• Poems for children on the theme: "March 8". Poems for children on the topic: "March 8" I will collect a bunch for mom


    Hello friends! This time I created a wonderful selection of poems for March 8 for children aged 3 years and above, short and long, for mom and grandmother, for school and kindergarten. This holiday is celebrated by all women, so poems should be for different tastes and for different categories. Friends, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the options.

    To begin with, children are of different ages, some already boldly learn quatrains at the age of one, and for some it is very difficult to do this even at 4 years old. Therefore, I divided my poems by March 8 into age categories. I will start with short quatrains for the youngest children.

    If you want to congratulate your mother, sister or grandmother on Women's Day, not only with poems, then I advise you to make a beautiful postcard or craft for the holiday. If you don’t know what to make crafts on March 8, then I’ll give you my advice to help.

    A short verse about March 8 for children

    Open your eyes and smile

    Spring, spring has come!

    May life be full of light

    And happiness and warmth!

    Happy Holidays Mom

    I will draw flowers

    Happiness so I will add to her

    Repeat after me too!

    May all dreams come true

    Every moment becomes more wonderful

    And these first flowers

    Give your heart inspiration!

    Like a bright angel, spring has come to the house,

    She brought the warmest holiday,

    She spread her tender wings,

    I wish you everything that life is rich in:

    Health, happiness, long years,

    Leave a good mark on your soul!

    I wish you well

    And a bunch of flowers

    And spring warmth!

    I'll bring flowers to my mother.

    This day is my mother's holiday

    I am ready to be obedient.

    I send congratulations with love!

    Wish You happiness and health!

    Be the most tender and beautiful

    The cutest and happiest!

    Let the storms and bad weather perish,

    Let them go forever into the shadows.

    We wish you only happiness

    On your kindest, brightest day!

    I collected in my hands

    pure dew,

    Rainbow and sun

    I carry it in my hands!

    And flowers over the river

    Song and dawn -

    Everything that I meet in the morning

    I will give mom!

    We are getting ready for Women's Day!

    Dad and I made the menu ourselves,

    Bought groceries, baked a pie,

    We tried our best for my mother.

    You can learn such a verse about March 8 for a child of 3 years old, or you can sign a postcard or craft with such short quatrains.

    A poem about March 8 for a child of 3 years

    And these poems are well suited for children in the middle group of kindergarten, who are already 3-4 years old.

    Mom is loved by everyone in the world -

    Toddlers, big kids,

    Dad loves, a hundred girlfriends.

    Mom is the most faithful friend.

    I blinded as a gift to my mother

    Plastic Palace.

    He is like in a fairy tale on the screen.

    Mom will say: "Well done."

    From colored paper

    I'll cut out a piece.

    From it I will make

    Little flower.

    mommy gift

    I'll cook.

    The most beautiful

    I have mom!

    Mom cooks compote for us

    And washes jackets

    We are mom every year

    We give forget-me-nots.

    We buy tender beauty

    And put it in a vase.

    And we won't grieve

    Mommy never.

    Me and my sister together

    We'll clean the whole apartment.

    Let's bake a ruddy pie,

    Let's wait for mom to come.

    Only mom on the threshold -

    And our cake is ready!

    I am a gift to my mother

    Started to draw

    The sun came out

    I invite you to walk...



    Do not be angry!

    Better sit next to me.

    Mom's holiday once a year

    Draw and go!

    Mom caresses

    Mom will cheer.

    If it breaks

    It will always forgive.

    With her I'm not afraid

    No villain.

    No, kinder and more beautiful

    My mothers!

    The snow melted

    Spring came,

    The country celebrates Mother's Day!

    I kiss my mother

    I'll shake her hand

    Congratulations on the holiday

    And I love it, let me tell you.

    Mommy, beloved, dear,

    Sunshine, chamomile, cornflower,

    I don't know what to wish you

    On this wonderful day.

    I wish you joy and happiness

    Peace and good luck for your life,

    So that the heart does not break into pieces,

    My dear, my dear, man!

    Poems for March 8 for young children should not be long so that the children do not get confused and can clearly tell them with their expression at a matinee in kindergarten. But if your child easily memorizes long and large verses, then you should choose others that are suitable for elementary grades.

    Poems on March 8 for children 7 years old

    This category of poems for March 8 is designed for primary school, for children 7, 8, 9 years old. If your child does not remember long rhymes, look above, there you will find short and even quatrains.

    I got up early today.

    Why? There are a hundred reasons.

    First of all, I am the oldest

    After dad, out of men!

    I washed, combed my hair,

    He made his own bed

    Three minutes dressed and went,

    But don't walk!

    Went to the store for bread

    And for milk

    Played with three-year-old Gleb,

    Knocked out the carpet with a fist

    I ate all the porridge for breakfast:

    For myself and for Natasha!

    Nata said quietly to me:

    I love this brother!

    And then dad and I deftly

    They baked a cake in the oven.

    But! First with a neighbor

    Before lunch, there was a conversation:

    How much milk do you need?

    Where is the vanilla? And where is the flour?

    And what kind of jam?

    What's in the pie? What's in the cookies?

    My dad and uncle Pavel

    Learned a lot of rules:

    Everyone flipped through the manual

    Under the name "Housekeeping".

    I will draw in the album

    field flowers bouquet,

    It will become more festive in the house,

    It's like the sun is shining.

    I will paint carefully

    Corolla, stem, petal,

    To become brighter and more beautiful

    Every little flower

    This vase of flowers

    Gift to my beloved mother!

    Today -

    holiday day,

    You can't leave your mother without a bouquet.

    What to do?

    How to find a solution?

    And who should I ask for advice?

    Then dad quietly entered the room,

    Flowers in hands

    No cornflowers, no roses.

    All branches -

    In golden freckles.

    - Well, you guessed it?

    It's mimosa!

    And immediately it became light in my soul,

    As if,

    The sun woke up in the sky

    Mom tightly hugged us,

    smelled the flowers

    And smiled.

    Spring is knocking at our door.

