• What kind of ice to wipe the face for rejuvenation. The secret of the Marquise Pompadour: ice from wrinkles. Herbs for wrinkles with ice


    The desire to delay skin aging pushes women in search of the secrets of youth and beauty. However, most pharmaceutical preparations give only a temporary effect, and wrinkles do not disappear. To maintain the elasticity of the dermis and delay the process of its aging, it is necessary to provide the skin with timely regular care.

    Wiping the face with ice cubes infused with herbs, oils and natural juices is a very effective procedure. It allows you to refresh the dermis, maintain its elasticity. Ice for the face from wrinkles gives an amazing result - it smoothes existing skin folds, prevents the appearance of new ones.

    Washing in the morning with cold or warm water is absolutely useless for the skin. Cosmetic ice is another matter. This light wellness massage improves the general condition of the dermis, refreshes it, fights the signs of aging.

    1. Healing ingredients that were used in the preparation of ice cubes penetrate deep into the cells of the dermis, saturate them with moisture and nutrients.
    2. The procedure improves skin tone, enhances the process of its regeneration, increases the density of the dermis. Already after a few days of washing with cubes of melt water, traces of lethargy and pallor will disappear.
    3. The tool smoothes fine wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones, including around the eyes.
    4. The work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the pores are cleansed of impurities, acne and acne disappear.

    How to wipe your face with ice

    To achieve the best result, wrinkle ice must be used correctly. The duration of the morning massage should be at least 2 minutes.

    Basic Rules

    1. Immediately after the procedure, the skin cannot be wiped, you need to give it time to get enough of useful substances.
    2. The face and the area around the eyes must be treated with a cream (you can take a regular baby one).
    3. You need to use it regularly, only then there will be a result. Recipes are recommended to change.


    Ice cubes for the face from wrinkles with chamomile relieve inflammation on the dermis, disinfect it, prevent early cell aging.

    • Prepare 1 tablespoon of dry pharmacy chamomile. If there are large flowers, they must be crushed.
    • The plant is poured with 250 ml of boiling water, infused until completely cooled.
    • The mixture is filtered, poured into molds and sent to the freezer for 8-9 hours, preferably at night. In the morning, ice from wrinkles on the face and around the eyes with chamomile will be ready.

    With parsley for wrinkles around the eyes

    Wrinkle ice, prepared based on parsley root, tightens the delicate skin around the eyes, smoothes facial defects.

    • Fresh parsley root is cut as small as possible, you will need 1 tablespoon of the resulting mass.
    • Everything is poured with boiling water (about 200 ml).
    • The container must be covered with a lid and allowed to cool.
    • The cooled strained liquid is poured into molds and sent to the freezer overnight.

    Cosmetic, with green tea

    Ice wrinkle with green tea characterized by a tonic and rejuvenating effect. It evens out skin color, the procedure can be performed for girls at any age for the purpose of prevention. It is also allowed to treat the area around the eyes with such cubes.

    It is necessary to make a strong brew of ordinary green tea without additives, let it brew and pour into molds. Already after 2-3 procedures, the dermis will become more elastic, traces of morning puffiness, bags and bruises around the eyes will disappear.

    Mint ice cubes for face

    Mint is very beneficial for the skin. This medicinal plant prevents early withering of the dermis, restores vigor and tone to it. Regular rubbing of the face and the area around the eyes with mint ice cubes activates the production of your own collagen. As a result, the skin will remain fresh, young, toned, regardless of age.

    • For cooking, you need to use fresh mint, it is in it that the most useful substances.
    • The plant is crushed, 1 tablespoon of the mixture is steamed with 200 ml of boiling water.
    • The liquid should be allowed to brew for 1-2 hours, then strain it and pour it into molds, put it in the freezer overnight.
    • Mint ice cubes will be ready in the morning.

    Cosmetic ice with essential oils

    Face ice for wrinkles with essential oils softens the dermis, slows down its aging processes. Massage with melt water cubes is done 3-4 times a week. Each woman selects essential oil individually for herself, taking into account the characteristics and problems of the skin.

    • Take 200 ml of filtered water at room temperature. A few drops of selected essential oils are dripped there.
    • The liquid is shaken well so that the ingredients mix together.
    • Now you can pour everything into molds, and then let the cubes freeze at night in the freezer.

    coffee cubes

    coffee ice for the face against wrinkles tones the dermis, removes swelling around the eyes, improves skin elasticity. Natural coffee is known to be a very strong antioxidant. If you use the recipe 2-3 times a week, you can get rid of not only wrinkles, but also acne, blackheads.

