• How to develop willpower: effective recommendations from psychologists. What is willpower and why do you need to develop and train this ability? How to develop willpower in yourself


    A person becomes successful if he was able to resist ineffective habits, was able to focus on the task, and show persistence in achieving it. The development of willpower is associated with pumping up muscles. If muscle mass grows with systematic exercise, psychological experiments push the dormant mind to create new neural connections, which leads to an awareness of the limitations of thinking and the need to work on oneself.

    How to deal with internal resistance

    Make an agreement with yourself

    Decide on the reasons that stimulate development. What happens when you get better? Strong willpower will help in business, career, personal life, and will give you self-confidence.

    While focusing on developing willpower, you should not forget about the goal. In order not to disperse energy, 1 task is enough, otherwise it is impossible to predict the result.

    Set an intention

    When there is a goal, the subconscious mind, like a compass, points the way to it.

    Write down your bad habit or weakness in one column, and the consequences in the other. For example, overeating means excess weight, lack of energy, decreased sex drive, and aesthetic defects.

    It is important to experience emotions - frustration, anger, irritation. They are the ones who motivate to improve willpower.

    Write your goal down on paper

    In order not to delay the start until next Monday, set a time frame.

    Hang a calendar in a visible place, where you will sketch each day spent according to plan with a red marker.

    By doing this, you activate the trigger (trigger mechanism), helping the subconscious form a sequence of processes.

    State your goal publicly in order to increase responsibility for the experiment and adjust your psyche.


    Model the future by trying on a new look. Clear visualization will orient the subconscious.

    Admire your slender figure in the virtual mirror, see the amount of profit received thanks to your persistence or yourself conducting a dialogue with a foreigner.

    It is important to experience a range of positive emotions.

    How to develop and strengthen willpower

    The desire for self-improvement is always meaningful. The first sign of understanding unproductive thinking is finding an answer to the question: how to develop and strengthen willpower in order to:

    • do not give in to temptations, bad habits, laziness;
    • improve quality of life.

    Get to real action

    If you plan to play sports, purchase the appropriate equipment and exercise for 10 minutes. It doesn’t matter what actions you take, the main thing is to start.

    As you engage in the process, preferences and willpower will form.

    Increase your training time as you adapt. Avoid compromise decisions like “if I drink tea without sugar, then I can afford cake.”

    Think more often about prospects, and not about how to develop willpower.

    Concentrate on the pleasant

    It is important to learn to enjoy the process. It does not depend on external factors.

    The feeling is related to the amount of certain hormones in the blood caused by an internal state. Learn to manage it.

    If negative emotions overwhelm you, close your eyes, think about your favorite activity, imagine in detail what actions bring joy. After 3 minutes your mood will improve. Concentration will tune the brain to the desired frequency.

    Maintain consistency

    It’s difficult to cultivate willpower and remain calm when you have to get rid of 15 kg and learn a foreign language in 3 months.

    Have you noticed that when you take on an ambitious project, urgent matters suddenly appear that take up all your time? This happens when you lack self-confidence.

    To avoid internal sabotage, break your global goal into segments and focus exclusively on the present.

    The 1 minute principle

    How to develop willpower if you don’t want to leave your comfort zone?

    When studying the law of conservation of energy, the idea of ​​stability changes. To solve each problem, a person is given the required amount of resource. The larger the project, the greater its volume.

    When a person stops setting goals, the space narrows, strength and opportunities disappear. If it is difficult to take the first steps, start with the Japanese kaizen system.

    The principle is to do one thing for 60 seconds: push-ups, jump, learn 1 word, master, polish a skill. By improving yourself every day, you free yourself from psychological discomfort about inaction and gradually become involved in the process.

    By gradually increasing the time, you will imperceptibly increase the time period and efficiency.

    • Planning. First, make a plan for the week (to lose 2 kg), then for the second and further according to the plan. The first results are incredibly stimulating. After 3 weeks, consciousness will begin to smoothly adapt to new conditions, create effective habits, and willpower will become stronger.
    • Set realistic goals. When you are committed to global changes, results cannot be achieved in a short time. Expectations are replaced by disappointment.
    • Many habits are designed for the future. You can’t immediately become a vegan, learn 2 languages ​​at the same time, or train willpower in a week.
    • Use the carrot and stick method. Reward yourself for success, fine yourself for broken promises. “If I complete tasks to develop my intuition every day, I’ll go to my friends on Saturday. Otherwise, I’ll spend the evening in the gym or learn 50 additional foreign words.”
    • Tune in. Feeling low in mood, say out loud: “I can do anything.” Find a role model. Ideally, this is a self-made person from your environment with iron willpower. The type of his activity does not matter. You are interested in his motives, the algorithm of steps that led to success.

