• Diet Natasha queen. What is the weight and height of Natasha Koroleva, figure parameters, eye color, breast size, biography


    All women of our world strive to look attractive, they constantly try different methods of losing weight on themselves, from performing numerous diets to surgical interventions in order to maintain their figure in a slim and toned form. So celebrities in this regard are no exception.

    They try even more to keep their body in proper shape, as they are constantly in front of a large mass of fans, and they must look just fine. Today I will tell you about the secrets of losing weight from Natasha Koroleva.

    Singer Natalya Koroleva was never thin, the attention of others was often attracted by her "roundness" and "bulge". But, she admits that she, like many other representatives of the fair sex, has to constantly monitor her figure. When the situation starts to get out of control, the artist always has in stock a miraculous way to get rid of extra pounds.

    She has not hidden her diets from the public before. But, this time, she described in detail several ways to lose weight, which she used throughout different periods of her life.

    Her height is 160 centimeters, and her weight is 52 kilograms, but she considers 49 - 50 kg to be the ideal weight. After the birth of her son, her body weight increased by as much as fifteen kilograms, but she managed to pull herself together, and in almost one year she returned to her usual state.

    And now she is simply unrecognizable, she has become prettier and returned to her former shape, again became a slender and charming beauty, attracting the views of many men.

    Envious artists believe that Natasha is inclined to be overweight, and she managed to get rid of extra pounds only thanks to the intervention of plastic surgeons. Allegedly, she underwent many operations, up to liposuction, in order to regain her former shape. The singer decided to reveal her secret, trying to put an end to the spread of these terrible rumors about her weight loss.

    She went in for sports, ran every day, but it did not give any cardinal results. Then she turned to a very famous nutritionist from the UK for help. He ordered her to fast for three days every month, followed by a week on steamed vegetables. It seems to be nothing complicated, but the results were simply impressive.

    There is another little secret. If you refuse to use salt, then in three weeks you can lose seven kilograms. Food, of course, becomes terribly bland and tasteless, it is especially difficult to spend the first week like this, but, on the other hand, when you start to really lose weight, you will understand that the game is really worth the candle.

    To maintain weight, it is better to refuse to take flour products and pasta. Preference should be given to low-fat and boiled dishes made from a variety of vegetables, sea fish and lean meat.

    You need to eat every three hours, and once a week you need to adhere to a special diet, which includes only grapefruit and boiled egg white, and you need to eat them alternately, every hour. Natalya got used to taking containers with these products with her so much that she constantly carried a small bag with this food with her, like a camp kitchen.

    Of course, you won’t go far on a diet alone, so you need to regularly train in fitness centers or gyms, use the services of massage therapists in order to keep your muscles in good shape. Therefore, the artist pays attention not only to the advice of nutritionists, but also to an active lifestyle. She regularly does aerobics, swimming, jogging, and in this way she maintains the shape of her body.

    As for the procedures for kneading the body, Natasha recommends to everyone the usual classic massage, without the use of any oils, as it is the most effective. Or the study of subcutaneous fat with the help of vacuum cans, which also has a very good effect on the overall tone, but electromyostimulation is suitable for the abdomen.

    The artist is convinced that any representative of the fair sex has sufficient willpower and a great desire to achieve the harmony of her body. The main thing is to show an effort, and not quit what you started doing. Even if at first it will be a little difficult, the thought that you will become slim and attractive should warm you.

    She admitted that she loves Ukrainian dumplings very much, and often cooks this delicious dish for herself and her household, and she knows in advance how much time she will need to spend in the gym, doing physical exercises in order to burn the calories received and not gain weight. She follows this very strictly, and does not give herself concessions in sports.


    Any diet implies that you have to live with it - at least for some, but for a certain time, and what's next, extra pounds again? Therefore, you need to constantly adhere to a healthy balanced diet in order to always keep yourself in shape and not run your body.

