• What your favorite jewelry says about you. How to Give Jewelry - Some Tips About Gold Has Healing Properties


    Few people know that jewelry is not only a great way to highlight an individual style. In fact, jewelry can tell a lot about the character, habits, lifestyle and even values ​​of its owner.

    Large earrings

    Women who prefer large earrings tend to be confident and like to be the center of attention. They are determined and serious, often possess creativity and own vision of style. Women of this type are not afraid of life's difficulties - they come out of any difficult situation with their heads held high.

    Stud earrings

    Such jewelry is chosen by light-minded and active people. They are full vital energy and look at the world with optimism. It costs them nothing to get together for a meeting in five minutes or change plans for the evening on the go. Often these people are modest, but at the same time sociable and kind to others.

    Small ones can also talk about dependence on someone else's opinion.


    These jewelry are chosen by lively, dynamic and positive people who are used to achieving their goals and not being satisfied with what has already been achieved.

    A large number of bracelets on the wrist speaks of the desire to attract attention, love of adventure and openness to everything new. Bracelets also demonstrate the ability to defend themselves and the ability to unite like-minded people around them.

    Gold jewelry

    People who choose gold are quite conservative in their views. They are balanced, love to be the first in everything and know their own worth, are emotional and active.

    Elegant classics emphasize the severity of its owner, while products with bright precious stones speak of the desire to attract attention, and sometimes to emphasize wealth and status.

    Silver jewelry

    They choose mainly restrained, creative natures, which are distinguished by romance, kindness and openness.

    Among those who wear silver, there are many realists with a very rational approach to life.

    It is also important to pay attention to the inserts: transparent stones symbolize a positive attitude of a person, and opaque ones speak of a tendency to look for shortcomings and causes of problems in oneself.

    Cocktail rings

    The lover of bright cocktail rings is most likely in search of her soul mate. She is charming and open.

    It is important to note which finger is wearing the ring: jewelry with a large stone on the middle finger indicates that the girl who wears it has a sense of dignity.

    Ring on index finger most often symbolizes the desire to lead others, and wearing a product on the little finger speaks of the originality of its owner. These people can be capricious and do not miss the opportunity to show their importance.

    Often, jewelry on the little finger is worn by representatives of creative professions.

    Original design rings with small stones speak of confidence and respect for yourself and those around you.


    Original brooches are chosen by a real fashionista who is not afraid of experiments and wants to emphasize her unique style. She is sociable and bright, and in any situation seeks to attract attention.

    Diamond jewelry is usually worn by confident, independent and rational women. Undoubtedly, jewelry with the world's most valuable stone shows the status and financial position of its owner.

    The owner of pearl jewelry is a romantic and dreamy person. She goes to the theater, to exhibitions, reads books, appreciates honesty in people. Women who choose pearls are modest and charming, adhere to traditional values, love classics and elegance.

    The woman who wears without taking off wedding ring, prefers constancy. She carefully keeps family values and maintains harmony with the surrounding world.

    When considering this accessory, it is important not only to think about the originality or size of the jewelry, but also to pay attention to the precious metal from which it is made. Gold pendants are chosen by those who are determined and self-confident, while silver pendants are preferred by modest and restrained people with a rich inner world.

    Pendants with transparent stones speak of the sensitivity and sentimentality of their wearer. Pendants with red inserts demonstrate a person's amorousness, with blue or blue stones - the desire for calmness, and with green stones - self-confidence.

    Abstract design pendants are chosen by people with a non-standard approach to familiar things, jewelry with hearts prefer romantic and amorous natures. Pendants with Zodiac Signs are worn by those who are inclined to believe in supernatural powers and destiny. Jewelry with religious symbols speaks of the value of the spiritual component for a person.

    Pendants with names are preferred by people who like to stand out from the crowd and tell about themselves.

    In general, open and self-confident people choose necklaces and necklaces.

    Jewelry for clothes

    Wearing jewelry to match the different elements of your wardrobe speaks volumes about your artistic taste, organization, and creativity.

    Lack of jewelry

    If a person does not wear jewelry, it means that he has adequate self-esteem and unwillingness to attract attention to himself with the help of additional details. However, sometimes it can be a worrying signal, for example, disappointment in people or values ​​in life.

    Did you recognize yourself and your loved ones in our article?

