• Christmas stories for children are short. Christ's gift. Christmas stories for children and adults. Katherine Holabert "Angelina Meets Christmas"


    Stories about the Nativity of L. Charskaya, E. Ivanovskaya.

    Interesting and educational Christmas stories for young and middle children school age.

    The legend of the first Christmas tree

    When the little Christ was born, and the Virgin Mary, having wrapped in swaddling clothes, laid Him in a simple manger on hay, angels flew down from heaven to look at Him. Seeing how simple and wretched the cave and the manger were, they quietly whispered to each other:

    - He sleeps in a cave in a simple manger? No, you can't! It is necessary to decorate the cave: let it be as beautiful and elegant as possible - after all, Christ Himself sleeps in it!

    And then one Angel flew to the south to look for something to decorate the cave. It's always warm in the south and beautiful flowers always bloom. And now the Angel picked up many roses as red as dawn; lilies, white as snow; cheerful multi-colored hyacinths, azaleas; collected tender mimosas, magnolias, camellias; he also plucked several large yellow lotuses ... And he brought all these flowers into the cave.

    Another Angel flew north. But it was winter there just at that time. Fields and forests are covered with a heavy cover of snow. And the Angel, not finding any flowers, wanted to fly back. Suddenly he saw a Christmas tree sadly green among the snow, thought about it and whispered:

    - Perhaps nothing that this tree is so simple. Let it, the only one of all the plants of the north, look at the little Christ.

    And he took with him a modest northern Christmas tree. How beautiful and elegant it became in the cave when the walls, floor and manger were decorated with flowers! Flowers with curiosity looked into the manger where Christ slept, and whispered to each other:

    - Hush! .. Hush! He fell asleep!

    The little Christmas tree saw such beautiful flowers for the first time and was saddened.

    “Oh,” she said sadly, “why am I so ugly and unpretentious? How happy all these wonderful flowers must be! And I have nothing to dress myself with on such a holiday, nothing to decorate the cave with ...

    And she wept bitterly.

    When the Virgin Mary saw this, She felt sorry for the tree. And She thought: "It is necessary for everyone to be happy on this day, it is not necessary for this Christmas tree to be sad."

    She smiled and gestured with her hand. And then a miracle happened: a bright star quietly descended from the sky and adorned the top of the tree. Others followed her and painted the other branches. When suddenly it became light and cheerful in the cave! Little Christ, sleeping in a manger, woke up from the bright light, and, smiling, reached out to the Christmas tree sparkling with lights.

    And the flowers looked at her in surprise and whispered to each other:

    - Oh, how pretty she has become! Isn't she more beautiful than all of us?

    And the tree felt quite happy. Since then, people have been decorating trees for young children every year at Christmas in memory of the first tree - the one that was decorated with real stars from the sky.

    In a dense forest stands a beautiful, lush, young Christmas tree ... Neighbors-friends glance at her with envy: “Who was such a beauty born into? ..” Friends do not notice that a disgusting, ugly bitch has grown at the very root of the Christmas tree, which very spoils an elegant young Christmas tree. But the Christmas tree itself knows about this bitch, moreover, she hates him and in every possible way grieves and laments his fate: why did she reward her with such an ugly branch - a slender, pretty, young Christmas tree?

    Christmas Eve came up. In the morning, Santa Claus dressed the trees with a lush snow veil, silvered them with hoarfrost - and they stand decorated like brides, stand and wait ... After all, today is a great day for Christmas trees ... Today people will come to the forest for them. They will cut down Christmas trees, take them to the big city to the market ... And there they will buy Christmas trees as a gift for children.

    And the beautiful Christmas tree is waiting for her fate ... She can't wait, is there something waiting for her?

    Here the runners creaked, the heavy peasant sledges appeared. A man in a warm sheepskin coat came out of them, with an ax tucked into his belt, walked up to the tree and with all his might struck with an ax on its slender trunk.

    The fir-tree groaned softly and sank heavily to the ground, rustling its green branches.

    - A wonderful tree! - said the old footman Ignat, looking at the beautiful Christmas tree from all sides, which he had just bought in the market on behalf of the owner, a rich prince, for the little princess.

    - Noble Christmas tree! He said.

    And suddenly his eyes rested on a gnarled knot protruding quite inappropriately from the side of our beauty.

    - We must level the tree! - said Ignat, and in one minute he brushed aside a gnarled branch with an ax and threw it aside.

    The beautiful Christmas tree sighed with relief.

    Thank God, she was relieved of the ugly branch that spoiled her fabulous beauty so much, now she is quite pleased with herself ...

    Lackey Ignat once again carefully looked at the tree from all sides and carried it upstairs to the huge and luxuriously furnished princely apartment.

    In the elegant living room, the Christmas tree was surrounded on all sides, and at some hour it was transformed. Countless candles shone on its branches ... Dear bonbonnieres *, golden stars, colorful balls, graceful trinkets and sweets adorned it from top to bottom.

    When the last decoration - silver and gold rain streamed down the green needles of the Christmas tree, the doors of the hall swung open, and a lovely girl ran into the room.

    The Christmas tree expected that the little princess would throw up her hands at the sight of such a beauty, would be delighted to jump and gallop at the sight of a lush tree.

    But the pretty princess just glanced at the Christmas tree and said, pouting a little:

    - Where is the doll? I asked Daddy to give me a talking doll like cousin Lily's. Only the Christmas tree is boring ... you can't play with it, but I have enough sweets and toys without it! ..

    Suddenly the look of the pretty princess fell on an expensive doll sitting under the tree ...

    - Ah! - the girl cried joyfully, - this is wonderful! Dear dad! He thought of me. What a lovely doll. My dearest!

    And the little princess kissed the doll, completely forgetting about the tree.

    The beautiful Christmas tree was perplexed.

    After all, the nasty, so disgraceful twig was cut off. Why is she - a magnificent, green-haired beauty - not delighted in the little princess?

    And the gnarled twig lay in the yard until a thin poor woman, exhausted by her daily hard work, approached him ...

    - Lord! No branch from the Christmas tree! - She cried, rapidly bending over the gnarled knot.

    She carefully lifted it from the ground, as if it were not a gnarled twig, but some kind of precious thing, and, carefully covering it with a handkerchief, carried it to the basement, where she rented a tiny closet.

    In the closet, on a dilapidated bed, covered with an old wadded blanket, lay a sick child. He was in oblivion and did not hear his mother come in with a Christmas tree branch in her hands.

    The poor woman found a bottle in the corner, stuck a gnarled Christmas tree branch into it. Then she took out the wax cinders that she had kept in the shrine, which she had brought in different time from the church, carefully attached them to a barbed branch and lit them.

    The Christmas tree lit up with friendly lights, spreading around itself a pleasant smell of pine needles.

    The child suddenly opened his eyes ... Joy lit up in the depths of his pure, childish gaze ... He stretched out his emaciated arms to the tree and whispered, all beaming with happiness:

    - She's so sweet! What a glorious Christmas tree! Thank you, my dear mommy, for her ... It suddenly became easier for me when I saw a lovely lit tree.

    And he stretched out his little hands to the gnarled bitch, and the gnarled twig blinked and smiled at him with all his joyful lights. Did not know the gnarled twig that brought so much joy to the poor patient on a bright Christmas Eve.

    * Bonbonniere - a box for sweets. (Ed.)

    - Give, for Christ's sake, alms! Alms, for Christ's sake! ..

    No one heard these plaintive words, no one paid attention to the tears sounded in the words of a poorly dressed woman who stood alone at the corner of a busy city street.

    - Give me alms!

    Passers-by hurriedly walked past her, carriages rushed noisily along the snowy road. Laughter, lively talk was heard all around.

    The holy, great night of the Nativity of Christ descended to the ground. She shone with stars, shrouded the city in a mysterious darkness.

    “I’m asking for a charity, for my children ...” The woman’s voice suddenly broke off, and she began to cry softly. Trembling under her rags, she wiped her tears with numb fingers, but they again poured down her emaciated cheeks. Nobody cared about her ...

    Yes, she herself did not think of herself, that she was completely frozen, that in the morning she had not eaten a crumb. Her whole thought belonged to the children, her heart ached for them.

    They sit, poor, there, in a cold dark kennel, hungry, cold, and waiting for her. What will she bring or what will she say? Tomorrow is a great holiday, fun for all the children, and her poor children are hungry and unhappy.

    What should she do? What to do? All the last time she worked as best she could, straining her last strength. Then she fell ill and lost her last job. A holiday has come, she has nowhere to take a piece of bread.

    For the sake of the children, she decided, for the first time in her life, to beg for alms. The hand did not rise, the tongue did not turn. But the thought that her children were hungry, that they would meet the holiday hungry, unhappy — this thought tormented her. She was ready for anything. And in a few hours she managed to collect a few cents.

    “Give me a charity, good people! Give it, for Christ's sake! "

    And as if in response to her despair, the gospel for the All-night Vigil was heard nearby. Yes, you have to go and pray. Perhaps prayer will ease her soul. She will pray earnestly for them, for the children. With the wrong steps she made her way to the church.

