• Teleportation – methods and cases of movement in space. Techniques for moving in space: how to learn teleportation? You can teleport in real life


    In order to teleport, you just need to understand that there are no spaces and no time in the universe, when you stop being mistaken, everything will work out by itself...
    A person living in an illusory perception of his five senses does not realize that in addition to even the notorious “sixth” sense, there may be a seventh and an eighth. What is space? This is where we are. This is the Earth, the Galaxy, the Universe... It's all space. What moves us in space? Laws of physics. What condition must be met for a material body to instantly move from one point in space to another? There are many such conditions, and the first of them is mastering the sense of “space.” From a human, not a physical point of view, space is something that cannot be felt, it cannot be used as matter for creation or destruction. While a person is free to use any of his feelings as he pleases.
    Hence the conclusion - either develop technologies for moving nanoparticles, or... however, the second option can hardly be accessible to a human technocrat, which we are. An intelligent being, having invented the wheel - the first mechanical device - takes the path of a technocrat. Another path will lead to the existence of the so-called “biotronic” civilization, for whose representatives teleportation through thoughts is an everyday thing, just like for us to get on a bicycle or a car and ride to the store.

    With the help of technical means, teleportation can be performed effortlessly. The teleportation mechanism is approximately as follows. You enter the portal cabin and see a map on the monitor and select an available portal and click on this location. Then in the back wall of the portal you see another portal, which you enter and exit in a different place. From a physical point of view, when you chose a place on the map, the space between these two portals that are located in different places was combined and warped together. Thus, you simply went to another place in space. Afterwards, the space returned to its original state. In the case of chronoportation, space is combined and deformed in time. If you have psi-industrial abilities or a psy-industrial block, then you can use your consciousness to perform a similar deformation of space between two points; in this case, your consciousness should generate spatial energy, which will deform the metric of space like an ordinary technical portal. Theoretically, it is possible to teleport with the help of consciousness, but in practice it requires enormous effort.

    How to learn to teleport?

    Dear brother, this is my answer. Teleportation is the ability of an object to move in space without using technical means, as well as its physical body. Teleportation occurs under the condition that a person or any other creature is fully aware of himself as a Spirit embodied in matter. In this case, his physical body becomes not a limiting *oops*tor in movement, but one of the tools that helps tune in to the desired frequency of the place where the person wants to teleport. Is it necessary to know the exact geographical coordinates? Not necessarily, but if it is more convenient for you to project yourself using a geographical map, nothing limits you from this. Moreover, you can teleport not only in space, but also in time. Many of the now Ascended Masters began by teleporting back to their carefree childhoods to experience the Divine Love of Spirit directly in the form of parental love. Your science fiction writers who thought about the topic of teleportation often faced the question of how you can return back to the starting point, whether it is possible to get lost in space and especially in time during teleportation. I must inform you that this question in itself is extremely far-fetched and comes from your inquisitive but imperfect mind. The fact is that if during teleportation a person uses only his Spirit, and physical and other bodies become tools of movement for him, then he can always return to the starting point simply by concentrating on his Spirit and asking it to return you to the place where you are you actually stay. How so? The fact is that teleportation is actually nothing more than an illusion, just like the entire reality around you. It seems to you that you are teleporting, moving in space and time, and this illusion is so real that only a real Awakened One can not believe in it. If you teleport using technical means, then your mind usually perceives these movements as really taking place. At the same time, you are simply creating another illusion for yourself using technical means. Your Spirit actually always resides at that point in time and space where this stay is appropriate for you. As a rule, this coincides with the starting point. The fact is that, being in certain coordinates of space and time, you perform a certain work assigned to you by yourself. And being at this point is the most pleasant and comfortable for you. Your desire to teleport somewhere is usually driven by curiosity or the desire to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible, avoiding vehicles. Teleportation in time is usually associated with the desire to be in certain circumstances that you need at some point. As you can see, all these are desires stemming from your Ego. There is nothing wrong with them, but you need to remember that they are temporary and not entirely true. Your true desires lie in the desires and needs of your Spirit, which radiates them so that you can fully accomplish the tasks of your current incarnation. Therefore, as soon as you concentrate on the Spirit and express the intention to return to the point of greatest comfort and favor for you, you will immediately find yourself at the starting point. It is impossible to get lost in time and space, because you always have a guide - your Higher Consciousness, which is like a helmsman at the helm of your core *oops*.