    • 150 ml of natural coffee is brewed, you need to let it cool.
    • The mixture is filtered so that there are no grains left (they can damage facial tissues). Fatty cream is also added there.
    • The resulting liquid is poured into molds, in the morning the product will be ready.

    Ice for the face from wrinkles should be applied daily. At the same time, recipes vary in order to guarantee comprehensive care for their dermis.

    The recipes that were presented effectively smooth out mimic and deep age-related skin folds. Regardless of age and season, your dermis will remain fresh and toned.

    In cosmetology, ice for the face is the best way to quickly refresh and moisturize the dermis. The action of cold helps to accelerate cell renewal processes, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Numerous reviews of cosmetologists confirm the effectiveness in the fight against wrinkles. Folk remedies allow you to stop age-related processes, restore youth and elasticity of the skin.

    Benefits of rubbing your face with ice

    Home treatment works great for all skin types. Due to the acceleration of blood circulation, a healthy blush appears on the face. And healing compounds can easily cope with various dermatological diseases.

    Useful properties for the skin:

    1. Refreshes and rejuvenates;
    2. Removes puffiness and dark circles under the eyes;
    3. Nourishes and moisturizes;
    4. Tones, strengthens blood vessels;
    5. Returns softness, elasticity.


    • individual intolerance;
    • wounds, cracks.

    Rules for making ice cubes

    Easy enough to make cubes at home. This process takes a minimum of time, and the benefits for the skin are enormous. Various ingredients will help solve the problems of both acne and flabby age-related dermis. Each time you create new combinations of ice, it is easy to saturate the cells with important vitamins, minerals and acids.

    Important advice from the editor

    If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

    Cooking rules:

    1. Use only fresh and high quality products;
    2. Decoctions, infusions before freezing, filter from small particles;
    3. Thoroughly mix the components before distributing into molds;
    4. It is convenient to use plastic or silicone containers;
    5. Store no more than two weeks.

    How to wipe your face with ice

    Frozen ice is an excellent skin care product. Its use allows you to stop time without resorting to injections. In order not to harm the covers, you should follow simple recommendations. They will reveal the maximum benefit of the composition, improving the condition of the epidermis.

    Application rules:

    • use only on cleansed skin, after preliminary sensitivity testing;
    • carry out with light sliding movements without stopping at one point, so as not to supercool the covers;
    • direction along the lines of massage, from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the wings of the nose to the ear tragus, from the chin to the cheekbones, circles are drawn counterclockwise on the eyelids;
    • after the procedure, excess moisture is absorbed, a moisturizing emulsion is applied;
    • you can wipe your face with ice in the morning or evening, up to two times a week, or take ten sessions in courses three times a year.

    Homemade ice cube recipes for face

    Cryotherapy is great for all skin types. The different composition and combination of products in the recipes for the preparation of ice cubes helps to care for normal skin, strengthen blood vessels, and maintain elasticity.

    Cooling is no less effective with enlarged pores and regular acne formations, due to the antiseptic properties of the composition. During the off-season, home facial care helps to strengthen immune properties, cope with wrinkles and flabbiness.

    ice for acne

    As a result: it is recommended to use a natural remedy for inflammation and abscesses every morning. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the best morning masks for refreshing your face.


    • 30 ml of calendula decoction;
    • 10 ml of aloe juice;
    • 4 drops of bergamot essential oil.

    Production and method of application: after preparing a healing decoction of flowers, add squeezed juice and fragrant drops through gauze. After mixing and pouring into molds, wait for readiness. For a few seconds, apply the cubes to the problem area, or wipe the entire surface, then blot the moisture.

    Ice for wrinkles

    As a result: washing the face with ice helps in the shortest possible time to restore freshness and elasticity, smooth out the network of wrinkles.


    • 20 ml green tea;
    • 10 ml olive oil.

    Production and method of application: combine berry juice with warm tea and unrefined oil. After mixing, you can send to the freezer. Every morning for two weeks, instead of the usual washing, use cubes.

    Ice to eliminate swelling

    As a result: you can relieve fatigue and remove swelling thanks to natural ingredients.


    • 30 ml of chamomile decoction;
    • potato;
    • 5 ml grape oil.

