• At what stage of pregnancy the placenta begins to age. How to prevent early maturation of the placenta - preventive measures and methods of treating the disease. Causes of premature aging of the placenta


    The placenta or baby's place is an organ that appears, develops, ages in the process of carrying a baby. After the birth of the child, the child's place is separated from the uterus and is expelled. Aging of the placenta during pregnancy is a natural process. The pathology is the premature onset of the process.

    There are several reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon. Firstly, this is the state of health of the expectant mother. Secondly, the lifestyle that she leads while carrying a child. A baby seat is an organ that feeds a baby, but not only. It is called:

    • protect the fragile growing body from toxins, poisons and bacteria;
    • to ensure the saturation of his body with oxygen and the removal of metabolic products;
    • in addition, this organ actively produces a number of hormones.

    The more load falls on a child's seat, the faster it depletes its reserve and begins to age. Therefore, doctors advise to eat right. For example, an excess of calcium can speed up the maturation of the placental disc. When carrying a child, you must definitely give up, alcoholic beverages and minimize reception medicines.

    This will reduce the load on the organ, in which case it will be able to fully perform its function throughout the gestation period. In addition to excesses, the causes of rapid aging lie in conditions not related to pregnancy:

    • endocrine diseases of the mother;
    • chronic pathologies affecting the vascular system;
    • taking medications during gestation;
    • overweight pregnant woman;
    • hypertension;
    • environmentally unfavorable environment in the area of ​​residence.

    The severe course of pregnancy, severe toxicosis, which turned into gestosis, and the Rh-conflict that develops during gestation can significantly accelerate the aging of the child's place. A viral infection transferred by a mother during gestation can cause high or low water levels and accelerate the process of organ maturation and aging.

    Multiple pregnancy can also deplete the placenta prematurely.

    What is aging of the placenta?

    The placenta begins to form from the moment the embryo is fixed in the endometrium. It grows, germinates with new vessels. An early placental disc is formed by 10 weeks. By the 12th week, the organ has already fully assumed the functions of nutrition and protection of the fetus.

    During pregnancy, the baby's place becomes thicker, there is an active blood flow in it, even the placental membrane increases its permeability. Since the baby needs more oxygen and nutrients. The process of growth, vascular germination and active performance of functions is called maturation. By the end of gestation, the mother and her baby are connected by an organ weighing 500 grams.

    Already after 33 weeks, processes called aging are noted in the placental disc. One of the medical theories suggests that the process of full maturity of the child's place potentiates labor. By the end of gestation, the organ ceases to cope with its function, the body produces stress hormones, this stimulates contractions.

    At the end of the gestation period, the placental disc not only does not grow, but also decreases somewhat in size, the vessels no longer appear, and the tissues change. The placenta becomes denser, calcifications are deposited, the line between the endometrium and the placenta is more clearly marked. The Authority is preparing for secession.

    If the process occurs at a time close to childbirth, this is normal. If such changes occur from 20 to 36 gestational weeks, this requires treatment or a solution to the issue of early birth.

    Placenta maturity

    It is customary to distinguish 4 degrees of maturity of this organ. Grades from 0 to III are marked. Zero maturity should be maintained on average up to 30 weeks of gestation. At the same time, the structure of the organ is homogeneous, the surface adjacent to the fetus is even and smooth, calcium inclusions are practically absent.

    Placental disc of 1 degree of maturity can be detected by ultrasound from 27 to 30 gestational weeks. At the same time, seals are observed in the structure of the organ, the surface facing the fetus acquires a wavy shape, calcium inclusions are found very small size.

    For the 2nd degree of maturity of the organ, the presence of well-distinguishable calcifications is characteristic, a significant number of seals are observed in the structure, the surface facing the fruit is dotted with depressions. This state of the placental disc is visualized from 34 to 39 weeks of gestation.

    When the organ reaches the 3rd degree of maturity, the ultrasound diagnostician states a large number of calcifications, the formation of placental cysts, and depressions in the placenta reach the basal layer.

    A child's place that has not reached the II-III degree of maturation by the end of gestation is considered immature. This situation is extremely rare and is more often associated with diagnostic errors. For example, increased swelling of an organ during the development of a conflict on the Rh factor "makes" the surface facing the fetus look smooth, as at 0 degrees.

    An unripe placenta does not threaten the fetus with anything serious, but such a condition can be a mask of a serious pathology that will have consequences without being diagnosed in a timely manner.

    Threats to the fetus

    Earlier maturation of the placenta is considered dangerous for the fetus if combined with other disorders:

    • diabetes mellitus in the expectant mother;
    • signs of a developing blood conflict (according to the Rh factor);
    • violation of blood flow in the uterus-placenta-fetus system;
    • severe fetal growth retardation.

