• Three rules against aging from Olga Shestova. Olga Shestova: Age: advantages, paradoxes and solutions Olga Shestova biologist year of birth


    Age: benefits, paradoxes and solutions Olga Shestova

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    Title: Age: Benefits, Paradoxes and Solutions

    About the book "Age: Advantages, Paradoxes and Solutions" Olga Shestova

    The paradoxes of age - this is how the phenomenon is increasingly called, when with each passing year a person receives more and more pleasure from life. Health can be a limiting factor. To prevent this from happening, each age, including the most advanced, needs its own measures to strengthen and restore it. Any effort in this direction is bearing fruit.

    Scientists are conducting active research and believe that in the near future a medicine will be created that will not only prevent external signs and diseases, but also reverse aging. To live safely until these better times, there are proven ways available.

    On our site about books lifeinbooks.net you can download for free without registration or read online the book "Age: Advantages, Paradoxes and Solutions" by Olga Shestova in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

    When we pick up a book we like in a bookstore, we usually quickly flip through the pages and look at the preface a little more in detail, trying to understand: is this thing worth it or not?!

    I'll give you advice right away. buy this book, you won't regret it! You will read it in one breath and are guaranteed to learn a lot of useful and interesting things for yourself!

    But even this is not the main thing. The main thing is that this book charges you with self-confidence, wakes up the already forgotten excitement, awakens interest in life again! I myself recently wrote a book on a similar topic - the topic of active longevity. And I can objectively say that such an emotional message as

    Olga Shestova, I failed to give! I say this with a sense of white envy and professional respect!

    In this book, you will see that for so many years you gave up on yourself and considered yourself already “out of the game” for no reason at all! It's never too late and you can- this truth is conveyed so clearly that already while reading you involuntarily draw in your stomach and give yourself the word to start doing physical education!

    Here is not only a call, here are recommendations on how to be healthy and active for many years. No wonder the book is divided into parts "emotional", "theoretical", "practical". Clearly formulated goals and concise advice on how to achieve them. Wherein unobtrusively, humorously and without the "doctor's" instructive tone.

    Olga is a very positive and subtle person in real life. It always seemed to me that she had something to say to people, much more than to those authors whose books she edited (colleagues, no offense, read this book and you will agree with me!). I really liked the book, I recommend it for reading to absolutely everyone - both very young, and those who are going “uphill”, and those who are already going “downhill”. young it will help to understand how to use their inexhaustible reserves, older people will show that old age as such simply does not exist - these are inventions of the weak in spirit and an excuse for the lazy! Well, I heartily congratulate the author on the release of a new brilliant book!

    Your doctor Myasnikov

    Author's Preface: Happiness comes with age

    Contrary to outdated stereotypes, after 50 comes the happiest time in our lives.

    Vladimir Yakovlev

    The Age of Happiness is a topic that exploded in the book market some time ago and in the minds of people who are getting older and older. The topic sounded, on the one hand, as paradoxical, because it was about people who have far crossed the 60-year mark and discover new activities and achieve success in new professions.

    On the other hand, the Russian soil for such a topic was prepared by the catchphrase from the legendary film: “At 40, life is just beginning.” And on the third hand, a theory called “paradoxes of aging” is now actively developing in medicine, stating that over the years, a person becomes only happier if it does everything right.

    You can see how quickly the concept of age is changing. The film, in which the heroine utters a phrase encouraging many, was released several decades ago, and then it really seemed that at the age of 40 it remains to wait for grandchildren, pensions and a washed-out sarafan or stretched sweatpants to plant carrots on their knees on their six acres. If there is a couple, then there will be long tea parties in front of the TV with an aging partner and jam. If not - gatherings on the bench in front of the entrance. After only 3-4 decades, the statement that appeared as a revelation became trivial: no one is surprised that a woman in her fifties is at her peak his professional career and, if desired, actively arranges his personal life. And a man in his sixties - enviable groom and a desirable candidate for professional bounty hunters - recruiters looking for professionals for leadership positions.

    In general, ideas about youth and adulthood, about when they end, are increasingly shifting towards large numbers, and every year, it seems, faster and faster. If at the beginning of the last century in Russian villages a girl who married before the age of 20 was considered an old maid, then just a century later, men and women over 50 acquired a special attraction for creating a happy union, especially in Western European countries.