    Preparation and method of application: add the juice of one potato and moisturizing oil to the finished herbal decoction. The procedure is carried out in the evening, after cleansing the skin of cosmetics, pay special attention to the area of ​​​​the eyelids and cheekbones, blot excess moisture with a sponge.

    Ice for dry skin

    As a result: allows you to achieve a double effect - deep nutrition and improvement of elasticity, elasticity of homemade ice.


    • 30 ml cream;
    • 6 drops of santal ether;
    • pinch of ginger

    Production and method of application: stir essential drops with a woody aroma in milk cream, add spice. Use in the evening, replacing your usual moisturizer.

    Ice for oily skin

    As a result: improves complexion, cleanses and tightens pores, reduces the secretion of sebaceous glands.


    • 30 ml of chamomile decoction;
    • 15 drops of apple bite;
    • 5 ml of calendula oil.

    Production and method of application: after stirring a decoction of chamomile, with apple cider vinegar and marigold oil, freeze the resulting liquid. Wipe only the T-area and areas affected by acne in the morning, instead of lotion, fifteen minutes after the procedure, you can apply makeup.

    ice for normal skin

    As a result: provide rejuvenation, maintain freshness and elasticity, improve microcirculation natural recipes


    • 10 gr. marshmallow root;
    • 100 ml of water;
    • 10 ml of flax oil.

    Production and application method: Pour boiling water over the herbs and insist under the lid for about twenty minutes. After strain and add nourishing oil. Pouring into molds can be sent to the refrigerator. Apply cooling cubes in the evening, after removing make-up from the face.

    Ice for problem skin

    As a result: improves complexion, soothes redness and irritation, herbal ice is effective against sagging.


    • 20 ml of thyme decoction;
    • 20 ml of plantain decoction;
    • 15 ml of yogurt.

    Production and method of application: combine healing decoctions with unsweetened yogurt, pour the mass into portions. Wipe the surface of the face with ready-made pieces in the morning and evening for a week.

    from parsley

    As a result: provides skin hydration, smoothing static wrinkles, as well as puffiness home recipe.


    • 15 ml of parsley juice;
    • 30 ml of water;
    • 15 drops of tocopherol.

    Production and application method: squeeze juice from fresh herbs through a press, add mineral water and liquid vitamin. Wipe the surface with ready-made pieces after washing in the evening, use for at least seven days.

    from chamomile

    As a result: for the care of sensitive skin prone to redness and inflammation, it is useful to use a natural remedy.


    • 10 gr. chamomile;
    • 70 ml of water;
    • 10 ml peach oil.

    Production and method of application: pour the flowers with boiling water, leave to infuse for half an hour, add oil through a sieve, and send to the freezer. Wipe the covers in the morning instead of tonic.

    Video recipe: Chamomile ice for cleansing and nourishing facial skin

    from cucumber

    As a result: perfectly refreshes and moisturizes, copes with peeling and faded complexion.


    • 2 cucumbers;
    • 10 ml of kefir.

    Production and application method: peel the vegetable, grind into a homogeneous mass in a blender, stir with kefir. Divide into shapes and send to harden. Do a massage in the evening before applying a nourishing cream.

    Video recipe: Cucumber ice for the face at home

    from aloe

    As a result: cosmetic ice with aloe juice soothes inflammation, helps to quickly remove redness, cure acne and blackheads.


    • 30 ml of aloe juice;
    • 2 drops of jasmine essential oil

    Production and method of application: squeeze a viscous liquid out of the plant through gauze or a press, add flower drops. Wipe the affected areas with ready-made cubes for three days.

    From mint

    Bottom line: the herbal remedy perfectly refreshes the face, it is recommended to use it for oily and combination types. Combining with other medicinal plants, it is easy to get a universal recipe for the rejuvenation of dry and sensitive dermis.


    • 10 gr. mint;
    • 5 gr. lemon balm;
    • 150 ml of water;
    • 5 ml retinol.

    Production and method of application: prepare an infusion from lemon balm and mint, pour boiling water over it, leave it under the lid for half an hour. After straining, add vitamin, send to cool. Use in the usual way, at bedtime for five days.

    From potatoes

    As a result: it has a pronounced lifting effect, reduces the number of wrinkles, increases the elasticity and elasticity of the integument.


    • 2 potatoes;
    • 10 gr. coconut oil;
    • 5 drops of mandarin essential oil.

