• Why are women so fat? Why men don't like overweight women. What women say about the fattest ladies


    ). Male obesity allegedly turned out to be surprisingly attractive to girls, so one after another, instructions come out that should help men turn their bodies into a perfect example of dad bod. Russian media quickly reacted to the news feed

    The last couple of days, the Western Internet has been vigorously discussing the phenomenon of dad bod (derived from dad body, that is, "father's body"). Male obesity allegedly turned out to be surprisingly attractive to girls, so one after another, instructions come out that should help men turn their bodies into a perfect example of dad bod. Russian media quickly reacted to the news feed and told domestic users about the curious fetish. An army of chubby guys from all over the planet are sharing their opinion on the Internet about how lucky they are to be fat, because girls love it. By the way, no one asked the latter. VOS corrects this misunderstanding and finds out whether it is really more comfortable for girls to see a plump guy next to them than a pitching one.

    Peter Hawley, Washington Post

    96% of girls are sure that pot-bellied guys have much more to offer a lady than men with a perfect body.

    “Daddy's body” appeared at the age of 13. Until that day I was ashamed of it, now I am proud.

    Gary Steingart, writer

    26 years

    There is an opinion that a sports partner creates an obligation to conform to him, polishing the figure with exercises and denying himself goodies. At first glance, this task may seem overwhelming to a neophyte - not everyone is ready to reshape their usual way of life for sports.

    In addition, hardly any of the ladies will feel comfortable if they begin to look somehow against the background of an athlete with the body of a Greek god. People tend to fear rejection and take the path of least resistance. In a partner, they are looking for an equal. Still, despite the fashion to visit the gym, athletes and fitness professionals are a minority. A goal that will not be too difficult to achieve is preferable.

    And the question of sexuality, in my opinion, is something purely personal, intimate. This is not to say that one body is sexier than another. The existing standard can influence the declared opinion of people, but this does not mean anything.

    Probably, the desire to bury yourself in something soft is an instinct that we endure from childhood. Soft and warm, it gives a feeling of peace and security. In this regard, I recall one of Harlow's experiments, in which little monkeys preferred to spend time not with a "wire mother" combined with a feeding trough, but with a soft one, which, in fact, did nothing.

    Rina, photographer, bodybuilder, 26

    I doubt that I can say anything fundamentally new, but I see several reasons why girls may prefer guys with a dad bod to avid gym goers.

    There is an opinion that a sports partner creates an obligation to conform to him, polishing the figure with exercises and denying himself goodies. At first glance, this task may seem overwhelming to a neophyte - not everyone is ready to reshape their usual way of life for sports.

    In addition, hardly any of the ladies will feel comfortable if they begin to look somehow against the background of an athlete with the body of a Greek god. People tend to fear rejection and take the path of least resistance. In a partner, they are looking for an equal. Still, despite the fashion to visit the gym, athletes and fitness professionals are a minority. A goal that will not be too difficult to achieve is preferable.

    And the question of sexuality, in my opinion, is something purely personal, intimate. This is not to say that one body is sexier than another. The existing standard can influence the declared opinion of people, but this does not mean anything.

    Probably, the desire to bury yourself in something soft is an instinct that we endure from childhood. Soft and warm, it gives a feeling of peace and security. In this regard, I recall one of Harlow's experiments, in which little monkeys preferred to spend time not with a "wire mother" combined with a feeding trough, but with a soft one, which, in fact, did nothing.

    accountant, 22 years old

    The advantages of jocks are that it is easier for a girl to eat right when your soul mate also watches what she eats and when. A pumped-up guy is an example for a girl. She will always try to keep at the same level with him, accordingly, she will also watch her body, and going to the gym can become joint. And a joint trip to the gym can replace a trip to fast food. Or save money and replace going to the cinema :)

    A pumped-up guy looks more organic with a sports girl - such a couple breathes a healthy lifestyle, you want to be like such couples. But there are also disadvantages. You walk, walk, and then he takes out a container with rice and chicken and starts eating - this is the norm (eating on a schedule, regardless of where you are at the moment, sometimes causes inconvenience). Jocks love to look in the mirror, any reflective surface will appeal to your guy if he's a gym fan. In case of inability to perform exercises correctly or exaggeration of one's capabilities, injuries may occur: hernia, stretched joints. Here, obviously, too little pleasant.

    Fat girls are good because you can lie on the couch all day off in an embrace with a guy. But with them, the girl has nothing to strive for, there is no incentive to achieve the perfection of her body. When a fat man is around, you already feel normal (without a gym and physical training). With a large mass of fat, there is a heavy load on the joints, obese people are predisposed to diabetes, etc.

    But I believe that everything should be in moderation. And I don't like hugging a pot-bellied guy :) But sleeping with a big pile of muscles and being afraid that you will be crushed at night is also not cool. It's very cool when a guy looks after himself and goes to the gym, tries to eat right and encourages his girlfriend to do the same, but not when he goes crazy and the gym becomes everything to him.

    Vika, accountant, 22 years old

    The advantages of jocks are that it is easier for a girl to eat right when your soul mate also watches what she eats and when. A pumped-up guy is an example for a girl. She will always try to keep at the same level with him, accordingly, she will also watch her body, and going to the gym can become joint. And a joint trip to the gym can replace a trip to fast food. Or save money and replace going to the cinema :)

    A pumped-up guy looks more organic with a sports girl - such a couple breathes a healthy lifestyle, you want to be like such couples. But there are also disadvantages. You walk, walk, and then he takes out a container with rice and chicken and starts eating - this is the norm (eating on a schedule, regardless of where you are at the moment, sometimes causes inconvenience). Jocks love to look in the mirror, any reflective surface will appeal to your guy if he's a gym fan. In case of inability to perform exercises correctly or exaggeration of one's capabilities, injuries may occur: hernia, stretched joints. Here, obviously, too little pleasant.

    Fat girls are good because you can lie on the couch all day off in an embrace with a guy. But with them, the girl has nothing to strive for, there is no incentive to achieve the perfection of her body. When a fat man is around, you already feel normal (without a gym and physical training). With a large mass of fat, there is a heavy load on the joints, obese people are predisposed to diabetes, etc.