    This position is more correct than occasionally "sit down" on any diet. It is best to reconsider the lifestyle at a time, and limit yourself to eating fatty and sugary foods in large quantities, and stick to this throughout your life.

    We should not forget about sports, because an active lifestyle helps to maintain our body in a slender and toned form.


    From the TV screen, it is sometimes difficult to understand what this or that celebrity looks like in full size.

    They all look tall and slender, but I hasten to disappoint you: this is just a good job by the videographer.

    Let's look at the ranking of the lowest famous personalities. Among men, the height is 175 cm Timati And Valery Leontiev, golden voice of Russia Nikolay Baskov small and remote - 173 cm. Not far from them was a list of stars with a height of 172 cm - Andrey Arshavin, Boris Moiseev And Denis Torbinsky, football star. Our esteemed prime minister is even smaller Vladimir Putin– 170 cm, also includes Vladimir Vysotsky, Pavel Derevianko. Handsome Timur Rodriguez has a height of 168 cm, although he does not hide it, he fits next to Timur Sasha Tsekal about - 167 cm. Andrey Gubin height 166 cm for Sergei Rost - 165 cm, and Roman Tretyakov from House-2 has a height of 164 cm. On the next line - Dmitry Medvedev And MishaGalustyan- 163 cm, the smallest domestic star - Nikolai Rastorguev- 158 cm.

    The female rating is as follows: the smallest singer - Julia Volkova with a height of 154 cm. next comes the actress Svetlana Svetikova and her height is 157 cm. Yulia Savicheva nature endowed with a height of 159 cm. 160 cm each Maksim And Zhanna Friske, at the dear prima donna Alla Pugacheva height 162 cm, but Alina Kabaeva And Natasha Koroleva- 163 cm. Glucose height 165, 1 cm taller than her Sati Casanova, and after them move Anna Semenovich- 169 cm and Mariya Kozhevnikova 168 cm. 170 cm each Kristina Orbakaite, Masha Malinovskaya, Ksenia Sobchak And Tatiana Arno. At Anastasia Volochkova And Anastasia Stotskaya by 171 cm. Vera Brezhneva And Irina Allegrova slightly higher - 172 cm. Alsou And Bonya have a height of 173 cm, Evelina Bledans - 174 cm, "Miss World" Oksana Fedorova- 176 cm. The tallest girls in show business are Olya Buzova And Zhenya Malakhova- 178 cm.

    • further western stars:

    Danny DeVito the most famous comedian in the world. His height is 152 cm. Thanks to his unusual appearance, the actor became a favorite of the public and earned millions!

    It has long been no secret that Kylie Minogue does not advertise his height (154 cm). Moreover, the Australian singer will not tolerate very tall people near her, and therefore she even chooses security guards no higher than 170 cm.

    Hayden Panettiere- an example of a fragile girl with a height of 156 cm. In ordinary life, Hayden does not stand out from the crowd, wears high heels to parties, and with ex-boyfriend boxer Wladimir Klitschko looks like a beautiful little inch.

    mexican beauty Salma Hayek has many films and awards to his credit. Who knows, maybe it was her 157 cm that helped her achieve such success ...

    Even the most desperate housewife of America is proud of her 157 cm. Eva Longoria visually lengthens the height with the help of heels, because she always needs to match her husband, whose height is 186 cm.

    company Eva Longoria makes up the singer Fergie(157 cm). This girl is hard not to notice, and height is not a drawback, but rather a highlight Fergie.

    Height of 157 cm did not hurt Vanessa Paradis conquer Johnny Depp- the most desirable actor in Hollywood. Although Johnny and loves to go out with others, but always returns to his petite wife.

    Mariah Carey leads a rather open lifestyle and is not at all embarrassed by her 158 cm. The girl considers this an advantage, not a disadvantage.

    The Olsen Twins known for films with their participation, and a collection of youth clothing. “You can become successful even with a height of 158 cm,” they say Mary-Kate and Ashley.

    burning Shakira is the dream of many men. Probably, her 159 cm play an important role in this. The famous American actress and singer has the same height. Hilary Duff.