    Production and method of application: chop the raw vegetable until smooth on a blender, add nourishing and aroma oil, transfer the thick composition to the molds. Use every evening for ten days, repeat the course twice a year.

    From flax seed

    As a result: it helps to avoid beriberi and peeling, to prepare the face for winter frosts and dry air nourishing agent.


    • 10 gr. flax seeds;
    • 150 ml of water;
    • 5 ml pantothenic acid.

    Production and method of application: brew flax and leave for twenty / thirty minutes, removing the seeds into the liquid, introduce the vitamin. Wipe the face with cooling pieces in the morning fifteen minutes before applying makeup.

    From green tea

    As a result: to refresh your appearance, remove toxins, increase elasticity and firmness, you should use simple homemade formulations.


    • 15 drops of grapefruit juice;
    • ascorutin tablet.

    Production and method of application: add ascorbic acid powder and citrus juice to a drink that has not yet cooled down, mix thoroughly, and refrigerate. Perform cryomassage in the evening, the course consists of five / seven procedures.

    With milk

    As a result: for whitening integuments, accelerating renewal processes, improving lymph flow processes.


    • 40 ml of milk;
    • 20 drops of calendula oil;
    • pinch of ginger

    Production and method of application: stir the healing oil of marigold and spice in warm milk, pour into molds, put in the chamber. After rubbing with cubes, wash your face after ten minutes.

    With mineral water

    Bottom line: it’s easy to make homemade micellar water on your own, improving its properties through cooling. It is used to tone and restore complexion.


    • 150 ml of water;

    Production and method of application: after combining the components and preparing ice pieces, wipe the cleaned covers, following the massage lines. After the procedure, blot the moisture with a cotton pad.

    with sage

    As a result: it is useful to use ice around the eyes against puffiness, to strengthen blood vessels, and to prevent premature wrinkling.


    • 50 ml of sage broth;

    Production and method of application: add nourishing oil to the cooled broth, send it to the freezer for an hour. With ready-made pieces, draw counterclockwise along the contour of the eyelids, you can not linger at one point so as not to get hypothermia. Then apply a moisturizing serum.

    With lemon

    As a result: for whitening pigmentation and freckles, narrowing the pores in the T-region.


    • 15 ml of lemon juice;
    • 100 ml of plantain decoction;
    • 5 ml apple juice.

    Production and method of application: after combining the components and preparing fruit ice, apply over the cleaned surface with light sliding movements. After that, blot the unabsorbed liquid with a cosmetic sponge.

    Video recipe: Ice for refreshing and lightening the skin at home

    With essential oils

    As a result: it has an excellent anti-aging effect, stimulates the synthesis of collagen, increases the immunity of the dermis.


    • 130 ml of water;
    • 10 ml wheat oil;
    • 2 drops of bergamot ether;
    • 2 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil;
    • 2 drops of rosewood ether.

    Production and method of application: stir aroma liquids first in wheat oil, then add to mineral water. Essential ice should be used in the usual way three times a week, before going to bed.

    With coffee

    As a result: it has a tonic effect, improves microcirculation and complexion.


    • 50 ml coffee;
    • 5 gr. cocoa butter.

    Production and method of application: stir walnut oil in a hot drink, use ready-made coffee ice no more than four times a month after morning and evening washing.

    Video: Watermelon ice for the face at home, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the benefits of watermelon.

    It is hard not to hear about the benefits of such a tool as ice for the face. There are many recipes on how to prepare it and use it at home for the purpose of skin care. If you regularly wipe it with frozen cubes of water or herbal infusions, they can help refresh the skin, keep it in good shape, get rid of fine wrinkles and acne. This remedy will also be necessary for owners of an oily type of dermis, which becomes more silky and clean after its use.

    How ice helps for the face

    The photo shows which lines to properly wipe your face with ice cubes.

    Answering the question: how cosmetic ice for the face at home helps the skin is not at all difficult. Under its influence, it begins to renew itself by activating metabolic processes, narrowing pores, and improving the process of hematopoiesis. Due to the rush of blood in the tissues in the required volumes, a beautiful blush appears on the cheeks, and the face itself looks fresh and healthy.

    Good results can be obtained by preparing cubes from melt water, which has biological activity. It helps smooth out age-related skin folds and eliminates the effects of dehydration, as a result of which the cells of the dermis age very quickly.