    The temple is lit, flooded with lights. Everywhere there are a lot of people, all have cheerful, contented faces. Hiding in a corner, she fell to her knees and froze. All limitless mother's love, all her grief for the children poured out in fervent prayer, in dull mournful sobs. "God help me! Help! " She cries. And who, if not the Lord, Patron and Protector of the weak and the unfortunate, pour out all his grief, all his heartache to her? She prayed quietly in a corner, and tears poured down her pale face.

    She did not notice how the all-night vigil ended, did not see how someone approached her.

    - What are you crying about? - came a gentle voice behind her.

    She woke up, looked up and saw in front of her a small, richly dressed girl. Clear children's eyes looked at her with sweet sympathy. An old nanny stood behind the girl.

    - Are you in grief? Yes? Poor you, poor! - These words, spoken in a gentle, childish voice, deeply touched her.

    - Woe! My kids are hungry, they haven't eaten since morning. Tomorrow is such a great holiday ...

    - Didn't eat? Hungry? - The girl's face expressed horror. - Nanny, what is it? The children ate nothing! And tomorrow they will be hungry! Nanny! How is it?

    A small child's hand slid into the sleeve.

    - Here, take it, there is money ... how much, I don't know ... feed the children ... for God's sake ... Ah, nanny, this is awful! They didn't eat anything! How can this be, nanny?

    Large tears welled up in the eyes of the girl.

    - Well, Manechka, do it! Poverty with them! And they sit, poor, hungry and cold. They are waiting for the Lord to help them!

    - Oh, nanny, I feel sorry for them! Where do you live, how many children do you have?

    - My husband died - he will be in six months. Three guys remained in my arms. I could not work, I was ill all the time. So I had to walk around the world with my hand. We live nearby, right here, in the basement, on the corner, in the large stone house of the merchant Osipov.

    - Nanny, almost next to us, but I did not know! Let's go quickly, now I know what to do!

    The girl quickly left the church, accompanied by an old woman.

    The poor woman automatically followed them. In the wallet that she was in her hands was a five-ruble note. Forgetting everything except that she can now warm and feed her children, she went into the shop, bought provisions, bread, tea, sugar and ran home. There are still enough chips left, enough to heat the stove with them.

    She ran home with all her might.

    Here is the dark kennel. Three children's figures rushed to meet her.

    - Mamma! I'm hungry! Did you bring? Dear!

    She hugged all three of them.

    - The Lord sent! Nadia, light the stove, Petusha, turn on the samovar! Let's warm up, eat, for the sake of a great holiday!

    In the kennel, damp and gloomy, a holiday came. The children were cheerful, warm and chatting. Mother rejoiced at their revival, their chatter. Only from time to time came a sad thought - what next? What will happen next?

    - Well, the Lord will not leave! She said to herself, placing all her hope in God.

    Little Nadya quietly walked up to her mother, pressed herself to her and spoke.

    - Tell me, mom, is it true that on Christmas night a Christmas Angel flies from the sky and brings gifts to poor children? Tell me, mom!

    The boys also approached their mother. And, wishing to comfort the children, she began to tell them that the Lord takes care of the poor children and sends them His Angel on the great Christmas night, and this Angel brings them gifts and gifts!

    - And the tree, mom?

    - And a tree, children, a good, shiny tree! Someone knocked on the cellar door. The children rushed to open it. A man appeared with a small green Christmas tree in his hands. Behind him was a pretty blonde girl with a basket, accompanied by a nanny who carried various parcels and packages behind her. The children hugged their mother timidly.

    - Is it an Angel, mom, is it an Angel? They whispered quietly, looking reverently at the pretty, well-dressed girl.

    The tree had already stood on the floor for a long time. The old nanny untied the bags, pulled out delicious buns, pretzels, cheese, butter, eggs, cleaned the tree with candles and gifts. The children still couldn't come to their senses. They were admiring the Angel. And they were silent, not moving from their place.

    - Here you have a merry Christmas! - a child's voice sounded. - Happy Holidays!

    The girl put the basket on the table and disappeared before the children and mother came to their senses and came to their senses.

    The "Christmas Angel" flew in, brought the children a tree, gifts, joy and disappeared like a radiant vision.

    At home, my mother was waiting for Manyu, warmly hugged her and hugged her.

    - My good girl! She said, kissing her daughter's happy face. - You yourself gave up the tree, the gifts and gave everything to the poor children! You have a golden heart! God will reward you.

    Manya was left without a tree and gifts, but everyone was shining with happiness. She really was like a Christmas Angel.

    January 7 - Nativity of Christ, the day Jesus Christ was born. This is one of the most important holidays for believers.

    The shepherds believed that this Baby is really the expected Savior - Christ the Lord, who will save the human race from destruction. And when the angels departed from them to heaven, the shepherds quickly went to the cave to worship the Child. After that they returned to their flocks, praising the Lord.

    On the same night, the wise men who came from the east saw a new star in the sky in the east - the sign of the born King of the Jews - and followed her to worship Him. And the Star, which they saw, walked in front of them and brought them to the Bethlehem cave, and, descending from the height to the earth, shone over the Divine Child. Three sage kings bowed low to him, for this God's grace enlightened their hearts, and they believed that this Infant was God. The wise wise men opened their treasures and brought gifts to Him.

    That evening in Russia, they read the evening prayer, told the children about the birth of Jesus Christ, about the wise men who brought gifts. One of the Christmas traditions was the glorification of Christ. Both children and adults were engaged in the glorification of Christ. Christoslavs, carriage-makers were presented with money, pies, carols, honey cakes. The mummers walked around, wondered; people had fun, sleigh rides, played, sang songs.

    Christmas songs

    Triumph, celebration

    Today is Christmas holiday!

    Angels fly from the sky

    They broadcast to the shepherds:

    "The gift of salvation brought

    Dear Christ. "

    The Nativity of Christ!

    It's light in my soul!

    Feast of the saint

    The sun has risen.

    The Word became flesh

    For our troubles:

    Nativity -

    Light of eternal life!

    On a dark night in Bethlehem

    Christ is born.

    Today rejoice with everyone -

    He brought us peace!

    And a big star has risen

    In blue clouds

    Illuminating all the roads

    Chasing away the darkness.


    Rolled up young!

    We found a carriage

    In the Mironov yard.

    Hey Uncle Myron

    Take the good to the yard.

    It's like frost outside

    Freezes nose.

    Doesn't tell me to stand for a long time

    Tells to submit soon

    Or a lukewarm cake

    Or butter, cottage cheese,

    Or a spear of money

    Or a ruble in silver!

    For children of primary and secondary school age. Stories by M. Zoshchenko, O. Verigin, A. Fedorov-Davydov.

    Christmas tree

    This year, guys, I turned forty. So it turns out that I have seen the Christmas tree forty times. It's a lot!

    Well, for the first three years of my life, I probably did not understand what a tree was. Probably my mother carried me out on her arms. And, probably, with my black eyes I was looking without interest at the painted tree.

    And when I, children, hit five years old, I already perfectly understood what a tree is.

    And I was looking forward to it happy holiday... And even peeped through the crack of the door as my mother decorates the tree.

    And my sister Lela was seven years old at the time. And she was an exceptionally lively girl.

    She once told me:

    - Minka, mom went to the kitchen. Let's go to the room where the tree is and see what is going on there.

    So my sister Lelya and I entered the room. And we see: very beautiful tree... And there are gifts under the tree. And on the tree there are colorful beads, flags, lanterns, golden nuts, lozenges and Crimean apples.

    My little sister Lyolya says:

    - Let's not look at the gifts. Instead, let's eat one lozenge at a time.

    And so she comes up to the tree and instantly eats one lozenge hanging on a string. I say:

    - Lyolya, if you have eaten a lozenge, then I will also eat something now.

    And I go to the tree and bite off a small piece of apple. Lyolya says:

    - Minka, if you have bitten off an apple, then I will eat another lozenge and in addition I will take this candy for myself.

    And Lyolya was a very tall, long-knit girl. And she could reach high.

    She stood on tiptoe and with her big mouth began to eat the second lozenge.

    And I was surprisingly small. And I almost could not get anything, except for one apple, which was hanging low. I say:

    - If you, Lyolischa, have eaten the second lozenge, then I will take another bite of this apple.

    And again I take this apple with my hands and again bite it off a little. Lyolya says:

    - If you bit off an apple for the second time, then I will no longer stand on ceremony and now I will eat the third lozenge and, in addition, I will take a cracker and a nut as a keepsake.

    Then I almost roared. Because she could reach everything, but I could not.

    I tell her:

    - And I, Lyolischa, how I will put a chair to the tree and how I will get myself something, besides an apple.

    And so I began to pull a chair towards the tree with my thin little hands. But the chair fell on me. I wanted to lift a chair. But he fell again. And right for gifts. Lyolya says:

    - Minka, you seem to have broken the doll. And there is. You knocked the porcelain handle off the doll.