    How to learn teleportation? First, learn to concentrate on your Spirit, to center yourself, to feel yourself as a Spirit in matter. There are many methods for this, search and you will find yours. Once you feel, and these will be physical sensations in your body, that you are inside the illusion of space and time, you will understand that the “engine” of your core *oops* has started working. Yes, we will use the metaphor of a core * oops * with an engine, and nevertheless we will put the Higher Self at the helm. The space around you will vibrate and “float” somewhat. Don’t be alarmed by this, at this stage many people end their experiments, because fear becomes the first emotion. Remember, you are led by your Spirit, do not let your mind scream at your ship and establish its own order. Put him in the cockpit and let him peel the potatoes. 

    So, you have felt the vibrations of space. It has become illusory for you. Now turn to your Spirit and slowly, carefully understanding each word, express the intention to teleport to such and such a point in time and space. Then close your eyes and - most importantly! - let yourself go. At this moment, too, many fail because they are afraid to surrender to the Spirit. Do not be afraid. He who is brave will be rewarded. When teleporting for the first time, it is best to close your eyes. You will open them when you feel that the transfer is complete. Don't follow the example of Kolya Gerasimov from your children's film and don't peek. What you see may greatly frighten you, and your teleportation will not complete as expected; you may experience serious energy disruptions, fraught with mental damage and mental illness. I'm not scaring you, just warning you. If you opened your eyes the first time and still remained at the starting point, do not be discouraged and try again after a while with renewed vigor from the very beginning.

    Good luck to you, my ascending brothers and sisters! Let the universe reveal itself to you as a tender mother and a passionate lover. I am with you and for you. Yeshua

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    Teleportation is interpreted as a change in the coordinates of an object, while such a movement is poorly justified from a scientific point of view. It is unclear how the effect is achieved, since testing hypotheses in practice is unrealistic. But there are assumptions by scientists that allow us to hope that in the future this method of transportation will be available.

    What is "teleportation"?

    Teleportation is the result of the rapid movement of a thing or body over any distance, when it disappears in its original place and appears in its final place. So far, scientists have paid little attention to putting this method into practice, but there are still some developments. The following types of teleportation are distinguished:

    1. Transport beam. The molecules of the object are scanned, recorded, then the original is destroyed, and in another place the machine recreates a copy based on this data. It is not suitable for moving a person, since it is impossible to count millions of molecules of the body and reproduce them in a split second. Moreover, when the original body is destroyed, consciousness also disappears.
    2. Portal. A special state of space that transfers an object to another place, with the same field properties. A favorite fantasy theme, but not used in reality, since it is unknown where such places exist.
    3. Null-T. Scientists explain this option as opening a window into another dimension, the location of which corresponds to our reality, but the distances are compressed many times. A puncture is made through them, and the object is moved to another place.

    Quantum teleportation

    Scientists also identify a type called quantum teleportation - the transfer of a photon state through two things separated in space and a communication channel where the state is first destroyed and then recreated. To do this at the speed of light, Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen correlation particles are used. It is used in quantum calculations, where only the recipient has data about the item.

    Why were scientists reluctant to discuss this idea of ​​“teleportation in space”? It was believed that it violated the principle that prohibits the scanner from extracting the entire data of an object. The scan must recreate complete information, otherwise a perfect copy cannot be created. The first successful experiment was carried out only at the beginning of this century between laser radiation quanta and cesium atoms, this was done by scientists from the Niels Bohr Institute. And in 2017, Chinese researchers achieved quantum teleportation over 1,200 kilometers.

    Hole teleportation

    There is also a type called hole teleportation, a method when objects move from one size to another without a transition period. The action is explained in the following ways:

    1. Pushing objects beyond the boundaries of the universe.
    2. Increasing the wavelength of the object to Broglie.

    Teleportation exists - this position is based on the fact that space has limits, beyond which there is no longer space and time, but only emptiness. Since space has no center, such vacuum holes can actually be found at any point; these are conditional particles that are constantly in motion. From a scientific point of view, hole teleportation is based on Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and Niels Bohr's complementarity principle.