    On the video: Ice for the face. Recipes and application of ice for facial skin

    The effect that ice has on the skin:

    • refreshing;
    • cleaning;
    • makes it more elastic and toned;
    • improves blood flow to the face;
    • smoothes small age folds;
    • also cosmetic ice for the face helps to narrow the pores.

    Contraindications to wiping the face with "ice" cubes

    Important! If you make not simple ice, but freeze a decoction of herbs in molds, then the effect of its use will be twice as strong.

    This is what an ice pack looks like

    1. During lactation and bearing a child in the chest area
    2. Before going outside in the cold season
    3. In the presence of unhealed, bleeding wounds on the skin
    4. If a diagnosis is made such as (dilated vessels)
    5. When there are inflammatory diseases.

    How to make ice

    To prepare it, you need to pour herbal infusion, boiling water from soda or melt water into a special container, then put it in the freezer for a day. After the ice for the face at home has hardened, they can wash their faces in the morning or use it to wash off masks.

    How to use ice cubes

    It is best to wipe the face with "ice" cubes after sleep, when the dermis needs toning and moisturizing. This "cold" procedure is very invigorating and energizing. In the evenings, it can be repeated to remove makeup. It is especially useful to do this for those who want to appear because of their sensitivity.

    First you need to treat areas on the face with frozen water, then go down to the neck and décolleté. This should be done with sharp movements, but do not press hard with your fingers on the skin. Then it should dry, so the effect of such manipulations will be much brighter. This approach will allow the dermis to absorb the beneficial components that ice for the face contains from wrinkles and other skin problems.

    Important! Prepare ice alternately, either from herbal infusion or from water. The skin does not tolerate monotony.

    Recipes for making ice for the face

    For the area around the eyes from lemon juice

    For the skin of the eyelids, you can use frozen lemon juice. To prepare it, squeeze half a lemon into a glass and dilute it in half with boiling water. Pour the resulting mixture into molds and place it in the freezer. Washing with such ice every morning, it will turn out to remove bags, dark circles, narrow pores, make age spots less noticeable and simply rejuvenate in appearance.

    Important! Keep ice for the skin around the eyes in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days, because after this time it loses all its beneficial properties.

    To relieve fatigue from infusion of chamomile

    In the photo, the girl treats the skin around the eyes with a piece of ice.

    To combat bags under the lower eyelids and give elasticity to the upper eyelids, the following recipe is suitable. Mix in equal proportions the infusion of string, chamomile and sage, pour it into a special container and freeze. It is recommended to treat the face with them when fatigue appears on the face.

    For narrowing the pores of horsetail

    To narrow the pores, you can make horsetail ice. Add to 2 cups of boiled mineral water 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials and bring the mixture to a boil. Let it cool and pour the solution into molds, leaving it to infuse in the freezer.

    From unnatural color

    To even out skin tone, eliminate freckles and uneven tanning, chamomile infusion is recommended. Two st. l. herbs must be poured with 2 cups of melt water. Next, leave the composition for 30 minutes to infuse it. Then add 2-3 drops of aloe juice to it and freeze.

    For all skin types

    St. John's wort, chamomile, sage, mint and string are ideal raw materials for making ice cubes. They are suitable for skin care of any type, helping to get rid of mimic wrinkles, oily sheen, narrow pores. They are as effective as, which can be alternated with a "cold" procedure.

    For problem skin

    To care for problem skin, you can use ice from chamomile for the face, and made from table or sea salt. To do this, in 1 glass of boiled mineral water, add 1 tbsp. l. main raw material. Wipe the face with the resulting cubes should be clockwise, quickly, until they dissolve. After that, it can not be wiped, it is important to wait for the dermis to dry.

    For dry skin type

    To care for dry skin types, ice with lemon for the face or an infusion of dandelion roots, eleutherococcus and hawthorn are great. Mix each collection of 1 tbsp. l. and fill with cold water. After 30 minutes, strain the solution and freeze it.

    To keep the skin in good shape

    The photo shows how to properly squeeze the juice from aloe leaves.

    Especially useful is aloe juice for the face, indispensable in the fight against redness and acne. You can make ice from it according to the following recipe: pick the young leaves from the plant and leave them for 10 days in a cold place. After twisting them in a meat grinder, squeeze and mix the resulting juice with a decoction of sage, taking the latter by 50% more. Next, pour the solution into containers and put them in the freezer.

