• How to clean stains on a mirror. How to wash a streak-free mirror to perfect shine at home


    Every year more and more mirrors and mirror surfaces appear in our homes. They are used in bathrooms, hallways, bedrooms and living rooms, built into wardrobes, and used in the design of other interior items, finishing walls, ceilings and even floors. Every housewife strives to keep her mirrors in perfect condition and is proud of their perfect shine. In this article we will show you how to wash a mirror without streaks at home.

    Sources of mirror stains

    Knowing the reasons for the appearance of stains, it is easier to choose a method for removing them. The nature of stains on the mirror surface can be:

    • limescale;
    • splash marks in bathrooms;
    • fingerprints and grease marks;
    • traces of flies;
    • traces of cleaning products;
    • dust and dirt;
    • soap residue.

    Let's look at options for cleaning a mirror without streaks. Depending on your preferences in using household chemicals, you can choose special industrial products or folk methods proven by time and experience of housewives.

    To ensure that the mirror serves you for a long time without losing its functionality and attractiveness, do not forget about the following rules:

    • Clean it regularly from dirt and dust.
    • Do not place the mirror in direct sunlight as it will begin to fade over time. The light should fall on a person, and not on a mirror surface.
    • Provide fresh air to high-humidity areas where mirrors are located to help them dry faster.
    • Mirrors intended for bathrooms can be coated on the back with paint, which will protect them from moisture and damage to the amalgam.

    Industrial mirror cleaners

    Today, store shelves are replete with glass and mirror cleaning products. You can use both ordinary, traditional preparations such as “Mr. Muscle” and special professional products, for example “Spectrum-profi”, with which you can quickly remove dirt and give the mirrors an antistatic effect.

    Important! Some people use car mirror cleaners, as well as monitor cleaning liquids. However, these methods are not recommended for use at home due to their high toxicity.

    Experts recommend giving preference to substances that do not contain ammonia, as it can react with the silver amalgam that makes up the reflective layer and lead to stains.

    How to properly wash a mirror?

    To wash a mirror without streaks to a perfect shine, you need to follow a certain washing regimen.

    We will roughly divide the cleaning into three stages:

    1. Remove dirt from the surface. Add dishwashing liquid or dishwasher liquid to the water and wash with a soft cloth or sponge.

    Important! To avoid scratches, do not use abrasive detergents or harsh scourers. You can try to carefully remove dried droplets of fat with a blade.

    1. Wash off the cleaning solution with clean boiled water. To do this, use a damp microfiber cloth, rinsing it thoroughly with water each time. It is advisable to repeat the procedure several times.
    2. Wipe dry, bringing to shine. Spraying the surface with one of the above-suggested means for adding shine, a dry microfiber cloth or ordinary newspaper, previously crumpled, in a circular motion, rub the mirror surface.

    Important! Newspaper is considered one of the best tools for adding shine, as it perfectly absorbs moisture and does not break into small pieces.

    We use traditional methods

    And yet, using industrial products you are not immune from the appearance of stains, especially if the product you choose is of low quality. So how can you wash a mirror without streaks at home?

    You can easily cope with this task using traditional methods:

    • Ammonia. Dilute 1 tablespoon of ammonia in a glass of boiled water. Spray the surface with the resulting mixture using a spray bottle. Wipe dry with newspaper or napkin.

    Important! When using this solution, be careful not to get the product on the back of the mirror.

    • Green tea + salt. Mix 1 tablespoon of salt with a solution of strong green tea. Apply the resulting solution to the surface and wipe dry.
    • Potato. The mirror will shine like new if you wipe it with half a raw potato, then rinse with cold water and rub with a dry cloth.
    • Milk. This way you can restore the shine of the mirror. To do this, dip a cloth in milk, wipe the surface with it, then wipe dry.
    • Blue. Using an aqueous solution of bluing will help you wash your mirror without streaks to a perfect shine.
    • Alcohol, cologne or vodka will help if you need to remove traces of hairspray from the mirror. Apply a thin layer of the substance to the glass and wipe dry with paper or a microfiber cloth.
    • Vinegar will help remove limescale. It is necessary to mix vinegar and water in equal quantities, wipe the surface with the solution, and wipe dry.
    • Vinegar+chalk. To add shine, mix 1 tablespoon of chalk or tooth powder with 1 tablespoon of vinegar, add 1 glass of water. Heat the mixture, let it brew for 15-20 minutes, drain the water. Wipe the mirror with the resulting slurry using a cloth, newspaper or napkin.
    • Onion. By wiping the surface of the mirror with a cut half of an onion and then polishing it with a napkin, you can not only clean the mirror, but also scare away the hated gnats, flies and other insects that regularly “linger” on it.
    • Capron. It is enough to moisten a nylon flap with water and wipe the mirror with it to make it shine again, like new. For these purposes, you can use old nylon stockings or tights.
    • Wax + turpentine. Mix 1 part melted wax with 2 parts turpentine and work the back of your mirror until the wax hardens. In this way you can protect it from exposure to dampness.
    • To prevent your mirror from fogging up, simply rub it with a cotton cloth soaked in fabric softener or shaving foam.