    Then my mother's footsteps were heard, and Lyolya and I ran into another room. Lyolya says:

    - Now, Minka, I can’t guarantee that mom will not pull you out.

    I wanted to cry, but at that moment guests came. Many children are with their parents.

    And then our mother lit all the candles on the tree, opened the door and said:

    - All come in.

    And all the children entered the room where the tree stood. Our mom says:

    - Now let each child come to me, and I will give everyone a toy and a treat.

    And so the children began to approach our mother. And she gave everyone a toy. Then she took an apple, a lozenge and a candy from the tree and also gave it to the child.

    And all the children were very happy. Then my mother took the apple that I bit off in her hands and said:

    - Lyolya and Minka, come here. Which of you two has bitten off this apple?

    Lyolya said:

    - This is Minka's work. I pulled Lyolya's pigtail and said:

    - Lelka taught me that. Mom says:

    - I'll put Lyolya in the corner with my nose, and I wanted to give you a clockwork locomotive. But now I will give this groovy little engine to the boy to whom I wanted to give a bitten off apple.

    And she took a little train and gave it to a four-year-old boy. And he immediately began to play with him.

    And I got angry with this boy and hit him on the arm with a toy. And he roared so desperately that his own mother took him in her arms and said:

    - From now on, I will not come to visit you with my boy.

    And I said:

    - You can leave, and then the locomotive will remain for me.

    And that mother was surprised at my words and said:

    - Probably your boy will be a robber. And then my mother took me in her arms and said to that mother:

    “Don't you dare talk like that about my boy. Better leave with your scrofulous child and never come to us again.

    And that mom said:

    - I will. To be found with you - what to sit in nettles.

    And then another, third mother, said:

    - And I'll leave too. My little girl didn't deserve to be given a doll with a broken arm.

    And my sister Lyolya cried out:

    - You can also go with your scrofulous child. And then the doll with the broken handle will remain for me.

    And then I, sitting in my mother's arms, shouted:

    - In general, you can all leave, and then all the toys will remain for us.

    And then all the guests began to leave. And our mother was surprised that we were left alone. But suddenly our dad entered the room. He said:

    “Such upbringing is ruining my children. I don’t want them to fight, quarrel and expel guests. It will be difficult for them to live in the world, and they will die alone.

    And dad went to the tree and put out all the candles. Then he said:

    - Go to bed instantly. And tomorrow I will give all the toys to the guests.

    And now, guys, thirty-five years have passed since then, and I still remember this tree well.

    And for all these thirty-five years, children, I have never again ate someone else's apple and never hit someone who is weaker than me. And now the doctors say that this is why I am so comparatively cheerful and good-natured.

    Grandmother is sitting by the window, waiting and waiting for her granddaughter Agasha - still she is not there ... But it is late evening and the frost is fierce.

    Grandmother tidied everything away from her granddaughter and arranged a tiny Christmas tree, bought sweets, and a simple doll. Just now, as she was equipping the girl, she said:

    - Come quickly back from the gentlemen, Agasha. I will please you.

    And she answered:

    - I'll stay with the gentlemen. The young lady called me to the tree. I will be fine there too ...

    Okay, okay. And the grandmother is still waiting - maybe the girl will change her mind and remember her. But the granddaughter has forgotten! ..

    Passers-by are walking past the window, you cannot make them out through the frosty windows; snow creaks from the frost loudly under their feet: "Kry-kry-kry ...". And there is no Agasha ...

    Agasha had been trying to get to visit the young lady for a long time. When young lady Katya was sick, Agasha was demanded from the basement to her - to comfort the young lady and to amuse ... None of the children were allowed to see the young lady, only Agasha ...

    And young lady Katya and Agasha became very friendly while she was sick. And she recovered - and as if she was not there ...

    Only one day before Christmas we met in the yard, young lady Katya and said:

    - We will have a Christmas tree, Agasha, come. Have fun.

    Agasha was delighted! How many nights are not

    i slept - I kept thinking about the young lady's tree ...

    Agasha wanted to surprise her grandmother.

    - And me, - he says, - the young lady Katya called to the tree! ..

    - Look, what kind! .. But where are you going to go? There, go, there will be important guests, smart ... I called - tell her thanks, yes, okay ...

    Agasha pouted like a mouse on a rump.

    - I'll go. She called!

    Grandma shook her head.

    - Well, go, check it out ... But if only you didn't get some grief, resentment.

    - What more!..

    Agasha glanced at her grandmother with regret. She doesn't know anything, understands nothing - the man is old! ..

    Grandma says on Christmas Eve:

    - Go, Agasha, to the gentlemen, take down the linen. Do not stay too long. I myself neither get up nor sit down. And you will put on the samovar, we will have some tea for the holiday, and I will amuse you.

    Agasha needs only that. She took the bundle - and to the gentlemen.

    Didn't get to the kitchen. Here, at first they drove her from everywhere, and then - who will rinse the pan, who will wipe the plates, - someone else ...

    It was already completely dark. Guests began to come to the gentlemen. Agasha made her way into the hall - to see the young lady.

    And in the hall there was a hustle and bustle - and guests, guests ... And all discharged! And the young lady Katya is like an angel, all in lace and muslin, and golden curls scattered over her shoulders ...

    Agasha rushed straight to her, it was, but just in time her maid grabbed her shoulder.

    - Where are you going? Ah, grimy! ..

    Agasha was dumbfounded, huddled in a corner, waited for the time, as the young lady ran past, called out to her. Katya looked around, grimaced, ashamed.

    - Oh, is that you? .. She turned and ran away.

    The music began to play - the dances began; The children are laughing in the hall, they run around the smartly decorated Christmas tree, eat sweets, bite apples.

    Agasha poked her head into the hall, - one of the servants wiped her off.

    - Ksh ... you ... do not poke your head ... Look, he is climbing ... However, the lady saw, - she went up to her, tenderly took her hand.

    - Go, go, dear, do not be afraid! .. She led me to some old lady.

    - This, - she says, - Katina nurse! Nice girl! ..

    And the old lady smiled at Agasha, stroked the head, gave him a chocolate fish. Agasha looked around, - oh, how good! .. Wouldn't leave here ...

    Oh, my grandmother would have looked! And they have both cold and dampness. Dark...

    - Katya, Katya! .. - called the lady. - Your nurse has come! ..

    And Katya came up, pouted her lips and said that over her shoulder:

    - And it's you? Well, are you having fun? .. Phew, what a mess you are, ”she snorted, turned around and ran away ...

    The good lady poured gifts into her apron, and led us to the door:

    - Well, go home, Agasha, bow to your grandmother! ..

    And bitter and offensive for some reason Agasha. I was not expecting that: I thought the young lady Katya would be the same as she was during her illness. Then she chatted with her, and caressed her, and shared every sweet piece with her ... And now, go, you won't approach! ..

    Agasha's heart aches. Tears appear in her eyes, and now she has no time for gifts, even though they are, though not, everything is the same ...

    And here it is sickening, and reluctance to return home - my grandmother, go to bed, or she will grumble at her, that for a long time she hesitated with the gentlemen ...

    Where to go now?

    She went downstairs, swallowing tears, - pushed the hated door - and was stunned ...

    Light in the room, cozy ...

    There is a small Christmas tree on the table, and the candles on it are burning out. Where does the tree come from, pray?

    Agasha rushed to her grandmother - as if she hadn't seen her for a hundred years ... She clung to her:

    - Grandma, dear, golden!

    The old woman hugged her, and Agasha was trembling and crying, and she herself does not know why ...

    - I'm longing for you, Agashenka, - says the grandmother, - all the candles have burned out. Are you staying like a gentleman's, or was it painfully kindly received?

    Agasha mutters something - you can't make out - and cries ... Grandma shook her head ...

    - Full of you to nurse something, for the sake of the holiday. What are you, the Lord is with you! .. I said - do not go there. Better another time ... And you - all yours. And you look - you and I have such a curly Christmas tree ... But don't hold your heart against them: they have their own, you have your own, - every grain has its own furrow ... You are nice for me, you are good for me - you won the proud young lady! ..

    Grandmother speaks well, affectionately, comfortingly.

    Agasha raised her buried face, looked at her grandmother and said:

    - The lady took me into the hall by the hand, but the young lady doesn't even want to know ...

    - That's it, young, green ... ashamed - don't know what ... And you, I say, don't hold your heart against her, - beat the young lady ... That's good for you - oh, how good it is, God! ..

    Agasha smiled at her grandmother.

    - Well her, - he says, - let her! .. I'm nothing ...

    Agasha looked around and threw up her hands.

    - But there is no samovar ... Grandma was longing for me. Sitting without tea, dear ...

    She rushed into the kitchen, rattled the bucket, rattled the pipe ...

    Grandmother is sitting. She smiles - she waited for her granddaughter: she herself, after all, she came, she laid out her soul - now she will stay with her grandmother.

    How good! - thought Katerinka, falling asleep, - tomorrow is Christmas and Sunday - you can not go to school and in the morning, until the church itself, calmly play with new toys that someone will put under merry tree... Only now I have to put my surprise there - gifts for dad and mom, and for this I have to wake up early. "

    And stamping her foot six times so as not to oversleep for six hours, Katerinka curled up and immediately fell asleep in a deep and joyful sleep.