    Such conditions have rather serious consequences for the child even without accelerated maturation of the placenta. Violation of blood flow threatens the baby with hypoxia. This also affects the development of the fetus in the womb, and can have long-term consequences in the form of various neurological disorders.

    If such deviations are found, the woman is hospitalized. There may be a question about emergency delivery. With satisfactory indicators of CTG and dopplerometry, a woman only needs more intensive observation.

    To date, there are no medications that reliably slow down the maturation of a child's place. The metabolites used today (Actovegin), vitamin complexes, vasodilators (Pentoxifylline), anticoagulants (Dipyridamole, Curantil) are not unambiguous effective method anti-aging childcare.

    In the end, I would like to note that even early changes in the placental disc are not a reason for panic. While maintaining normal CTG values, fetal suffering is absent, which means that it grows and develops normally. We hope this information will help you maintain a good mood throughout the gestational period. Be healthy!

    All vital organs are formed in humans long before birth. And it seems that there is no such thing that any organ suddenly takes and appears from a person in the process of life. However, it is possible. A similar organ is the placenta, which is formed in women during pregnancy.

    Children's place

    Placenta is a medical term. People call it a children's place. So, the placenta is an organ that is formed during pregnancy. It is through her that the baby receives oxygen and all the necessary nutrients. The placenta allows you to remove waste products and carbon dioxide. It is endowed with the most important function - it protects the baby from the reactions of the mother's immune system and various infections.

    If we consider the placenta from a scientific point of view, then it is a small disc (20 cm in diameter) weighing about 5 kg and about 3 cm thick.One side of it is directed towards the fetus (it is from this side that the umbilical cord departs), and the second, consisting of villi attached to the uterus.

    In the placenta itself, there are arteries and veins, through which blood is exchanged between the mother and the unborn baby.


    Aging of the placenta during pregnancy is a fairly common diagnosis that doctors put to future women in labor. The specified diagnosis is made on the basis of an ultrasound scan and is important for the normal development of the fetus.

    The placenta goes through 4 stages of maturation:

    Zero, which is typical for pregnancies up to 30 weeks;

    The first, which lasts from 30th to;

    The second, which corresponds to pregnancy from the 34th to the 37th week;

    The third, typical for that is, from the 37th week until the moment of delivery.

    Depending on the stage, the placenta is modified and possesses characteristic features... Aging of the placenta during pregnancy is a decrease in the functionality of the specified organ. This does not mean at all that the placenta, which has, for example, the second degree of maturity, ceases to perform its functions. This body is simply gradually reducing the volume of its capabilities.

    In this regard, the identification of a similar pathology on later dates pregnancy should not be a serious concern. It is much worse when the aging of the placenta during pregnancy is detected in the first or second trimester.

    Details about the stages of aging of the placenta

    The age of the placenta is the most important indicator that informs about intrauterine development and fetal formation. It happens that the outcome of pregnancy depends on this indicator.

    As already mentioned, there are 4 stages of maturation of the placenta.

    Starting from the 12th week of pregnancy, an organ such as the placenta begins to form and actively grow. It thickens every week. In the period from the 12th to the 30th week of pregnancy, the degree of maturation of the specified organ is normally zero. During this period, the structure of the child's seat is smooth and uniform. At the zero stage, the placenta fully performs all the functions assigned to it: it actively saturates the fetus with oxygen and nutrients, removes carbon dioxide and waste products of the unborn baby.

    Stage one

    The normal course of pregnancy in the period from the 30th to the 34th week corresponds to the first stage of maturation of the child's place. It is characterized by the fact that it is during this period that the first signs of aging begin to appear on the placenta. They are expressed by the appearance of small irregularities and inclusions. At the same time, the specified organ does not lose its functions: the placenta continues to actively help the baby to develop, grow and eat.

    Sometimes this period is called the period of development of the placenta, since it is at this time that the fetus is actively growing and developing.

    Second stage

    The second stage of maturation (aging) is characteristic of the gestation period from the 34th to the 37th week of pregnancy. Ultrasound examination of the placenta during this period shows the appearance of a large number of inclusions, a change in the relief of this organ. gradually begins to decrease, which leads to a decrease in its functional tasks.

    However, for the period from 34th to 37th weeks of pregnancy, the placenta performs all the necessary functions: the baby receives the amount of nutrients that it needs for proper development and growth.