    Olga Nikitina

    Reading time: 6 minutes

    A A

    A transparent, clean and sparkling mirror is the “face” of a clean housewife. The presence of mirrors in the bathroom, hallway, and the appearance of numerous wardrobes with built-in mirrors, of course, made life more difficult for housewives in terms of cleaning.

    Today, together with the online magazine website, we will put things in order in your mirrors.

    Before we start cleaning, let's try to figure it out reasons for streaks on mirrors:

    • Dust and dirt.
    • Insufficient quality detergent.
    • Insufficiently clean water.

    We have decided on the reasons - we begin to act and start washing the mirrors:

    1. Water and Newspaper for cleaning and shining mirrors at home
      Cleaning mirrors in the easiest way starts with using water and newspaper (toilet paper can be a substitute). The only negative is the presence of lead in newspaper paint (harmful for children). If you have already tried this method, move on to other methods.
    2. Giving shine to mirrors at home - salt water + tea
      How to clean a mirror until it shines? Using a simple method - steep strong tea for 15-20 minutes, dilute with salt water (1 teaspoon of salt) and blot with a nylon cloth - cleaning the mirror is not so difficult.

    3. Adding shine and cleaning mirrors at home - Chalk + vinegar (method two)
      Let's prepare a mixture of:
      • vinegar - 1 tbsp;
      • water - 1 tbsp.

      Let's heat it up, let it brew for 15-20 minutes and add water. Rub the prepared “puree” thoroughly onto the mirror using a piece of suede, a cloth or newspaper.

    4. Adding shine - Chalk + Ammonia (third method)
      Let's prepare a mixture of:
      • chalk or tooth powder - 1 tbsp;
      • ammonia - 1 tbsp.

      Wipe the mirror with the resulting slurry using a soft cloth.

    5. Adding shine to home mirrors when washing - Potatoes (method four)
      Rub half a raw potato onto the mirror, rinse with cool water and then wipe with a dry cloth. There will be no trace of dirt left, and the mirror will shine like new.
    6. Saving a mirror from dirt - Onion
      How to clean a mirror with an onion? - Very simple.
      It is enough to rub the mirror with onion, leave for 5-7 minutes and wipe with either a cloth or paper. Saves from midges or flies.
    7. No streaks on the mirror after washing - Water + Dishwashing detergent
      Instead of dishwashing detergent, you can use, for example, dishwasher liquid - both products have proven effective in combating excess dirt on mirrors.
    8. Alcohol and alcohol-containing solutions for cleaning mirrors from traces of hairspray
      Colognes and Sprays will “save” you from hairspray lovers. It is necessary to apply a barely noticeable layer of alcohol or solution to the surface of the mirror, then wipe with a cloth or paper.
    9. Protecting the mirror from dampness for safe washing
      You can save the mirror from dampness by applying a composition of melted wax 1/3 and turpentine 2/3 to the amalgam (from the back of the glass).
    10. General recommendations for cleaning mirrors at home
      To ensure complete care for mirrors, you need to clean them regularly with a dry soft cloth and, in addition to this, use a linen rag without excess fibers, soaked in vinegar, 1-2 times a month.
    11. How to wash a new mirror without dust?
      It is recommended to wash the mirror with a solution of water and blue or use green tea infusion instead of blue.
    12. Placing mirrors in the house for greater safety and comfort
      Direct sunlight is not recommended. It is necessary to place mirrors in the apartment in such a way that the light falls not on the mirror itself, but on the person who will look at it - then it will not show possible stains in the sun after washing, and also blind you when trying to preen yourself in front of it.
    13. How to give a new shine to a mirror when washing?
      Just dip a lint-free cloth in milk and wipe the mirror. After this, the mirror will shine again.
    14. Nylon as an excellent mirror cleaner
      Nylon will help rub the mirror until it shines. Just wet it in cold water and wipe the mirror.
    15. Is it possible to wash mirrors at home with car liquid?
      The magazine site asks you to refrain from using car fluid as a mirror cleaner, as it contains many substances that can cause dizziness and headaches.
    16. We hope that 15 secret methods from the site will help you take care of your home mirrors. You can now Easily clean each mirror yourself and rub until it shines so that it shines clean again!