    But I believe that everything should be in moderation. And I don't like hugging a pot-bellied guy :) But sleeping with a big pile of muscles and being afraid that you will be crushed at night is also not cool. It's very cool when a guy looks after himself and goes to the gym, tries to eat right and encourages his girlfriend to do the same, but not when he goes crazy and the gym becomes everything to him.

    model, 19 years old

    I read all these discussions, yes. I agree that it looks pretty ironic when a bunch of fat men celebrate the victory of their belly in a sex war, based on just one article of some woman.

    There is some misconception: men confuse sex and relationships. Everyone knows that the better a person looks, the higher their self-esteem and the more complex their character. A striking example is fat women. They are always kind and helpful because they have no choice! If they are not only fat, but also unpleasant in communication, then no one will communicate with them at all. The same situation with the guys, oddly enough. Therefore, the longest and strongest relationship in my short life was with the owners of tummies and double chins. This is not a cold calculation, they say, they can be controlled and all that, no. It's just that it's really much easier to find a common language with them, they are caring and reliable people.

    If we are talking about sex for one night, then I do not think that at least one girl, choosing between a jock and a fat man, will choose the second. An athletic body is sexy, you can't argue with that. A walking piece of fat is unlikely to take a drunk girl from the club to his home, here the athlete has much more chances. But will this relationship continue? Very unlikely.

    As a result, fat guys are more pleasant to talk to, they are charismatic and reliable partners in relationships. Athletes are sexy and hot, but often blunt and narcissistic. A raised nose is a property of girls, it looks strange for guys. My advice to all women: take a nice and cool pot-bellied guy with a nice face, put him on a diet and drive him into the hall with pissing rags. The result is the coolest hybrid, best of bos worlds, as they say.

    Nina, model, 19 years old

    I read all these discussions, yes. I agree that it looks pretty ironic when a bunch of fat men celebrate the victory of their belly in a sex war, based on just one article of some woman.

    There is some misconception: men confuse sex and relationships. Everyone knows that the better a person looks, the higher their self-esteem and the more complex their character. A striking example is fat women. They are always kind and helpful because they have no choice! If they are not only fat, but also unpleasant in communication, then no one will communicate with them at all. The same situation with the guys, oddly enough. Therefore, the longest and strongest relationship in my short life was with the owners of tummies and double chins. This is not a cold calculation, they say, they can be controlled and all that, no. It's just that it's really much easier to find a common language with them, they are caring and reliable people.

    If we are talking about sex for one night, then I do not think that at least one girl, choosing between a jock and a fat man, will choose the second. An athletic body is sexy, you can't argue with that. A walking piece of fat is unlikely to take a drunk girl from the club to his home, here the athlete has much more chances. But will this relationship continue? Very unlikely.

    As a result, fat guys are more pleasant to talk to, they are charismatic and reliable partners in relationships. Athletes are sexy and hot, but often blunt and narcissistic. A raised nose is a property of girls, it looks strange for guys. My advice to all women: take a nice and cool pot-bellied guy with a nice face, put him on a diet and drive him into the hall with pissing rags. The result is the coolest hybrid, best of bos worlds, as they say.

    interior designer, 25 years old

    I don't like pot-bellied people, but I hate jocks even more (I love pimply!). In nature, the main thing is proportions. If you have a belly, but in the aggregate your whole body is harmonious in proportions, then this is normal, the eye does not hurt. There's a similar theme with pitching ... That's why I don't like them more, because they are often disproportionately pumped (idiots), and the belly usually grows proportionally

    And the pitching is mostly stupid. Because since they decided to lure the female with a purely external impressive appearance, which they also show off so diligently, then, most likely, there is nothing else. An intelligent person will not flaunt his body, even if he keeps it in order. Himself handsome. And I'm happy! Why is this window dressing?

    There is no need to try to deceive nature. These pumping of the body are after all an attempt at a universal deception!

    As for the fat men ... By the way, this also affects the character. The character directly depends on the constitution of the body, and the plump ones are always pleasant to talk to. Because nature created them that way. They love to eat, and many business meetings are usually held at dinners and lunches. Here is business and pleasure - I have eaten and established business contacts. A bunch of businessmen and politicians are fat. Have you seen a lot of politicians-jocks?

    I myself have never been skinny. I'm a fat bastard! Therefore, I love thin ones, so that there is harmony. Thin ones are a little complex in front of big guys, since the latter have a more impressive body. This means that in natural selection it is necessary to somehow rebuff them - to be more pleasant in communication, for example. I noticed, by the way, that stupid women are often fond of hulks. Precisely those that are huge at all. Silly female thinks more is better! And this is always such nonsense.

    I think that all preferences are formed at the genetic level - DNA, heredity. The body scans the passenger and determines what kind of offspring will be. You need to do it better, you know! So, pitching is written for someone by nature, for someone pot-bellied. Puzatiks themselves can afford skinny ones, so that the offspring turned out to be such a "middle". And some are dreamy shitties! Well this is for fat bastards like me.

    Masha, interior designer, 25 years old

    I don't like pot-bellied people, but I hate jocks even more (I love pimply!). In nature, the main thing is proportions. If you have a belly, but in the aggregate your whole body is harmonious in proportions, then this is normal, the eye does not hurt. There's a similar theme with pitching ... That's why I don't like them more, because they are often disproportionately pumped (idiots), and the belly usually grows proportionally

    And the pitching is mostly stupid. Because since they decided to lure the female with a purely external impressive appearance, which they also show off so diligently, then, most likely, there is nothing else. An intelligent person will not flaunt his body, even if he keeps it in order. Himself handsome. And I'm happy! Why is this window dressing?

    There is no need to try to deceive nature. These pumping of the body are after all an attempt at a universal deception!

    As for the fat men ... By the way, this also affects the character. The character directly depends on the constitution of the body, and the plump ones are always pleasant to talk to. Because nature created them that way. They love to eat, and many business meetings are usually held at dinners and lunches. Here is business and pleasure - I have eaten and established business contacts. A bunch of businessmen and politicians are fat. Have you seen a lot of politicians-jocks?

    I myself have never been skinny. I'm a fat bastard! Therefore, I love thin ones, so that there is harmony. Thin ones are a little complex in front of big guys, since the latter have a more impressive body. This means that in natural selection it is necessary to somehow rebuff them - to be more pleasant in communication, for example. I noticed, by the way, that stupid women are often fond of hulks. Precisely those that are huge at all. Silly female thinks more is better! And this is always such nonsense.