    3 more ways:

    Turn off the automatic function in your brain. It interferes with your work on yourself – you lose focus. Make it a rule to take a toothbrush and computer mouse with your left hand, and tie your shoelaces with a different knot. You will understand how important it is to control every movement. Skills create new connections in the brain that activate thinking.

    Manage stress and emotions. In mental stress, resources are irrationally spent. A person feels like a victim, at a crucial moment he makes instinctive decisions when it is necessary to conduct a logical analysis. To get rid of destructive thoughts, tell yourself “Stop!”, say them out loud, and end the monologue with the phrase “I’m erasing everything.” Perform breathing exercises:

    • exhale, pull your stomach towards your spine;
    • for 10 seconds, draw in air, protruding the abdominal wall;
    • exhale sharply, repeat 10 times.

    The method will cure procrastination (the need to postpone things “for later”) and will help develop willpower.

    By reassuring yourself “I’ll do it later,” you free yourself from the pangs of conscience and continue to live as before. Challenge yourself by committing to doing unpleasant tasks (making your bed, journaling) for a certain amount of time.

    After a successful first stage, complicate the task, for example: do push-ups the required number of times, eat healthy food for dinner. And no excuses.

    Correct wording. Convince yourself that you are not giving up pleasure, but are training your willpower. Formulation is important for the psyche, so intention spoken out loud has transformative power.

    From words to actions


    Exercises develop short and long willpower. In the first case, the temptation is overcome immediately (by turning off the TV), in the second, a long-term project is implied that does not produce results at the initial stage (raising children).


    Do the exercise for 1 week. It's better to rely on the 5 beeps from your phone.

    When reminding yourself, ask yourself what you least want at the moment. Having found the answer to the question, immediately implement the reluctance. You'll have to get up from the couch and go wash the dishes and do a few squats.

    Learn to break away from a pleasant activity. Once you're engrossed in the game, close the gadget, move away the plate with the half-eaten cake, and turn off the movie halfway through.

    Daily Practice

    The technique takes from 5 minutes. Start the stopwatch and hold your breath. When you really want to inhale, hold on for another 5 seconds. Don't worry, you won't be in danger of asphyxiation. The brain signals about oxygen deficiency ahead of time.

    Do 3 sets. Repeat tomorrow, but hold your breath as you exhale. Then alternate delays, increasing the interval each time. You will notice how quickly your psyche stabilizes and energy appears.

    Stretch in time

    Start with the outside. Set aside time to clean up your desk, computer, wardrobe, and finances. At this stage, long-lasting willpower develops. The realization comes that this should always be the case. Understanding responsibility will encourage internal control. You will learn to manage mental chaos. Before speaking, take a pause to level out the emotional background.

    Improve the “good mood” technique. For a couple of hours, do not allow yourself to grumble, avoid other forms of expressing destructive emotions. Increase the time each time. Over time, the positive attitude will become stable and willpower will become stronger.

    Don't be upset when abulia strikes(temporary lack of will) - a defensive reaction of the psyche caused by overexertion. Slow down your activity for a while. Following the example, with an effort of will I tear myself away from the text and put an end to it.

    How to develop willpower - video

    How to develop willpower? This is a question of interest to people who do not know how to restrain their impulses and want to cultivate strong-willed abilities. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to develop willpower, since they consider it an innate character trait. Then everyone around would become successful people, protected from vices. There are special specific methods by which it is possible to learn how to develop willpower even for a completely weak-willed person. To develop the desired quality of character requires time for stable training. It is also important that a person trying to develop willpower is aware of all the steps that he has to take for the sake of it. Because there are individuals who do not understand why they need this, and when they get what they want, they do not know how to take advantage of it. When a person is clearly aware of his behavior, it helps to train hard. For example, before you develop willpower, that is, begin to train it, you should set a goal for what it is needed in order to withstand negative factors, the pressure of others, and resist passion and drive.

    Many people often do not know whether it is possible to develop willpower and what needs to be done to achieve this. Consciously controlling your own actions, but not forcing them to act, allows you to achieve more. A person who finds it difficult to develop his own willpower becomes dependent on his own. He follows the instincts of his body, so he becomes their slave, often then tormented by doubts because he cannot control himself. An individual who does not have willpower also does not have his right to choose. For example, he sleeps through work because he wanted to sleep longer, or eats a third ice cream because it is an “eyesore.” A person who is unable to develop his own willpower will never stop drinking. Most people are aware of these problems. Therefore, many often want to free themselves from them, rid themselves of passions and want to become strong-willed individuals. It is difficult for them to say no to personal desires, so these people suffer if their plans are never realized.