    Streams run, which means

    It's time to congratulate all women.

    Mommy, dear grandmother,

    Sister, dear aunt,

    Girls in the naughty class

    We love them all, of course.

    We wish that you

    They were healthy and blooming.

    And so that the warm spring

    She brought joy with her.

    I'll grow up a little

    And then I'll start

    Paint lips and eyes

    And how will I become a mother!

    I will do styling

    And evening exercises

    I'll splatter with perfume

    I will click my heels!

    And while still small

    I will hug my mother lovingly

    And I wish her well!

    Friends and guests, I hope you liked poems for children to school, were able to choose a good and foldable one so that your child can easily learn it and please everyone around.

    Poems for March 8 long to school

    Every mother and every daughter

    To a happy female fate

    The stars in the sky have prophesied for you.

    Love to give strong wings,

    So that you do not know sleepless nights,

    The trouble has bypassed the native side of the house,

    Fate to give happiness to children.

    I bow my knees before you

    Women are you angels and goddesses,

    You are our happiness, you are our life,

    Love is your middle name.

    You give the world new life

    So that a sprout reaches for the sun and light,

    And we are ready to go for our beloved

    You are barefoot for millions of roads.

    Holy power in women's hands

    She lifts the fallen from the ground,

    Does not let us fall into the abyss,

    Gently presses the child to the chest.

    Blessed be forever

    Mothers, daughters, sisters and wives,

    For life, for love for all time

    The whole wide world is grateful to you.

    May every home have: happiness,

    Love, prosperity and comfort.

    May all adversity and bad weather

    Friends and relatives will be bypassed.

    Let trouble not touch you

    Will not shed tears of grief,

    So that you never know

    Diseases, enemies and pain.

    Let it not be in your destiny

    Loss forever, separation for a long time.

    Let the person dear to you

    Lives in the world for a long, long time.

    May all dreams come true

    And love will make you hot

    I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

    I wish you a spring day

    Smiles, tenderness, warmth.

    Life will get better, no doubt

    Kohl beauty rules the world!

    So many songs and poems

    Dedicated to moms!

    I don't need other people's words

    For the one you love.

    I'm for my mom

    I won't look for them.

    All of them are in my soul

    I love my mother so much.

    She not only on Women's Day

    Dear attention -

    But every single day

    Need understanding

    Light sickness and anxiety,

    Passion for serials.

    I'm ready to listen to her

    No matter what you say!

    There is no holy woman

    Than a mother.

    To brighten up her old age,

    And I'll get the moon.

    Poems about March 8 for children

    The eighth of March is a good day!

    He is to congratulate women!

    Both adults and baby girls

    Wish them all the best.

    Dad brought a cake to mom

    Grandma - sweets,

    And a whole load of toys

    For sister Sveta.

    It was so embarrassing for me

    little brother,

    Why on the calendar

    No boy day.

    I will give my mother a book

    Because I am a boy.

    I love my mom

    Tomorrow I will give tenderness

    Eighth of March, Mother's Day,

    Knock Knock! knocking on our doors.

    He only comes to that house

    Where they help mom.

    We will sweep the floor for mom,

    We'll set the table ourselves.

    We'll cook dinner for her

    We will sing and dance with her.

    We paint her portrait

    We will draw as a gift.

    They are unrecognizable! Blimey! -

    Then mom will tell people.

    And we always

    And we always

    We will always be like this!

    I sew a toy for my mother

    From a colored patch,

    Cut out the tail and ears

    I'll stuff my sides with cotton.

    Do you recognize? This is a cat!

    I'll paint his mouth.

    I will give a kitten to my mother,

    He will live with us.

    Poems for children on March 8 grandmother

    Happy magical spring

    I congratulate you, grandma, loudly.

    I wish your days were clear

    Multiplying smiles with happiness.

    I will give flowers to my grandmother today,

    Postcard with funny cats.

    And I'll hug you tight, and smile softly -

    I will be your gift on a festive day.

    You are the best, beautiful and very young,

    Beloved, good, I adore you.

    March is shining again for us

    And surprises us with warmth,

    Gives bouquets of flowers to everyone,

    Leaving the cold for later

    Decorate the world with bright love

    And a good dream come true

    And preparing everyone as a gift

    Luck, happiness with beauty!

    Grandma, happy holiday to you,

    Stay healthy, God bless!

    Kiss, your granddaughter.

    Do not forget to congratulate your grandmother on March 8, read poetry to her, give cards, because she is also the woman who gave life to your mother.

    A poem about a grandmother on March 8 for children

    Who's in the kitchen with the ladle

    Always standing by the stove

    Who mends our clothes

    Who is humming with a vacuum cleaner?

    Who in the world is the tastiest

    She always bakes pies

    Even dads who are more important

    And who in the family is honored?

    Who will sing us a song at night,

    To sweetly we fell asleep?

    Who is the kindest and most wonderful?

    Well, of course, grandmothers!

    Mom has a job

    Dad has a job

    They have for me

    remains Saturday,

    and grandma is always at home!

    She never scolds me!

    Seated, feed:

    "Don't rush!

    So what happened to you, tell me?

    I have a Grandmother,

    She bakes pancakes

    Knit warm socks

    Knows fairy tales and poetry.

    I love my grandmother

    I'll give her a card!

    - Why on your head

    Is one hair whiter than the other?

    From worries, love and anxiety:

    You are my only son.

    But grandma is whiter than you

    Does my grandmother love me more?

    She just has more kids

    So the grandmother became whiter.

    Dear friends, I tried very hard to create a selection of poems for every taste, so that they are easily remembered by children of 3-4 years old, they could recite lines in kindergarten easily and naturally. For schoolchildren, I picked up poems for March 8 that are not difficult, but very sincere. If you have chosen a poem for your child by March 8, please share the article on a social network, this is important for me.

    Yours Nina Kuzmenko.

    Let feelings unfold
    Any spring is glad
    Create and love!
    Happy March 8 everyone!