    Final stage

    The third (final) stage of maturation is observed at 36 weeks of gestation. Aging of the placenta is entering the home stretch. The functioning of the child's seat is significantly reduced, and natural aging occurs. This stage is typical for full-term pregnancy and indicates that the fetus is ripe and the mother's body is ready for childbirth. Externally, the placenta at this stage has many inclusions and deposits of salts. Its structure is very heterogeneous, large waves are visible on the placenta, the depth of which in some places reaches the basal layer.

    Any deviation from these norms is considered a pathology and requires systematic observation and treatment. However, the placenta is not a sentence at all. Timely identification of this deviation will help stabilize the condition of the fetus and bring the expectant mother to a successful birth.

    Aging of the placenta during pregnancy: causes

    You can see a photo of the organ in the article. The placenta, like any other organ, wears out due to excessive stress. There are many factors that cause aging of the placenta during pregnancy. The causes of this pathology most often boil down to the following:

    Infectious or endocrine diseases of the future woman in labor, the presence of pathologies of the circulatory system in her, as well as diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;

    Rhesus conflict between mother and fetus;

    Overweight (or insufficient) weight of the woman in labor;

    Drinking alcohol and smoking;

    Having an abortion or having a difficult previous birth;


    Improper nutrition;

    Chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, arterial hypertension;

    Multiple pregnancy.

    As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for premature aging of the placenta during pregnancy. These are chronic diseases, and acquired viral and infectious diseases, as well as the mother's abnormal behavior during pregnancy.

    It is worth remembering that such a diagnosis as premature aging of the placenta is made in cases where the second degree of maturity is diagnosed for up to 32 weeks, or the third - for up to 36 weeks.

    How to find out and understand?

    You can find out about only by conducting an ultrasound scan. Since this pathology proceeds without any symptoms, it is impossible to independently understand that the placenta cannot cope with its functions.

    It is also possible to establish the development of this pathology with the help of an optical cardiac monitor. It shows the fetal heart rate and changes in it.

    However, despite the fact that it has no visible symptoms, it is still possible to suspect that something is going wrong by the behavior of the fetus.


    So, aging of the placenta during pregnancy has the following symptoms:

    The fetus has an increased heart rate. This occurs as a result of oxygen starvation and nutritional deficiencies. This symptom suggests that the placenta is not coping with its functions;

    Due to oxygen starvation, the expectant mother can feel sharp jolts in the abdomen (starting from the second trimester): the baby begins to actively move, kick and push with arms and legs;

    Due to a lack of nutrients, the fetus may stop moving and stirring altogether.

    These symptoms in most cases indicate the premature maturation of the child's place.


    What can happen if the aging of the placenta is established during pregnancy? The specified pathology has the most negative consequences for the child.

    In the early stages (in the first trimester), such a diagnosis, as a rule, leads to a miscarriage or the so-called frozen pregnancy.

    In the second trimester of pregnancy, the appearance of this pathology can lead to a delay in physical or mental development the future baby, as well as the birth of a child with a reduced body weight. In addition, premature aging of the placenta can cause the death of brain cells.

    However, most often this diagnosis is made in the third trimester of pregnancy. In this case, doctors recommend using methods of artificial induction of labor. With the help of droppers, special gels and injections, you can speed up the onset of labor and give birth to a healthy baby 3-4 weeks earlier than the preliminary date of birth.


    So, the expectant mother was diagnosed with premature aging of the placenta during pregnancy. Treatment in this case will be carried out in a hospital setting. Moreover, in most cases, doctors will use medication to eliminate the pathology that has arisen.

    It is worth knowing that it is impossible to cure this pathology. In this regard, the treatment will be aimed at helping the unborn baby.

    Depending on the cause of the untimely maturation of the placenta, a pregnant woman may be prescribed droppers or injections. If the reason for this diagnosis was an infectious disease of the mother, she will be offered a course of medication depending on the type of infectious agent.

    Most often, droppers and injections are prescribed, which can prevent the development of hypoxia in the fetus. Such drugs include "Actovegin", "Curantil", as well as essential phospholipids and other medicines.

    These drugs are also used to reduce the tone of the uterus and improve blood circulation. Respiratory failure of the baby can be restored with glucose preparations.

    However, there are situations in which medical treatment does not make sense. In such cases, premature delivery is used, which is carried out using a cesarean section. As a rule, such emergency measures are characteristic when aging of the placenta is detected at 34 weeks of gestation and at later stages.

    Doctors resort to such an emergency measure in cases where it has been reliably established that intrauterine development for a child is more dangerous than premature birth.

    Preventive measures

    A set of preventive measures, thanks to which you can avoid premature aging the placenta is pretty straightforward. A pregnant woman is advised to give up any bad habits, be it smoking, drinking alcohol, and especially drugs. For expectant mother you should avoid stressful situations, physical exertion and spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.

