• How to choose a school uniform for a child: basic recommendations. Choosing a school uniform Criteria for choosing a school uniform


    Until September 1, there is very little time left. Store shelves are already littered with school goods for every taste and budget. The correspondent of "RG" tried to figure out how to choose the right school uniform: without protruding threads, getting out of the lining, non-staining, wrinkle-resistant and safe.

    In search of the right form, I went around the entire shopping center. Everywhere I was offered children's suits made of viscose with a large addition of synthetics. Prices seemed affordable: 1300-1800 rubles for trousers, 700-1000 for a shirt (made of 100% cotton), 2000-2500 for a sundress, 1000-1300 for a vest. But a first-grader boy (and a child at 7 years old is very mobile and not always neat) will need at least two trousers, two vests, three shirts and a jacket for special occasions, for a girl - a sundress, a skirt or trousers, two vests and three blouses. The amount is rather big, and I want to spend it on quality things.

    Clothing should be light, soft, and comfortable, says Irina Tikhmyanova, representative of the Roskontrol Consumer Union. - Materials are decisive. Modern synthetic materials are very different from natural ones. Synthetics as the first layer of clothing is undesirable.

    But the Association of Children's Goods Industry Enterprises insists that the current level of industrial development is such that many synthetic materials are superior in quality to their natural counterparts.

    Children's clothing is becoming more functional, it should be equally comfortable to jump, run, lie down. Synthetic and blended fabrics are more resistant to friction, wrinkle less and, therefore, more practical, so manufacturers choose them, - explains the president of the association, Antonina Tsitsulina.

    However, manufacturers prefer synthetic fabrics for another important reason - they are cheaper.

    There are no miracles, - agrees Antonina Tsitsulina, - the raw materials used affect the cost of production. But in the premium segment, modern synthetics are also actively used along with natural fabrics.

    Last year, Roskontrol checked 9 samples of school uniforms, of which 5 were included in the list of goods with violations. That is, in fact, every second trousers or every second skirt offered in the store can be a potential hazard to the health of the child.

    According to Irina Tikhmyanova, three samples did not meet the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union for hygroscopicity, they almost did not have the ability to absorb moisture. Four samples did not meet the air permeability regulation, two more were on the verge of an acceptable value. One sample did not meet the toxicity requirements for the lining material.

    Wearing such clothes is very harmful, - explains the expert from Roskontrol. - Poor-quality fabrics, in scientific terms, violate the microclimate of the underwear space. That is, when the skin does not breathe, we sweat, a greenhouse effect is created. In addition, synthetic materials can release a range of toxic pollutants. As a result, at best, such clothes spoil the mood, at worst, serious health problems arise.

    Experts interviewed by RG nevertheless admit that not all synthetic fabrics are dangerous, many modern mixed materials and especially knitted fabrics are in no way inferior to natural ones. More recently, the quality and properties of a fabric could be assessed by the quantitative ratio of natural and synthetic fibers in it. So, according to the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor, the maximum percentage of synthetics allowed in the composition of the fabric from which the school uniform is made is 30 percent for blouses and shirts and 55 percent for suits, jackets, trousers, skirts and sundresses. Now, according to Tikhmyanova, objective indicators of air permeability, hygroscopicity and electrostatic field strength are the main ones.

    Such a system of standards seems to have made the control more accurate and objective, but at the same time, consumers have lost the opportunity, based on the composition of the fabric, to independently assess whether this clothing is suitable for a child or not, she added.

    There is no reason to doubt the safety of children's clothing, Antonina Tsitsulina, president of the Association of Children's Goods Industry Enterprises, insists. In our country, all children's products have a certificate confirming their safety.

    This strict accountability document has its own number, the authenticity of which can be double-checked on the Rosaccreditation website. If the store refused to show you the certificate, or you didn’t find the indicated number on the website, you can safely write a statement to Rospotrebnadzor, ”she explained and reminded that in order to avoid trouble, it’s better to buy clothes from trusted manufacturers and reliable stores. A conscientious manufacturer, in addition to the certificate, will definitely have a legal address and a normal website, high-quality packaging and a label with all the contacts.

