from unusual waste materials, pay attention to the unconventional use of material in the manufacture of attributes, decorations, models and the ability of children to work in a group, in pairs. This project was implemented in the summer, but children still play in the theater made with their own hands to this day. And the teacher uses the manufactured decorations and models to enrich the game, to provide play time and space. Using layouts helps children organize their own play space. The children were interested in using models in the game and they asked the teacher to help them make other models: this is how “Doll House”, “Zoo”, “Village Courtyard”, “City” appeared. A model is a reduced sample of space and objects of an imaginary world (realistic or fantastic), made together with parents and teachers. The uniqueness of this equipment is that the layouts are constantly replenished, transformed, transformed depending on the desires, interests, imagination and fantasy of children. Children make the inhabitants and characters in the process of independent productive activity (manual labor, design, drawing), which contributes to the development of creativity. Children bring some of the inhabitants of the model from home, made together with their parents. At this age, children are interested in fairy tales with sleeping beauties languishing in castles, dragons guarding the castle, and knights saving beautiful princesses. Encouraging the imagination of children, the children and I decided to make a model of a “Magic Castle” on the territory of the preschool educational institution. To begin with, the pupils and I looked at various types of castles, chose the one we liked, watched a presentation on fairy tales that talk about ancient castles, someone brought coloring books about knights in ancient armor and princesses in ball gowns. The teacher organized a master class for children on making knightly weapons and paper flowers to decorate the castle. Everyone built the magic castle together: the teachers prepared the frame, laid the turrets and walls, the children selected the appropriate stones, decorated the castle at their own discretion: they made molded pictures from plasticine, planted flowers around the model, the boys drew, cut out, and sculpted knightly weapons. As a result, through joint efforts, a magnificent castle was created in which, during walks, magical stories unfold that children come up with on their own.

    Special attention is paid to the development of artistic creativity in senior preschool age, as the attitude towards the work performed changes. Children's works are used for games, group design, for participation in competitions and exhibitions, since it is at this age that the child feels like a member of society and its recognition is important to him.

    Recently, in our preschool educational institution, a tradition has developed of organizing personal exhibitions of one child. You can visit one of them. Supporting the individuality and initiative of children, we actively participate in various competitions, Olympiads, shows, and festivals of children's creativity.

    By the end of preschool age, a new form of communication takes shape (extra-situational-personal). Children and the teacher talk about the rules of behavior, about themselves, about their parents. Therefore, every morning, when meeting children, the teacher is interested in how the child spent the evening at home, what he did, and listens to both children and parents. Resolves some problems, difficulties in determining the actions of adults and children. The greatest amount of time is devoted to communication between the teacher and students than at a younger age. In everyday conversations, the teacher tells children about himself: where he lives, what interests him, funny situations from his life, shows albums. Children, in turn, talk about their parents, friends, joys, grievances, and bring family albums and family heirlooms. Based on this interest, the preschool teacher, together with the children and parents, designs family wall newspapers, family portfolios, albums of children’s interests, which consist of pictures independently cut out from newspapers, postcard magazines, which reflect what the child likes and what he doesn’t like, what he dreams about, who he is friends with. Thus, our teachers organize training based on the interests of the child and knowing his certain level of development.

    In older preschool age, children begin to communicate more and more with each other. It is during this period that the first friendship arises. Our Teachers encourage the first manifestations of friendship, draw children's attention to relationships, mutual assistance, mutual support between friends and girlfriends. Kindergarten teachers motivate children to develop friendly relationships, organize the developmental environment in such a way that pupils can independently choose activities according to their interests, organizing themselves into groups and subgroups (chess, checkers, table hockey, dominoes, printed board games, board games with rules ). In the preparatory group, we organize a subject-based development environment for girls and boys (gender principle), since boys love more active and mobile games, they need more space. Girls are united by an interest in dolls, coloring books, and artistic creativity and they do not need much space, but they need a place for privacy where they can “keep secrets.”

    The next point from the Federal State Educational Standard is the development of cultural means of activity, which include: the living word, print, radio, television, visual and technical means, art and sports, literature and artistic and creative activities . Introducing children to sports, our preschool educational institution traditionally hosts Winter Olympic sports games, in which not only older children participate, but also children. But the robot acquires the greatest significance in this direction precisely in the senior preschool age, since it is during this period that moral norms are learned and an active attitude to the events of social life is formed. Maintaining the interest and activity of children on the eve of the games, teachers introduced pupils to the Olympic movement, its history, and different sports. Children, together with their parents, made non-traditional sports equipment in each group.