    A piece of jewelry that belonged to another person may end up in your possession. different ways... But is it possible to wear someone else's jewelry, will they not bring trouble? Sometimes the new owner of the jewelry may not know that their ring or bracelet belonged to someone else. Why is it so important to know the history of jewelry? Because they preserve and accumulate the energy of their owners.

    Most of the precious jewelry is made of gold. This metal stores the received energy information. If the product is worn on the skin, it will begin to share the stored energy. Why do experts advise against wearing someone else's gold jewelry? This is explained by gold most readily accumulates negative emotions and feelings... Even if a ring or chain is received as a gift, one cannot be sure with certainty that they will not do harm.

    It is even more dangerous to wear the found jewelry. Its history is not known, you do not know what kind of person wore it, what life difficulties he experienced, why and under what circumstances the loss occurred. But all the energy of the former owner was reflected in the decoration. In addition, many magic rituals(conspiracies, guidance and removal of damage) are carried out with the use of jewelry. And an ordinary ring can turn into a repository of disease and adversity.

    A gold piece from a pawnshop can also bring trouble. The person who handed it in will regret not being able to redeem the jewelry. In a pawnshop you can buy a stolen thing without realizing it. And as a result, the precious product will radiate regret and sadness of the person affected by the theft.

    Why do round closed jewelry (rings, necklaces, earrings) accumulate energy most intensively? Because their closed circuit does not allow the energy to splash out. That is why you should not be allowed to try on or wear your wedding ring. After all, a person asking for this can change the energy balance of the jewelry. It is also not recommended to measure other people's rings. You can involuntarily convey your negative emotions to the owner of the jewelry. The golden ring attracts illnesses of its owner. Therefore, it is undesirable to buy used jewelry from strangers.

    Jewelry inherited or inherited from a deceased relative can become both a strong family amulet and bring a lot of troubles. On the one hand, a grandmother's ring or grandfather's watch gives protection to the spirits of ancestors and protects the family and home. Why can they do harm?

    Gold and gems for some time they store vibrations that reflect the circumstances of death. This energy field is called a necropolis. It has great strength and stability. Therefore, it can influence its new owners even after many years. Everyone knows stories about diamonds bringing death to their owner.

    Jewelry from a deceased person can be removed no later than 3 days after death. Jewelry cannot be shown to other people and worn until 40 days. The cleaning procedure is the same, but each step lasts 9 days. Many people believe that the wedding ring of the deceased should not be worn; it is best to hide it in a secluded place. However, the ring donated by a relative during his lifetime does not carry negative energy.

    Why can antique jewelry only be worn a few times a year? Antique jewelry has survived many lives and has accumulated the feelings and emotions of many people. They have powerful energy. Therefore, their daily wearing can affect the biofield and the fate of the new owner.


    Gems that were previously owned by someone else can be called an energy surprise. The gem, possessing its own biofield, supplements it with the energetic vibrations of the previous owner. What will be the effect of the fusion of biofields is unknown. Therefore, it is imperative to clean the stone before wearing it.

    A diamond inherited from parents is a powerful talisman. He possesses more powerful protective powers than the purchased new stone. Ruby accumulates information about diseases and injuries, so you cannot wear it without cleaning. An emerald is considered a very strong amulet. He is one of those rare stones that can be worn by mother and daughter in turn.

    How do I clean my jewelry?

    Other people's jewelry can only be worn after cleaning. Energy therapists advise cleaning any piece of jewelry, even a gift or store bought. Why is this procedure necessary for new products? The gift may not have been made from pure heart, and a ring from the store before you tried on a lot of people with different thoughts and feelings. After cleaning the jewelry, you will be able to wear it without fear and fill it only with your positive energy.

    It is enough to hold a new product under running water for a few minutes. Other people's things require more thorough and prolonged cleaning. For 3 days, the decoration is placed in water, for 3 days in fine salt and for 3 days on a windowsill. You can consecrate the found decoration in the church or hold it in consecrated water.

    Why is it better to wear a bracelet or rings at first right hand? Because this way the jewelry will quickly fill with your energy. Gems can be cleansed with herbs, moonlight, or fumigation.

    Kiss me passionately! Kiss me with gold and diamonds!

    Gold, platinum, silver, titanium, rhodium, pearl, diamond, sapphire, emerald, ruby, garnet, topaz, opal, jasper, agate, diamonds, semi-precious stones - this is not a complete list of what stunning jewelry is made of. And, undoubtedly, any product from these magical gifts will turn a woman's head.