    This has its own logic associated with the obvious successes of medicine and the increase in average life expectancy. By this age, the desired education has been obtained, the biological breeding program has usually been completed, professional ambitions have been satisfied, and a solid material base has been built. If health is not destroyed by especially harmful addictions in nutrition or other abuses of the natural laws of physiology, then, according to statistics, beautiful 25-35 years of cloudless life. How I want to live them, giving and receiving love! And why must it be only love for grandchildren and other flowers of life?

    Everything is so, everything is fine, but what kind of love can there be and what joy, if the heart grabs, the back stops bending and unbending, vision and hearing decrease, and weight and blood sugar, on the contrary, are increased. Yes, and from the material side, too, not everything is always good for everyone. So right? But this has its own answer and its own specific solution.

    After she dared to write the book “Why we are sick: a frank conversation ...”, and it was published in a large circulation, invitations to the largest bookstores in Moscow and the Moscow region followed. Readers wanted to see with their own eyes the author Olga Sorokina (the book was published under such a literary pseudonym) and ask her questions. To be precise, they rather wanted to look not at the author of the book, but at the famous doctor Myasnikov, who warmly represented his editor, that is, me. Basically, people came to get a free medical consultation and immediately attacked Alexander Leonidovich with burning questions. Of course, they can be understood: it is not often seen with one's own eyes world famous doctor, which every week is seen on TV by a multi-million audience, and numerous fans listen to on the radio. If you are concerned about health, and getting the right medical care is becoming increasingly difficult, all the more you want to ask the question about the most important thing to the most authoritative doctor.

    Readers of all ages approached: both very young girls who wanted to take a photo with the author, and adult men, and women at a very advanced age. Their questions were different, their appearance was also very different, but - amazing! There was one common characteristic. Most of them had health problems, but they started by saying their age, apparently out of habit, like at a doctor's appointment. This was followed by a pause. At first I could not understand what was expected of me, what kind of reaction, until I finally heard a hint that broke one long silence: “Yes, yes, you won’t believe me, but I really am 65 years old.” And whoever in my place would not show delicacy and play along, like: “Really 65? I would never have, you look much younger.” After that, the conversation entered into a normal business course, the readers smiled, relaxed, as if they were receiving their portion of the expected and well-deserved encouragement. The solution has been found. Anyone thinks he looks younger than his age and consciously or unconsciously wants confirmation of this from the interlocutor.

    Why is it good to look younger? To be healthy at any age, not to suffer pain and not suffer - this is understandable. But after all, the pursuit of external youth begins much earlier than problems with the body can occur, even if we consider them an indispensable attribute of mature years. Although, as will be clear later, this is not at all the case. Once a friend, having bought my book, called: “I read it. Now tell me in a nutshell - so why are we sick? Since she had known him for a long time, including that he fundamentally did not believe in either God or the devil, she said the truth that he could accept: “We get sick because we violate the 7 laws of our physiology and our nature.”

    Probably, each of us will remember a friend or a neighbor who, until his very old age, does not know the way to the clinic and pharmacy. Although this is a rare exception, it shows that wealth for years, on the one hand, and illness with accompanying helplessness, on the other, are by no means synonymous and not sides of the same coin. So why is it still better to be and at least look younger, and better - much younger, and is this the case in all parts of the globe and world cultures?

    In the European environment familiar to us, for a long time and persistently imposed the image of a reference person- He is certainly young and invariably healthy. Such a massive advertising campaign was an unqualified success, and it is universally considered normal to imitate the features characteristic of the winning image. Everyone dyes their hair, hiding gray hair, and some also cover their beard and mustache. It seems that the entire adult population uses the services of a cosmetologist in one volume or another. Otherwise, anti-aging treatments, magic creams and books with facelift exercises would not be sold. such gigantic volumes. I have never heard of anyone I know adding wrinkles to himself to look older, pulling out a couple of teeth, mumbling, hunching over and copying the gait of old people on stiff legs - everything happens exactly the opposite.