    Do you want to clean your mirror until it shines, but after each wash you only get unsightly stains on it? Don't know how to get rid of it? So that you can cope with this problem, let's look at how to wash a mirror without streaks.

    To figure out how to clean a mirror so that there are no streaks left on it, you should first find out where they come from. There are several sources of their appearance:

    • Low-quality chemicals for cleaning windows, which leave soapy residue.
    • Dust and dirt, as well as sticky handprints and waste products of insects, in particular flies, that were poorly washed off the glass.
    • Water with certain impurities. It leaves a limescale residue on the mirrors. Bathroom mirrors suffer the most from this type of contamination.

    Taking into account all these types of contaminants, you can choose the most suitable type of glass cleaner from both industrial products and folk recipes. If you follow the correct algorithm for washing such surfaces, you will easily cope with this task, regardless of which product you choose.

    Glass cleaning sequence

    In order to wash mirrors without streaks to a perfect shine, you need to follow the basic steps for cleaning such surfaces. They are:

    • Removing dirt. To do this, you will need to use water with a small addition of shampoo or dish soap, or special chemicals for mirrors. You will need to take this solution onto a cloth or soft sponge and carefully walk it over the entire surface. You cannot use materials with lint or abrasive cleaners for this purpose; they will certainly leave scratches on the mirrors.

    • Rinse off detergent. This stage must be carried out most carefully, since if it is performed incorrectly, stains most often remain. You will need to work like this: you need to take a clean new sponge or soft cloth, remove the remaining product with it, wetting the sponge itself several times in clean water. After this, you will need to take some boiled water and wipe the mirror with it.
    • Rubbing mirrors. At this point you will need to grab newspapers and mirror cleaner. First, you will need to apply such a product to the surface, and then take a newspaper and rub the glass well with it. If you don’t have newspapers on hand, you can use napkins or microfiber cloths; you can also take a regular towel, but it may leave lint on the glass.


    if you want to wash your mirror for shine, you need to follow all three steps sequentially. If you skip at least one of them, after washing there will still be streaks on the glass.

    What industrial products can be used

    What is the best way to clean such surfaces? You can use a variety of industrial products, including special glass compounds like Mister Muscle, professional products like SPECTRUM-PROFI (they will completely clean even the most dirty surfaces), as well as car wash products. The last two types of products can only be used outdoors, as they have higher toxicity and can cause dizziness and even nausea.

    If for some reason you don’t have a single suitable product on hand, you can use ordinary monitor wipes, but there will be much more fuss with them. Therefore, in such a situation, it is much better to resort to folk recipes, especially since most of them are simple to use.

    Green tea cleansing

    This is one of the most budget-friendly mirror cleaning products. Use it like this: take a glass of freshly brewed strong natural green tea, add a tablespoon of ordinary table salt to it, and then apply this mixture to the mirror with a nylon cloth. Wipe the surface dry; there will be no streaks left on it.

    Video: cleaning mirrors with tea:


    use exclusively nylon fabric for this purpose. Any other will leave lint.

    By analogy with this remedy, you can use a weak blue solution. It also copes well with various contaminants.

    Cleaning the surface with potatoes

    If you don't have any special chemicals on hand, you can get by with regular potatoes. How to clean a mirror with it? You need to do this:

    1. First, cut the potatoes in half to form a large, juicy cut.
    2. The resulting cut will need to be thoroughly rubbed onto the surface.
    3. After this, you need to rinse the mirror with water and wipe it dry.


    you can use the presented product even if there is dirt on the mirror. It can handle them with ease.

    Rub the mirror with onion

    If you are thinking about what to wash with so that there are no streaks on the glass, you should try using ordinary onions for this purpose. The principle of its use is similar to the use of potatoes for this purpose. You will just need to cut the onion in half, rub the surface with it and leave it all for 10 minutes. After this, you just need to rinse the surface with water.