    I think that all preferences are formed at the genetic level - DNA, heredity. The body scans the passenger and determines what kind of offspring will be. You need to do it better, you know! So, pitching is written for someone by nature, for someone pot-bellied. Puzatiks themselves can afford skinny ones, so that the offspring turned out to be such a "middle". And some are dreamy shitties! Well this is for fat bastards like me.

    dentist, 22 years old

    Girls are strange creatures. Therefore, it cannot be said that we, girls, have certain canons of male beauty. Appearance is not always the main thing when choosing a man, it is exclusively a matter of taste. However, if you consider only the appearance, then for me chubby guys are very nice. Not all, of course, but most! And they are still good-natured.

    With them, the girl feels more comfortable and does not try to seem better than she is (rather than with a jock). The girl does not have such a strong competition and a feeling of fear that the guy will leave her for another or he will be beaten off by some madam with a model appearance. The girl next to the plump one feels comfortable and calm, and you can also eat together and not bathe (still fat), and then go on a diet together.

    But among the girls there are those who do not like chubby guys and prefer pumped up guys. When a guy takes care of himself: he goes to the gym, eats right and just adheres to a healthy lifestyle - this is great, such guys are not in danger of obesity (violation of fat metabolism - hypercholesterolemia), which, as you know, is one of the causes of many diseases (for example, cardio -vascular system: atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, etc.) But most mega-pumps do nothing but take care of themselves, love themselves and, in a word, consider themselves gods. And, in my opinion, this is their minus (but here again it all depends on the person)

    Fat men are no different from athletic guys. And in fact it is stupid to compare jocks and fat ones. For example, a girl chooses a pitching, but he will turn out to be arrogant as a dummy, here no beauty will save him (unless, of course, the girl herself shines with her mind). And also about the full ones - here human qualities or money play the main role (unfortunately, there are a lot of corrupt women).

    Larisa, dentist, 22 years old

    Girls are strange creatures. Therefore, it cannot be said that we, girls, have certain canons of male beauty. Appearance is not always the main thing when choosing a man, it is exclusively a matter of taste. However, if you consider only the appearance, then for me chubby guys are very nice. Not all, of course, but most! And they are still good-natured.

    With them, the girl feels more comfortable and does not try to seem better than she is (rather than with a jock). The girl does not have such a strong competition and a feeling of fear that the guy will leave her for another or he will be beaten off by some madam with a model appearance. The girl next to the plump one feels comfortable and calm, and you can also eat together and not bathe (still fat), and then go on a diet together.

    But among the girls there are those who do not like chubby guys and prefer pumped up guys. When a guy takes care of himself: he goes to the gym, eats right and just adheres to a healthy lifestyle - this is great, such guys are not in danger of obesity (violation of fat metabolism - hypercholesterolemia), which, as you know, is one of the causes of many diseases (for example, cardio -vascular system: atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, etc.) But most mega-pumps do nothing but take care of themselves, love themselves and, in a word, consider themselves gods. And, in my opinion, this is their minus (but here again it all depends on the person)

    Fat men are no different from athletic guys. And in fact it is stupid to compare jocks and fat ones. For example, a girl chooses a pitching, but he will turn out to be arrogant as a dummy, here no beauty will save him (unless, of course, the girl herself shines with her mind). And also about the full ones - here human qualities or money play the main role (unfortunately, there are a lot of corrupt women).

    They think that they are Apollo and that this is enough for the girl. Supposedly here I am so beautiful outwardly, I have muscles, that's enough. In an intimate life, they do not give their best at 100%, as they save their strength (I think so) for training. Boring.

    Another eternal diet! And on the offer to devour something harmful (when you really want to), you will hear a lot of negativity that your sides will grow.

    Ira, masseur, 24 years old

    My opinion is that pitching is good in that it looks aesthetically good visually. But mostly (or I just came across such) they are inhibited, stupid, there is nothing to talk about with them, except for a rocking chair. Narrow thinking, fixated on yourself, on your appearance. The guys are too proud, in short. I don't like guys who spend more time in front of the mirror than I do.

    Now I'm not making excuses for people's love of fast food. And I would like my boyfriend to lose 10 pounds (maximum 15) But I don't want a guy with abs like an ironing board. There were such, but no more. Physically, it is more pleasant for me with a chubby to hug and roll on it. With a pumped-up body, sex looks beautiful. And possibly expanding for bows the set. But, no matter how it sounds, I know that with a chubby I can calmly eat more, then lose weight, and not have a complex because of each kilogram. I just feel so shallow next to them, and you can climb onto the handles. They are often so tall yet, to hug them gently. And lying on them is also fun.

    Nowadays, clothes are much more important than a figure. If any size dude is dressed stylishly, then it's cool. With a big boy, you feel like a princess and a baby. Everyone around is thinking: "How did he grab such a slim heifer, although he himself is not super sexy?" And then thoughts immediately begin to creep in, they say, probably, he is very rich or a very good person. This is how it all works. It's very cool for me to feel the difference in our dimensions, I always crawl to the fat man on the handles. He is soft, and I feel comfortable with him. And a bunch of sensations next to the chubby take me back to childhood. When a huge guy with a beautiful chick walks, pride is read on his face: "I can get hold of any chick in any form, but what have you achieved?"

    Elmira, stylist, 25 years old

    Now I'm not making excuses for people's love of fast food. And I would like my boyfriend to lose 10 pounds (maximum 15) But I don't want a guy with abs like an ironing board. There were such, but no more. Physically, it is more pleasant for me with a chubby to hug and roll on it. With a pumped-up body, sex looks beautiful. And possibly expanding for bows the set. But, no matter how it sounds, I know that with a chubby I can calmly eat more, then lose weight, and not have a complex because of each kilogram. I just feel so shallow next to them, and you can climb onto the handles. They are often so tall yet, to hug them gently. And lying on them is also fun.

    Nowadays, clothes are much more important than a figure. If any size dude is dressed stylishly, then it's cool. With a big boy, you feel like a princess and a baby. Everyone around is thinking: "How did he grab such a slim heifer, although he himself is not super sexy?" And then thoughts immediately begin to creep in, they say, probably, he is very rich or a very good person. This is how it all works. It's very cool for me to feel the difference in our dimensions, I always crawl to the fat man on the handles. He is soft, and I feel comfortable with him. And a bunch of sensations next to the chubby take me back to childhood. When a huge guy with a beautiful chick walks, pride is read on his face: "I can get hold of any chick in any form, but what have you achieved?"