    "Mole Hole"

    The wormhole theory explains that space has the power to take the shape of a pipe that connects eras or islands of time. The famous physicist Flamm suggested at the beginning of the last century that plastic lineometry could be a hole connecting two planets. And Einstein noted: simple solutions to equations that describe electrically charged and forming gravitational fields, sources, have the spatial structure of a bridge.

    “Wormhole in space” or wormhole – these “bridges” received this name much later. Versions of how it works:

    1. Electrical lines of force enter the hole from one end and exit from the other.
    2. Both exits lead to the same world, but in different time periods. The entry point is a negative charge, and the exit point is positive.

    Psi teleportation

    Teleportation technology also manifested itself in psi effects, they are also called psychokinetic phenomena. It includes the following phenomena:

    1. Psychokinesis or telekinesis– impact and influence on objects or energy fields.
    2. Levitation– liberation from gravity. Outwardly, it looks like hovering above the ground, walking through the air.
    3. Out-of-body projection. Separation of energy mass from the physical body. A person sees himself from the outside.
    4. Materialization. The ability to implement concerns both processes and objects and situations.

    Teleportation - myth or reality?

    Is teleportation possible? This question is asked by many people: from scientists to ordinary people. For centuries, it was believed that such a phenomenon could not exist, and that some manifestations were the tricks of charlatans. Only in recent years have people begun to listen to the theory of movement in space and time, thanks to the efforts of physicists who declared that small parts of matter are not an obstacle to instantaneous movements.

    Teleportation - is it possible? The answer can be found in the story of the nun Maria, who over the course of several years managed to visit America more than 500 times without leaving her monastery. At the same time, she converted the Yuma tribe in New Mexico into the Christian faith, which is confirmed by conversations with Indians and papers presented by the conquistadors of Spain and explorers of France.

    Human teleportation - how to learn?

    How to learn teleportation? There is no answer to this question yet, although you can find many societies on the Internet that promise to teach. As well as detailed instructions. But there is no real methodology yet; there are only special cases when individual people showed such talents. However, they could not describe the process of movement itself. Scientists believe that even if technologies such as human teleportation appear, it will be extremely difficult to bring them to life due to the relativity of time.

    Teleportation - real cases

    Cases of human teleportation, which have been recorded and confirmed over many centuries in different countries, prevent us from completely discarding the existence of the theory of movement in space.

    1. Magic specialist Tudor Pole in 1952 was able to cover a distance of one and a half miles from the suburbs to his own home in three minutes.
    2. Chinese Zhang Baosheng has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to teleport objects from one place to another. The facts were recorded by scientists in 1982.
    3. A prisoner in the American prison Hadad managed to disappear from closed premises. But at the same time, he always returned back, not wanting to aggravate the punishment.
    4. In New York, a case was recorded when a young man appeared at a subway station, claiming that he was instantly transported from the suburbs of Rome. Checking the situation confirmed this fact.

    Books about teleportation

    Experiments on teleportation were often carried out by heroes of science fiction writers; the Strugatsky brothers even outlined how flights to the stars would proceed based on this theory. The most interesting books, where many lines are devoted to such an amazing movement:

    1. Cycle "Troy". Mars of the second millennium, strong players recreate the Trojan War. A professor from the 20th century, having moved to another reality, is forced to correct this historical battle.
    2. Alfred Bester. "Tiger! Tiger!". The fact of “jaunting” is stated - teleportation by force of will.
    3. Sergei Lukyanenko. "Star Shadow". The type of teleportation “jump” that the hero performs using a special mechanism is described.

    Movie about teleportation

    Films and TV series about teleportation were created by directors from different countries. This fact first appeared in the film “The Fly,” when the hero performed an experiment on moving himself, but a fly flew into the camera, which led to tragedy. Of the most famous films:

    1. Star Trek series. To avoid spending money on expensive spaceship takeoff effects, it was decided to move the Enterprise crew members along the beam.
    2. "Sagittarius the restless". The main character creates a teleportation installation and moves around the world at will.
    3. Stargate series. With the help of artifacts and the Asgard beam, people learned to move to other planets.