    Jewelry as a gift is an eloquent expression of our feelings for another person.
    All women expect to receive a jewelry gift! It is a fact. Women are fragile and delicate creatures. Infinitely lovely. We love romance, aesthetics, emotions and whims. Therefore, by presenting jewelry to a woman as a gift, you will emphasize her uniqueness and significance.

    What is there to hide, many women wow how long they have to wait before receiving the first piece of jewelry as a gift from their beloved. Most men decide on such an "epoch-making" sign of attention only after a couple of years of relationship. And for jewelry with precious stones, it is even longer. Yes, not all men are ready to present a piece of jewelry. But every loving man will certainly do this for his soul mate.

    So here are 15 reasons why jewelry makes a perfect gift.

    Jewelry is expressive and meaningful

    Each piece tells a story. “We bought this when we were at sea”, “My mom gave it to me for graduation,” “My boyfriend bought this for me on the first day of spring!”

    Jewelry touches our hearts. They affect our lives. It's like a pointer along the way. A kind of "landmark" that we will always keep and remember.

    Jewelry is romantic

    Almost all jewelry was presented for romantic reasons. A heart pendant for your sweet dates. Earrings with diamonds - on a moonlit walk. The ring is for the anniversary. Earrings with emeralds - "just like that".

    Jewelry is a gift from the heart. And, of course, this is a sincere gift. Nothing touches us like jewels. Jewelry take your breath away. Beauty. Shine. It's like a million stars in the sky!

    Jewelry brings couples together. Across the globe, a man goes down on one knee and paves the way for a single woman. When he thinks about a proposal, an engagement, a wedding, an anniversary and other important events, he thinks romantically. Jewelry is the whole romantic package in one bottle.

    Jewelry is versatile

    Jewelry is a win-win: like all women, regardless of age, preferences and social stratum. Also, the same jewelry will suit many styles of clothing.

    Jewelry - last a lifetime

    You can wear the same ring at the age of 20 or at the age of 60. They last a lifetime. Your whole life! The jewelry is intimate. They follow us through life. They are part of who we are.

    It's amazing how much is connected and dependent on our jewelry. They make us feel good. They make us smile.

    Rings, pendants, earrings, bracelets, we cannot live without them. They bring out our identity; funny, creative, bold, artistic. They show us where we have been and where we are going. Jewelry is a personal journey for us. We love our diamonds and gold!

    Diamonds are forever

    There is no such thing on earth that you can spend your money on and that will always look brand new. This is the amazing thing about diamonds. They are eternal! As is your love. They cannot be bent or scratched. They don't wear out.

    Jewelry can be sold

    If after ten years you do not like your rings, you can sell or exchange them. Jewelry has value. You can make an individual design or melt it into something else. We are always on the lookout for the best items. Houses, cars, appliances. Jewelry is no exception. Trends change, fashion comes and goes, jewelry is always on the move. I do not like? Tired of it? Get something new.

    You can't do it with flowers soft toys or candy!

    Jewelry can be transferred

    Jewelry is one of the few elements in life that can be passed down from generation to generation: your grandfather's pocket watch, your grandmother's wedding ring, your mother's pearl necklace.

    These elements bring out sentimental value to us. They are priceless! They cannot be replaced. Just looking at them, we go back from the surging memories. What great memories! You can touch them. Feel them. They connect you to your loved ones and make you feel closer.

    And of course, a piece of jewelry can be made more personal and memorable by engraving it with a message or initial.

    Jewelry is an indicator of deep feelings. Jewelry can speak for you those important words that are in your heart. "I love you!", "You are special", "Will you marry me?" are just a few examples.

    Jewelry is unique

    Today there is a wider selection of jewelry styles than ever. Long gone are the days when buyers were limited to buying only gold or silver. Jewelry for women and men is now available in metals such as platinum, titanium, rhodium, and can be used to create exquisite jewelry masterpieces. Therefore, it is rare to see two people wearing the same jewelry.

    Jewelry - incredibly affordable

    Jewelry fits any budget. Jewelry are different types and in different price categories. You can find a very beautiful and inexpensive item, as well as a chic one with precious stones or diamonds.
    Jewelry - prestigious and popular

    Jewelry has been popular and valuable since ancient times. These are original products made from animal bones and teeth. The practice of making jewelry has stood the test of time. Shark tooth necklaces are still available, but most jewelry today is made from beautiful gems. artificial stones, seashells and precious metals such as gold, silver and tin. Although jewelry styles change over time, jewelry remains a popular and prestigious choice for most gifts, whatever the occasion.