    Use this product if insects often land on your glass. The onion will easily scare them away.

    Returning shine to the surface

    How to wash a mirror so that it starts to shine again? You just need to take ordinary milk, put it on a cloth and thoroughly wipe the mirror with it. After this you will need to wipe it dry.


    Use this product after you have already cleaned the surface with soapy water or any other product. This is the only way you will achieve the best effect.

    Clean surfaces with ammonia

    How to wash mirrors so that they retain a beautiful shine? Ordinary ammonia, which is found in almost every first aid kit, will help you cope with this difficult task. It is recommended to work with it like this:

    1. First you need to deal with the ammonia solution. To do this, you should take a glass of ordinary boiled water, and then add a spoonful of ammonia to it.
    2. You need to pour the resulting mixture into any bottle with a spray bottle. A regular water spray bottle will do, as will an old perfume bottle or hair product. Next, you will need to apply the product to the entire surface using such a bottle.
    3. Now you will need to wipe the glass with napkins or newspaper.

    This means of cleaning mirrors is considered one of the most effective. Many housewives use it to keep their home clean, without any ready-made chemicals.

    Remove dirt with vinegar

    This is another effective and easy-to-use recipe for cleaning mirrors without streaks. Use it like this:

    1. First, prepare a cleaning solution by mixing vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio.
    2. Next, take a rag, soak it in the vinegar mixture and wipe the surface very well.
    3. After this, take a regular napkin or newspaper and rub the surface until shiny.

    Video: how to wash with vinegar?


    This product needs to be wiped off the mirror well. Otherwise, it will also leave streaks.

    Removing nail polish stains with alcohol

    How to clean a mirror that has hairspray stains on it? You can cope with this task with the help of alcohol colognes. To do this, you just need to put any cologne on a cloth and rub the smooth surface with this cloth until it shines.


    To make it easier to deal with such contaminants, try to remove them immediately. If they remain on the glass for more than a week, it will be very difficult to get rid of them.

    Tidying up the glass in the bathroom

    Bathroom mirrors suffer most from dampness. To put it in order, you can do this:

    1. First you will need to mix melted wax and turpentine in proportions 1:2.
    2. Immediately after this, while the mixture has not yet thickened, you will need to distribute it over the back surface of the glass. The film formed on the back of the surface will protect it from moisture.
    3. Next, you will need to treat the shiny surface itself so that it is protected from fogging. To do this, you will also need to prepare a special mixture by adding a gelatin solution (add a teaspoon per 50 ml of water), a spoonful of shaving foam, and any fabric softener. You should take this mixture onto a cloth and wipe the surface well with it.

    After this treatment, you will have no questions about how to quickly wash a mirror without streaks. You will only need to wipe it with alcohol or ammonia from time to time so that it retains its original shine.

    Video: how to properly wash a mirror?

    “Shines like a mirror” - this is what they say about something perfectly clean, smooth, and reflecting light. In order to achieve cleanliness and transparency, you need to wash the mirror properly.

    Causes of pollution

    This piece of furniture in our home becomes contaminated with the smallest specks of dust, cosmetics, drops, fingerprints, and insects. In the bathroom splashes of water are added.

    How to properly wash a mirror

    To wash it, you must first establish the cause of the contamination and choose a method.

    The general algorithm is:

    • First, wipe the mirror and frame with a wet cloth.
    • Then old contaminants are removed using special means.
    • Wash off again with water and polish.

    Special products for cleaning mirrors

    There are a lot of products for cleaning mirrors, which include aerosols, foams, and wipes soaked in a cleaning composition. Let's take a closer look at the most popular of them.