    An important preventive measure is a systematic visit to a gynecologist. After all, the timely detection of pathology will help to take appropriate measures in time and avoid unpleasant consequences.

    You should not refuse to visit the day hospital: it should be remembered that the condition of the fetus during early maturation of the placenta directly depends on medical supervision, qualified and adequate medical care.

    Instead of a conclusion

    Often, pregnancy is accompanied by the appearance of various pathologies and abnormalities. One of the most common diagnoses for expectant mothers is premature aging of the placenta during pregnancy. The causes and consequences of this pathology can be completely different: this is the wrong way of life of the mother, and the presence of infectious diseases, and even congenital diseases.

    So, we talked about what aging of the placenta is during pregnancy. The consequences of early maturation of an organ depend on the period of their appearance and detection. However, a timely visit to a gynecologist, fulfillment of all doctor's prescriptions, as well as healthy image life can reduce the likelihood of this deviation occurring.

    It is worth knowing that in most cases, when diagnosed with "premature aging of the placenta", doctors manage to stabilize the condition of the fetus and expectant mothers give birth to absolutely healthy and full-fledged children.

    The placenta is a mysterious and vital organ that forms and exists only during the period of gestation. What is the placenta is of little interest to a woman before pregnancy. But, when life arises in her, she often comes into contact with such a term. And there are times when some difficulties arise with this organ. In order not to panic, it is better to understand in advance such a concept as "aging of the placenta."

    The placenta forms and grows with the baby. At a certain stage, it matures and begins to age. The duration of its existence is 9 months. And after giving birth, she forever leaves the female body along with the newborn baby. The placenta, in its characteristics, is similar to an artificial respiration apparatus, a kidney, a heart, and also an artificial liver. Only the placenta performs these functions at the same time. Basically, the placenta is the organ that provides Cohabitation mother and child. Placental cells surprisingly recognize among the millions of molecules of the female body exactly those that are necessary for the nutrition of the embryo and deliver them to it.

    The placenta has a very important mission during pregnancy:

    1. Protects the fetus from infections, viruses and harmful elements, creating a strong barrier from external factors.
    2. Helps the baby breathe, supplies oxygen, and also removes carbon dioxide.
    3. Nourishes the fetus with all the necessary substances, which ensures its normal development.
    4. It removes waste products of a growing organism.
    5. It produces hormones necessary for the normal course of pregnancy.

    For this mechanism to work properly, the maturity of the placenta must correspond to a certain period of pregnancy. Premature aging of the placenta will cause malfunctions in the baby's nutritional system.

    Carefully! If premature aging of the placenta occurs before 24 weeks of gestation, fetal freezing or premature birth occurs.

    Placenta maturity

    Normally, aging of the placenta during pregnancy begins at 32 weeks. By the end of 40 weeks, the maturity of the placenta reaches an extreme point, and it stops doing its job. At this moment, a surge of stress hormones occurs in a woman's body and she begins to have contractions. The degree of aging of the placenta must correspond to certain parameters and are determined only with the help of ultrasound diagnostics.

    The following degrees are distinguished:

    1. Zero degree. The placenta is born after 12 days of pregnancy and becomes fully "adult" by 3 months of gestation. Normally, it is determined up to the 30th week of pregnancy.
    2. Aging of the placenta 1 degree. In this period, a small number of echogenic formations (cysts) is permissible. This degree is diagnosed between weeks 27 and 36. If the placenta reaches this degree before 28 weeks, then it is early aging placenta.
    3. Aging of the placenta 2 degrees. The placenta becomes more dense, visible salt deposits are visualized. Diagnosed at 34-39 weeks.
    4. Grade 3 aging of the placenta is considered normal after 36 weeks of gestation.

    During an ultrasound scan, a specialist determines the thickness of the placenta, the presence of calcium deposits and cystosis.

    Interesting! A couple of years ago, women with premature aging of the placenta were scared premature birth, perinatal death of a child or his low weight. Recent studies have shown that women with maturity 3 before 35 weeks simply require more scrupulous observation.

    Placenta maturity diagnostics

    Aging of the placenta during pregnancy is traditionally determined using ultrasound diagnostics. But this method does not give 100% of the result. It all depends on the apparatus and the level of professionalism of the diagnostician. The most accurate data is provided only by histological analysis of the tissues of the placenta after childbirth. If aging of the placenta is determined at 32 weeks of pregnancy, then additional studies of the woman and CTG of the fetus are carried out.

    Important! Pathologies in the process of maturation of the placenta have absolutely no symptoms. The woman is not able to notice that the baby is suffering from placental failure. Therefore, a planned ultrasound scan is performed.

