• How to know if you love a guy test. Online love test for men for girls and women: Does your man love you? Are all lovers the same


    The guys are all different. One will stumble in words and be timid in the presence of an object of love, helping in all matters, remaining a friend. Another will try to demonstrate to the chosen one his strength, dexterity, courage. How to find out if a guy loves you and how to behave in his presence are serious questions.

    There are guys who write poetry love confessions, send flowers, notes. And there are those who silently and imperceptibly sigh nearby. But there are signs of real feeling that are characteristic of any person.

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    What signs will tell if a guy loves you?

    How do you know if a guy loves you or not? Signs to help sort out his feelings:

    • he often looks for his beloved girl;
    • invents any reason to meet;
    • protects everything that is connected with the beloved girl, is careful about her things;
    • responds to any request to help, takes care of the safety and security of the chosen one;
    • calls just like that, to find out something or ask for advice.

    He said that he loves directly and openly. But! With what intonation? Did you look straight into your eyes? Did he say that sincerely or does he have his own plans for you? Sincere feelings are immediately guessed. Sometimes girls want to be deceived by giving in to weakness. It is not enough to know what a guy loves, you need to understand that love is a rather mature feeling, not limited to just words. It is rather a benevolent action directed at the object of love.

    It is important to understand: if a guy suddenly begins to load with gifts and flowers, pour compliments, write messages with an invitation to a romantic date, does not mean that he sincerely loves. His assertiveness and impatience can turn out to be a simple flash of passion, which will fade away as soon as he achieves reciprocity.

    How to understand and find out if a guy is really in love with you? The one who loves will never press, persuade and insist on dating, let alone close relationships. The guy will always give his girlfriend time to think. After all, he has nowhere to rush, he is in love seriously and for a long time.

    The girl should take the time. Within the first month, the “fake” lover will lose interest in her. A truly loving person will not even hint about his desires, trying to fulfill the wishes of his beloved.

    How can you test his true feelings?

    If you are dating, and he has not confessed his feelings, then how do you know if a guy loves you or not and what your relationship means to him? Some girls ask directly, but guys often answer dryly and in monosyllables. No need to arrange interrogation with preference. This behavior will definitely alienate the chosen one.

    If a couple is already in a rather close relationship, then whether the guy loves or not, some of his actions can say:

    • not every man is capable of romantic impulses, like a candlelit dinner and a bath with rose petals, but he will gladly prefer to spend time with his beloved, and not somewhere, with friends, at a party;
    • while resting in the company, the guy does not move away from his beloved, is nearby and often hugs, he talks about the future, using the word "we";
    • he will support any initiative of his girlfriend, even if he is not talkative himself, he will carefully listen to her and participate in the conversation;
    • the guy loves, if he considers the opinion of the girl, is sincerely proud of her and shares his secrets.

    How do you know if a guy loves you? If he trusts the girl with the most intimate, then he considers her the closest person.

    1. A loving guy always kisses a girl on the lips, and at the moment of intimacy, take care that she has pleasure. He loves to touch her, constantly pays attention to her.
    2. He would never let her go late at night alone. He will meet you from work or school, take you home.
    3. He believes his beloved and does not deceive himself. Accepts her shortcomings without trying to re-educate.
    4. When a loved one is sick, a man experiences and takes care of her twice as much.
    5. A guy in love wants to make his girlfriend happy and is ready to fulfill her requests, to do things for her.
    6. He is interested in the life of the chosen one, and he does not hide his own. He introduced her to his parents and friends.
    7. The guy who loves remembers what the girl was wearing, the place of the first date, etc.

    Of course, the temperament and character of a guy plays a decisive role. How do you know if a guy is in love with you? Look at ordinary life situations. Real feelings are manifested in small things, in unplanned reactions to words, sudden events. He loves and will not forget to serve a coat, he will definitely leave a tasty piece, give up the most convenient place, etc. He loves if, during a quarrel, he does not pour out all the aggression on his partner. Guys in many cases prevent conflict with their girlfriend themselves.

    There are men who are able to spend an unforgettable date with a woman, passionately confess their love during sex, and in the morning forget about her existence. The guy who loves is always ready to give the girl his time. Wherever he is and whatever he is busy with. If he has very urgent business, he will definitely call you back.

    Non-verbal response test (gestures, facial expressions, gaze)

    No matter how hard a person tries to hide his true feelings with upbringing, willpower and other means, non-verbal cues that we are not aware of will tell the whole truth without words. Pay attention to his gestures and facial expressions. It cannot be 100% controlled.