    • Mister Muscle. A common popular glass cleaner, available in the form of a multi-colored liquid in spray bottles. It contains ammonia, propane and isobutane. Breaks down dirt and polishes the surface. It has a rather pungent odor of ammonia. Very popular among housewives because of the quality, and because of the replaceable inexpensive blocks that save the budget.
    • Spectrum-PROFI. Available as an aerosol. Professional detergent for glass and ceramic products. Can be used at low temperatures. It copes quite well with all types of household pollution.
    • Aquapel. A device designed to protect car windshields is popularly called “anti-rain.” It is loved not only by drivers, but also by housewives. Thanks to a carefully selected formula, it prevents the appearance of stains and streaks on the glass and makes it easier to remove insect residues. Available as a set in the form of a gel, which is applied to the surface with a special sponge and rubbed in until completely dry.
    • Help. Product made in Russia. Sold in clear plastic spray bottles. Consists of water, isopryl alcohol, surfactants and excipients. The chemical composition is safe to use.
    • Amway. An effective product for ideal, streak-free cleaning of glass and mirrors. Available in concentrated form. Before use, you need to dilute - three parts water to one part substance. The manufacturer claims that it contains only ingredients from natural sources that have passed dermatological testing.
    • Clin. This is an Austrian household chemical product. The dispenser is especially well made: it can be applied in the form of tiny drops or in the form of foam. Thanks to this, it is not only effective, but also saves family money.
    • Frosch Glass Cleaner. The composition includes special ampholytic surfactants, which are of plant origin and are completely biodegradable. Despite its naturalness, the liquid perfectly dissolves fat and protein and is easily wiped dry.
    • Cif. A series of Hungarian cleaning products for cleaning residential premises. Safe and effective. Produced in plastic bottles of 500 ml, economical, without a strong odor.
    • Ecover. Belgian glass cleaning liquid. Has a natural light aroma. Absolutely hypoallergenic, can be used without fear in bedrooms and children's rooms.
    • Synegetic. One of the effective products of this Russian brand is a product for cleaning windows, mirrors and adding shine. The entire line has passed numerous clinical trials in various research institutes and complies with SanPin standards. Therefore, its use is safe, effective, and economical.
    • Automotive facilities. Car chemicals, in addition to cleaning the mirror well, protect it with an invisible film and simplify further maintenance. However, it is worth paying attention so that the chemistry is not aggressive to frames and furniture and does not damage them. The room where auto chemicals are used must be ventilated and fireproof.
    • Liquid for cleaning monitors. If necessary, you can use special liquids for cleaning computer monitors. The only negative is that they contain few polishing substances, but they clean stains and dust well. The composition also contains antistatic agents that reduce the attraction of dust particles.
    • Napkins. Cleaning wipes - wet, soaked in a special composition, or dry, will also help clean the surface of dirty stains, polish it and provide an antistatic effect. It is convenient to store the napkins next to the mirror, and if it gets dirty, wipe it immediately without using liquid products.

    Folk remedies for cleaning mirrors

    In addition to modern chemicals, you can use folk remedies.


    Ammonia, or ammonia, is included in almost all cleaning products. There are two compositions you can make at home:

    1. Take ammonia and tooth powder in equal proportions, mix well until smooth, apply and let dry slightly. The resulting paste is removed with a dry soft cloth.
    2. Mix a tablespoon of ammonia in a liter of water and wash the mirror. Wipe dry.


    Dissolved salt removes old dirt and traces of insect activity. To do this, take table salt and warm water in proportions of 1 to 10, stir well, wash the surface and wipe dry.

    Wet fine table salt will clean dried gum and sticker stains well.


    1. Raw peeled potatoes are grated on a fine grater or crushed in a blender to puree, filter through a sieve. The juice is allowed to settle. Rub any glass with wet starch, then rinse it off several times and wipe it with a rag.
    2. For minor contamination, cut the peeled potato into two halves and wipe the cut surface on a mirror. Then wipe with a dry cloth.


    You can bring shine by soaking a swab in milk of any fat content and wiping the entire area several times. Then polish.


    Blue, diluted in water or milk, adds shine, freshness and gloss. To do this, blue powder is dissolved in water, washed and wiped.

    And if you add a few drops of ammonia to the blue solution and pour the mixture into a spray bottle, you will get a ready-made product for cleaning any glass surfaces.


    Alcohol in a solution with water will not only add shine, but also remove old stains. Particularly contaminated surfaces are wiped with pure alcohol or vodka.


    Use half a fresh onion to wipe the mirror to clean dirt and repel flying insects. Onion gruel is used to remove particularly old stains that require pre-soaking.


    Chalk slurry is prepared from equal proportions of loose chalk and water, applied to a surface, allowed to dry a little and removed with paper napkins. Then polish with a soft cloth.

    Toothpaste and powder

    Tooth powder is diluted with water, and toothpaste is taken in its standard form. Apply, rub in thoroughly and remove with a paper napkin. Perfectly polishes small chips and scratches.


    It is good to wash mirrors with vinegar diluted in water at the final stage to add shine and remove stains. Vinegar is diluted in a ratio of 1:10, and vinegar essence is diluted in a ratio of 1:100.