    The question remains, why do children's clothes often cost the same as adult clothes, and even more?

    Requirements for children's products are much higher than for adults, - explains Antonina Tsitsulina. - The registration and certification procedure, serious restrictions in the choice of materials, certain requirements for the quality of seams, more manual labor - all this increases the cost. Some people like to remember that earlier children's goods cost much less than adults, but then the state subsidized enterprises in order to keep prices down. Today, pricing is determined by the market.


    Marina Peredelskaya, allergist-immunologist, City Clinical Hospital N 52, Moscow:

    If the child did not have any manifestations of allergies and atopic dermatitis, almost any clothing from any fabrics will suit him. Doctors have no questions about cotton and viscose clothing - it is absolutely safe for everyone. But coarse linen can already cause irritation on the skin of a child. We do not advise allergy sufferers to wear woolen products, they can increase the reaction. We also cannot give full preference to synthetic fabrics, since it is important that the clothes breathe.

    Another important nuance is the quality of staining. The child ran, sweated and suddenly "turned black". Fabrics are dyed with dark dyes, which often contain components that can cause itching and redness on the skin.

    Buttons, rivets, zippers, belt buckles, which include nickel, also often cause skin irritation. We even have the term "jewellery allergy".

    Tips for parents

    1. Study the label. The label must be marked "EAC" (TR CU conformity mark) and indicate the manufacturer, country, date of manufacture, composition with the percentage of materials of both the top and lining, size, care information. Ask the seller for a certificate of conformity for the form. Usually the store has a copy of this document.

    2. Study the composition. It must be specified for both the top and the lining. If the composition for the lining (often happens) is not specified, it is better to refrain from buying. If only polyester is indicated in the composition or its content is about 70-80%, most likely the form will not "breathe", so it is better to refuse the purchase. If the fabric is mixed, for example, "polyester + viscose + elastane", then it is better to choose a product with the lowest percentage of polyester (less than 50-60). The best choice for the top fabric would be wool, viscose, possibly with a small addition of elastane (4-5%). The best lining option is viscose, it has very good breathability and hygroscopicity, but wears out quickly. It is better to choose blouses and shirts from 100% natural fibers (cotton, linen), viscose or blended fabrics with an investment of polyester or polyamide no more than 20-30%.

    3. Do not buy clothes with a strong smell. Most likely, it is sewn from low-quality fabric using chemical impregnations.

    The beginning of the school year is approaching and parents have already taken care of collecting children for school. One of the biggest items in a family's wallet is clothing.

    School uniforms have now been introduced in many educational institutions. So far, there are no uniform standards for it, as it once was in the Soviet Union. Today, each school decides for itself how students should be dressed. Somewhere they are limited, demanding a business look - a dark bottom - a light top, others - they order the tailoring of school uniforms directly from manufacturers. In any case, the main issue is the safety of such clothing for the health of the child.

    At the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Industry and Trade announced that school uniforms needed a single standard, which would be developed. In any case, such a decision was made, though without reservation of terms. What is a single standard? These are a number of characteristics that will allow you to assess with absolute certainty the safety of the clothes that children wear during their studies.

    !Rospotrebnadzor speaks of a direct connection between the quality of clothing and colds, as well as skin diseases in schoolchildren.

    The Ministry of Education and Science does not yet see the need to enshrine the legal concept of a single form in the law, which means that there is nothing to introduce a mandatory standard for now. However, now there are requirements for uniforms, which are established by Rospotrebnadzor and the technical regulations of the Customs Union. Manufacturers should be guided by them.

    What should be the right clothes for a student?