    If you are interested in how to find out if a guy loves you, then the non-verbal response test will be useful:

    • a guy who loves, fixes his gaze on his girlfriend, smiles;
    • when a man meets his beloved's gaze, his eyebrows suddenly rise for a couple of seconds, his pupils can dilate, he clearly has feelings for her;
    • when an object of sympathy appears, the guy involuntarily turns his body in her direction;
    • a man wants to touch his beloved woman, as if by accident, straighten his hair, touch her hand with his hand, etc.;
    • if the couple is in a relationship, he will demonstrate his rights to the chosen one - hug, take the hand, kiss on the cheek, etc.

    An honest kiss in front of strangers is not proof of love. It's too intimate. And by touching you, the guy unconsciously shows how close your relationship is.

    Combining all the signs and non-verbal reactions of a man to the appearance of his beloved, one can understand how he feels. Do not limit yourself to words. It is best to trust actions.

    If you don't know how to check whether a guy really loves you or not, ask him for help, bring me to meet your parents. See how he behaves in the company of friends, how he is interested in your life. How much time does he devote to you, and what he is ready to do for your relationship.

    Divination: in love or not

    Woman's nature is to mend emotional connections with a man to create a strong, stable relationship. Every girl asks the question: how do you know if the guy I love loves me? In all centuries of our era and, possibly before that, girls performed sacraments, rituals to guess the feelings of a loved one.

    Time has no power over the woman's question: how to know if a guy loves you. Fortune telling on paper is a widespread way of discovering this secret these days.

    Divination by drawings

    Images of a bird, a cat, a house, a fence, a river, a woman, a man, a door, a flower and a tree are drawn on 10 sheets of paper. It is not necessary to make the pictures perfect, the main thing is that the images are intelligible.

    The sheets are folded so that the drawings are not visible. Then, without peeping, they pull one of them.

    What do the pictures mean:

    1. A man - a guy loves his chosen one, is ready to protect her.
    2. A woman - a girl should reduce the requirements for her lover, otherwise the relationship may not work out.
    3. The bird is constancy. In the existing relationship, everything is stable and good. If the couple has not yet taken place, perhaps this is how it all ends.
    4. The house is all ambiguous. On the one hand, the pair is idyllic, on the other hand, the influence of relatives is strong.
    5. The river is changeable. You shouldn't start a relationship with a guy right now. Time will put everything in its place.
    6. A tree is a lack of money. The enigmatic guy may be in love, but most likely will not provide the girl with a prosperous life.
    7. Fence - soon everything will be fine, passions will subside and there will come a time of peace and quiet with your beloved.
    8. Flower - a girl should seriously think about whether she really needs to find out if this guy loves her or is it an empty interest. It is not worth establishing a relationship now, as an unexpected passion for a new chosen one is possible.
    9. Cat - an early separation is possible or a difficult position of the chosen one, in which your help will be required.
    10. Hand - if you are wondering if your ex is in love with you, it will soon be known The hand is a symbol of a meeting after a long parting.
    11. The door - the guy loves, but how long his love will last depends on the wisdom and prudence of his chosen one.

    Fortune telling on a notebook sheet in a box

    Another fun way to find out if a guy loves a girl is with paper and pencil. A left-handed girl should write with her right hand, and a right-hander, on the contrary, with her left.

    What do we have to do:

    1. Take a clean sheet.
    2. Draw a medium sized heart (eyes should be closed).
    3. Consider the drawing: the upper arches of the heart converge or not. If they do not converge, align the lines.
    4. Mark all cells inside the heart (only whole).
    5. Cross out 6 cells each until there is such a quantity that is not divisible by 6 and is less than this number.

    Let's see what happened:

    • one cell means that everything is mutual with you;
    • two - you friendly relations or they can become so;
    • three cells indicate the presence of some feelings, but this may not lead to anything;
    • if four cells remain, this indicates strong jealousy, which can destroy everything;
    • five cells mean that the guy really loves you and sees you even in a dream.

    But the absence of cells speaks of the guy's complete indifference. But do not despair, fortune telling is a pleasant thing, but not the most reliable.

    How to find out about your ex-boyfriend's attitude towards you

    The reasons for this interest vary. If you really need to, then how do you know if your ex-boyfriend loves you?

    Here, too, a test for verbal response is suitable. If he does not react to the appearance of the past beloved with unconscious movements, does not keep his eyes on her and does not change in his voice, then, most likely, this story is already indifferent to him. If several of the above signs are present, then all is not lost.

    A good way to find out about the attitude towards you ex-boyfriend - ask mutual acquaintances about his real affairs. Some girls talk about their desires directly, understand the issue without intermediaries. Psychologists consider this approach to be the most reliable. Any of these methods can help you learn about your ex-boyfriend's feelings for past love.

