• How to get married and not screw it up. How to get married in a big city? Step-by-step instructions for finding a soul mate. Reason: what people will say


    Many women want to marry successfully. But only a few of the majority manage to find a man with whom a relationship is maintained for a long time. To make a married life happy for both spouses, it is necessary to work on it. A woman should remember some of the rules and nuances that will help her find a husband and keep his presence for many years. It is just as important to try to avoid some of the popular mistakes that often prevent a couple in love from building a strong family.

    Important! Today it is very easy to take care of yourself and have an attractive appearance at any age. How? Read the story carefully Marina Kozlova Read →

    What should a girl be like?

    A woman who is looking for a man needs to be attractive in all respects. It is foolish to deny that external parameters are important - it is not. A potential bride should be well-groomed, have taste and take care of her body. But you shouldn't go so far as fanaticism - you should pay attention to other qualities.

    An important trait that men look at is the character of the girl. It is difficult to say exactly what an ideal spouse should be, since all young people have different ideas about the ideal. Most men are looking for caring, wise and interesting women. The latter quality is especially important, although many ladies do not even think about it. A wife should be interesting to her husband: she may have some hobbies, interests, hobbies or work that has become a life calling. In no case should you focus only on appearance, because marriage is built on mutual understanding and communication with each other. If people are bored from the very beginning to communicate, then nothing good will come of this relationship.

    Before a couple goes down the aisle, a friendly, warm, trusting relationship must be established in it. One should not rush things, just to put a stamp in the passport as soon as possible, even if the lady is worried about her advanced age. In most cases, women will regret their premature decision, and the marriage is unlikely to last long.

    To find an intelligent and interesting husband, a woman herself must be something of herself. You should not overestimate the requirements if there is nothing to offer the girl in return. It is always worth thinking about what a potential wife is able to give to her future husband. A worthy young man, who has achieved a lot in life, would certainly like to have a woman like him next to him. That is why one should constantly improve and develop in order to successfully marry.

    How to marry a man

    What turns potential husbands off?

    A potential husband may be put off by a woman's behavior. There are several common mistakes that girls often make when they want to get married as soon as possible:

    • Mercantile spirit. If a young man sees that a lady begins to count his money and tries to dispose of them, then this can push him away. There is no need to dream of marrying a millionaire who will provide for his wife and all her immediate relatives. A woman who wants to find a strong marriage should think less about the material benefits that she is able to derive from a relationship with a particular man.
    • Requirements that are difficult to meet. There is no need to make demands on a man if he definitely cannot fulfill them. Also, you should not look in advance for a specific husband who meets some invented standards. Example: girls who dream of marrying a foreigner do their best to find one. At the same time, they often do not have any objective requirements - the main thing is that the guy is from another country. In their attempts to find a ghostly foreigner, women miss out on many chances of finding a decent young man who could give them much more. And those who find a man with a different citizenship are disappointed in a relationship with him, as they face many difficulties for which they were not ready: distance, language barrier, difference in mentality, and the like. You cannot think over the image of the desired partner to the smallest detail, this will not lead to the desired result.
    • Haste in marriage. When a girl finds a boyfriend, it's important to keep the relationship flowing naturally. You should not resist their rapid development if both the woman and the man want to get married and sign as soon as possible. Also, there is no need to try to speed up the marriage: this can scare and alienate the potential groom. If the girl sees that the guy is interested in the further development of the relationship, then let them develop consistently.
    • Disrespect for the interests of a young person. If a man sees his destiny in some business, then you should not interfere with this. Let the person devote himself to his hobby or favorite job. It's also important not to forget about personal space. Spending time together is great, but sometimes a couple needs breaks to take a break from each other and get on with their own business.
    • Excessive jealousy. People's trust in each other is paramount in marriage. . If a girl is constantly jealous of a partner from scratch, then he may want to end the relationship. We are talking about biased claims to the second half: dissatisfaction with his communication with girlfriends, colleagues, old friends, and the like.