    Festive fun fever,
    Now everything is covered in a circle,
    May the beautiful Day of March 8,
    Fill every home with joy!

    Congratulations on March 8!
    Spring day, though not hot!
    Be happy girls
    Moms, sisters and friends!

    Congratulations on March 8,
    I send my congratulations
    May spring bring happiness
    And let your soul sing!

    Give women flowers
    Smiles, sweets, gifts!
    Let everything be March 8
    Their life is joyful and bright!

    With spring, kind, warming,
    Beautiful, bright, inspiring.
    Inspiring men to a feat.
    Happy March 8th! With coming!

    May love accompany you
    Adds happiness let excitement.
    Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
    Happy Spring Day and Happy March 8!

    From the smell of mimosa
    Let tears of happiness flow
    And on the day of March 8
    Let gifts be given
    In flower abundance
    You are all so cute.

    On the day of March 8, bloom with spring!
    Let everyone admire only you!
    Give compliments, bright flowers,
    Be a gentle and beautiful princess!

    Let your eyes shine
    On the day of March 8!
    On Women's Day for you -
    The best gifts!
    Let all the frosts go away -
    Mimosas will bloom!

    Happy March 8, happy spring holiday,
    I wish everyone to be in a great mood.
    Give each other kisses, tenderness,
    And let love and serenity into the hearts!

    With the triumph of spring and happiness
    I greet you from the bottom of my heart!
    Let them bypass the bad weather
    And fate indulges in love.

    Let the soul bloom from the presented flowers,
    Compliments make your head spin
    Oh, my woman, you are amazingly good!
    Let me congratulate you on the holiday and bow!

    International Women's Day
    Meets drops outside the window!
    Warmth and joy promises
    To all our women all day.
    May they be happy
    Always worthy of love!

    Give women flowers
    Fulfill their dreams!
    There are no more women in the world
    Let them become gentler!
    Congratulations on Women's Day,
    And let's call spring!

    Happy International Women's Day Spring
    I congratulate you with all my heart,
    May your life be filled with luck
    And the heart of great love is burning!

    For lovers, let everything come true
    Failures will be forgotten
    May it always be loved
    The best, unique!

    We wish happiness to your ladies,
    To see drama only in films!
    To always bloom and prosper!
    To always shine with love!

    Bloom like spring
    Be beautiful always.
    Women's Day is great!
    Everything will be for you.

    Red clutch and matching shoes, red nail polish with lipstick -
    Let passers-by meet admiring glances.
    May wishes come true on a bright women's day,
    Let good luck and a little laziness accompany.

    Hello everyone, hello!! I don’t know about you, but in our city the bright sun is already shining, icicles are hanging and it smells of spring. And this means that not only the arrival of the long-awaited spring awaits us, but also our favorite holiday - March 8th.

    I think many have already begun preparations for it in full swing. And I want to remind you that if you have not yet decided on the choice of a gift for lovely ladies, mothers, grandmothers, then do it yourself by looking at a huge selection and.

    But that's not what we're talking about today. And here's what!! I think you will agree with me that all educational institutions are preparing in a special way for the meeting of Women's Day, while organizing various events for our mothers and grandmothers. And as is customary at any concert, congratulatory verses are always read. So I decided on this occasion to prepare a whole selection of poems for March 8.

    Hope you find what you are looking for. And these congratulations can not only be taught and told on holidays, but for example, taken as text on a postcard. And yes, I didn’t write the poems, everything is collected from the Internet))

    Short poems for March 8 for kids (for children 2-3 years old)

    And first we will consider not very long rhymes for the smallest audience. After all, if your child already speaks well, and also has a good memory, then he will be able to become an artist and please his family.

    March and the sun is shining bright!
    From the bottom of my heart I wish:

    My dear mother!


    mommy gift
    From colored paper
    I'll cut out a piece.
    From it I will make
    Little flower.

    mommy gift
    I'll cook.
    The most beautiful
    I have mom!


    I love my mom
    I will give her a gift.
    I made a gift myself
    From paper with paints.
    I will give it to my mother
    Hugging affectionately.


    I walk, I think, I look:
    “What will I give my mother tomorrow?
    Maybe a doll? Maybe candy?
    Not! Here's to you, dear, on your day
    Scarlet flower - a light!


    Why March 8
    The sun shines brightly?
    Because our mothers
    The best in the world!
    Because mother's holiday -
    The best day!
    Because mother's holiday -
    Holiday of all people!


    Who is the most beloved in the world?
    I'll tell the kids right away.
    Go around the whole wide world
    There is no better mother in the world!


    There are many mothers in the world.
    Children love them with all their hearts.
    There is only one mother
    She is dearer to me than anyone.
    Who is she? I will answer:
    This is my mommy.

    As you can see, all congratulations are very simple and at the same time beautiful, even the smallest children can learn.

    Touching poems for mom from daughter to tears

    Of course, all texts are usually dedicated to beloved mothers, because it's so nice to hear pleasant words and congratulations from the baby's lips. And I'm sure that even if a child utters a few words, then mom will touch it to the core. So the following poems are dedicated to our beloved mothers.

    I paint on asphalt
    colorful crayons
    In a soft white dress
    Mom with blue flowers.
    I'll write down "Mom"
    Let it be uneven, even crooked,
    For her, for herself,
    The cutest and most beautiful.


    Mommy, dear!
    My darling!
    More than anything in the world
    I love you!


    Today, mommy, thank you.
    For being with me and for your love.
    Since childhood, you have been a guardian angel ...
    Always full of care, tenderness, warmth ...

    You helped me learn a hard lesson
    And baked the most delicious cake for me.
    You are still kind and sweet with me ...
    Understanding, very patient.

    You give, sun, - smiles, caress of hands,
    You are my adviser, my ally, my good friend.
    And I wish with the most sincere love
    Good luck, happiness, joy, health to you!!!


    Dear, dear, with a warm look,
    And comfort, and hug, and squeeze ...
    Mom, always be with me
    You are the only one who will tell and understand!