    Everyone wants to look young and healthy. True, in Europe some time ago the reverse process began, and it became fashionable to show on stage artists who were previously considered hopelessly ill, for example, with Down syndrome. The society is becoming more loyal to people with disabilities and is ready to admire the "Buranovsky Babushkas", awarding them first places at Eurovision. And if you look closely: the members of the ensemble are actually over 40 years old. You can, of course, try to have time to acquire grandchildren in these years, but the name-signboard of the song group does not reflect reproductive success, but emphasizes the age life period. Do you agree that at the age of 40, say, in a store, they turn to you: “Grandma, your turn”? More often you will hear “girl”, for lack of a better one, the missing “madame”, “frau” and the unaccustomed “madame”. Therefore, Buranovskiye Babushki is just a rare case when women agree look out of age to the big side. Well, show business is still a separate world with its own specific laws, and what you can do to stand out: here you can appear as a bearded woman, and not just an old woman. We're talking about ordinary people.

    When do we start to worry about the problem of age? The child, having heard “how old are you?”, at 2 years old will honestly show 2 fingers. Then, having learned to speak, he will not hesitate to name his 4-6-8 years. Until the end of the first decade we are quite satisfied with our years or we just don’t think about them, which, in fact, are one and the same. After that begins, perhaps, an exceptional period in life when you want to grow up faster: the beginning of the second decade. Only in these years, the obvious physiological signs of the coming years are pleasing - now you can pick up the first zero of a bra, go to the department with items of specific personal hygiene. The boys are not far behind. Maybe you remember a fantastic movie in which a boy suddenly became an adult? What joy was written on his face when he first looked into his shorts and admired what he found. Teenagers usually want move quickly into adulthood and can add a couple of years to their date of birth. But already at the age of 20, a pretty girl with a blue eye can answer that she is 16. It is not without reason that the song sings “Where are my sixteen years? ..” as about the happiest number. Is it really all - at 16 youth is over, happiness is gone, it remains to eke out existence, how much will God let go? The whole being rebels against such a thought – no, it is not so!

    Although it is believed that the aging of our body begins as soon as its formation ends, that is, at 18-21 years old, in fact it begins much earlier, from birth: growth = maturation = aging. But after all, for at least a decade and a half, this does not upset anyone ... Is it because during this period the processes of active cell division of the body and physical development go in step with rapid personal development- emotional, spiritual, intellectual. Leo Tolstoy said that there is almost no difference in development between him and a five-year-old child, but there is an abyss between a five-year-old child and a newborn.

    At birth, we take a strong start, all without exception. He is a continuation of that initial desperate run of small cells with active tails. There will be only one winner in this primary competition, which becomes a powerful beginning that awakens us to life. It is hard to even imagine the huge amount of information that we assimilate in the early years, and the fantastic list of acquired skills. This giant breakthrough from baby with sucking and a few other reflexes that doctors check, to a person who has learned to speak, communicate, create and express love. From one cell to birth - giant leap for 9 months. From birth to age 5 is another fantastic jump. From 5 to 20 years old, a child learns to live in society and turns into a social personality (or, unfortunately, it happens to be antisocial).

    And now let's skip a few decades and ask: what does the period from 50 to 70 years mark? It is much longer than the 5 initial or 15 following years. What we have mastered what have you learned, in what areas have improved, what lies ahead? It will be sad if, of all the events of your own personal life, only retirement is remembered. Then you don’t want to believe at all that you are already five, six, seven, eight ... ten and a half, and in recent years nothing really has been done, decades have flashed by like one day. But even then, nothing is lost.

    One psychiatrist I knew said that if a person does not live with all the strength of his soul, then his life is equivalent to the existence of the body, but without a soul it will soon wither and fall ill. Psychiatrists know better, this is just that medical specialty - one of the few in medicine that directly recognizes the existence of the human soul because psychiatrists deal with the full spectrum of mental illness. We want to turn back a few years, perhaps because we did not have time to do something important in them - for ourselves, for others, for the soul, which we were intended for. I would like to think that they were only a draft and rewrite them cleanly. And then the process of self-justification begins: health was not right, the circumstances were such, but you never know what?