    Height Natalie Portman also is 159 cm, but she is not embarrassed by either height, or baldness, or makeup. Everything suits such an actress.

    sexy Pamela Anderson can only be seen in short skirts or dresses and high heels. So she compensates for her 160 cm.

    Although growth Scarlet Johansson only 160 cm, millions of fans around the world consider her talented and sexy.

    Eternal rivals Britney Spears And Christina Aguilera only 160 cm each. For many years they have been competing, resorting to new hits, films and clips. Who knows, maybe this is how they compensate for the growth ...

    Madonna loves shocking and cannot imagine his life without once again causing indignation among representatives of the Catholic Church. But she cannot shock with her height (163 cm).

    Did not run away from 163 cm and Rene Zellweger. Her outfits always fascinate, and her elegance conquers everyone around, no one here is looking at her height.

    167 cm Jennifer Lopez do not do her special honor, but the singer "fights" with such a huge, in her opinion, disadvantage with the help of stylists.

    Maintains the same position beyoncé. Well, who cares about her height, if she has such forms! Do you disagree?

    Actress Kate Moss she never panicked because of her 168 cm, but on the contrary admitted that she likes to be a "midget".

    Jessica Alba And Paris Hilton they are proud of their 170 cm. Both consider this height ideal, because they are not too small, but not very tall either.

    Despite their 170 cm, Daniel Radcliffe became the highest paid actor in the world.

    Names like Tom Cruise And Al Pacino are known throughout the world. Even with a height of 174 cm Tom Cruise more than once “saved” the world from invasion, but Al Pacino even managed to lead an entire mafia clan.

    Is it possible to say that small stature is a huge disadvantage? It is doubtful ... And what is a small stature? Who defines it and puts it in a certain framework? Who is embarrassed by this?

    Due to the inveterate views of society, many girls are ashamed of their height and resort to various tricks to visually increase it.

    We just talked about those stars whose height has not prevented them from reaching the top of the world of cinema and show business. How do they deal with so-called growth defects?

    Nothing prevents the famous Madonna, mysterious Shakira, feminine Kylie Minogue and charismatic Reese Witherspoon attract the attention of the public.

    According to the stars, a huge minus is not growth itself, but how you feel about it. Do not allow the thought that you will not be perceived as such. If there are such complexes, then the stars advise you to optically lengthen your growth.

    Famous actresses and singers with small stature can often be seen in pumps with heels from 5 cm to 9 cm. Many stars prefer wedges if they feel a little insecure in high heels.

    If we talk about trousers, then they should be long and narrow. In such trousers you can often see Madonna. Jessica Alba And Hayden Panettiere buy skinny jeans with vertical stripes that visually lengthen the legs.

    Eva Longoria can often be seen in jeans with a low waist, and Pamela Anderson in short skirts. This celebrity avoids maxi skirts on purpose, because such skirts only cover the legs, and Pamela not accustomed to hide their beauty.

    Reese Witherspoon loves tight-fitting blouses and tops, because they not only emphasize her fragility, but also visually add a few centimeters of height.

    Salma Hayek often seen in dresses that are figure-hugging and only just above the knee. This dress visually stretches the figure. Salme it's just on hand.

    The growth of public people is unimportant, because they are loved not for their growth, but for their charisma and energy, with which they charge everything and everyone around them.

    Natasha Koroleva: before and after weight loss

    Weight loss rules from Natasha Koroleva

    Diet of Natasha Koroleva: menu

    • For lunch - vegetables;

    Check your body fat percentage, BMI and other important parameters

    Rice Recipe:

    Boiled Chicken Recipe:

    Marina, 28 years old:

    Lyudmila, 34 years old:

    Larisa, 29 years old:

    The problem of excess weight after childbirth excites almost every young mother. The world-famous woman, Natasha Koroleva, also faced the same problem. After the birth of her son Arkhip, the singer recovered by 15 kilograms, but after a short time she managed to get in shape. Read more about her ways to lose weight in this article.