    Regular and correct use of a product such as ice for the face with herbs or water is a 100% guarantee of maintaining a beautiful appearance!



    Which face masks can be removed with ice?


    Ice does an excellent job of removing absolutely any means, but it is especially useful when removing or acne. So it not only helps to remove its remnants from the skin, but also to nourish the skin after severe drying with useful substances (if it is prepared from herbal decoction). In addition to this, it moisturizes, which is very necessary after dehydration of the skin.


    Which ice is better for problem skin (in the presence of acne, bags) - from herbal decoction or from mineral water?


    For the care of problem skin, pieces of ice from an infusion of herbs are best suited. They perfectly soothe the skin, relieve irritation, moisturize it, nourish it, smooth out wrinkles. Mineral water is also useful in its own way, it stimulates the flow of blood to the face, which helps to improve its color. But the first option is much better if there are skin problems.

    On the video: Beauty recipes - ice for facial skin

    Ice cubes are designed to wipe the skin of the face in the mornings and evenings. Properly prepared, they may well replace the usual washing with water.

    Cosmetic properties of ice

    It is worth noting that pure water is used very rarely for the manufacture of this remedy at home. Basically, either mineral water, or tea, or decoctions of herbs are taken. Ice is capable of:

    • slow down the aging process;
    • eliminate age spots;
    • rejuvenate skin,
    • smooth wrinkles;
    • cleanse and tighten pores;
    • get rid of pimples and acne.

    With the help of ice, you can cure a rash in children - eczema or dermatitis.

    However, this remedy also has a contraindication: ice is not recommended for use in areas with vessels close to the surface of the skin.

    How to wipe your face with ice

    1. It is better to wipe your face with ice in the morning, because after that you will get a boost of energy for the whole day. If you wipe your skin at night, you may not fall asleep. Pay attention to the reactions of your own body to the procedure. If sleep is not disturbed after using ice and at bedtime, use twice a day.
    2. The ice cube should melt a little before use so that the beneficial elements are better absorbed into the skin.
    3. Contact with the skin in one place should not exceed 5 seconds, otherwise severe redness, itching or, worse, an allergy to cold may occur.
    4. If you are making herb cubes, keep them in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Then prepare a fresh decoction.
    5. Wipe only previously cleansed of dirt and cosmetics skin.
    6. Do not dry yourself after the procedure, let the skin dry itself, then lubricate the face with cream.
    7. Wipe your face only along the massage lines.
    8. Do not use cold cubes before going outside in winter.

    Ice wash in the morning

    Aloe juice is especially useful for this procedure, which not only tones, but also fights acne and skin irritations.

    You can prepare ice for washing as follows:

    1. squeeze juice from aloe leaves and keep it in the refrigerator for 10 days;
    2. in parallel, prepare an infusion of calendula;
    3. mix 3 tablespoons of aloe juice with half a glass of calendula and pour the contents into ice molds;
    4. Wipe your face with ready-made contents in the morning.

    Face Ice Recipes

    Cosmetic ice, perhaps, is one of the most simple and unpretentious means for cooking at home. The only remark - try not to stock up on ice cubes for the future and do not store it for a long time in the freezer. At least once every three days, prepare fresh formulations for freezing.

    • Mineral water

    Pour a bottle of any mineral water you like into ice cube trays and freeze. Such a simple remedy perfectly tones the skin, and the absence of additional ingredients in the composition guarantees its hypoallergenicity. As a substitute for mineral water, you can also use natural green tea without aromatic additives. Brew a glass of drink in the usual way, cool and pour it into molds.

    • Fruit

    There is no fruit in the world that would not contain a whole arsenal of useful vitamins and minerals. Choose the fruit you like, squeeze the juice out of it. If the juice is very concentrated and thick, dilute it with water. The resulting composition is also poured into molds and sent to the freezer. Ice from individual fruits can leave sticky or colored marks on the skin, so after completing the wiping procedure, the skin of the face can be rinsed with plain water.

    • Herbs

    Ice cubes from herbs are prepared very simply. Take a tablespoon of any herb and pour a glass of boiling water, cover and leave. Then strain it, pour into molds and place in the freezer. Choose specific types of herbs depending on what problem you need to solve.

    For example, to prepare herbal ice for wrinkles, take linden, mint and dandelion flowers. Pour a glass of boiling water over one tablespoon of herbs, insist under the lid until completely cooled. Then also pour into a mold, cool and wipe your face with it daily.