    And why do you need health in this case - to watch TV shows in retirement and share the recipe for a unique decoction with a neighbor? So it is possible with sore legs, with a grasping heart and shortness of breath. Another thing is when health is needed for some specific business - to raise grandchildren, go on an unprecedented journey, learn to dance the Argentine tango, get 3 times a week to the other end of the city for foreign language courses or ribbon weaving. In a word, not only to live a full life, but also constantly learn something amazing, grow and develop. In this case, the biological age figure will be less than the passport one and there will be no need to panic, naming the real age, or deceive yourself, being sure that you actually look much younger than your classmates. Then, although there are health problems, like all of us, regardless of age, they are perceived not as the content of life, but as an issue that needs to be properly resolved. Yes - periodically you need to see a doctor, yes - age-related changes in each period require their own specialist. If at first - to a pediatrician, then later - to a cardiologist, gynecologist, proctologist or rheumatologist. Everything has its time and its specialist, and it must be admitted that we sometimes get sick, and in each life period in different ways, and learn to live and be treated in such a way as to function normally and always feel like a full-fledged person.

    Old age and illness do not come when you turn 90 or 100 years old. Diseases happen at any age, and old age is a functional concept, not numbers in a passport.

    In the book you will find a formula by which to determine your personal, your own age, and it can be very different from the passport in one direction or the other. All of us at a conscious age want it to be smaller, want to look younger and live happier. This is a natural desire, and you will find ways to do it in the pages of this book. The more of them you can apply in your life, the better!

    I will be very glad if, after reading the book, you begin to do the “golden” exercise, described in detail on p. 169. It only takes 1 minute, but it will powerful effect on the spine, back, head and legs - in general, for the whole body. I will also be very pleased when you begin to hug your relatives correctly (see pp. 74-75) and the more often, the more you give them your love and receive health in return. If you want to get rid of the second chin - for this there is a reliable exercise that helps everyone, and will help you within a week after the start. It also takes only 1 minute a day (see p. 175). How many wrinkles you have, what weight or how old you are - this is not even the main thing.

    In medicine, a theory called the “paradox of old age” is finding more and more evidence. She says that the older the person, the happier he feels himself.

    If my book helps you add your weighty contribution to the treasury of evidence for this theory with your life, I will consider my task completed. And I will be happier. And if you can write to me about it at [email protected], then it will be generally cool. And most importantly, remember: the word "age" comes from the verb GROW, that is, we always grow. So let's start.

    Part 1

    Chapter 1.1
    Division into age periods in different systems

    …we are all butterflies flapping our wings in the earthly space-time continuum. How we live today determines how we will live tomorrow.

    David Agus

    Somehow, in my student years, a course at the 4th Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University, a teacher from our department began to show me obvious signs of attention. It was a long time ago, so now I can admit it without hesitation. Roman Arkadyevich was talented, witty and tall, unmarried, he was going to go with us for a summer practice, and I planned to write my thesis under his guidance. My heart was free, he was sympathetic to me, moreover, in a status position, which in his youth in the eyes of a woman gives additional value and a romantic halo. It would seem, why did nothing come of it? Then it was completely clear. Roman Arkadyevich was about 35 years old, that is, according to my ideas at the time, he was just an old man, and his courtship is indecent. If I had known everything that I will write about below about age periods, maybe I would not have refused this wonderful scientist, and my career and personal life would have turned out differently.

    The idea of ​​age and its classification at different times, in different systems and in different countries differ, but in none of them, which has come down to us in written sources, the age of 35 is considered senile.

    Perhaps only in prehistoric times, when primitive people lived in tribes, covered themselves with skins and hunted mammoths, it was rare to live to such an “advanced” age. And even then, young men died most often not from diseases, hunger and cold, that is, from natural causes, but from injuries received in the process of obtaining food, associated with a risk to life. Paleontologists found this out for sure from the found remains and broken cranial bones.

    Pythagoras considered young man one who is already 20 years old, but not yet over 40, and called this period “summer of life”. I should have read Pythagoras even then, learned that Roman Arkadievich and I, in fact, live in the same life period and free yourself from the captivity of outdated prejudices. The ancient Chinese classification of age expressly calls the third decade of life "the age of marriage." How can one not exclaim “If youth knew, if old age could”!