    Never date fat people. You should not think that with a fat girl you will rid yourself of any possible jealousy, but you will find comfort, a strong rear and delicious homemade food. And in general, the third grade is not a marriage. But! This is absolutely not the case.

    Fat women are unkempt

    If a girl resigns herself to her own unhappy reflection in the mirror and the fact that she does not fit into pretty clothes, then she will put up with everything. For weight loss, she lacks self-discipline and perseverance - and these are already character traits. Of course, all this will be reflected in your home. You will have to tear off the pizza that has dried to the ceiling. Even her Facebook page is not cleaned up. And about food, by the way: it is difficult to eat a hundred kilograms of live weight with home cooking - fast food probably tried! So instead of French-style meat at home you will have, at best, a fatty Burger King package waiting for you.

    Fat will assert itself

    Excess weight means complexes and problems. She will either be overly defiant, or she will be downtrodden and quiet. Both the one and the other option - no good. The caller fat woman is a metal worker, an inhabitant of Chistoprudny Boulevard, an informal woman and a repulsive creature. Quiet is the absence of a full-fledged personality, eyes on the floor and melancholy, melancholy, melancholy.

    It will cost you dearly

    A slender girl eats like a bird, and you will have to spend money on feeding the cattle entrusted to you. First, second, desserts (especially damn desserts!) Cost money. In a restaurant, she's not limited to salad - oh no. Will get drunk to his heart's content. Pizza will have to be ordered as for a family of five. Clothes for the fat ones take more fabric and creative designers. Well hold on!

    It's boring with her

    Thick means she doesn't move much. A lot lies on the couch and watches TV. You will never take her out for a walk or a trip. She despises active rest. He hates sports. It's good if you look at life in the same way - but if not, are thin-ringing girls in shorts and on a longboard nicer to you?

    She will cheat on you

    Truth: A girl who cannot bring herself to refuse a cake will not refuse a man's attention. She will be happy to receive such attention and will take off her panties within a minute. He will change, modify and change, write down Kolya in the phone as Olya, meet with "girlfriends", etc. Nafig do you need this?

    Well, are you thinking? Well you hold on. Health to you. Have a good mood.

    Fatshaming is, in fact, bullying people who are overweight (or simply overweight): fat shamers constantly remind fat people of their weight, publicly accuse them of unwillingness to lose weight and openly insult them, calling them “fat bats”, “fat pigs” and “piles of fat” ". Moreover, the objects of ridicule and insults are most often women, not men. This is a serious problem. In the modern world, fat shaming has reached such proportions that in response, the Bodypositive movement emerged, the main goal of which is to encourage people to accept someone else's appearance as it is. But, alas, this idea has not yet found a response in our society. Let's figure out why.

    "Fat is ugly, I don't want to look at it."

    Not really. Fat is not ugly in and of itself; fat is considered ugly now. At the same time, everyone knows that this was not always the case: few people have not seen figurines of Paleolithic Venuses or reproductions of paintings by the High Renaissance masters. Our personal criteria for the beautiful and the ugly are not at all personal, they are based on society's notions of beauty, and a beautiful body has been a thin body for many decades. It was either just thin (from Twiggy to "heroin chic"), or athletic (from supermodels of the 90s to modern fitnyash), but it was not complete. But times are changing: plus size models began to appear on the catwalks, actresses with curvaceous forms began to be invited to the main roles, but society is still not ready to accept this. Why?

    Because we began to confuse ideal pictures with real life. There is too much visual information around us - information that is not real, invented: pictures perfectly ironed in photo editors, films with special effects. We see beautiful things very often, so often that some have decided that they have the right not to see what they consider ugly. "Be fat, but don't show your photos to anyone, we hate to see that." And for some it is unpleasant to see fat people in tight or open clothes: "Fu, cover yourself." But why, exactly? Why not prohibit people with the wrong bite from talking and laughing? And let people with crooked or wide noses wear medical masks - thin straight noses are in fashion.


    But no, only being overweight is a reason to openly insult people and demand that they do not "stick out their fats." Because…

    "Fatty are just lazy"

    Lazy and weak-willed people, unable to "just pull themselves together and lose weight." Having ascribed sins of laziness and gluttony to people of great weight, society went further. Fat people are considered stupid and face discrimination in the fields of education and career: if you are not stupid, then why not figure out how to lose weight? Being overweight is also associated with poor hygiene: since a fat woman is too lazy to go to the gym, then she is probably too lazy to wash. Thus, society stigmatizes and stigmatizes people of great weight. And it seems to give an indulgence to fat shamers: they do not just insult and humiliate people, they expose the "terrible" vices of fat men, which means that they are supposedly doing a good deed. Who, if not them, will point out to these brute brutes that they are living the wrong way?

    And this problem is not only a problem of excess weight. This is a problem of a society that creates an artificial framework - so that there is a reason to kick those who do not fit into them. And women are the first candidates for a place outside the box. Because "a woman should." She must be beautiful, must take care of herself and her figure - first of all. Typical patriarchy, in which you cannot be a worthless product, otherwise you will become a pariah.

    "Obesity is unhealthy, these people are sick!"

    A frankly hypocritical statement: no one, except for the neophytes from a healthy lifestyle, condemns people who are not keen on physical education. Nobody worries about how often strangers do fluorography. No one wants to know how smokers and alcoholics harm their health - until they invade someone else's space with their stinking smoke and drunken brawls. No one is interested in how long the neighbor on the staircase took a blood test and in what condition his vessels and joints are. But for some reason, the vessels and joints of obese people are of interest to everyone. For what reason, it would seem? Everyone cares about their own health, who cares about someone else's hemorrhoids?

    The matter is very simple: it is not a matter of health, it is a matter of power. Thin people are very fond of telling fat people exactly how they need to eat in order to lose weight, how to be treated in order to lose weight, how to move in order to lose weight. The very fact of being overweight in a fat person seems to turn any thin person into a strict teacher Maryivanna: “Now I will teach you, fat ass, to live correctly, and you will listen and obey. Come here, pigs, I will reveal the truth to you. " Thus, any person who is unable to achieve success in the chosen field of activity has the opportunity to amuse a sense of self-importance, to assert himself at the expense of another: I am thin - it means that I am more successful than a fat man, smarter and generally better. I am supposed to be a teacher and mentor. And the more aggressive the fat-shamer, the higher the likelihood that the small size of his clothes is his only achievement in life. It's likely just genetic.