    • Watermelon

    In summer, watermelon ice cubes can be used as a tonic. Just squeeze the juice from the watermelon pulp into special molds. It tones, refreshes and is well suited for normal skin types.

    Wipe your face with watermelon ice, wait 15 minutes for the skin to absorb all the beneficial elements, then wash your face with water.

    • Lemon

    To do this, dilute half a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice with cold water in a ratio of 1: 1. Freeze the drink and wipe your face with it. This citrus fruit brightens and cleanses, removes age spots. Lemon ice is recommended for combination skin with enlarged pores.

    • Mint

    Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped mint leaves with a glass of boiling water and insist under the lid, then strain and freeze in special molds. This ice is recommended for normal, oily or combination skin. Instead of morning washing, the product revitalizes the skin, eliminates excess shine and mattifies.

    • Coffee

    Strongly brewed cooled coffee without sugar, pour into molds and freeze in the freezer. This recipe is ideal for fighting expression lines and is designed to even out the color. You can use ice cubes not only to benefit, but also to feel the wonderful coffee aroma.

    • Strawberry

    Strawberries in the form of ice cubes refresh the skin, slow down its aging. Just freeze the strawberry juice and massage the skin with the resulting ice without washing it off for 20 minutes. After completion, wash with plain water and apply a nourishing cream.

    • Parsley

    Chop a few bunches of parsley. Do not use stems, only leaves. Pour the chopped greens with a liter of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Then cool it, strain and freeze in molds. Wipe the skin with the resulting frozen cube during the day or in the morning. Parsley stops the aging process, brightens the skin and gives it a healthy look.
    By remembering these simple rules and putting them into practice, you can give your face a healthy glow and beauty.

    Greetings, beauties! I decided to get into cryotherapy. Have you heard of this one? Now winter is in the yard, it's time to freeze ice cubes. Eh, if the Snow Queen knew how useful ice is for the youthfulness of the skin, look, and she would not be so evil. But we are aware that ice cubes for the face against wrinkles are one of the most effective ways to rejuvenate and maintain natural beauty.

    What can improve the procedure

    Note: Ice massage is officially called cryomassage. Its execution can be entrusted to the masters in a beauty salon, or you can make ice at home and perform the procedure yourself.

    The procedure itself is already minus wrinkles, and if you make ice with filler, the result will exceed all your expectations. Regular cryomassage will give the skin:

    • Anti-aging effect, reduction of deep wrinkles and elimination of small
    • Elimination of acne and age spots
    • Slowing down age-related changes
    • Elasticity increase
    • Complexion improvement
    • Removal of edema
    • Narrowing of pores

    What is the reason for this cosmetic effect? The fact is that by rubbing the skin with an ice cube, we massage and tone it at the same time, and due to the low temperature, the vessels narrow and then expand, and the beneficial substances that make up the ice saturate the skin faster. All this improves blood circulation and metabolic processes, accelerates cell regeneration, and activates many processes that occur under the skin.

    What the Snow Queen didn't know

    Most likely, she still guessed, because she was very beautiful (let's not pretend!), And the cold helped her in this. Well, let's get to the point...

    To see all of the above charms on yourself, you must massage the skin according to certain rules and carefully consider the choice of ingredients for making ice.

    How to wipe your face? You can drive the cube only along the massage lines, and at the same time do not linger in one place. So, here is the front route to follow:

    • Forehead: from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the bridge of the nose to the hairline.
    • Cheek zone: from the corners of the lips to the ears, from the middle of the chin to the ears, from the nose to the ears.
    • Nose: from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose, along the wings of the nose, from the back to the wings.
    • Eye area: from the inner corner of the lower eyelid to the outer, the same at the top.

    It is advisable to carry out the procedure immediately after water procedures and at least an hour before leaving the house, especially in the cold season. Do wiping with slightly melted ice so as not to scratch your face inadvertently. You can wrap the cubes in a napkin, it will be even more convenient. Massage should be no more than 3 minutes in general and no more than 3 seconds in one place.

    Note: After the massage, do not immediately wash your face, just blot excess water with a napkin. Let the beneficial substances soak into the skin.

    Cooking right

    How to make ice cubes? It all starts with choosing good water. From the tap will not work! The skin will like ice from pure (filtered, settled) or mineral water more. As a form, a standard form for refrigerators or a special silicone one, as well as simple plastic cups, is suitable.