    In total, Natasha has three options for losing weight, one of which - nine days - is the most common. Below we will talk about all three options, but now we will talk about all the rules inherent in each method of losing weight.

    It is very important to drink plenty of water. Almost any diet and any method of losing weight (whether it is the most effective or slow, but stable) involves the use of large amounts of water. Let us draw your attention to the fact that you need to drink ordinary water (without gas and without any additives). It is such a simple drink that can speed up the metabolism and make those extra pounds go away even faster.

    It is important to exclude from your diet for a few days before the diet, during weight loss, as well as for a week or two after any diet option, such foods as butter, all flour products, sugar, pasta, any sauces, even homemade, and any carbonated drinks. . All these products contain a lot of carbohydrates, as well as a lot of calories, which are then very difficult to work out.

    At one meal (on any diet option), try to eat no more than 250 grams of food. This nuance will reduce the volume of the stomach and eat up in smaller portions.

    Eat everything often. So you won't feel hungry!

    This method was not developed by Natasha Koroleva herself. This option was advised to her by a very famous English nutritionist. But it also works very effectively.

    Let's look at the month. Let's say it's the 10th. This means that from the 15th of this month you must fast for three days, that is, on the 15th, 16th and 17th. Then, after fasting, there is a fasting week. At this time, you can eat only vegetables and drink even more water (about 2 liters per day) to get rid of hunger. You can boil vegetables, stew, you can eat raw - it's up to you.

    The same must be repeated every month. So, in one approach, that is, in 10 days you can lose about 5-7 extra pounds.

    A lighter, but no less effective option, which was developed by Natasha Koroleva herself.

    You must divide all weight loss into 9 days of 3 days. And the menu for every three days will look like this:

    • The first three days: you eat only rice, and in the evening you need to fill it with water, and in the morning, before breakfast, boil it. For the whole day, you can distribute about 800 grams of rice, for example, 5 meals of 160 grams. It is also allowed to drink plenty of water and herbal tea without sugar.
    • For the next three days, you eat only chicken meat (tea and plenty of water are allowed). One day you need to eat about 1 kilogram of chicken. Naturally, without skin and salt. Any other seasonings are also not allowed.
    • After three days of the diet, you eat vegetables - only fresh or boiled without adding salt or any other seasonings. For each day, it is recommended to distribute about 800 grams of vegetables.

    This diet will allow you to lose about 10 extra pounds. At the same time, physical exercises can and should be done. They will bring even greater effect.

    Lose weight effectively with the famous Natasha Koroleva!

    Known since the 1990s. Russian singer Natasha Koroleva never ceases to amaze her fans: before the photo shoot in Maxim magazine, she noticeably lost weight and regained her 15-year-old shape!

    Natasha Koroleva has a hereditary tendency to be overweight, which could not be said if she herself had not admitted it.

    According to her, in her youth she had to visit a famous nutritionist from London, who advised her to fast 3 days a month, and then eat only vegetables for some time. More recently, the singer turned to another doctor - Margarita Koroleva, who made a nutrition plan for her.

    In just a few weeks, Natasha Koroleva noticeably lost weight, and this could not be hidden from the ubiquitous journalists: photographs and articles on this topic began to appear in almost all media, and someone even suggested that the girl had undergone an operation to remove fat, or she was taking pills .

    When people found out that Natasha had lost a lot of weight, a flurry of questions rained down on her, because she changed her figure in just 4 weeks. Of course, the singer kept silent, but exactly until she was tired of various rumors.

    To avoid gossip and gossip, Natasha Koroleva, who has lost weight, nevertheless shared some of the secrets of her nutrition plan, which will be discussed below.

    Natasha Koroleva: height 160 cm, weight 50 kg

    At the moment, the height and weight of Natasha Koroleva are 160 cm and 50-52 kg, but more recently she weighed 69 kg. Such results make us believe that her diet is really effective, but for greater persuasiveness, it is worth comparing before and after photos.