    But soon, soon, something woke her up. She heard from all sides vague rustles, sighs, steps and some kind of quiet conversations.

    “What language is spoken? - she thought. - Somehow it doesn't look like anything, but I still understand - it means: "Hurry, hurry, the star is already shining!" Oh, but they are talking about the Christmas star! " She exclaimed and opened her eyes wide.

    And what? The room was gone. She stood in the open air, dry grass swayed around, stones glittered, a quiet, warm wind breathed, and along barely noticeable paths thousands of animals walked somewhere, taking her along.

    “Where am I? - thought Katerinka. - And why are there only animals? What am I doing among them? Or am I a beast too? "

    She looked at her legs in white boots, at her hands and a colorful skirt and calmed down that she remained the same as before.

    - Go, so go! - she said. - But where?

    - Star ... star ... - someone squeaked nearby.

    Katerinka raised her head and saw a low one,

    bright, shiny, but not blinding, but some kind of soft, kind star.

    Christmas, she thought, and we go to the manger. But why me and not Nikolik, Irina, Sandrik. They are all better than me, and, of course, little Mike is better than everyone. "

    - Better, better! - someone rang out in her ear.

    - Better, of course, - the mouse squeaked at her feet, - but we all, we all asked for you!

    My Angel, she thought. "Only he is with me and the animals."

    And in the distance, behind the trees, the lights of Bethlehem were already flashing, and the cave on which the star was falling was softly darkening.

    - Why am I here? - asked Katerinka.

    “The animals asked for you,” said the Angel. - You somehow saved the mouse from the cat, and he bit you. You took the wasp out of the water so that it would not choke, and the wasp stung you. The animals did not forget their sin before you and wanted to take you with them into their brightest night. But look ...

    Katerinka saw the descent into the cave and the high manger in it. And suddenly such a light flooded her soul and such joy filled her that she no longer asked anything more, but only bowed low and low at the feet of the Infant among Angels, birds and animals ...

    Christmas miracle

    Fairy tales for children

    "Christmas for the Sun"

    Yulia Smal

    Christmas for the Sun

    One Sunday afternoon, among the foliage, a little ladybug by the name of the Sun ... This is such a tiny bug with beautiful red wings with black specks - how many specks on the wings, so many insect years. We also call it bedrik or zosulka. The sun was very small, he had just had the first speck, and therefore the other day the whole family was celebrating his birthday. The kid was very proud of his speck! After all, his other brothers and sisters have not yet had a single speck on their wings.

    But why did the little Sun feel sad? No one knew this, because whoever asked, it only sighed heavily and remained silent.

    Suddenly, on the path near the tree on which the saddened Sun was sitting, two children appeared - brother and sister Oles and Olesya. They were kind children: they never offended either insects or animals, they did not touch the flowers in the yard, and they didn’t even kick the old fly agaric with a red cap on its head.

    Oles and Olesya walked along the path, smiled at the trees and birds, rejoiced in the bright sun, until they met the sad, sad Sun.

    “What's the matter, friend? - asked Oles. He remembered how recently the birthday of the Sun was cheerfully celebrated, and did not understand how you can grieve when you have so many gifts.

    - Why are you so sad, bedrik? - followed by Olesya asked

    - Oh, my friends, what can I tell you? - the sun looked down even more. - You see, I have been living in the world for a whole year, I have already seen two summers, but I have never seen winter! After all, we, bugs, sleep in winter!

    - So what? - the children were surprised.

    - Like what? I have never seen and most likely will not see snow, a skating rink and, most annoyingly, Christmas holidays. You talked so well about them that I, too, would like to look at it with at least one eye, - and Sunny sighed.

    - Why can't you see winter? - Olesya could not understand in any way.

    - You see, it's cold in winter. We hide in small houses and, covered with a warm blanket of snow, fall asleep. And if someone wants to get out of their hiding place even for a moment, they will freeze and die. All insects sleep in winter, because we are small, and we need a lot of strength.

    - ABOUT! - thought Olesya. - You can
    winter on the leaf of my violet! It's cozy, warm and soft, you will sleep well.
    And when it's time, I'll gently wake you up
    so you can see what winter and Christmas are.

    Summer flashed in cheerful amusements, and the foliage had already turned yellow on the trees. Getting colder and colder
    nights, it rained more often. It's time for the sun to go to bed. Olesya did not forget
    about your invitation. Once cold
    on an autumn day she took a friend home
    and put on a beautiful leaf
    purple violet. There was
    warm and soft, delicate aroma
    the flower lulled the bedrik, he
    dozed off, it seemed, only
    for one minute.

    - Sun,
    wake up!
    Christmas is coming soon!

    - What already? - rubbed the bug with sleepy eyes.

    - Yes, it's time to start, - Olesya gestured around the room with her hand. Around was a mess: scraps of paper, some sequins, bottles, brushes and pencils were scattered on the table, beads rolled across the floor.

    - What's going on here? - the Sun asked the children.

    - We glue the Christmas star!

    - What for?

    - You do not know? Listen! Once upon a time, Jesus, the Son of God, was born in a distant land in the small town of Bethlehem. The Lord sent Him to earth to save people from sins. At this time, a bright Star shone in the sky to show the way to the three wise men. Following her beam, they reached the koshara, the sheep-shed, in which the little Jesus was born, congratulated Him with generous gifts and worshiped Him. In memory of this event, we will make a big shining star and go with her to sing holiday carols.

    - Here, it's done! - Oles raised the star high up.

    - Now let's go decorate the tree and put on the didukh! - shouted the sister. - Sunny, sit on your shoulder to see everything. Mom and Dad have already gotten our beauty out.

    “She seems to be real,
    but it doesn't smell, ”thought Sunny.
    - Why doesn't this tree smell? - asked
    bug. - Because we have no
    a standing tree, but a toy one. Imagine what happened
    it would be if every year we put a live Christmas tree!
    There wouldn't be a single tree around!

    In the corner stood a didukh ... - And this is a sheaf of wheat,
    its poured ears are a symbol of a good harvest
    and prosperity in the house!

    The children took out colorful glass balls from the box, brought candies and nuts, and decorated the tree with them. Toys and garlands were hung around the house.

    Having managed, Olesya began to clean up.
    - Today is the day when angels fly into people's homes to sing carols together with people, rejoicing at the birth of Jesus Christ, so the house should be very clean.

    Soon the house was shining with cleanliness, and from the kitchen there was an unimaginable aroma of honey, grated poppy, fried mushrooms and something else ... It will be delicious on Christmas Eve, on the Holy Supper!

    - That's when the first star will rise - then the Holy Evening will come. We will look out to be the first to notice it. In the meantime, we need to get ready for church, - said Olesya.

    The whole family dressed warmly, and the Sun buried herself in the fluffy collar of Olesya's fur coat. The snow was silvery outside. Little snowflakes, like tiny bugs, flew in the air. The sun was so fascinated by them that she even forgot how much she wanted to sleep.

    Peace and celebration reigned in the church. People prayed. And then Sunny saw next to her a tall young man in white clothes, his snow-white wings were as beautiful as those snowflakes.

    - Greetings to you, creation of God, - the stranger smiled. - Why don't you sleep in winter?

    - I wanted to see Christmas so much that my friends, human children, figured out how I could do it, - the Sunny was embarrassed.

    - What fellows! Well, zozulka, Christ was born! - quietly said the winged youth and melted into the air.

    And then loudly rang from all sides:

    « Rejoice, rejoice, earth, the Son of God was born into the world!»

    There, high under the dome of the temple, a whole chorus of amazing winged creatures sang along with people standing below, in fur coats and jackets ...

    "How beautiful!" - Sunny thought in amazement.

    "These are angels!" - whispered the children who also saw the heavenly guests.

    « Christ was born! Praise Him", - people congratulated each other.

    The first star illuminated the earth with a bright ray, paving the way from church to house.

    - Christ was born! Now I know what this holiday is - Christmas! - whispered the Sun, peacefully falling asleep on a violet leaf in the evening - until spring ...

    Natalka Maletic

    Gift from Jesus

    Holy Evening. Christmas Eve. Gannusya (in Russia she would be called Annusya, Anechka) looks out the window at the white flakes of snow. He covered up the lantern so that it seems that soon there will be no light behind him. The baby is sad: somewhere under the next house a carol is being played, and the girl so wanted to go carol with her friends. But this is absolutely impossible ... She was preparing to be a nativity scene, bringing the Good News! Wonderful wings that dad made for her, and a white dress sewn by mom, will be worn by the best friend Tanya - now she will be an Angel instead of Gannusi.

    And here's the trouble. On the day of St. Nicholas, Hannusya broke her leg. The rink that day was noisy and fun. On the wonderful new skates given to her by Saint Nicholas, the girl rushed in a whirlwind across the ice. And then, out of nowhere, a clumsy boy, speeding up, ran into her so that the two of them rolled somersaults. The girl immediately felt a terrible pain in her leg, even her eyes darkened ... She regained consciousness in the ambulance that was taking her to the hospital. They let me go home just before the New Year. All that remained was to lie with a cast-on leg in bed, on a high pillow, read books and amuse herself with bunnies, of which she had a dozen, and all were different.

