• Interesting tests of new erudition and intelligence. Tests for mental development. IQ Tests: How They Are Built



    Why do we need to know our level of intelligence?

    Every person, sooner or later, thought about how smart he is. As strange as it may sound, the grades given to us at school and university may not always be an accurate indicator of intelligence. You can find out how smart and quick-witted you are with the help of a special intelligence test. One of the popular questionnaires at the moment is Raven's IQ test.

    How and when did the test appear

    The Raven IQ test is a technique developed in 1936. John Raven with Roger Penrose, also known as the Progressive Matrices scale for assessing IQ and level mental ability and logical thinking. This technique can assess the mental development of any person aged 14 to 65 years.

    The questionnaire was created in accordance with the traditions of the English school of the study of intelligence, according to which the most effective way measurements of the mind were the task of matching abstract figures.

    In total, psychologists have created several test options:

    • "Standard Progressive Matrices" (1938);
    • "Colored Progressive Matrices" (1947);
    • "Advanced Progressive Matrices" (1941).

    It is noteworthy that the first option was designed for all ages: from the smallest children to the elderly.

    John Raven - creator of the test

    John Raven was born in 1902 in Great Britain. He became acquainted with psychology at King's College London in 1928, then began working as an assistant to Penrose, who conducted research in the field of mental defects. Fascinated by this direction, Raven tested children and adults in different places: at home, in schools, at work, using the Stanford-Binet mental development scale for this. And yet, Raven considered this test not very successful, and as a result, the Progressive Matrices questionnaire appeared, which he created together with Penrose.

    Raven was an outstanding teacher, his theories had a significant impact on the formation of the scientific worldview of many students.

    How to take the test

    The final version of the Raven IQ test, widely known now, is suitable for determining the level of intelligence of people of various professions and social status from 14 to 65 years old and regardless of gender.

    The questionnaire consists of 60 tasks, each of which consists in the fact that you must match the missing fragment to the picture. The drawing, as a rule, contains various symbols or geometric shapes.

    The tasks in the methodology are arranged in order of increasing complexity. Figures or drawings stand in a certain pattern, which you must determine. Having determined it, you can find the missing fragment of the picture.

    Please note that each of the tasks has only one correct solution. You have 20 minutes to complete the test.

    In the process of passing, be extremely careful and take your time before giving an answer. Let yourself think. Go sequentially from task to task, follow the order of tasks and do not skip them, otherwise it will be considered as an incorrect answer. If you are still unable to logically understand the sequence and find the correct element, you can try to guess which of the images could fit into an empty space.

    Test results

    As a result of passing the Raven test, you will be able to find out the level of your intellectual development in points and get acquainted with recommendations for improving your abilities.

    Take the test now

    You can quickly and conveniently on our website. You will also have the opportunity not only to determine your mental development, but also to save the result in order to take the test again later.

    Since the Raven questionnaire can be taken from the age of 14, there is a separate one for children on our website. It is perfect for children and teenagers from 7 to 16 years old.

    Another trick test

    Answer quickly and out loud

    1. Repeat the word blood ten times out loud!
    2. What flows through the veins?
    3. What runs when you cut your finger?
    4. What does the heart pump?
    5. What color of traffic light do you need to cross the street?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    Intellect tricky test