    I feel the warmth of your wonderful hands,
    Lacking and sometimes sad
    You are not just a mother, but a reliable friend.
    Do not scold, but silently regret!

    Children grew up and flew away from the nest,
    Some rise, some fall
    You always wait for us with hope,
    Mom is only with you, rapture comes!

    I want God to always keep you!
    Drama was far away!
    Every day, so that only gives joy,
    Smile more often dear, our dear mother!


    Mom, I congratulate you on the eighth of March
    You are the most beautiful in the world, I know that.
    You love all of us, our family!!
    I give this congratulations to you!

    Be beautiful the way you are after sleep
    And let the admirer always be with you.
    Let the pancakes be the best
    Nothing if they get rotten.

    And I will always help you
    Dishes will always be clean
    I'll buy you a disposable this hour
    Ceramic will interfere now.

    I won't come home late
    I'll come better during the day, so as not to wake you.

    But in general, I wish you in life,
    Only joy, laughter and the best events!
    I love you mom, be the happiest
    And go through life with a sweet smile!


    I came to congratulate my mother.
    Because today is her day.
    I will become a fairy for my mother -
    I'm not one bit lazy.

    On this March day
    I'll get up before mom
    To light a fire in her
    I'll compose scales for her.


    "Mom" is not a simple word,
    The word is gentle, dear.
    You are caring, dear
    Mom, I need you so much!

    On Women's Day March 8
    Wish you nice:
    Stay young
    Let peace reign in the soul.

    If suddenly in the soul of excitement -
    Read these congratulations!

    Beautiful congratulations on March 8 for preschoolers

    Probably the most popular are matinees in kindergarten, and of course, International Women's Day is always celebrated. Therefore, I make a selection for educators, and I tried to pick up poems not only for mothers, but also for grandmothers and sisters.

    Here is a snowdrop in the meadow,
    I found it. I'll take the snowdrop to my mother,
    Even if it didn't bloom.
    And my mother hugged me with a flower so tenderly,
    That my snowdrop opened from her warmth.


    Today is a spring day
    Let's go with us
    Thank you grandmothers
    Thank you moms.
    For troubles, for affection,
    For songs, for fairy tales,
    For delicious cheesecakes,
    For new toys.


    drops of sunshine,
    Splashes of sunny summer
    We bring home today
    We give to grandmother and mother,
    Happy Women's Day!


    I will take pencils
    I will draw lilies of the valley.
    I'll put them in a vase later.
    And I'll put water in it.
    I will give my mother immediately
    Both drawing and flowers.


    Sister and mother in the morning
    Beautiful dresses put on
    Dad and sister and mom
    Sang a loud song
    Dad and sister and mom
    A bouquet of tulips was presented,
    Dad and sister and mom
    Happy to be asked!


    Today is a holiday, today is a holiday!
    Holiday of grandmothers and mothers
    This is the kindest holiday
    He comes to us in the spring.
    This is the feast of obedience
    congratulations and flowers,
    devotion, adoration,
    Holiday of the best words.


    Mother's day! Mother's day!
    Put on the best dress!
    Get up early in the morning
    Clean up in the house
    Anything good
    Give Mom!


    I have a Grandmother,
    She bakes pancakes
    Knit warm socks
    Knows fairy tales and poetry.
    I love my grandmother
    I'll give her a card!


    I am with my grandmother
    I've been friends for a long time.
    She is in everything
    Along with me.
    I do not know boredom with her,
    And I love everything about her
    But grandmother's hands
    I love everything the most.

    Children's poems for mothers and grandmothers

    Well, in the continuation of the topic, there are also options for congratulatory rhymes, both long and short, and beautiful, and for different ages.

    Mother! I love you so much,
    I don't know right!
    I am a big ship
    I will give the name "MAMA".


    Mommy will bake me a pie,
    I'll draw a flower for her
    I will hug my mother tightly
    And I won't give it to anyone...


    Mom's smile
    Brings happiness into the house
    Mom's smile
    Needed everywhere, in everything!



    I am my own grandmother
    Kiss you very hard
    After all, my grandmother
    Very, very kind.


    March and the sun is shining bright!
    From the bottom of my heart I wish:
    Be the happiest in the world
    My dear mother!


    Dad brought a cake to mom
    Grandma - sweets
    And a whole load of toys
    For sister Sveta.
    It was so embarrassing for me
    little brother,
    Why on the calendar
    No boy day.


    In the world
    kind words
    Lives a lot
    But all the best
    And more tender one -
    Of two syllables
    A simple word "ma-ma"
    And there are no words
    Kinder than it!


    My dear grandmother!
    Today I'm not lazy!
    I want to congratulate you
    Spring Women's Day!

    Let there be no trace
    Anxiety and anxiety.
    And let in your eyes always
    The fire is burning!


    Your socks will warm me at the right time,
    Your advice will always help me
    I know they won't dare to argue with me,
    The best grandmother in the world is mine!

    And I congratulate you today
    I will give my card with flowers,
    Grandma, kiss, hug,
    Since March 8, because I love you!


    Grandmother, beloved
    It's better not to have you!
    The most beautiful
    And my good!

    On this spring day
    I'll hug you tightly.
    All love and tenderness
    I will give you!

    Long poems for children from 3 to 7 years old

    And now congratulations for older children or who have good abilities to memorize long texts. Very gentle and beautiful poems for March 8!!

    Mom's eyes are like the sea
    Dive head first
    The one who loves mom.

    Mom's eyes are like dawns,
    If mom smiles
    We want to warm up in them.

    Mom's eyes are like thunderstorms
    If the children are naughty
    And upset with pampering.

    Mother's eyes are like roses
    So beautiful and airy
    With a kind-kind spark!


    What a gift for mom
    We will give on Women's Day?
    There are many for this
    Fantastic ideas.
    After all, prepare a surprise for mom -
    It is very interesting…
    We'll knead the dough in the tub
    Or wash the chair...
    Well, I'm a gift to my mother
    I'll paint the closet with flowers
    It would be nice if the ceiling ...
    Too bad I'm not tall.