    Clothing for children should be hygroscopic, breathable, should not be electrified - these are the main parameters, but far from the only ones. Last year, Roskachestvo was puzzled by this problem by checking school clothes. For shirts, 30 indicators were chosen: tailoring quality, composition, color fastness, hygroscopicity, etc. For trousers, skirts and jackets, experts identified 60 criteria. Among them are resistance to abrasion and pilling, strength, color quality and others. Thus, recently Roskachestvo conducted the first national study of school clothes.

    Experts studied the consumer properties of samples of the most popular children's shirts and trousers presented in stores. The result was not pleasing. The modern market of clothes for schoolchildren is very problematic. In the case of shirts, 50% of the products were falsified, and almost 70% of the products did not meet the basic requirements, that is, they were potentially unsafe for the health of the child.

    “The vast majority of violating samples in terms of hygroscopicity and air permeability were fake, where instead of natural fibers, an impressive amount of synthetics was found in the fabric,” the study says.

    Experts even recognized a sample made of 100% cotton as "non-breathable".

    “Research data showed that there is a problem in the materials used for the production of shirts: more than half of the samples do not meet sanitary and hygienic requirements. A similar problem was identified in a previous study of trousers for boys, where 67% of the samples were found to be unsafe. Manufacturers need to ensure quality control of fabrics, which will allow them to avoid massive violations of safety indicators and improve the quality of products,” Viktor Evtukhov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, summed up at the time.

    !If there is no uniform at school, the child's clothes should be made of natural fabrics: cotton, linen, wool, wool mixture, viscose.

    These fabrics have good breathability and hygroscopicity. According to sanitary standards, the layer of clothing closest to the body should be made only from natural fabrics. The same requirements apply to tights and socks.

    In the Southern Urals, the vast majority of schools have their own requirements for a uniform uniform, which, unfortunately, come down more to the appearance of uniforms, and not to hygienic parameters.

    “There is a law on education in the Chelyabinsk region, which defines the standard requirements for the clothes of students. It should be comfortable and aesthetic. Three types of clothing are defined: festive, casual and sports, and then everything is in the competence of the educational organization. That is, the school itself determines how the school uniform will look like, what it will be sewn from. For example, a three-piece suit for girls, or it will be, for example, a dress or sundress. Some educational organizations even develop the color of the fabric, and depending on the figure of the child, on his mood, parents order a dress or a skirt with a vest, but this is the right of the educational organization to determine, ”explains Tatyana Melnikova, head of the general education department of the Chelyabinsk Education Committee.

    At the well-known South Urals factory, they explain: you will not find a school uniform made of 100% natural materials. There are two types of clothes for school: from wool mixture and polyviscose.

    Wool mixture- an average option between durable acrylic and warm wool fiber. The ratio of wool with a synthetic additive in such fabrics ranges from 5 to 75%. This material has excellent wear resistance properties.

    Polyviscose- a hybrid of synthetic polyester and viscose, a material, albeit artificial, but natural. Typically, such a fabric contains 30% viscose and 70% polyester, sometimes a small percentage of elastane is added to them for greater elasticity.

    !Artificial and synthetic fibers, when used correctly and moderately, endow clothing with important properties - for example, they do not allow it to stretch and wrinkle heavily.

    However, products made from purely synthetic fabrics in almost 100% of cases do not meet the requirements of sanitary and hygienic safety. The top layer of school clothing must be at least 35% natural fiber and the lining must be 100% natural. Viscose, by the way, is perfect for sewing lining.

    One of the main requirements for school clothes is its convenience. A good manufacturer also takes into account the anatomical features of the child's body. This means that each line in a good factory will make sure that it does not disperse.

    “School uniforms should be provided with special labels, where it is written what it consists of, and so that it is written in Russian, not in Chinese. It is better to buy uniforms from Russian manufacturers, because domestic factories buy fabrics in Russia. And it's safer than it's made in China, where very often their safety records don't pass our Russian standards. You need to pay attention to the quality of the seams, that is, if the threads stick out, then it is clear that the child will run, jump, pull the thread and the seams will open,” explains Regina Klimova, Peplos PR manager.