    Factors That Trigger Premature Aging

    The aging of the placenta is influenced by reasons that do not always depend on the woman's lifestyle during pregnancy. Basically, the main factor is the state of health before conception - injuries, abortions and illness.

    Causes of premature aging of the placenta:

    • damage to the walls of the uterus (abortion, gynecological operations, complicated previous childbirth);
    • Rh-conflict between the blood of mother and child;
    • endocrinological pathologies (hypothyroidism, diabetes);
    • chronic diseases of the mother (heart, kidneys, liver);
    • detachment of the placenta or low location;
    • excess weight;
    • smoking, including "passive" smoking;
    • infectious lesion of the uterus;
    • late gestosis;
    • exposure to toxic substances;

    Premature aging of the placenta: treatments

    If Doppler and CT scan have confirmed early aging of the placenta, and blood flow through the umbilical cord is impaired and the fetus suffers from hypoxia, the woman is prescribed treatment.

    1. Finding out the causes of premature aging and their elimination... If this is not done, then drug therapy will not bring much benefit.
    2. Medicines to restore blood flow. There are a number of medications that can help restore oxygen flow to your baby. They are prescribed in the form of droppers, so the woman is placed in a hospital. Most often, "Aktovegil", "Trental" and "Kurantil" are appointed.
    3. Vitamin and mineral complexes... To restore the transport functions of the placenta, vitamins A, E, C are shown. Mineral substances are prescribed individually.
    4. Sparing day regimen. If a woman follows all the doctor's prescriptions, then pregnancy and childbirth will end safely for both without the consequences of aging of the placenta.
    5. Reducing the increased tone of the uterus. If such a complication occurs, the woman is assigned "Ginipral".

    Important! Doctors advise paying attention to a sharp change in the number of movements of the child in the womb. This may be the only signal of oxygen starvation of the fetus. But this is not an accurate sign of aging of the placenta.

    Possible complications

    Small fluctuations in the maturity of the placenta from the norm do not threaten the mother and the child. But a certain danger is caused by premature aging of the placenta at 34 weeks of gestation. Why is this condition dangerous? The fact is that the untimely ripened placenta is strongly compacted and multiple calcium formations are formed in it. The blood flow in the placenta is disturbed, and the child receives less required amount oxygen and useful elements. In this case, the consequences of aging of the placenta may be present in the child. The heart of the fetus begins to work at an accelerated rate so that a sufficient amount of oxygen enters the brain. This condition is called fetoplacental insufficiency, and it is determined using a heart monitor. If the pathological condition is not detected in time and the necessary measures are not taken, the child's brain under the influence of hypoxia can be severely damaged. Sometimes this leads to irreversible consequences.

    The lack of minerals and vitamins in the fetus as a result of poor blood flow through the umbilical cord also causes disturbances in the normal development of the organs and systems of the child. But, it is worth remembering that such cases are very rare and occur only in women who have not undergone routine examinations by doctors. Therefore, the aging of the placenta has not been treated.

    Advice! Aging of the placenta during pregnancy will not harm the baby if this condition is detected on time. Modern drugs easily compensate for the lack of its work.

    Prevention of premature maturation of the placenta

    • Planning future pregnancy with complete diagnostics of health status.
    • Quitting smoking, alcohol and unhealthy foods.
    • Moderate physical activity and a rational daily routine.
    • Regular visits to the gynecologist.
    • Taking folic acid, iodine preparations, vitamin E (as prescribed by a doctor!).
    • Timely delivery of tests, according to the schedule for pregnant women.
    • Healthy eating.
    • Monitoring of chronic diseases (if any).

    Pregnant women, being aware of such a concept as "aging of the placenta during pregnancy" and the reasons for its occurrence, will calmly relate to such a diagnosis. But the main thing to remember is that a timely and regular visit to a doctor is the main guarantee easy pregnancy and the health of the unborn baby.

    When a woman is negligent about her health, she may develop premature maturation of the placenta. Most often, it is the neglect of important health problems that is the reason for the appearance of this trouble.

    Pathology appears due to various diseases, physiological and hereditary factors. Among the causes of premature maturation of the placenta are the following:

    • early abortion;
    • disturbances in the work of the excretory, endocrine, cardiovascular system;
    • physical impact on the genitals;
    • genital infections;
    • diabetes;
    • structural features of the genital organs;
    • infertility in the mother;
    • involuntary termination of pregnancy;
    • preeclampsia;
    • overweight or underweight;
    • the presence of difficult childbirth;
    • pathology of the circulatory system;
    • damage to the uterus due to mechanical stress;
    • smoking;
    • rhesus conflict.