    By the way, old age is when, how many years? In different systems, very different periods of time are called, but in none - earlier than 70 years. Given the increase in overall life expectancy, it is likely that soon the boundary will be pushed far beyond 80 years. Now most often use the WHO age classification, this is what it looks like:

    Young people - up to 44 years old

    Mature people - 45-59 years old

    Elderly people - 60-74 years

    Old people 75–90 years old

    Long-livers - 90 years or more.

    Olga Shestova with the novel Age: advantages, paradoxes and solutions for downloading in fb2 format.

    The paradoxes of age - this is how the phenomenon is increasingly called, when with each passing year a person receives more and more pleasure from life. Health can be a limiting factor. To prevent this from happening, each age, including the most advanced, needs its own measures to strengthen and restore it. Any effort in this direction is bearing fruit. Scientists are conducting active research and believe that in the near future a medicine will be created that not only prevents external signs and diseases, but also reverses aging. To live safely until these better times, there are proven ways available. This book is about them. Read, hug - and be healthy!

    If you liked the summary of the book Age: Advantages, Paradoxes and Solutions, then you can download it in fb2 format by clicking on the links below.

    To date, a large amount of electronic literature has been posted on the Internet. The edition Age: advantages, paradoxes and solutions is dated 2017, belongs to the genre "Medicine" in the series "About the most important thing with Dr. Myasnikov" and is published by the Eksmo publishing house. Perhaps the book has not yet entered the Russian market or has not appeared in electronic format. Do not be upset: just wait, and it will definitely appear on UnitLib in fb2 format, but for now you can download and read other books online. Read and enjoy educational literature with us. Free download in formats (fb2, epub, txt, pdf) allows you to download books directly into an e-book. Remember, if you liked the novel a lot - save it to your wall in a social network, let your friends see it too!

    Olga Shestova

    Age: benefits, paradoxes and solutions

    Foreword by Dr. Myasnikov

    When we pick up a book we like in a bookstore, we usually quickly flip through the pages and look at the preface a little more in detail, trying to understand: is this thing worth it or not?!

    I'll give you advice right away. buy this book, you won't regret it! You will read it in one breath and are guaranteed to learn a lot of useful and interesting things for yourself!

    But even this is not the main thing. The main thing is that this book charges you with self-confidence, wakes up the already forgotten excitement, awakens interest in life again! I myself recently wrote a book on a similar topic - the topic of active longevity. And I can objectively say that such an emotional message as

    Olga Shestova, I failed to give! I say this with a sense of white envy and professional respect!

    In this book, you will see that for so many years you gave up on yourself and considered yourself already “out of the game” for no reason at all! It's never too late and you can- this truth is conveyed so clearly that already while reading you involuntarily draw in your stomach and give yourself the word to start doing physical education!

    Here is not only a call, here are recommendations on how to be healthy and active for many years. No wonder the book is divided into parts "emotional", "theoretical", "practical". Clearly formulated goals and concise advice on how to achieve them. Wherein unobtrusively, humorously and without the "doctor's" instructive tone.

    Olga is a very positive and subtle person in real life. It always seemed to me that she had something to say to people, much more than to those authors whose books she edited (colleagues, no offense, read this book and you will agree with me!). I really liked the book, I recommend it for reading to absolutely everyone - both very young, and those who are going “uphill”, and those who are already going “downhill”. young it will help to understand how to use their inexhaustible reserves, older people will show that old age as such simply does not exist - these are inventions of the weak in spirit and an excuse for the lazy! Well, I heartily congratulate the author on the release of a new brilliant book!

    Your doctor Myasnikov

    Contrary to outdated stereotypes, after 50 comes the happiest time in our lives.

    Vladimir Yakovlev

    The Age of Happiness is a topic that exploded in the book market some time ago and in the minds of people who are getting older and older. The topic sounded, on the one hand, as paradoxical, because it was about people who have far crossed the 60-year mark and discover new activities and achieve success in new professions. On the other hand, the Russian soil for such a topic was prepared by the catchphrase from the legendary film: “At 40, life is just beginning.” And on the third hand, a theory called “paradoxes of aging” is now actively developing in medicine, stating that over the years, a person becomes only happier if it does everything right.