    Children, no less than adults, want to look modern and stylish. Clothing factories understand this well, but manufacturers are also required to take into account the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor. And they do not allow the use of materials of bright, flashy tones. Child psychologists also advise choosing calm, muted tones for school clothes.

    !Direct colors of the rainbow increase the child's fatigue and can provoke irritation.

    And color combinations: black - white - it is better to avoid, such a sharp contrast greatly tires the eyesight and can even cause a headache. Beige and diluted green are considered the most suitable for school uniforms. Manufacturers often choose all shades of gray.

    How to choose the right shoes?

    The upper material and especially the lining of any children's shoes should be made from natural materials. In high-quality shoes, the child's foot will not sweat.

    According to hygienic standards, the child's foot should be fixed in all joints, since an uneven load will lead to its deformation. The back should be strong and hold its shape well.

    The toe of the shoe must certainly be wide, so as not to deform the toes.
    The sole must be flexible and non-slip. Otherwise, the load on the foot, joints and ligaments increases.

    For a first grader, an arch support inside the shoe is also required, and a heel for girls under 8 years old should not exceed 1 cm.

    And one more piece of advice - do not buy very cheap clothes and shoes for your child. A high-quality school uniform cannot cost less than 2.5 thousand rubles.

    Svetlana Mantsurova, photo: tenderzakaz.kz, domkonsalt.ru

    To choose a school suit so that the child does not suffer from physical and psychological discomfort during the school year, you will be helped by:

    • regulations of the educational institution - in many schools there is either a standard form or a conditional dress code, which limits the choice of colors and wardrobe items;
    • own views on how the student should look;
    • child's preferences.

    We hope that our advice will not be superfluous.

    How to choose a school suit for a boy

    To choose the right school suit for a boy, first of all, you should pay attention to the quality of the fabric. According to the norms for children's clothing, the content of synthetic threads should not exceed:

    • in shirts 30%;
    • trousers, jackets, cardigans, etc. - 50-55%.

    Additives to natural wool and cotton can be polyester, elastane, polyamide, acrylic. They prevent creasing of things and premature loss of shape, increase wear resistance, and simplify the requirements for clothing care. Subject to the proportions of natural and artificial components, the material does not lose hygroscopicity, heat-shielding properties and breathability.

    The composition of the fabric should be indicated on the clothing label. There you will also find recommendations for dry cleaning, washing and ironing the product. Compliance with these rules is necessary for the long-term preservation of a presentable appearance of the school uniform.


    The most popular colors for school suits are those recommended by child psychologists:

    • Gray;
    • blue;
    • dark green;
    • burgundy.

    Photo 1: school uniform in trendy colors

    Before buying school clothes for your child, find out the internal regulations of the educational institution on the appearance of students. As a rule, even if a single form is not provided, a certain color scheme is required.


    When choosing a school uniform for a boy, try to find a suit in size, but taking into account the loose fit - with a small margin. This is necessary because during the school year the child grows up. If the sleeves or trousers are short, the shirt is tight, the appearance is untidy and even miserable. Physical inconvenience is added to the aesthetic problems: the belt of trousers pressing on the stomach can cause pain, too tight shirt restricts breathing.

    But buying a suit a few sizes larger than necessary is also not worth it - a schoolboy will look ridiculous in such clothes. In addition, she will lose a decent appearance by the time the child grows up to her.

    If it is not possible to try on the uniform before buying, carefully take measurements from the boy and compare them with the data in the size chart that each clothing manufacturer has. This way you will get the correct size.

    Figure 1: the main lines for taking measurements from the figure of a boy and a table of standard sizes *chart does not match our size chart:

    Size Growth Length of the product Product width
    30 122 44 32
    32 128 46 34
    34 134 48 36
    36 140 50 38
    38 146 52 40
    40 152 54 42
    42 158 56 44
    44 158-164 58 46
    46 158-164 62 48
    48 158-164 64 50
    50 170-175 66 52

    Knitwear simplifies the selection of school uniforms - elastic things sit better on the figure.