    You listen, mom
    Our golden
    From your smile
    Snow melts in the sun.
    I am your freckles
    I love straight
    No toys needed
    If mom is around.
    Forgotten books,
    Cubes, coloring.
    I listen eagerly
    Mom's tales.
    And I insist stubbornly
    That spring has awakened
    Because mom
    The sun smiled.
    Where am I today
    Sit at the desk.
    Mom, congratulations
    Happy March 8!


    I congratulate mommy
    Happy holiday I want
    I'll do it for my mom
    Anything I want.
    I'll clear my table
    Wash the toys
    I'll make a bed
    Doll friend.
    Together with doll Nina
    Let's bake cookies
    Even from plasticine
    But it's a treat.
    Our gift to mom
    We will put on the table
    Together with doll Nina
    Congratulations mom.


    Happy grandmother, mother, sister,
    Aunts, girlfriends and just girls!
    I wish you always be happy
    Strong, kind, very beautiful!
    May the sun always smile at you!
    May your dreams come true soon!
    But for myself I want to wish:
    To please you and help in everything!


    Women's Day is around the corner
    The time is coming!
    Live in the house with us
    Mom, grandmother, sister.
    Get up with dad before dawn
    So that at the dawn
    Bring home bouquets
    Mom, grandmother, sister.
    We get dirty in the test,
    But let's throw a feast with a mountain,
    celebrating this day together
    With mom, grandma, sister!


    Mother's Day is coming
    Women's day is coming.
    I know my mother loves
    Roses, poppies and lilacs.
    Only in March there is no lilac,
    You can't get roses and poppies...
    But you can on a piece of paper
    Draw all the flowers!
    I pin this picture
    I'm over my mother's table
    Dear mother in the morning
    And I kiss
    And Happy Women's Day!


    I will plant a sprout in a pot,
    I'll put it on the window.
    Hurry, sprout
    Open the flower
    He really needs me.
    Winds rush outside the window
    With snowy winter
    But will be higher
    Every day
    Grow my flower.
    When is the calendar
    Spring time will come
    Eighth of March
    I will give
    I am my mother's flower!

    Poems for March 8 for girls to be read by boys

    It looks very touching and cute when our boys congratulate the girls. So for this reason there are wishes.

    And the snow is about to melt,
    And the birds fly to us again,
    We want to say to winter - set aside,
    Frost won't hurt us

    Now it's spring and the sun is shining
    A reason to congratulate from the bottom of my heart,
    The best girls on the planet
    Happy Women's Day, the best day of spring!


    To all of you, girls, on a bright holiday
    The guys want to wish
    May it go great!
    And better than you could ever dream!

    March 8 - women's holiday,
    It's like a gift from heaven itself!
    Let there be diversity in it,
    Moments of light and miracles!


    We have prepared gifts for you
    But that gifts are just gifts,
    We will read a beautiful verse to you,
    And among the lines of snowdrops, violets,

    Roses and lilies, colorful peonies,
    Everything is just for you, for beloved girls,
    March 8 - spring sends us "hello",
    Wishing you all warm and happy days!


    Elegant dresses, bows, pigtails,
    The sun came out and the birds sang.
    So, it's time for us to give gifts
    To our beloved girls on March 8!

    Dear girls! We congratulate you!
    We wish you joy and happiness from the bottom of our hearts!
    Beauty, success, warmth, attention,
    May all your wishes come true soon!


    Our girls today
    Like rays of spring.
    On this holiday excellent
    We will give them flowers.

    To smile more often
    Let's make them laugh more.
    For us to be admired
    Let's wear it in our arms!


    There is nothing better in the world
    Than for girls to sing this song.
    At this holiday,
    On this spring day
    We send congratulations from the boys.
    Congratulations to all the girls.

    Together we are now celebrating spring,
    We hug all the girls.
    The trees are budding,
    We give you lovely flowers
    And kiss your cheeks tenderly.


    Happy holiday, our dear girls,
    Listen to mom and eat porridge
    Be kind and kind
    Make the boys happy again and again!

    Be gentle like flowers in spring
    And chirp like a forest bird,
    Let your eyes shine with happiness
    Live like marvelous fairies from a fairy tale!


    Our girls are just class!
    And we hasten to congratulate you
    Happy spring holiday.
    Be healthy, full of strength.

    Smiles and chuckles so that
    It took you a whole year
    So that everything turns out, always,
    With 8 you Martha and "Hurrah!"

    Congratulations to the teacher on International Women's Day

    Of course, you should not forget that on this beautiful day you need to congratulate your teachers, educators, teachers.

    On the day of the eighth of March it is warmer outside,
    And the sparrows on the branch chirp more cheerfully!
    We want to congratulate you on the holiday of spring,
    And may your cherished dreams come true!

    You are an excellent teacher and our reliable friend,
    And from your smile - brighter for everyone around!
    We wish you happiness, success and kindness,
    So that our performance could please you!


    Everyone who, silently, slept at the desk,
    Sadly toiled over the map,
    Dying from longing
    Solving a problem at the blackboard

    On this wonderful Women's Day,
    Forgetting about sleep and laziness,
    Teacher, we congratulate you
    We wish you happiness with all our hearts
    And fruitful work
    And don't let the years age you!


    Our favorite teacher
    Happy spring holiday!
    We've learned our lesson
    And they wanted to say

    Thank you for everything
    (For caring too).
    Such work is invaluable
    But don't be harsh.

    We wish you clear days
    And obedient children.
    No you are more important today
    In this class friendly!


    Our beloved teacher
    You take care of us
    Accept congratulations
    From March 8 right now!
    We wish you good health
    Lots of happiness and warmth
    So that your favorite work is a rest for you.


    We came in the morning to kindergarten,
    Congratulate the teacher
    Spring has brought us warmth,
    And a wonderful holiday.
    March 8 - on this day,
    Congratulations to all women.
    Bouquets are given, and poems
    They are read by heart.
    We wish from the bottom of our hearts
    Hurry you meet happiness.
    After all, you are beautiful and kind,
    How does your dress fit!
    Do not scold us for misconduct
    We ask today
    After all, today is a holiday - Women's Day,
    Also International.