    How to develop willpower in yourself

    Human actions are always accompanied by a struggle between the physical body and mind. The brain (mind) offers a rational solution to the problem. The biological system seeks compromise in order to obtain the desired pleasure.

    Is it possible to develop willpower? Yes, it is possible to develop this quality on your own by stepping over desires and personal desires. When a person suppresses the desire to abandon what he started, his willpower will become stronger. You need to do this consciously, be aware of your actions, so as not to provoke.

    Willpower is associated with human laziness. Only you can create the desired quality. You can also try to develop willpower by overcoming fear. But fear is harder to overcome than laziness. Each individual at the right time faces the moment of choice. In these moments willpower is expressed. Anyone who has managed to develop it will be able to quickly make decisions independent of all kinds of risks.

    Striving to build willpower will help with self-discipline. The ability to make smart decisions helps you achieve big goals. For these reasons, it is worth developing the desired quality.

    Trying to develop your willpower will help you gain victory over the desires, instincts and habits of the body. Developing strong-willed abilities is difficult and time-consuming, but it is really doable for everyone. The process aimed at developing willpower should begin with simple tasks.

    There is a lot of advice from psychologists on how to develop willpower and self-discipline. You don't have to implement them all at once. To begin with, it is advisable to streamline the regime. You need to teach yourself to get up at the same time every day. The regimen is useful to develop self-discipline and become a healthy person. The habit of planning things will help develop self-discipline. When all the tasks are scheduled, there is no time left for unnecessary things. Strict execution of tasks will contribute to the implementation of actions, despite a variety of conditions. The ability not to delay things, not to put them off, despite fatigue and laziness, the ability to carry out your plans will help you develop the desired quality.

    How to develop willpower and self-discipline? Playing sports will help with this. Exercise will help you fight laziness, fatigue, and discomfort. Even if it is not possible to engage in serious sports, you can do simple exercises, the main thing is daily.

    How to develop willpower? Advice from psychologists says: through proper prioritization. Time spent on unnecessary things, such as watching TV for a long time, can be spent more effectively: reading, self-improvement, learning new things, walking in nature, developing skills.

    In the desire to achieve the desired quality, it is important, first of all, to fulfill the promises that were given to others and to oneself. If a person lacks this quality necessary to fulfill his plans, then it is worth promising to carry out the task. The ability to keep promises will help develop discipline and willpower.

    Following order will help to form the desired ability. If there is order around a person, then there will also be order within him. Being organized and maintaining order will help develop willpower. Having organized order everywhere, washed the dishes, put away things and everything unnecessary, you can start organizing your home.

    Healthy food is essential for better brain function. Foods that are too tasty and sweet, have a lot of calories, and often contain a lot of chemicals that enhance the taste, are not beneficial. You need to be aware of every meal you eat, read information about products, find out which ones contain useful elements. Healthy, tasty, self-prepared food should always be present in the refrigerator. You need to take snacks with you and the habit of eating fast food will disappear by itself. Bad habits (alcohol, smoking) lead to degradation of willpower, but meditation can develop willpower. Practice helps you control your bodily reactions and organize all your thoughts.

    How to develop willpower and self-discipline? Daily meditation can help with this. Many successful, disciplined people practice meditation. A strict training schedule helps to get results. The main thing is to sit in a stable position all the time, put everything aside, and concentrate on your feelings. If attention wanders, it is worth collecting it again. This will train.

    If willpower is absent, you need to develop it by acting immediately. You cannot put off work until an indefinite time. The habit of acting will immediately help a person. Along with following the advice, you should do exercises that will help develop personal willpower.

    There are exercises to control the strength of emotions. You need a piece of paper to write down all the negative consequences that result from weakness and lack of will. Among them: a feeling of guilt that appears as a result of missed opportunities, grief and disappointment. Emotions will act as an incentive for further actions, strengthen willpower, and give strength. Next, you need to describe in detail the planned changes that will be implemented as soon as you manage to develop willpower. Positive emotions help strengthen the individual’s desire for change.

    The technique for developing self-control is based on the desire for self-control. According to this technique, you should not run from desires, you need to cope with them. It doesn’t matter what temptation a person faces, the main thing is to resist it. If, when confronted with passion, a person is able to resist it, then he has managed to cultivate self-discipline, develop and gain willpower.

    How to develop willpower and vital core

    A person’s inner core is a special personal component that makes him strong. This “core” allows a person to withstand the pressure of life’s difficulties, helps solve life situations, develop, grow as a person. It is often said about a person with a fairly stable psyche that he has an inner core.