    1. How many birthdays does the average man have?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    2. What can rise and fall, and at the same time not move from its place?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    3. There is a house with 4 walls. Each wall faces south. A bear walks by one of the windows. What colour is he?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    4. The window sashes in the room open inwards. There are pieces of broken glass on the floor. There is also spilled water. You found Sloppy lying dead on the floor. Who is this Sloppy? Why did she die?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    5. There is one word in Russian that is always mispronounced. What word is it?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    6. Why can't a man living in Tambov be buried east of the Yenisei River?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    7. Two boys were playing checkers. Each of them played five games and each won the same number of games. How could this happen?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    8. Divide 30 by 1/2, add 10. How much is it?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    9. If you take two apples out of three, what will you have left?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    10. How many animals did Moses take on his ark?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    11. Is it allowed in Russia for a man to marry his widow's sister?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    12. If you only have one match and you enter a room that has a kerosene lamp, a candle and a wood stove, what should you light first?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    13. If the doctor prescribed three tablets for you and told you to take them every half an hour, how long would the procedure last?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    14. The farmer had 17 sheep. All but nine have died. How many sheep does the farmer have left?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    15. How many nines are between 1 and 100?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    16. Seven candles are burning, three are extinguished. How many candles are left?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    17. One brick weighs 1 kg and another half a brick. How much does one brick weigh?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    18. An archaeologist claimed to have found a coin dated 35 BC. Could it really be?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    19. How many times does it take to cut a stick into 12 pieces?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    20. The boy went to bed at 8 o'clock in the evening, and set his favorite mechanical alarm clock at 9 o'clock in the morning. How many hours will the boy sleep?

    << Correct answer to the question >>

    21. There are 10 fingers on the hands. How many fingers are on ten hands?

    Each person is individual not only by the type of appearance, but also by the level of mental development. Usually, the intellect is laid even in the child and how smart and erudite he will be influenced by a number of factors - heredity, individual characteristics of the body, temperament, family relationships. To find out how intellectually developed you are, take a simple online test.

    Brain Development Tests

    Do you think that you have sufficient mental development, do you read a lot and always like to learn something new? So, you have the right to call yourself a comprehensively developed personality, but is it really so? To determine this, it is not necessary to contact a specialist. You can check how well your brain works by passing a simple online test.

    General development test

    Some people who believe that they have sufficient intellectual development exaggerate their capabilities. To determine the ability of the brain to perceive and store information well, special tests developed by professionals to assess the level of intelligence will help.

    Want to measure your IQ? We bring to your attention interesting test, which will help everyone to analyze the level of their IQ. You have to not only answer questions, but also think, compare and draw conclusions. It will be very interesting and useful!

    Do you remember the spelling rules you were taught in school? Are you really sure that you write correctly and do not make elementary mistakes? Check your level of knowledge of the Russian language with a short test that contains questions from the standard school curriculum.

    Sometimes adults cannot answer elementary questions and riddles correctly, which any competent student can solve. Do you think that you have a sufficient level of knowledge to call yourself an erudite person? You can check it right now with the help of the test. Good luck!

    Intelligence tests - intelligence tests are designed to measure the level of a person's intellectual development. Intelligence is often understood as a set of cognitive abilities. Intelligence tests consist of several subtests aimed at measuring intellectual functions ( logical thinking, semantic and associative memory, etc.) The level of intelligence is not a constant value and changes under the influence of the environment, it reflects both previous and subsequent achievements in learning. Intelligence is not a single and monotonous ability, it consists of several functions. This term usually refers to the complex of abilities necessary for survival and achievement in a particular culture.

    clear head and good memory No wonder they are considered signs of youth, because they speak of the purity of blood vessels and the well-coordinated work of the nervous system. You yourself can calculate what is the efficiency of remembering this or that information by our brain. To do this, do a few exercises that the German psychologist F. Leser suggested using.

    Try to remember the text in which there is no logical connection between the words. You are given 40 seconds to memorize 20 words, each of which is written under its own serial number. After 40 seconds, you need to reproduce the words that you remember. Moreover, only words with the specified serial numbers will be considered true.

    BUT. A deaf-mute man came to the store to buy a toothbrush. With gestures, he imitates brushing his teeth. The seller turned out to be quick-witted and understood exactly what the buyer needed. Next came the blind man for glasses.
    Question. How can he tell the seller what he needs?

    Word test

    This test will help determine the level of your verbal intelligence, i.e. your literacy, ingenuity and erudition.

    Instruction. Before you start running smart tests, I would like you to get acquainted with the rules of self-testing:

    1. The following pages contain a test that consists of 50 tasks. It measures your learning ability and cognitive activity.