    As you can see, there are many reasons why premature maturation of the placenta begins. Usually, the so-called "children's organ" begins to form from 2 to 30 weeks. By 37 weeks, he is aging and preparing to leave the female body after childbirth.

    Intrauterine development

    Sometimes, some women start early maturation of their placenta, which occurs between 20 and 32 weeks of pregnancy. This is a pathology and can be very dangerous for the life and health of the child. In principle, from the name of the problem it is clear what exactly the term "premature maturation of the placenta" means. The disease is very unpleasant, but you don't need to panic right away. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of your doctor.

    How to diagnose the disease

    Signs of premature maturation of the placenta are not manifested in any way, so a woman cannot independently determine the development of the disease. The fact that the placenta has matured ahead of time can only be detected on an ultrasound examination. A woman goes through it several times during her pregnancy. But sometimes there are situations when even a high-quality ultrasound machine does not allow for an accurate diagnosis.

    In this case, cardiotocography is prescribed. No need to worry, because KGT is a completely harmless procedure. It is prescribed to all pregnant women in the third trimester of bearing a child. Also find out about and.

    When, at week 20, a routine ultrasound examination showed a suspicion of premature maturation of the placenta, CT is performed ahead of schedule. The study allows you to identify the activity of the baby and determine if he is receiving enough oxygen. Since the early maturation of the "child's place" does not have any signs, it is not worth neglecting the planned examination.

    What is the danger of trouble

    Regardless of the reasons why the premature maturation of the placenta began, it entails negative consequences. Especially if it happens much earlier than the due date. When the problem has been diagnosed in less than 30 weeks of pregnancy, it needs to be addressed urgently.

    Every mom-to-be needs to know what her pathology is. Because of it, a limited amount of oxygen and nutrients is supplied to the fetus. As a result, the baby can be diagnosed with malnutrition (low weight) and hypoxia.

    Moreover, if the placenta begins to mature prematurely, the baby's blood supply is interrupted. This is dangerous:

    • miscarriage;
    • early outpouring of water;
    • detachment of the "children's organ".

    Fetal development

    If you do not take prompt action, the fetus will be born with low weight and brain disease, or a miscarriage will occur. During pregnancy, an experienced doctor will not only explain in detail to you what the premature maturation of your placenta is, but will also prescribe competent treatment, which is very important.

    Treatment of a dangerous pathology

    When, at 33 weeks of gestation, the placenta begins to mature prematurely, the woman must be hospitalized and undergo a comprehensive examination. A thorough examination can confirm the diagnosis.

    If there is a problem and your baby is not getting the nutrients it needs, doctors usually prescribe stimulant medications. These include Actovegin. It is strictly forbidden to take this drug on your own. Treatment should only be carried out under the close supervision of an experienced physician.

    When the deviation is less than 7 days, it is not necessary to go to the hospital. Most likely, you will simply be assigned additional examination... This is necessary to clarify whether the "child's place" really matures ahead of time, and whether treatment is needed. If the period is very short, sometimes the gynecologist recommends an abortion, since it is impossible to completely stop the aging process. It can only be slowed down. By the end of pregnancy, the organ may become completely old, so the fetus will either die or be born with serious pathologies.

    When the placenta begins to mature prematurely at 31 and later weeks of pregnancy, the baby can be born completely healthy, but his weight will be slightly less than expected. In this case, childbirth can be carried out naturally... When the process is too fast, the doctor will decide to have a caesarean section. This is necessary to preserve the life and health of the child.

    If at the 28th week of pregnancy your placenta began its premature state, and the doctor suggests going to the hospital, you should not refuse it. You will be given IVs to help improve blood flow to the fetus and provide it with adequate oxygen. Vitamin preparations are often prescribed, which are administered through a dropper or are prescribed in the form of tablets.

    When infectious pathologies become the reason for the early maturation of the "child's place" at 30 weeks, the doctor prescribes various medications. For each disease, their own medications are prescribed, so you cannot be treated on your own.

    1. Acute toxoplasmosis. Taking Rovamycin, Sulfadiazine, folic acid and multivitamins.
    2. Urogenital infection. Treatment with Aspirin, Actovegin, vitamin therapy, and also within one month, it is necessary to take one Essentiale-forte capsule three times a day.
    3. Chlamydia infection. Usually Valprafen is prescribed for two weeks in a row, twice a day, or Erythromycin, Clarithromycin according to a similar scheme.
    4. Mycoplasma infection. The same treatment is carried out as with the development of chlamydial infection.
    5. Genital infections. Geviran is prescribed twice a day for ten days.