    Our planet is shrouded in a network of energy lines, with the help of which you can teleport to new realities! Find out how to move in space!

    What can be done through energy portals?

    Our entire space is riddled with holes and energy tunnels. Most people have forgotten how to notice them: people live in a three-dimensional world and are accustomed to paying attention only to physical reality. This is noticed only by those who have developed hypersensitivity and those who are familiar with teleportation¹.

    The ability to use and feel energy tunnels and flows gives a person the opportunity to:

    • Influence reality.
    • Feed your physical and subtle bodies with energy².

    The intersection lines of spatial corridors are called places of power. In these places, temples and temples were previously built (“accumulate”). They can give a person a powerful boost of energy.

    • Move in space. Shift your consciousness and body (with advanced teleportation!) to different points in space almost instantly.

    Moving along these spatial corridors from one place to another is very fast. You can also move into reality with new properties!

    • Negotiate with the spirits of other worlds and influence events with their help.

    There are portals that lead to parallel worlds. They are connected with our world, and with the help of the inhabitants of these worlds (spirits and various egregors³), you can attract the necessary events into your life!

    The use of portals and the Earth's energy grid gives enormous opportunities to humans. Not only will you strengthen your spiritual development, you will gain great power and be able to set up great success in your life!

    Super sensitive hands to find portals!

    The easiest way to find “gaps” in space is to develop hand sensitivity. These gaps represent passages into parallel realities.

    Human fingers are like antennas that “catch” various types of information. Each finger has its own function. In order to find a portal in space, you need the ring finger and little finger on both hands. They can be called information fingers.

    In order to find an energy portal, the first and most important requirement: trust your feelings!

    It is better to look for portals in nature, in energetically strong places - places of power. You can try to find a hole in your own home, but the likelihood of finding a way out into a qualitatively different reality is low.

    Most often, this turns out to be a portal to a reality that is no different from the current one.

    Methodology for finding and using energy portals!

    1. The practitioner bends his arms at the elbows and connects the information fingers of both hands together, interlocking the remaining fingers. The connection of the pads of the information fingers creates an analogue of a compass needle!

    2. Then the person stands up straight and begins to slowly turn his body from left to right around its axis.

    3. At this time, the practitioner concentrates on the “compass needle”: the pads of information fingers connected together. He listens to the sensations of his body and fingers. During slow turns, they will sense changes in the density of the medium.

    4. With practice, a person will begin to register the slightest changes: how a feeling of a gap or gap will suddenly arise in the air. This is the passage between spaces!

    5. The practitioner mentally formulates a request to find a portal to the reality of interest. For example: “I want to find a portal to the reality of wealth!”

    7. Before taking a step with his right foot, the person mentally pronounces the formulated request.

    8. The practitioner takes a step with his right foot and concentrates on the pads of the information fingers. He can be pulled in any direction, there is no need to resist, you can safely go where he is pulled.

    At the beginning of practice, the extrasensory perception of an ordinary person is at a fairly low level, but with practice you will be able to feel and see much more. If you travel with your consciousness through these portals, you can meet many interesting places and different creatures!

    At the material level, changes will begin that correspond to the request. For example, the transition to the reality of wealth may be accompanied by the fact that you unexpectedly find opportunities for good income or accidentally see money on the street!

    The more you do this, the more skillfully you will learn to move in space!

    Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

    ¹ Teleportation is a hypothetical change in the coordinates of an object (movement), in which the trajectory of the object cannot be described mathematically by a continuous function of time (Wikipedia).

    ³ Egregor - in occult and new (non-traditional) religious movements - the soul of a thing, an angel, a “mental condensate” generated by the thoughts and emotions of people and acquiring independent existence (

    Please distribute this text wherever possible: on blogs, on social networks, print it out and hand it out on the streets. If you can, translate this into other languages. This is a simple instruction on how to teleport correctly. One day, this ability appeared in the entire population of our planet and could have gone unnoticed. Governments are doing their best to prevent everyone from moving long distances at will. Therefore, these instructions may not be permitted in your country.