    To develop willpower and vital core, you need to be decisive and independent, not shift responsibility, and not take into account the opinions of others. Only the person himself knows his capabilities and desires, so he should not allow prejudices to stop him.

    The basis of one’s own faith and confidence can be moral qualities. Passions and instincts capture a person entirely, but they cannot be the reason for renunciation of personal values. A person who knows how to endure difficulties will not sacrifice his own dignity in order to satisfy himself with instant joy. This means that for this he needs to designate moral principles.

    Developing your inner core means gaining a winning mindset. A person for whom what is most important is what is in his soul will be able to survive the loss, because he is confident that he will be able to cope. The individual views the next difficulty as an experience and a lesson. A person who knows that he can overcome anything is determined to achieve a specific goal, does not look for compromises, and therefore never doubts. When he creates a dream, he calculates the necessary actions to implement it, makes it real, not illusory. To achieve his dream, he needs to give up attractions and distractions; for this he needs to develop willpower.

    The inner core of a person is the willingness to conquer oneself. Giving up unhealthy habits builds willpower and can develop an inner core. A confident, strong individual is never unreasonable. Such people are ready to take other people's opinions into account. They often seek new opportunities to understand themselves and others. Because in order to gain a spiritual core and develop willpower, you need to try every day to become better.

    How to develop and strengthen willpower

    An individual under prolonged nervous tension uses energy resources irrationally, so his reactions are somewhat inhibited. Under stress, a person is guided by instincts and makes instant decisions, while self-control requires in-depth consideration and analysis of the situation.

    How to develop willpower and strengthen it? To do this, there are some methods and techniques. The biological basis of self-control and stress are completely different, they are incompatible. Therefore, it is advisable to find a way to bring these processes into harmony, and therefore learn to manage your body under stress. There is a method that helps you instantly gain control of yourself during a stressful situation. When you feel tired or tense, you need to take a couple of deep breaths and try to immediately distract yourself from obsessive or negative thoughts.

    A person’s self-affirmation plays an important role in the question of how to develop willpower. An individual is able to change himself by changing his own thoughts. For example, two outwardly similar phrases, but meaning opposite actions, have a different effect on a person: “I don’t...”, “I can’t.” The personality, thus, forces himself to do things that are not at all to his liking. But the formulation “I am not” helps to abandon the unwanted and not remember about it.

    Healthy sleep helps strengthen your will. Regular lack of sleep negatively affects the efficiency of brain function. When a person sleeps less than six hours, he puts stress on his body. The brain and body deplete the energy resources available in reserve. Thus, the nervous system is not able to protect a person from stress. But after a very good sleep, it will become significantly more functional. People who sleep seven hours are more efficient, happier and more productive.

    How to develop willpower and strengthen it? Experts advise starting to practice meditation, this should last for at least eight weeks. There are studies that show that eight weeks of daily meditation practice leads to improved self-awareness in everyday life, increased attention and better concentration. It turns out that to improve your condition, you don’t need to meditate your whole life; improvements are noticeable after the end of the eighth week of practice.

    To develop and strengthen willpower, you need self-control, which comes with exercise and healthy eating habits. This method will help not only develop your psychological qualities, but also develop your physical parameters. It doesn’t really matter what the physical activity will be, how strong, the main thing is that it is carried out: walking at a fast pace, dancing, yoga, swimming, athletics, team sports or regular training on exercise equipment. In fact, it makes no difference to the brain what type of physical activity a person will engage in, since any of these types goes beyond the boundaries of the usual sedentary lifestyle and increases the resources of volitional abilities.

    Along with playing sports, a person must learn to eat properly. He should give preference only to healthy foods, ones that will provide him with energy for a long time. Changing your eating habits will require strong will and self-control, but putting in the effort will improve brain function.

    Sports along with a healthy diet will not only help a person develop willpower, but will also have a positive effect on well-being. When physical activity occurs, the body produces the hormone endorphin. These endorphins, produced from exercise, minimize the feeling of discomfort, they are able to block pain, and cause a feeling.

    There is such a psychological concept as procrastination. Procrastination is a person's tendency to put things off indefinitely. In general, this phenomenon is considered negative, but now we are talking about healthy, positive procrastination. For example, when it comes to efforts to eliminate bad habits, such as taking a lot of food to watch a movie or going out to smoke with a cup of coffee.

    How to develop willpower in a child

    The process of formation of volitional actions occurs during early childhood, when the baby masters voluntary movements, which he does in manipulations with all available objects that he wants to get acquainted with, most often with toys.

    Is it possible to develop willpower in a child? A similar question is asked by many parents who want to make their child disciplined. Volitional behavior begins to form when the child becomes able to perform the most basic actions necessary to overcome difficulties, as well as actions associated with necessity, when the child needs to do something that was proposed to be done, but not what he himself wants.