    If the placenta matures prematurely at about 30-34 weeks, and the expectant mother had ARVI during pregnancy or had pneumonia, then the doctors prescribe the drug Vampilox to her. If bad habits are revealed, the doctor individually develops a course of therapeutic measures that will eliminate the insufficiency of placental function.

    Possible discharge

    When, even before 22 weeks, the doctor detects any abnormalities at the chromosomal level, the question of terminating the pregnancy is raised.

    Do not self-medicate if you have been diagnosed with problems with the placenta. All medications should only be prescribed by your doctor. Some girls listen to the advice of traditional medicine. This is useful, but you shouldn't go to extremes. Various herbal infusions are unlikely to have effects. However, it will be useful:

    • walk more often in the fresh air;
    • include in your diet fortified foods with a high content of fresh fruits and vegetables;
    • get enough sleep and try not to get nervous.

    Remember that premature maturation of the placenta is very dangerous because it does not protect the baby. The organ ceases to supply the fetus with nutrients and becomes covered with salts. Only correct and prompt treatment will get rid of the problem and give birth to a healthy baby.

    WayHow is it donePrice
    MedicatedActoveginAbout 130 rubles
    CurantilAbout 600 rubles
    Folic acidAbout 25 rubles
    WilprafenAbout 590 rubles
    RovamycinAbout 850 rubles
    Essentiale ForteAbout 560 rubles
    ClarithromycinAbout 300 rubles
    SulfadiazineAbout 290 rubles
    Healthy lifestyleYou need to carefully monitor your lifestyle, eliminate factors that can provoke the development of this problem.

    Find out what is dangerous and.

    : Borovikova Olga

    gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

    Placental development

    The placenta ("baby's place") is an embryonic organ through which nutrients and oxygen are delivered from the mother to the fetus. The placenta forms villi that grow into the lining of the uterus, thanks to which a close connection is established between the embryo and the mother's body. The umbilical cord connects the embryo to the placenta.

    At the beginning of pregnancy, the placenta does not have a clear structure. The formation of the placenta itself as an organ takes place at 10-12 weeks, but its structure further changes as the baby's needs grow.

    With a normal pregnancy, the "baby's place" is located in the area of ​​the body of the uterus, since it is here that the most favorable conditions for its normal functioning are created. Normally, the placenta is formed at a distance of 6 cm or more from the uterine pharynx.

    From 22 to 36 weeks, the placenta mass increases, and by 36 weeks it reaches full functional maturity. By the end of pregnancy, a normal placenta has a diameter of 15-18 cm and a thickness of 2-4 cm. Then its growth stops, and in the future this parameter either decreases or remains at the same value.

    Already after the 33rd week, the aging of the "child's place" begins, which is the norm. It is believed that labor occurs when the placenta becomes as mature as possible. Together with the membranes of the fetus (the so-called afterbirth), it leaves the genital tract in the third stage of labor 5-30 minutes after the baby is born.

    Placenta maturity

    As we have already said, at the end of pregnancy, physiological aging of the placenta occurs, accompanied by a decrease in its surface area and the appearance of areas of salt deposition (calcifications). Aging, the placenta goes through 4 stages of maturity (according to the classification of Grannum P.A. 1979):

    0 degree; while the placenta has a homogeneous or fine-grained ultrasound structure; its thickness varies within 1.5-2 cm; the chorionic plate does not yet give an echographic reflection; the boundary between the placental tissue and muscle layer the uterus is not clearly defined; the fruit surface has smooth or wavy contours; normally 0 degree is determined up to 30 weeks of pregnancy;

    I degree; in the placenta, a medium-grained ultrasound structure is determined; the thickness increases from 2 to 3 cm; a reflection from the chorionic plate appears, it becomes tortuous; the border between the placenta and the uterus is defined quite clearly; I degree is noted at 30-34 weeks;

    II degree (lobular placenta II); its thickness ranges from 2.5 to 3.5 cm; there are single or multiple inclusions on the placental septa; observed at 34-37 weeks;

    III degree (lobular placenta III); there is a significant number of inclusions in the structure of the placenta, on the interlobar septa and on its maternal surface; Grade III is typical for 37-40 weeks.

    Determining the degree of maturation is necessary to assess the ability of the placenta to supply the baby with sufficient nutrients. For the same purpose, the thickness of the placenta is calculated.