    So, when preparing cubes, we take into account the rules:

    1. Pure water must be used
    2. When choosing a composition, you should consider your
    3. Make ice according to different recipes, periodically changing the composition of the cubes, variety here is both appropriate and useful

    Before I talk about the useful ingredients, I will dwell on some features of ice making recipes:

    • infusions are easiest to prepare as follows: a tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water → infused → cooled → filtered.
    • Decoctions: a tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water, placed in a sealed container in a water bath for 30-45 minutes, then it is also infused (it can be smaller) → cooled → filtered.
    • Berry and fruit juices are diluted with water (1:2). In some cases, watermelon or cucumber juice can serve as an alternative to water.
    • I do not recommend storing cubes in the freezer for more than a week.

    I propose to visually look at one of the options for preparing today's remedy:

    directly kitchen

    It is important to use ingredients suitable for your skin type. But not for the sake of a whim, but out of necessity, because each type has its own needs and characteristics.

    Dry skin type

    Dry skin needs nourishing and moisturizing ingredients that won't dry it out. It is ideal to make cubes with the addition of:

    • juice of red berries (raspberries, strawberries, hawthorn);
    • melon juice;
    • infusion of oatmeal;
    • honey;
    • sea ​​buckthorn juice;
    • milk;
    • cream;
    • decoction or infusion of linden, black elderberry, rose petals.

    Bold type

    For oily skin, in addition to fighting wrinkles, properly selected ingredients will help even out complexion, solve the problem of oily sheen, enlarged and clogged pores. Normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and nourish with vitamins, trace elements:

    • Chamomile ice - dries the skin, and thanks to its antiseptic properties it solves the problem of inflammation and pimples;
    • infusion or decoction of calendula flowers - dry the skin, fight acne;
    • cubes with lemon - very good for oily type, mattify the skin and tighten pores;
    • aloe juice;
    • cucumber juice;
    • decoction of oak bark.

    Combined type

    Combination Skin Ingredients:

    • cucumber juice;
    • decoction of birch buds;
    • succession;
    • mint;
    • coffee

    With this type of skin, it is advisable to wipe the face locally, on the most problematic areas. And use the right components.

    Note: If you want rejuvenation to be accompanied by the elimination of age spots, then ice with parsley and cucumber juice will come in handy.

    normal type

    You are lucky! All you need to do is keep it that way for as long as possible. Ingredients for this type of skin:

    • from rose petals;
    • from mineral water;
    • ice from watermelon juice - tones and refreshes;
    • kelp cubes are a powerful vitamin nourishment for the skin. Pour dry, crushed kelp with boiling water and leave for 2-4 hours.
    • sage;
    • mummy;
    • Strawberry.

    Eye area

    And here is what we will use in cubes for the area around the eyes:

    • tea (especially green) removes toxins, slows down the withering process, relieves puffiness;
    • fresh cucumber juice - the eyes are very fond of this vegetable.
    • parsley - effective against fatigue and bags under the eyes, rejuvenates and refreshes.

    For your convenience, I even made a table:

    Your skin type

    Suitable components

    calendula, lemon, birch buds, dandelion, chamomile, cucumber juice, aloe, oak bark, St. John's wort, wormwood, coltsfoot, chicory, apple juice, sage, eucalyptus, burdock
    eleutherococcus, milk, cream, honey, linden, rose petals, melon, sea buckthorn juice, raspberries, strawberries, hawthorn, mountain ash, wild rose, oatmeal, parsley


    birch buds, mint, coffee, milk, string, aloe juice, chamomile, mummy


    watermelon juice, mineral water, milk, sage, strawberry, mint, honey, raspberry leaves, grapes, peach,

    Do no harm

    Is it beneficial to do this procedure for absolutely everyone? It is necessary to postpone or completely abandon cryomassage if you have:

    • Allergy to cold
    • Allergy to components in ice cubes (be careful with herbs, honey).
    • cold, fever
    • Open wounds on the face
    • Inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses
    • Vessels close to the surface, rosacea

    Ice cubes are an effective aid for youthfulness and elasticity of the skin of the face. Make such a massage a daily ritual, and with age you will accumulate only life experience, not wrinkles!

    And, nevertheless, I am inclined to believe that the Snow Queen knew how ice preserves youth ...

    With that, I say goodbye to you today. I hope you got something useful from the article. Share it with your friends and visit the blog more often, all the best!

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