• Great Soviet and German commanders of the Great Patriotic War


    One of the most important commanders of the Second World War - Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

    The main force that was able to defeat Nazi Germany, of course, is the Soviet people. However, without proper leadership on the battlefield, no one would have been able to defeat a strong opponent. Soviet military leaders showed great courage and showed the level of military art. Many military operations that were prepared and carried out by our commanders, to this day, cause admiration and pride for the Fatherland. The Soviet generals of the Great Patriotic War will forever remain in the memory of everyone who loves and honors their country, who managed to end the war that had begun on June 22, 1941.

    Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov (1896-1974)

    This is the most revered commander in chief of the Soviet army. His unexpected decisions, which baffled the German army, were distinguished by a great idea and strong pressure. Zhukov has always been distinguished by extraordinary thinking, insight and an extraordinary mind. This is what allowed him to play a crucial role in the victory over Germany. These qualities were especially shown during the defense of Leningrad, when due to the coherence of actions, the foresight of possible options for the development of hostilities and impeccable intelligence, he managed to repel the attacks of a superior enemy over and over again. The great commanders of the Second World War considered him the true leader and hope of the Soviet Union.

    Zhukov was appointed commander-in-chief of the Kyiv district in 1940. In the future, he held the most important position of chief in the General Staff of the USSR, commanded the Western Front, and in 1944 was appointed commander of the first Belorussian Front. After the end of the war, he commanded the Odessa and Ural military districts. During the years of his service, Georgy Konstantinovich was presented with many awards (the Order of Suvorov of the first degree, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, twice the Order of Victory).

    Operations led by Zhukov:

    • Stalingrad and Kursk battles.
    • Leningrad and Moscow battles.
    • Berlin and Belarusian operation.

    Video about the great Soviet commander - Georgy Zhukov

    Timoshenko Semyon Konstantinovich (1895-1970)

    This commander in the early stages of the war showed his abilities very unsuccessfully, for which he was subjected to strong anger from Stalin. After that, Timoshenko personally asked to be sent to the most dangerous part of the battle. This decision aroused confidence in the commander, and in the future he commanded several fronts and strategic directions.

    Under his command, the most difficult battle at the beginning of the war, Smolensk, took place. In the period from 1942 to 1943, he happened to command the Stalingrad Front and the North-Western. For his actions, Semyon Konstantinovich was awarded several high awards: three orders of Suvorov of the first degree and many medals for military service.

    Vasilevsky Alexander Mikhailovich (1885-1977)

    Since 1942, he was Chief of the General Staff and Deputy People's Commissar of Defense. Despite this, he spent almost two years on the fronts, in the epicenter of hostilities. He, like Zhukov, was distinguished by high mental abilities and the ability to get out of the most difficult situations. It was he, together with the Marshal of Victory, who developed a plan for a counter-offensive operation near Stalingrad. Vasilevsky also participated in the most important strategic defense on the Kursk Bulge, and then led the troops in the war against Japan in 1945 as commander-in-chief of the troops in the Far East.

    Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky (1896-1968)

    He began his service in 1941 on the Western Front. In 1942, he began commanding the Bryansk Front, and then the Don Front. Rokossovsky was distinguished by a propensity for risk. Therefore, in 1944, he took one of the most important roles in the preparation and conduct of Operation Bagration, which was aimed at the liberation of Belarus.

    Eremenko Andrei Ivanovich (1892-1970)

    He began his service with the appointment to the post of chief commander of the Western Front in 1941. Then he led the Bryansk and Stalingrad fronts. In 1945 he was appointed commander of the fourth Ukrainian front. He showed himself in a perfect organization of defensive actions. Participated in the defense of the eastern part of the Bryansk Front. In 1942, he organized Operation Uranus, when his troops surrounded the Paulus army. He also participated in the operation of the Second Baltic Front and the liberation of Czechoslovakia.