    Designers, manufacturers of children's clothing, teachers, parents and students themselves are unanimous in their preferences, giving priority to casual style. In this direction of fashion, things of a classical type and informal are harmoniously combined. The result is comfortable and elegant sets without dull officialdom. It is thanks to the complex of utilitarian and aesthetic advantages of knitwear that most parents now decide to buy a school uniform for a boy, composed mainly of knitted items or sewn knitted fabrics. In the casual student wardrobe there are trousers and jeans, pullovers and cardigans, vests and sweaters, shirts and turtlenecks. Such a variety of clothing items allows you to create sets for different occasions and weather.

    Photo 2: Casual school uniform

    In conclusion, a few universal tips on how to choose a school suit for a boy.

    1. Try to squeeze the fabric in your hand, rub it lightly. If the material "shoots" with static electricity or instantly wrinkles, it is better not to buy a product from it.
    2. For the cold season, choose clothes with a high content of wool, and for the warm season, choose cotton, linen or viscose.
    3. Pay attention to accessories. The zipper on the trousers should ideally slide and be fixed. Buttons must be securely sewn to a jacket, jacket, shirt. Check the availability of spare fittings - they may come in handy.
    4. The seams of the product must be even and well processed.
    5. If the label states that the item is not to be washed or ironed at home, and only dry cleaning is recommended, this will complicate the care of the garment. It is better to refuse such a suit. Our jersey is quite easy to care for and can be washed at home.
    6. When purchasing a school uniform for a boy, take care of accessories - a tie, a trouser belt.
    7. If you want to save money and time, buy clothes for school in the online store site - we have a wide selection of practical and fashionable products in a full-size line.

    Reading time: 6 minutes

    Before September 1, not only children, but also adults are worried. The choice of a school uniform is a serious matter, so it must be approached with all responsibility. Each school has its own requirements. Schools that have a strict dress code usually provide ready-made kits. More loyal educational institutions give the right to choose, but indicate the desired colors. This is where difficulties arise. The material affects the comfort and health of your child, but not everyone can afford natural fabrics. "Naked" synthetics are also not an option, because it does not let air through at all. Let's figure out if there is an alternative, and what kind of fabric for a school uniform is worth buying.

    Safety is the main rule for children's clothing, so it must meet certain standards and requirements. They are spelled out in the relevant GOSTs and regulatory documents. In particular, this applies to things that are in contact with the body.

    Hygiene requirements

    • Breathability - Air circulation and good heat transfer are a must for an active child. If the fabric does not allow air to pass through, the person sweats, so a greenhouse effect is created. From such things, not only mood, but also health can deteriorate. Air permeability rate for suit fabrics: 50dm³ / m² with a weight of 1m² - 160-190g.

    • Hygroscopicity is one of the most difficult indicators. Problems arise with it if synthetic fabrics were used when sewing. Natural materials easily pass tests for hygroscopicity and breathability. Is this indicator so important? - And even more, because children move a lot during the day and of course they can sweat. If the fabric does not absorb the necessary moisture, discomfort will occur - and this is at best. Hygroscopicity must be at least 10%.
    • Electrified - should be negligible or absent altogether.

    Chemical and biological

    • Color fastness - this indicator affects the number of washes and the service life of the product, and also determines the price segment. Manufacturers of a quality product will not spoil their reputation by using unstable paint. Dyes must be safe and approved. The company whose clothing has been certified indicates all the necessary information on the label and marks its product. Such information includes the date, company name, size and purpose of the product, care, composition. The absence of a tag should alert, and the purchase should be completely abandoned.

    The composition is indicated for both the material of the top and for the lining. Only one composition is indicated if the manufacturer has nothing more to brag about and even has something to hide.

    • Accessories - all kinds of zippers, rivets, buckles and buttons can cause irritation on the skin. Therefore, pay attention to their quality as well.