    Jewelry - Small

    Many people avoid huge gifts... After all, you need to find a place to store them. The jewelry is pretty small. And don't worry about finding a place for them.

    Jewelry is an investment in the future

    Undoubtedly, jewelry is an indicator of the seriousness of men's intentions. A piece of jewelry as a gift to a woman says - “I am yours. Oh, how dear you are to me, my love! " And that's the way it is.

    Gold is the path to happiness

    Exist folk signs what to wear Golden ring on the ring finger- fortunately and luck; on the index - to career growth; on the little finger - to well-being in the love sphere; on average - to strengthen the immune system. A person who wears a lot of gold unconsciously increases the circle of influential acquaintances.

    The Latin name for gold (Aurum) comes from the word aurora, which means dawn. Gold is a conductor of solar energy, which leads to the emergence of life on Earth. Its energy is life-giving for the body, absorbing our feelings in moments of happiness and joy. The longer you wear gold jewelry, the more energy you get.

    Gold has healing properties

    Since ancient times, gold has been considered a symbol of the wealth and success of its owner. And just as long it was known about its miraculous properties.

    To get rid of sadness or forget quarrels and resentments, it is enough to pick up a golden object. Gold has a beneficial effect on the entire body, especially the heart. Rings activate the heart, strengthen the immune system and awaken creative inspiration.

    Research proves that gold can eradicate breast cancer as well as treat AIDS. Gold has a beneficial effect on humans, it has antibacterial properties and is hypoallergenic.

    As you can see, jewelry is not an ordinary gift. I can even say with confidence that this is the most best gift in the world. It is a touch to our whole life. Jewelry is a part of ourselves. But above all else, they create strong bonds. Deep satisfaction. Nothing else lasts that long or means that much. They make our hearts beat faster. They make our eyes sparkle. They cheer up. No other gift can do this. Jewelry is the greatest gift.

    Present a piece of jewelry for your next occasion! Earrings for New Years Eve, a necklace with a heart for Valentine's Day, a sun pendant in honor of your first child, a ring for your mother for March 8, a bracelet for your beloved's birthday, Anniversary, etc.

    See, it's like the story of your life set out in diamonds and gold. It's fabulous!
    If you have a special event coming up, or just want to make your own special occasion, do one thing for me ...

    Buy Jewelry!

    You will be happy with what you did!
    For the rest of your life!

    Good luck and Love to you! And, undoubtedly, golden joys!

    The other day I received a letter asking “what to do with gifts ex-husband", Because you don't want to throw them away ... valuable as a memory. I immediately remembered how in the "Magic of Femininity" classes, when examining the issue of ending relationships and clearing the space at different levels, the topic of gifts arises most acutely, and the group literally "bargains" with me from the series "what and under what pretext you can leave" ☺

    This gave me the idea to devote today's newsletter to such a delicate feminine topic as GIFTS.

    1) The gifts we receive. From whom and what "can" be taken?
    2) Why are jewelry the most powerful gifts?
    3) What to do with gifts from ex-men?

    I will try to answer these burning questions in this article.

    So: a gift in its essence is a gift, it is an offering to someone, usually in honor of something. Gifts are very symbolic and from time immemorial have been used as a way to please a person or some kind of power, for example, sacrifices to the gods are the same gifts or gifts that were brought to the great of this world, or "ransom" for a bride ...

    The outer side of the gift is very romantic - and it is always nice to receive gifts. Fewer people know how to choose them and like to give them.

    However, if we talk about the gifts that we women receive from men, there are nuances here. Firstly, any gift is a giving in one direction, which, from the point of view of energy exchange, requires a return to the other.

    For example, we often feel obligated or obligated to accept a gift, especially if we are not particularly pleased with the man from whom we received it. There is a natural desire to "return" something in order to stop feeling guilty or owed.

    Therefore, when you are given something, before you joyfully accept it, pay attention to the person's motivation, why he gives it to you. There are “no-to-nothing-non-binding” gifts when reverse side there will be enough gratitude and your delight or joy, there are gifts "loaded", when after gratitude you feel that the debt is "hanging".