    The girl was very fond of these toy animals, but the most beloved was Snowflake, white and fluffy, like the first snow. With her mother's help, Gannusya sewed her a dress, knitted a hat and a scarf ...

    And today, on the eve of Christmas, she dressed Snowflake in a small embroidered shirt (a shirt embroidered with colored threads), a spare skirt and a vest. Mom made festive clothes for the bunny, repeating Gannusi's outfit in miniature.

    Gannusya presses Snowflake to her cheek and looks at the flickering lights of the Christmas tree, which was put in her room this year so that it would be more fun and festive to lie down. She can hear Mom and Dad singing carols softly in the kitchen, washing and folding the dishes after Holy Supper (Christmas dinner).

    In the room you can hear the vanilla-yeast aroma of festive donuts. Today, dad carried it to the table in his arms, and after dinner (the most delicious, of course, were kutya and uzvar - a compote of dried apples and pears) they sang several carols together. And Gannusya promised that next year she would definitely help her mother prepare the Holy Supper. Parents kissed her goodnight, and here the daughter is again in her room, in the twilight, filled with flickering reflections of garlands.

    Gannusya thinks about the book that Saint Nicholas brought. She has already read it all. There are so many Christmas stories in it, in which different magical things happen. I wonder what little Jesus was like when he was born? The same as he is depicted on icons? Like other little kids? Look like her cousin Lesik, who is only a few weeks old? (Gannusya saw him only in photographs, but as soon as she can walk, she will definitely get to know the baby). “Now, if a long time ago, two thousand years ago, there were cameras, then you could see what little Jesus was like, you could even shoot on video! Then surely there would be no people left who say that biblical stories are fictions, ”the girl thought.

    Jesus always helps Hannus - she tells Him about her friends, asks for help on the test, if she is afraid that she will get nervous and will forget everything. She believes in Jesus, even though she has never seen Him, and asks get well soonto have time to play snowballs with friends this winter and make a big snow woman. But nevertheless, she would very much like to see little Jesus and play with Him ...

    - Get up quickly, - a voice suddenly sounded from the semi-darkness. - Otherwise we won't be in time for Christmas.

    In the shimmering gleam of the tree, the girl saw a Snowflake, so beautiful in an embroidered vest. The hare tickles her neck with a plump warm paw, pulls somewhere by the sleeve of her pajamas, and Gannusya never ceases to be surprised that Snowflake has come to life and is talking to her.

    - Do you know how to talk, Snowflake? The girl asks quietly, groping for her clothes.

    - Not only to talk, but also to fly, but only on Holy Night, - the bunny answers, settling down on the windowsill. - And you can too!

    Gannusya dresses nimbly, she is very surprised because there is no cast on her leg. Taking Snowflake by the paw, the girl fearlessly opens the window. In the light of the lantern, she sees that the snow has stopped falling, the sky is covered with stars, one of which is the brightest. The girl guesses that this is the Star of Bethlehem. Both Hannusi and Snowflake suddenly grow wings like angels, and they, pushing off, fly over the snow-covered night city.

    They are very high, and Hannus is a little scared, but the dream of seeing the newborn Jesus with her own eyes adds to her courage. The girl also likes to have real angel wings - they are much lighter than those that her dad made for her.

    “Look at the Star of Bethlehem,” Snowflake tells her, “then you will not be afraid.

    The girl looks, and suddenly there is so much light that she even covers her eyes. She remembers and sings to herself her beloved mother's carol:

    The night is quiet, the night is holy, A star is burning in the sky ...

    From a push, Gannusya opens his eyes and immediately sees in the manger the Infant Jesus in swaddling clothes and the Mother of God and Saint Joseph bowed over Him. The Holy Family envelops an amazing radiance, little shepherds with lambs drop in, not daring to cross the threshold.

    Maria smiles, nods her head, allowing the girl to come closer. Gannusya takes in her palm the tiny hand of the Infant in the radiance of light and whispers:

    - Happy birthday, Jesus! - and then she kisses her little fingers and pours a handful of sweets into the nursery, which, from nowhere, ended up in the pocket of her fur coat.

    The snowflake also strokes Jesus with a fluffy paw and puts down her present - an orange carrot.

    And then the shepherdesses dare
    go in and quietly start carols:

    Heaven and earth, heaven and earth Now triumph ...

    The girl and the bunny pick up:

    Angels, people, Angels, people Cheerfully rejoice. Christ was born, God became incarnate, Angels sing, give glory. The shepherds play, they meet the Shepherd, Miracle, proclaim the miracle.

    The Christmas carol sounds solemn, little angels in white shirts are dancing above. Everyone becomes very happy, and the Baby Jesus closes his eyes and falls asleep, lulled by singing.

    - Come on, it's time for Jesus to sleep, - Snowflake whispers to Hannus. They find themselves again
    in the air and fly, fly ...

    Suddenly, such a blizzard rises that Hannusia does not see anything around. She is worried, as she let go of her pet's plump paw.

    - Snowflake! Snowflake! - the girl calls that there is strength. Now she is really scared and feels that she is starting to fall ...

    - Christ was born! - she suddenly hears a festive greeting and opens her eyes. The winter sun peeps into the room, frosty flowers painted on the window shine in its rays, dad and mom smile at her.

    - Let's glorify him! - the girl replies joyfully and cannot understand in any way whether everything that happened to her is true, or whether it was a dream.

    So Snowflake lies on the pillow, does not move at all, does not talk and does not carol. But everything was so real! She can still feel the touch of Jesus' fingers on her palm. Only at night she did not have a cast. And now there is ... But it was the Holy Night! ..

    “What are you thinking about, daughter? Mom asks.

    Gannusya is silent and smiles, because she notices a feather from an angel's wing on Snowflake's vest - it is special, not like that of birds, rather it looks like the lightest wing of a butterfly ...

    Then the girl smiles again, because dad is holding an Easter basket.

    - Why is there an Easter basket for Christmas? - asks Gannusya, slightly raising himself and leaning on the pillow.

    Daddy sits on the edge of the bed and turns off the towel covering the basket. The girl looks in and sees there ... a live hare !!! White, like her Snowflake, and the same fluffy, only his paw is bandaged. Gannusya does not take her eyes off the bunny, lightly touches his ear, as if he wants to make sure whether it is real.

    - Where did he come from? The girl asks, enchanted. She takes the hare in her arms, and then puts it on the blanket - the hare limps.

    - My veterinarian friend gave him a little medical treatment, because some hunter accidentally shot a hare in the forest. And now he gave it to us so that both the bunny and you would soon recover, - explains the dad.

    But Gannusya knows: in fact, this is a gift from Jesus ...

    Galina Maniv

    How Dzinka and Manyunya made up

    Once upon a time there was a kitty. Her name was Manyunya. She loved to sit on the windowsill and watch the yellow foliage fly off the maples. But one day all the leaves flew around. And Tanya, the cat's mistress, hung a feeder outside the window, pouring sunflower seeds into it.

    Soon the titmouse Dzinka flew to the feeding trough, hooked its paws on the lid and like this - upside down - began to peck at the seeds. For some reason, these titmouses like to hang upside down. Who knows, maybe it is more convenient for them to think so.

    And Manyunya, having spotted the bird, at once set out to catch it. And she began to quietly creep closer, hiding behind the window frame. And then how it will jump! But Dzinka - if only you want something. If only she moved her wing. Not. Know yourself pecks delicious seeds. Because she is already an adult (not like Manyunya) and knows: people insert such transparent things into window frames that do not let anything through themselves, except for light and sunbeams. Therefore, the robber cat will not get to Dzinka.

    And the titmouse began to mock Manyunya:

    - What are you, a cat, silly! Try it, ding-become me! Dzin-dzili-lin (translated from titmouse it is approximately like our "be-be-be").

    And Manyuni's eyes flashed with anger and annoyance. She throws herself at the glass and meows angrily:

    - Sa-meow stupid! Meow-chis first talk to the young lady-meow!

    - Oh, look-dzin-those, are you a young lady ?! - laughing Dzinka even fell from the roof of the feeder and had to do somersaults in the air in order to return to the window and quarrel with Manyunya. - Yes, I with my own eyes vi-dzin-la, like a kind zen-woch on a garbage heap in a ding-take.

    - Wrong-meow-yes! Wrong meow yeah! Meow-nya noble parents have lost! Here I sing you meow !!! - and Manyunya jumped onto the glass again.

    And Dzinka is his own: "Dzin-dzili-lin!"

    This is how the titmouse and the cat would have argued for a long time, but only an angel flew past them on his business and said with reproach:

    - Eh, you! Fight, but now is such a day! - and only flickered, flying away further.

    And the cat and the titmouse immediately remembered that today, when the evening comes and the first star shines, everyone - people, animals, and birds - will celebrate the birth of God's Child, Jesus. Christmas Eve will come - Holy evening on the eve of Christmas.