    2. To complete all the tasks of the test, you are given a strictly defined time - 15 minutes. Therefore, when starting to complete the tasks of the test, turn on the stopwatch or note the time to the nearest second, or even better, ask someone to keep track of the time.

    3. The test to measure intelligence can only be used once. Therefore, if out of curiosity you get acquainted with the content of test tasks or the correct answers, then you will no longer be able to get an accurate assessment of your capabilities with their help. For the same reason, when you start taking tests, don't get ahead of yourself with the right answers. You can evaluate the correctness of your answers only by completing the entire test.

    4. Start self-testing only when you are well rested and alert. Before you start working with tests, choose a comfortable place where nothing distracts you during the entire testing period. Ask loved ones not to disturb you, turn off the phone, turn off the TV and radio. You should not discuss tasks with anyone in the course of work and allow someone to help you.

    5. Work as quickly as possible. If you do not immediately find the answer to any task of the test, do not linger on it for too long, move on to the next one. Remember that in the allotted time no one person will be able to correctly solve all the tasks of this test.

    6. Your answer in each case will consist of a single number or a pair of numbers. You can choose from several suggested options or come up with the correct answer yourself.

    Sample Test Items

    Before proceeding with the test tasks, please get acquainted with the training samples.

    1. Fast is the opposite in meaning to the word:

    1 - heavy;

    2 - elastic;

    3 - ambulance;

    4 - light;

    5 - slow.

    (Correct answer is 5)

    2. Gasoline costs 44 kopecks per liter. How much (in kopecks) are 2.5 liters?

    (The correct answer is 110)

    3. The words miner and minor in meaning are:

    1 - similar;

    2 - opposite;

    3 are neither similar nor opposite. (Correct answer is 3)

    4. Which two of the following proverbs have the same meaning?

    1. The first pancake is lumpy.

    2. Dashing trouble is the beginning.

    3. The hut is not red with corners, it is red with pies.

    4. Not all cats have carnival.

    5. An old friend is better than two new ones. (The correct answer is 1.2)

    You have 15 minutes to complete 50 test tasks. When you're ready to take the test questions, time yourself and turn the page.


    1. The eleventh month of the year is:

    2. Harsh is the opposite of the word:

    1 - sharp;

    2 - strict;

    3 - soft;

    4 - hard;

    5 - unyielding.

    3. Which of the following words is different from the others?

    1 - certain;

    2 - doubtful;

    3 - confident;

    4 - trust;

    5 - true.

    4. Is it true that the abbreviation “n. e." means "AD" ("New Era")?

    5. Which of the following words is different from the others?

    1 - call;

    2 - chat;

    3 - listen;

    4 - speak;

    5 - no different words.

    6. The word irreproachable is the opposite in its meaning to the word:

    1 - spotless;

    2 - obscene;

    3 - incorruptible;

    4 - innocent;

    5 - classic.

    7. Which of the following words refers to the word chew like smell to nose?

    1 - sweet;

    3 - smell;

    5 - clean.

    8. How many of the following pairs of words are completely identical?

    Sharp, M.S. Sharp, M.S.

    Fielder, E.N. Fielder, E.N.

    Connor, M.S. Conner, M.G.

    Woesner, O.W. Woerner, O.W.

    Soderquist, P.E. Soderquist, B.E.

    9. Clear is the opposite in meaning to the word:

    1 - obvious;

    2 - explicit;

    3 - unambiguous;

    4 - distinct;

    5 - dim.

    10. An entrepreneur bought several used cars for $3,500 and sold them for $5,500, earning $50 per car. How many cars did he resell?