    • During cooking, you can not salt food: table salt initiates fluid retention in the body. Of course, at first the food will be too insipid, but you can quickly get used to it, besides, eating in large quantities in any case will not work;
    • To reduce the calorie content of the diet, it is imperative to eat in small portions, but you need to eat food every 2 hours so that you do not have to starve;

    Natasha Koroleva with her son Arkhip: photo

    • In the menu, the main advantage should be given to protein foods and vegetables, but you will have to forget about fast carbohydrates, because. they harm the body. These include any sweets, flour, fried and too fatty foods, as well as fast food and convenience foods;
    • To speed up the outflow of excess fluid, it is recommended to drink plenty of clean water;
    • Every week you need to do a fasting day: for example, on apples, proteins and grapefruit, kefir or buckwheat.

    Natasha Koroleva with her husband Sergei Glushko (Tarzan): photo

    Judging by the fact that Natasha Koroleva lost 17 kg, her diet really works, and not without success.

    Natasha Koroleva lost weight: before and after photos

    • Each diet cycle lasts 3 days, and the products specified in the menu cannot be changed;
    • Do not forget that you need to eat every couple of hours.

    To understand how Natasha Koroleva lost weight, it is necessary to use her secrets and rules: only in this case will it be possible to quickly remove kilograms.

    Natasha Koroleva's weight loss menu is as follows:

    • From the first to the third days we eat only one rice;
    • From the fourth to the seventh days we eat only boiled chicken meat;
    • The remaining three days we use exclusively fresh or boiled vegetables (800 g each). You can make salads out of them.

    In addition to this option, Natalia also uses a more balanced diet for weight loss:

    • In the morning we eat berries, oatmeal or cottage cheese;
    • For lunch - vegetables;
    • We have lunch with boiled meat with vegetables;
    • We have an afternoon glass of vegetable juice;
    • For dinner, we eat fruit or boiled fish.

    Knowing what diet Natasha Koroleva was on is not enough - it is also important to be able to properly prepare the dishes that she ate for 9 days.

    Rice Recipe:

    • We brew rice in the evening (1 cup), boil it in water in the morning;
    • We eat 200 g of porridge at once, and divide the rest for the whole day.

    Boiled Chicken Recipe:

    • We remove fat and skin from the chicken, throw it into a saucepan with water and cook together with carrots and onions;
    • Throw vegetables away. The broth is drinkable.

    Fresh Vegetable Salad Recipe:

    • Cut celery, cucumber and tomato, rub carrots;
    • We mix everything, pour over the juice squeezed from the lemon.

    Most often, nutritionists speak extremely harshly about strict diets, but this does not apply to the 9-day nutrition method: according to doctors, it is completely harmless for those who do not have chronic diseases. Absolutely healthy people can transform their figure in the same way as the singer lost weight. If there are any health problems, then it is better to refuse this idea.

    Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev: photo 2017

    It is worth noting that how much Natasha Koroleva lost weight is the result of two nutrition systems: in 9 days she threw off about 7 kg, and the remaining 8 kg in about 2-3 weeks.

    When Natasha Koroleva lost weight, this did not go unnoticed by viewers, because it is difficult for such a public and popular girl to hide even the details of her life, not to mention the changes in her figure.

    What Natasha Koroleva looks like now: photo

    “I was delighted with Natalia's weight loss, and also decided to try the 9-day diet on myself. I liked the result: I lost 6 kg, and finally I fit into my favorite dress.