    Useful video

    For more information on how to tell if a guy loves you, see this video:


    1. The desire to know if a guy is in love, which is natural for girls, and manifests itself in them earlier than in guys. To understand male feelings, you will have to learn to be more attentive to the chosen one, his words, actions, gestures.
    2. A loving guy is attentive and caring, and then eloquent. And most importantly, love comes to those who know how to love themselves. Therefore, expecting love from her boyfriend, a girl should think about what she did for her beloved? After all, mutual love also implies mutual return.
    3. You should not believe the words until the guy by his actions proves that he loves. Then you won't have to cry bitterly from disappointment.
    4. How do you know if a guy is in love with you? True feelings are tested by the actions of a loving person.

    A test to determine if a man loves you. This questionnaire takes into account the most accurate signs of a man in love and will help answer the question: "Does a man love me?" However, it also brings out your own psychological problems and illusions.

    The exclusivity of the test is that it not only scans a man's interest and sympathy for you, but analyzes your personal difficulties and psychological conflicts. Very often, we see something that doesn’t exist and imagine that a man is in love with us, although this is not so. Answer exactly the questions and find out: is a man in love with you? Does he have sympathy and interest in your person?

    How to win a man's heart? This question is asked by millions of girls every day. In order to soberly assess your chances and efforts, you need to understand if the guy has sympathy for you? This test will help you understand whether your chosen one likes you.

    Some women, not knowing the answer to the question "Does a man love me?" spend a lot of time on dreams, fantasies and waste their time. They look for signs of hidden attention in simple everyday things, justify his inattention, inactivity and even simply ignore - just to remain with the hope that a man loves her. This test not only determines whether the chosen one likes you, but also diagnoses the presence of false illusions and self-deception!

    Self-deception in the question: Does a man love me?

    The main ways women unconsciously deceive themselves, entertain an illusion, hoping that the chosen one also has sympathy and wants a meeting:

    1. Justification of his ignorance by “hidden fears of a man about relationships”;
    2. The feeling that the success of a relationship depends only on the woman's desire: “I don't really like him ... But if I want, he will be mine”;
    3. See the desire for a meeting on the part of a man, even if he does not want it;
    4. The feeling that you need to show more activity in the relationship and then "certainly the man will be mine."

      I'm not surprised at the result! I already knew that my young man loved me very much! If a person loves you, it is reflected in his look. You just look into his eyes and read love and tenderness in them. I just simply feel how he loves me and this is the most important thing. I wish everyone to meet mutual love!

      Sincere feelings are felt only at a distance, so it is enough to listen to your feelings, observe behavior and assess the situation sensibly

      When a guy really loves a girl, he is ready to put the whole world at her feet. He changes only his behavior, but also the perception of reality.

      It seems to me that the main thing here is gifts. People in love do not miss the opportunity to give a gift to someone to whom they have tender feelings, and even if it is just a cute insignificant trinket, the fact itself is important. In short, if there are gifts, then he loves.

      wow ... .. He loves only himself. You are for him - as an addition to the image. And no more. He is a real egoist and only cares about his desires and needs. You shouldn't continue a relationship with him if you don't want to always take a secondary role in a guy's life.

      Cheers love me! This is Love! Congratulations! His heart belongs only to you! Yes, you yourself know that very well.

      Anything is possible ... He has strong and sincere feelings for you, but whether this is real love, only time will tell. Maybe the test gave a result because our relationship is just beginning.

      TIME and only time will tell whether they love you or not !.

      Test result: This is love! Congratulations! His heart belongs only to you! Yes, you yourself know that very well.

      Excellent test! We wish you a meeting with true mutual love. Be happy!

      Yes Yes Yes! I knew it! He loves, I know, but how nice it is to hear confirmation of this, and from him, words and deeds speak about it, and from the outside, and even the test says that his heart belongs only to me! How nice it is to be loved, girls, I wish you all to feel it in full!

    Find out if your husband loves you! If you already know the answer and just want to do it for a laugh or are genuinely concerned, this quiz is perfect for you!
    Love is a small word with a lot of meaning, a meaning that is a unique experience for everyone and can mean very different things from one person to another. A man may say that he loves a woman and does not feel it ... or he may feel it strongly, but cannot say it. Knowing how he is feeling is much more difficult than just hearing the words. Luckily, as much as he loves you, it is something that can be measured and quantified, which is why we created this test.

    Take this super easy quiz to find out if this guy really loves you and wants to devote his whole life to you.

    The test will ask you 9 questions about your relationship. As long as you answer honestly, you will get startlingly (even shockingly) accurate results and know for sure if he loves you or not.

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