    The systematic requirements and attitudes of adults are important here. These adults can skillfully present the child with the urgent need to cope with various but feasible obstacles, while showing willpower along with endurance.

    The willpower of a preschooler can be developed by performing simple but difficult tasks, which encourage the child to do something, not only for himself, but also for others, while overcoming certain obstacles.

    The willpower of a preschooler can be developed using collective games, in which it is necessary to take into account the considerations of the entire group, the game rules, and suppress one’s natural impulses. The process of subordinating one’s own behavior to general external discipline is an important lesson in teaching the development of a child’s volitional behavior.

    Immediately upon entering school, the next stage in the process of developing willpower begins. A student’s volitional abilities can be developed by influencing him through educational activities that present new and varied serious demands and responsibilities. Educational activity expects the child to develop the ability to manage his own mental activity, for example, to make the mental efforts necessary to master the necessary knowledge, to memorize uninteresting and difficult material, to complete the entire work on time and bring it to completion. Educational activities stimulate the student to consciously manage behavior. He must understand everything that is required and do it, even if it does not coincide with his personal desires. This will be able to develop the child’s willpower and then he will be able, for example, to refuse to play, watch TV or walk in order to fulfill his educational duties.

    The main aspect of developing the will of a child is the guidance of adults over him. The closest ones are parents, teachers, and surrounding adult acquaintances. They use certain means and methods to instill discipline in the student and develop willpower.

    Willpower can only be developed by overcoming difficulties, therefore those parents who try in every possible way to eliminate any problems that appear in their child’s path are doing great stupidity, since they interfere with the manifestation of their strong-willed qualities and the ability to overcome obstacles. Forming a sense of duty and understanding of responsibility is a very important condition for developing willpower.

    How to develop willpower in a child? The basic condition is not to do anything that could break it. There is no point in destroying something that has not even fully formed. Children need to be raised and raised in natural conditions, to live in reality, taught to experience happiness and pain, loss and victory, to face betrayal and fidelity.

    Keeping a child from all sorts of troubles and difficulties that may happen to him means weakening his will, preventing the opportunity for it to manifest itself. This does not mean that a child from childhood will make his own life as an adult, full of difficulties and turning points. He will simply have the opportunity to experience personal mistakes. But also, this child, when he stumbles over another stone, will expect a loved one to support him. He needs to know that he will have someone to rely on when he has to face obstacles that will require a lot of his strength.

    To develop willpower in a child, parents should be consistent in their own actions. If parents cannot make a common decision, if one allows something, then the other should not prohibit it, otherwise the child will not understand how to act. It also makes the child very insecure, inconsistent and indecisive. Such relationships have a very negative impact on him. The child will be very lazy, rebel, and take one side of his parents, often the stronger one. The demands put forward by parents must be fair conditions that would help develop the child’s willpower.

    When strict conditions are established over a child, he will be able to develop and strengthen a strong character, which will become very noticeable outwardly, although inside all his feelings will be squeezed. This child in the future can be a toy for manipulators. Some prohibitions that parents set must be absolutely precise. Many people use such formulations of prohibitions as “it is possible only if...”, “it is not possible until...”.

    Many parents make the mistake of being too gentle with their child and allowing too much. Children who grew up in permissive conditions shift their own responsibility to their parents. This can create interpersonal conflicts, accusations and mutual resentment. If the parent says yes, then it must be this way, not otherwise, have no other meaning.

    Thanks to the daily routine, the child can distribute resources, set, develop and achieve his goals. This must begin with basic household rules, gradually increasing them, striving for a significant and more important result. So, it is necessary to immediately teach the child to brush his teeth, then teach him to do morning exercises and develop self-discipline with these habits.

    Volitional qualities can be perfectly formed through sports. Any physical effort is a step towards overcoming oneself. A child who learns to challenge himself and his body will develop a strong spirit and will be able to develop willpower and abilities. Each achievement testifies to the capabilities of the human body and spirit. This includes not only big sports, but also various other physical activities, systematic activities that can discipline a child. It will also bring him pleasure, positivity and confidence. The child should feel supported and should not have the fear of not completing planned tasks or achievements. It is important to remember that from the beginning of the journey, in order to develop willpower and discipline in a child, you should not perform great feats, it is better to start with small victories.

    If a child violates the regime, discipline, does not do what was promised, or is guilty, he must understand that this will not go away for him just like that. Following the commission of an act that goes beyond the boundaries of what is permitted, there should be a punishment that would not humiliate the child himself, and would allow him to remember that this should not be done.