    Wax is, first of all, a polish. It perfectly matts small scratches and protects the frame from moisture.


    To remove particularly stubborn stains - traces of oil paint, cosmetics - turpentine is used. Remove stains with a dampened swab, then wash with detergents and polish.


    Using ordinary sheets of newspaper, you can add shine to washed glass and remove stains. This is facilitated by both the chemical composition of printing ink and the structure of newsprint. To do this, sheets of paper are crumpled into a loose ball and wiped over the surface. The lumps are changed several times.


    You shouldn’t throw away worn-out ordinary nylon tights - they can turn into a good way to wash glass. To do this, they are folded several times so that a shape is convenient for the hand, and any object on which it is necessary to avoid stains is washed, like a sponge. You can use any product and then polish. Thanks to the specially woven nylon, there are no streaks left, and moisture is completely absorbed by such a homemade sponge.

    Use of abrasives

    Any abrasives are prohibited for use for cleaning mirrors, as they leave micro-scratches that will give an untidy appearance, remove shine and create stains.

    Choosing a rag

    For excellent results, you need to choose soft cloths for washing that do not leave behind small fibers, and even more so, threads. The rag should fit comfortably in your hand, be flexible and spotlessly clean.

    How to clean a mirror without detergent

    With a well-chosen rag, fluffy, porous, you can wash off dirt without the use of additional special equipment. For example, in the bathroom you can turn on boiling water for 1-2 minutes, and when the mirror fogs up, wipe it dry.

    Cleaning mirrors without streaks

    In order to avoid streaks, firstly, the rag must be chosen correctly. Secondly, the mirror surface should be wiped in one direction - from right to left, or from top to bottom. This point must be especially taken into account during final polishing.

    How to achieve shine

    Gloss is, first of all, the absence of visible stains and scratches. If there is no damage to the surface and the stains have been washed off, polishing solutions and special foams - polishes - will help to add shine.

    Frequency of washing

    You should wash the mirror as soon as it gets dirty.

    Dried drops and marks do not contribute to shine. The easiest way is to keep dry wipes on the shelf nearby, so that if they get dirty, you can immediately wipe them and make them shine, and not leave them for later.

    Features of removing various contaminants

    The easiest way to remove dust from a mirror surface is. But there are stains that cannot be erased without much effort.

    • Limescale. Limescale deposits are removed with an acidic medium, for example, vinegar. In addition, a very large stain can be removed with a plumbing gel to remove limescale.
    • Sticker marks. Traces from stickers are soaked with hot water and scraped off with a scraper. It is also good to remove such stains with nail polish remover.
    • Marker. “Artistic creativity” with a marker on the glass is removed with a swab moistened with alcohol or vodka. Then they rub it.
    • Traces of insects. Traces of insect activity can be removed with a weak solution of baking soda. Old stains are soaked by repeatedly wiping with a cloth soaked in a solution, and then polished.
    • Cosmetics stains. Stains from cosmetics or cosmetic preparations are usually fat (lipstick, mascara, cream). To dissolve the fatty base, use an aqueous solution of any dishwashing detergent.
    • Oily spots. In general, any greasy stains can be removed using a cleaning solution. If they are old and dried out, they should first be soaked and then removed with a hard (but not metal) sponge or scraper. You can also wipe off the grease with paper and then wash it as usual.

    How to prevent your bathroom mirror from fogging up

    The following solutions to choose from will help prevent your bathroom mirror from fogging up:

    • a very strong solution of table salt;
    • thick slurry of laundry soap;
    • aqueous gelatin solution.

    Rub the solution until completely dry with a soft cloth. The effect does not last long; this procedure must be repeated periodically.

    Does a new mirror need to be washed?

    A completely new mirror also requires special care. First, it is washed with warm water on all sides, and then the reflective part is rubbed in a suitable way to add shine. If there is a frame, it should also be wiped clean and polished.

    You need to choose a place for the mirror so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight - they can ruin the amalgam. It should not be hung opposite the front door - it is believed that it will not only reflect all the bad things that “enter” the house, but also the good. Amalgam is not resistant to dampness, so the bathroom must have good ventilation.

    To polish a mirror to a perfect shine during cleaning, you must first determine the reasons for the appearance of stains.

    The cleaning method is selected in accordance with the causes of pollution, since there are actually a lot of them. Stains may remain due to settled or incompletely rubbed dust particles, greasy stains and dirt.