    Our dear, kind teacher,
    We so want to congratulate you.
    From boredom, sadness, you are a lifesaver,
    Without you, our kindergarten simply cannot be imagined.
    We congratulate you on the spring holiday,
    We wish you smiles, joy, health.
    Merry moments with us to you,
    Accept congratulations with great love.

    Poems for March 8 for all women

    Well, in conclusion, I would like to sincerely congratulate all the lovely ladies on this wonderful spring holiday of warmth and light, and give such magnificent wishes (of course, I hope that you will receive such poems from your beloved men):

    March 8! Women's holiday!
    Spring and sun bright day!
    And many different wishes
    I want to say from my knees!
    Beautiful ladies sweet life!
    Love and happiness, kindness,
    Good luck, laughter, optimism,
    Wins and ups of a series!


    March 8 - Women's Day
    And he was not invented in vain,
    After all, the Lord created you a woman,
    A woman is always beautiful!
    On your day I want to wish you
    Smiles of joy of fun,
    And never lose heart
    After all, you are beautiful without a doubt!


    The sun shines brighter
    And spring marks with a freckle,
    And snowdrops bloom
    And smiles here and there.
    So from morning until dark night
    Submit your cheeks -
    I congratulate you now
    Once a year, but many times!
    I wish you love -
    Before fermentation in the blood
    Kind, gentle men
    And fun for no reason.
    So that you live like in a fairy tale,
    To bathe the heart in affection,
    So that boys and girls
    You did not spoil the liver,
    To shine with happiness eyes,
    For you to love us!
    So that the eyes burn with happiness!
    I love you very, very much!


    I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday,
    The long-awaited spring has come,
    March 8, I sincerely wish
    May your life be full of love.
    Be the same kind, gentle, sweet,
    Happy and successful, as now,
    For all things, let you have enough strength,
    And don't let your health fail you!


    Day of spring and joy
    happy eyes day
    All flowers today
    Favorite for you.

    Poems and songs for you
    Confessions of love
    I wish you happiness
    My favorites.


    Congratulations on March 8,
    I love you,
    I send congratulations
    With him a smile for you!

    And a piece of happiness
    Kiss from me
    You are treasure, wealth,
    You always make me happy!


    With the scent of fragrant lilac
    This holiday goes around the country.
    And cheerful sonorous trills
    Give birds this spring.
    We dedicate to you, dear ladies,
    Congratulations beautiful poems.
    We sincerely admire you
    We wish you warmth and love!


    Happy International Women's Day,
    I want to congratulate you
    And wish you love, success,
    All subsequent days.
    Let the sun shine on you
    And your dreams will come true
    Let the path through life be easy
    And the bridges will be brought down.
    Always to make you happy
    Always been herself
    To walk the streets
    Always with a sweet smile.

    Happy holidays and see you soon!!

    Sunshine and laughter to you
    And a sea of ​​tulips from above!
    Smile, enjoy
    Dress brightly in March.

    Inspire and be inspired
    Sincerely smile at everyone.
    Congratulations on March 8,
    I wish you the best!

    On a beautiful day March 8
    There is so much to say:
    So that life is like summer, hot,
    For the heart to bloom again.

    To make your eyes sparkle with happiness
    A smile bloomed on my face
    So that the side was bad weather,
    For you to be loved.

    I also wish you good health.
    And not for a year, and not for two,
    And so that after another half a century
    You were able to dance hopak!

    Today is the holiday of our dear and dear,
    Beloved, most tender, dear,
    To you, women, all our kind words,
    Let your head spin with happiness.

    We need you for a reason
    Men won't be happy without you
    Children will not sleep peacefully without you,
    You are the most desirable in the world!

    Everything beautiful is collected in a woman:
    Shine in the eyes and the aspiration of the soul.
    Congratulations, the best, gentle.
    How good are you all!

    All words, congratulations, confessions
    Designed just for you.
    Stay so beautiful
    Inspire us to do great things!

    Happy Spring Day, we sincerely congratulate you
    And we wish you warmth, kindness.
    And endless love from men to you,
    And happy magical spring!

    Women's Day is the most tender,
    It is spring, albeit snowy.
    Yes, winter is still getting worse
    But spring is knocking with might and main.
    With every knock let it drive away
    All the sorrows that come
    Let him give positive
    Enough for the whole year!
    From myself I wish affection
    Always be so beautiful!
    More than enough money
    Boredom so as not to get
    So that the loved one just melted,
    The enemy did not dare to offend!

    I wish you many guests
    I wish you good news
    Flowers, smiles, novelty
    On a wonderful holiday -
    On the day of spring.

    Let the sparks burn in the eyes
    The outfits will be - just ah!
    Let even the stump bloom
    On International Women's Day.

    We want to congratulate you, girls,
    Happy International Women's Day.
    Let life pass without sadness
    Let the sun shine outside the window.

    Smiles to you and a lot of happiness,
    Good luck, bright, bright days.
    Let life protect from bad weather,
    Love makes you stronger!

    On International Women's Day
    Don't let the shadow of sadness fall.
    Let your beautiful fragrance
    The parade gives you wonderful roses.

    May all dreams come true
    In your heart - peace, warmth.
    Let love turn your head.
    Smiles, happiness again and again!

    Let there be more words in life
    About tenderness, love, spring.
    And the wonders of beautiful dreams
    One day they will come to you.

    And let happy eyes
    They do not know bitterness and tears,
    Let fate lead you
    Dear in rose petals!

    I want something extraordinary
    On International Women's Day:
    May this good glorious holiday
    You will be visited by great laziness.

    So that you forget about work,
    Cooking cabbage soup, washing floors
    And put it away
    All ironing, washing and sewing.

    Just relaxing, having fun -
    You have the right to this.
    Health, happiness to you
    For every day and every hour.