    Malinovsky Rodion Yakovlevich (1898-1967)

    He was distinguished by military cunning, which made it possible to inflict unexpected blows on the enemy at the most necessary moment. In 1941 he began command of the Southern Front. Then he fought on the battlefields just north of Stalingrad. His largest operation was Zaporozhye, which was fully developed and implemented by Malinovsky. Also, his troops took an important part in the liberation of Rostov, Donbass and Ukraine.

    Konev Ivan Stepanovich (1897-1973)

    At that time, the commanders of the Great Patriotic War were distinguished by many features and skills that helped achieve victory. Ivan Stepanovich superbly organized offensive operations and brilliantly won victories in them. Moreover, his maneuvers forced the enemy to retreat, which made it possible not to involve the army in difficult protracted battles and reduce the losses of the troops. For exemplary leadership of his troops, he was twice awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union, as well as the highest of the military orders of the USSR "Victory". Konev participated in the Battle of Kursk, the Battle of Moscow, as well as in the Berlin and Paris operations.

    Bagramyan Ivan Khristoforovich (1897-1982)

    He began his service with the command of the headquarters of the South-Western Front. After that, in 1941, he developed a plan for the liberation of the city of Rostov. His troops took an active part in the defeat of the German troops on the Kursk Bulge. He also exercised command in the implementation of the Baltic and Belarusian operations.

    Great German commanders of the Great Patriotic War

    Outstanding commanders of the Great Patriotic War were also present on the other side of the barricades. The German army at the very beginning of its operations was notable for its coherence of actions, which allowed them to surpass the Russian for quite a long time. The great German commanders of the Great Patriotic War were very well trained and followed the orders of their leader. The main persons on the battlefields from Germany were:

    Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)

    In 1933, he declared himself the head of the German fascist state, he turned fascism into a terrible concept for the whole world. Thanks to his intelligence and revanchist mood, he created for himself a bloc of allies and extensive support among the population. After that, he unleashed a war against:

    • Spanish Republic.
    • Made the occupation of Czechoslovakia.
    • Annexed Austria.
    • Then, with the support of the allies, in 1939 he began the Second World War.

    Video about Adolf Hitler

    In 1945, when Soviet troops entered Berlin, Hitler died by suicide.

    The German commanders of the Second World War obeyed every order of their leader. The most significant figures include:

    Rundstedt Karl Rudolf (1875-1953)

    During the Second World War, he exercised full command of one of the leading groups of the army - "South" during the attack on Poland. Then led the army "A", when she carried out an attack on France. Since 1942 he was appointed commander-in-chief of the German army in the West.

    Keitel Wilhelm (1882-1946)

    Received the rank of Field Marshal for services on the stages of the French company. It is noteworthy that Keitel was the only one who opposed the attack on France. Moreover, he advised Hitler not to go to war with the Soviet Union and even resigned several times. However, Hitler did not accept any of them and sent him to command the army. In 1945, it was he who signed the second and final act, which confirmed the fact of the final surrender of Germany. In 1946, he was executed by hanging and during the execution he shouted: "Germany above all."

    Manstein Erich von Lewinsky (1887-1973)

    He had a reputation as a brilliant tactician. In 1940 he commanded one of the corps during the capture of France. In the war with the Soviet Union he took a decisive part on the Eastern Front. Considered one of the leaders of the Holocaust. In 1941, he independently developed and issued an order, which was the need for "cruel punishment" of Soviet Jews.

    Kleist Ewald (1881-1954)

    He commanded a tank corps, which fought against Poland and France, in the status of field marshal general. In the war with the Soviet Union, he also commanded a tank division and Army Group A.

    Guderian Heinz Wilhelm (1880-1954)

    During his service he commanded an army, a group and a tank corps. After the Soviet army defeated his group near Moscow in 1941, he was removed from his post. Then he was appointed to the post of Chief of the General Staff of the German Ground Forces.

    Which of the Soviet or German commanders do you consider the most outstanding? Share your opinion in

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