• Why was Oleg the Prophet nicknamed? Prince Oleg Prophetic: biography


    Why was Oleg the Prophet nicknamed? Prince Oleg Prophetic: biography

    November 1, 2014

    History is an interesting science that stores information about the life of mankind, legendary events and personalities that influenced the course of historical events on Earth. This knowledge is especially important now, when negative events are taking place in countries such as the former Yugoslavia or today's Ukraine. But even Prophetic Oleg Kyiv was appointed "the mother of Russian cities"! Today, not everyone knows why Oleg the Prophet was nicknamed. Maybe he was a prophet?

    "The Tale of Bygone Years"

    The personality of Oleg appeared in the annals of historians, when events related to the death of the Novgorod prince Rurik were described. Dying, Rurik gave him under the care of his young son Igor. In 879, both Novgorod and son Igor became the concern of Oleg, whom historians consider to be a relative of Rurik's wife. Modern researchers insist that Oleg was just a talented warrior who became a governor and close associate of the Novgorod prince. Whoever Oleg was, he became regent under Igor, the prince of Novgorod and Kyiv, a person who was in power during the creation of a united Rus'. The chronicler Nestor in his "Tale ..." describes the activities of the prince and indicates why Oleg the Prophet.

    Hike to Kyiv

    After becoming regent and prince of Novgorod, Oleg three years later decided to expand the territory of the principality and went on a campaign to Smolensk. Having gathered a huge army, in 882 he goes south and captures this city. Lyubech followed Smolensk. In these cities, he placed his governors with a sufficient number of soldiers and moved further along the Dnieper. Kyiv stood in his way. At this time, the reign of the Kyiv principality was carried out by Askold and Dir. Prince Oleg had the dignity of an experienced military strategist and a cunning, intelligent person. Once at the Kyiv mountains, he hid his squad and showed up only with Igor in his arms. Having convinced Askold and Dir that this was a courtesy call on the way to the Greeks, he lured them out of the city. The warriors dealt with the rulers, and Prince Oleg took possession of Kiev.

    Why - Prophetic? This name began to be called only after the Byzantine campaign, in 907. In the meantime, he became the prince of Kyiv and declared this city "the mother of Russian cities." Since then, Oleg pursued a policy of uniting the Slavs, expanding the boundaries of the lands, freeing them from the tribute that was paid to the nomadic tribes.

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    Hike to Byzantium

    If we turn to the explanatory dictionary, we can make sure that the name Prophetic means not only “fortune teller”, but also “reasonable person”. Such was Prince Oleg. It was in the campaign against Byzantium in 907 that Prophetic Oleg showed his ingenuity. Having conceived a campaign, he gathered a huge army, not only on horses, but also on ships. These were all sorts of peoples: the Varangians, and the Chuds, and the Krivichi, and the Slovenes, and many others, whom the Greeks called the "Great Scythia." Prince Igor remained to rule Kiev, and Oleg went on a campaign. It is after the campaign that it becomes clear why Oleg was nicknamed "Prophetic". The desire to expand the borders of the Russians, to establish trade relations with other countries, pushed Oleg on a campaign against Byzantium, where he went in 907.


    Arriving at Tsargrad (Constantinople) with an army and ships, of which there were two thousand, Oleg landed on the shore. This had to be done, because the city was protected from the sea by chains that closed the Golden Horn Bay, and the ships could not overcome them. Having gone ashore, Prince Oleg began to fight around Constantinople: he killed many people, set fire to houses and churches, and did a lot of evil. But the city did not give up. And then Oleg came up with a trick: he ordered to put his ships on wheels. When a fair wind blew, the sails were opened and the ships went towards Constantinople. The Greeks understood that it was time to send ambassadors and negotiate tribute. They promised Oleg to give everything he wants. They brought him various dishes and wine, which the prince did not accept, fearing that all this was poisoned - and he was not mistaken. This fact also indicates why Oleg was nicknamed "Prophetic": foresight saved his life.

    Sword on the gates of Constantinople

    And Prophetic Oleg imposed tribute on the Greeks. He ordered to pay 12 hryvnias for each soldier in the ships: and there were forty of them. And there are two thousand ships. He ordered to give tribute to the cities: for Kyiv, Chernigov, Lyubech, Rostov, Polotsk, Pereyaslavl and even for other places over which Oleg ruled. The Greeks agreed to all conditions for the sake of maintaining peace in their land. To establish peace, they swore an oath to each other: the Greek kings kissed the cross and promised to pay tribute. And Prince Oleg and his men swore by their weapons and gods: the Russians were pagans. They promised that they would not fight and made peace. As a sign of victory over the Greeks, Oleg hung his shield on the gates of the city and only after that he went back. Oleg returned to Kyiv with huge wealth, and after that he was nicknamed "Prophetic". So for the first time a peace treaty was signed between the two countries - Russia and Byzantium, relations began: they allowed for duty-free trade. But one day Oleg the Prophet also made a fatal mistake: the events of his death speak of this.

    Magi's prediction

    Oleg the Prophet turned to the Magi with a question about his death: why should he die? Those predicted death from his beloved horse. And then the Prophetic Oleg ordered to put the horse, feed it, but never bring it to him. I vowed never to sit on it. This went on for several years. Oleg went on campaigns, reigned in Kyiv, making peace with many countries. Since then, four years have passed, the fifth, 912, has come. The prince returned from a campaign from Constantinople and remembered his beloved horse. Calling the groom, he made an interrogation about the state of his health. To which he received the answer: the horse died. And that is three years. Oleg concluded that the Magi were deceiving in their predictions: the horse had already died, but the prince was alive! Why did Oleg the Prophet not believe them and decide to see the remains of the horse? This is not known to anyone. Oleg wanted to see his bones and went to the place where they lie. Seeing the horse's skull, he stepped on it with the words: "Will I accept death from this skull?"

    A snake appeared from the skull and stung the Prophetic Oleg in the leg. After that, he fell ill and soon died. A prediction came true about how Prince Oleg the Prophet would die, whose biography is described in the annals of Nestor, where this legend is given.

    Principality years

    The Grand Duke of Kiev and Novgorod Prophetic Oleg gained fame in 879 and died in 912. The years of his reign did not go unnoticed: during this period, the Slavic tribes united, a single center was organized - Kiev. The borders of Rus' expanded significantly, good-neighborly relations with Byzantium were established. Why was Oleg called "Prophetic"? For his mind, foresight, for the ability to choose the right strategy and competently conduct foreign policy.

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