    It is equally important to take into account the opinion of your man. Surely he also has some plans for life and does everything to make them come true. One should not interfere with a person to realize himself in some areas, arguing this by the presence of a family. If a girl constantly reproaches her husband for something and tries to manipulate him, then it will not work to build a strong marriage. You need to learn to accept the guy for who he is.

    I often communicate with women at trainings, at consultations and see what they do after the training. I noticed that unmarried women do not exercise more often, do not read the newsletter, they lead the same way of life. It is beneficial for them to remain unmarried. They do it quietly and imperceptibly, but from the side it can be seen with the naked eye.

    When a person is worried about a problem, he looks for a solution! And if a person is not looking for a solution, then he does not care about this issue and he does not need a solution to this problem. It's simple.

    You know how we behave when we need something. The most difficult thing here is to give up internal benefits and make a decision to change the situation. The benefits are painfully sweet.

    But when you admit to yourself that you are not ready to make decisions and are left with benefits, then you will no longer be tormented by questions: how to remove the evil eye, the crown of celibacy, to correct bad karma. You accept responsibility for not being married and continue to live the way you did, but only with pleasure! Knowing that it is your choice.

    And if you decide to get married, then you have to do something. And this is also your responsibility.

    And this process, as a rule, is not fast, you may need professional help. To see those very sweet benefits of being unmarried.

    I repeat once again: ENOUGH CONSCIOUSNESS!

    It is necessary to see what you are looking for in a relationship with a man and why you want to get married. This is also not an idle question. If your inner child decides to escape loneliness with the help of a man, then nothing will work. Because you still don't want to get married, but return to childhood.

    A woman who is ready to get married needs to take care of herself, to reveal her feminine qualities. You need to become an adult, mature woman who is ready to give, and not just take. And here you will need resources, time, energy and money. And the decision how you will act - on your own or with the help of another person, a book or training.

    If you need help, come to the Women's School. The training program and feedback from the participants can be viewed

    Don't leave the solution to the problem for later. Remember, there is only one life and time does not stop for a minute.

    Tatiana Dzutseva.

    In contact with

    Many women dream of happily marrying - to a real man, with whom a woman will feel like she is behind a stone wall. And this is a very good, very correct, from my point of view, dream, which must be fulfilled. A family, if it is happy, or at least normal, is great, it is a great joy, it is a serious, responsible approach to life. And you know what, lovely women - it's not difficult to get married, there are men for this business, you only need to select the most suitable one for yourself, select it correctly, so that you will not regret your choice ten times later. It is with this that, as far as I know, and I am well aware of this, and problems arise - it is difficult for you to find yourself a normal man whom you can entrust yourself to, whom you can rely on, who solves rather than creates problems, and with who can have children without any fear for the future. Therefore, in this article we will talk with you about how to marry - a normal, real man, and not just anyone. Let's see how you can do this.

    First of all, you must understand, dear ladies - what kind of a normal man he is, from whom an excellent husband can turn out. I understand that the image of an ideal man lives in the head of each of you, and I know very well what qualities a man should have in order for you to want to marry him. But I also know that such men, whom you would gladly marry, do not meet you often, if at all. And even if you have met normal men in your life, then they were probably already busy. Therefore, your requirements for men - potential husbands, should correspond to the real state of affairs in a society in which ideal men, as you know, do not exist, and there are not so many less ideal men in it. In a word, there are not enough princes for everyone, and many of the existing princes have serious flaws that not every woman is ready to put up with. In general, I offer you a revolutionary approach to finding a husband - I suggest that you, given the current state of affairs in our society, forget for a while about all your requirements for men, except for the most important ones, and rely solely on your feelings when mistaking your husband. I offer you this approach, as you understand, not by chance, but on the basis of my life and professional experience, which made me understand long ago that people are not a product in a store, people are not chosen from the list of functions you are interested in. Of course, in search of a husband, a self-respecting woman should immediately weed out all kinds of degenerates, perverts, cauldrons, seducers, ladies' men, don Juans, gigolos and womanizers. Here you need to turn on the mind and not allow such men - absolutely not suitable for husbands - to fool themselves. But when you meet, albeit not the best, but still, a harmless, responsible, hard-working and at least something useful man to you, you need to trust your feelings and allow them to let this man into your life.