    Our teachers are distinguished by the fact that they play, communicate, and engage in productive activities with children that promote the development of thinking, speech, imagination, children's creativity, physical and aesthetic development of children, taking into account the age and individual groups of children in their group in the form of cooperation, co-creation, partnership and mutual respect. Every child needs support, approval, attentive and respectful attitude from an adult, thanks to this our teachers create a situation of success.

    (Success, according to A. Belkin, is the experience of a state of joy, satisfaction because the result that a person strived for in his activity either coincided with his expectations, hopes, or exceeded them.)

    To cheer up a child, encourage him, create desire and joy from joint activities, teachers use verbal (speech) and non-verbal means of communication ((facial expressions - plastic means)

    For example, when a child experiences a state of fear or apprehension about upcoming activities - “It’s okay. It happens that people are afraid...”

    If in doubt or forgot, the technique is a hidden instruction - “You remember that...”.

    Reception - advance - “You will succeed...”.

    Personal exclusivity - “Only you can succeed...”.

    Reception - strengthening motivation - “We need this so much..”

    Reception - high appreciation of the detail - “This part of yours is wonderful..”

    Training and upbringing will contribute to the development of a child if he has

    interest in the activity arises. We have joint research and educational projects: group (“My Home”, “Dolls”, “Well Done Father” and others) and general kindergarten projects in which both little ones and older preschoolers take part: “On the fabulous paths of summer”, “Summer Kaleidoscope”, “Our Home is the Earth”, “Ice Zoo”, “In a Snowy Meadow”. Preschool teachers use museum pedagogy when working with children, which encourages children to be creative and expands children's knowledge about the environment. Moreover, in each group, when organizing a museum, the teachers were based on the interests and initiative of the children of the group: “Dolls”, “Pets”, “Dinosaurs”, “Cats”, “House yesterday today, tomorrow”, “My favorites are dogs”.

    The mini museum of the Russian hut is decorated in the foyer of the preschool educational institution. Pupils, young and old, get acquainted with the structure of the hut: the furnishings, utensils, and clothes of the peasants. Children will learn about the rules of living in a peasant family, how they ran a household, worked in the field, in the meadow, and cared for domestic animals. On an on-site excursion to the local history museum, we summarize the information received in our village; a selection of riddles and proverbs dedicated to the everyday life of the home and the work of peasants is a good help for consolidation. But children's knowledge would not be complete if children were not familiar with the traditions of their people. Our kindergarten is multinational, so we try to preserve the traditions of not only the Russian people, but also the Tatar and Mari. Both little children and older preschoolers take part in our holidays. (Cultural and leisure activities are also one of the means of cultural activities). So, at the traditional Tatar national holiday “Sabantuy”, held annually in preschool educational institutions, pupils and parents of all nationalities are present and participate and truly consider this holiday theirs. We are very fond of the Tatar holiday “Rook Porridge” - “Umyrzaya”, which praises the arrival of spring and is held in early spring in our meadow of games and entertainment. Such holidays as “Kolyadki”, “Christmas”, “Easter”, “Trinity” have become a tradition of our kindergarten, and teachers, children and parents feel comfortable on them, regardless of religion. At such holidays, children learn to honor the traditions of their people and develop respect and tolerance for people of different nationalities. A special type of activity carried out at the holiday is communication, which is used both in the preparation process and in the actual conduct of the holiday. It takes place between children and teachers, teachers and parents, between the children themselves, between younger and older children. Teachers, together with students, with the feasible participation of parents, decorate the halls and halls, both for holidays and on the eve of special significant events. Thematic exhibitions of children’s works, joint works with parents and teachers (“Magical transformations or a miracle from the garden”, “Frost and sunshine on a wonderful day”, “Easter fun”, “Space Odyssey” and others) are organized in the halls. Any creative, joint activity promotes the social and personal development of each child. Children become more relaxed and independent, self-confident, sociable, more attentive and caring towards their peers. Children develop the ability to jointly make decisions and follow their implementation. Concluding my work experience, I would like to once again draw your attention to the standard of preschool education, which stipulates the conditions necessary for creating a social situation for the development of children that corresponds to the specifics of preschool age. I introduced you to the conditions that we organize in our preschool educational institution, in each age group, and if we missed something, then your reflective sheets will help us determine the prospects for further transformation of the educational space in which our children live and develop.

    Art. teacher: Shorokhova N.L.