    We have prepared the shortest and most concise text that can be distributed both with and without pictures.

    So, all you need is four things:
    1. Concentration
    2. Your coordinates
    3. Place of arrival
    4. “Reflection Point”

    Firstly, nothing should distract you. Most likely, you simply won't be able to move if you don't concentrate. In the worst case scenario, you may be reflected inside a wall or tree. Then there will be an explosion and you will most likely die. Only concentration on your coordinates and the coordinates of the “reflection point” should worry you at this moment.

    To understand your coordinates, you need to decide on distances. It doesn’t matter in meters, feet or your height, you measure space. It is important to determine how far you want to move within these coordinates. It is advisable to see the final point of arrival, otherwise you can again teleport to another object.

    The “reflection point” is a conditionally plane in space relative to which you will be reflected. This is the simplest method of teleportation by reflection, because it is the most familiar. The “reflection point” is located exactly halfway between your starting coordinates and your arrival location.
    Then all you need is desire. With proper concentration and correct calculations, you will instantly be reflected.

    Remember that after moving, your left and right will change. You will not be able to perceive normal text, since it will be reflected to you.

    After some training, you should learn to immediately teleport again a short distance in order to return to normal.

    This is all you need to learn how to move vast distances and not depend on borders and transport.

    We probably don’t know where or why this ability appeared in people, but no one has the right to take it away from us. For a world without borders!

    Hi all! I continue to publish a series of articles in the “Amazing Discoveries” section, which I began with a story in February 2015. Today our topic is: “Human teleportation”

    1. What is teleportation

    If you have read at least one of my stories, you probably realized that I am not making anything up. The reason is simple - I just don’t know how to do it. All the events I describe actually happened. Everything is tied to time and place. Individual stories, like a mosaic, add up to a larger picture called “Notes of an Old-Timer.”

    In this story I will continue this tradition, although I am sure that there will be skeptics who will argue that human teleportation is a fiction, like everything stated below, because this phenomenon is a figment of human imagination. That I could not witness this phenomenon because this could never happen. Judge for yourself.


    I'll start with the definition from Wikipedia.

    Teleportation (Greek τήλε - far, into the distance and Lat. portare - to carry) is a hypothetical change in the coordinates of an object (movement), in which the trajectory of the object cannot be described mathematically by a continuous function of time.

    It's a bit complicated. Now in Russian:

    Teleportation is the instantaneous movement of living and inanimate objects to any distance in space, regardless of any barriers or screens, one of the forms of psychokinesis. (The term was coined by Charles Fort.)

    Let me remind you that there have been similar cases in history. I will give the most famous:

    2. Teleportation of the philosopher Apollonius

    The Roman emperor Domitian (1st century AD) put the famous philosopher Apollonius on trial. After the verdict was announced, the unfortunate man said: “No one, not even the Emperor of Rome, can keep me in captivity.” There was a flash of light, and the defendant, in front of the eyes of the assessors and the emperor himself, disappeared from the courtroom and found himself several days' journey from Rome.

    This is not a mystical story, but a historical fact.

    Philosopher Apollonius

    3. Teleportation of the Atta Ant Queen

    There is also a scientifically proven fact of teleportation of the queen of Atta ants:

    If you open the side of the concrete chamber where the queen lives and mark it with paint, at first nothing happens. But if you close the camera for a few minutes, the uterus will disappear. It, marked with paint, can be found several tens of meters away in another chamber. The effect shocked the scientific community.

    Atta ant queen

    All this is denied by Newtonian mechanics. It says that atoms do not simply move in motion, without the influence of a second force, and do not disappear or reappear in another place. However, according to the theory of quantum mechanics, such things are quite possible. Considering the properties of atoms, scientists have discovered that an electron behaves like a wave and can make quantum jumps while rotating around the nucleus of an atom.

    For me the question is: “Is teleportation possible? It’s not worth it!” As proof, I cite a story that happened to me these days. .