    A normal man is a man, without pronounced, extremely harmful for a woman, for a family and for himself. That's it, there is no need to invent anything else. I understand that a woman herself can be just perfect, and therefore she has the right to count on more - on a high-ranking male, with money, with appearance, with a position in society, and so on and so forth. But you also understand that such a male perfectly knows his own worth, perfectly understands the desire of women to be with him, knows perfectly well that he will always have a large selection of females, and therefore stop him on one particular woman, no matter how ideal she is, he is in no hurry. And since you do not know what kind of life wives live, such high-ranking males, do not rush to envy them, but rather think about how interesting life can be with a normal, not ideal, not high-ranking, but just a normal man who is not a degenerate , not a moron, not a womanizer. Living with such a man is much more interesting than living without a man at all! Do you understand? Well, why would you deprive yourself of pleasure and refuse such a husband, especially if we are talking about a promising man who, not today or tomorrow, will achieve something in this life? You don't have to do that. And in order to understand this, you need to find fault with a man less, looking for flaws in him.

    I know of cases when women abandoned a man just because he did not have a car, or because he did not dress the way they wanted, or because he worked in a non-prestigious job, but at the same time, mind you, he had quite a decent earnings. Well, that's why, one wonders, all this nonsense is needed, who gets better from them and who gets worse? This is definitely worse for women, because they remain in splendid loneliness because of such nagging at a man, or find themselves, pardon the expression, some kind of "goats", with whom they do not live, but suffer. After all, I have solved and continue to solve such problems all the time, so I know what I am talking about. And a man with insignificant flaws, or even without them at all, but only without great advantages - he will not be left without a woman, believe me. And when he has a car, when he starts to dress better, when he changes jobs, he will no longer pay attention to the one that abandoned him when he had nothing. Why does a man need a woman - not ready to be next to him in difficult times, or simply in not the best times? Such a woman-consumer is not support, not support for a man - she is a capricious child who always doesn't like something. And not every man, I assure you, is ready to indulge women's whims. And why, if there are non-capricious women?

    Having decided on the image of the future husband that exists in reality, a woman should ask the following question - where to look for him? I think you understand perfectly well that in all these pubs, bars, taverns, nightclubs and other similar places, normal men, that is, such men who can make a good husband, almost never appear. Yes, at a young age, where only our legs do not bring us, therefore, one should not be too critical of all these places, and nevertheless, a woman should not look for a husband for herself in such places, because he is not there. Where is he? Everywhere, except for the above places. No, well, in fact, do you think that normal men, fit for husbands, graze in some special field, or spend their time in some special institutions that few people know about? Yes, these men walk past you every day - to work, from work, to shops, to parks and so on. In more or less decent places - that's where you need to look for a husband. Depending on the hobbies and lifestyle of men, they can visit different places. Someone more likes to attend sports events, for example, football, someone business forums, business seminars, various exhibitions and so on. Wealthy men love to relax in elite resorts, visit expensive restaurants, gather in VIP clubs and private parties. So in this sense, nothing has fundamentally changed, normal people, as they gathered, and gather, mainly in normal places - for people where there are practically no degenerates. Except for the internet, which has become a relatively new place to meet for some people. On the Internet, you are unlikely to find yourself a rich groom, I, at least, are not aware of such cases, but you can meet a completely normal man. I recommend that you create a profile for the most popular dating sites and regularly monitor incoming messages from men. Yes, there will be a lot of slag, where without it, but if you correctly sift out this slag, you will definitely find very interesting options among it, you can have no doubt about it. You yourself, too, should study the profiles of men on dating sites, and immediately respond to the most, from your point of view, interesting of them. Do not forget that good men are dismantled quickly, even on the Internet. In general, finding something good is always a difficult job, but it is necessary to do it if you want to find exactly what you need. In our case, you, dear women, need to find a husband for yourself, and in order to find him, you need to search the entire Internet and visit all decent places in your city in order to increase your chances of success. So do not limit yourself in your means - place your nets on normal men as wide as possible.