    Convenient design and high quality seams - children spend most of the day in school uniform, so these indicators should be on top.

    It should be:

    • Fitted, but not tight fitting.
    • The folds lie as laid down and do not diverge in different directions.
    • The length of trousers and sleeves should not be halved with a bent elbow or leg. The length of the jacket does not exceed 2 phalanges of the fingers, and the length of the trousers is determined by the height of the child. It is generally accepted that trousers should cover the heel, and fit beautifully on the front of the shoes.
    • If the sleeve stitching line lies in place, then the shoulder seam is the right length.
    • Shirt cuffs can peek out of the jacket sleeve by 1.5-2 cm - this is acceptable.
    • The most comfortable tie is with an elastic band, because it saves time, and even the child himself is able to put it on.
    • The bottom button of the jacket is not required for fastening.

    Best fabric composition

    The composition of the fabric for a school uniform is something that is chosen especially carefully. Many are convinced that the form should be 100% natural. Synthetics are really poorly breathable and have low hygroscopicity. To whom, static electricity inherent in synthetic materials has not been canceled. Some even have associations with rashes and skin irritations.

    Undoubtedly, a high percentage of natural fibers in the composition guarantees comfort and safety to wear. However, pure wool is not always suitable for tailoring. Yes, it perfectly absorbs moisture and odors, but a school uniform made of natural fabrics is very wrinkled and quickly loses its shape. Scuffs on the elbows and elongated knees will spoil the impression of even the most expensive and high-quality item.

    That is why a small percentage of synthetics in the composition is necessary. The fabric will wrinkle less, strength and wear resistance will increase. Accordingly, the service life of the product will increase and save your budget.

    The school uniform for girls includes folds, tucks and other structural elements. For boys, the arrows on the trousers are an integral part. It is synthetics that allows these elements to remain in their original form.

    To achieve this result, 30-40% polyester fibers, 30% capron are added to the wool. Sometimes the composition contains up to 50% of chemical fibers, such as viscose or lavsan.

    Synthetics are necessary, but within reasonable limits. If it is more than 70%, then refuse to buy. Such a thing will not let air through. Viscose, pikachu or wool with a small percentage of elastane are suitable as the main material. For lining, it makes sense to choose a more natural and breathable material.

    Shirts and blouses must be at least 65% natural material or viscose.

    What fabric is best for school uniforms

    As we have already found out, cotton and wool meet all the requirements, but they are impractical for everyday active wear. In addition, the high cost is completely unjustified in this case, because cotton will shrink after the first wash. So which fabric to choose?

    In addition to wool and cotton, there are other fabrics for sewing school uniforms:

    • Pikachu fabric is jersey, but synthetic. It stretches along the warp and weft, that is, in two directions. The degree of stretch depends on the presence of elastane in the composition. The surface is smooth, despite the diagonal weaving. In general, a dense, solid material that looks good on any figure due to its elasticity. A nice bonus is the price, which is considered quite budgetary. Approximate composition: 90% polyester + 10% elastane. Sometimes, instead of polyester, viscose is found.
    • Polyviscose is a strong, durable blended material. Due to elasticity, the fabric returns to its original position after stretching or other deformation. The surface can be either shiny or matte. The texture depends on the weave and the thickness of the fibers, so it feels like other fabrics, such as linen, cotton and even silk. The name speaks for itself. The composition is as follows: about 70% polyester + 30% viscose. The minimum percentage of viscose is 23%. Sometimes, the composition contains elastane for even greater softness and elasticity. The fabric meets all the necessary requirements: hygroscopicity, softness, breathability, color fastness, strength, crease resistance.

    • Plaid fabric - woolen fabric in a cage. It is created from cotton or wool yarn using a twill weave. Artificial fibers are also added to the composition in different percentages: 60% cotton, 20% viscose or 20% acrylic. But the very first and traditional are woolen, half-woolen and cotton fabrics. The tartan is durable, almost does not wrinkle, drapes well and retains color.