    Who knows, how the little animals know this, but even such a small kitty like Manyunya feels the approach of the holiday. I just forgot today. And Manyuna felt ashamed and annoyed that she was quarreling on such a day! This is the first Christmas in her life!

    And Dzinka felt ashamed and annoyed - even stronger than the kitty. Because she, Dzinka, already an adult, ought, it seems, to remember herself and to show Manyune an example ...

    - Kitsunya, hwa-dzin quarrel, let's make up! - said Dzinka.

    - By-murrrr-imsya? With pleasure, - the cat happily agreed.

    - Merry Christmas! - Dzinka fluttered onto the slightly opened window and reached with her beak to the cat.

    - Merry and murrrrh Christmas! - Manyunya stood on her hind legs and stretched her muzzle to the bird.

    - Mom, - Tanya whispered, - come here soon! Look, Manyunya and a titmouse are kissing !!!

    Oksana Lushchevskaya


    In the fall, when the first frosts began to pinch the noses, blush the cheeks and cool the hands, the aunt knitted a hat, scarf and mittens for Nadiyka (in Russian, Nadiyka is Nadyushka). Nice, comfortable and warm.

    The girl liked both the hat and the scarf. And the mittens ... These are the mittens! Amazing! A whole fairy tale is tied on them with multi-colored threads: a mouse-norushka, and a frog-frog, and even a runaway bunny ...

    - Someone who lives in a mitten? - the girl now and then looked into the left, then into the right mitten: whether the mouse or the frog would respond. Or maybe a bunny? ..

    Nadiyka even purposely lost her mittens, hoping that later she would find some of the forest guests: either a little fox-sister, or a top-gray barrel ... Even a fanged boar and a club-footed bear would be welcome guests. However, expecting them, the girl was still a little worried, because she remembered well how the fabulous mitten almost burst from the cramp.

    All the animals asked for that - fabulous - mitten. Really none of them will look into Nadiykina?

    Oh how many times coming back from kindergarten or walking, the girl pretended not to notice how the mitten was falling into the snow! And after a few steps she had to be cunning, that she did not know where and when she lost her. I had to go back in search.

    - Someone who lives in a mitten? - she asked hopefully when dad or mom found the loss.

    But no matter how hard I tried, everything was in vain. Not a sound came from the mitten.

    Nadiyka raised a bright mitten, slowly pulled it over her hand and looked reproachfully at first at the big-eyed frog, now at the gray mouse, knitted of soft woolen yarn.

    Over time, the girl resigned herself that she could not wait for the forest guests, and began to wear mittens, like all people, in order to warm her hands in the prickly winter cold.

    So December passed - snowy, fresh. Met New Year... Christmas is about to ring merry carols

    “You have good mittens,” said friends. - Fabulous!

    But Nadiyka, listening to the praise, only nodded her head and looked in annoyance at the sharp-nosed mouse: they say, they are fabulous to me too! ..

    - Ordinary woolen mittens - my aunt knitted them for me, - the girl answered with a slight sadness. But once…

    Nadiyka and her friends skated on a skating rink near the house. It was getting dark. He was pouring a light snow ... But the frost was pinching with all his might. Children wrapped themselves in scarves, pulled their hats up to their eyes and blew on their hands. Nadiyka's girlfriend, Svetlanka, lost her mittens and completely froze - even if you run home, but then they won't let you out into the street, they will say: "It's too late!" Therefore, Nadiyka lent her hers for a few minutes to keep her warm. It's always like this in winter: I want to play longer, because the days are short, it gets dark early ... If only it weren't so cold! ..

    Children skated as much as they could, and played snowballs, and the snowman was blinded until Nadiykina's mother called her to dinner, and after her other mothers responded:

    - Svetlanka, home!

    - Seryozha, it's time!

    - Andryusha, stop walking - dinner is on the table!

    The girl said goodbye to her friends, took the mittens from Svetlanka, put them in her pocket and rushed headlong to the house.

    And in the morning, going to kindergarten, Nadiyka did not find one mitten. "Probably I forgot at Svetlanka's," thought the girl.

    But in kindergarten it turned out that the friend did not have a mitten either.

    “I've lost it! How annoying ... - Nadiyka sighed. - Although my mittens are not fabulous, they are still warm and warm. And beautiful. And also a gift! " Now the girl was very sorry that she had lost her knitted friends so rashly. She fell in love with the big-eyed frog, and the pointed-nosed mouse, and the eared bunny ...

    It took two days. The holiday is about to knock on the yard. The houses smelled of tangerines, pine needles and hot cakes. Oh, I'd rather wait for this Star of Bethlehem! And Christmas miracles and gifts!

    On a sunny and snowy holiday morning, running out into the street, Nadiyka suddenly heard something rustle in the entrance. She went down the stairs cautiously - a mitten! Oops! Her mitten! The girl no longer hoped to find a loss - really christmas miracle?

    But as soon as Nadiyka bent down and stretched out her hand to her, she ran away in an instant.

    - What? - the girl froze in indecision, stood for a moment and again bent down to the mitten. She ran to the very doors and froze.

    Did the baby look around? Maybe some neighbor boy is joking? But if someone was at the entrance, she would have heard someone's footsteps, or at least someone's breathing. Silence! Nobody ...

    The girl again went to the mitten, carefully sat down next to her, looked inside. And she uttered magic words from a fairy tale:

    - Someone who lives in a mitten?

    A little black nose appeared from the mitten, the beads of the eyes sparkled and, finally, a fluffy muzzle peeped out.

    - Hamster! What a miracle! - Nadiyka tenderly touched the animal and took it in her arms. - Whose are you? How did you get here?

    The hamster was silent. He twirled on his palm, looking for some food.

    - That's how I have a mitten! - said the girl when she carried the find home. - It's really fabulous!

    Mom and Dad asked all the neighbors if they had accidentally lost a hamster. They even put up a sign at the entrance.

    People covered festive table, were going to church, but no one addressed the loss.

    To tell the truth, Nadiyka didn’t want the newly found red-haired friend to leave their house. It's not easy - but from a fairy tale! I came to her, to Nadiyka, knocked on her mitten ... how can I give it to someone?

    A week or two passed, and no one showed up for the Christmas guest.

    True, the hamster now lived not in a mitten, but in a toy box. He ate his fill of apples and nuts. And only sometimes, walking around the apartment, he hid in Nadiyka's fabulous mitten, expecting that the hostess was about to come up, find him and treat him with a piece of snow-white fragile sugar.

    And the girl did not lose her mittens any more.

    Valentina Vzdulskaya

    Naughty christmas

    Lived and lived in the same forest, the foxes Vertikhvost, the sorcerer.

    So that evil, so no, but only very naughty.

    There was snow that winter - neither pass nor pass. The young fox sees that he cannot get out of the hole. Then he took chamomile tea, poured it into a saucer, blew to cool it down, and dipped the tip of his red-haired tail with black drag into it. Once, once - and painted on the table with his tail, like a brush, the silhouette of a brown bear, Caps.

    At three moments, the bear, Riding Hood, was already standing near the fox's hole, yawning sleepily.

    - What am I doing again under the house of this little dirty trick when I have to sleep in a den? - just had time to think, as again fell asleep - standing. Meanwhile, the fox opened the door of the hole and, putting a shovel in the bear's paws, ordered:

    - Dig! - And indicated the direction.

    Bear Riding Hood slept sweetly, and he dreamed of small white daisies flying from heaven to earth, covering everything around them. And without knowing it, in a dream he was laying a snow tunnel for the fox - a long, long passage from the hole in the forest to the town itself, where the Twigtail then arranged a dirty Christmas.

    And it was like that.

    Early in the morning on the eve of the holiday, the Swingtail-sorcerer looked out of the manhole - to look at the town - and even squeaked in surprise. Right in front of him, on the side of a forest road, a man dressed in a casing was hiding a lush, beautiful Christmas tree stolen from the forest in a truck. He tied it with a thick rope in three places, and covered it with a tarp on top.

    - Ay-oh, dear, you got caught! -
    thought Swifttail and smiled in
    mustache. While the uncle got behind the wheel and started
    car, the fox quickly drew its tail on
    snow of the Gray goat. At the same moment next to blue
    a dumbfounded Gray
    goat. Swifttail quickly jumped on the goat, and from the goat
    on the truck and hid under the saddened tree. Co-
    evil wanted to bleat something angrily, but melted into
    air. The car rattled and started. Driver
    rode, looking to see if they had casually lurked somewhere
    some policemen guarding the trees before the holiday
    nicknames. Suddenly something rustled, then knocked,
    and then even moaned from behind. Isn't it a beast
    which one jumped into the car? The uncle stopped and went
    look. And in the back under the tarpaulin everything is Hodor
    went. - A squirrel, and not just one, - he thought, and
    climbed to check. But the squirrel had nothing to do with it.

    In the back, arching and rushing from the side
    to the side, madly breaking free from the fetters
    revived tree.