    Another important point is the accusation of overweight people in promoting an unhealthy lifestyle: “Our children are looking at this! They may decide it's okay to be fat! " Children are generally a universal shield, they can cover anything you want. Including their own unwillingness to bring up these very children somehow. Because the habit of a healthy lifestyle as a norm is brought up by personal parental example. But doing exercises in the morning with the children is too hard. It's easier to stigmatize overweight. True, some overweight children are still children, and it is sinful to poison children. But on the other hand, you can persecute their parents, who allowed this. "Yes, for sure, it is they who are to blame, and not us at all," - this is exactly what the fat-shamers think.

    "It's your own fault, how could you have started yourself like that!"

    In general, the feeling of guilt about weight as such is imposed on people with a large weight by default. The only question is the extent of this guilt. There are not very guilty ones - those who have grown fat due to health problems. A fake has been circulating on the network for a long time that there are supposedly only 5% of such people. This is completely wrong, but this is a great reason to stigmatize all overweight in general: you are simply devoured and are to blame for this! This is a typical victim's accusation. In fact, everyone understands that it is not good to humiliate other people for your own pleasure. But if you make these people guilty, then it seems it is already possible. After all, they themselves chose this path for themselves, they voluntarily grew fat, which means they must be ready for the role of outcasts. He who does not want to be humiliated does not eat into three throats. one more indulgence: it was not me who was cruel, it was me provoked, they themselves wanted it.

    The other side of this medal is hypocritical pity. At the expense of a complete person, you can always be kind: I’ll tell you how bad it is to be fat, and I’ll immediately become a good and caring kind person. Thank me! Who else will open your eyes to how you let yourself go ?!

    "Fatty have no right to happiness"

    And here fat shaming turns its ugly face exclusively towards us, towards women. Because an overweight man has the right to happiness, but a woman does not. At the same time, both camps will attack her. And if men with their valuable opinion on the subject "I would not blow!" can be ignored, women cannot be ignored. Because this is a matter of hierarchy in a patriarchal society: you are fat, and I am not, which means that my status is higher. It would seem, well, rejoice, because the more overweight women, the less competition for status males, who, of course, prefer thin ones. Why poison losers, they are not competitors to you?

    Everything is very simple, let's return to point 1: beautiful is what society has agreed to consider beautiful. If you do not poison the fat, tomorrow they, do not bring the universe, may be considered beautiful. And this means that all the blessings given to the beauties will go to them, and not to you. Because the benefits are given out by status males.

    The second point is the idea that happiness must be earned, preferably through hard work and harsh restrictions. Years of plowing in the gym and sitting on a chicken breast with buckwheat - and for what? So that some fat woman who chews cakes all her life gets the same piece of happiness? Why on earth? Let him get it first!

    But the point here is not at all that only the fat supposedly have no right to happiness. The point is, women have no right to be happy. Not for any happiness, except for the one that society recognized as the most correct: be thin and beautiful, attract the attention of men, grab the most correct for yourself and never, never get fat and old.

    If you think about it, then living in this paradigm is a great misfortune. For all of us.

    The problem of being overweight is a real scourge of our time. Hundreds of thousands of people suffer from extra pounds. And this is bad not only from the point of view of beauty. Extra pounds cause diseases that shorten our lives and turn it into torture.

    When we talk about the fattest people in the world, we do not mean a couple of extra pounds or even a few tens. These people sometimes weigh more than five hundred kilograms and cannot not only walk on their own, but sometimes roll over in bed.

    People who are that heavy usually don't live long. Their companions are heart disease, problems with the musculoskeletal system, diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders. Many of them have become celebrities, but such popularity can hardly bring happiness. It is especially sad to see women weighing several quintals. We have prepared a list of the fattest women in the world.

    Myra Lisbeth Rosales

    She can serve as an example for everyone who has problems with being overweight. The woman weighed more than five hundred kilograms, but she managed to lose about four hundred kilograms.

    Myra was born in the USA, in 1980. At the age of thirty, her weight reached 500 kilograms and she could not walk. She even found it difficult to move in her bed. She pulled herself together and managed to lose more than four hundred kilograms. In this she was helped by diet and special exercises. Doctors performed 11 operations on her.

    Another story is connected with the name of this woman: she was tried on charges of murdering her nephew, and she confessed. It was later revealed that she incriminated herself in order to save her sister, who had beaten the child. The court acquitted Mayra.

    At the moment, Mayra leads an active social life, she helps those who dream of losing extra pounds. She herself is a confirmation that a person is capable of a lot. You need to want it very much.

    Mayra is still going to lose a few pounds.

    Rosalie Bradford

    This woman has two records at once. She is currently the fattest woman in the world and the woman who was able to lose the most kilograms.

    She was born in the United States in 1943. Since childhood, she was haunted by overweight problems. Its maximum weight reached 544 kilograms. This led to deep depression and attempted suicide.

    However, then Rosalie decided to change her life: she limited herself to food and took up gymnastics. In just a year, she lost 190 kilograms. She managed to get rid of 416 kilograms.

    The woman died in 2006.

    Carol Yeager

    She is considered the fattest person in the world. Carol is also the most complete woman in history. Its maximum weight reached 727 kilograms. She had problems with obesity since childhood. As a child, they tried to rape her and after that her weight began to grow.

    They tried to treat her, they sent her to medical institutions. It helped, but only temporarily. The extra pounds robbed her of her health. She had serious heart problems and diabetes. She couldn't move.

    Carol died in 1994.

    Terry Smith

    She is one of the fattest women living today. Today her weight is 317 kilograms. A woman can neither stand nor walk. Overweight problems have pursued Terry all her life: at the age of seven, she weighed seventy kilograms. The woman herself explains this by the fact that her family did not have money for healthy food.

    Doctors told the woman that she could die if she did not immediately go on a diet and lose those extra pounds. She suffers from many diseases, she suffers from constant headaches, and doctors cannot conduct a normal examination, because a woman's body does not fit into ordinary medical equipment. She was advised to eat only healthy foods and exercise regularly. This woman has a husband and daughter who look after her, because Terry has long been unable to move independently.

    Donna Simpson

    This 43-year-old American woman weighed 273 kilograms. But she is not embarrassed by her weight, moreover, she dreams of becoming even bigger and getting into the Guinness Book of Records. To do this, she needs to weigh 450 kilograms and Donna is doing everything possible for this.