    Often cloudy stains remain after using a low-quality detergent. Those who prefer to wash mirrors with plain water also encounter streaks and stains.

    How to wash a mirror without streaks at home so that the result is not only effective, but also long-lasting?

    There are about 15 effective ways to clean mirrors and glass that show remarkable results. They are not complicated and do not require significant financial costs.

    Cleaning mirrors at home without streaks:

    1. The simplest and most famous way is to wash mirrors using plain water and newspaper. First, the surface is washed with water, and its remains are removed with crumpled newspaper.

      You need to rub the mirror until it dries completely, and the movements are best done in a circular motion.

    2. Shine can be achieved using a kind of solution of salt and brewed tea. Brew tea leaves or a bag of tea with 1 cup of boiling water, leave the drink for about half an hour.

      After this, add 1 teaspoon to the solution and completely dissolve the crystals. Moisten a nylon cloth with the solution and clean the surface of the mirror.

    3. A special product made from tooth powder, vinegar and water. Sometimes tooth powder is replaced with chalk. Mix 20 grams of tooth powder or chalk and 1 tablespoon of table vinegar.

      All this should be poured with 1 glass of water and left for half an hour. Afterwards, drain the water and rub the sediment onto the mirror.

    4. An equally effective remedy is a mixture of chalk and ammonia. Mix the two ingredients in a one to one ratio.

      The resulting porridge is applied to the mirror surface using natural fabric.

    5. Large mirrors are polished to a shine using raw potatoes. Peel one potato and cut in half.

      Rub the entire surface, then rinse with cold water and simply wipe with a cloth until dry. Sometimes crumpled paper is used instead of a rag.

    6. A universal product that will not only clean the surface, but also save you from insect invasion. Divide the onion in half and rub the surface with one of the cloves.

      Afterwards, treat with paper or a rough cloth. The only negative is the smell, which can remain for quite a long time and transform into an unpleasant stench.

    7. Wash the mirror with water and dishwasher detergent. If there is none, then regular dishwashing detergent will do.

      The product can be washed off and then wiped with a rag, or you can immediately wipe it without rinsing. Then you will have to put more effort into polishing the surface from streaks of the product itself.

    8. Any alcohol-containing product is great for perfectly cleaning windows. The method of use depends on the instructions.

      Some are applied as a spray, others are dissolved in water. It is important to carefully study the composition, as some components can cause allergies.

    Other methods are more complex or similar to those mentioned above. The main condition is high-quality polishing.

    If the rubbing is long and practical, then the surface of any mirror will definitely be streak-free.

    Folk remedies

    Cleaning a mirror when using folk remedies and methods differs in the nuance of the location of the object being treated. This is important to take into account so that the glass coating is not damaged.

    The advantage of such products is that they are completely hypoallergenic and do not require large financial costs.

    Important! In the bathroom it is worth taking care of not only the mirror surface, but also the reflective one, that is, the one on the other side. Layering of dust and greasy deposits can cause damage to the surface.

    There are many folk remedies for cleaning mirrors to not only clean the surface efficiently, but also to prevent certain types of contamination in the future.

    Folk remedies provide for the care of mirrors that are located in rooms with high humidity.

    Folk remedies Cleaner
    Vinegar rubs Wiping mirrors with vinegar is effective if the item of care is of high quality. Otherwise, the glass may be damaged.

    Apply vinegar to a paper towel and wipe the surface. Until the application area is dry, wipe it with paper. This procedure should be done quickly, as the vinegar evaporates very quickly.

    Protecting the mirror from damage in damp conditions If the back layer of the reflective substance is not damaged by moisture, then fewer streaks and all defects will be visible.

    For this, a special composition is prepared from melted wax and turpentine in a ratio of 1 to 2. It must be applied evenly and quickly, as the wax hardens.

    Milk for shine To make the mirror shine, you need to wipe it with low-fat milk. To do this, dip a piece of lint-free cloth into milk and squeeze well. No further processing is required.

    To prevent milk marks from remaining, the surface should be polished thoroughly and efficiently. This method is often used to prevent sweating.

    Old stockings Regardless of what treatment agent is used, it is best to wipe the surface with old stockings or tights.

    Nylon leaves lint and perfectly polishes reflective surfaces.

    Blue from dust To further protect the surface from dust deposits, you should use a solution of blue and water.

    Wash the reflective plane with the solution, and then treat it with paper. Instead of a solution of this kind, you can take an infusion of green tea, for example.

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