    Willpower must be developed from early childhood, this will help make life easier for the child and also for the parents in the future. The process of developing a child’s willpower is quite energy-intensive; it requires the patience of parents and their time. But you can sacrifice a lot for the sake of raising a child. Willpower will help a child make his dreams come true.

    Intention and willpower are what made the world the way we see it! Find out how to develop willpower and become a successful person!

    Will is the key to developing psychic potential!

    Will is a powerful force that moves the world! It is willpower that allows people, no matter what, to overcome the path to success and achieve their goals. Without the participation of the will, even the most insignificant action is impossible. This feeling motivates each of us to get up in the morning and take action.

    Willpower and intention¹ are what made the great discoveries that built our civilization.

    In self-development and external actions, a person constantly needs to overcome his laziness. It is associated with the instincts of the body, which encourage not to waste extra energy, not to waste forces that may be useful for obtaining food and overcoming dangers.

    It becomes clear that laziness is a concept associated with animal reflexes. To develop, a person needs to overcome it with the help of strong will and intention.

    Intention and will are especially important in magical and psychic practices, when human psychic strength is needed. Only with the help of these qualities can one develop superpowers and activate the brain.

    Willpower is a person’s most important tool on the path to success in mastering psychic potential. With the help of developed intention, he can influence the world around him and transform it at will.

    The path to success cannot be overcome without will and internal discipline. Will is a force that allows you to materialize what you want into reality:

    • move objects with your gaze;
    • change the weather;
    • inspire others with your thoughts and intentions;
    • much more.

    How to develop willpower?

    To perform extrasensory influences, it is necessary to develop willpower. It is because of the lack of will that any attempts at action fail.

    How to develop willpower and strong intention? This article describes a simple and surprisingly effective exercise. By doing it daily, you will gain unshakable strength!

    Any of your undertakings will end in grandiose success, and all your desires will be fulfilled: great strength of intention will be the key!

    In order to practice this technique regularly, you need to be patient. Despite the apparent simplicity of this exercise, it can be difficult to perform at the beginning.

    Amazing technique!

    The following requirements must be met before the exercise.

    • Performed in the morning on an empty stomach. Before it you can drink some water, milk, coffee or tea.
    • During the exercise, your back, neck and head must be kept straight, at the same level, without leaning on anything.
    • The practitioner's face faces north, eyes closed.
    • The muscles are maximally relaxed.

    In this exercise, only the muscles of the arms and shoulders work, but they need to be relaxed by force of will.

    Performance technique

    1. The practitioner sits cross-legged in a Turkish style on a folded blanket or mat. The surface must be hard: the floor or a chair.

    2. A person joins his hands in the chest area, at the level of the fourth Anahata chakra² so that the palms touch each other.

    3. Raises his folded hands up over his head so that the tips of his index fingers touch the point between the eyebrows: where the third eye is located.

    4. Then the practitioner raises his folded hands above his head and holds them there for a long time.

    The time for performing the exercise should begin with one minute of holding, gradually increasing by a minute per day. In a month of training you can reach 30 minutes a day, and in two – one hour.

    5. During this pose, the practitioner (see picture) concentrates attention in the area of ​​the third eye - this is the main center of the will of the brain.

    Over time, you will have enormous willpower! This will affect the power of thought: every thought will be saturated with energy, and every thought will begin to come true in life much faster!

    This method is simple and practical. It gives amazing results! By practicing it daily, you will feel incredibly strong.

    You will feel great strength and power over everything that surrounds you. This will give rise to a feeling of complete confidence and inner dignity.

    Other people will respect you, and your opinion will become an immutable truth for them. This influence occurs unconsciously: people will feel you as a carrier of great power and will automatically be drawn to you.


    At the same time, as you begin to feel that the power of intention has become stronger and has a greater influence on the world around you, you need to increase your awareness and control over emotions!

    You will need strict self-discipline. Any uncontrollable outburst of feelings, anger, rage or hatred of yours can cause great harm to those around you.

    Higher powers closely monitor such people and how they use their will. The law of karma³ always works!

    Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

    ¹ Intention - the orientation of consciousness, thinking towards any object; This orientation is based on desire, intention (

    Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D., psychologist, professor at Stanford University, author of Willpower. How to develop and strengthen? (The Willpower Instinct), says that the ability to self-control is the response of the human brain and body to sudden impulses and desires:

    “Willpower is a person’s reaction to internal conflict. For example, you are overcome by the desire to smoke another cigarette or eat a larger portion for lunch, but you understand that this cannot be done, and with all your might you resist momentary weakness. Or you know you need to go to the gym and pay the utility bills that are collecting dust on the coffee table, but you’d rather be lazy.”