    Poems for March 8 for children are one of the traditional ways to congratulate mothers, grandmothers, teachers and educators. March 8 is a holiday that all children look forward to with great impatience. They start preparing for this day long ago: they make crafts, sign postcards, and, of course, learn poems to congratulate their mothers and grandmothers.

    In our online collection you will find children's poems for March 8 for children of any age: more complex works for older preschoolers, small quatrains for two-year-olds.

    For your convenience, we divided the online selection of poems for March 8 for children into categories: for teachers, mothers, grandmothers, girls and short ones for memorizing with kids.

    Children's poems on March 8 for teachers

    Teachers are with our children every day. They take care of them. These beautiful children's poems on March 8 can be learned by everyone and by the class and congratulate your beloved teacher.

    Beloved teacher

    To my students
    You give your heart!
    Thank you for everything
    Good luck in your work,
    Spring and warmth
    Smiles, understanding
    Let dreams come true
    Wishes will come true!

    March 8 - sun and flowers,
    All that warms the heart!
    And may the love of students always
    It helps you to be even happier!

    spring holiday

    On this joyful spring holiday
    We hurry with congratulations to the class -
    Wish you success, luck,
    We love and appreciate you very much!

    May spring be kind, happy,
    Will bring many new victories!
    Thank you for your support, for your generosity!
    Bright, bright and creative years!

    On this day March 8
    We want to tell you everything
    What is a teacher
    Can't be found all over the world!

    We appreciate you, we respect you,
    We express gratitude
    For your care, for your work.
    You are like our best friend!

    Let everything bloom for you
    Let spring reign in your soul.
    We wish you happiness, joy
    And, of course, good.

    Happy holiday of spring and light

    Happy holiday of spring and light
    I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
    May summer be in your heart
    And the days will be good.

    You teach us to be kinder
    Look for beauty in everything
    Be educated, smarter
    Science is hard to understand.

    Thank you! Health, happiness!
    Happy International Women's Day!
    Thanks to your efforts
    We will acquire a lot of knowledge.

    Let the sun shine

    May the sun always shine for you
    May work always bring joy.
    May great happiness come to your house,
    Let tears, sadness and trouble pass by.

    You - Happy Women's Day! Blooming spring for you
    In teachers' everyday life - fewer problems.
    Always be bright, cheerful, lucky.
    Set a great example for all of us.

    Children's poems on March 8 to mom

    Beautiful and gentle poetic lines for beloved mothers.

    Mom is loved by everyone in the world

    Mom is loved by everyone in the world,
    Mom is the first friend.
    Not only children love mothers,
    Love all around.
    If anything happens
    If suddenly trouble
    Mommy comes to the rescue
    Will always help out.
    Mom a lot of strength, health
    Gives to all of us.
    So, really, there is no
    Better than our mothers.

    beautiful mommy

    You gave me the world, the bright light of the sun,
    For me, there is no better mother in the world.
    It was in the spring, in March, on the eighth day
    I want to congratulate my mother with all my heart.
    I bring gifts, I bring flowers.
    There is nothing more beautiful in the world, Mommy, than you.


    A star is shining bright in the sky.
    It shines, but does not warm - my mother says.
    I will stretch a ladder to the sky from the balcony.
    I'll take an asterisk for mom from the sky.
    Mom will light this star on her chest.
    And warm with warmth, sing a song.
    Mom is my star, my bright one!
    Sweetheart, good, I love you!

    There is no dearer in this world,
    human for me
    You are closest to me in the world
    And I live for you!

    Accept, on the day of March 8
    All gifts and flowers!
    Happiness, joy, fun,
    Dream fulfillment!

    Be an example along the way
    And don't let him get away.
    I love you, dear!
    Mom - better not to find!

    gift for mom

    Here comes the eighth of March
    Happiness bursts the chest,
    I need to give my mom
    Something for this holiday.
    I will wash her as a gift,
    I'll comb her hair as a gift,
    I'll fit into a pair of the best sneakers
    And perfumed!

    Bouquet of flowers

    Let's go to the flower shop.
    Here is the beauty and brilliance of shop windows.
    Straighten rose leaves
    yellow-eyed mimosa,
    scent of petals,
    A sea of ​​holiday flowers.
    We will buy a bouquet
    On the best mother's day.

    Dear mom

    my dear mother
    Congratulations and appreciate!
    Let the smile shine
    And does not leave the face!

    Since March 8, dear,
    Be happy, dear!
    You never get sick
    And do not grow old in soul.

    You are the best

    There are many good women in the world,
    But you are the best, my dear mother.
    You are gentle, sensitive, kind, glorious
    And in life you will always be the most important.

    May the spring holiday give you warmth,
    With you on the soul and easy and light.
    I confide all my secrets to you
    As a child, I believe and trust you.

    May your days be filled with happiness and light
    It doesn't matter if it's winter outside or summer.
    And it will be in your eyes, mom, spring,
    And in the house the weather is warm and clear.

    I wish you on women's day, mommy

    I wish you on women's day, mommy,
    So that our dad flew like a bullet,
    Cooked dinner like a pressure cooker
    Better than a real cook.

    To give you a ring, a car,
    And in your huge growing basket of flowers,
    To wear in my arms from morning to night,
    And to love you madly very much!

    Children's poems on March 8 for girls

    These verses are intended for boys so that they can adequately congratulate their classmates and girlfriends.

    International Women's Day

    Today is a holiday all over the world -
    International Women's Day!
    It's already spring outside
    And the first lilac wants to bloom!

    I wish you good luck
    To be the first and the best in studies!
    May cherished desires come true
    You can reach heights without interference!

    Hello girls

    Hello girls
    With pigtails and without!
    Let the sun smile
    They are from blue skies!

    Long live skinny
    Long live fatties
    Those with earrings
    And freckles on the nose.

    We congratulate you all
    And please don't get angry.
    Not everyone succeeds
    To be born boys!

    Fragrant mimosa

    I'm taking it to school today
    fragrant mimosa,
    Bouquet wrapped in cellophane
    From light frost.