    You can see how quickly the concept of age is changing. The film, in which the heroine utters a phrase encouraging many, was released several decades ago, and then it really seemed that at the age of 40 it remains to wait for grandchildren, pensions and a washed-out sarafan or stretched sweatpants to plant carrots on their knees on their six acres. If there is a couple, then there will be long tea parties in front of the TV with an aging partner and jam. If not - gatherings on the bench in front of the entrance. After only 3-4 decades, the statement that appeared as a revelation became trivial: no one is surprised that a woman in her fifties is at her peak his professional career and, if desired, actively arranges his personal life. And a man in his sixties - enviable groom and a desirable candidate for professional bounty hunters - recruiters looking for professionals for leadership positions.

    In general, ideas about youth and adulthood, about when they end, are increasingly shifting towards large numbers, and every year, it seems, faster and faster. If at the beginning of the last century in Russian villages a girl who married before the age of 20 was considered an old maid, then just a century later, men and women over 50 acquired a special attraction for creating a happy union, especially in Western European countries.

    This has its own logic associated with the obvious successes of medicine and the increase in average life expectancy. By this age, the desired education has been obtained, the biological breeding program has usually been completed, professional ambitions have been satisfied, and a solid material base has been built. If health is not destroyed by especially harmful addictions in nutrition or other abuses of the natural laws of physiology, then, according to statistics, beautiful 25-35 years of cloudless life. How I want to live them, giving and receiving love! And why must it be only love for grandchildren and other flowers of life?

    Everything is so, everything is fine, but what kind of love can there be and what joy, if the heart grabs, the back stops bending and unbending, vision and hearing decrease, and weight and blood sugar, on the contrary, are increased. Yes, and from the material side, too, not everything is always good for everyone. So right? But this has its own answer and its own specific solution.

    After she dared to write the book “Why we are sick: a frank conversation ...”, and it was published in a large circulation, invitations to the largest bookstores in Moscow and the Moscow region followed. Readers wanted to see with their own eyes the author Olga Sorokina (the book was published under such a literary pseudonym) and ask her questions. To be precise, they rather wanted to look not at the author of the book, but at the famous doctor Myasnikov, who warmly represented his editor, that is, me. Basically, people came to get a free medical consultation and immediately attacked Alexander Leonidovich with burning questions. Of course, they can be understood: it is not often seen with one's own eyes world famous doctor, which every week is seen on TV by a multi-million audience, and numerous fans listen to on the radio. If you are concerned about health, and getting the right medical care is becoming increasingly difficult, all the more you want to ask the question about the most important thing to the most authoritative doctor.

    When we pick up a book we like in a bookstore, we usually quickly flip through the pages and look at the preface a little more in detail, trying to understand: is this thing worth it or not?!

    I'll give you advice right away. buy this book, you won't regret it! You will read it in one breath and are guaranteed to learn a lot of useful and interesting things for yourself!

    But even this is not the main thing. The main thing is that this book charges you with self-confidence, wakes up the already forgotten excitement, awakens interest in life again! I myself recently wrote a book on a similar topic - the topic of active longevity. And I can objectively say that such an emotional message as

    Olga Shestova, I failed to give! I say this with a sense of white envy and professional respect!

    In this book, you will see that for so many years you gave up on yourself and considered yourself already “out of the game” for no reason at all! It's never too late and you can- this truth is conveyed so clearly that already while reading you involuntarily draw in your stomach and give yourself the word to start doing physical education!

    Here is not only a call, here are recommendations on how to be healthy and active for many years. No wonder the book is divided into parts "emotional", "theoretical", "practical". Clearly formulated goals and concise advice on how to achieve them. Wherein unobtrusively, humorously and without the "doctor's" instructive tone.

    Olga is a very positive and subtle person in real life. It always seemed to me that she had something to say to people, much more than to those authors whose books she edited (colleagues, no offense, read this book and you will agree with me!). I really liked the book, I recommend it for reading to absolutely everyone - both very young, and those who are going “uphill”, and those who are already going “downhill”. young it will help to understand how to use their inexhaustible reserves, older people will show that old age as such simply does not exist - these are inventions of the weak in spirit and an excuse for the lazy! Well, I heartily congratulate the author on the release of a new brilliant book!