    It took evolution millions of years to form the prefrontal cortex (the area of ​​the brain located just behind the frontal bone of the skull), which controls absolutely all the processes that distinguish humans from animals. If we assume that the human brain is inherently strong in decision-making and self-control, then how to train self-control and what can be done to improve its “standard equipment”?

    For many years it was believed that the structure of the brain was unchanged. However, the results of research conducted by neuroscientists over the past decade have shown that the brain, like a student thirsting for knowledge, is very sensitive to any experience gained: force yourself to solve calculation problems every day - and your brain will become stronger in mathematics; Learn and recite long poems - and you will significantly speed up the processes of memorizing and reproducing information.

    For example, adults, learning to juggle, accumulate gray matter in the parietal lobe of the brain, which is responsible for coordinating movements, and children playing musical instruments have much better developed fine and gross motor skills than their peers.

    Self-control is no exception to the rule. Today, scientists know a huge number of ways to strengthen willpower. Some of you, dear readers, are probably now thinking about temptation traps, such as chocolate bars in the dressing room or the minibar near the exercise bike. It is obvious that by resorting to such methods, you can not only develop the ability to self-control, but also strengthen the nervous system. :)

    Today we invite you to familiarize yourself with simpler, but no less effective ways to develop willpower, proposed by Kelly McGonigal and other psychologists.

    Willpower depletes throughout the day

    A characteristic quality of willpower, according to McGonigal, is its limitation, because every successful manifestation of endurance and self-control depletes a person’s energy reserves:

    “When we try to control our bad temper or ignore irritating factors, we draw strength from the same resource.”

    A series of experiments described by psychologist Roy Baumeister in his book Willpower: Rediscovering Man's Greatest Strength led him to come up with the intriguing hypothesis that self-control is like a muscle: if you don't give it rest, you'll lose control. Over time, you will completely lose your strength, like an athlete who has brought himself to exhaustion. Some researchers, including Kelly McGonigal, believe that willpower, just like the human body, can be developed through special training, which will be discussed below.

    How to learn self-control and strengthen willpower?

    The first step towards self-control is stress management, since their biological basis is completely incompatible. Being under the influence of prolonged nervous tension, a person uses his energy resources irrationally, which negatively affects the functioning of the prefrontal cortex and aggravates the fight-or-flight state. In stressful situations, we act instinctively and make decisions based on immediate conclusions, while self-control requires in-depth consideration and analysis of the current situation.

    In this case, how to achieve self-control in a stressful situation? When you feel stressed and tired, take a couple of deep breaths and try to distract yourself from your thoughts - this practice, according to McGonigal, will be a great start in the fight against chronic stress.

    2. “I can’t” vs. "I don't"

    According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, one way to gain self-control and strengthen willpower is through self-affirmation. A great example is the difference between the impact on a person of using the phrases “I can’t” and “I don’t.”

    In the above-mentioned experiment, 120 students were divided into 2 groups, one of which had to refuse a sentence using the phrase “I can’t”, while the second had to say “no” by starting a sentence with the words “I don’t”. For example, “I can’t eat ice cream” or “I don’t eat ice cream.” After completing the study, participants were offered a free treat: a chocolate bar or a muesli and walnut bar. The students, unaware that the experiment had not yet reached its logical conclusion, made a choice and received the desired snack. As a result, 61% of students who answered “I can’t” chose a chocolate bar over a granola bar, while students who answered “I don’t” chose a cereal bar 64% of the time.

    “Every time you tell yourself, ‘I can’t,’ you create a feedback loop as a reminder of your limitations. This phrase once again emphasizes that you are forcing yourself to do something that you don’t like.”

    How to gain self-control? The next time you have to give up something, use the wording “I don’t” so as not to remember once again that you can’t do something. :)

    3. Healthy sleep

    McGonigal notes that chronic sleep deprivation has a profound effect on the efficient functioning of the prefrontal cortex:

    “Lack of sleep—even if you sleep less than 6 hours a day—is a stressor on the body, affecting how your body and brain deplete available energy resources. As a result, the prefrontal cortex loses control over other areas of the nervous system and cannot protect you from stress.”

    Fortunately, the psychologist also says that all this is reversible:

    “Once a person gets enough sleep, repeat brain scans will no longer show any damage to the prefrontal cortex.”

    How to increase self-control through healthy sleep? Professor of psychiatry Dr. Daniel Kripke, who has devoted a number of scientific papers to sleep problems, writes that people who sleep about 7 hours daily work much more productively, feel happier and live longer. :)

    4. Meditation (at least 8 weeks)

    How to maintain self-control? According to a study conducted by Kelly McGonigal, eight weeks of daily meditation practice led to increased self-awareness in everyday life, improved attention and increased gray matter in the corresponding areas of the brain.