    Now let's talk about how to look for a husband. One of the most serious mistakes modern women make is their inaction! Many women are reasonably convinced that it is men who should take the initiative themselves and get to know the woman they like. Women want men to pay attention to them and take the first step towards acquaintance, and they, women, in turn, will only choose a suitable gentleman for themselves, sewing off men that are not interesting to them. Dear ladies - be modern, don't live in yesterday. I understand that you want to be sought after, you need knights - brave, passionate, confident men, ready for anything for you. But times have changed, life has changed, now each person takes what he needs himself. Yes, there are men who can take the initiative and approach you themselves, but what kind of men they will be, what kind of men they will be, for what purpose will they approach you? Different options are possible here, and some of them may not be the best. Be smarter and bolder - go and take what you need yourself. Choose the right man for yourself and interest him in yourself. Today, in this matter, the rule of self-service is in effect - do not take care of your own destiny, no one will take care of it. Not sure how to interest a man? Are you afraid to be proactive, afraid to take the first step? Well, why do we need psychologists then, isn't it to help you in this and other matters? Seek help from those who will teach you to take what you need from life! Don't wait for something to fall into your mouth or fall into your hands. If you need a husband, go and get him. Otherwise, other women will turn out to be faster than you and seize all normal men for themselves, leaving you with all sorts of degenerates and perverts. There is nothing to be afraid of. No need to wait for the weather by the sea. You never know who and what should do first, in life a lot should be different, but it is not. Some men simply have no time to look for you in your apartments and offer you their hand and heart, they fight all day for a normal life, for a place in the sun, they have no time for romance. It’s all sorts of cauldrons, seducers, ladies' men, don Juans, gigolo and womanizers have plenty of time for romance, but out of the overwhelming majority of such romantics there are no husbands! These are toys for women - boys for the soul, not husbands.

    So today those who need more are taking the initiative, do you understand? Men should not take the initiative, but you. After all, if you need to - you do it. If any man likes you, he will certainly take the initiative, if he is a normal, not cowardly man, and will get to know you. But there is no need to wait for this. Do it yourself. A man will show interest in you - well, you will look closely at him, he will not suit you. Instead of showing it - show this interest yourself! This is how you go to the store for a new handbag, a new dress, new shoes and other things; this is how you go to places where normal men congregate - to choose a husband for yourself. Do not forget, by the way, about the Internet, on it, if you try, you can find yourself a completely normal husband. It is possible, believe me, I myself have helped many women to do this many times. You just need to competently approach this issue so as not to run into scammers, losers, gigolos, perverts and scoundrels. In ordinary life, you also need to be wise when choosing a man for marriage, isn't it? Anyhow someone and anyhow where you should not cling, so as not to contact very bad men. On the Internet, just like in everyday life, you need to be able to identify normal men.