    She has already become a record holder once. She was recognized as the hardest mother in the world, but this was not enough for her. Simpson spent almost twenty years in marriage, her husband's weight was 68 kilograms. A woman's main income comes from her personal website, where everyone can see her everyday life. Especially popular are the moments when she absorbs a huge amount of food. Every year a woman earns more than 90 thousand dollars this way.

    Suzanne Heman

    Another woman who dreams of becoming the fattest in the world. She was born in the USA, now her weight is about 330 kilograms, but she dreams of reaching 700 kilograms.

    She began to gain weight very quickly after giving birth to her two children. At first, she resolutely struggled with extra pounds, but when she became scared to get on the scales, she decided to seize the moment and become famous. After that, Suzanne stopped restricting herself in food and began to rapidly gain weight.

    Later, she came across a book about the fattest people in the world, and a plan was born in the woman's head. She wanted to become famous and get into the book of records. Now she sets the goal of eating at least twenty thousand calories daily. Her stomach took a long time to get used to that amount of food, but then he gave up.

    A woman perfectly understands all the consequences of her behavior for her own health, but this does not stop her at all.

    I would like to cite a story from the life of an outstanding contemporary theologian. This theologian is rather thick, let's face it, fat. Once he talked about how, while still a very young student at Moscow State University, he came to Sergiev Posad. The day was sunny, gentle, and he walked slowly to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. A monk was moving towards him, also slowly. Coming closer, our student saw that the monk was of impressive size. Being a well-mannered and cultured person, the young pilgrim, of course, did not say anything aloud, but in his heart he thought: "Wow, an ascetic, what a belly he has eaten." The monk, passing by, for some reason abruptly turned around and, coming close to the student, leaning his belly against his chest, said menacingly: "Do you know why I am so fat?! ... This is because at your age I condemned a fat monk." And slowly went on ...

    For a long, long time, the future theologian looked after the retreating figure of the fat monk ...

    The problem of the "completeness of Orthodoxy", in theory, should not worry the church society. Since, by definition, appearance is not the main thing for a person. And all the same, in his address a plump girl or woman from skinny parishioners or old women can often hear reproaches - "they say, a gluttonous woman." Those who think the same after reading the title - they say, "you need to eat less" - I will remind you that if it was so easy to lose weight, there would not be so many fat people among us, including among the stars and those in power, for whom in theory, in general, with the available big money, there should be no weight loss problem.

    I have long ceased to have complexes about my appearance, the only moment when I remember my "excess weight" is when I go shopping. I believe that if the Lord wanted all people to be the same - it would be so. For me as a biologist, physician and generally educated person, it is obvious that overweight people are not a mistake of nature, not a disease, not some kind of deviation from norms. For many cultures, a woman weighing 70 kilograms is not overweight, a woman weighing 100 kilograms is normal.

    This is especially common in countries where the general standard of living is low, and the traditional family is also popular. Where a fat person is a rich person, where the main purpose of a woman is childbearing, where women stay at home. In Morocco, for example, girls are specially fattened before the wedding. And for the Arab countries as a whole, the ideal of thinness is not characteristic. In India, the traditional bride does not have to be skinny, and actresses for Bollywood movies are forced to get fat so that there are folds at the waist.

    In Africa, among the Hottentots (the carriers of the oldest gene on earth), a genetic abnormality has been preserved since the Neolithic: both men and especially women have steatopygia, in a simple way - monstrous fat on the buttocks. That is why, with the normal addition of the upper body, the lower body looks completely unusual. This Hottentot gene is also found in other African peoples, from there it came to the New World with black slaves and dissolved in the mulattoes and the inhabitants of South America. Therefore, the criteria for beauty and slenderness among the population of South America and the colored population of North America are not at all the same as among the white population. In everyday life, you can hear the concept of "Brazilian forms" - it is said about the big round ass.

    In Polynesia and Hawaii, it is normal to have a weight of 100 kilograms. In some Caucasian countries, it is not "gazelles" that are popular, by no means, as can be seen by all Russian chubbers who have had a chance to visit there at least once. The ideal of a traditional Mordovian woman is “wide hips and thick legs”. For a Ukrainian woman, being too thin is unconventional. Among Jews, being overweight is something common. May they forgive me for my political incorrectness!

    And only unfortunate "successful" Europeans should be dried chickens.

    From the point of view of an anthropologist, I can decompose this tendency to love bones into several factors.

    First. In society, the ideal of a woman is an active worker, unmarried and young-looking. The ideal that works for the appearance of a mother-woman is completely inapplicable here.

    Second. Influence of the worldwide conspiracy of the couturier "non-standard orientation". So that the girls become like all the boys. Joke. (What a horror if it turns out to be true!) Another option is that it is easier to sew on thin ones, and they also need less fabric.

    Third. The TV visually adds up to five kilograms. That is, if you have been guided by the leading actors all your life, you should know that they have to go on diets, since they will look thicker on the screen than they are.

    Third. The main. In society, the ideal of a woman is implanted, not just young, but young. Think - used to be married at 12 years old, just teenagers! Teenagers are often skinny. Subconsciously, men who want to marry thin ones want to marry a young girl, like three hundred years ago.

    Fourth. There is such a theory about the stages of human development - two, mutually changing. The first, the most ancient, is the hunter-gatherer stage. There is no need to talk about many things, the women were mobile, took part in the hunt, they had to run a lot, climb trees. The female hunter is slender, long-legged, narrow-hipped. During a war or some misfortune, she herself can take care of herself and her offspring. Few. Aggressive and belligerent. Sound familiar, right?

    Second model. When humanity began to live settled, the first large settlements arose. Women had the opportunity to give birth and raise many children, they had a lot of food, they did not run through the forest in search of it, they did not fight off predators. Wide hips, stockiness, thriftiness, calm character, fullness - these are the signs of women of this period. The sculptures of “neolithic venus”, also numerous from the layers of the Bronze Age, belong to this period. This is an image of a mother woman, with large breasts, large belly, wide hips, large buttocks.

    These patterns of female appearance and behavior exist in our genes, in our subconscious. They mutually replace each other, depending on the living conditions. Western society lives under constant stress. They want Amazon women. East - according to the second model.

    Nevertheless, there are a huge number of men in society who like obese women. But many of them, if they are young or occupy a high position in society, are ashamed of their desires. The worst thing is that they don’t marry fat girls, they don’t even appreciate the opportunity to connect life with them. Ashamed.