    Above, we have analyzed what the composition of the fabric should be, all the necessary properties and parameters. But do not forget the most important thing - to find out from the child whether he likes your choice, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

    The school uniform should be not only fashionable and beautiful, but also safe! “Of the 98 brands of school uniforms tested, only 14 make high-quality trousers that do not pose a threat to the health of children,” Roskachestvo reports. Experts explained to Letidor which brands to trust and how to choose the right part of the school uniform.

    One of the main worries before the start of the school year is the purchase of a school uniform. There are many requirements for clothes that a student wears most of the day, and especially for trousers, because, by the way, parents buy them not only for boys, but also for girls.

    At the request of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, this summer, Roskachestvo specialists conducted the first national study of school trousers. There has never been such a large-scale inspection in our country: 98 samples from 57 regions of Russia were tested within the framework of the program.

    Like ordinary buyers, experts took shape in large retail chains, specialized stores, markets and Internet sites, and experts paid attention to both budget options at a price of 800 rubles, and more expensive ones - costing up to 4,000 rubles.


    Maxim Alexandrovich Protasov

    Head of the Russian Quality System

    “This study showed that trousers for school turned out to be the most poor-quality category among clothes for the entire time of inspections by Roskachestvo. In 84 out of 98 trousers, we found non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and violations of product labeling. By indicating false information on labels and products, manufacturers violate the rights of consumers. The selected samples have been tested in laboratories according to almost 60 quality and safety criteria. We tested both the lining fabric and the top of the pants."

    Taking care of the health and comfort of the child, all manufacturing companies are required to take into account the safety rules of products and technical regulations prescribed in the Code of the Customs Union in the production of clothing.

    What to look for when choosing a form

    • Fabric structure

    If there is too much synthetic in the material, then it looks more like cellophane. When worn, such clothes do not absorb moisture, which means diaper rash may appear on the skin. The norms allow only a small addition of polymer fabrics (less than 55%), as they allow the fabric to wrinkle less, wear out and not form pellets.

    By the way, it is necessary to distinguish synthetic fibers from artificial ones. The first are oil refining products: polyester, polyacrylonitrile, polyamide, and the second are made from natural materials (most often from cellulose). Viscose is a fabric of natural origin, so it is “more pleasant” to wear.

    Laboratory tests found incorrect composition data in half of the participants. These are branded products:

    Alex-M, Victoria, BOSTON, Vorkuta garment factory, Elena and K, Golden Gus, Klass and K, Coquette, Contact-SDS, New school, Clothes, Osiris, Change, Rainbow Children, Sadman, SV, START, Tilly-Stilly , AlisteR, ACOOLA, baloven, Brl, CLEVERLY, DIBONI, DEN s, DST desty, Etiquelle, Gulliver, ISB, Kaysarow, kitty, Magmen, MEITEX, Noble People, PRALESKA, OLMI, SABOTAGE, Sette gattini, Silver Spoon, SHERRY SHEFF , SkyLake, Stenser, Pinetti, TUGI club, Val Max, Valenti kids, ZARA.

    Composition data is important information for buyers. Some manufacturers, such as Initiative, BREMER, Magmen, Jc, ORBY School, Stenser, Pinetti for some reason forgot about it and did not indicate them on the label at all.

    The OLMI and MEITEX brands have misled not only experts. The label indicated the presence of 28% wool in the composition of the trousers, but it was not at all in the fabric.

    • Hygroscopicity (how much the fabric absorbs moisture)

    If the material does not absorb body vapors, wet skin is easily irritated, and wearing such trousers is unpleasant. Only the following brands showed good results: Nasha Form, BTC, SINAR, Bosser, Balte, Smena, Shaluny, Jc, Katasonov, Mark Gordon, Truvor (articles SP08584 and SP069742), VAN CLIFF, Style me.