    Game as a means of creation in preschool educational institutions

    social situation of children's development

    In the Federal State Standard of Preschool Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 N 1155, Moscow), the requirements for the structure of the educational program of preschool education (clause 2.4) determine the main directions of the educational program for organizing educational activities in preschool institutions. One of the most important areas of the program is aimed at creating a developing educational environment, which is a system of conditions for the socialization and individualization of children.

    The social situation of development determines the child’s lifestyle, his “social being,” during which he manifests new personality traits and develops new mental formations.

    Social skills are any skills or behaviors that affect other people or have an impact on other people.

    We considered the following as basic social skills of preschool children:

    The skill of establishing contacts with peers and the ability to support them;

    Ability to take part in collective affairs, accept and provide assistance;

    The ability to harmonize and coordinate one’s actions and opinions with the actions and opinions of peers.

    Ability to negotiate with peers in a conflict situation.

    The social and communicative development of a child occurs successfully under the condition of its continuous implementation. The personal experience of a preschooler is organized in such a way that in a natural way, in the types of activities available to him, he masters the means and methods of knowledge, communication and activity that allow him to demonstrate independence, responsiveness, a culture of communication, and a humane attitude towards the world. At the same time, man remains the main value of culture in the minds of children.

    An emotionally comfortable climate in the group, the organization of various situations, meaningful, personality-oriented interaction between the teacher and children are the basis for the accumulation of positive experience and value orientations of students.

    Situations are constructed by the teacher: game, simulation, real practical experience and conditional, verbal situations. It is necessary that their meaning be close to the child’s personal experience, evoke an emotional response and persuade them to take active action.

    Situations of accumulation of positive experience organized by the teacher always contain a life task close to the child, in the solution of which he takes a direct part.

    In each situation, the teacher needs to:

    Get interested in a problem that needs a solution, present it emotionally, and introduce children to the situation. (What's happened?)

    Cause active empathy for the participants in situations and understanding of their difficulties. (How do they feel?)

    Encourage the search for possible options and ways to resolve situations. (How to help?)

    Involve children in specific practical activities. (Help resolve the conflict, show concern.)

    Help you experience the feeling of satisfaction from a successfully resolved problem, understand how the emotional state of the participants in the situation has changed, and rejoice with them. (It’s so good when we support each other! It’s so good when friends help you!)

    One of the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education is to build the educational process on age-appropriate forms of working with children. The main form of work with preschool children and the leading activity for them is play. It is the game that allows us to build an education system that is adequate to the characteristics of preschoolers and ensures variability in preschool education.

    The Federal State Educational Standard for Education recommends the use of game forms of classes in all areas of the educational program. In the educational field “Social and communicative development,” the program provides for role-playing, theatrical, didactic, movement, and round dance games.

    A game is a form of activity in which a child reproduces the basic meanings of human activity and assimilates those forms of relationships that will be realized and implemented later.

    All researchers of the game note the fact that in game interaction the child somehow spontaneously feels for a way to resolve the contradictions that have overtaken him, namely, the opportunity to resolve the conflict through the game forces him to turn to it again and again.

    Games develop in children an understanding of the essence of certain problems, and their joint solution during the game helps them better assimilate social norms and roles corresponding to their gender and social status.

    During games, children have the opportunity to gain new impressions, gain social experience and communicate with each other in a completely different way than during normal kindergarten life.

    Games are universal, variable and can be used in different types of activities.

    To play out play situations with kids, we use toys, tabletop and finger theater characters, and fairy-tale characters. We also use gaming techniques in our work. By communicating with students, we not only attract their attention, but also cultivate a culture of behavior. The motives for communicating with children are simple and clear: “Teach me, please.” Children are especially attracted by the opportunity to help their favorite characters.

    To maintain a good mood in children and create a positive attitude towards everything that happens in the group, we play the following games:

    - “Tell and show the doll Dasha how to talk on the phone?”;

    - “Let’s teach the wolf cub polite words”;

    - “Let’s tell Mishutka about the rules of behavior on the street,” etc.

    In our work with children we use works of art, for example, “What is good and what is bad”; we talk about moral topics and talk about behavior in public places, using toys, fairy-tale characters, plot pictures, and literary words.

    Our task is to captivate children with the content of the upcoming task, to show that the results of joint efforts bring benefit and joy to those around them.

    The social and communicative development of preschool children is successful with the ability not only to culturally express their own feelings, but also to correctly understand and evaluate the emotions of others.

    Thus, the game, as a means of creating a social situation for the development of children in preschool educational institutions, contributes to the formation of a full-fledged personality capable of living and working in modern society. Game is the main form of educational activity in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. A preschool child is a person who plays, therefore the standard stipulates that learning enters a child’s life through the gates of children’s play.

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