    Here are the normal values ​​of this parameter for different periods of pregnancy: 20 weeks - 16.7-28.6 mm; 21 weeks - 17.4-29.7; 22 - 18.1-30.7; 23 - 18.8-31.8; 24 - 19.6-32.9; 25 - 20.3-34.0; 26-21-35.1; 27 - 21.7-36.2; 28 - 22.4-37.3; 29-23.2-38.4; 30 - 23.9-39.5; 31 - 24.6-40.6; 32-25.3-41.6; 33 - 26.0-42.7; 34 - 26.8-43.8; 35-27.5-44.9; 36 - 28.2-46.0; 37 - 27.8-45.8; 38 - 27.5-45.5; 39-27.1-45.3; 40 - 26.7-45 mm.

    The discrepancy between the degree of maturity of the placenta and the gestational age is accompanied by the risk of developing various complications. An ultrasound examination of the "child's place" can also reveal calcifications, heart attacks, hematomas, cysts and other artifacts. Calcifications are a sign of aging of the placenta.

    Solitary cysts usually do not cause serious complications. Multiple and / or large cysts are manifested by a thickening of the placenta, an increase in its volume due to detectable rounded formations with homogeneous contents, can disrupt the function of the placenta and the condition of the fetus.

    Premature aging of the placenta: who is at risk?

    Premature aging of the placenta is diagnosed if the II degree of maturity appears before 32 weeks, and III - before 36 weeks. This pathological process can be caused by various changes in the placenta: thrombosis, inflammation, sclerosis and dystrophy. The most common causes of premature aging of the placenta are:

    Late toxicosis (gestosis), preeclampsia, hypertension;
    -endocrine diseases of the mother (diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease);
    -bronchial asthma;
    -Rhesus conflict;
    - intrauterine infection (cytomegalovirus, herpes, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis);
    -respiratory viral infections, including the flu;
    - HIV infection;
    - delay syndrome intrauterine development fetal, fetal chromosomal abnormalities;
    - malnutrition;
    - multiple pregnancy;
    -smoking, drug addiction.

    Premature aging of the placenta requires a mandatory examination of the woman in order to identify complications, if any.

    Diagnosis and identification of complications

    Early diagnosis of premature aging of the placenta is extremely important. To assess the condition of the fetus of a pregnant woman, a dynamic examination is carried out. It includes:

    Ultrasound monitoring of fetal growth;
    -dopplerometry - this is a modern modification of ultrasound, allows you to assess the state of the vessels of the uterus, placenta, umbilical cord, middle cerebral artery of the fetus;
    -cardiotocography (CTG) - recording the heart rate of the fetus against the background of the contractile activity of the uterus;
    - monitoring of the level of placental lactogen and estriol in the blood of a pregnant woman.

    Premature aging of the placenta can provoke a number of complications. Here are the main ones:

    Feto-placental insufficiency;
    - intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus,
    - fetal hypoxia;
    - premature placental abruption;
    - premature birth;
    - low birth weight;
    - bleeding after childbirth;

    The risk of these complications increases in women with premature aging of the placenta (III degree of maturity) before 33 weeks of pregnancy. If this diagnosis is made between 33 and 36 weeks of pregnancy, the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth is significantly lower.

    Premature aging of the placenta: management tactics

    If a pregnant woman with premature aging of the placenta during examination did not reveal any disturbances in the blood flow of the placenta and the fetus, then there is no cause for concern. Dynamic observation is enough.

    When signs of fetal hypoxia and fetal-placental insufficiency are detected, therapy is prescribed to eliminate the cause that caused premature aging of the placenta (infection, gestosis, diabetes mellitus, etc.), as well as drugs that improve blood supply to the placenta and fetal nutrition: antiplatelet agents (curantil, cardiomagnum ), magne B6, folic acid, actovegin, etc.

    As a result of the treatment, the blood circulation of the "child's place" is restored, the blood flow in the vessels of the uterus and the fetus is increased, oxygen transport is increased, and the baby's energy supply is significantly improved. If drug therapy is ineffective, hospitalization is required.

    The choice of the method of delivery of a pregnant woman with premature aging of the placenta is carried out depending on the obstetric situation. With a delay in the intrauterine development of the fetus, as well as a threat to its life (the presence of critical changes in blood flow, a sharp decrease in the number amniotic fluid etc.), a cesarean section is performed.

    Prevention of premature aging of the placenta

    To avoid premature aging of the placenta, it is necessary to carefully prepare for conception, undergo all examinations, identify and treat genital infections, and take all vaccinations (including against the flu).

    During pregnancy, a woman should take multivitamin complexes, give up bad habits, be observed, follow the recommendations of doctors, undergo ultrasound, screenings, CTG, dopplerometry in a timely manner, treat emerging complications (gestosis, anemia, hypertension, etc.), have more rest, do yoga and practicing qigong, meditate and enjoy life!

    Happy pregnancy!

    Always with you,

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