    - Oh-oh-oh-oh, mom! - Shouted the driver, and the tree finally broke the rope, straightened the branches, shook itself off and moved towards him. - Spa-a-sit! - yelled the uncle and rushed into the cockpit.

    A disheveled and furious Christmas tree jumped off the body and rushed in pursuit. But the driver was already on the gas.

    The truck roared, rushed along the road towards the city and could not stop for a long time. Soon policemen appeared out of nowhere. A siren sounded, blue lights blinked - law enforcement officers rushed to catch the violator who exceeded the speed.

    And the tree trudged along the road for some time, turning over its branches, and then sighed sadly, turned around and wandered into the forest. A red tail with a black tip dangled from the thickest branch to the ground, and a giggle was heard from the thick branches.

    It's Christmas Eve.

    The tied tree stood near the fox's hole, and the Twigtail himself warmed himself inside near the stove, sipping his favorite chamomile tea.

    - Isn't it time to arrange a new mischief? - thought the fox. And then I realized that I had changed my mind at the right time. After all, tomorrow is Christmas, and there will be no mischief, and tonight there is still some time left for a good trick.

    He tightly closed the door of the hole, untied the bored Christmas tree from the threshold, and after a moment was already riding, shouting "Vyo-o-o!", Towards the town.

    And night fell on the city.

    The yellowish houses, covered with snow, did not glow, carols did not go under the windows, singing was not heard, and in general there was not a soul on the streets. Only here and there a lonely candle glowed in the window.

    - Blimey! - the fox even whistled. - Whoa! - He commanded the tree, darted between the branches to the ground and drew Tamara Magpie with his tail on a snowdrift.

    - Oh, you wretch! - pounced on the Twigtail Magpie in a green apron. - Yes, I have a rage on the stove! Speak quickly what you need!

    The fox asked her why the town didn't celebrate Christmas.

    - Are you still asking, rogue? - rattled forty Tamara. - And who let the tree wander around the world today? The poor driver ran away from this tree so that he knocked down a pole with wires by a car, and the light disappeared in the whole city. And on the way he also ruined the scene with the nativity scene, and now the children cannot be shown the Christmas performance. And they prepared it so wonderfully! And that uncle is now sitting in the house for those who have lost their minds, because he tells everyone how a mad Christmas tree was chasing him.

    Indeed, there was a terrible mess on the square in front of the church. A long pole with torn wires blocked the road, a wrecked truck stood nearby, and the ground was covered with fragments of a wooden platform. Broken figurines of the Magi, the Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus lay in the snow.

    - What have I done! - Whispering tail whispered in despair. The adventure with the Christmas tree no longer amused him, but seemed stupid and cruel. And at all, at all he did not want to commit some prank again. The fox turned around and, drooping, walked towards the forest. Yolka fearfully trotted after.

    A breeze blew, driving away clouds from the sky, and a majestic Star shone over the city, over the forest, over all the white light. One ray made its way imperceptibly into the fox fur, red, with black drag. The fox stopped. I thought. Shot his eyes. He grinned slyly into his mustache. And he said:

    - Hey, tree! Am I a magician or not?

    One after another, following the drawings in the snow, a bear appeared next to Swirling Tail with a family, a Gray goat with two sons and a daughter, a wolf Mamai with seven godfathers and three nephews, magpies and crows, a woodpecker and two roe deer, hares and hares, grandfather - a beaver with his grandchildren, a whole detachment of wild boars and all the numerous Vertikhvostov's relatives. Oh, and they were angry at the fox, but he sincerely apologized and told what was the matter.

    All night in the town something was scurrying back and forth, quietly squeaking, clattering, rattling, quacking and grunting. From the forest itself to the square, the snow was covered with a pattern from the traces of paws and legs. Only before the morning everything calmed down.

    Christmas bells rang and the festively dressed people headed to church. But as soon as the townspeople got to the square, they froze in surprise ...

    A whole crowd had already gathered in front of the temple - people were talking,
    oykali and marveled at the marvel. In the end, without waiting for the flock, to the square
    the priest came out - and he froze, mouth open in surprise.

    In the middle of the square stood a huge dais of twigs, as bizarre as if it had been built by beavers. On the platform, someone erected a high cave, covered it with moss and covered with pine branches, so that it looked like a bear den. In the cave there was a magnificent beautiful Christmas tree, and next to it there were whole, intact figures of the Virgin Mary with the Child, Joseph and the Magi. The entire nativity scene was shimmering with colored lights, as no one knows who raised a pole from the ground, connected the broken wires, and now there was electricity again in the city. A little further off, a blue-bodied truck rumbled softly with its engine, just like a new one, and in the warm cabin the very uncle who was running away from the tree was snoring at the top of his lungs. Only he was somehow in striped hospital pajamas.

    The children were the first to come to their senses, of course. They were very happy because they could now show their Christmas show. The kids ran to the nativity scene to see everything.

    - Oh, look! - shouted a boy with a teddy bear on a blue cap
    and pointed to the bag under the tree. And it was full of nuts, a bag of dried
    berries, a bundle of mushrooms, and a full barrel of honey stood nearby.

    - What a miracle! The crowd hummed. - Who fixed it? Who brought us
    gifts? This is probably some kind of magician! A real Christmas miracle!

    - And what a beautiful tree! I have never seen such a magnificent nature, - said
    priest godfather.

    - Your truth, father. That's just ... She seemed to have just stood on the left, and now - on the right. It seemed, probably ...

    Nadia Herbish

    Orange gift

    The little gray mouse is tired of playing with its short gray tail. Three golden seeds lay on the table in a cozy burrow. He smelled them, stroked them, tossed them, juggled them and put them back. It was quiet and calm in the mink, but there was a lack of color! Everything is gray, gray, gray ... And only three fragrant grains! They smelled so captivating of a fresh, tasty golden color that the little gray mouse just painfully wanted to feel how other colors smelled. Therefore, he pulled a small gray hat over his head, wrapped his neck in a gray scarf and darted out of the mink into the tunnel leading to the courtyard ...

    The mouse played in it at times. However, he always ran into old Uncle Mole, who was heading for his hole, scared and hastily ran home. He had never gone beyond the tunnel. But on that day, the little mouse realized that it was time to see the world. Quickly fingering his paws, he recalled his mother's stories about crispy green grass, juicy red strawberries, fragrant and sweet blue sky, about various unattainable red hills on the horizon, from which the wind brought mysterious aromas ...

    However, the mouse did not have time to get out into the white light, as he immediately squeaked and closed his eyes. There were no colors in the world, except for one - the white light turned out to be really white-white and even blinding ...

    “But ... Mom always tells the truth,” he thought. - So, there are colors somewhere, you just need to look for them ...

    So the little gray mouse set off on a journey - in search of multi-colored smells.

    The mouse trotted along the white-white snow, a white-white field, and a white-white sky hung over him. And suddenly he felt what this white color smelled like.

    He smelled like a fairy tale! Crunch-crunch - little paws gradually entered the rhythm, and white fluffy sparkling snow began to play a fragrant melody, reminiscent of the ringing of silver bells.

    The smell of white snow gave off anticipation
    the sack of the holiday. And the mouse already felt
    that he is about to get acquainted with other colors ...

    But suddenly a house appeared from behind the hill. Neat, brick, with large windows.
    Next to it was a luxuriously decorated Christmas tree. The mouse hastened to meet her, and so sweet
    a fresh scent enveloped him that he for a moment
    even sat down in surprise. Now the mouse knew that green is the color of the meeting, and from him
    smelled of discoveries and new life ...

    The little mouse sniffed this wonderful aroma and went on -
    inspect the house.

    It was much larger than a mouse mink and felt very warm. Someone opened the window, and the mouse heard wonderful smells of pastries, the same golden as those three grains that inspired him on these wanderings, and apples with cinnamon, and hot tea, and sincere hugs, and ringing laughter ... All this the mixture of scents was different from the smells of his mink, but still there was a smell from this house, the same as from a mink - the smell of a house ...

    But suddenly a hand dropped in front of him, with a large orange ball. The mouse looked up and saw a girl with two red pigtails and very kind green eyeswho held out this amazing ball to him and smiled.

    - Take the tangerine, little mouse! Merry Christmas to you!!!

    He carefully took the gift, politely thanked the girl, and she quickly ran somewhere, laughing merrily.

    The mouse once again sniffed at the orange fragrant skin and decided that such a warm and bright color smells like ... a gift!

    Christmas in kindergarten. Senior - preparatory group

    Children about Christmas

    Strebnyak Olga Viktorovna, teacher of MBOU for children of preschool and primary school age primary school - kindergarten of compensating type No. 21 "Zhemchuzhinka", Salsk, Rostov region

    How to tell children about the Nativity of Christ?

    It's no secret that we ourselves sometimes do not know about the Miracle that happened more than two thousand years ago, and even more so children.
    Something happened in the world - so B. Pasternak said about the Nativity of Christ. A new era in the history of mankind began with a separate human life.