    “You don’t have to meditate your whole life—you can see positive changes in brain function after just 8 weeks of practice.”

    5. Sports and healthy eating

    How to improve self-control and your physical fitness? Another great way to develop willpower is sports, and it doesn’t matter what degree of exercise we are talking about - be it a walk in the fresh air or a full-fledged workout in the gym. For the brain, it makes no difference what kind of activity you choose: gardening, yoga, dancing, team sports, swimming or weightlifting - in this case, anything that goes beyond the typical sedentary lifestyle increases your willpower reserve.

    The second independent measure that also needs to be taken is a healthy diet:

    “It’s best to eat foods that can provide you with long-term energy. Most psychologists and nutritionists advise giving preference to foods that help maintain blood sugar levels at the same level. It will likely take some self-control to start moving in this direction, but any effort you make will improve your brain function.”

    Sports and healthy eating not only strengthen willpower, but also have a positive impact on a person’s overall well-being. In particular, during physical activity, the hormone endorphin is released in our body:

    “Endorphins minimize discomfort during exercise, block pain and promote feelings of euphoria.”

    6. Healthy procrastination

    How to train self-control while being lazy? :) In the previously mentioned book “Willpower: Rediscovering Man's Greatest Strength,” Roy Baumeister explains that repeating to yourself “not now, later” frees you from internal torment, especially when it comes to trying to get rid of bad habits (to for example, eating sweets while watching movies).

    Marshmallow Test

    Finally, I would like to talk about one fascinating experiment conducted for the first time in 1970 by Stanford University professor, author of the cognitive-affective theory of personality Walter Mischel.

    The test is carried out to measure the willpower of children aged 4 to 6 years. The essence of the experiment is as follows: a child is taken into a room with a hidden camera and seated at a table on which lies one marshmallow. The examiner tells the child that he can eat it now or wait a while without touching the treat and receive another marshmallow as a reward.

    In the original version of the experiment, out of 653 participants, more than half succumbed to temptation and did not put off the opportunity to eat marshmallows.

    Watch the video to see how this happens. :)

    The experiment was last conducted in 2012 by psychologists at the University of Rochester.

    Effective willpower is a necessary condition for personal success and is one of the most important human assets. In this article you will find answers to the question of how to develop willpower and what you can do to maximize your willpower.

    Here are 8 tips based on various studies that will help you grow your willpower:

    1. The expression “Willpower is like muscles” seems quite convenient, due to the fact that the answer to the question “how to strengthen willpower” is given by regular exercise. Already two weeks of training increased the willpower of study participants. Well, try some self-control exercise and stick to it in the future. This could be something as simple as maintaining good posture and turning it into a regular exercise program. That is, you simply constantly control yourself and force yourself to take the correct posture. You don't have to start with anything big, just be consistent and mindful of what you do.

    2. Sleep and rest restore the ability to exercise willpower. If you are in a bind, can't handle the next task and are not ready to start it, first ask yourself, have you gotten enough sleep and rest?

    3. The consequence of the need for sleep and rest is that self-control becomes less effective as the day goes on. If possible, do not require your willpower to perform feats in the afternoon.

    4. Positive emotions, as already mentioned, improve opportunities for the manifestation of willpower. Find something that makes you feel good and that will replenish your willpower. Maybe it will be music, a movie or a conversation with an interesting person.

    5. Prepare an “implementation of intentions” plan. It might look like this: “In situation X, I will do actions Y to achieve goal Z”; or “If this happens, I will do this.” The effect of such intentions is to create an incentive for action and transfer control of behavior to the unconscious level.

    6. Willpower appears to depend on the level of glucose dissolved in the blood. As it was revealed, even a single act requiring self-regulation reduces its amount in the blood, reducing the success of subsequent attempts at self-control. Interestingly, it was experimentally established that even a sip of sweet soda eliminates these problems. Always keep some fruit (complex carbohydrates) on hand to help restore your blood glucose levels.

    7. Be prepared for the fact that social situations may require more effort and willpower than you realize. For example, if you are a typical introvert but are forced to act like an extrovert, or need to suppress your reactions (such as the urge to yell at your boss), you are depleting the willpower you will need to take subsequent action. To be in harmony with others requires some effort.

    8. Finally, the capabilities of our willpower largely depend on our motivation. Even when we are hungry, sleep deprived, and under limited time pressure, we can use our willpower to continue to act according to the situation. It's difficult, but it's possible, especially if we focus on our values ​​and long-term goals, which will give us perspective into the future, not just today.

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