    At first I couldn't understand
    - Oh, I'm such a mess!
    - Why congratulate the girls?
    But my father told me:

    From each must grow
    Capricious stubborn
    Someone's faithful wife
    And sweet mother!

    March is already laughing loudly.

    March is already laughing loudly.
    All of you - mood.
    Congratulations girls
    Happy spring holiday.

    Everyone - smile more often,
    Do not be sad at the desk
    Everyone - to meet the prince.
    Happy March 8!

    The girls are lovely

    Happy spring holiday to you
    The girls are lovely.
    You are so different
    Lovely, wonderful.

    Sometimes funny
    But always beautiful
    Stay, the main thing
    The happiest!

    What are pigtails

    What kind of ponytails
    Flowerbed bows bloomed?
    You are like sisters today.
    We have come to congratulate you.

    Let it happen, we argue with you
    And we don't want to talk
    But when we don't see you,
    We are very sad.

    Congratulations on March 8
    And we wish from the bottom of our hearts
    So that you, like today,
    Have always been good!

    Children's poems on March 8 to grandmother

    Grandmother sings the most beautiful lullabies, tells the most interesting tales. She is the main mother's assistant. For her, we have prepared the most touching poems.

    Wishes for grandma

    beloved grandmother,
    The most beautiful!
    golden hands,
    The eyes are young.

    Be always happy
    Wise and beautiful.
    Happy holiday, dear!
    Congratulations again!


    I will give flowers to my grandmother today,
    Postcard with funny cats.
    And I'll hug you tight, and smile softly -
    I will be your gift on a festive day.
    You are the best, beautiful and very young,
    Beloved, good, I adore you.

    Smiles of grandmothers and mothers

    Spring holiday in the yard -
    Cheerful, warmest.
    We smile lightly
    All grandmothers and mothers.

    Crying streams are ringing -
    Goodbye, goodbye, winter.
    Spring will come to us Women's Day
    Celebrate yourself.

    Beloved granny

    You will always understand me
    And you will save yourself from the thrashing.
    How much did your
    Golden pens!

    There is no kinder grandmother.
    I wish you:
    Be cheerful, don't be sick.
    Happiness! Congratulations.

    Grandmother, you are my best friend

    Dear grandmother, you are my best friend,
    There is no one kinder than you around.
    You will always forgive me any prank,
    You will boldly protect me from sorrows, troubles!
    I will say thank you, grandmother, to you,
    May everything turn out well in your destiny.
    On March 8, I tenderly congratulate you
    And I wish you good health from the bottom of my heart.
    Let kind eyes shine with joy,
    Let no bitter tear touch them.
    Remember, I love you with all my heart.
    Happy holiday, my dear grandmother!

    Years go by

    Years go by, you are wiser and kinder.
    And your pies are tastier and tastier.
    The ends of fairy tales are more and more pleasant,
    Jam in jars is sweeter, more aromatic.

    You are the queen of cottages and gardens,
    And the wisdom of our people.
    You are my lighthouse, my island of kindness.
    My soul, granny, is you!

    Children's poems for March 8 short

    Here are collected short quatrains for kids (2-4 years old).

    On the eighth of March

    On the eighth of March
    I'll draw for mom
    Blue sea,
    Sky with clouds.
    Next to this sea
    Dressed in foam
    I will draw mom
    With a festive bouquet.

    I'll get up early in the morning
    Kiss mom.
    I will give flowers a bouquet -
    There is no better mother in the world!

    Holiday in kindergarten

    Here is how elegant
    Kindergarten -
    It's mother's day
    The guys.
    We are for mom
    Let's sing a song
    We are for mom
    Let's start the dance.

    It's Mother's Day!

    I haven't cried all day
    Don't tease the dog.
    Didn't carry a kitten
    I'm not a prankster:
    It's Mother's Day!

    Women's Day is an important occasion

    Women's Day is an important occasion
    Give a paper bouquet
    Mom, grandmother, sister,
    After all, I am a man from the cradle!

    The eighth of March is a good day!

    The eighth of March is a good day!
    He is to congratulate women!
    Both adults and baby girls
    Wish them all the best.

    history of the holiday

    Women's Day was celebrated in the Roman Empire. It was a holiday in honor of the goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter. The Romans believed that she controls the weather, success and prosperity depend on her favor, she patronized women during childbirth. Gifts were brought to Juno on the day when the young married and when the child was born.

    A holiday in her honor was celebrated in March. Women went to the temple, where they showed their best outfits. They offered up prayers to their patroness, fervently asking for family happiness. Not only matrons (noble married ladies) rested on this day, slaves and maids were released from everyday duties. Their work was done by men. The maids received souvenirs, and free women received expensive gifts.

    There is an analogue of the women's holiday in Jewish history. It's called Purim.

    In 480 B.C., all Jews who were released from Babylonian captivity were given the opportunity to return to their homeland. But there were not so many who wanted to. During the years of occupation, many Jews managed to get a good job.

    Not everyone liked it. One of the ministers of the emperor Artaxerxes set the king against the Jews, arguing that these people ignore the laws of the empire, live by their own rules and worship their God. The king issued a decree according to which the Jews were to be exterminated. His wife Esther, who was Jewish by birth, found out about this. She did not beg her husband to have mercy on her people, she simply tripled the noble feast. Esther pleased the king so much that he promised to destroy all her enemies. Thus the Jews received permission to exterminate their enemies and take their property.

    In the 19th century, the holiday received another interpretation. On March 8, 1857, New York women went on strike, demanding to reduce the working day to ten hours (before that, women worked sixteen hours), equalize wages with men, and create humane working conditions.

    On March 19, 1911, the workers of Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland took to the streets demanding equal rights for all. Two years later, another demonstration took place in St. Petersburg, the organizers of which sought women's equality in the political and economic spheres of life.

    In memory of these events, March 8 is declared International Women's Day. The decision was made at a conference of socialists in Copenhagen.

    To date, the holiday has lost its political component, and around the world it is celebrated simply as a day of femininity and beauty.

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