    Therefore, many girls "in the body" are faced with the really dire consequences of this "new natural selection." Many men are interested in them, but few are willing to marry them. They find themselves not married, with huge complexes about their appearance, unsuccessfully trying to lose weight, desperate to find family happiness for themselves. This is actually scary, especially for an Orthodox girl, for whom the option of “giving birth for herself” is not at all suitable.

    For those who are not in the subject. Much of the reason for being overweight in modern society is a combination of three factors.

    1. Unhealthy diet and ecology

    2. Genetics, diseases.

    3. Sedentary lifestyle.

    With the third, it is clear - sedentary work, a computer with a TV, too high prices for sports services, a decrease in the number of sports facilities in cities.

    Second. There is a large percentage of the population that is naturally supposed to have more bone and extra weight. My great-grandfathers were a blacksmith, barge haule, loader, miller, peasant. Only one was a merchant. Classes, by definition, are not prone to grace. Tall, healthy, broad-boned, strong women were valued there. To work hard and give birth a lot. The question is - what type of physique should I have ???

    About the disease. Many in Russia now have disorders with the thyroid gland. This is one hundred percent of the obesity problem. A real epidemic of obesity! I do not take into account really serious problems with the hormonal system, diseases such as diabetes. You can get hormonal disruption even if you are just very nervous. As a result - five extra pounds. There are pills that provoke a brutal appetite (antidepressants). Vitamins also provoke appetite.

    The biggest problem that begs to be overweight is nutrition. What has been happening in the last decade is especially scary. No, I do not mean how a person eats, that he eats too much, too often or too late. The fact is that now most of the products sold in stores are poison. A slow poison that poisons your body. The consequences are diverse, obesity is one of them. An example is people's hobby for beer (all beer is cheaper than 60 rubles per half liter - poison and cow urine). Uncontrolled passion for sweet soda. Mandatory presence of mayonnaise on the table.

    Remember, people, even the thin ones need to exclude mayonnaise! If you want normal mayonnaise - do it yourself. What we sell is carrageenan, water and chemicals. Bad oils and fats. Take the biochemist's word for it! Excessive addition of concentrates, monosodium glutamate, dyes, and harmful additives to products. Some of them are not excreted from the body, being deposited in the liver and subcutaneous fat. Some of them can cause blindness, chronic fatigue syndrome, and even cancer. All of them lead to gastritis. So - no preservatives!

    Nowadays, sausages and sausages are not made from meat. Previously, they consisted of meat, now there is fat, chemicals, starch, soy, blood. The calorie content of the sausage has become much higher than it was. The funniest example is that in order to digest protein, the body needs more energy than it will be released during its digestion. So if you eat protein and vegetables, you CAN LOSE, The main thing is to limit the amount of carbohydrates and fats - the main suppliers of energy to the body. And we mainly have carbohydrate food, with high fat in combination.

    There are also yoghurts lurking on the shelves - this is really a bomb for our figure! All yoghurts of common companies contain harmful substances that lead to obesity. He's too greasy and sweet. Buy kefir! The real poison is sweet glazed curds, cottage cheese from supermarkets. They have long been made not from cow's milk, but from palm fat. It is much more harmful and "fatter". The bomb for the figure is fruit juices. Almost all of them contain a huge amount of sugar.

    There is also bread and potatoes that make up the basis of our Russian food, plus cheap pasta - it's clear why our skirts burst on us! Well, this is lyrics, for a person with a lean body programmed by nature, no harmful products will be scary, at least for a figure.

    All my life I admired my great-aunt. Aunt is a successful business woman, married three times, in her sixties still adored by men. Never weighed less than 100 pounds. Usually - 150-130. She took everyone with her character, shine in her eyes, and taking care of herself. Without a manicure, in bad clothes, without a hairstyle, without French perfume, without high-heeled shoes, I could not imagine her. A wonderful hostess and a very sensible woman.

    She always told me "Remember, Lena, a thin cow is not a gazelle yet ..."

    The main thing that a plump girl should remember is not to give up. Overweight girls have a number of advantages over skinny ones.

    Donuts have a nicer character, they are more fun.

    Donuts are good housewives, they usually cook well.

    Donuts tend to have large breasts. (Valued by men). And their skin is also healthier and smoother, retains its freshness longer.

    They almost never turn out to be infertile, as a rule, they have successful pregnancies and childbirth, they usually have milk.

    The main thing is not to hide, not to shade. Be open and sociable, feminine. Take care of your appearance. Dress well. Dance, walk, enjoy life, actively participate in all kinds of youth activities.

    I remember the description of one crumpet made by a loving person "... an amazing figure - as if three circles one on top of the other, all this swinging on mind-blowing heels. A long skirt flutters, round eyes under arched eyebrows, a round mouth. Dimples on the hands and elbows, like a baby. Once - and ran somewhere, like a cloud driven by the wind ... "

    Examples of donuts, successful and loved ones.

    The Miss Fatty 2010 contest finished in Italy and was won by 33-year-old Naples native Angela Scognamillo, weighing 170 kg! Angela is going to get married, her beloved is the owner of the restaurant, she does not like a soul in her.

    In Thailand, the annual "Mistress Elephant" competition is held. (The elephant there is a sacred animal). Only married people participate in it. The winners usually weigh 120 kilograms, with all this it is impossible to take your eyes off, the beauty is amazing.

    The "Fat and Beautiful" beauty contest is being held in Israel . In the city of Beer-Sheva, another competition among puffy beauties was held. The competition was attended by girls in the weight category from 80 to 110 kilograms, and the winner was 23-year-old Tanya Vaiman, weighing 85 kg. Similar beauty contests among obese women have been held in Israel for 15 years. This year, 40 women from all over the country took part in it.

    Moran Barannes is almost like a world heavyweight boxing champion, but among beauty queens.

    I love Ruslana Pysanka very much. Successful actress, presenter, beloved wife. I especially respect Ruslana after the project "Dancing with the Stars", where she, together with the star of ballroom dancing, performed cha-cha-cha, samba, rumba, waltz, tango, foxtrot, paso doble, jive, quickstep. She danced so that it was impossible to see tear off! Rousse was given the Audience Award and invited to the Vienna Ball. Our beauty danced in the Vienna Royal Palace and was very popular there. We are very proud of her.