    11. The words knock and drain have:

    1 - similar value;

    2 - opposite;

    12. Three lemons cost 45 kopecks. How much (in kopecks) are 1.5 dozen?

    13. How many of these 6 pairs of numbers are exactly the same?

    61197172 61197172

    83238324 83238234

    14. Close is opposite in meaning to the word:

    1 - friendly;

    2 - friendly;

    3 - alien;

    4 - native;

    15. What is the smallest number? 1)6;

    16. Arrange the words below in order to make the correct sentence. Enter the number of the last word as your answer:

    eat salt love life

    17. Which of the following drawings is most different from the others?

    18. Two fishermen caught 36 fish. The first caught 8 times more than the second. How many caught the second?

    19. The words ascend and revive have:

    1 - similar value;

    2 - opposite;

    3 is neither similar nor opposite.

    20. Arrange the words below in order to make a statement. If it is correct, then the answer will be 1, if it is wrong, - 2:

    overgrown with moss, the stone is gaining momentum.

    21. Which two of the following phrases have the same meaning:

    1) Keep your nose downwind.

    2) An empty bag is not worth it.

    3) Three doctors are no better than one.

    5) Seven nannies have a child without an eye.

    22. What number should replace the sign "?"?

    73 66 59 52 45 38 ?

    23. The length of day and night in September is almost the same as in:

    24. Suppose the first two statements are true. Then the final will be: 1 - true; 2 - incorrect; 3 - indefinitely.

    1) All progressive people are members of the Party.

    2) All advanced people occupy high posts.

    3) Some members of the party hold important posts.

    25. A train travels 75 cm in 1/4 s. If he moves at the same speed, what distance (in centimeters) will he cover in 5 seconds?

    26. If we assume that the first two statements are true, then the last: 1 - true; 2 - incorrect; 3 - indefinitely.

    1) Borya is the same age as Masha.

    2) Masha is younger than Zhenya.

    3) Borya is younger than Zhenya.

    27. Five half-kilogram packs of minced meat cost 2 rubles. How many kilograms of minced meat can you buy for 80 kopecks?

    28. The words spread and stretch have:

    1 - similar value;

    2 - opposite;

    3 is neither similar nor opposite.

    29. Divide this geometric figure with a straight line into two parts so that, by adding them together, one could get a square. Write down the number of the line corresponding to the correct answer.

    30. Suppose the first two statements are true. Then the last: 1 - true; 2 - incorrect; 3 - indefinitely.

    1) Sasha greeted Masha.

    2) Masha greeted Dasha.

    3) Sasha did not say hello to Dasha.

    31. A car "Zhiguli" worth 2400 rubles was discounted during the seasonal sale by 33 1/3% How much did the car cost during the sale?

    32. Which of these figures is the most different from the others?

    33. The dress requires 2 1/3 m of fabric. How many dresses can be made from 42 m?

    34. The meanings of the following two sentences: 1 - similar; 2 - opposite;

    1) Three doctors are no better than one.

    2) The more doctors, the more diseases.

    35. The words increase and expand have:

    1 - similar value;

    2 - opposite;

    3 is neither similar nor opposite.

    36. The meaning of two English proverbs: 1 - similar; 2 - opposite; 3 is neither similar nor opposite.

    1) It is better to moor with two anchors.

    2) Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

    37. A grocer bought a box of oranges for 36 rubles. There were 12 dozen in the box. He knows that 2 dozen will go bad before he even sells all the oranges. At what price per dozen (in kopecks) does he need to sell oranges to make a profit of 1/3 of the purchase price?

    38. Words claim and pretentious have:

    1 - similar value;

    2 - opposite;

    3 is neither similar nor opposite.

    39. If a pound of potatoes cost 0.0125 rubles, then how many kilograms could be bought for 50 kopecks?

    40. One of the members of the series does not approach the others. What number would you replace it with?

    ¼, 1/3, 1/8, ¼, 1/8, 1/8, ¼, 1/8, 1/6.

    41. The words reflected and imaginary have:

    1 - similar value;

    2 - opposite;

    3 is neither similar nor opposite.