    • Breathability

    Mass violations were found in this criterion as well. The denser the fabric, the less it lets air through, which means that the baby's skin does not breathe. Violating brands: Alex-M, Chernozem Arsenal, Klassik, Pobeda, RUS, ACOOLA, Barakat, Choupette, ISB, Krassa, Ostin (art. BP2P326840), Ostin (art. BP4P32), Pinetti, Roderick, Silver Spoon, SkyLake, Sudar, Truvor, TUGI club, Uni style, ZARA.

    • Material strength

    This criterion, many mothers of fidgets, on which clothes "burn", are ready to put at the forefront. “By eye” it is unlikely that it will be possible to estimate how long the trousers will last, it largely depends on the quality and structure of the material, but it also happens that technological errors in production lead to a decrease in strength. To do this, Roskachestvo additionally examined trousers for boys for "survivability" using a special method: fabric samples were stretched to destruction on special tensile machines. However, all the samples presented in the study coped with this test.

    • Fabric dyeing

    To ensure that care and wearing of clothes do not cause us additional problems, Roskachestvo tested the resistance of the fabric dye to the most popular influences: washing, sweat and dry rubbing, as well as, for the first time, to ironing, distilled water (if it rained) and organic solvents.

    The lining and top layer of the trousers were checked separately. Poor-quality dye of the inner parts of clothing threatens to irritate the skin and cause allergic reactions, and the upper ones spoil the appearance of the product.

    As a result of laboratory tests, a dye that is unstable to various influences was found in 16 brands, including: Victoria, Change, OREANA, Sadman, BOSTON, ADONIS, DEN s, Valmer, Choupette, Val Max, SkyLake, PRALESKA, Stillini, SHERRYSHEFF, Kaysarow, DST, desty.

    It should be noted that in all samples the materials and dyes are non-toxic, and the level of formaldehyde is normal.

    • Pilling (formation of pills - pellets) and abrasion resistance

    School trousers are a daily thing, every parent wants the pants to look decent for as long as possible. For high-quality trousers, even after constant fidgeting on a chair, spools on the fabric should not form. All products also passed the abrasion test, for this a special device rubbed the lining and upper fabric evenly and persistently. Almost all pants tested successfully.

    • tailoring quality

    Among the main requirements for clothing is safety, but for children it should also be comfortable. Most manufacturers have taken into account additional requirements: the presence of a slant and codpiece, a complex bodice, the ability to adjust the length of the belt, high-quality stitched side pockets - almost everyone has this.

    A codpiece (or, more simply, a fly) is an important detail in boys' trousers. So that at the right time the clasp does not jam in the child, it should be properly processed. The classic version of the fastener for trousers is a zipper, made with a slope. A hem is a one-piece hem of a trouser that helps keep a shirt or underwear from getting caught in the buckle links.

    For all trousers studied, this part of the product met high quality standards.

    • Crush resistance

    Wrinkled clothes are a headache for more than one mom. Little tomboys rarely fold the form neatly. It is clear that things from 100% natural fabrics will wrinkle the most in this case, and as a result, clothes made of linen, cotton and wool, forming permanent folds, will quickly lose their appearance. That is why in the fabrics used for sewing school uniforms, it is allowed to add synthetic fibers with a certain weave of threads (but not more than 55%), as well as special impregnations (for example, starch).

    According to the degree of crushing, all samples did not cause any complaints.

    • Resizing after washing

    Parents know that school uniforms need to be washed often or even very often. Therefore, how clothes “behave” after washing is a significant property, especially for the family budget.

    After wet processing in the laboratory, the trousers were examined for changes in the length (warp) and width of the trousers, as well as the ratio of the top layer to the lining.

    Washing was carried out strictly according to the modes that were recommended on the product label, and all manufacturers, except for the Elena and K brand, adequately coped with it.

    • Bottom processing

    The mother of even the most accurate child will face a frayed bottom of his trousers. The edge constantly rubs against the shoes or the surface, which gives the clothes a sloppy look. Therefore, in order to prolong the life of trousers, sometimes braid is sewn to the bottom.

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