    And finally, the last thing I would very much like to tell you, dear, lovely, respected women, is your self-confidence. She must be, and if she is not there, you need to work on it well, because if you want to find yourself a normal husband - a self-confident man, then you yourself must, and be, and seem, a completely self-confident woman in order to men feel your worth. If you want to marry a normal guy - be able to present yourself to him beautifully. And for that, you definitely need self-confidence. But if you do not know how to present yourself beautifully, then at least somehow present yourself to a man - be active, energetic, persistent, courageous. For that, you need self-confidence, too. Without confidence in this life - nowhere! If you do not have this confidence, raise it yourself, if you know how, or with the help of a specialist who will competently work with you on your self-confidence. Without self-confidence, it will be difficult for you to find a normal man for yourself. Due to a lack of self-confidence, women often blame men for being single. But men are not to blame for this, men have enough of their own problems, and you, dear women, need to take responsibility for yourself and your life and not shift it onto men. How many times have I convinced myself that if a woman is lonely, it is only because she is overly picky and makes very high and sometimes absolutely inadequate demands on men, or she is waiting for a prince who does not exist in nature, or her complexes interfere with her, with whom she could well turn to a psychologist to help her get rid of them, or her own unwillingness to be married makes her lonely. And very, very much harms a woman, as well as a man - her self-doubt. In general, insecure people find it difficult to achieve anything significant in this life, so you definitely need to work on this problem, if, of course, you have it.

    Today, both women and men need to be able to competently and beautifully offer themselves to each other in order to interest each other in this way. This is how sellers praise their product in order to sell it, this is how you need to praise yourself to be wanted - to want to be near you. It is very important. Here, imagine a salesperson who will tell customers that his product is of very poor quality, that he has a bad history and that he has a lot of shortcomings. Will he sell a lot of things? It is clear that no. It will be difficult for him to sell something, even if he tells his customers the pure truth about his product, or is simply passive. An honest, lazy, notorious, insecure seller - he will not sell anything, or will sell, but very little, because people want to have good, high-quality, prestigious, vaunted, bright things that they can be proud of. And for this they must see that the seller is proud of his product, that he himself loves it, that he is absolutely confident in himself and his product. People need a fairy tale about a product, a beautiful fairy tale, of course. So men need a fairy tale about you, lovely ladies - a beautiful fairy tale that only you can tell them. You don't need to tell them anything bad about yourself. You, in the good sense of the word, are a "product" for men, just as they are for you, and the sold, or rather, the offered "product" - cannot be bad! You can't be a bad woman with a bad history because you don't have to be. You yourself must be sure that you are a great woman, an ideal woman, you must love yourself in order for others to love you. You don't need to raise your nose high and look at all men from top to bottom, they don't like this. Just let men understand, with all your appearance, with all your behavior, and of course, with the help of your words - that you are very valuable, but at the same time, available to normal - earthly men, a woman.

    And even though we all know perfectly well that a person is not perfect and everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages, we still want to hear about those with whom we are going to connect our destiny - mostly only good. After all, you don't need an insecure man to be your husband, with a lot of shortcomings and complexes, right? So a man wants to see next to him a woman who values ​​herself highly, who loves herself and who is almost perfect, at least in her words. People do not love matter - people love images! Create a beautiful image of yourself and present it to the man you are interested in and then he will become your husband.

    Hello dear readers! It is very difficult not to perceive the situation when you cannot get married as a problem. Others are trying to calm down, but thoughts about the age and experience of friends who have worn a wedding dress more than once, convince better than a thousand words. "Something goes wrong", "I'm not all right", "I guess I'm somehow not like that."

    “I can’t get married, what to do?” - many ask this question and run for an answer to religion or “magic grandmothers”, being sure that this is damage. in a psychological aspect, and not so long ago I talked about this.

    Today I would like to talk to those who are desperate and no longer believe that they will ever find their betrothed. I will give you several options for why everything does not work out as I would like and how you need to act so that the problem is resolved as soon as possible.

    Your ultimate goal

    In our country, it is somehow customary to want to get married. This is a kind of national game that does not always lead to happiness. Surprisingly, many women do not really want to start a family, but simply have a strong male shoulder that will come home every day. Such a setting sooner or later leads to disappointment. A marriage created only to become “like everyone else” is in most cases doomed to failure.

    Answer yourself honestly, what do you really want? Perhaps you want to see the perfect man next to you. Again, desire does not bode well. This wording implies too high requirements. Girls often impose many obligations on a man, and they, in turn, flee from the one that constantly tells or hints.