    My adored pop divas are Cornelia Mango and Victoria Pierre-Marie. Beautiful Afro-shirts, great voices, wonderful relaxation.

    Victoria Pierre-Marie is one of the best jazz and blues voices in the world for me.

    Among the ideals of our youth, women of decent size have finally appeared.

    For example, Ekaterina Skulkina is a resident of the Comedy Club - woman ...

    I will not remember the usual thing for opera singers - fullness often accompanies a high voice. Prims cannot lose weight, they can lose their voice.

    I also really like fat dancers. Although they can be found mainly either in the folk genre or in the ethnic one. Like belly dancing and flamenco. There are no professional restrictions on the weight of a dancer, as in ballet or ballroom dancing.

    In general, of course, there are very few such women on the stage and in the cinema.

    Cunning manufacturers of underwear, tights, clothing, as well as owners of small shops have long ceased to be guided by fashion standards. Everyone knows that in Russia the majority of women are over fifty. They need to dress somewhere. Moreover, a woman who knows that she will not buy good clothes in a regular store is willing to overpay for beautiful clothes of her size. So, for decades now, shops with clothes for donuts have been operating in Russia, the cost of dresses in which exceeds the cost of ordinary clothes, sometimes several times. There have long been global brands of manufacturers of clothing and underwear for the plump, in which ladies of large proportions are advertising. But all the same - fashion for overweight is on the sidelines of the global industry.

    The donuts themselves feel the same way. On the sidelines of life. They cannot buy clothes at the nearest shop or market. They can't buy high boots. Half of the purchased pantyhose turns out to be small, as well as part of the underwear. You literally have to hunt for good models of clothes. Or start your own seamstress. The choice of outerwear is also extremely limited. Buying an evening dress is a real adventure. More than once, going for a certain product, and once again hearing "your size is not", I left the market with the money. I never go to most stores, knowing that there is nothing for me but hats and shoes. I hate shopping! For me, it turns into one row of continuous moral fatigue. (For a long time already I dress at "my saleswomen", in "my stores").

    A little about fashion. The fight for normal figures on fashion catwalks has been going on for a long time and not in vain. This year in Paris, the leading models of the world held a series of lectures on the dangers of excessive diets, on the risks of girls of this model to get anorexia, bulimia and nervous breakdowns.

    It seems that a breakthrough in this area has already appeared! In America, the institute of plus size models has long existed. But finally, "donuts" have broken through the pages of fashion magazines. This is model Tara Lynn, the most complete supermodel in the world.

    And Russian model Katya Zharkova (size 52).

    20 years ago, plus size models weighed only 8% less than overweight women. And now they weigh 23% less, - according to the magazine. - Ten years ago, plump models wore sizes 48 to 54. And now modeling agencies are recruiting models in sizes 42-48. At the same time, half of the women wear size 46 and above. But usually standard clothes are sewn up to size 50.

    Those representatives of the fashion world who have enough common sense have long sounded the alarm: we are again being taken away from normal beauty standards and imposed on us a controversial slogan: "if you are thin, then you are healthy and beautiful." However, what we are seeing now on the world catwalks is clearly not associated with health in any way. And it certainly doesn't look pretty. According to the editorial staff of PLUS Model Magazine, the modern modeling business imposes on consumers the ideal of unhealthy, anorexic models, while ordinary consumers crave to see normal, real women in advertisements and on the catwalk. And in the store there is a large selection of clothes of ordinary parameters, and not by the beloved Victoria Beckham and other Hollywood skinny clothes of size zero.

    We are constantly bombarded with weight loss ads because a multi-million dollar industry is driven by fear of being overweight. But no one is obliged to be thin, our bodies are beautiful even without it. Even if they say that thin people are healthier, in reality this may not be so, - says the editorial column of the magazine.

    Catherine, with her normal, full-blooded figure, clearly proved that a woman with a size of 50 and above looks no less attractive (or even more!) Than the thin and pale creatures so beloved by the world's leading couturiers.

    In America, this cradle of consumptive beauties, fashion for thinness, there is quite a double standard for appearance. Beauties of Negro descent, such as Beyoncé Knowles, openly speak in response to the reproach of being overweight: "For the Negro audience, the standards of beauty are completely different, thinness will never be popular here."

    What the white Britney Spears, who in the last years after giving birth is constantly trying to lose weight, and to whom her former fans have not forgiven her for growing up, will never be able to say in her life.

    Let us recall the story of Alina Kabaeva, who left her sports career and immediately turned into a crumpet from a beauty gymnast. Our society did not forgive her for this transformation. How many athletes, having stopped grueling training, immediately gain some incredible kilograms! This, alas, is the scourge of all professional athletes and dancers. The body is used to spending an incredible amount of energy. Anything that comes. But he does not spend any more. And then he acts out over the years of bullying.

    And - the main thing to remember about plump girls who want to lose weight. If you start losing weight, your chest, butt, stomach, face will immediately sag. The nasolabial folds will become more noticeable on the face. If you lose a lot of weight, you can say goodbye to breasts. From now on, it can only be corrected by surgery. And the worst thing is the inevitable prolapse of the internal organs. Prolapse of the uterus - and you will pass urine, you will not be able to give birth. Prolapse of the kidneys - and you will be put on the operating table. I had three acquaintances who earned these "charms" "as a result of striving for harmony. Internal fat is also found in the abdominal cavity. With a sharp weight loss, he goes out of there, and the organs are displaced. To lose weight without fear, you need to get rid of no more than 12 kg per year, one kilogram per month, and not lose weight too much.

    What can I say about myself? When I weighed 65 kilograms, at school, I was terribly complex, considered myself complete. She was ashamed of her body. I listened to my friends. Then, while working, with a weight of 90 kilograms, I finally began to understand that I was beautiful and that men liked me very much. At the same time, she was still worried about her weight. However, this did not interfere with either tourism or - professionally - dancing. Now I weigh 120 kilograms, and I understand that I will always be beautiful and attractive for men. It's just not for everyone. And as a good person, to whom people are drawn - one hundred percent. Girls, do not be complex! Don't wait to lose weight. Learn to love yourself, your body the way God created it. Let a light burn in your eyes. Then men will notice you too.


    The famous fashion designer Vladimir Vasiliev, host of the "Fashionable Sentence" program, talks about clothes for donuts.

    Recently in Sydney there was a fashion show for plump, which was attended by ordinary residents of this city.


    Inspired by this article - "The Time of the Thick".

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