    Your doctor Myasnikov

    Contrary to outdated stereotypes, after 50 comes the happiest time in our lives.

    Vladimir Yakovlev

    The Age of Happiness is a topic that exploded in the book market some time ago and in the minds of people who are getting older and older. The topic sounded, on the one hand, as paradoxical, because it was about people who have far crossed the 60-year mark and discover new activities and achieve success in new professions. On the other hand, the Russian soil for such a topic was prepared by the catchphrase from the legendary film: “At 40, life is just beginning.” And on the third hand, a theory called “paradoxes of aging” is now actively developing in medicine, stating that over the years, a person becomes only happier if it does everything right.

    You can see how quickly the concept of age is changing. The film, in which the heroine utters a phrase encouraging many, was released several decades ago, and then it really seemed that at the age of 40 it remains to wait for grandchildren, pensions and a washed-out sarafan or stretched sweatpants to plant carrots on their knees on their six acres. If there is a couple, then there will be long tea parties in front of the TV with an aging partner and jam. If not - gatherings on the bench in front of the entrance. After only 3-4 decades, the statement that appeared as a revelation became trivial: no one is surprised that a woman in her fifties is at her peak his professional career and, if desired, actively arranges his personal life. And a man in his sixties - enviable groom and a desirable candidate for professional bounty hunters - recruiters looking for professionals for leadership positions.

    In general, ideas about youth and adulthood, about when they end, are increasingly shifting towards large numbers, and every year, it seems, faster and faster. If at the beginning of the last century in Russian villages a girl who married before the age of 20 was considered an old maid, then just a century later, men and women over 50 acquired a special attraction for creating a happy union, especially in Western European countries.

    This has its own logic associated with the obvious successes of medicine and the increase in average life expectancy. By this age, the desired education has been obtained, the biological breeding program has usually been completed, professional ambitions have been satisfied, and a solid material base has been built. If health is not destroyed by especially harmful addictions in nutrition or other abuses of the natural laws of physiology, then, according to statistics, beautiful 25-35 years of cloudless life. How I want to live them, giving and receiving love! And why must it be only love for grandchildren and other flowers of life?

    Everything is so, everything is fine, but what kind of love can there be and what joy, if the heart grabs, the back stops bending and unbending, vision and hearing decrease, and weight and blood sugar, on the contrary, are increased. Yes, and from the material side, too, not everything is always good for everyone. So right? But this has its own answer and its own specific solution.

    After she dared to write the book “Why we are sick: a frank conversation ...”, and it was published in a large circulation, invitations to the largest bookstores in Moscow and the Moscow region followed. Readers wanted to see with their own eyes the author Olga Sorokina (the book was published under such a literary pseudonym) and ask her questions. To be precise, they rather wanted to look not at the author of the book, but at the famous doctor Myasnikov, who warmly represented his editor, that is, me. Basically, people came to get a free medical consultation and immediately attacked Alexander Leonidovich with burning questions. Of course, they can be understood: it is not often seen with one's own eyes world famous doctor, which every week is seen on TV by a multi-million audience, and numerous fans listen to on the radio. If you are concerned about health, and getting the right medical care is becoming increasingly difficult, all the more you want to ask the question about the most important thing to the most authoritative doctor.

    Readers of all ages approached: both very young girls who wanted to take a photo with the author, and adult men, and women at a very advanced age. Their questions were different, their appearance was also very different, but - amazing! There was one common characteristic. Most of them had health problems, but they started by saying their age, apparently out of habit, like at a doctor's appointment. This was followed by a pause. At first I could not understand what was expected of me, what kind of reaction, until I finally heard a hint that broke one long silence: “Yes, yes, you won’t believe me, but I really am 65 years old.” And whoever in my place would not show delicacy and play along, like: “Really 65? I would never have, you look much younger.” After that, the conversation entered into a normal business course, the readers smiled, relaxed, as if they were receiving their portion of the expected and well-deserved encouragement. The solution has been found. Anyone thinks he looks younger than his age and consciously or unconsciously wants confirmation of this from the interlocutor.

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