    What can you give your spouse

    To understand why you cannot get married, you need: what are the true reasons for your desire, what do you expect from a man who can hypothetically keep you company, and most importantly, what responsibilities are you willing to take on.

    Man's happiness lies solely in his own hands. Think about it, because 99.9% of the world's population expects that one day the door will open and either a spouse will enter it. Nothing will need to be done, they will immediately guess all secret wishes and requirements for the second half and will not violate a single gesture. Few people are really ready for difficulties and able to survive them.

    Stand out from this crowd, take responsibility and try to think not of the second half, but of your own capabilities: why should a person want to be with you, how can you please him, what will make him wake up happy next to you every day?

    100% of people dream of being happy, and only a small part of them try to make the life of another person more joyful. Find out a little more on this topic in the book. "You're either Right or Married" by Ellen Fein.

    Impossible is possible

    Some women want to get married, but subconsciously do not believe that they will really succeed. This situation can occur due to a divorce, a failed relationship, or any other reason that the woman herself recognizes as significant. We automatically begin to believe in the existence of a problem, without thinking about how relevant and really important it is to others.

    One client of mine was convinced that. At first, she was embarrassed to say that she sees the reason for this, but nevertheless, recognition is half of the way to solving the problem.

    Agree, it's strange, we know a million stories when women with children created a new marriage, but why a particular girl could not meet a young man who would dissuade her that the impossible is possible, and the child is not a problem.

    Notice that this example shows how we are again trying to shift responsibility for our lives to someone else. We are waiting for the magic prince who will come and turn our world upside down, show that life is beautiful and amazing. It will save us from the dragon and destroy the tower, which we ourselves have created so carefully.

    In fact, a girl who is unable to build a happy family life with a new young man will consciously and subconsciously instill the same thought in her potential partner, and if she herself does not have the opportunity to avoid this "problem", then the man sooner or later agrees to leave and find an easier option.

    To find out what is the problem specifically in your case, a personal consultation with a psychologist is best of all. If you can't get an appointment yet, read the book Natalia Pirogova "How to get married".

    Perhaps she will not solve your psychological problems, but she will tell you how to behave with a man and, at least gradually, overcome the moments that scare men away.

    That's all for me. Until next time and good luck.

    If you think that everyone's goal is to get married or get married, then that is a mistake. For many, the goal is exactly the opposite: in no case do you get married (get married), even if such an opportunity arises and the conditions are just perfect.

    The reasons can be different, ranging from fear of responsibility in an independent family life and ending with confidence in their own unattractiveness to the opposite sex. Divorce of parents with a scandal, failures in the family life of friends and relatives, an inferiority complex, infantilism, costs of upbringing and much more can force a person to abandon family relationships.

    Of course, the easiest way is not to get married (get married) if you simply refuse all incoming offers. But not everyone is capable of such a feat. In addition, there are a lot of relatives, friends, and just acquaintances around who urge: well, when it's already, well, it's time, well, come on, it's a good option ... You have to dodge. It is necessary not to offend the advisers, and at the same time not to accidentally marry (marry). This is a high art that is not available to everyone. Therefore, I offer you some tips, following which you can safely destroy any matrimonial plans and keep your freedom intact. At the same time, those around you will think that you are simply unlucky, you cannot find your beautiful prince (princess), but you are looking tirelessly.

    So advice. Do not forget - harmful! They are equally suitable for both women and men.

    The most important thing in order not to get married is to compose a portrait of an ideal partner (prince or princess) and reject, even on the way, everyone who does not correspond to this portrait down to the nanometer. For example, your prince must be able to play the violin - you have dreamed all your life that in the evenings with your family you will listen to the virtuoso playing of the violinist. If a candidate for princes does not play the violin, but has mastered, say, the piano or the guitar, then he is definitely not suitable. You dreamed of Paganini, not a house bard. Your princess should be able to cook at the level of top-class chefs. What do you mean you haven't heard of snails in Burgundy? You never know that you yourself saw them only in the picture, but the one that does not know how to cook them is clearly not your princess.

