• Who and when invented the first television in the world


    Mankind has been moving towards the implementation of the tempting idea of ​​transmitting visual information over distances by means of technical means for a very long time. The fundamental basis for the implementation of this idea was laid by the American scientist Smith, who discovered the phenomenon of the photoelectric effect (this happened in 1873). In 1888 A.G. Stoletov advanced this theory and established the laws of the external photoelectric effect.

    Long way to a fantastic goal

    He contributed to the development of this direction A.S. Popov- a famous Russian inventor of radio communications. Asking the question of who invented the television, one cannot fail to mention Professor B.L. Rosing, who worked at the St. Petersburg Technological University. In 1907, this scientist developed a system of "cathode telescoping": it reproduced an image using a cathode ray tube. And only in 1911, under laboratory conditions, it was possible to carry out the very first television broadcast, produced according to the above principle. It took many years for the invention to leave the walls of the laboratory and be put into practice. So, the creation of the first TV set in the world was carried out, so to speak, in a number of stages.

    German engineer Nipkow

    In fairness, it should be noted the success of Paul Nipkow, who back in 1884 filed a patent for an “electronic telescope”: this engineer from Berlin managed to decompose the image into elements (the principle worked at the time of transmission and reception of light signals, and the device itself with a special converter was called Nipkow disk). Such a projection device could perform a mechanical scan, but over time it fell into disuse, as the era of electronic television began. Based on the foregoing, it is difficult to answer the question of when the first TV was created.

    Technology Development

    Rosing's follower was his student who emigrated to the USA - VC. Zworykin. It is believed that this person developed the very first TV- the iconoscope, which mankind began to use en masse.

    The model was sold for $75, the equivalent of two months' average wages for an American worker. The year of creation of this sample, which showed the eye only the play of shadows and vague silhouettes, is 1928. Meanwhile, as a result of the intellectual efforts of the British, the next model equipped with a kinescope came out (this happened only in 1937). Perhaps, this is all the information on the topic of interest to many of us “the creator of the TV”.

    massive box

    Note that Zworykin's model, called the RCS TT-5, was an overall device with a very tiny screen, the size of which was only 5 inches diagonally. Speaking about the first domestic television, we state the following fact: mechanical television systems existed in the vastness of the USSR longer than abroad. In the West, the electronic direction in the production of such equipment was introduced somewhat earlier. So, now you know what the first TV was, which was very different from the modern one.

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