    Lyudmila, 34 years old:

    “Seeing how the Queen has changed, I also went on such a diet, and as a result I became 8 kg thinner. It is difficult to transfer, but the result is impressive”

    “To lose 7 kg, it was enough for me to just sit on the same diet that Natasha used. Of course, it was difficult to resist the temptations, but for the sake of harmony it’s worth to endure. ”

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    Natasha Koroleva is a famous singer in Russia and, more recently, a TV presenter. In addition, she is the owner of a beauty salon, the creator of the Daughters-Mothers jewelry collection and just an excellent mother. Unfortunately, Natasha Koroleva cannot boast of amazing natural forms. Koroleva discovered problems with excess weight after the birth of her son Arkhip. A happy event for any woman brought a young mother 15 kilograms of excess weight.

    However, the singer did not fall into despair, she began to work on her figure, and the result was not long in coming. Natalia knows from her own experience that every mother who has extra pounds can lose weight. Especially for you, we will reveal the secret of what Natasha Koroleva's diet looks like. She has several options, each of which Natasha spends on different occasions, depending on what result and for how long she wants to achieve.

    Diet of Natasha Koroleva. First option

    The diet was suggested to Natasha Koroleva by a well-known nutritionist in England. Following the recommendations of the diet, you need to fast for 3 days a month, and after fasting, eat boiled vegetables and drink water for 1 week.

    Diet of Natasha Koroleva. Second option

    The second version of the diet of Natasha Koroleva provides for a complete rejection of seasonings and salt, from flour and sweet foods. The basis of the diet is:

    • meat, poultry, boiled fish;
    • vegetables.

    These foods are allowed to be eaten until full (but because of their insipid taste, appetite is noticeably reduced). You should eat every 2-3 hours. You will also have to additionally arrange a protein fasting day once a week. Grapefruit and egg white should be included in his diet. These products should be eaten according to the following scheme: grapefruit - 0.5 pcs., Egg white - 0.5 pcs. (every hour). The total duration of the second version of the diet of Natasha Koroleva is 3 weeks.

    Diet of Natasha Koroleva. Third option

    This technique takes place in three stages for three days.

    1. The first stage: porridge from 250 grams of rice, 3 spoons of honey and 2 liters of water. The intestines at this stage very intensively get rid of accumulated toxins.
    2. The second stage: 1.2 kg of boiled fish or chicken, without combining them in one meal, as well as 3 tablespoons of honey for the whole day. At this stage, the most active disposal of accumulated fat occurs.
    3. The third stage: 3 spoons of honey and green vegetables every day. It is allowed to cook salads from beets, carrots, herbs and white cabbage. It is good to season such a salad with olive oil or lemon juice, which are allowed on the diet of Natasha Koroleva in small quantities. The burning of adipose tissue during this period continues.

    Weight loss from such a diet is about 3-9 kilograms, depending on how much weight was originally.

    The diet of Natasha Koroleva is a very broad concept. You can decide on the diet that you liked the most and try it out for yourself.

    What is the height and weight of the singer Nina Shatskaya?

    We did not find any information about the height and weight of the singer Nina Shatskaya, therefore, we will find out approximate data by comparing photographs with people whose height and weight we know.

    In the photo on the right, Nina Shatskaya, shod in 9cm heels and next to her stands Andrey Derzhavin with a height of 179cm and shoes adding 2cm. In total, it turns out that Nina Shatskaya, shod in 9 cm heels, is about 2-3cm higher than 181cm. Accordingly, we subtract 9cm from 184cm and we get the approximate height of Nina Shatskaya at 175 cm. Outwardly, the weight of Nina Shatskaya looks at 70-75 kg

    Height Nina Shatskaya 175cm

    Weight Nina Shatskaya 70-75kg

    How tall and weight is Irina Nizina?

    Irina Nizina is a well-known Russian theater and film actress, winner of the Chaika and Moscow Debuts awards. The most famous actress brought such work in the cinema as the New Life of the Detective Gurov and Advocate. On the Internet, the actress is credited with a height of 174 cm and a weight of 65 kg.

    How reliable and accurate about the height and weight of Irina Nizina, no one knows for sure.

    Irina Nizina's height is 174cm

    Weight of Irina Nizina 65kg

    How tall and weight is Nadezhda Obolentseva?