    Description: This material will be useful for teachers primary grades, preschool educators, as well as children and parents who are interested in history Christian holidays, traditions and customs of the Russian people.
    Acquisition of cultural knowledge necessary for diversified development children, education and development of spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200bof the individual.
    - to acquaint children with the gospel story of the Nativity of Christ;
    - to expand and deepen the opportunities for the emergence and consolidation of stable cognitive interests;
    - to draw the attention of children to Christian traditions;
    - to foster love for the creative heritage of our people.
    Preliminary work: Church visit; acquaintance with the icons "Nativity of Christ"; paintings by great artists who tell of Christmas; reading. Gospel for Kids, a collection of Christmas stories, poems, carols and chants; memorizing poems.
    Material: projector; screen; a computer; children's Bible; books about Christmas; illustrations on biblical topics; vintage Christmas cards; Christmas nativity scene; elegant herringbone; felt boots.

    Event progress:

    It's Christmas today
    The whole city is waiting for a secret
    He slumbers in crystal frost
    And waiting: magic will happen.
    M. Yu. Lermontov

    Questions for children.
    - Guys, please tell me, do you know the date of your birthday?
    - What happens on this day?
    - Why do they congratulate you on this day?
    - And who knows what the Nativity of Christ is?
    - When is it celebrated?
    Educator: Christmas is celebrated in our country

    On this day, Jesus Christ was born - the Savior of the World. The night before Christmas

    considered magical. If you make a wish, then it will definitely come true. Only desire must be necessarily kind, because Jesus Christ teaches us kindness and love for all people. Do you want to know the amazing story of his birth?

    Good news.

    Once upon a time there was a girl named Maria. Her husband was the carpenter Joseph, a descendant of the great family of King David. Once the angel Gabriel appeared before Mary and said to her: “Rejoice, Blessed One! The Lord is with you; Blessed are you among wives. " Of all women, God chose You to give birth to the Son of God, whom You will call Jesus. From that moment on, the young Virgin Mary knew that she would give birth to the Son of God - the Savior of the World.
    In those days, Emperor Augustus decided to conduct a population census to find out how many people live in his domain. For this purpose, he ordered all residents to appear in the place where they were born. Joseph and Mary lived in the city of Nazareth, but were assigned, like all the descendants of King David, to the city of Bethlehem. That's where they had to go.
    The road was difficult, and they reached Bethlehem only in the evening, where a lot of people had already gathered and nowhere was there for the poor travelers a place to sleep.
    Night fell, and Mary and Joseph had no choice but to spend the night in a cave - a nativity scene, which they found on the outskirts of the city. In bad weather, local shepherds with their flocks hid in it.
    And in this cave on a cold winter night, Jesus Christ was born.
    Mary wrapped the Divine Infant in her hem and put Him in a manger - a cattle feeder.

    Angel's message to the shepherds.

    That night, local shepherds nearby, guarded their flocks. Suddenly a snow-white shining Angel appeared before them. The shepherds were very frightened, but the Angel calmed them and said: “Do not be afraid! I proclaim great joy. The Lord-Savior was born! He lies swaddled in a manger. " At the same moment, the shepherds saw the multitude of the heavenly host praising God. Everything around shone and lit up with an extraordinary, divine light.

    When the angels disappeared, the shepherds immediately went to the cave to be the first to see the Son of God and worship Him to the ground. They told Joseph and Blessed Virgin about a wonderful vision.

    Pets also came to see Jesus.

    Children read a poem:


    I slept in the manger on fresh hay
    Quiet tiny Christ.
    A month, emerging from the shadows,
    I stroked the flax of His hair ...

    The bull breathed in the face of the Baby
    And, rustling like straw,
    Elastic knee
    I watched, barely breathing.

    Sparrows through the roof rails
    They poured into the manger in a crowd,

    And the bull, huddled against a niche,
    I crumpled the blanket with my lip.

    The dog, sneaking up to the warm leg,
    Licked her secretly.
    The cat was more comfortable
    In the manger to warm the Child sideways ...

    Quiet White Goat
    I breathed on His forehead,
    Only a stupid gray donkey
    He pushed everyone helplessly:

    “Look at the Child
    At least a minute for me! "
    And he cried loudly and loudly
    In the silence before dawn ...

    And Christ, opening his eyes,
    Suddenly pushed apart the circle of animals
    And with a smile full of affection
    He whispered: "Look quickly!"
    Sasha Black.

    Guiding star.

    Educator:The second news of the birth of the Son of God was a new bright star that shone in heaven at the moment of His birth.

    Three eastern sages saw her (they were called wise men). The Magi knew that the King of the Jews would soon be born, the Sages could not even imagine that the future King was born not in a palace, but in a cold cave, and decided to go to the capital - Jerusalem, right to the palace of King Herod to worship the Divine Child.
    Herod was an insidious and cruel man and decided to destroy Jesus Christ at all costs, as he was afraid that this Baby, when he grows up, would take away his power.
    And he said to the Magi:
    "Go to Bethlehem, and when you find the Baby, return to me and tell me where He is, so that I can worship Him."
    The Magi saddled the camels and hit the road, and a wonderful guiding star showed them the way

    and she brought him to the house, where they “saw the Child with Mary, His Mother, and, falling down, worshiped Him; and opening their treasures, they brought Him gifts - gold, frankincense and myrrh ”(Matthew 2: 9-11).

    Frankincense and myrrh are incense, which were very expensive at that time.

    The child reads a poem:
    The night is quiet. In a shaky firmament
    The southern stars tremble.
    Mother's eyes with a smile
    The quiet look at the nursery.
    No ears, no extra gaze.
    Here the roosters crowed -
    And behind the angels in the highest
    Shepherds glorify God.
    The manger quietly shines in the eyes,
    Mary's face is illuminated.
    Star chorus to another chorus
    A trembling hearing.
    And above it burns high
    That star of distant lands;
    The kings of the East carry with her
    Myrrh gold and Lebanon.
    Athanasius Fet 1842
    Educator: That same night, God revealed to the Magi the true intentions of the treacherous Herod and ordered them not to return to him. The wise men obediently went home in a different way, without revealing to the king the secret of finding the Savior.
    Upon learning that the wise men deceived him, Herod became angry and gave a terrible order to exterminate all male babies in Bethlehem, as he was afraid of losing his throne. But, fortunately, Jesus was no longer in the city.
    An angel of God appeared to Joseph in a dream and said: "Get up, take the Baby and His Mother and run to Egypt, and be there until I tell you, for Herod wants to look for the Baby in order to destroy Him" \u200b\u200b(Matthew 2:13).

    In Egypt, the holy family lived until the death of King Herod, and upon returning, Jesus, the Mother of God and Joseph settled again in the city of Nazareth.
    So, from the Nativity of Christ, a new era of humanity began - our era.

    Christmas Eve.

    Since then, January 6, as soon as the first star appears in the sky, Christmas Eve begins.
    In the old days, the father brought hay into the house to lay it on the table (because they put little Jesus on the hay!) And put a pot of kutya in it - the most important dish on this holiday.
    Children on Christmas Eve were sure to bring kutya to their godparents, and they were looking forward to the little godchildren and treated them with all sorts of things.
    On Christmas night, until the early morning, young people played games, sleigh rides, walked around the courtyards, sang carols, wishing the owners well, health and prosperity. And they certainly gave them sweets and jingle coins.

    It was believed that the more carolers enter the house, the more successful the year will be for the owners.
    Come on, guys, and we will play with you.

    Game "Pie"

    (to Russian folk music)
    Game rules: children stand in two lines opposite each other. In the middle - the driver - "pie". Everyone is singing:
    Yes, he is so wide,
    Yes, he is so tall,
    Yes, he is so soft,
    Cut it and eat it.
    After the words "Cut it and eat it," one participant from each line runs to the "pie". The first one, who touches the "pie", takes him to his team, and the remaining player imitates the "pie". The group that takes the most "pies" wins.

    Game "Valenki".

    It takes two children to play. Felt boots are placed in front of the tree big size... At the signal, the players run around the tree from different sides and try to put on felt boots. The winner is the one who comes running first and puts on felt boots.

    Now guys, guess

    Christmas riddles:

    There is a great celebration in the middle of winter.
    Great holiday – … (Christmas)!

    Everyone is waiting for him - from babies to dads and moms
    and all the smart ones rush to the service ... (to the temple).

    It is festive, light, incense smells good,
    Before the icons burn ... (icon lamps).

    And, fluffing up the green needles,
    Christmas flaunts ... (Christmas trees).

    So that tonight passes with prayer,
    All the people in the temple are lighting ... (candles).

    And everyone happily listens to the festive service,
    and then Merry Christmas to each other ... (congratulate).

    Here, triumph and mystery blows from everywhere,
    And, the heart stops in anticipation ... (miracle).

    After all, the miracle of all the most wonderful on this day came true -
    Born on earth ... (Jesus Christ).
    Educator:And that evening they also showed a nativity scene - a play about the birth of the Savior. Children in groups went from house to house with a small chest with a picture of the cave in which the Son of God was born. With the help of home-made puppets, performances about the birth of the Savior were performed.

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