    42. How many acres is a plot of 70 x 20 m?

    43. The following two phrases by meaning:

    1 - similar;

    2 - opposite;

    3 - neither similar nor opposite:

    1) Good things are cheap, bad roads.

    2) Good quality comes from simplicity, bad quality from complexity.

    44. A soldier, shooting at a target, hit it in 12.5% ​​of the case. How many times does a soldier have to shoot to hit her a hundred times?

    45. One of the members of the series does not approach the others. What number would you put in its place?

    ¼, 1/6, 1/8, 1/9, 1/12, 1/14

    46. ​​Three partners in the joint-stock company "Intensivnik" decided to share the profits equally. T. invested 4,500 rubles in the business, K. - 3,500 rubles, P. - 2,000 rubles. If the profit is 2,400 rubles, then how much less profit will T. get compared to how if the profit were divided in proportion to contributions?

    47. Which two of the following proverbs have a similar meaning?

    1) Strike while the iron is hot.

    2) Alone in the field is not a warrior.

    3) They cut the forest, the chips fly.

    4) Not all that glitters is gold.

    5) Do not look by appearance, but judge by deeds.

    48. Meanings of the following phrases:

    1 - similar;

    2 - opposite;

    3 - neither similar nor opposite:

    1) They cut the forest, the chips fly.

    2) There is no big deal without loss.

    49. Sweeps of five geometric figures (cubes) are given. Two of them belong to the same cubes. Which?

    50. There are 24,000 words in a printed article. The editor decided to use two font sizes. When using a larger font, 900 words fit on the page, a smaller one - 1200. The article should take 21 full pages in the magazine. How many pages should be in small print?

    Correct answers to the IQ test

    After you have completed this test, you can calculate your results. In the table following the test, the correct answers to all tasks are given. For each match of your answer with the correct one, give yourself one point. Now add up the sum of your correct answers. The higher your score on this test, the higher your current level of intellectual development, the better your abilities for further learning and cognitive activity.

    If your test score is 24 or more, then the level of your intellectual abilities allows you to start mastering a wide range of professions even now. In addition, the level of your intellectual development is sufficient so that you can count on a fairly high success in performing activities in any profession of the creative class.

    And if your score exceeds 30 points, then you can be proud of your results. Few people reach such a high level of development of intellectual abilities.

    Low scores are considered to be less than 16 points on the test.

    First, a low result may not be reliable enough due to possible errors in compliance with the test conditions and understanding of the instructions. Therefore, a low test result on this test can in no way be a sign of psychological professional unsuitability for any specialty. Only testing with the help of other methods that are at the disposal of psychologists can provide accurate and reliable information about psychological contraindications for certain professions.

    Secondly, if you did not score well enough on this intelligence test, it can be assumed that you will experience certain difficulties in the process of vocational training and further practical activities in the field of creative professions. These difficulties can be caused by one or more of the following:

    1) Insufficiently high level of development of the ability to focus on the tasks being solved.

    2) Insufficient skills in material analysis, abstract thinking, logical reasoning, quantitative calculations, spatial imagination.

    3) Insufficient amount of existing knowledge, limited vocabulary, low literacy.

    4) Insufficiently high rate of mental activity and the ability for prolonged mental stress.

    To successfully complete the test, a certain level of development of verbal, logical, numerical and spatial abilities is required. These qualities are very important in order to be able to learn, assimilate new information, analyze difficult situations and make reasonable decisions. If you do not have these qualities to the right extent, then it may be difficult for you to engage in complex types of intellectual 1 activities, such as studying, solving problems, making non-standard and responsible decisions, organizing your own work and the work of others, management, planning, control, research , design and engineering.

    It is in your power to develop your intellectual qualities. After all, the level of development of intellectual abilities is not a person’s height or blood type, which cannot be changed. Intellectual abilities are not only a condition of learning, but also the result of previous learning. Intelligence tests are not intended to measure the inclinations of mental development, but only the level of development of skills and abilities of cognitive activity that you have formed today.

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