    Nadezhda Obolentseva was born in Moscow on July 24, 1983 and is best known as a socialite.

    There is no information about the height and weight of Nadezhda Obolentseva, so we will roughly estimate the parameters of a celebrity.

    In the photo, Nadezhda Obolentseva and Svetlana Bondarchuk are 177 cm tall. Based on the photo, it follows that Nadezhda Obolentseva's height is about 174-175 cm, and her weight is 59 kg

    Height Nadezhda Obolentseva 174-175cm

    Weight Nadezhda Obolentseva 59kg

    How tall and weight is Tatyana Denisova?

    Tatyana Denisova was born on February 11, 1981 in the Kaliningrad region of the RSFSR. She is best known as a Ukrainian choreographer, founder and leader of the JB ballet dance group in Germany; one of the permanent members of the jury and choreographer of the Ukrainian TV project "Everybody Dance!" , as well as a mentor and choreographer of the Russian show project "Dancing".

    On the Internet, the famous choreographer is credited with a height of 166 cm and a weight of 58 kg. Whether these declared parameters correspond to real data, no one knows in reality

    Tatyana Denisova's height is 166cm

    Tatyana Denisova's weight is 58kg

    How tall and weight is Anton Makarsky?

    Anton Makarsky was born on November 26, 1975 in the city of Penza. The actor gained the greatest popularity and fame thanks to his roles in films such as Smersh, Poor Nastya, as well as numerous roles in theater and cinema.

    On the Internet, the famous actor is credited with a height of 177-178 cm, and a weight of 79 kg. No one knows how reliable and accurate the stated data are.

    Height of Anton Makarsky 177-178cm

    Weight of Anton Makarsky 79kg

    How tall and weight is Sergey Kucherov?

    Sergey Kucherov was born on August 22, 1989 in the city of Magnitogorsk. He achieved the greatest fame thanks to his sports success in the field of bodybuilding and the TV project Dom2

    On the Internet, Sergey Kucherov is credited with a height of 178-179 cm, and a weight of 88 kg. Whether these declared parameters correspond to reality and reality, no one knows for sure

    Sergey Kucherov's height is 178-179cm

    Sergey Kucherov's weight is 88-90kg

    Natasha Koroleva- Russian pop singer. She began her career under the strict guidance of Igor Nikolaev.

    Singer body type "ABOUT" or "apple-shaped"(according to other sources "H"), but this does not prevent Natalya from having good forms and beautiful external data. Natasha Koroleva's height is 160 cm, weight is 52 kg.

    Diet helped the Queen to turn from a plump into a slim one.

    How does the Queen lose weight?

    To keep her weight normal, Natasha has to resort to various methods of losing weight and, as the singer herself admitted, over the years it is becoming more and more difficult to do this.

    Previously, Natasha relied on fasting days and fasting. This technique made it possible to keep the weight normal and at the same time not harm health. After the birth of her son, it became difficult to adhere to this method, and on the advice of a well-known nutritionist from London, the singer applied a very common method of losing weight on boiled vegetables.

    Now the weight of the singer does not exceed 52 kg. Natasha advises to use such a diet for no more than 3 weeks in a row.

    The basic rules of the diet of Natasha Koroleva

    • Lack of salt, mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces in food. At first, it will seem that the food is tasteless, but after a week the body gets used to it.
    • Once or twice a week is worth doing.
    • Drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day. Be sure to have a glass of water in the morning and also before going to bed.
    • You can not eat sweet, flour, smoked. You can boiled chicken and lean fish.
    • Breaks between meals should be no more than 1.5 hours. Eat small portions.

    Queen diet menu for the day

    Orange juice, 1 boiled egg. After 1 hour, you can eat half and 1 egg, after another 1.5 hours you can eat boiled fish or boiled white meat. You will get 8-10 mini-meals per day.
    For the best effect of the diet, you can sign up for a gym, then it will be easier and faster to lose weight. Natasha also uses massage for weight loss.

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