    The stricter the requirements and the more there are, the less likely it is that you will be offered a hand and a heart. Therefore, think over the portrait in all details, not forgetting not only about personal qualities, education, social status, and so on, but also about appearance. Be sure to pay attention to addictions, hobbies, hobbies. And then suddenly you come across a lover of classical literature, and you wanted to be able to discuss the latest novelties of science fiction. Or - horror! - a lover of outdoor activities, and you just love that to sit quietly with a fishing rod on the shore of the lake. And even an obvious contradiction: you like to watch a movie in the evenings, and the candidate for princess (princess) prefers to lie on the couch with a book. So don't miss anything, not a single little thing!

    The parents and other relatives of a potential prince or princess are very important. Remember: you should definitely like them, there shouldn't be any flaws in them. If there are drawbacks, then immediately discard the candidate. What if he shows the same features? Pay special attention to the health of the candidate's relatives. You don't need a prince or princess with a predisposition to disease. For example, if a candidate’s grandmother died at the age of ninety-five from a heart attack, then this is quite a sufficient reason for refusal.

    Do not forget that the relatives of a potential prince or princess should treat you with all possible reverence. And, by the way, to your parents and other relatives - too. The opposite is not necessary at all. Moreover, you are still much better than all of them put together.

    It is best if the acquaintance does not have a continuation in the form of at least some kind of relationship. In this case, you do not have to rack your brains looking for reasons for refusal. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a clear line of behavior in case of unforeseen circumstances (that is, an unexpected acquaintance, which can lead to certain consequences - do not forget that any acquaintance can have consequences, so be vigilant!).

    It is very important to avoid any kind of communication with the opposite sex, because as a result of communication, relationships can be established, and this is undesirable. Alas, this is not always possible. Sometimes you have to accept invitations to visit, to parties, and so on, where you like it or not, but communication is a must. In this case, there is a fail-safe recipe for how to communicate in such a way that you will never be pestered with attempts to communicate.

    The system is very simple: always talk about yourself and only about yourself, exclusively about your problems. Never listen to the interlocutor, and preferably - and do not let him say a word at all. For example, if at a noisy party a person comes up to you with the clear goal of getting to know you (here's another invented it!) And asks the sacramental question "How are you?" requiring a direct answer. That is, you need to immediately start talking about exactly how your affairs are. It is very good to dump on the interlocutor a lot of details about your personal life, about the life of your relatives and friends, about the well-being of your parrot and, at the same time, about your colleagues and bosses. If the interlocutor tries to interrupt you and interrupt you with a statement of his own, your task is not to allow this. You should speak, the interlocutor - only listen. Allowed only sometimes to issue sympathetic or confirming exclamations. If after such a conversation he does not lose the desire to get to know you better, then it may make sense to consider his candidacy.

    One of the heroines of the charming film "The Most Charming and Attractive" claims that in order to get married, you need to meet the requirement: "Do not be born beautiful, but be born active." Therefore, if the goal is the opposite, then all activity should be avoided. Accept an invitation to visit only if you cannot refuse at all, do not invite to yourself in any case - activity is punishable by new acquaintances, and this, in turn, is fraught with the appearance on the horizon of candidates for princes or princesses. Try to go somewhere as little as possible, the so-called public places are especially dangerous - people often come across there who want to get to know each other.

    Dress appropriately: clothing should be comfortable, unmarked, discreet and as sexless as possible. You don't have to think about fashion, this is for those who want to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Keep the colors in mind: Bright tones can draw unwanted attention to you, so the optimal colors are dull (gray or brown).

    Cast aside doubts: you don't need anyone, that's for sure! Attachment to another person leads to frustration - examples of this are many. Therefore, eliminate the possibility of attachment in your life and live in peace. Of course, no one will take care of you, but you, too, will not take care of anyone but yourself. Is this happiness?

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