    A gift creates a connection between people, it is good when this connection is pleasant and joyful, then the gift is "charged" with the corresponding intention. If you do not feel at ease with the gift, think twice before accepting it.

    Particularly "strong" gifts, of course, are jewelry. And not even because these are the most valuable of the possible gifts, but because metals and stones (especially precious ones) are themselves very powerful sources and conductors of energy.

    The value of a gem is determined by its purity and size - these are the characteristics that determine its strength. The strongest are transparent stones or crystals, which are considered the lowest form of life on earth, that is, they are literally "alive".

    For example, in Vedic astrology (Jyotish), stones are one of the strongest tools for correcting the natal chart (horoscope), since ancient times people believe that the correct wearing of stones can help a person correct his fate. But here we are talking about stones of at least 2 carats, except for a diamond (the strongest of the stones), which begins to "work" from 1 carat.

    Again, each stone symbolizes its own planet and initially carries its charge: so, ruby - the strongest stone of the Sun, which activates social themes, contributes to success and prosperity; pearl- Lunar "stone" (mineral), which includes adult femininity, motherhood in a woman; yellow sapphire or topaz- the stone of Jupiter, the most benevolent planet, it brings good luck and prosperity; emerald- activates Mercury, business qualities, human communication skills; diamond- the stone of Venus, that's why women love it so much, because it is the planet of Love, beauty, creativity and luxury ...

    And here sapphire blue- this is a Saturn stone, it is believed that it can be worn only if it is presented by an official spouse or parents, its owner is painfully strict ..; red coral activates the power of Mars, not always constructive and this stone will not suit everyone.

    For the manufacture of amulets, amulets, precious stones and metals have also been used at all times, since they are capable of storing information, energy, the charge put into them during the ritual for a long time.

    If you think that a ritual is an extremely complex magical act, then you are mistaken - any deliberate act in which energy is invested is a kind of ritual. When a man buys a ring or other piece of jewelry for a woman and does it thoughtfully, investing in this intention, this gift will work a lot. If it is, moreover, a ring or bracelet (ring in particular), then this literally creates the effect of a woman's belonging to a man.

    The circle itself "loops", creates a binding, it is believed that the ring is a sign of a man's gender, and the bracelet disciplines its owner, on the left hand - in the personal sphere, on the right - in the social sphere.

    The pendants we wear on our chest also have a strong effect on a person's aura, and, according to some sources, on fate in general. Depending on the length of the chain, the impact falls just on the chakras - short chains or necklaces - the impact on the throat chakra (creativity, communication, rhythm of life), at the chest level - on the heart chakra, at the level of the solar plexus - the will, activity chakra.

    Perhaps the most "safe" adornment in this sense is earrings, although, of course, they are also, of course, in the thin field of the woman who wears them.

    Accordingly, when a woman breaks up with a man, continuing to wear all the jewelry donated by him, she remains in touch with him. You can believe it or not, but other men somehow feel it, and often ask exactly about THESE earrings or THIS ring - “ what kind of ring is it? "... Many do not ask, but simply feel that" something is not right "... and his new girlfriend keeps the wedding ring as a memory, or a gift from a wedding, or something else symbolic.

    What to do?- You will be indignant. Do not throw away the precious ?! Here you yourself choose the degree of cleansing from the past. If it's important to clear space for a new one, don't be stingy. The maximum option is, of course, to get rid of gifts, this can be done in different ways:

    - return to the one who gave
    - ritually get rid of (throw it out in the sea or bury it somewhere with the appropriate intention of completing this stage of your life;)
    - if there are joint children - give them
    - hand over to a pawnshop
    - to melt into something else.

    If your heart squeezes at the very thought of such actions, you can take an easier way and simply clean: hold the jewelry overnight in a solution of sea water or milk. If the jewelry cannot be wetted (a watch, for example), then put it in a glass jar, close it with a screw cap, light a wax candle and dig in the lid with wax so that it “seals”. And put the jar under the flow cold water at least for an hour.

    Also, jewelry is cleaned with earth (buried for a while), fire (placed between 4 church candles, which are placed on 4 cardinal points), fumigated with incense such as lavender or incense.

    It is also important that gifts from the past do not in themselves replace the present for you, otherwise the “box of jewelry” may outweigh something more valuable that could be now if the place was not occupied ...

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