    4. Teleporting a person with your own eyes

    4.1 Arrival in St. Petersburg

    On December 27, 2013, Giuseppe Verdi’s opera “Il Trovatore” was staged at the Mariinsky Theater, where the role of Leonora was to be performed by Anna Netrebko. It was impossible for my wife to miss such an event. Tickets for the performance were booked several months before the start of the performance, and for the train – a month in advance.

    I had no choice but to join, although neither Ian Gillan nor Klaus Meine were among the characters.

    On Wednesday, December 25, the Sapsan train safely delivered me and my wife to the city of Great October. We settled in a private hotel near the Moskovsky railway station. We went on an excursion to Tsarskoe Selo.

    Tsarskoye Selo

    4.2 Chance meetings at the Mariinsky Theater

    And on Friday, December 27, as planned, at 18:30 we entered the foyer of the Mariinsky Theater. In the stalls of the theater, where we sat comfortably in our seats, Tatyana, our old friend from Moscow, called out to us. She was a fan of classical music, worse than my wife.

    Our chance meetings were commonplace. In Moscow, Tatyana and I constantly met at the Conservatory on Herzen Street and in the Tchaikovsky Hall on Mayakovka. We even collided once at Sheremetyevo airport, returning from Greece, although this place has nothing to do with music.

    During a lively conversation, my attention was attracted by a man in a light suit who was sitting in the first row of the amphitheater, 3 rows behind us.

    “Some familiar face...” noted Tatyana, who caught the direction of my gaze.

    “Yuri Aksyuta is the head of the music directorate of Channel One TV,” I remembered.

    Everyone turned their heads together, looked at Aksyuta, nodded their heads in agreement... and forgot.

    Yuri Aksyuta

    4.3 “Troubadour” and Netrebko

    The performance was a success. All the participants sang superbly, but when it was Netrebko’s turn, the hall literally froze.

    Firstly, Leonora is one of the most romantic characters in the history of opera.

    Secondly, Netrebko’s vocal and artistic abilities were an order of magnitude higher than other performers. Her voice grabbed hold of you and didn’t let go until the last note. There was some kind of magic in it.

    Anna Netrebko as Leonora in G. Verdi's opera “Il Trovatore”

    The performance lasted 2 hours 45 minutes with one intermission.

    4.4 Teleportation of Aksyuta to “The Voice”

    At 23:00 we left the Mariinsky Theater building and boarded a trolleybus. After 40 minutes we were already entering our room. The impression of what we saw and heard was so great that we decided to continue the evening. We made tea and turned on the TV. The final of the Second Season of the music show “The Voice” was broadcast on Channel One.

    Imagine our surprise when, at about 12 at night, Yuri Aksyuta, dressed in blue faded jeans, a gray shirt and a black jacket, went up on stage to award the winners. The first thought was: “This can’t be! An hour ago we sat with him at the performance. It’s simply not realistic to be in St. Petersburg at Troubadour at 23 o’clock and in Moscow at Golos at 24 o’clock!” However, facts are stubborn things.

    Here is a case of human teleportation, which I myself witnessed!


    Who wants to develop these abilities in themselves, now know: for training we need to go to Yuri Aksyuta.

    5. Reasonable explanations for what happened

    P.S. In response to my story, two counterarguments are given:

    “Aksyuta left after the first act of the performance.” - I don’t agree. It’s still impossible to get from the Mariinsky Theater to Ostankino in two and a half hours.

    Firstly, the winner of the competition was chosen by direct voting of television viewers.

    Secondly, I think journalist Olga Romanova called the studio during the final and asked the time. She was answered correctly!

    I wanted to end the article with a video from the award ceremony for the winner of the 2013 “Voice” competition, where Yuri Aksyuta presents Sergei Volchkov with the first prize, but for some reason it was removed from YOUTUBE.COM. Even photographs. If you help me, or I find it myself, I will fill this gap.

    In the meantime, let’s look at the video “This story shocked the whole world! A person has teleported from another space and time!”:

    In this article, you learned about a case of human teleportation that I witnessed in December 2013. If you liked the story and want to read my other articles, subscribe to the blog site and recommend this to your friends on social networks and beyond.

    Yours Alexey Frolov

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